Newspaper Page Text
.: TT VP "W TfVW ' dentist Over Wehman's Hardware Store , Union City, Tenn. , i( Telephones Office 144; Residence 5 9 5-J COMM DR. E. M. LONG - -DENTIST Over Wehman'd Hardware Store Union City, Tenn. , Telephones . Office 144; Residence 5 9 5-J Union City Commerdal,eitabH'ied 1890 j cntumUAairA .ntmhr 1 law WMtTennesiee Courier, established 1897 I Consolidated September 1. 1897 UNION CITY, TENN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1922. VOL. 32, NO. 42 ERCIAL ) MUNICIPAL ELECTION MAYOR ANDALDERMEN Harmony Ticket Gets Its Feathers ; 'i.v' . Plucked. . : Evidently the people of Union City didn't take to the idea of select lng a city ticket " in mass meeting, either that or they preferred to make It a political affair. 'The result shows a slight variation from all the elec tion . propaganda. The ticket is mixed both as to the manner of selec tion and politics. Only three of the harmony candi dates were elected. (What is known as the citizens or Democratic ticket elected four of their men, the mayor and three aldermen. The poll was a small one compared to the election two years ago in Union City, only a small portion of voters having qualified by pay ing their poll taxes. . The tax laws require the payment of poll taxes sixty days before election' and that caught a large number of the voters of the corporation . of Union City without the right to vote. This law resembles a lot of things that pig headed majority did in the last Leg islature. , One thing we can say. The board is made up of good men, and we have a right to expect some sensible things. They succeed an administra tion of fine men, who go out with the best wishes of the people of Union City for the work they have done. No board ever passed thru a more trying time, and if the present board lives as near its duty as did the past one they'll ' never have a regret to face. Of course no one will deny that we needed some street improvements, but the best wisdom in the world was exhibited in self-restraint during the period of reconstruction, when al most every city and town and gpv ernment in the world was going wild with extravagance and waste. It was easy then to go wrong, but f it rre:-1 quired courage to go right, and the result is 1 hat Union City is finan cially on her feet to-day while other towns and citioa are floundering under a debt and no more means to go on but the revenue from high taxes. Their bonds are not worth par value in the market, and they are in the middle of a bad fix. v Not so with Union City. She is still , able to meet her obligations with a fine credit to her balance, and when the proper time cpmes she is . able to build and maintain all the Public improvements she needs. The result of Saturday's election Is as follows: MAYOR. . T. R. Meadow 194 J. W. Woosley . . 338 ALDERMEN. John Adams ..... 233 C. L. Andrews .............. 304 J. C. Burdick, Sr. 314 R. L. Cummings 179 W. H. Forrester 71 W. J. Hopper 261 T. W. Jernigan 227 J. Walker Kerr 266 C. T. Lovelace . 224 R. H. Rust ....i . ... 237 A. P. Tittsworth . . . ..... 333 G. B. White 285 From the above it is to be seen that J.W. Woosley was elected Mayor and tho Aldermen are as follows: A. F. Tittsworth, J. C. Burdick, Sr., C. L. Andrews, Q. B. White, J. Walker Kerr, W. J. Hopper. which is a law of the State. Let us observe more of our good laws and then, perhaps we can getter enforce others, '- , Being . thus fortunate to get the "Rules and Subjects" early let us not fail to do our very best. Contests may be held, conducted in the way best suited to each school, provided the rules as to number of words, sub ject, etc., be adhered to. Then the best essay in each department must At the Lions meeting last Tues day a number of visitors were pres ent. This was to be a dav with be sent to Miss Lucy Enochs, KentojU-repreBentatlve8 of the Cumberland LIONS AND ALDERMEN HAVE HOUSE WARMING Mr. Bass, of Nashville, and Members of City Council. Tennessee, who is our efficient su perintendent of this work. She will have them graded by a competent committee for a county prize. There will be one prize in the high school and one in the grades. We would also be glad to have poster contests. Those securing the county prizes will be sent to the State Superintendent and entered in a State contest. Please urge every contestant to stay by" the subjects. Do not tell anything about how tobacco is pro duced, nor how beer or alcohol is manufactured, but the harmful ef fects of these poisons on our minds. Now, all together, and let's be winners. MRS. W. J. CALDWELL, Pres. Obion County W. C. T. P. S. All essays should be Sent to Miss Enochs not later than May 1. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR ITS HISTORY ITS FUTURE S. T. S. Essay Contest. Dear comrades and friends: At the beginning of this new year we should begin arranging for an essay contest in scientific temperance in struction. In order to assist our busy teachers in taking up this im portant work the county W. C. T. U. lias purchcased "Rules and Subjects' for every public school teacher In the county. Superintendent Vaughn has them now and has kindly consented to send to each of you a copy togeth er with a few leaflets which we trust you will find instructive. If you fail to receive yours within the next few days please confer with Supt, Vaughn and he will see that you get them. While an organization of the W. C. T. U. near your school is of great benefit, always being willing to as sist with this and all other helpful, uplifting work, and while we would be delighted to go at any time and organize a union among the patrons of any of our schools, this must not deter you from taking up this work History, like a loose-leaf ledger is bound together by certain unaltera bio links that . stand for great achievements that wo date great or ganizations from. One of the greatest dates in the progress of Christianity that the last century gave us was February 2, 1881, when Dr. Francis. E. Clark, at that time pastor of the Williston Congregational Church, Portland Maine, feeling that the young people must have an organization of their own organized the first Christian Endeavor- Society "With tW'moltb? 