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COMME I DR. E. II. LONG , j DENTIST ' i Over Wehman's Hardware Store Union City, Tenn. -- Telephones Office 144; .Residence 6 9 5-J . DE. E. M. LONG DENTIST Over Wehman'd Hardware Store Union City, Tenn. Telephones Office 144; Residence 6 9 5-J RGIAL Union City Commercial. established 18T0 j Cons0,idnted September 1. 1897 Wmt Tennessee Courier, established 1897 UNION CITY. TENN. FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1922. VOL. 32, NO. 2 SALE OF BONDS FOR JEFF DAVIS HIGHWAY Obion County Shows Fine Credit Eating in Financial Market! The Bale of highway bonds ordered by the County Court of Obion County at its January term for the sum of not exceeding $95,000, for the Jeff Davis Highway to be constructed from Union City to Troy, was held last Monday, Judge Waddgll conduct ing the sale. Some private sealed bids were filed before the sale, but none of them was equal to the high est bid made by Caldwell & Co., of Nashville, who were represen'ed here by Gen. H. C. Alexander. The bonds were sold to Caldwell & Co. for 96, 000, with an agreement that the pur chasers pay for plates and engraving of the bonds, also an interest of three per cent on daily balances in bank This seems to our people like a good sale, and the further prospects of a favorable contract are encouraging. At least with a reduction in labor and materials there is no reason why we should not have a favorable con tract. We should have for the mon ey invested not only i complete road to Troy, but an extension of the Bris tol-to-Memphis road towards Gibbs, as far at least as the survey that way is adopted. We live with bright an ticipatiens for both these roads, Union City shoulc be both on the Jeff Davis Highway and on -the I. C R. R. improvements below the levee into which the spillway drains the waters of the lake. This levee is also one of the permanent improvements which has been of incalculable value to the people of Lake and Obion counties as well as the land own ers around the lower end of the lake. All these things have stood the test of the recent overflow, one of the biggest we have ever had. Organization of Class 13. GHOSTS OF MARK TWAIN WITH LIONS Jeff Davis Highway. Mr. W. G. Reynolds, Union City Tenn. Dear Sir: I am directed by Mr. J. T. Thomas, president, to call the Jeff Davis Highway Association . to meet in Jackson, Mississippi, at 10 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce building, Tuesday, April i8, 1922 There has not been a meeting of the members and officers of this as sociation for two years, whicn makes it imperative to have a full attend ance and to transact some very im portant business such as the election of officers, the apointment of com - mittees for marking and otherwise beautifying the highway and trans act such other business as the asso ciation may deem proper. It has been thought advisable and notice is herby given that the re location of the Jeff Davis Highway between Memphis and Grenada, Mis sissippi, will be considered. As it is now located, it seems that nothing has been done toward building the highway at certain places and thru certain counties and as the prospect for this to be done in the near fu ture is not encouraging, it is, there fore, thought best to bring the mat ter up again and relocate the high way between the two points above named if the association thinks it the proper thing to do. The sons and daughters of the Con federacy are invited to attend the convention and take part in building and beautifying the Jeff Davis High way. We would like to have jyoa work up an interest in the meeting by having this notice published in your local paper and write letters to your friends and others interested so that the meeting may be not only repre sentative in point of territory in vlved but largely attended as well. Yours very truly, JEFF DAVIS HIGHWAY ASS'N, THOS. B. KING, Secretary. Memphis, Tenn., March 30, 1922 Members of Class 13 of the Baptist Sunday School assembled "at the church Tuesday night, March 28, for the .purpose of organizing the class. A large number of interested and en thusiastic members were present. Af ter assembling in their classroom a motion was made by Dr. Jones and seconded by Prof. Thomas that the class go into executive session. The niotion was unanimously carried. Dr. Carlton, teacher of the class, gave an interesting and very instructive talk on the purpose of organization and the benefits to be derived from it. On motion it was decided to vote by secret ballot ,and the following offir cers were chosen: President, Dr, Jones. First vice president, Mr. Homer Craver. Second vice president. Prof. Shee ley. Third vice president, Mr. Gordon Isbell. Secretary, Mr. Ivie Chandler. Treasurer, Mr. Dixon Williams. Reporter, Prof. Thomas. It was then moved and seconded that a committee be appointed by the president whose purpose was to draw up a constitution for the class. The motion carried and the following committee was appointed: Herman P. Thomas, chairman; C. F. Sheeley and J. D. Carlton. It was further moved, seconded and passed that the class take charge of the opening ex ercises of the Sunday school in the near future. Then upon motion of Dr. Carlton, seconded by Prof. Shee ley, the class adjourned. Immediately after adjournment the members assembled in the B. Y P. U. room where they were served refreshments by Mrs. Carlton and Mrs. Howse. These were very de lightful and, coming after an hour of much labor, were greatly enjoyed by the entire number. To those la digs Class 13 is indebted for a very pleasant social hour. HERMAN P. THOMAS, Reporter Death of S. M. Morris. ENGINEERS' WORK