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The commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) 190?-193?, September 29, 1922, Image 1

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11 HE bOMM
Saves the Surface
Our Paper Is the Best
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Onion City Commercial. established 18H) IUa , A , , , ,,
Went Tennessee Courier.established 1897 t Consolidated September 1, 1897
OL. 32, NO. 27
Saves the Surface
Our Paper Is the Best
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out on top and who goes to his de
struction voluntarily in the name of
God andhumanity is the man worthy
of other men's adoration. It is not
the fellow who refers to sentiment
contemptuously and who wants to
find dollars, shillings, pence in everything."
The Lions. .
The Lions Club held a regular ses
sion meeting last Tuesday with some
routine work, including a report of
committees, Mr. H. A. Bransford on
the tobacco interests, Mr. Ranck on
the schools, and others on roads, etc
It is said that about half a mile
of the Troy-Union City road at Troy
has been graded, and that work is
moving along rather slowly. The
State Highway Association doesn't
seem to have available funds to keep
a large crew of men at work
A special committee in connection
with the Rives road was appointed as
follows: Fre'd Dahnke, J. L. Glover,
Geo. Moody.
Dr. Ira Park was appointed to
appear before the Obion County Court
at its October term, with Mayor
Woosley, to call attention to the im
portance of the tuberculn test of
dairy cattle in the county, now an
extension of the work of the State
Board of Health, which is reoom-
R. o J r i menaea ror me Denent or. tne coun-
. v.6w..6 tIeg fQr adoptlon as a general publlc
I, at the Cumberland Fresby- heaith measure,
terian Church. Services daily Mr, Ranck spoke aD0Ut the lnter.
at 10:30a. m. and 7:30 p.m. ests of the City Schools and other
A chorus .of singers with the schools in reference to the work of
well known soloist. Tom Scott vocational training. His remarks
as director, will lead the music. wcre d,rected to the fact that Fed
r- i j . . i j eral aid is availabl- to those schools
t.vciyuoay inviica ana cvy- which ftre eligib,e and make appUca
uouy welcome. tion for this aid, The Federal aid
includes agriculture', mechanics and
household economics. Five-eighths
Clyde lliller and Walter Miller Ar
raigned m Court.
ry out these resolutions.
Eighth, That we extend to the
Methodist people our heartfelt thanks
for the use of this beautiful church.
To this Union for the many courte
sies shown us. To Miss Adams and
her assistants for the plendid music.
To Miss Howell for training the chil
dren, and to each and every one who
in any way contributed to the success
of this meeting. We thank you and
,trust that we have done you good.
Magistrate's court was convened
here Tuesday afternoon, with Esqs.
McCorkle, Reynolds and Bratton as
Judges, before whom Clyde Miller . BEEEDING PEN OF GREAT
was untugneu oil a uaige vl prusii
tution and concubinage with a young
woman under the age of consent and
taken from home without the consent
of her parents.
Upon a motion of Attorney Ben
Morris examination was waived and
bond was fixed at $3000.
A similar charge was made against
Walter Miller who was arraigned be
fore Justices Bratton and McCorkle,
ana as oetore examination was
waived and bond fixed at $3000.
A great many ugly rumors have
been circulated about the guilt of
the parties connected with the charge
made above. It is, to say the least
of it, very serious, and the people of
the county are stirred over the af
fair, which had its climax here last
Saturday in the death of the young
$40,000 LAST WEEK
Cotton Coming.
Mr. Siler, of the Union City Gin
Co., is well pleased with the business
done during the opening week of
the present ginning season. During
the week nearly $40,000.00 was paid
the growers for seed cotton, which
VALUE TO POULTRYMEN was more cotton than the local plant
could handle, requiring a double
"Many farm women think it im- shift crew.
possible to have a special breeding Last Monday' Mr. J. L. Haguewood,
pen; but it has been proven by ex- of Rutherford, came over and pur
perience that it is not much work chased one hundred bales. The same
if one is interested enough to take day Mr. Siler sold to Mr. W. M.
the matter in hand and seriously Steward, representing a Clarksville
work it out," says Kate M. Wells, firm, fifty bales. The Union C.itv
poultry specialist, Extension Service,
University of Tennessee.
