Newspaper Page Text
v The Commercial, Union City, Tenn BITES NEWS. Bank Elections. Death of John L. Godwin. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1922. Miss Martha Wade is in home from a week's stay in Memphis, T Ant i a CliAra kna Knail a . tiif of. ftfin fi T Withiifrh nnrt FMUnr " " P T Mrtrtnftv rif Mpmrh in wtvro In 1 ' r.. the city yesterdas sncn&inE a few I ' hours with Union City Deonle. They A certain young man says uib ouu were on their way to Fulton, where day visits to Newbern promise to be General Fitzhugh had an appoint-1 a serial. ment to deliver an address. This, Mrs. Adolphus Thorne was called the General states, had no connection to Terrell Wednesday to the bedside vith politics, but he will later make I of her father, at death's door, a canvass of the State as a candidate Mesdames Sam Parker, of Hick for the United States Senate. In a man, and L. A. Smith; of Troy, were brief conversation General Fitzhugh visitors overnight Tuesday with Mes- said that he would have an an- dames Hutcherson and McDonald. nouncemeni 10 mane inaicaung legis- Mr and Mrg Mlke FryC( from p. lative work of a constructive char- L - and Mr and MrB. Chas. Sum. acter. General Fitzhugh wants to f MemDnls - were dinner see Congress function with a greater gue8ts Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs aegree , 01. oroer ana einciency ana oe0 gotts with a proper sense or common m- terests. The government is strug gling, so we suggested, with a multl plicity of bodies and complex pur poses, and thene things need scaling and simplifying to the end that co ordination and efficiency may be pos sible. The General consented to this, and added that better results might be had with readjustment on these lines, especially leading to economy and efficiency. The Com Dr. and Mrs. T." P. Callicoft a few days since entertained with a tur key dinenr. Among those present were Dr. and Mrs. E. H. White and Mesdames McDonald and Hutcher son. Mrs. Bascom Baldridge had a few friends in for dinner Tuesday to meet her mother, Mrs. Cantrell, here from Illinois. Other visitors recently with Mrs. Baldridge were her brother and mercial was favored by both these hls wIfe Mr- and Mrs- Cantrell, from gentlemen with a delightful call. Chicago.. To-morrow is the day to elect a TERM OF CIRCUIT COURT Js" ; Zi'Z.TZ'Z. CTITC llin Pllll IMPACT Ace well, refuses to consider re-elec-01 Alt AnU UIVIL UUOKCI The noll3 -m ODen by nine o'clock with Mr. Will Smith in Keep Court Busy. Hornbeak School Case and Others charge and Mesdames phebus and Caldwell as clerks. The M. E. Missionary Society Quite a number of the citizens of eiected-thelr officers Monday, follow- wornDoaK, naving Deen summonea as ed Dy instaiiation of same. Other witnesses, were nero tnis ween in hlirr.hfi, havs also recently had this . . - - , John L. Godwin, formerly of Union At a meeting of the stockholders city, died at the City View Sant of the Old National Bank this week the following were re-elected as di rectors: R. P. - Whitcrell, H. A. Buck, J. P. Vd.-Iuiiu,. E. - A. Glover, J. S. Roborts, C. E. Keieser, A. J. Corum, C. H. Cobb, J. L. Glover, Jr., Z. W. Corum, A. L. Garth, The offi cers are H. A. Beck, president; J S, Roberts, vice president; A.' J. Co- rum, vice president; A. L. Garth, cashier; J. Walker Kerr ; assistant cashier. ; Bookkeepers, Miss Birdie Caruthers, Mr. R. Kerr. The Third National Bank re-elect ed directors as follows: Jno. T. Walk er, H. A. Bransford, J. T. Owens, J, L. Fry, H. Dietzel, J. C.. Isbell, H. T. tarium near Nashville Sunday morn ing, January 8, 1922, at 10 o'clock, after an illness of several weeks re sulting from paralysis. Mr. Godwin was stricken probably a year before but continued in business and thpught for some time he was im proving. The second attack, how ever, was fatal, it being a matter of only a few weeks he could survive. Mr, Godwin was 49 years of age. He wa a son of J. J. L. Godwin born in Maury County, Tonn.rthe family moving to Union City while the son was a small Doy.- ur. uoawm was engaged here in the drug business and young John .entered the store, Robinson, D. N. Walker, E. M. Stone, where he remained untij hjs father Hunter Elam, Walker L. Martin. The Mea afterwards taking charge. The officers ere as follows: Jno. T. Walk- business was sold and Mr. Godwin er, president; D. N. Walker, active was employed ao traveling salesman vice president; H. Dietzel, vice pres- for John Wyeth & Bro.,: wholesale ldent; Hunter Elam,' cashier, Dixon manufacturing druggists of Philadel- William3, assistant cashier. - Phia, With headquarters in this Stale. The Farmers Exchange Bank meet- Some years before his death Mr. God- ing of stockholders was held yester- win had been traveling for Sharp and day and the following directors were