SAVES LEVEE AND OVERFLOW Spillway and Drainage at Reelfoot Lake Hold Good. We are told that the improvements made below the spillway at Reeifoot Lake have been effective in the re cent floods in preventing overflow of the whole country around Samburg and the great tracts of lowland south of the levee toward the river. The water in the lake has at-no time reached flood stage. The highest mark is reported to be five feet be low the surface of the levee and the spillway has taken care of all the drain. This condition is more favor able still, when one understands the fact that water from the Mississippi River overflow is emptied into the lake thru the washout. Reference is made to the big ditch and drainage S. M. Morris, one of the oldest and best known residents of West Ten nessee, died at his home in Elbridge March 28, after an extended illness which several times occasioned the ummoning of relatives to his bed side. He rallied from these sinking spells, but on Monday vas taken ill nd failed to rally, sinking gradually to the end. Born in McNairy County in 1856, Mr. Morris came to Obion County thirty years ago, taking up his res idence near Elbridge. His life was devoted to the teaching of vocal mu sic, and as a singing master he was said to be without a peer in this sec tion of the South. His reputation as a gospel singer vas widespread and it is said he had the distinction of having taught more singing schools than any man of his age. His rendition of song3 of the olden days at gospel meetings and at sing ing schools carried with them senti ments which seemed to inspire every one who heard him. Of late years his age and infirmity caused him to give" up instruction and he lived quietly at his homo, beloved by all who knew him. Besides his wife he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. T. C. Dillingham and Miss Ruby Morris, both of El bridge, and three sons, Vergil and Raymond of Elbridge, and Wid Mor ris of Memphis, the latter a stamp deputy in the office of the internal reyenue service in that city. In terment was at Elbridge. Obion County Enterprise. Street Opening. Lions Feel the Influence of Spring and Indulge in Sport. The Lions had a merry hour last Tuesday at Forrester's. After the committee reports a riot of fun was incited. . Lion Howard, with always something up his sleeve, first at tacked a newspaper man, taking it for granted that the latter had enough money or credit to buy flow erst charging clandestine motives etc. But the matter was finally closed to the satisfaction of the club. Dr. H. M. Oliver had an offering as an ode to spring, this in the way of following up the course of events, and he proceeded in characteristic style to set the good work in motion Probe was made involving a physi cian in regard to the birth rate. report of 150 hopefuls since the first of January, however, exonerated the member. The postmaster's assistant was plied with inquiries as to the distinction between business and love letters, and the accused had to satisfy the club with a statement. Finally a serious charge was laid at the door of another newspaper man and a prominent business man present This was to the effect that these Lions had been guilty of grossly vi olating the customs of society in the use of the knife in place of the fork A debate on the ides of spring was the penalty and the fines were re mitted. Reports from committees were as follows: Mr. Dietzel on strawber ries: Mr. Jackson on poultry one car every two weeks or thereabouts; Mr. Tittsworth, building and loan; Mr. Burdick on rates and flag station at Bruce's; Mr. Riley on live stock and trading. The latter was taken from the first Monday record as fol lows: To trade and sell: Mules, 60; horses, 72; Jacks, 3; cows, 8; bulls 1; cows for milking, 2. Sold: Mules, 24; horses, 12; jacks 1; cows, 8.. Traded: Mules, 16; horses, 25. This report is the result of the campaign now being conducted by Mr. Rose, and shows a fine start in the work. T. R. Reynolds had some interest ing information in reference to black rot for sweet potato growers. He found in his experience that beds of virgin soil and seed sweet putatoes free of black rot would guarantee against black rot in . the crop from that bed. Mr. Stanley Glaser, a visitor pres ent, was invited to speak and he re sponded very kindly that every good town had a Lions Club. Mr. Robert Bond, in behalf of the Hi-Y, was present and made a state ment of the work in the Union City Hi-Y and the call for stock subscrip tions in Union City to the total cf 250 as a part of the general cam paign in the State for Hi-Y work. Thegrtement was indorsed unani mously. Rev. Mathis spoke in bulialf of the Hi-Y work and its influence upon the boys and girls, which elicitd a hearty response. Kev. Baker called attention to evangelistic services which begin next Sunday at the First Christian Church in Union City and invited the Lions Club in a body to attend. Thereupon a motion was carried that the club meet at the lunch room Sun day evening at 7:15 o'clock and go n a body to the church for the even ing service at 7:30 o'clock. Obion County Medical Association. The Obion pounty Medical Asso ciation met here at the City Hall Monday afternoon, April 3, at 1:30 o'clock, in one of the best meetings of the year. Dr. W. F. Roberts, the retiring president of the association, called the meeting to order. Di. O. E. Hampton, physician in charge of the Medical Department of the Veterans' Bureau at Jackson, Tenn., was a visitor for this meeting and talked on "Our Disabled Vet erans." Dr. Hampton stated that the Government was spending over $1,000.00 per day in this district alone on the care and compensation