2 Commercial, Union City, Tenn. FRIDAYt MARCH 31, 1922. PEAT'S VIEWS OF ' I! M'MHUN'S. ENTRANCE .Ciarksville, Tenn., March 28. That; the entrance of former Gov. Benton McMillin into the race for the Gubernatorial nomination" will not affect the final result of the pri mary, la the opinion that Austin Peay of this city, also a candidate for the nomination. Mr. Peay expressed this opinion Monday -morning following his re turn from a tour of East Tennessee, in which ti4 said he found the pros pects satisfactory for his nomination. Tl . . I ktH tnm lnra' Ifln IVTl Pfldlf y XJUl lIlg ma LCll UaO 1,1 11 l.il. A J visited Washington, Blount, Knox, Greene, Sullivan and Hamilton coun ties. Mr. Peay left Monday night for a week's tour of West Tennessee, dur ing which he plans to visit Shelby, Carfoll, Weakley, Obion and .some of the other larger counties. - -Ladies' negro minstrel coming to Opera House Tuesday, April 4. Removal Notice. Dr .J. Brien Adkerson. is now lo cated on the balcony at the Cobb's Corner Drug Store instead Of 103, Church street, his former location. l-2t LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. Jack Bratton was a visitor in Jackson this week. George Anderson has returned from a visit to Dyer. When you want light globes, buy EDISON. Averitt Electric. Miss Birdie Waddell has returned from a visit to Martin. Mrs. Bessie C. Selby, f St. Louis, is a visitor with friends in the city. Only one of its kind In existence ladies' minstrel, Opera House, Tuesday, April 4. Mr. Fred Case, of West Virginia, is a visitor with relatives and friends in the city. , H&. Mrs. iChailes Ramer, of Jackson, is a guest this week of her sister, Mrs. B. King. Buy your electric light globes from an electrical shop. It PAYS. Averitt Electric. Messrs. John and Richard Sanders, of Woodland, were visitors in the city Saturday. Mrs. Melvin Watson has returned to Martin after visiting her mother, Mrs. J. L. Ranson. Ladies' minstrel, Opera House, Tuesday, April 4. Admission, 25 and 35 cents. . W. H. Davidson, of Knoxville, is a visitor this week with his mother, Mrs. W. J. Davidson. Mr. Bob Bright, of Troy, was a business visitor here Monday on his way to Perryville, Tenn. . Only one of its kind in existence ladies' minstrel, Opera House, j Tuesday, April 4. Mrs. Sadie Chambers, of Martin, was an end-of-the-week visitor with relatives in the city. Mrs. D. .N. McClure and son, David, Jr., left this week for an ex tended visit to points in Texas. Mr. Joe Grooms, who was seriously wounded in a runaway some two weeks ago, Is slowly recovering. His many friends will be glad to see him out again. pring Apoarel Exhibit for Men Featuring advance fashions by the House of Kuppenheimer It is with pride in work well The new fabrics will quickly done that we announce the completion of bur 1 922 exhibits of sprint; suits for men and young men. Never before has this store entered a new season in such favorable circumstances to render a satisfying and helpful 'clothes service. The old clothes are gone. Now the stage is set for spring, and the man whe is ready to take a new valuation of his appearance will view with interest and pleasure the clothes here assembled. win the favor of all who see them; uncommon patterns in distinctive color tones; stripes, checks, plaids, diago nals, herringbones, and other weavings in many va riationsthe best fabrics from the quality looms of America and Europe. The styles are distinguished for refinement and there are ample variations to meet the wishes of many tastes. Simple, graceful lines are the keynote, combined with the skillful tailoring so promi nent in Kuppenheimer Good Clothes throughout half a century. Boy's 2-pant suits, 6 to The clothes themselves speak the message of value. livery garment a spienaia investment in good appearance. $32.50, $35.00, $37.50 18, special values at $10.00 and $12.50. High grade workmanship, all-wool fabrics. Special sale of men's Ox fords, Shirts and Furni shings. Stetson and Knox Hats, Manhattan Shirts. W. Q. Clagett Co the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes "BIG FAMILY DAY" AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday school, 9:50 a.m. Preaching, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. One of the members of the con gregation will give a fine new Bible to the largest family present at the eleven o'clock service. Won't it be a beautiful sight to see a whole family sitting together at church as we did in the years that are gone? The largest crowd of the year is expected, so come early and be sure of a seat. This means you. Lord's Supper. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup per is to be administered in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Troy next Sabbath, April 2, Rev. J. L.fflBoyd officiating. In troductory services are to begin 3 p.m. Friday. The public is invited to worship with us. T. P. PRESSLY, Pastor. Only oiy; of its kind in existence ladies' minstrel, Opera House, Tuesday, April 4. Basket Ball Girls' Dinner. The Purple and Gold tossers of the Union City High School closed their successful basket ball season Satur day night with a four course dinner given by their coach, Misss Inez Lovelace. The living room was decorated with violets and jonquils, while pur ple and gold crepe paper was used in the dining room. A miniature bas ket ball on a purple and gold pedestal served as the center decoration for the table. Favors were concealed under this with purple and gold rib bons running to each plate. Kodak pictures of the individual girls serv ed as place cards. The purple and gold color scheme was carried out in every way. After dinner the guests enjoyed the picture at Jimmie's Play house. Those present were Misses Bernice Flack, Elizabeth Alexander, Mary Virginia Blanton, Marjorie Dahnke, Leda Cunningham, Nelle Bond, Mary Jenks, Rachel Burrus and Naideen Jordan. Real Estate Transfers. J. D. Fitzgerald to W. H. Flowers, 40 acres in No. 12, $2,750. W. H. Flowers to J. A. Jackson, 40 acres in No. 12, $2,750. E. M. Taylor et al. to M. C. Payne, lot in No. 16, $50. C. A. Ramsey et al. to Fairview Telephone Co., lot in No. 8, $540. J. M. Richerson et al. to A .E. Col lins, lot in No. 5, $350. J. H. Leeper to E. W. Murray, 59 acres in No. 6, $8,250. Charles W. Miles, Jr., and wife to Mrs. Mattie Baird, .lot in No. 13, $1,500. G. B. White, trustee, to S. C. Va den, lot in No. 13, $500. Dr. L. Wagster et al. to W. M. Phillips, 42 acres in No. 7, $1,500. R. C. Holloway to Jennie Hollo way, lots in No. 15, $300. J. C. Muzzall et al. to W. W. Ma theny, lot In No. 16, $1,800. Reynolds Packing Co. to OUie Nichols and wife, 3 acres in No. 13, $600. Claud Botts to Mrs. Lutie Bryson, lot in Rives, $175. D. D. Kirk and wife to S. H. Jones, lot in No. 13, $400. R. L. Huey and wife to D.B. Huey, 73 acres in No. 6, $6,200. Mill M0TILOW MILLING COMPANY JERSEY CREAM FLOUR DIAMOND SELF RISING FLOUR BRAG SELF RISING FLOUR JERSEY CREAM MEAL On Slale by all Union City Grocery Merchants Unconditionally Guaranteed BUY THE PRODUCTS OF YOUR OWN SOIL iwhtvti mw riii i yaafia union city