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1 BANKRUPT SA OF Valuable City Real Estate and Farm Property. In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Division of the Western District of Tennessee. In the matter of Estate of ) N 1Q85 Bankruptcy. George Dahnke, Bankrupt, J K Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me, the under signed, R. H. Rust, Trustee in Bankruptcy of the Estate of George Dahnke, Bankrupt, in the above styled matter in Bankruptcy, by an order of the Hon. P. W. Maddox, Referee in Bankruptcy, made on the 18th day of October 1921, and pursuant to the directions contained in said order so made, notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the undersigned Trustee aforesaid will offer for sale to the highest and best bidder on the terms hereinafter mentioned, certain real estate and interest in real estate hereinafter described, belonging to the said George Dahnke, Bankrupt, on - , Tuesday, December 20, 1921, at the East door of the Courthouse in Union City, Tennessee, and beginning at I o'clock p. m. and continuing until the sale is completed, and if uecessary, adjourning said sale from day to day: - . 1st TRACT. Situated in the 7th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at an iron stake in Flack's E. B. line, it being the . W. corner of a tract formerly owned bv Carl Hailey, et al.; thence East 123 poles to an iron stake in H. B. Horner's W. B. Line; thence South x 11 degrees W. 381 2-5 poles to a stake in the center of the Drainage Ditch; thence West 1J degrees N. 29 1-5 poles to the Obion River; thence North with said River 24 degrees W. 21 poles to a stake; W. 49 degrees N. 10 poles; W. 32 degrees N. 6 poles; W. 13 degrees N. 8 poles; W. 4 degrees N. 20 poles; W. 18 degrees N. 52 poles; W. 3 degrees S. 8 poles; to an iron stake in W. D. Flack's E. B. line; thence N. 11 degrees E. with said Flack's E. B. line 325 poles to the beginning, containing 274 acres, This land will be sold subject to a first mortgage for $2000.00, owing the Union Central Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio. , , 2nd TRACT. Situated in th,e 11th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., described as follows: Begin ning at a stake, ash, elm and sweet gum pointers, being the southwest corner of M. A. Gauldin's-land; thence North with said Gauldin'sline 152 poles1 to a stake, ash, elm pts.; thence S. 88 degrees W. 130 poles t& a stake, three sweetgum and blackgum pointers; thence South 152 poles to a stake with white oak and maple pointers; thence N. 88 degrees E. 130 poles to the beginning, containing 125 acres more or less. 3rd TRACT. Situated in the 13th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., and located in the town of Union City, described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the north line of Washington Avenue, at its ' in' tersection with the west line of the walk on the wgst side of Fifth Street, runs thence North with the west side of the walk 1811 feet to a stake; thence West 1451 feet to a stake in the east- line of a 20 foot alley; thence 8outh with said alley 1811 feet to a stake in the North line of Washington Ave.; thence East with north line of Washington Ave., 1451 feet to the beginning, bein8 the 8ame property conveyed to George Dahnke by Laura Wells by deed dated May 21, 1904, and recorded in Book 6-E, page 432, of the records of the Register's office of the said County and State. This is the lot on which is located the residence in which Geo. Dahnke resided at the time of his death. 4th TRACT. Situated in the town, County and State aforesaid, lying on the west side of a 20 foot alley directly west of the lot last above described, and on the north side of Washington Ave. and beginning at a stake at the intersection of the west line of said alley with the north line of Washington Ave., runs thence North with the west line of said alley 1121 feet to a stake; thence West 150 feet to a stake in the east line of 6th Street; thence South with 6th Street 1121 feet to a stake in the North line of Washington Ave., thence East 150 feet to ftie beginning, being part of the same property conveyed to Geo. Dahnke by Laura C. Wells by the deed last Above mentioned. , 5th TRACT. Situated in the town, County and State aforesaid, lying directly north of the Dahnke home place above described. Beginning on the. west