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The commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) 190?-193?, February 03, 1922, Image 1

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Over Wehman'B Hardware Store
' Union City, Tenn. -Telephones
- -Office
144; . Residence, 5 9 5-J
, DB, E. M. LONG
Over Wehman'j Hardware Store
Union City, Tenn. - .
Office 144; Residence 5 9 5-J ;
VOL. 32, NO. 45
, Under Auspices of the Christian En
deavor Last Sunday.
Last Sunday afternoon an excep
t'ionally large audience, ! filling al
. most-every seat in the' house, was
: present to near .juage n. a. ikiub,
of Dresden, speak on the subject of
' making life, count for something.
. The address was preceded by a mu
. steal selection . rendered by Miss
Louise Adams end a reading number
" from John Trotwood Moore by Miss
Hazel Mariley.
' Judge Elkins voiced his gratitude
. for the privilege of speaking to the
neoDle of this city and county. He
" referred tothe fact that Obion Coun
ty had always given him liberal sup
port and made his associations here
very pleasant. .4
Beginning with some general re
marks, 'Judge Elkins spoke of the
present mode of expensive living. -A
striking contrast, said the Judge, to
the simple life of our grandparents.
They had very few of the luxuries
' that we enjoy to-day, and the stand
ards of living were much better than
Picking up the threads of the dis
course, Judge Elkins made the state
ment that it is easy to make a living,
, but Infinitely . harder to make life
what it should be. We are, con
sciously or unconsciously, fixing the
standards that will govern the lives
" of future generations. Matters not
how we figure that our lives should
be, the lives we are actually living
are those which are molding the
character of unborn generations. It
cannot be otherwise. The child will
take after its father or mother, and
whatever the mother or the father
so will be the child. Then how im
portant that we make our lives
worthy of-emulation. Judge Elkins
' appealed particularly to the young
people to prepare themselves for the
right kind of living. Make your
selves honoralbo and efficient. Do
this not alone that you may live
right, but that others who are de
pending, on you and coming in con
tact w'ith you may, profit by the in
fluence you exert upon them.
The - generations of to-day, said
Judge Elkins, are living with alco
coholism in retreat and the augu
ry of world peace before them. Will
they be equal to the importance of
sustaining these conditions and
Ideals. It will take men and women
of moral courage and character to
keep up the fisht and uphold the
faith in these principles.
Judge Elkins quoted in closing the
lines so suggestive on this subject:
Most Shameless Besolution in - His
tory, He Declares. .
Washington, Jan. 27. The Senate
was told to-day by Senator Reed,
Democrat, Missouri, thata "never in
all the history of legislative bodies in
the world has so shameless a resolu
tion been adopted" sS that approved
by the Senate in confirming Senator
Newberry, Republican, Michigan, in
his seat. ' '
"There is not a man who voted for
this resolution," Senator Reed said,
who did not brand in red letters
above and over 'his political record
the word 'dishonor.' No word of
tongue and no word of pen can de
scribe the degredation of that reso
lution and self-confessed degredation
of those who supported it.
"I wish that .the Newebrry resolu
tion could be printed in 110,000,000
copies," Senator Reed continued,
"and pasted on the footboard of every
bed in America so that the men
women and children, on awakening
and saying their prayers for the rest
of creation might invoke Almighty
God to forgive the men who voted
that the acts of the kind done in the
election of Newberry were of a char
acter to endanger the republic and
then voted to confirm Newberry in
his seat.
"The adoption of that resolution
was the most stupid piece of business
that has ever disgraced any body of
men, whether pirates sailing the seas
under the black flag or , statesmen
here seated in this body.
"What a miserably stupid, idiotic
thing it was!"
Legion Auxiliary.
"Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime.
And departing leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time."
$75,000,000 IN FARM
Interest Bates on Issue Not Yet
Washington, Jan. 30. The farm
loan board is preparing a new bond
issue to be made shortly, it was said
to-day at the treasury.
Officials said the issue probably
would amount to about $75,000,000.