The main requirement is an extra
house large enough to house the
breeding flock. It must be large
enough to give each hen about 4 or
5 square feet of floor space. For
example, if you have 25 fowls in
your breeding pen, a house or room
yxj.4 reel wouia nouse them com
fortably. With roosts, dropping
board, feed and water vessels ar
ranged as in the larger laying house,
the birds will be well housed and the
only extra work during the year is
FOR KILLING NEGRO opening and shutting the necessary
doors so that one flock has free range
Trial at Hickman Is Concluded Late one day and the other flock the next
day. This will give each flock
chance to get plenty of green feed,
which is the main reason we turn
Ky., Sept.
25. In the
trial of Will Whitsitt on charge of tnem out of tneir
ELOQUENT STRAIN 0f teachers' salaries in these branches
. I of educational work is offered by the
Many beeking Copies Ol bpeecn on Federal government. Therefore Mr.
Ranck rpoke in favor of the work in
our schools.
Mr. Ranck also referred to the
commercial department of the City
Schools, to the effect that a part-time
branch of commercial work is rec
ommended. This work can be of-
Washington, D. C, Sept. 22. Lo
cal chapters of the Daughters of the
Confederacy to-day made unusual de
mands at the office of Senator John
Sbarp Williams for copies of his
speech on the bonus. Employees of
Senator Williams' office wondered
why his remarks on the bonus should
be thus enthusiastically sought. The
answer is in the extract with refer
ence to "sentiment in government."
. Reading this to-day Representative
Hull, Republican, of Iowa, said that
it was a pity that such a man as John
Sharp Williams should voluntarily
retire from public life, because his
utterances are uniformly an inspira
tion to the bovs and trirls who are in The 0bion County Teachers' As-
school. "I regard Senator Williams," sociation will meet1 September 30 at
murder in first degree, he was found
guilty and sentenced to 99 years in
the penitentiary, the jury being out
only a short while.
This case has attracted much at
tention and many people attended
the trial, the best legal talent of
this end of the State being employed
on both sides. In a raid made by the
county officers in Madrid Bend last
January, Whitsett was found with a
still in his home, and he with several
oher moonshiners were arrested,
their stills captured and brought in.
Extension Publication 70, "The
Tennessee Open Front Poultry
House," which will be sent to anyone
on request to the Extension Service,
is a good type and can be built long
enough so that a room can be made
in one end for the breedingpen.
September is the month for build
ing or remodeling poultry houses be-
cause the pullets should go into their
winter house by the first of October
so that they will be contented and
begin to lay by the last of the month.
. ., . ... ... .i
fered to those employees in business noruy arter tnis arrest, inrormation
houses who may be permitted to de- was received by letter that Whitsitt
vote one or two periods a day to the had shot and buried a negro, naming
study of commercial branches. Mr. the SDOt where he was buried, the
Ranck thought this would be a very officers going to that spot and dig-
valuablo aid both to he emDlover SlnS "P the body
ana employee, a co-operative ar
rangement to, advance business meth
ods and efficiency.
Obion County Teachers' Association.
A change of venue was attempted
by the defense the first of the. week
on account of the wide publicity giv
en the affair last spring, but this was
overruled by the Circuit Judge. Ma
ny witnesses were called in the case
i ne aeiense win attempt to get a
new trial.
said Mr. Hull, "as the greatest
scholar in the Senate and it is a sad
day in the experience of Congress
that such men conclude to quit.
There is no man to fill the place of
John Sharp Williams."
Senator Williams' tribute to "sen
timent in government," delivered in
Dixie High School, 11 miles west of
Union City, on the lake road. The
program is as follows:
10:00 o'clock.
Song Dixie High School.
Invocation and address Rev. Jno.
R. Williams.
Response P. U. Glover.
"The Benefits of a Rural High
i connection with his answer to Sen
J a'or Reed, of Missouri, in favor of School to a Taxing District" C. B.