boundary line of 5th Street 1811 feet north of the in tersection of the west line of 5th Street and the north line of Washington Ave., being the N. E. corner of the said home place lot; thence West 150 feet to a 20 foot alley; thence North with said alley 80 feet to a stake; thence East ltO ft.' to 5th Street; thence South 180 feet to the beginning, being" the same lot conveyed to George Dahnke by Laura C. Wells by deed dated Feb. 21, 1908, and recorded in Book 6-N, page 347, of the records of said Register's office. A dwelling house is located on this lot. 6th TRACT. Situated in the town, County and State aforesaid. Beginning at the N. E. corner of the 4th tract above described, runs thence North with the alley 3121 feet to Mary Street; thence West 150 feet "to 6th Street; thence South 3121 feet to the N. W. corner of the 4& tract above described; thence East 150 feet to the beginning, being the same tract conveyed to George Dahnke by deed dated October 22, 1908, and recorded in Book 6-T, page 144 of the record in said Register's. office. This tract consists of 6 lots, and a one story frame dwelling house is located on it. , 7th TRACT. Situated in the town, County and State aforesaid, consisting of two lots: First, beginning at the S. W. C. of the lot sold to the Union City Motor and Implement Co. by Adam Semones, in the south line of 2nd Street between Mary Street and Washington Ave., being 100 feet east and west and 25 feet north and south, fronting 25 feet on 2nd Street, being the same lot conveyed to. George Dahnke by deed dated April 7, 1894, recorded in Book 3-Q, page 43, of the records of said Register's office.' Second: Another lot lying immediately south of the first Jot, fronting 10 feet on 2nd Street and running back 100 feet to an alley, and being the same property conveyed to George Dahnke by deed dated March 10, 1898, and recorded in Book 4-G, page 463, of the records of said Register's office. - ' 8th TRACT. Situated in the town, County and State aforesaid. Beginning at a stake in the southeast ( corner of lot No. 97, on the west side of 3rd Stree; thence North 55 feet to the southeast corner of lot No. 1 96; thence West 100 feet to an alley; thence South 55 feet with said alley to a stake; thence East 100 feet to the beginning, being the lot conveyed to George Dahnke by deed dated jNovemoer zt, isao, and recorded in Book 8-H, page 404, of the records of said Register's office. TE-RMS OP SAHE: All of said real estate will be sold upon terms of one-third cash, one-third in nine months and the balance in eighteen months and for the deferred payments the notes of the purchasers with approved personal security bearing interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum will be taken, and a vendors lien will be retained to further secure the same. This Dronerty will be sold free from all claims for homestead and dower, and the taxes for the current year will be paid by the undersigned as trustee. The Trustee reserves the right to offer each of the above described tracts for sale for cash after the sale on terms above set out, and it a better price is realized by the said cash sale, to adopt said cash sale. - N , - JR. M. RUJ ST, Trustee, Of Estate of George Dahnke, Bankrupt No. 1085 iMRUPT SALE OF REAL ESTATE In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Di ' vision of the Western District of Tennessee. ke' No. 1085 in Bankruptcy. 1 086 in Bankruptcy. In the matter of Estate of George Dahnke, Bankrupt In the matter of J: A. Coble, ) XT Bankrupt. f Na 1 Under and by virtue of the power and authority confered upon us, the undersigned, R. H. Rust, Trustee in Bankruptcy of the Estate of George Dahnke, Bankrupt, and Harris Parks, Trustee in Bankruptcy of J. A. Coble, Bankrupt, in the above styled matters in bankruptcy, by an order of the Hon. P. W. Maddox, Referee in Bankruptcy, made on October 18, 1921, and pursuant to the directions contained in said order so made, notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the undersigned trustees aforesaid will offer for sale certain real estate and interests in real estate hereinafter described, belonging to said estates of George Dahnke, Bankrupt, and J. A. Coble, Bankrupt, on Monday, December 12, 1921, at the East door of the Courthouse in Union City, Tenn., and beginning at 1 o'clock p. m., and continuing until the sale is complete, and