Interest rates have not yet been de
termined, it was said. The board will
have to decide whether to dispose el
the new bonds at a premium or lower
the rate to below' 5 per cent under
existing conditions.
- All Hunters Kill Limit.
Hickman, Ky., Jan. 30. Rffelfoot
' Lake during the past week was froz
en over in the shallowest parts, in
fact, excepting where the ducks har
bored and .in the basin. The ducks
moving about in the water at certain
feeding places kept the water mov
ing and kept it from freezing. Shoot
ing, however, was good. Ducks have
been, very plentiful on the lake the
past few weeks and most every hunt
er got the quota allowed by the law,
20. To-day and to-morrow are the
last days of the season's duck shoot
ing in Tennessee, where most of the
lake lies bordering., the Kentucky
line, and many hunters of this city
are taking a last bunt to-day and to
morrow.' The duck shooting law in
Kentucky, was out the first of Janu
ary. ; . - A ,
A number of women met at the
American Legion headquarters Jan.
25 and organized a permanent auxil
iary to the- legion. Mrs. C. S. Talley,
mother of the dead hero for whom
the legion here was named, was made
past president. Mrs. R. A. Napier,
who was made temporary president
at a meeting last fall, was elected
president by acclamation, and her
splendid efforts this winter have
proved how well fitted she is for the
The following officers were elect
ed: Mr.s Talley, past president;
Mrs. R., A. Napier, president; Mrs.
George A. Gibbs, Jr., secretary; Miss
Bess Beck, treasurer; Mrs. C. W.
Miles, Sr., unit chaplain; Mrs. Flor-
ence Harris, unit historian. On the
executive Committee, which meets
with the officers and serves with
them are Mrs. Seid Waddell, Mrs,
Talley and Mrs. Cecil Moss.
As dues it was decided to have one
dollar cover the national and State
dues and .the local treasury funds. It
is the wish of the auxiliary to in
crease its membership and any per
son eligible is asked to speak to some
one on the membership committee
and have her name 'recorded. On
the membership committee are Miss
Bess Beck, chairman; Miss Minnie
Beck, Mrs. T. R. Massey and Miss
Clare Parks. The dues of those al
ready members and those who wish
to Join should bo paid to Miss Beck
at the Childs Specialty House.
There will be but one meeting of
the auxiliary each year unless a spe
cial meeting is called. The officers
and executive board will meet once
a month:
Church Improvement.
A substantial, annex -was author
ized by the Baptist Church congre
gation last Sunday which will ad
equately take care of their growing
Sunday school. A generous response
by the friends and members of this
church to the appeal for funds neces
sary is urged. It is hoped to begin
work at once. Mr. Sutherland, the
superintendent, and the following
committees have the work in charge:
Dr. .J. D. Carlton, chairman; Mrs.
Leslie Cunningham, Mrs." S. Suther
land. Mr. Clarence Bruer and Mr
Roswell Downing, Prof. H.P. Thomas
Bipley Lawyer Is Out for Congress
from Ninth District.
Hon. W. W. Craig, prominent West
Tennessee lawyer and present State
Senator from Crockett, Lauderdale
and Dyer counties, announces his
candidacy for the Democratic nomi
nation for Congress in the Ninth
District, composed of Crockett, Dyer,
Gibson, Haywood, Lake, Lauderdale,
Tipton, Obion, Weakley counties,
against Finis J. Garrett. Sen. Craig
comes out on a platform demanding
economy in government, the sov
ereignty of the States, and loyal
service to the people of the district.
Sen". Craig's announcement fol
lows: I
. "To the Democratic voters of tin?
Ninth Congressional District :-
"For a number of years I have de
sired to represent this district in the
Congress of the United States. This
laudable ambition and a sincere de
sire to serve you movea me to an
nounce my candidacy for the Dem
ocratic nomination for this high po
sition. I am not unmindful of the du
ties and responsibilities which will
be imposed by the success of my as-
prations. I believe my experience
and training Justifies me in believ
ing that I can offer to you a fair
measure of effective service in return
for your support and confidence.