12:00 to
l the bonus follows:
I I "Mr. President, the last address we
heard was from a Senator who a few
.' days ago referred to sentiment con
i temptuously. There is no poetry in
the soul of man who can refer to sen-
timent contemptuously. To say that
, I a man is sentimental is pay him the
., highest compliment that one man can
) pay another or that a pure woman
I can pay a brave man. The other day
I referred to the fact that the only
- thing that was not rotten and could
As loyal members of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union and as
loyal citizens of both State and na
tion, we deplore many conditions now
existing and affirm our belief in, and
hearty support of, the principles
herein contained.
Be it therefore resolved:
First, That the ballot is a sacred
trust and should be so regarded.
Second, That we as an organiza
tion take a firmer stand for Sabbath
observance and pledge ourselves to
use every possible effort to safesruard
bCttOOlS Dr. A. T. Bar- mir rhrlntlan SnhWh
I - .
Third, As an important part of
Music Misses
and Lou Phillips.
"An Ideal Course of Study for Ru
ral High
Song J. R. Williams, Jr,
Song Dixie High School.
Business session.
Dismission. -
Vital Parts of Motor.
The general motoring public is
paying more heed to the motors in
their automobiles now than they ever
have in the past, according to state
ments made by leading automotive
engineers. The desire for good look
ing bodies and details which add to
the comforts has not lessened a bit,
owing to this added motor interest.
"Probably the most interesting
part of the development of this de
sire of motorists to know their mo
tors is the keen appreciation of good
working parts which cannot be seen
or heard while in the engine," one
engineer recently stated.
"Motorists are beginning to realize
that the three vital parts of a motor
are in the cylinders, the piston
rings, pistons and pins. By renew
ing these parts inside cylinders which
have been reground, a motor may
now be made practically "good as
new." Shops are springing up all
over the country for doing this work.
Expert machinists are giving their
entire tme and attention to it. Spe
cial machinery and tools are re
quired; with these, the expert re
pairman regrinds and sometimes re
shapes cylinders to a slight over
size and then puts in new pistons,
made oversize, especially for this
purpose. These, fitted with new pis-
not rot was sentiment.
MENT. ? -
"I belong to a breed of men who
for 400 years have been dying on the
wrong side. Some of them fought,
like fools, for the Stuarts in Eng
land, some of them died in Tyrone's
Roman Catholic insurrection in Ire
land. Some of them followed the
' Stars and Bars until they fell in
J gloom, although not la disgrace, at
: Appomattox. We do not recognize
! that sentiment is to be referred to
; contemptuously. If it were to be so
'. referred to, the man who died for the
Stuarts was simply an infernal fool,
i and the man who followed Robert E.
; Lee to Appomattox did snot have
' much sense, but all the same he had
i heroism, he had courage and lie had
Keep the Good Work Going.
Names and places where Confed
erate soldiers are sleeping have been
coming in very satisfactorily, and for
every one sent Leonidas Polk Chap
ter feels very grateful to the sender.
But comrades, let us not tarry but
keep this labor of love and respect
going and going, until every grave
in our county where lies a Confed
erate soldier, wheth r in a cemetery contests and our county organization
or private ground, is properly marked 8tands ready and willing to co-oper
and their names recorded for safe ate wltn any teacher who shows a
keeping among our other Chapter Wlllingness to observe this law and
records.. Let them come. Send to als nances Willard Day.
Mrs. N. E. Beck. Countv Chairman. Fifth, That we urge the observance
Union City. And aeain.we thank vou. of botn Armistice Day (Nov. Ill and
the work of this organization is to
remove hindrances and temptations
and help make the world safe for
'our children and young DeoDle. we
condemn all suggestive, immoral pic-1ton pins' and tho r,ght rlng3' are
hir ohnwg immot utMn, wnat brings oacK lost power ana
all improperly supervised swimmine Pick-uP ln a motor."
holes, and urge that different times The need for piston rlngs can be
be set aDart for the smps- iont noticed immediately when the motor
advertisements; extremes in dress
and all other influences and expo
sures which tend to lower the moral
standards of our people.
Fourth, That we urge the teaching
of S. T. I. in public schools bv essav
Case Heard Before Magistrate
Victory Day (Jan 16), and that a
more general display of the flag of
our country be practiced.