if necessary or advisable, adjourning until the fol lowing week day. 1,1 1st TRACT: 350 Acres, situated in the 6th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., and beginning at a stake in the Polk Station road. Rogers' N. E. corner, runs thence east 268 poles Jo a stake, Ed Thomas' interior corner; thence south with Thomas' W. B. line 207 17-20 poles to a stake in original E. B. line of Mary Davidson Grant; thence west 268 poles to a stake; thence north 207 17-20 poles with Rogers' W. B. line to the beginning, containing 350 acres. This land will be sold subject to a First Mortgage for $7500.00, owing Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., having nearly 4 years to run. t, , 2nd TRACT: 100 Acres, situated in the 7th Civil District of Obion County. Tenn.. and bounded on the North bv land of Geo. Stovall; on the East by Cane Creek Ditch; on the South by land once owned by M. Jackson and owned by ..... on the West by lands of Geo. Dahnke Estate and of Shore, being the land bought by Coble and Dahnke from C. C. Dickenson, containing 100 acres, more op less. Deed is recorded in Book 6-W, Page 14, in Register's office of Obion County, Tenn. " - 3rd TRACT: 729 Acres, situated in 7th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., and bounded on the North by Mud Creek Drainage ditch; on the East by Henry Flowers' land and lands of J. A, Coble and John Garrett; on the South by Obion River; on the West by land of John A. Wheeler, containing about 729 acres, and "being one of the tracts of land conveyed to Coble & Dahnke by Jno. A. Wheeler in the partition of the Coats & Malone tract of land, formerly owned by Coble, Dahnke & Wheeler, ' ... . . ' 4th TRACT: 300 Acres, situated in the 7th Civil District of Obion County, and bounded on the North by Mud Creek Drainage ditch; on the East by land of Jno. A. Wheeler; on the south by Obion River; on the West by said River and Ditch, containing about 300 acres, and being one of the tracts of land conveyed to Coble & Dahnke by Jno.1 A. Wheeler in partition of the Coats & Malone tract of land. The deed Of this tract and the 3rd tract is recorded in -the Register's "office of Obion County, Tenn., in Book 8-0, Page 604. , 5th TRACT: 213 9-10 Acres, situated in 7th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., and bounded on the North by Pen n, Hudson and Moore; on the East by J'. A. Wheeler; on the South by Mud Creek Drainage ditch; on the West by Cane Creek ditch, containing 213 9-10 acres, more or less, and being land conveyed to Coble, Dahnke & Parks by T. D. Jackson and wife, Marcn 18, 1914, deed being recorded in Book 6-Z, Page 625, of Register's office of Obion County, Tenn. . 1 " 6th TRACT: 312 3-10 Acres, situated in the 8tb Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., and bounded on the North by Obion River; on the East by Coble & Dahnke's Mary Jane Jackson tract of 331 acres and their Clay Jackson tract of 20 acres; on the South by Public Road; on the West by Redman and by Milner, containing about 312 3-10 acres and being same that was conveyed to Coble & Dahnke by C. A. James and wife by deed recorded in book 6-Z, Page 409 of the Register's office of Obion County, Tenn. ' t 7th TRACT: 331 Acres, situated in the 8th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., and bounded on the North by . Obion River; on the East by Bransford, by Patterson and by McFadden; on the South by Public Road; od the West by Coble & Dahnke's 312 3-10 acre tract bought from C. A. James, being tract No.' 6 herein. Said tract was conveyed to Coble & Dahnke by Mary Jane Jackson by deed dated March 16, 1914, recorded in Register's office of Obion County, in Book No. 6-Z, Page 610. . - A. J. Coruru holds a deed of trust upon one-third interest in the 5th, 6th and 7th tracts above described, to secure two $500.00 notes and sojne accumulated interest, but said tracts will be sold absolutely free of said lien, the said in debtedness being paid out of the proceeds of the sale of said land under the order's of the Referee. , ' 8th TRACT: 20 Acres, situated in the 8th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., and bounded on the North. by- Coble & Dahnke's 312 3-10 acres, C. A. James tract; on the East by Public Road, on the South by Public Road; on the West by Coble & Dahnke's said C. A. James tract, containing 20 acres; and being the