'I deem it within the requirements
of propriety, that I should state to
you,' at least in general outline,
some of the things for which I will
stand Jl you commission me to rep
resent you in the Halls of Congress
. "First I believe a representative
pf any free people and ecpeciaUy-if
this, the best Congressional District
in Tennessee, should, at all times, be
actuated by tho purest motives to
serve his constituents, to entertain
the highest ideals of manhood and
statesmanship and to evince his sin
cerity by living up to the ideals
which he professes.
"Second I believe a representa
tive's first duty is to his own con
stituents before turning his atten
tion to things which concern them
only remotely or-which pertain to his
own personal ambition. If I am elect
ed as your Congressman, my first ef
fort will be to serve you diligently,
faithfully and efficiently from the
humblest to the most important per
son in my diEtrict.
"Third I believe in legislation
limiting and restricting the amount
which a candidate for Congress or
the U. S. Senate may spend in se
curing his nomination and election.
In this way only docs an honest man
of limited means have a chance to
be elected to office. Legitimate ex
penses should be met, but no dishon
est candidate should be allowed to
corrupt the ballot with money. Fair
ness and purity of elections are the
best guarantee of, American liberty
and the perpetuation of American
Basket Ball.
The purple and gold tossers of th
Union City High School piled up
High School girls Friday night in V
Union City gymnasium. The Ur
City girls got in some splendid
work and Mary Virginia Blar
serves special mention for f:
of the 36 points. .Virgil
scored the entire 10 a
visiting team.
bns. . Tf
"Fourjr y t to long
tenure if un-
to thej
To th
ods t
The ,
certain matters of a moral nature
and other matters of a material na
ture which should ret and can not
oo Kepi witnin j;jiea territory,
They pertain to the' whole people, and
I do not' believe in stopping them
at State lines. Tlp adoption of the
Eighteenth Amem.aent . to the Con
stitution is illustrative -pf the one
and the building of a system of
highways is illustrative of the other,
though I do not want to; be under
stood as sanctioning .the present
very extravagant method of build
ing highways' in Tennessee, made
necessary by cumbersome Federal
regulatipns, nor the unwarranted in
terference of the constituted author
ities in matters not contemplated by
the Act under which they'were or
ganized. Ours is a government FOR
the peopjo and it has no excuse for
its existence if it does not function
for their welfare.
"Sixth Among tho first pursuit?
of men both in time and importance
is that of agriculture. And it has
been the last to receive the attention
at the hands of the ' Government
which its importance deserves. The
present emergency of the farmer
calls for serious consideration by our
law-making bodies. Ho is entitled to
that consideration and protection
which will secure to him the comforts
and conveniences of life and enable
him to properly taise and educate
his children. Legislation is necessary
to enable him to find a wider mar
ket for his crops and more easily
and cheaply distribute his products,
and to promote a system o co-operative
marketing which will protect
him from tho present system of forced
sale whereby the products of his
toil are subject to the cupidity of
those who fix the prices. There is too
much disparity between tho selling
price of his rar material and the
manufactured article he is compelled
to buy. He should not have to bear
the present heavy cost of transporta
tion on his products and what he
buys, which is mado necessary by a
system which favore some to the det
riment of others. I will favor legis
lation which will secure the farmer
a more iavoraDie creau system, a
wider market for his crops and a
price for his products commensurate
with the "price of things manufac
tured therefrom and which will pro
tect him against unreasonable prices
for these things he has to buy for
his successful operation. I am in sym
pathy with such legislation as that
pertaining to tho National Farm Bu
reau, -and such government aid for
the co-operative marketing of agri
cultural products as will enable the
farmer to hold tnd market his crop3
at a fair price, nol to fix the price
of his products, but to permit the
unhampered operation of the law of
supply and demand to regulate such
prices.. : :'. . " -.
