! j MOST MEN give more time to the purchase of ' clothing than . they do Insurance. no. T. WalKer (Q. Co. Sell Insurance for your PROTECTION . BOTH PHONES Union City, Tenn. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE CHEAP New late model typewriter. This office. FOR. SALE Good Buick-six tour ing car very cheap for cash or trade. A. E. Klrkland. 7-3t Boards and lumber for sale. D. J. Simmons, Rives, Tenn., R.F.D. No. 1. Rural phone (Sldonia) 19-6. 49-3mopd FOR SALE New six-room cot tage on High street, all modern con veniences.. Price $3000. Apply to T. R. Reynolds, Union City Lumber Co. ' 6-tf Porto Rico and Florida Yam potato slips for sale, $1.25 per thou sand, f.o.b. Union City, Tenn. G. W. Tucker, Phone 436-J, Union City, Tenn. POTATO SLIPS Florida Yams, from pure seed treated for all dis eases: 100, 15' cents; 1000, $1.25. Parcel post add 20 cents per 1000. Robt. Carpenter, Union City, Tenn. 7-4t FOR SALE Certified Nancy Hall potato plants, $1.75 per thousand delivered by parcel post. Special price on large lots. Cash with or der. E. L. Wade, Springville, Tenn 6-4tpd The Commercial, Union City, Tenn. FRIDAY, MAY 191922. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. FOR SALE Hand-power freight elevator with all necessary appli ances for usa la 2 or 3 story build ing. Has flat wheel for use with electric motor. PALACE HOTEL WANTED., You to know that we have some good prices on desk and celling fans. See us before you buy. Averltt Electric. A trowel of mortar in time saves nine. Good weather Is the time to do brick and concrete work. Look over your list of Pepairs and have It done now.. Then when the fall rush is on you can smile and be comfort able. We have the materials and the workmen. T. L. BRANSFORD SONS. FOR SALE Red Rock Tomato Plants, 15c per 100, $1.25 per 1,600. M. R. Powell, W. Church and 6th streets. 8-4tpd FOR SALE At brick yard, Hamp shire boar pigs, $12.60. We do not breed anything but registered Hamp shires. A few sows and gilts left for sale. One boar, 1 year old, $40; one boar, 3 years old. x 8-2 1 T. L. BRANSFORD SONS. Union City, Tenn. Spring surgery and swine vac cination. Advice and prescription : er phone, $1.00. Calls' to farms 'reasonable. Both phones. E. W. YOUNGBLOOD, D. V.M. Will Impersonate Literary Notables , at Chautauqua Here Mark Twain, Longfellow, Riley, Hugo and other literary masters will live again in the lmpersonative lecture-recital to be presented by Sidney Landon, humorist, scholar and Inter preter, at the coming Redpath Chau tauqua. With the aid of wigs, grease paint and vivid descriptions, Mr. Landon pre sents character studies and speaking SIDNEY LANDON likenesses of a number of the best loved men of letters ; and while In make-up, he reads from -their best known masterpieces. One of Mr. Landon's favorite Imper sonations is of Mark Twain as that famous humorist appeared on the. oc casion of his seventieth birthday an niversary banquet. Poe and Bill Nye, Tennyson and Kipling also appear In therlRdwpgallery of lmpersonative The Landon lecture-recital Is Inspir ational, educational and entertaining. Rub-My-Tism for Rheumatism. Dr. C. W. Miles la at Dawson Springs for a few days. . . . 6 6 6' cures Malarial Fever. . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sullivan were Sunday visitors in Martin. Dr. V. A. Biggs of Martin, was in Union City Monday on business. 666 cures Dengue Fever. , Dr. and Mrs. T. F. Thomson leave this week to locate in St. Louis. Miss Aletha Bonner, of Rlvcs, was a visitor in Union City Tuesday. 666 quickly relieves a cold. Mrs. R. A. Pierce has returned from a visit to her sister in Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis, of Martin. were visitors in Union City Sunday. Rub-My-Tism, an antiseptic. W. C. Kelly and W. T. Harris were business visitors in Dyersburg Mon day. ,- Dr. J. P. DeLaney, of Lake Village, Ark., was a visitor in Union City this week. -Go to Corum's for FRESH Can dies of All Kinds. J. L. Haguewood, of Rutherford, was a business visitor in, the city last week. . Dr. T. F. Thomson has returned from California, accompanied by his father. , Go to Corum's for FRESH Bread and Cakes. Attorney C. A. Ogan, of Dresden, was in Union City Monday on legal business. Mr. end Mrs. Joe Tucker and Mr. Joe Scearce, of Troy, were In the city yesterday. R. H." Rust and J. C. Harris at tended the local dance at Hickman Monday night. -Go to Corum's for the Coldest Drinks in Town. Mrs. M. L. Stroud was a week-end ! visitor in Jackson with her mother Mrs. W. B. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Stephens and Mrs. Amberg, of Hickman, were in the 'city yesterday? Mr. D. Smith has been very sick for several days at the home of his parents in the city. - Go to Corum's for Fresh Fruits of All Kinds. Miss Ruby Marlin left Tuesday for St. Louis for a few days visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Harold Henry, of the Trenton Herald, was here over Sunday visit ing his wife at Obion. Robert Reed and children, of Nash ville, were Sunday visitors with Mr! and Mrs. C. B. Jordan. We have the best FAN on the MARKET. Prices are right. Aver ltt Electric. Mrs. Lula Sanderson was 'operated on Wednesday for laige fibroid tu mor at Nallling Hospital. Mrs. Geo. S. Miles and little. son, after a pleasant visit in this city, have returned to Memphis. Dr. and Mrs. Engles and Miss Ma rie Reed, of Nashville, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Jordan. v . Virginia Stewart, of v Columbus, ;Ky., is recovering from a recent op eration at Nailling Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Jones have re turned from one of Mr. Jones' trips over his commercial territority. Now is the time to have your papering done. Newp aper is the best, our stock is all new. Red Spot Paint & Glass Co. ' Mrs. W. 6. Hailey, of Tampa, Fla., is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. J. M. Pickens, on College street. Mrs. N. M. Jenkins, Beulah Jen kins and Melbert Jenkins are visit ing relatives near Waverly this week. Hon. Finis J. Garrett, of Dresden, was in the city last week looking af ter his interests in the Congressional race. Mr. L. O. Caldwell, of East Prairie, Mo., was . a visitor here last week with relatives and friends In "the county. Protect your floors. Paint inte rior floors with Red Spot Floor Paint arid exterior with Red Spot PORCH PAINT. Save the surface and you save all. MrLige Brummel, of Cairo, is In town shaking hands with old-time friends. CC6 cures Chills and' Fever. Mrs.- George Kittlnger, of Hohen wald, who was operated on for ap pendicitis at Nallling Hospital, Is Improving rapidly. ' Miss Mary Lee Rodgers, who has been teaching In Trenton for the past year, returned home last week to spend her vacation. Go to Corum's for FRESH Bread and Cakes. , Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Needham, of Martin, Sundayed in Union City, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Capps, parents of Mrs. Needham. . Miss Edith Stemm, of Martin, who underwent an operation for chronic adhesive appendicitis at Nailling Hospital, ,fs doing nicely. Dr. E. , W. Youngblood,, deputy State- veterinarian, applied the tu berculin test to forty-three dairy cattle for shipment to Eldorado, 111. 666 cures Bilious Fever. ' W. S. Long went to Obion Sunday to attend the annual reunion of the Chritsian churches. Elders Joe Rat line and John R. Williams filled the pulpits. Dinner was served under a large tent. Mr. Lyle Boyd entertained the se nior class, U.C.H.S., at the Playhouse last Wednesday night : with Wally Reed and a few of his fellow screen artists. - To prevent a cold, take 6 6. Mrs. Lem Motlow and son, Conner, and daughter, Miss Mary, of Lynch burg, Tenn., are in the city visiting Mrs. Motlow's son, Mr. Reagor Mot low, at the Palace Hotel. Mary Miles Minter, Tuesday. Playhouse. . Col. John R. George has returned from a successful trip through Ken tucky. Says while at Sturgis, Ky., he saw' Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Stubbs, former Union City citizens. They are enjoying good heath and enjoying life. William S. Hart, Playhouse, next Thursday. J. W. Burney, a member of the board of trustees of Bethel College, McKenzie, Tenn., and holding the place by aDDolntment of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Church, I attended a meeting there one day thls'week. A line of beautiful umbrellas on display at Miss Flanary's. Messrs. Whitesell Harpole and J. L. Ranson attended the Trl-State Con vention of Funeral Directors at Mem phis this week. They will drive through from Memphis the new mo tor hearso recently purchased by the Harpole-Walker Furniture Co. See the beautiful rain and sun shine umbrellas at Miss Flanary's. Rev. J. L. Hudgins left Sunday for Nashville and from there to Greenville, Tenn., to attend the meet ing of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Elder T. C. Callicott, of Rives, ia at tending the meeting, a delegate from Obion Presbytery. Subscriptions taken for all mag azines., Mrs. C L. Ridings, Phone 601. Messrs. R. H. Rust and Herman Oliver went to Memphis Wednesday morning. Mr. Oliver will remain a few days a guest of the Ford Motor Company taktoig a special course in the repair department, paying espe clal attention to motor and generator work. Mr. Rust will- return to-day. Are you going to buy a fan this spring? If you are, see us first. Averitt Electric. if: 7 m m B. K. & Co. Sound advice to young men who would dress well Of course you want correct style and perfect fit the little touches of smartness and originality that distinguish young men's clothes from those of their elders. It is not difficult to satisfy yourself on these points you can see them. , - But it is also very important to know that the fit will last, that the clothes will retain their stylish appearance and give long and setisfactory service. You can be certain by selecting Ruppenheimer GOOD CLOTHES You will be enthusiastic over the handsome new models for Spring you'll like their youthful style, perfect fit and attractive patterns. Pure wool fabrics and skillful tailoring insure long wear. The Kuppenheimer label is ample guarantee of the quality. Come in and try try them on. Splendid Values Decoration Day. Sunday, May 28, will be decoration day et the cemeteries of Union City A good program is being arranged and will be presented next week. MRS. J. A. PRIETO, Pres. MISS BIRDIE WADDELL, Sec. Mr Get Your Ticket Your Ticket Now Redpath Chautauqua ThelOOyb Program 7 BIG 7 DAYS Chautauqua Here June Week 21-28 w. G. Clagett Company the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes. Phone 111 Union City, Tennessee Citizens Ice Coal Co. Successors to Union City Ice & Coal Co. Nothing; new but the NAME Same place. Same courteous treatment Same Phone Number 150 PLENTY OF ICEPLENTY OF COAL TELEPHONE 1111 nil