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Q ,., ,,. "T THE Fisk Premier -Tread is a tire which yields an honest, generous measure of service at a low price. See this tire and compare with any at a competing price. It is your best pur chase if you want a low priced tire. It is a FiskTire.and is Fisk character clear through. There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, truck - or speed wagon so IV i-Pl.k Premier Trad 118.85 i Non-Skid Fabric . 14.85 I Extra-Ply Red-Top 17.85 Clincher Cord . . 17.85 SOzSH Six-PlT Non-8kld Cord Str.irht Hide ItM Hl4 Six-Ply Non-Skid Cord 17.00 32x4 Non-Skid Cord . . M.54 SZ X 4 H Non-Skid Cord. . S.M (4x4 Non-Skid Cord . . 41.00 Kxf Non-SkidCord. - 61.60 N.rk ft.r U IL Pal O.. Time to Re-tire? (Buyf Fiak) . dwoer' CilMraJ 5p MOST MEN give more time to the purchase of clothing than they do Insurance. Jno. T. Walker Co. Sell Insurance for your PROTECTION. BOTH PHONES - Union City, Tenn. The Commercial, Union City, Tenn. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1922. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. Clint Ramsey, of Kenton, was a Monday shopper. Mrs. Frank Reeser was a Sunday visitor in Jackson. Go to Corum's for FRESH Can dies of All Kinds. Mrs. McCuan, of. Dresden, was Wednesday shopper. Mrs. Sara McClanahan is visiting ' her daughter, Mrs. Smith, in Jackson Mrs. J. T. Calahan, of Kenton, was a visitor this week with Mrs. J. T Bruce. . Mrs. Woods, of Dresden, was here Tuesday visiting her mother, Mrs White. Mrs. Arnn's Easter hats are ready for your inspection. See the latest styles. Mrs. J. T. Perkins and Mrs. Lillie Whitnell, of Martin, were here Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Herring, of Fulton, were In the city Wednesday as visitors. Misses Hattie Swain and Nelle Naylor, of Dresden, were in the city Wednesday. Now is the time to have your best, our stock is all new. Red Spot Paint & Glass Co. Mrs. Rose, of Columbus, Ky., is a visitor , here this week with Mrs. W. D. Keiser. - Mrs. W. G. Harris has returned from Dresden, where she has been visiting the sick. Go to Corum's for the Coldest Drinks in Town. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Rogers were in Memphis this week visiting their son and daughter. Miss Annie Naylor has returned to Tupelo, Miss., after a visit to her mother in the city. Miss Mayme Doyle has returned from Trimble, where she has been taking care of a paMcnt. Becoming hats a number of styles from which you may choose all of them at a very special crice. at Mrs. Arnn's. Mrs. A. Ashburn, of Memphis, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phebus, this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitts and chil dren, of Huntingdon, were in the city last week as visitors. Miss Nannie Belle Miller was a visitor this week at the home of Miss Bonnie Wright at Elbridge. Protect your floors. Paint inte rior floors with Red Spot Floor Paint and exterior with Red Spot PORCH PAINT. Save the surface and you save all. Dr. H. W. Quails was in Memphis this week atending the West Ten nessee Medical Association meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bivens, Mrs. H. A. McDonald and Mrs. Bushart, of Martin, were in the city yesterday shopping. , Mrs. Will Gullett, Miss Frances Faulkner and Miss Jessie Bandy, of Trimble, were in the city Saturday as shoppers. Hats of originality in effect harmonizing with the spirit of style achievement and the individuality of the wearer you find the right one at Mrs. Arnn's. Mrs. Walker Pickard left this week for Lynchburg, Va., to visit her daughter, who is there in the Ran dolph-Macon school. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, ba by daughter, and Miss Arnetta Ham ilton have returned from a winter's circuit made by the Hamilton Play ers. They are at home on Ury street. Mrs. Paul Croft, of Dyersburg, came over this week to visit her mother, Mrs. D. J. Caldwell. Mrs. Croft was on her way to Battle Creek, Mich., to take r, course of treatment in the Sanitarium. -Summer is coming, so are the flies and mosquitoes. Paint your screens NOW with RED SPOT SCREEN PAINT. Preserves the screens and keeps the bugs out. Miss Elizabeth Scates, who is at tending Saint .Cecelia Academy, Memphis, came home last night for Easter holidays, accompanied by a number of friends who are here to enjoy a house party with Miss Scates. Party from Union City attending the C. E. Convention at Newbern Fri day were as follows: Mis Imogene Jones, Rufus Massey, Wilford Quinn, Louis Bramham, Hal Brown, Miss Mary Arden Nailling, Mrs. Ellis Tay lor, Miss Mildred Bushart, Paul Jones, Clifford Joyner, Jr. Women feel that spring arrives with Easter, and of course a new hat is inevitable. Hats that are new with a -dash of spring and a note of summer, a- combination appealing to the conservative buyer. See them at Mrs. Arnn's. Party from. Union City attending the C. E. Convention at Newbern Sat urday were as follows: Miss Aletha Pate, Miss Leo Park. Miss Allie V. Pate, Miss Lena Pittman,, Irvine Matchett, Millard Carman, Ernest Wuench, Gladys Jones, Ralph White, Miss Carrie Schmidt, Minister