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i : r I,- r 1 i 1 1 1 ' r THE COMMERCIAL Marshall & Baird, Union City, Tenn. Entered at the past office. Union City. Tennes see, as second-class mail matter. FRIDAY. MAY 26, 1922. Democratic Ticket. For Sheriff J. W. (Wntt) Cherry For Trustee Armour Ratlin" For County Court Clerk R. H. Bond For Circuit Court Clerk J. N. Ruddle For Reuistet W. J. Edwards, Jr. For Representative. BRATTON We are authorized to an nounce S. R. Bratton as a candidate for re-election as Representative from Obion County in the General Assembly of Ten. nessee, .ubject to the action of the Demo cratic party. For Floater. CHAS. CLAIBORNE. We are author ized to announce Charles Claiborne of Dyer County as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for re-election as Floterial Rep resentative for the counties of Dyer. Lake and Obion, subject to the August primary. Governor McMillin's Address. The address made by Ex-Gov. Benton McMillin to the City High School graduating class last Thurs dcy night was. along the lines appro priate to such occasions, however on this occasion considerably enlarged and augmented. Mr. McMillin spoke only once with reference to political affairs, and that was as Governor he was particularly a friend of edu cation, further ng the interests ot the people of Tennessee by forcing the enactment of the uniform text book law. The remainder of the speech was on the value of good books. Com mencement is a term that is little un derstood until the passing of ye.ars finds us taking a retrospective view of life. We look tack on what ure we have made of the time. We real ize then the importance of useful books or the misfortune in the lack of these things. Mr. McMillin proceeded then with his review of a suitable library. First is the Bible, the greatest book ever written, compared with which all other works pale into the common place. . In proverbs we have r.lmost a universal education, as well as the inspiration which reveals the glories of life everlasting. No education is complete without the Bible and no life reaches its zenith without God. The prophecies, the proverbs, the revelations and the gospel dispensa tions are all an infinite conception in prose while the Psalms of David are poems supreme. The greatest logician of any age was Paul and his life and works are more vital and in teresting to the human race than all other works outside of the Bible com bined. Mr. McMillin seemed to be espe cially familiar with the scriptures. He is also a student of other litera ture, but in his advice concerning English literature The Commercial would like to make a few sugges tions. No doubt this class considered it a privilege to have so great a man as the speaker on this occasion to recommend a course of study and re view. Therefore with the man, time and the place it is important that the proper recommendations and the proper impressions be made. In the first place Mr. McMillin eulogized the works of Shakespeare, and in this he was undoubtedly cor rect. But as a great actor once said of a world-famed actress, "All is not pure gold" If Lord Bacon is not the author of Shakespeare's works and Shakespeare is himself the author, then we must bear in mind the fact that Shake speare was a strolling actor, so the commentators say, and that while he wrote imperishable and prophetic drama and verse he was of that class whose moral standards are not ebove criticism. This is not said to dis courage the reading of Shakespeare, but to point out the fact to discrim inating minds. It should not have moved us to make this suggestion but for the fact that Mr. McMilliu was rather severe in the criticism of Dick ens. True Dickens was profusely ag gressive in his references to America after his first visit to this country In Martin Chuzzlewit he has Martin and Mark Tapley marooned in a mo rass of swamp, which he sarcastically refers toas the Eden of America, while these visitors upon our shores pass thru the stages of swamp fever, Again, Dickens ridicules the early New Yorker as a provincial and a raw product of nature. But In after years he humbly apologizes. He is also censured for his conduct towards his wife, but how much of this is more than gossip none will ever real ly know. If we are to take, these things seriously then Lord Tennyson should be excoriated for an ugly tem per. It is said that Lord Tennyson was so rude to a visitor of the com mon ranks as to ask him to leave his house on the asseveration that there was nothing in common be tween .them. Mr. McMillin's .favorite poet, 3urns, was in his carl7 youth a free lover. So was Lord Byron a man of i the world, 'men wny single out Dickens for castigation. Neither the works of Dickens nor any of the other authors mentioned should suffer for their personal delinquencies. The sensuality of these works is the sub Ject of criticism. And here we have to make a comparison strongly fa vorable to Dickens. Dickens' mind did not seem to run to the weak nesses of the flesh. At least they were not reflected In his works. On the other hand he was probably the greatest character sketch writer of any period of English literature. But neither this, his humor or pathos, was the crowning star of Dickens' authorship. It matters that he did create living pictures of human char acter, but the great outstanding work of Dickens Is the political and civil reformation of England the banish ment of the parochial school, the madhouse, the debtor's prison and all their concomitant evils. What Lord Protector Cromwell was to the gov ernment of England, Dickens was to the English people. Dickens was not only a literary genius but he was a benefactor to the entire English race But enough of comparison. We now wonder why Mr. McMillin's pro gram of reading is not more varied. He