UK TREMENDOUS Mill (Mdmit too People from far and near have realized big: savings on their purchases from us since we opened this sale. They have stocked up for this summer, knowing full well that with all the prevailing talk of general decline in prices, they will never-be able to buy as low as they are buying here; they are wise; they realized this opportunity and we wish for thousands of others to realize also. We have hundreds of bargains left, so come now and get your share of the bargains. Don't miss it. It will pay you .well in dollars and cents to come and buy NOW. his Sale if II 0 VELY CLOSE Apri TTiere will foe no Extensions so if you wish to get your share of the wonderful bargains, come nowdon't delay. Below are a few of our prices. We have hundreds of others as good: M L u u cr b o U o CA uv u o ooc CnC'-iCnCCoCo Ginghams, per yd. 2c CO : : One lot Ginghams, (Jv Per yard 9c. Co 0 5oc value, per yd 25c co ' u Crash Toweling, 0 12 c value, per yd 8c One lot Voiles, S Bleached Domestic 1,y r aru wiuc, per Brown LL Domestic y-f Yard wide, per yd .8c u? Men's heavy 220 Blue ty Denim Overalls CO $1.50 value, ...95c o Table Oil Cloth, per yd 29c Men's heavy blue work Shirts $1.00 values 59c Men's Gray Work Sox Per pair 7c One lot Ladies' Slippers, all sizes. $3.50 to $5 val...$1.98 and $1.48 Ladies' stylish Patent Straps $6.00 values $4.98 One lot Men's Dress Shoes, all sizes $4.00 and $5.00 values $1.98 One lot Men's Scout Shoes Sale price $1.59 Clark's O. N. T. Thread, 150 yds to spool, s. p.. Arrow Collars All sizes, sale price 9c CoCoCoCoCnCoCo Men's Straight Last $7.50 Shoes, sale price. $4.98 CO f Co 4c Dome in ana see our line n of Ladies' Coats, Suits Dresses and Capes. It is the niftiest line shown in Go Union City. New garments arriving daily and the prices are very low. Co H! MILLINERY Our line of Millinery is complete and we are show- ing the latest styles for 0 less money. n V T 1 . 1 . k A "i . . A t. k Ak. k. L Ot. A. A You can's afford to overlook these wonderful bargains. If these prices don't mean big savings to every one, then we frankly confess that we are ignorant of what does or will. Come and you'll be convinced. BE HERE EVERY DAY Dress Shirts $1.50 values 98c One lot $1.00 and $1.50 values 49c Men's Hats $3.50 values $1.98 One special lot 98c Men's Cotton Flannel Work Gloves, 10c vai: 4c Men's Clothing One lot Men's Suits, $25 values, sale price $14.98 One lot Men's Suits, $15 values, sale price $9.98 Remember Sale lasts till April S. D(D)dly Ed(D)So CM Fwwe Successors to Phil Hy man's Cut Price Store