E. S. Baker. Tennessee Pig Club Boys Make Fine Record ' V : -V Davidson County Youth. Wins First Place. Nearly 2000 Enrolled - There were UBT4 boys enrolled In the pig dubs In Tennessee in 1921. Reports showing the results acoon pllshed by 893 boys were collected by the county agricultural agents. They fattened 499 hogs for the market and raised 554 purebred gilts to be used as brood sows. From 169 sows raised the previous yar, a total ol 2,597 pigs were farrowed. This Included a spring and fall litter from each sow making an average of 7 pigs to each litter. Reports of this kind are convincing that the value of the pig club work is Inestimable. A few boys are being given an insight into the work of pro ducing purebred swine for breeding stock. Large numbers are improving the stock kept oiv small farms and are using this Improved stock for greater and more economical pork pro- j duction. j " - i III III II I" EXTRA Pre-Easter Sale 0f51 50 High Grade Hart Schaffner and Marx v $37.50,1 $40.00 and $45.00 Men's Suits MMMMMMMk AT 3T" jv W S"V. Summer Sanders and His Cham pion Pig. He Won First Place in the State Pig Club Contest and Won Free Trip to International Livestock Show at Chicago. Since a great many purebred hogs have been produced the past few years in the pig clubs the general (Trade of hogs in many localities has been materially improved. As a re sult of this, the boys have learned that well bred hogs are niore suitable for pork production In the same way that they are better for breeding stock. It' Is believed now that the greatest opportunity for the pig club boy Is In the production of pork, and their interest is gradually turning in chat direction. ' At practcally every county and dis trict fair last fall there was an in creased number of pork pigs shown by club members. One hundred .club members In Montgomery County fat tened a carload of club pigs and shipped them to the market. It cost $1,412 to produce the hogs and eet them to market, while they sold for ?1,&S, leaving a net profit of $526. j.iie siace pig ciud contest was open only to the boys who raised pork pigB. 'ihe state champion prize which was a free trip to the Inter national Livestock show at Chicago was won by Summer Sanders of Davidson County. $29.85 It means a big loss to us, but we .had to do it, because our stocks were tooheavy. If you haven't bought your Easter Suit, get it to-day! Every size and style to choose from. The greatest thing ever happened in Union City. iusy Alterations at cost. All Regal High and Low Cut Shoes at...... '...$6.75 SHATZ Union City's Exclusive Store For Men and Boys. MORE: FOR CAS1 91 PRODUCTION OF BEEF CATTLE INCREASING A change Is coming over the busi ness of beef production. The farmers of Tennessee are more and more tak ing up this great Industry that for many years was accorded to the range districts of the west. The conditions influencing this change have been tat tag shape for a number of years and will continue for no brief period. The farmer for the benefit of his farm and the safety of his bank account is rais ing cattle. It is the safest course. It will Increase the fertility of his acres. It will insure "money in band." As yet there are thousands of farms that have not become a part of the expanding effort in beef produc tion, but the tendency is in the right direction. Beef production on the farm iq, on the increase and happily the value of good blood has been "gen erally acknowledged so that the quali ty of the product will make its appeal to the more discriminating buyers. The farmers must be producers rather than speculators. A good many reasons exist for this, not the least of which is that of permanency and the betterment of the soil and the im provement of the farm. The oppor tunities for expansion are found large ly on the home farm or in the home community. The days of alluring opportunities elsewhere have passed. From now on It is constructive effort that will win. Speculative opportuni ties are remote and uncertain but in telligent, persistent effort on the good farms of Tennessee beckons to all who own or operate the land. Beef production plays its fundamen tal part In this permanent farm prosperity. Notice. , I am prepared to do all Kinds of repair work, sewing machines, clocks, lawn mowers, etc. Also a few sewing machines for sale W. T. BranBford, 1023, East Main street, phone 504. 3-2t When you buy Red Spot No. 43 you get a pure lead, oil and zinc paint; 3.25 per gallon. I CLASSIFIED ADS FOR 45-W. RENT Nice rooms. Call 2-2t FOR SALE CHEAP New late model typewriter. This office. FOR RENT Five-room house on Second street. Phone 595-J. 2-tf FOR SALE Pure breed white Peking duck eggs. Call Woodland 28. 2-2t FOR RENT Two nice rooms, partly furnished or unfurnished Phone W. T. Bransford. 