mentioned, besides the Bible, Shakespeare, Byron, Dickens, Burns, Washington Irving very compll mentary, as he should have been, about the American author but beyond these he said very little or nothing. Advice to pupils about what to read embraces a large territory. Mr McMillin did not profess to be famll iar with modern literature, and the writer will have to admit extreme limitations along these avenues. The rule he laid down was that, unless a book received favorable Comment from the reviewers, or unless it pro voked a discussion of counter claims, it is safe to let the work pass un read. But to us it seemed, that a few more well known books should have been included in the address besides history and current literature. One of these books is Les Miserables. This book is a combination of fact and fic tion, history and government. A mas ter mind created the work. He was a man of letters, a student of govern ment and above everything that is interesting to an American he was a democrat. He wrote about the French ideas of law that led to the French revolution, and in doing this he created one of the most remarkable characters in all fiction Jean Val Jean. Robert Ingersoll once said that the greatest work of fiction, ac cording to his judgment, was the Tale of Two Cities, by Dickens. This was also a work inspired by the French revolution. But in our opin Ion a court of literary Judges would award the palm to Victor Hugo. No man, no matter how often he has read the book, ever reads again with out some new impulse or respect for the author. Another book quite different is John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Where is there a child of God or a student who does not value this book? It is as fascinating as a stand ard work or fiction. At the same time it is an allegory of Christian experience more strikingly visualized than any other work of like character in existence. Then there are others there are many. But these are the more im portant. We might make a choice of a few of our own. We might sug gest Hawthorne and Foe, also we might say something of the South's fine pens Grady and Sidney Lanier. But the discourse on Shakespeare by Mr. McMillin was indeed interest ing. His reference to the fact that Hamlet had set scholars to contend ing, without solution, the manner of the Dane's conduct whether there was method in his madness or that he was really overcome by the force of circumstances. ' The advice con veyed in this work and Hamlet's so liloquy were commented upon. This drama was probably made more fa mous in America by the great expo nent of the character, Edwin Booth, whose reading of the soliloquy is never to be forgotten. By far the greatest sample of wholesome advice, seems to us, was that of Polonius to his son, Laerte3, which runs this wise: "Be thou familiar but by no means vulgar The friends thou hast and their adoption tried, Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; But do not dull thy palm with entertainment Of each new-hatch'd, unfledged comrade. Beware Of entrance to a quarrel; but, being in, Bear't that the opposed may beware of thee. Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice: Take each man's censure, but reserve thy Judgment. ; buy, But not express'd in fancy; rich not gaudy: k ' For the apparel oft proclaims the man. Neither a borrower nor a lender be, For loan oft loses both itself and friend; - , . And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all to thine own 'self be true; And It must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not be false to any man. 5 III Get the Axe. " We are reproducing a portion of Gen. G. T. Fitzliugh's speech. It is good reading. But we are taking all that we are able. It strikes home goes to the very heart of things. Gen eral Fitzhugh seems to have come to a conclusion which Congress and of ficial government have failed to realize. The government has a pay roll of 917,000 people. General Fitz hugh proposes to cut this in half, This is fine for campaign purposes', but will Mr. Fitzhugh face the storm of ridicule and hisses that will cer tainly fall upon his head if he enters Congress and makes the attempt. Con gressman Fuller, one of the biggest men in New York State .tried it and the whole House turned on him with ; withering sarcasm. Congressman Blanton, of Texas, called their hands and got a wholesale bath of profani ty for his pains. Mind you, Demo crats as well as Republicans are in the political fleshpots. President Wilson's administration was not free from this censure by any manner of means, notwithstanding ne was a most distinguished President. The only President probably since the war who has made any appreciable effort to reduce, administration and government activities was Grover Cleveland, and what they did to him everybody" knows. All this high sounding stuff about centralization and State sovereignty is not easy for the masses to understand, but when you begin to talk shop they open their eyes. When you say cut out the hordes of cake eaters and grafters and reduce the taxes they know what you mean. When you say let five men do what ten men are hired to do it is easy to understand. When you say stop the organization of commissions and bureaus, the appointment of committees and the investigation of everything the opposing party does, anl reduce tb.033 we have already to an economic working basis, then the constituents have an idea what you are trying to do. They don't care whether it is State sovereignty, cen tralization or what it is. They know that the more the government en croaches upon the substance and ,the rights of the people the less there is left for the people. They know that the increase of taxes at the present rate will soon become burdensome and confiscatory. We know that the government