'For Christ and the Church," having no thought of the movement being used outside of tho church. But the rest of the world was also feeling the need of a similar organi zation, and Christian Endeavor is now being used in every country on the globe, and has 80,000 societies, with 4,000,000 members and is used in 87 denominations. Throughout the world the Meth odists lead in the number of their Christian Endeavor Societies; the Presbyterians of various names come next; the Disciples of Christ and the Baptists third, the reformed churches fourth; the Congregational ists fifth, the Lutherans sixth, etc. ' In Dixie, as a rule, the Methodi3t and Baptists churches use their own denomina'ional society, but there are a " goodly number of Christian En deavor societies in branches of these churches in our Southern States. In the recent Extension Campaign in Dixio there were over 3,000 new societies organized, and almost a to m is half million . dollars given sions. During the past year more than two hundred Dixie Christian Endear orors became Life Work Recruits, and many are in school preparing for their work. The fourth All-South Convention will be held at Hot Springs, Ark. July 13-17, 1922. The Governor of Arkansas, Hon. Thomas McCrae, will deliver the opening address. Mr. E, P. Gates, General Secretary of the United Society of Christian Endeav or, Boston, Mass., will also speak on the opening night, and will remain throughout the entire convention, and other speakers oT national prom inence have accepted places on the program. The Goal for the convention is 1000 registered delegates, and each State in Dixio has been apportioned a part of this goal. You have probably noted from the above facts that Christian Endeavor Is a strong worth while organiza tion. Are you a member? Is there a society In your church? If you are not a member Join at once. If there is not a society in your church, or ganize one. ' . r- Legion Auxiliary. The Auxiliary of the American Le gion is to have a specially important -neetlng at the American Legion Tome on Thursday afternoon .Jan. 9, at 2:30 o'clock. All members are earnestly requested to be present. Telephone and Telegraph Company, but they were not present. So it was turned into a get-together day with members of tho new Board of Mayor and Aldermen and the Lions Club. Mr. Bass was present as a guest of J. C. Burdick, Jr., together with Mr. Hodson, of Terre Haute, Ind Mr. Bass was very much pleased to be with the club. He complimented the club as an indication cf a live- wire citizenship and he knew the people of Union City are public-spir ited. He spoke of his friend, Mr. Burdick, now interested in the move ment for better train service, and he said that, he had met him quite fre quently in Nashville on his missions to railroad offices. . Mr. McGruder was also present as a guest of the club in the interest of dairying. He did not favor going into dairying as an investment but growing into it gradually. He thought it would be worth the at tention of our people to investigate the 'matter. Mr. Burdick, Sr.( as a member of the , New Board of Aldermen, re sponded to an invitation to make a few remarks. He said that he had revised his vievy of public matters and that he had become specially in terested in the affairs of Union City and its city government. He pro posed to give this work his attention and his efforts would be directed to the best interests of Union City. Mr. Luther Andrews was called on next and responded, as he always does, with something interesting. He was, .encouraged . to. go forward with the splendid record and example made by the last administration, which had left the city in fine con dition. He was for a bigger and better Union City, and told a story of the petrified city, where every thing was pertified, even a petrified 'possum in midair as it leaped from a tree. There was some doubt about this, that it could not exist under the laws of gravity, but the story ran that gravity itself was petrified Here the president, Dr. Turner, took occasion to say that the newly elected board was one of the finest in its personnel that had ever been elected, and that the members were capable of great things. He said that law enforcement would be one of the pressing problems in Union City, and that the board must have the co-operation of the Lions and all other organizations in Union City. He said that it was our duty to sup press botlegging. Mr. Walker Kerr said that the board could not function properly unless the city got behind It. , The enforcement of law is encumbent not only on the officers of the law but upon every individual citizen, and it remained with our people as to how well this work is done. - Mr. Tittsworth, as one of the re cent claimants to oratory, was called on by the president, and this gen tleman, who developed the most pop ular vote in the election, arose with a big, bland smile to admit the truth of the claim and give an account of his aims and purposes as a member of the board. We was in all respect3 in accord with the sentiment express ed for a bigger and better Union City and for tho enforcement of law. Mr. Howell Bransford, retiring member of the old board, made some pointed remarks concerning the con duct of some of our own people and said that he was heart and soul with the work of the' new board in the enforcement of law. He was in fa vor of