2-tf SEED SWEET POTATOES for sale Call Mrs. F. E. Arnn. Phone 301 51tf ROOMS FOR RENT Telephone Cumb. 248. P. I. Chandler, 609 Main street. - 51-tf FINE PASTURE for horse or cow, east of corporate limits. Call phone 483-j. W-D. Fry, Union City, Tenn 3-2t FOR RENT House 609 N. Third street. Apply to Mrs. A. K. Garland, 197 Campbell street, Jackson, Tenn 2t NICE LOT FOR SALE, corner Di vision and College streets, with wa ter and sewerage connection. Phone 113-J. 51-tf FOR SALE At farm, seed sweet potatoes. Have been kept in new building and in good condition. Plen ty for everybody and price is right. W. M. WOODFIN, 3-2tpd Union City, Tenn. FOR SALE A desirable residence in Union City on the corner of Fourth and Lee streets, in good con dition with modern improvements including furnace, lights, bath, hard wood floors, etc. Call D. A. Allen, Telephone 180-J. 52-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Trade for any other kind of stock one fine registered Hereford Bull, 21 months old, weighs 800 pounds. Other bulls in herd is reason for selling. 52-tf G. P. MOODY, Union City, Tenn. FOR SALE Tomato plants, all varieties, early and late. Fine strong plants. Either from hot bed or from cold frame. Prices reasonable. Al so large sweet pepper and pimento plants. Mrs. D. N. Walker, phone 146-J. .y 2-tf 0. E. S. EASTER MARKET. BUY YOUR EASTER EGGS CHICKENS, CAKES, CANDIES AND PIES FROM THE O. E. S. MARKET The members of the O. E. S. will have their Easter Market, Saturday, April 15. 1922, at Harpole-Walker Furni ture Co. Everything that it takes to make up a real Easter Dinner will be sold. We will expect all Masons ESPECIALY to buy just what they want for Easter Dinner. Boards and lumber for sale. D. J. Simmons, Rives, Tenn., R.F.D No. 1. Rural phone (Sidonia) 19-6 49-3mopd Special Board Meeting. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen held an extra session last Wednesday night to discuss street improvements The street scarifier having ' been loaned to some of the neighboring towns, the street committee was di rected to locate the machine and get ready for some work on the streets when it is decided what to do. A vote was taken and an order made to pay the Mayor $50 per month for ex-officio services for the months of February and March and half of January, 1922. Baptist Church. Dr. D. F. Marlin begins his labors as pastor of the Baptist Church Sun day. Dr. Marlin will preach at both the morning and evening hours Sun day. Public and members of other churches invited to these services The choir will render special Easter music. You have a special in vitation. Come! SALE NOTICE. Tuesday, April 18, 1922, com mencing at 1:30 p.m., at the John Semones Farm, 2 miles from Union City, on the Union City and Gibbs road, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, 1 self-binder, 1 disc cultiva tor, 3 hoe cultivators. 1 corn planter, 1 corn harrow, 1 wheat drill, 1 hay rake, 2 disc harrows, 3 sets double trees, horse collars, 6 bridles, 6 sets of gear, 2 pairs wagon lines, 2 breast chains. 2 hay frames, 2 wagons, 2 3-horse plows, 2 2-horse plows, 2 mowers, 1 drag, 3 or 4 mules ana horses. Said sale is to satisfy a note made to G. E. Phebus by John Swift, colored. 3-lt G. B. WHITE, Trustee. To THE MOORMAN MANUFACTUR ING COMPANY, a corporation, with, its chief office in the city of Quincy, 111. G. M. Thomas et al. vs. J. A. Foulks et als. Chancery Court, Obion County, Tennessee. In the above styled cause it ap pearing to the Clerk and Master from the bill of complaint, which is sworn to, that the defendant, The Moorman Manufacturing Company, is non-resident of the State of Ten nessee, so that ordinary process of law cannot be served upon it. It is therefore hereby ordered that the said above named defendant appear before the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Obion County, Tennessee, on or before the third Monday of May, 1922, that being a rule day of said Chancery Court, and make defense to the said bill, or the same will be taken as confessed by it, and the said cause set for hear ing ex-parte as to it. It is further ordered that publication of this no tice be made for four consecutive weeks in The Commercial, a weekly newspaper published in Obion Coun ty, Tenn. 3-4t This 11th day of April, 1922. GEO. A. GIBBS, Clork and Master. By Nelle F.- Marshall, D. C. & M. Moore & Hudgins, Sol. for Complt. TO GEO. W. UNDERWOOD. The Peoples Bank of Martin, Tenn., vs. Geo. W. Underwood et als. Chancery Court, Obion County, Tennessee. In the above styled cause it ap pearing to the Clerk and Master from the bill of complaint, which is sworn to that the defendant, Geo. W. Underwood, is a non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that ordi nary process of law cannot be served upon him. It is therefore hereby ordered that the said above named defendant appear before the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Obion County, Tennessee, on or before the third Monday of May. 1922. that being a rule day of said Chancery Court, and make de fense to the said bill, or the same will be taken as confessed by him, and the said 'cause set for hearing ex-parte as to him. It is further or dered that publication of this notice be made for four consecutive weeks in The Commercial, a weekly news paper published in Obion County, Tenn. 3-4t This April 12, 1922. GEO. A. GIBBS, C. & M. By Nelle R Marshall. D. C. & M. Geo. C. RowTett, Sol. for Complt. The Commercial, Union City, Tens.