Dohme, wholesale druggists of Baltl- re-elected: - more: but his connection with that A, C. Ijouser, Jno. H. Joyner, J. F. work was the result, of going with Carter; Pink Marshall, R. M. Whip- his employer who was before with pie, W. C. Farris, Chas. W. Miles, John Wyeth & Bro. Clarence E. Beck, John Baird, Harris Mr. Godwin was married in Waco, Parks, R. H. Rust. Texas, thirteen years ago to Miss By ... i - i Officers elected were as follows: ron Gambill, and a son was born i to Harris Parks, president; W. C. Far- them. His name is Jack and he is ris, vice president; Chas. W. Miles, heft with his mother, the family re 'Death of Mrs. Baird. Mrs. Gordon Baird, of Bonne Terre, Mo., who was in Union ,City visiting in the home of her mother on Gibbs street, died after a few days illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Baird is survived ey two children, one an in fant, and the two are left here with their grandmother, The remains were shipped home for burialr Mrs. Baird was 31 years of age. . , cashier; T. ier. E. Parks, assistant casi- the case of the State versus M. E. Neely. Mr. Neely was indicted on a carge of assault' and battery. In November Mr. Neely met the princi pal of the Hornbeak High School, Mr, Paul Isbell, on the street in the town of Hornbeak, and called him out of a store room, and tliere, so the evi dence runs, Neely struck Isbell four times with a walking cane, two licks close together and then two others after Isbell was said to have called Neely a vile name. The proof seems to show that Neely was the aggres sor. 'ine trouble arose over some things the principal had said to Mr. Neely's son at school. Representing Mr. Neely were Attorneys Pierce and the Morris brothers. The verdict of the jury was a fine of $100 and costs against Neely. Motion was made for a new trial. Jas. A. Prewitt (col.), larceny, verdict of jury one to five years in the penitentiary. Joe Tiice (col.), larceny, verdict of jury 90 days in the county jail. Public drunkeness, four cases, fine $20 each and costs. Public profanity, one case, fined $20 and costs. State vs. Crawford Dickey, fined $20 and costs. routine of business. In the C. P. Circle no changes were made except in the program committee in which Mrs. E. E. Shore was appointed chairman. To-day's bulletin includes a Par ent-Teachers meeting this afternoon. All patrons of the school are con sidered members . of this organiza tion. Round table talk, including Juvenile Literature and Effects of Associates, with roll- call of some money making idea forms part of progran. Jordan comes over this afternoon to play basket ball, with Gardner due to-morrow for a game. Come out and boost your hon e town, home school and homo team. Our team has come in off the warpath, winning a close game vith Yorkville and a score of 25-15 over Gardner. Watch the bulletin down town for time of games to-day and to-morrw. Newly elected officers in the W. O. W. are: W. E. Shropshire, P. C. C. C. W. Byrns, C. C; Leslie Shore Banker; L. A. Callicott, A. L.; Clerk R. L. Harper; Escort, J. E. Scoggins Watchman, J. H. Shore; Sentry, R, siding in Nashville where they have been located for a number of years. Mr fJrrlwfn fa nlan nurvivoH hv Death of J. C. Davis. t,)ree El3terBf Mrs. Fannie Douglas, People of Union City were shocked near Memphis; Mrs. W. A. Martin, last Tuesday morning over the death 0f Jackson, Miss.; Mrs. J. R. Walker, of Mr. Jim Davis. The body of Mr. of Clovis New Mexico; and two Davis was found dead on the M. & O. brothers, Robt S., of Mobile, Ala., R. R. track early Tuesday morning and W. S. Godwin, this city, between the M. & O. freight depot The remains vere shipped to Un- and the grain elevator, said to have ion City arrivlnff here Monday af- been discovered by one of the section crew. The agent and others were no tified and found the body lying across a rail, with wounds over the bowels as if a car had passed over that part of the body. There were two or three holes made, a slight scratch or two on the face, but the. teinoon at 12:45 and conveyed to Mount Zion Cemetery for burial. Service's vcre held at Mount Zion Church, conducted by Revs. G. W. Evans end C. M. Mathis. John Godwin was ono cf the finest young mc.u ever reared in Unicn City. He was a, member of the Methodist Death of Mrs. Nancy Coulter, :. Mrs. Nancy R. Coulter, aged widow of Col. J. M. Coulter, died at her home in Union City Monday morn ing, January 9, 1922, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Coulter was in her ninety- first year. She is survived by a son, Boone D. Coulter, the last of the fam ily. . Mrs. Coulter was a member, of the Methodist Church and her life re flects years and decades of patient,. loving-kindness, sacrifice, loyalty and devotionto divine teachings and hu man sympathies. Living a span pf years that carry her back to the as sociations of pioneer days, she was found to be true to every test of motherhood and womanhood. She was blessed with health and mind and lived that other3 might find a pleasuro in her life. She was born in Kentucky and there was united jri "marriage to Colonel Coulter, a man of fino character and Intellect. For many years their home was in Gibson County. Then they moved to Union Ciy some thirty years ago and here they continued to reside. The kindest condolences are ex tended. Services were conducted at the res idence on Fifth street Tuesday af ternoon, Revs. E. Mi Mathis and E. S. Baker in charge. Interment at East View Cemetery. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS " , DREDGE BOAT WORK. ETcl Sealed bids will be received until one o'clock p.m. of WEDNESDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1922, at the 'office of J. B.Waddell, County Judge for Obion County, Tenn., at the Courthouse in Union City, Tenn., for approximately the following work. ! - " ; ' MAIN CANAL. Length, about four miles, Bottom width 18 feet, depth, 8 feet, 1 to 1 side slopes, Cubic Yards, 80,000.0 estimated. - - ; . Righjt of Way. y - V' wen t7; acres or thereabout. Sal Wik'tb be completed in 10 months, to begin as early as possi ble; right to reject all bids reserved; certified check' to accompany each bid, and in the sum of $1000.00; bids will be opened and considered at of fice of Judge Waddell," after one o'clock aformentionedl For specifications, map, etc., see W( C. Kelly,' Engineer,: Union City, Tenn., or Harvey Reeves, Kenton, ' Tenn Work to be paid for in cash. January the 12th, 1922. 42-4t : . ",. HARVEY REEVES, ' Secretary of Board of Directors of Grassy Creek Drainage District, of Obion County, Tenn. (P. 0. Address, Kenton, Tenn.) , - The. Town Fool Says. ' ' "The radical uplifters are still rid ing over us rough-shod at the rate of thirty nots an hour." Nashville Tennessean. body seemed to be intact otherwise j church and ro?.,oected everywhere as R. Kitchell, with Bailey Stovall, J, M. Fisher and Frank Vaden, Man "R. L. Wilson vs. Mayor and Alder- agers. This organization will have men of Union City, damages by pop corn pepper, case called and heard Wednesday. Attorneys for Wilson, Moore & Hudgin3 and Lannom & Lannom; for Mayor and Aldermen, Swiggart and Hcathcock. Palmer & Harding versus Homer T. Smith, judgment for plaintiff and against. defendant for $80 principal and $2.76 interest. Leonard Thompson versus J. W. Willett, judgment against defendant for $21 and costs. John Bond versus Sam V. Holman, Judgment-for plaintiff for $15.42 and costs. . Singer Sewinjj Machine Co. versus R. R. Segerson, judgment of Justice of the Peace affirmed and defendant taxed with costs: GARRETT DELAYS DYER BILL DEBATE Washington, Jan. 11. Efforts of Republican leaders in the House to resume debate on the Dyer Anti Lynching Bill to-day revived the Democratic filibuster against the measure and the beginning of dis cussion was delayed by roll calls de manded by Representative Garrett, When debate ' finally got under way. Representative Madden, Re -publican, Indiana, speaking in favor of the bill, declared lynching was a Mot on the United States which best could be wiped out by a drastic Fed .eral law. Representative Tillman, Democrat, Arkansas, assailed the bill as rad- Val, revolutl; nary, and without con- tutional warrant. y- i Ik A Fat Chance, i ' U f "iCO'f i''iler says, j Say It with ; J . 'Ho ,:v5'Van. can nave 1 S f?r what t hen pot; Insteao C ;Sbr ! drihk, j a social meeting Tuesday evening. otherwise, one of the famous rabbit suppers. A return and very pleasing num ber, the Naniazea Hawaiian Sere naders, is scheduled for Wednesday evening, the 18th. This attraction a star course, was for several years aligned with the Redpath Chautaa quas, and met with a full house and high favor here last" winter. Siiici this number is not one of our lyceum numbers the season tickets do not aj3r.; ply. Hovever the prices are ppii lar adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. t y The observance of Victory Day in W. C. T. U. Monday afternoon has been changed to a public meeting and will convene with the school at three o'clock sharp for an hour's pro gram. Besides quite a few of our own members on program and music by the school, Rev. Erhardt, of Obi on, has the subject, "Law Observ ance." If you appreciate Nation wide Prohibition come out and cel ebrate. In business circles we have the changes of Leslie Shore again be hind the counter in the dry goods firm of Harper & Shore. Mr. Shore, out farming for several seasons, has sold his partnership interests with Monroe McCowan to his brother, Prestdh Shore. Wayne Woody, erst while clerk in Shore-Phebus Co., is owner of the