getting behind the board In contributes to a bigger and better citizenship, but is' never associated with factionalism and he was glad to be present and indorse the work pro posed to be done in Union City by the new board of Mayor and Alder men. Judge Sam Bratton was called on and he arose to say that he was in position to say, altho he had nothing to add to the discussion in city af fairs, that the State Highway De partment had assured him that the problems connected with the survey of the State highway from Union City to Troy would all be worked out satisfactorily and that contracts would be made inside of thirty days for work on the highway, and that in less than sixty days a force of one thousand or fifteen hundred men would be at work on the road. The committee will report on the char acter of the road in a few; days and the county will advertise the sale of bonds. Ladies Organize Club. The ladies of fUnion City, a large number, met last Friday at the office of Miss Annie Little and organized what is known as the Business and Professional Women's Organization with a membership of thirty-two la dies. This organization is a branch of the National and International clubs, working along with such organiza tions as the Lions and other men's clubs. The attendance was good and spirit fine. Mrs. A. J, Scates was elected pres ident, Miss Cassie Hamilton, vice president; Mrs. J. J. Miller, second vice president; Mrs. Steve Caruthers, treasurer; Miss Annie Little, sec retary. Burglars. Union City has been having a sam ple of the bold exploits of modern burglary. Last Friday night the front of the F. C. Wehman hardware store was entered. The lock was pfized off and the front door opened and two fine guns were the first of the loot. One of these was a $65 Remington pump gun and the other $55 Winchester pump gun. Some pocket knives, flashlights, eight or ten dollars in money and other things were missing. Mr. Wehman has offered $100 reward for arrest and conviction of the party who stole the goods. Another, raid was made last week at the Central School buil ding, when a lot of the overcoats, wraps, etc., of the school children were taken. Nothing has been heard of the burglars and so far no one has been suspected. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. its work and supporting its every good movement7 Pastor Baker made some remarks complimentary of the newly elected board, and spoke encouragingly of the spirit of .co-operation between the citizens of Union City, the club and other organizations with the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Supt.' Ranckv of the City Schools, was called on "; and spoke In kind for the ,work of the new board. Mr. tanck has alwWB iTited a fine soirit In his arm "-. ? 1 Mi h nuh. lie anairs of UiT Teium 'h the pub- He is in terested In eve Co" TMient that A. F. Tiittsworth was a business visitor this week in Memphis. R. H. Rust was a business visitor this week in Mississippi. To prevent a'cold take 666. W. C. Morris, who has been lo cated in West Virginia for a few months, was here this week for a visit to his family. Mr. Pratt Jennings left this week for his territory in North Carolina as traveling salesman for the Dick son Raincoat Co. 666 cures Malarial Fever. J. B. McDoannon, of Columbus, Ky., was here this week as detail for the M. & O. R. R. Co. to take the place of Mr. Clark, who was off duty for a few days. Floor brushes, $2.00; window brushes with long handles, $1.25 each. Red Spot Store, Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Noah and fam ily have moved to their country home southwest some two or three miles from Union City. Mr. Noah has de cided to retire from public life and live quietly. . He has served the city faithfully and efficiently, one of the best officers the city or the county ever had. Fact Is, that our peace and quiet during these troublous days are largely due to Mr. Noah's administration,' and we regret that he will no longer be our chief. Baptist Church. .stoV - Morning worship, 1 1 : 0 y Evening worshipi" B. T. B. U., 6:15 Payer meeting, W Subject for Sunda I Greatest Need In th Sunday evening: God." . Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan $660 F. O. B. Detroit With Starter dm- mountabis Rim Complete Satisfaction Complete automobile satisfaction is the result of buying wisely arid econom ically rather than the desire and means to buy extravagantly. Figure out your every automobile re quirement and you will find it in a Ford Sedan a family car of distinction and beauty a car of comfort and conven ience a car of dependability and service a car that win give you com plete satisfaction. You should place your order now if you wish to avoid delay in delivery, R. H. RUST ' Authorized Ford Dealer. Phone 400 UNION CITY, TENN. A ( balanced diet" may sound confusing to many people The facts, as explained here, are simple. The secret of a "balanced diet" is to have food containing all the elements needed for proper nutrition. These elements are protein, to nourish the tissues; starch and sugar to furnish energy; ; fat to supply heat; and mineral salts to provide the material necessary for building nerves, brain, and tooth and bone structure. Grape-Nuts, the nourishing cereal made of . whole wheat flour and malted barley, served with ( cream or milk, is a complete food for young and old alike. Go to your grocer today and get a package of Grape-Nuts. Eat it with milk or cream for breakfast; or with stewed fruit, jelly or jam, as a delicious dessert for lunch or dinner. Every member of the family will relish this palatable and nourishing food Grape-Nuts the Body Builder "There's a Reason". ' Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. llarpolG-l'alker Furniture: DIRECT' OLE ' L. 1 i jBcsT Orj fitMis r"