same that was conveyed to Coble fc Dahnke by H. C. Jackson and wife by deed of March 7, 1918, recorded in Register's office of jObion County, Tenn., in'lBook 8-K, Page 61. - ' . ' 9th TRACT: 21 Acres, situated in the 7th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn., and bounded on the North by J. A. Wheeler; on the East by Jim Jackson land; on the South by Mud Creek ditch; on the West by J. A. Wheeler, con- taining 21 acres, and being a part of a 88 acre tract formerly owned by Coble, Dahnke and Wheeler, and which said. Wheeler conveyed to Coble & Dahnke in a partition of lands between Wheeler on the one hand and Coble & Dahnke on the other; said deed is recorded in Register's office of Obion County, Tenn., in Book No..... .., Page - 10th TRACT: One-half of 16 Acres. A one-half undivided interest in the following tract of land in the 13th Civil District of Obion County, Tenn. Beginning at Winston's S. E. corner in Union City and Troy road near the Cor poration line of Union City; thence West 28 poles to a stake; thence North with Winston's line to the 8. E. corner of the- Fuzzell tract of land; thence West 32 poles, more or less to the 8. W. corner of said Fuzzell tract; thence South 72 poles to a stake on the north side of the Union City and Troy road; thence East 9 deg. North with said road 20 poles to a stake; thence East 10 deg. South 13 poles to a stake on said road; thence North 30 deg. East 50 poles to a- stake on the West side of the road; thence North 4 deg. East with west side of road 6 poles to a stake; thence 2 and) 14-25 poles- west to the beginning, including and excluding 3 acres 72 poles sold town of Union City, off of the S. E. corner, con taining in all about 16 acres, 135.7 poles. This tract No 10, is encumbered with a mortgage indebtedness amounting to about $700.00, the exact amount be ing made known on day of sale, and said one-half interest in this tract will be sold subject to its liability for the pay ment of said indebtedness. - ' , , TERMS OF SALE: All of said real estate will be sold upon terms of one-third cash, one-third in nine months and balance in 18 months, taking notes with approved personal security for defered payments, and retaining a vendor's , lien as further security therefor. ( The Trustees reserve the right to offer each and every tract herein for sale for cash, after the sale on terms, and if the cash sale yields the largest price, then adopt the cash sale. , ' , . , R. H. RUST, Trustee, . Estate of Geo. Dahnke, Bankrupt No. 1 085 HARRIS PARKS, Trustee, ) ' - Estate of J, A. Coble, Bankrupt No. 1086. I A GREAT CHAUTAUQUA LECTURE FREE Ex-Governor Malcolm R. Patterson Will Lecture. Ex-Governor Malcolm R. Patterson will give his famous lecture, "Look ing forward" at M.-E. Church South, Union City, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1 7:30 p.m. ..- All red-blooded American citizens, both men and women, are invited. Auspices the Anti-Saloon League I of America and the State League. All are welcome. No admission. The best is the cheapest in coal. Call 150. Surprise Party. Last Sunday at the beautiful coun try home of Mr. and Mrs." J. H. Olive Mr. Olive's friends surprised him with a big birthday dinner. Those present were: Bro. and Mrs. G.W. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Stanfleld, Mr. and Mrs. John Covington, Mr. and Mrs. John Woodfin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reese and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Austin and children, Mr. and Mrs. Will Council and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Crittendon and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Council and children, Mrs. Sallie Verhine and eon, Mrs. Theresa Rowland,' Mr. G. W. Clark, Miss Mary Jessnp, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter. The table was set with everything good to eat and everybody had a big time. ' They all left wishing Mr. Olive many happy birthdays. He re ceived many nice presents. One Who Waa There. C. P. Church. Notes. t Sunday School, 9:45 "clock., The pastor will preach a special sermon Sunday morning to the chil dren. The children, regardless of denomination, are urged to be pres ent and .hear thismessage. . , '. Breakfast bacon, 25c to 35c at all stores. None beter. Made by: REYNOLDS PACKING CO. i ,1 i A ( (I i i (I 1 p"-.f" i r' it x (i i 3 X i. - -v "1" j .. -fx' -