is following the lines ex actly that have prevailed in old gov ernments. First a free country and an agricultural independence; then process of reducing the farming classes by the promotion of special interests and a taxing system which bears on agriculture; then tenantry, feudalism, serfdom, etc , and finally political chaos and national decay. The pork barrel and the fleshpots must go if democracy is to prevail. $5 ANNOUNCEMENT New Motor .Service for Funerals In order to conduct our business with the most modern conveniences and equipment, and to offer you perfect service and the finest funeral equipage, we recent!' purchased a motor hearse. The illustration will give you some idea of the rich beauty of this new funeral car. It has all the dignity, the refine ment and the quiet elegance which the most solemn occasion demands. The graceful hand-covered drapery the clean, simple lines and the beauti ful lustrous finish, make, it unusually' impressive. t .This hearse was built for us by the Sayers & Scovill Co., who have long been known as the makers of the finest funeral vehicles in America. We will be pleased to have you call and inspect this new addition to our equipment. Harpole-Walker Furniture Co. Funeral Directors Union City, Tennessee Whitesell Harpole Phone 354 J. L. Ranson, Jr. Phone 432 Office Phone 99 Two Officers of New Land Bank. Election of Lee Gibson as general attorney and of J. W. Brantley as secretary-treasurer of the Louisville Joint Stock Land Bank by the direc tors of that inrtitution, recently or ganized, was announced. Mr? Gibson formerly held the same position with the Federal Land Bank of Louisville, while Mr. Brantley has been cashier of the Federal institu tion. The directors announced that completion of the organization and official personnel is being achieved rapidly. The Louisville Joint Stock Land Bank was formed about ten days ago, but the institution already is func tioning. 1 President Walter Howell, of the Louisville Joint Stock Land Bank, who resigned as president of the Fed eral Land Bank of Louisville to ac cept his new position, stated that the institution he now heads is in receipt of a great many inquiries about loans on farm lands from many points in Kentucky and Indiana. He said that there is every Indication the farming element of these two States is taking a great deal of interest in Louisville's new bank and in the fa cilities which the new institution will afford the rural sections. Mr. Brantley, prior to locating in Louisville, was engaged in the "bank ing business at Troy, Tenn., for a pe riod of fourteen years. He first was cashier of the Bank of Troy and later cashier of the Citizens Bank of Troy. Louisville Post. . III! NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. Carroll P. Wilson et al vs. R. L. Da vis et al., Chancery Court, Obion County, Tennessee. In the above styled cause it appear ing to the Clerk and Master from the bill of complaint, which is sworn to, that the defendant, R. L. Davis and Victoria Davis are non-residents of the State of Tennessee, so that ordinary process of law cannot be served upon thetxi. It is therefore hereby ordered that the said above named defendants appear before the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Obion County, Tennessee, on or before the First Mon day of June, 1922, that being a rule day of said Chancery Court, and make defense to the said bill, or the same will be taken as confessed by them, and the said cause set for hearing ex parte as to them. It is further ordered that publication of this notice be nude four consecutive weeks in The Commer cial, a weekly newspaper published in Obion County, Tenn. This May 1, 1922. GEO. A. GIBBS, Clerk and Master. By Nelle F. Marshall, D. C. and M. Pierce & Fry, Sol. for CompPt. Costly thy habit a3 thy purse can Go to Corum's Drinks in Town. for the Coldest Now Redpath Chautauqua The 100 Program 7 BIG 7 DAYS Chautauqua Week Here June 21-28 A Permanent Job. Bergdol has discovered that, while there's such a thing as an ex-service man there's no such thing as an ex slacker. Nashville Tennessean. Notice to Bidders. Sealed bids will be received by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Union City, Tennessee, at their office in the City Hall, until 7:30 P. M., Wednesday, May 31st, 1922, when they will be publicly opened and read. . The work will include; (IA) 31042 square yards concrete paving, 8870 cubic yards excavation; or (IB) 26350 square yards asphalt; or asphaltic con , crete; or rock asphalt; or bitulithic paving; on ( concrete, or on macadam or on telford, founda tion. 4690 square yards water table, 96 1 0 to 1 1 090 cubic yards excavation; and (2) ,9540 lin. ft. curb and gutter, 3286 lin. ft, drain pipe with inlets, manholes and i junction boxes. Plans and specifications for the above work can be seen at the office of the City Recorder in Union City, Tennessee, or at the office of the Engineer, J. H. Weatherford, 64 Porter Build ing, Memphis, Tennessee. Copies may be had from the . En gineer for f 10.00. Payments will be made in cash. Certified check or bidders bond for ten per cent to accompany bid. Construction bond full amount of contract. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. This May 1 7, 1922. J. W. WOOSLEY. Mayor. W. D. KEISER, Recorder. Passenger Fares Reduced For Week-End Tickets Between AIT Points on Mobile fe Ohio R.R. Tickets sold each Saturday and Sunday, beginning Saturday, May 6th, and Sunday, May 7th, during the months of May, June, July, August and Sep tember. One anif one-'hird fare for the Round Trip, minimum St. 00 Tickets limited returning to teach starring point by 12 o'clock midnight Mon day, immediately following date of sale. N , . For tickets and further information apply to ' W. W. LOVELACE, Ticket Agent.