Geo. F. Botts grocery, Mr. Botts retiring from, business for awhile. Mr. Woody is a young fam ily man, a good citizen, and deserves patronage and encouragement. . than where the car truck is supposed to have passed over and crushed it. The body was taken to the under takers' and' dressed. The physicians and others in charge examined the body witbVthe results above indi cated. Tuesdry afternoon a coroner's jury was summoned and met, but tnere were no new developments and the Jurv adjourned until Friday. It is Baia inaii; ivir. uavis ien nis waici and other valuables at home, but thai he had a check for five dollars, cashed Monday afternoon. No one has been found who saw Mr. Davis Monday night, and the circumstances . sur rounding the death are still a mat ter of speculation. It is, however, supposed that he either ran under a mcving car. or had been on the train and fell under the truck in jumping, off. Thru freight No. 31 had passed thru here at 5:45 a.m. going south. Mr. Davis was the son of Mr. Joe Davis, for many years a resident of Number Seven in the county, where deceased was born 51 years ago. He resided on the farm, wjth the ex ception of a few ycarsin Nashville where he served e.3 a prison guard before moving to Union City. Here he has been located a number of years, his "ather residing in the home with Mr. Davis and family. Mr. Da vis 'fcaft'3tor,rIiM.-tourteon years ago to mVsCheira-'illiamson, of Bol- ivar, Tenn. They have one daughter about ten who survives Deceased was a member of the Christian Church. -He lived quietly but was esteemed as a good citizen and most likable man. He had some staunch neighbors -and friends and his "homo life .seemed to be all that could be desired. He spent much of his time at homo and seemed always pleasant and genial with everyone. The kindest condolences are - ex tended. - Services were held at the residence on uneatnam street Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, Revs. E. M. Mathis, G. W. Evans and -E. S. Baker in charge. S Remains were interred at East View? .,f;ty a man ci very character and ability as a druggist and salesman,. His misfcriuno is a greet sorrow to his wife rwid son and a loss to his employer anl the trade. He livad an honor to his name and profession and his pairing is. mourned by every Body of Negro Found. Andy Smith (colored)('was found in the vicinity of Woodland Mills a few days ago with a bullet hole in the back of his head. He had beon fiead aorae time and the body was brought back to Union City for burial. . FOR SALE-Sure Hatch Incubator, 10 eggs. Practically new, used 2 seasons. In perfect working order. Call Mrs. J. B. Adkerson, Cumb. Phone 169, Home 169. The Champ Snorer. . Small Boy: My daddy sleeps only five hours a day. Visitor: How docs he keep going on so little sleep? ' . Small Boy: He sleeps fast. Visitor: And how does he do that? Email Boy: He opens his cutout' Nashville Tennessean. - TO LUCY DEV0RE. Elmer DeVore vs. Lucy DeVore. Chancery Court, Obion County, Tennessee. In the above styled cause it ap pearing to the Clerk and Master from the bill of complaint, which is sworn to, that the defendant, Lucy DeVore, is a non-resident of the' State of Ten nessee, so that ordinary process of law cannot be served upon her. It is therefore hereby ordered that the said above named defendant appear before the Clerk and Master 'of the Chancery Court . of Obion County, Tennessee, on or before the First Monday of February, 1922, that be ing a rule day of said Chancery Court, and make defense to the said bill, or the same will be taken for confessed by her, and the said cause set for hearing ex-parte as to her. It is further ordered that publication of this notice be made for four con secutive weeks in The Commercial, a weekly newspaper published in Obi on County, Tenn. 41-4t This Jan. 3, 1922. GEO. A. GIBBS, Clerk and Master. C. N. & H. H. Lannom, Sol. for Complt. Christian Church. Sunday school, ,9:50 a.m. " Preaching, 11 Ji.m. and 7 p.m. Evening theree,;i "Signs of a Better Day." .. . ,. : ' ' . Christian Endea "jj.m. in Junior Endeay tne new. .nnt today; i restaurant wiu Mues n two-"" cur you, Death of Mrs. Bettie CaldwelL Mrs. Bettie Caldwell died at the home of her grandson, Mr. Bob West Campbell, Fremont, Wednesday, Jan uary 11, 1922, after a few weeks ill ness, a&ed about eigthy years. Mr'Daldeil vas a member of the Christian Church and a, woman of many grace of BeaVt and: mind; ' She was a pioneer citizen fold Fremont and is survived by her grandson, Mr. Campbell, asd( granddaughters, Mrs. Herman Qjr Mra. ? Bessie Cloar, Mrs.' Elbe s aducted at old 1 ... H n R. William n. Kf.i ' ' til, '-CcM rf rcl ,' and : another .soclL iter mcMfy ' rem .. v V n,; it mi indf -IV I x......w....,,.:,t..y..wM I , i . 1 , Monday, Jan. 16. -. CO -1 i