OCR Interpretation

The commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) 190?-193?, November 25, 1921, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89058321/1921-11-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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Commencing Friday, November 25, and Lasting 10 Days,
THE time comes to every one, including farmers and merchants when they must turn loose their products and
merchandise to raise money. 'On account of the backward FaJl Season we find ourselves in the above condi-
tion. We have thousands of dollars worth of high-grade seasonable merchandise that must be sold for cash before
January 1st, and we have found out from many years experience that anything , will sell if you offer it at low enough
price. We are not going to take any chances arid have marked our entire stock at prices so low that they are bound
to bring results. Read carefully and you will be convinced that we mean what we say."
From AH Over the Store
Good quality outing flannel 27 inches wide Q 1 p
Regular price 1 5c, sale price . 2'
Limit 20 yards to a customer. 1 ,
Extra good outing 36 in. wide, regular price 20c fr
Sale price. . "
23x44 bleached Turkish towels worth 75c per AZry
pair, sale price,. pair ' T"cJ.V
Large fancy turkish towels, suitable for Xmas A C y
gift, sale price, each
Genuine Amoskeag staple Gingham, money "i Ar
raising sale price . . . w
Full sized Ladies Outing Gowns, heavy f O O
quality, worth $1.75, Sale price.......P1 v
We have on hand the1 biggest stock of rugs in this sec-
' tion which we, will sacrifice for cash. Read these prices:
27x54 in all wool Brussells rugs
Money raising sale prjce .
27x54 in. Axminster rugs, regular price O O
$3.50, sale price
, 36x63 in. Axminster rugs, reg. price $6.50. A Of)
faSLA. V . w . . ... ...... ..... ......... I
6x9 all wool Tap. Brussels rugs. Money
raising sale priced '
6x9 Axminster rugs ' A ()C
Sale price. ..... J. r.rvr
9x 1 2 3mt. Crex rugs, regular price $ 1 0.00 C Q A
sale-price ". 2 c'""
9x1 Brussels rugs, all leading brands f O
Money raising sale price ll7i
9x12 Smith's Velvet rugs, money
raising sale, price -
9x 1 2 Axminster rugs, money raising
. era! Tiri '
"i " -
Do not let the above opportunity pass to get you a
rug, as the only reason we offer these goods at such
prices is to get the money.
, We have just 48 suits left and they include all 'sizes
and all the new material. Come early and get your
, ,l. Half Price.
Ladies' & Misses' Dresses
You know our reputation for pretty dresses and we
have a beautiful line to show you made "5 J 1 per
of all the newest materials a reduction of 3 cenj
Ladies' and Childrens' Coats
All Coats greatly reduced and to prove this just bring
in a small amount of money and see for yourself.
Nothing is more staple than silk but you can haveMoo
much of anything. We are overstockedall new
fresh goods in the latest weaves and colors. Antici
pate your wints and buy while they last. We quote
40 m. Georgette crepe, regular price $1.75 Or
money raising sale price .
40 inch Crepe de Chine in all colors good
quality worth $1.75, sale price..'
40 in. Charmeuse worth $3.00, money
raising sale price -
36 inch Duveteeh in several new, shades
regular price $6.00, money raising sale price
Big reduction on all other silks. '
For the last five years blankets have been too high to
buy and all wool blankets were off the market.
This year blankets are down to the pre-war prices and
we have made preparations to supply your wants by
placing early orders for several cases. To convert,
them into money quickly we offer them at prices so
low that they must move. Make your selection early.
68x80 "Woolnap" large block plaids in . blue, pink,
yellow, lavender, grey and tan, money ' O
raising sale price jf J
The above blankets sold for $6,00 per pair last year. ,
Large size, all wool, Springfield blankets in black and
white and red and black plaids, money
raising sale price .
Very fine all wool Springfield blankets in
in all colors and plaids, Sale price..
Hosiery and
Buy your winter underwear and hosiery while, you can
get them at such prices as we offer.
We have an immense, stock to choose from and it must
be turned into money on account of limited space. We
only quote you a few items as samples of what we are
doing. ,
Ladies' heavy union suits in all sizes from 36 to 44.
Regular price $1.75, money raising t Y
sale price .. .... P 1 1 M
Ladies' new style hose, all wool in pretty colors Q
worth $2.00, money raising sale price.
Ladies silk hose in black, white and brown f 1 O
reg. price $1.50 money raising sale price
Ladies' Full Fashion Silk Hose, worth $2.00
money raising sale price. T1"
Bear in mind this wonderful sale is put on to convert our big stock into money.
So bring the Cashnothing: Charged during the sale. Come early and often.
'-' ' : ' ' :" ' ' - ' : ' ; j -:,, ;
aSHOES Ten per cent off on all Shoes during this Sale SHOES
: (C1

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