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LETTERS TO ' SANTA - CLAUS! if"""' -S. 1 Is Tia.iv..::'.ft..'j. Here? Mt Santa - Dresden, Teun., Dec. 12 Dear Santa: inns ai ftoec n py mmuimutn (I ddeec h 1 1 1 : : : - w w w2n vvvaav xzzxvqm3 B 5 3 3 3 nnmin SHS3S3S3 mnimr rc c oc c ccc canua kmehhnknn BSSmgggm your little girl Mildred Elkins Dresden, Teun., Dec. 18. 1916. Dear Bantu Glaus: I am a little girl ten years old and I go , to school. 1 want a big doll and doll buggy and all kinds of candy, oranges, apples and nuts. Alice Insco. Dear Santa Glaus: Please bring me a little doll and a little bed lor my doll to sleep in. Please bring me candv, apples oranges and all kinds of fruit. Don't forget my little sister. I am a little girl six years old. Ivie Dunn. Dear Santa: Please bring me a drum, born and all good things to eat. And please remember all the good gittle boys and girls, come to see mama and dady. Paul Paschall. Greenfield, Tenn.,Dec. 8,1916. Dear Santa Glaus: I am a little girl six years old. I want you to bring meS some candy, oranges, apples, raisens, nuts and a bracelet, and anything nice for a little girl Mary Taylor. Fulton, Ky., Dec. 12, 1916. Dear Santa Glaus: I want some Roman-candles, base ball and mitt and some candy, a violin and some apples, oranges and a pair of gloves and a pair of over alls. I am trying to be a good boy. Felts Rawls. Gleason, Tenn., Dec. 13, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I want some candy, apples, oranges and bananas and raisens and I want a little doll and carriage and all of the good things to eat and plav with. Please don't forget my little sister, Thelma. Aurora Cravens. Sharon, Tenn., Dec. 11, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy ten years old. I want a little motor engine, a writing desk, a tool chest, Christmas stocking, a typewriter, a shaft for an engine and some apples, nuts and candy.ibut please don't bring the switches. John S. Mitchell. Dresden, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy eight years old and I go to school. Please bring me a wogon and a horn and a little gun and some shot. Please bring me some oranges, apples and all kinds of candy and nuts. Don't forget my teacher. Carl Matheny. Gleason, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1916. Dear Old Santa Claus: Bring me some apples, candy, oranges and a cocoanut, raisens. I know you will come to see a emart little girl like me. I am a little girl ten years old, and would be pleased to get anything that is nice for a little girl. I want you to bring me a fur and a little doll, and don't for get my dear old auntie, who is staying with me; and also I have a dear mother, one sister and two brothers. Erie Sanders. Gleason, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I want yon to bring me some candy, apples, oranges, and raisens and some fireworks and a doll, and just any thing that will suit a little girl just ten years old, and don't forget my mother and two brothers. Mary Sanders. Cottage Grove, Dec. 12, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: lam a little boy five years of age. I help mama feed the chickens and ducks. I want you to bring me an automobile and lots of things to eat. I will hang up my stock ing and go to bed at 6 o'clock. Luke Morgan. Fulton, Ky., Dec. 18, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I am ajlittle girl elevenfyears old. I am going to school and in the fourth grade I am learning fast. I want you to please bring me a pink veil, and a maicure set, some apples, candy,' box of face powder and a good story bookland some water colors and some oranges raisens and a big cocoanut. Ellen Rawls. Cottage Grove, Dec. 12, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy seven years of age. I help papa feed the stock and wash the dishes for mamma. If it is not asking too much I would be pleased to have a train with a track, apples and oranges. You will find my . stocking in the dining-room. Paul Morgan. Greenfield, Tenn., Route 4. Please bring me a ring, box of candy, little dolly and a little dolly buggy, a pair of silk gloves a handkerchief. Clara May Rich mond. Cottage Grove, Dec 12, 1916. i Dear Santa Claus:-I ampapa's rooster-boy. I am three years of age. I want a little horse and buggy and apples and nuts and candy. Please do not forget little sisteT. She is not old enough to write you. Her name is Virginia Dare, bring her a ring and a rattler. Your little bov, Joe Mor gan. Dresden, Tenn.,Dec. 15, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy eight years old. I help my papa bring in wood and I dry the dishes for mother. Please bring me an air gun, and two boxes of B. B. shot and a billy goat wagon, and please bring me some candy and fruit. I have tried to be a good little boy J. Douglas Gibbs. Gleason, Tenn., Dec. 15,1916. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy eight years old and I go to school every day and to Sunday school. I would like very much for you not to forget me and all the little children in the world on santy night, and all the old people. Think of ray mother and brother. I want an air gun and some fire, works and anything that you think I would be pleased with. Willie Bennett Call. , Martin, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1916. Dear Santa: I Vant vou to bring me some apples, oranges and bananas, candy and all things to to eat and a big doll. Woody Laury. Dear Old Santa: I want a big China doll that I can play with, and a little stove I can cook on, and I want a little trunk and it full of apples, oranges nuts and candy, and, Santa, bring me a nice auto cap and I will be good. Bessie Arnold. Dresden, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1916. Dear Santa: We area little boy and girl and have been very good. We want you to bring us some candy, apples, oranges and raisens, Bring a doll for the little girl and some fire crackers for the boy, and anything else you think good little boys and girls should have for Christmas. Eldee and Shir ley Glisson. McConnell, Tenn,, Dec. 12,1916. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl thirteen years old. Bring me a big vace, a statue, some water colors and a blue ve;!, candy, apples and oranges, one or two cocoanuts and some raisens and everything that is nice. I have a little brother. He wants you to bring him a little wagon, auto, some lire crackers and some candy, apples, oranges, cocoanuts, raisens and some figs. His name is Bennie Jones. Lora Jones. Martin, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1916. Dear Santa: I want you to bring me some apples, oranges, candy, bananas andjall things to eat and a gun Norman Laury. Gleason, Tenn., Dec. 13, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: Will you please! bring me a doll, colored pencils, some candy, oranges and some nuts. I am a little girl ten years old. Ina Lynn Boulton. Gleason, Tenn., Dec, 13, 1916. Dear Old Santa: I want some apples, oranges, candy, cocoanuts and some nuts. Bring me a gun, a little andjanything else that you think a little boy eight years old needs. Leonard Boulton. Dear Santa: We want a doll for each'of us and work box each, some candy, apples, oranges, nuts and everything good to eat, and don't forget to bring our baby sister a rubber doll and a rattler. Myrtle and Rachel Arnold. Dear Old Santas I am a big boy eight years old and go to school. I want a top that will spin by touching a spring, and a knife, pretty marbles and any thing you think is nice for a little boy. Reuben Stow, Martin, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1916. Dear Old Santa: I am a little boy eleven years old. I want' a French harp, top, all kinds of fruits, nuts and fireworks. Clyor Trevathau. Martin, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me some apples, oranges, some candy, nuts, bananas and all good things to eat, and please bring me a nice pair of gloves. Blake Laury. Gleason, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I a little girl just eight years old and I do want you to bring me lots of nice things. I want you to bring me some candy, apples and raisens, oranges and a little doll and lots of other nice thing and don't for get my mother and little broth er. Audrey Ward. Palmersville, Tenn., Dec. 16. Dear Santa Claus: My name is Robbie Pentecost. I am eleven years old. I want you to bring me a purse, a bottle of perfume, a sewing set. I have a little sister; her name is Annie Lou. She is five years old. She want! a teddy bear, doll and some fruits. Annie Lou and Robbie Pentecost. Dear Santa: Don't forget me, I am a little bov that you always forget. Bring me a wax doll, six stalks of bannas. Awern Aber nathy. McKenzie, Tenn., Dec. 10. Dear Old Santa Claus: Please bring me a pop gun, a little stove, a doll and a dog, a box of fire works. I have been sick for a long time. I will try and be a good boy and not say any bad words. Leeon Adam3. Greenfield, Tenn., Route 4. Please bring me a box of candy, lavaliere, pair of white kid gloves, a ring, silk handkerchief, break fast cap, a little train, two pieces of wax, a piece of candy and a story book with lots of pictures. Mary Abney. Gleason, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1916. Dear Old Santa: I want lots of nice things. You know I want candy, apples, oranges, cocoanuts, raisens, and fruit of all kinds. I want a big doll about two feet high, black, hair, a fur, a ring, some gloves and anything else that a little girl thirteen years old likes, and don't forget my dear mother, brothers and sisters. Galey Canton. Greenfield, Tenn., Route 4. Dear Santa: Please bring me a box of chocolate candy, lavaliere box of handkerchiefs, a little dolly. Gertrude McClearen. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me an Irish mail, a Sandy Andy, sled, candy and some fruits. Joe C. Holbrook. Martin, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: Pleas bring me a set ring, of stationery and bring me all kinds of fruits, candies and fireworks. Gladys Trevathan. Martin. Tenn,, Dec. 16, 1916. Dear SantaClaus: I am a little boy seven years old. I want some colored pencils and a French harp, all kinds of nuts, candies, fruits and fireworks. Mosie Trevathan. Martin.iTenn., Dec. 15, 1916. Dear Santa Glaus: I am a little girl five years old. I want a doll buggie, doll, little dishes, oranges, apples, candy, nuts and some fireworks. Elizabeth Trevathan. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a doll and little rocking chair to rock myfidoll in,;and some candy, apples, nuts tend all kinds of fruit. II am a Jlittle girl eight years old. OpalDunn. Gleason, Tenn., Dec. 10, 1916. Dear SantaClaus: I want you to bring me a,wagon, a knife, tool box, some fireworks and lots of good things to i eat, and please don't forget,,'myrdear mama and papa. WilliamEarlShankle. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a little; kitchen cabi net, a big fsleeping doll, a little stove, a wagon, apples, oranges, nuts and other j! good things to eat. ElizebethlScarbrough. Gleason, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1916. Dear Santa: I am'a little girl ten years old.1ir.Will you please bring me a doll, a (Javallier, or something nice, some nuts and all kinds of fruit. VelmalFowler. Greenfield,;Tenn.,Dec. 8, 1916. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy eightjvears old. I want you to please',1 bring me some candy, appleB.Toranges, raisens, a cocoanut, fajfpretty tie and a testiment. TravisJTavlor. McKenzie.ftTenn., Dec. 12. Dear SantalCIaus: I want you to bring me'allto'e wash tub and a little wash board to wash my doll clothes. Bring me a little piano and lots of good things to eat. Don't forget grandma and grandpa and don't forget mama and papa. Ella Highfill. Gleason, Tenn.,Dec. 18, 1916. Dear Santa: I am a little boy four years old. I have been real smart. Uhelp work in my papa's store. Please bring me a gun, some apples, candy, bananas, oranges and all kinns of nuts. Robert Glenn Fowler. Greenfield, Tenn., Route 4. Dear Santa: Please bring me a ring, box of candy, a pair of black kid gloves, a piece of wax, a silk handkerchief and a little doll bed Brooksie Sullivan. Greenfield, Tenn., Dear Santa: Please bring me a lavaliere, a box of candy, silk handkerchelf, a box of handker chiefs, a bottle of perfume, break fast cap, stick of long John wax. Audry Abney.