"Seventh--In this connection, not
only with reference to the farmer,
but with reference to all other classes
of M industry, I favor government
protection against monopolies and all
other unnatural and unjust fixing of
prices of commodities. The profiteer
is still abroad in the land. During
the World War the Government, to
some degree, shoved that it could.
exercise a reestraining hand. It has
as much power and it is as much its
duty to protect its people from the
foe within as to shield them from j
the foe who would invade our ter-j
ritory rfom without.
"Eighth J. believe in the econom
ic expenditure of public monies al
ways. In times pf depression it is a
sure means;of getting relief from op
pressivo burdens. In prosperous
times it is a guarantee against fu
ture perils. Necessities of govern
ment should always be cheerfully
provided for, but the ' luxuries of
government administration should
never be tolerated.
"NinthThis Is one effective
moans of relieving ourselves from
the heavy burden of taxation under
which we are at present staggering.
Through our peoplo's financial inde
pendence and prosperity alone are
they able to procure tho necessities
of life and conveniences which con
tribute to their happiness. This i3
not possible if the larger part of
their substance is taken to meet a
heavy debt of taxation. I will stand
for the reduction of taxes, both di-
rect and indirect, to the minimum
amount necessary to meet the re
quiremcnts of government economi
cally administered.
"Tenth The heaviest drain upon
our finances and therefore the great
est demand for large amounts in
taxes comes from the maintaining of
large standing armies and heavy na
val armaments. I do net think these
are necessary. Tho adoption of the
Treaty of Versailles and the League
of Nations, the keeping of faith with
our Allies, the disbanding of large
standing- armies, the limitations of
armaments, prosecuting a policy of
assistance instead of an attitude of
isolation towards the other nations
of the world, and re-establishing our
commercial relations, would not only
relieve us of cur heavy burden of
taxation, but would stimulate indus
try generally anC so place us in con
trol of our economic conditions that
the producer would get a fair price
for his product and our people would
be furnished the oiikjk protection
against future wpf Vrrows,
sufferings and 1(
are Just emergii.
ter nations are
"These are sor
which I shall stand and fight if elect
ed.. If you think me worthy and capa
ble of performing the 'duties; ot
this high office, it is my fervent
prayer that you will commission me
as your Representative so that I
may. have a part In that great serv
ice to my fellovvman which the ac
complishment of these things would
bring to him.".
(Signed) "W. W. CRAIG."
Mr. John Curry spent Saturday
night in the homo of Mr. Council
Barnes. .
Arch Murrell, who was visiting
near Crescent, was taken seriously ill
and died in a short time. The remains
were laid to. rest in Old Fremon -Cemetery.
' '
Mrs. Will Covington and daughter '
spent Friday night in the home of
Mrs. Sarah McConnell.
Mr. I. H. Todd is going right
ahead inspecting his lumber with,
the help cf his old mill crew and Mr.
Huffstutter, of Obion.
They have raised the money aud
extended the school at Dixie until
April 1. '
Mrs. Lea Williams has moved to
the Grandma Stanfield home place.
. Mrs. Delia Killion was a Sunday
evening visitor in the home of Mrs.
Billy Coleman.
Mrs. Jim Grooms and Mrs. W. L.
Williams visited Mrs. Charley Cald
well Wednesday.
Mrs. J. D. Curry is visiting her
mother and aunt who are very .sick.
Mr. Wilson Curry is in Memphis
this week looking afterbusiness.
Death of Jas. F. McMurry.
Mr. Jas. Foster McMurry died -
Thursday, January 26, 1922, at 6
o'clock p.m., at the home of his niece,
Mrs. Perry Browder, in the vicinity
of Mount Z-ion, after an illness of (
some length with general decline. J
Mr. McMurry was born in Middle
Tennessee March 3, 1840. He Was
nearly 82 years of age. He is sur
vived by one sister, Mrs. Jimmie
Smith.of Talley's Mill. Deceased was a
citizen of this county for many years.
He was a member of the Methodist
Church, very well known and es
teemed. He is survived also by sev-
Ful A -services were heldyr
Mou Church, conduct
Re vans, and the rf
Wf Mount Zionl
tei 1
e of the J
mc, artmenttf
.-F&rt-v or ha:
" '

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