Sixth, Whereas, this is a christian
charged with as- nation, we therefore urge that everv
i -
voting place be opened with prayer
Bob Comstock
communion with the immortal gods sault with a knife with intent to com
i oecause mey were in nis nean, ana mu muraer, was arraigned before Seventh. That we aeain tai a
the very spirit of Jesus Christ was, Esq. J. W. McCorkle last Friday and our slogan, "Everyone Win One;"
wormus ueiore uuu, ueuause jeaus uia case examinea on the part of the our motto, "Go Forward, Christian
unrisi iougni ror me greatest iosi aiate. uomstock was bound over to Soldiers:" and our kovnnto rcimr,-
I ' wwf '-wavu
Circuit a Loyal Citizen," and that we pledge
each other our constant effort to car-
for the greatest lost State,
I cause mat me worm nas ever wu-iiue January term or the
' . l n.t -3 i I e l mi . '
uesseu. me wuu wiiu uuea uui come tuun, i ne oona was SlaUO
slacks up and the gas isn't giving
the same mileage it did when the
car was new. worn or leaky piston
rings allow the gas and power to
waste by them at every stroke of the
piston. The excessive use of oil may
also be stopped by the use of correct
The McQuay-Norris Manufacturing
Company, of St. Louis, with its com
plete line of piston rings, pistons and
pins,, is perhaps the best known man
ufacturer of high grade piston rings
in the world. A complete stock of
all standard sizes and oversizes of
their Leak-Proof, Superoyal, Jiffy
Grip and Snap rings is now carried
in this city. Prompt and efficient
service can be given on all sizes and
oversizes, and he proper installation
of any type or price of ring one de
sires is now possible.
The only person who never makes
a mistake is the one who never tries
to io anything.
cotton makes a good sample and the
big buyers are wanting it.
A Big Job.
determination. And Mr. Warmuth
turned the trick. The boat went
from here to Richland Creek Drain
age District, in Weakley County,
near McConnell, where it is to be
used in cutting the main canal.
Improved Store.
The M. A. Kaufman store has been
improved with a rear balcony to make
room for his new goods which are
now being opened every day. The
balcony is one of the new designs
and is a very attractive addition to
the store. Mr. Kaufman has been
doing a good business in Union City
and the increase of his trade and nec
essary stock to supply the trade has
made it necessary to make more room.
Something in Carving.
Mr. W. M. Warmuth, of the Union
City Welding and Boilep Repair Co.,
is this week engaged in repairing a
dilapidated dredge boat, shipped here
by Reynolds, Givens and Hobbs from
Uma, Tenn., up in Carroll County.
The steel hull was straightened, re
riveted and many new sections added.
The boilers were reworked and new
flues installed. It was a job requir
ing a skilled mechanic and a deal of
Mr. Selmo Harris invites attention
to Frank C. Wehman's show window
on the first Monday in October, 1922.
Mr. Harris will exhibit a piece of
carving entitled "Roees," a specimen
of his handiwork.
Shorty Sez:
I am looking for all of you at the
union revival next Sunday at the
C. P. Church and I hope I will see a
big bunch of Union City's people at
tending these services.
Sedan $660
With StarttrmnJ demountable Simt
Common Sense
Many Ford owners can afford to own and oper
ate any car they may choose, but they prefer a
Ford "because it is a Ford."
For "because it is a Ford" means dependability,
ease of operation, efficiency and it means sure,
quick transportation.
And "because it is a Ford" means good taste,
pride of ownership and genuine Common Sense.
The Ford Sedan, a closed car of distinction, beauty
and convenience, is the idear all year 'round car,
for pleasure or business for the farm, town or
city. It gives you all that any car can give at a
much lower cost for operation and maintenance.
Ford Cars of all types are in great demand, so
place your order at ones if you wish to avoid
delay in delivery.
Authorized Ford Dealer. Phone 400 '
HarpoIe-WalkernFurnifure Company
354 AND 216-3 RLNGS
432 AND 32
The Commercial, $1 aYear

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