of disabled men. He emphasized the fact that the Government is anxious to give help and treatment to every man disabled in the service, and that they vere not sparing time or money to make this possible. A number of physicians turned in the names of worthy disabled men. Dr. Hampton is exceedingly anxious that all men who have been reluctant in filing claims do so at oncec, while it is yet possible to secure the necessary con nection with the service. He said men with disabilities should hie a claim as a matter of record if they do not desire compensation. A number of those present re sponded to the call for case reports with some very interesting and un usual cases. AM present took part in a discussion of these cases. The follcnving members whl serve the association as officers: President, Dr. J. D. Carlton; vice president, Dr. M. L. Smith; secretary-treasurer, Dr. Ira Park. Delegate to the State As sociation, Dr. J. D. Carlton; alter nate delegate, Dr. Ira Park. The opening of Church street and moving of the passenger depot is to take place, according to the pro visions made by agreement, not later than May 15. No doubt at that time the N., C. & St. L. Ry. Co. willJie prepared with plana for some nice improvements. Everything seems to be coming our way. COMMENCEMENT. Schedule of Closing Exercises Union City Public Schools. Friday, April 14, Central School grades 4 and 5. Friday, April 21, Central School grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. Friday, April 28, FIELD DAY. Friday, May 5, Westover grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Sunday, May 14, Commencement Sermon. Tuesday, May 16, sixth grade pro motions. Wednesday, May 17, Junior High school promotion exercises. Thursday, May 18, Commencement Exercises. The Town Cynic Says. Consensus of opinion concerning the raidcal nplifter: A very easy man to get along without. C. P. Christian Endeavor Locals They decided to do it, and they did it. What? To have 100 at the C. P. Church last Sunday evening. At Sunday school that morning they learned that they were to have the Chinese student, K. B. On, from Bethel College, with them at their evening meeting and they decided that instead of their usual attend ance of 60 they would have 100 out to hear him that evening. And they had 125! Wasn't that great! Can you beat it? It was decidedly the peppiest meeting of the year. They opened with "C. E. Shall Shine To-Night." That made everybody feel it in their. very bones. More than a dozen of the Endeavorers took part one after the other as quickly as possible, but there was not time for more. Mrs. R. A. Napier and Miss Marcella Da- idson played a beautiful piano and organ duet. Then the leader Intro duced Rev. Bryant, of Bethel Coll lege, who made a short talk and in troduced the speaker of the evening, B. On. Mr. On is here to be edu cated to go back to his people as a missionary. He has only been in America two years and only a few months of this time has he spent in Bethel College associating with Eng- sh-speaking students and he is to be congratulated upon the progress e is Ynaking with the English lan guage. Before coming to McKenzie he was in California. Mr. On says it is America's duty to educate the Chinese people. We are the rich older brother. He says if their education is left to Germany or Japan it will be an education of mil itarism which will bring trouble again. There was not time to take a count on the contest, so both sides are left as they were the Sunday be fore, with the Whites five points in the lead. The Sunday evening crowds are increasing steadily to hear Rev. Cun ningham's sermons to the young peo ple. You are missing something if you are not hearing these talks ev ery Sunday evening. Twenty-one Endeavorers from the C. P. Church have registered for the Newbern convention and others are going who did not register. The del egates from the C. P., Christian, Bethlehem and Beech societies, more than forty in all, have held two pep py powwows at the Christian church, Friday and Monday evenings, prac ticing songa and yells. They are gq ing to let Newbern know they are there as soon as they get off the train. ! ! 1 1 Mr. Williamson says they have al ready gone over the top in registra tion, having reached the 150 mark more than a week ago. Oh, it's go ing to be a "Little" convention! What will your Car be worth a year from today? Dodge Brothers Motor Cars GOODRICH TIRES-best in the long run. Fabrics and Silvertown Cords Good Used Dodge Cars in'first-class mechanical condition. GUARANTEED. We repair all makes of Cars. All work GUARANTEED. Citizens Auto Company RICHARD ft. SEMONES, Manager. Union City, Tenn. Phone 166 V THE UNIVERSAL CAR 1 Sedan $660 P.. O. B. Detroit With Starttrmmd Jtmeantablm Aim. Genuine Common Sense Many Ford owners can afford to own and oper ate any car they may choose, but they prefer a Ford "because it is a Ford." For "because it is a Ford" means dependability, ease of operation, efficiency and it means sure, quick transportation. And "because it is a Ford" means good taste, pride of ownership and genuine Common Sense. The Ford Sedan, a closed car of distinction, beauty and convenience, is the ideal all year 'round car, for pleasure or business for the farm, town or city. It gives you all that any car can give at a much lower cost for operation and maintenance. Ford Cars of all types are in great demand, so place your order at once if you wish to avoid delay in delivery. H. H. RUST Authorized Ford Dealer. JPhone 400 1 UNION CITY, TEXN. Ilarpole-Walker Furniture Company FUNERAL DIRECTORS WHITESELL HARPOLE J. L. RANSOM, JR. 354 AND 216-3 RINGS 432 AND 32 OFFICE PHONE 99 UNION CITY, TENN