Newspaper Page Text
It- .it V V 'a V. if' 7 ,f If "f i hi iH-k 1,1.' , It r .r " - 'imf r : v i 'ft I. , - , , DICKSON COUNTY HLMD g PBLISHED AT DICXSOU , TEM. ETSStT f UDlT BT J flcrltl Publiahinf Company cuiiauujij - ir, -.ii.gjima utere4 aa e-eond-clias nifiil mailer Ja tba poatoiiice at Ik:mu', it-am. 8m riptMa Bare. .,,. fl-fit U Ms. wiicripViort me psyabln in advance DonYjump to conclusions It i Tbu far we have noticed no amendment to the food bill nuking it uulawful for a person to fce:I "licktr" to a congteswmau. A sensible mat) (Won't rnre for hi wile bavimr tb lint word. Vbl KU bis gat ix for htr to 'claim thf tira. ton, and tlifn all in between Tb fellow who had a vacant lot ud didn't cultivate it U uw kick- iotr bimnelf ever time be ban t buy a lt!W wilted veetablea. Troy. N. Y.. haw more women wagfi narriem than nun MumI be a om ol "Kvarvboilr Worka but Katbrr.' Vice-President Marnball want to "iend the wind equad lit Congr to France with the aviator." Th wouldn t do. Aviators can t lly in a gale. The young fellow who wan firco for phoning bin girl too frtquenlly now wants to know if he if n't tn ht credited with "uoinir thru tire" foi her. It' worrying uh tii determine how fcurone, wteii tins wr i over, going to play euchre with a dock from which the kinga and queen-- have btteit eliminated. ' Kvery lime a great man goe out from the reur to view the Kuntdaii army, the bewhiekered tro(perd be come s i overjoyed that they rUfli right back to meet him halt way. Yea, we ar going to hoy n lihtr ty bond when the neitCiill in made Our tfuiiHcribt-rg have promixi d U pay up by ttieu. inw laugh, uarn jou ! Home wise clu'P ban Maid that you can alwaye judge women by then kiasea. But we've been a benedict too long to attempt any invention- lions in tbia community. Some of thee reformers are be coming ternhlv worried over tin poneiltility of women doiiuing trou era. Hut, then, we never were v reformer o do the don, n'. l i.i. I ,,-t t i me gin a( inn ouuaing neacnet account for the tHuntule, id then attire on the ground that they an practicing economy, and Mr. Mai hatut't a kick to register. A bell boy in a New York bote bad his automobile mtolen recently It' time theee idle rich quit leav ing their bauhlea' around hnwt,- It irmni ine cutnouy oi leeM roruiuitit folka. To the inind of. the Aiiiencai girl, a crave pourve ot danger net in the k'mv of thoxe Kreuch cirlt Better get hint Well in hand befon he leave, Jtnnie; then you cm mate turn ray the l iner w hwt he returns. . Many people nave not aiwayi greed with Mr. Bryan in hi view out every hum American will Here with his latewt that the wav to em the war, U .to go through it "Through" La the word. But pn1 an "o" in it make it "thorough,' too. ! ,. FINAHCISO TUE WAR. The t'uited Slate i financirgit self iu this war by loans and taxe It obtains fund froru the people some by taxation aud some by th sale of bond, and then it goes inu the market aud buys from the peo pie what it need The people sup plyth government with monev and thegoyernment with thi mon ey ouys Irwm the people what li neei for the war. There are, three sources from which the United States can draa the sinews of war. Kirt ia the fix ed proierty of the nation. Thb represents our farms, factorie. rail ways, uiiuee and all other propert) including accumulated saving. From the corpus or body of none 1 these, except the accumulated stv ings. will the government obtain war fun-ls, and even froaa the kecu malated savings it will draw a :e UUvwly small portion. Theee at ECHOES FEOU KHBSrOII SP8III6S Kingston Springs Happenings Always Interest Readers. Afteir readinr o! ao many people in our town who have bn cuni by I,r'i Kidney Pill. th ques tion naturally ariec: "i thi rdi- cine ej:iaily puoceful in oar neigh- boring town? The genert.ut state- im ul of tbia Kingston Hiaiagn ttui 4nt kat w room fo doubt - on tbia poiotv L. u. -inon. paioter ana paper hanger, High St.. KingwtoH Hprtng. Tenn., R4yr My kulneya bad troubled mi? for many year. My hack ached and was very lame and I found it difficult to straighten af tfr bending -over. The kidney ste- i rt'tioiiH went burning and they ai ed too frequently. The wretione were highly colored, tin). 1 ud thfet boxen of iJoan's Kidney l'illa and tney did tue more gooil than anything e!e 1 had ever taken. They r'!ieved me of all th trouble and cleared ' up the kidney accre tion!)." (0c. at all dealerw. Fontfr-Mib burn Co.. Mig's., Bullalo. N.V. ? curuuiaiej Having are inveetea in i.i i t induettru-H and butiiuef which are ii'ceMary to the country n welfare und pror'prity, ami it id only that portion 1 1 thete saving which are Kecking iuveHtineut that the govern ment will receive in eithange for bond. Tho second and the great source from which the government into de rive it war (und i the wealth pro duced during the war. Part of thin it will obtain by taxation and part production "of the ( tilted -States, from it farm, mine, factorie, and other source, amount to 'ifty bil- ion liallars a year, and out of this lifty billion dollar will come the fund, part from taxes and part from the sale "of homt. with which the United Mate will finance itself during the war. Hy taxation, thi;" gent-ration will pay u portion of the coet of the war. lly the sale of bond the next generation i called upon to pay its pmtion, and this lat portion will he paid from the wealth pro duction uTter the war. By thin method the capital of the country, its ource of income and wealth, are unimpaired. It i only the yearly increment of thi property that i called upon to hear a por tion of the cot of war. Thus, de spite the wate of war and the da struction of properly involved, the country may emerge from the cot:- lint ftronger financially, more elli cieitt and even wealthier than he lure, What the government receiv e it receive from the people with out impairing the source id wealth of the country; and p.wos 'if back to the people in exchange for the production of the country, It i in a way only a ehiftina of credit. The government collect the cur rent taxes and by mean of bomb Anticipate luxe of the year to ume. and all the money thus ac quired pae back into the hand i tnc taxpayer. I in i why gov C.I ernment which follow Mound eco nomic method not only are' not inipoveriinicit hy war hut pome- imes emerge this stronger a Kng- and did after the Napoleonic war? and the i'nrted .State "dirt after our great Civil War. Number ot teoograpllers Needed by the Uovernment ti'reat numbers of stenographer and typewriter, both men and women, are badly needed by tlu U. Government. The supply of qualified persons is not equal to the letuani. iht number cf vacancies in the Departmental Service (Wash ington. 1. C.) i o great that at present all who pa the examina tion, which ia held weekly in the principal cities, are certified for ap- pointment, and the need in the held bervice (positions outide ol WbhiP)iton, l. C.) is scarcely Jes urgent. Kxaminatiou are held frequently. number of men who can opcr- ite a typewriter will be needed in die various army ottice iu Charles ton, S. C nd Atlanta, tia., and these men will be appointed thru typewriter examination for the Field Service, so-called, lit a salary of $UXi( a year. s a patriotic duty, qualified per- ons are urged to apply. The ex- miations have been simplified by unitting the tabulating test, etc. Full information and application "lanks can he obtained from the Secretary, f cal Civil Service Board it any first or second-clafta iost dlice. or from the Secretary, Fifth (ice Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. f Resolution. ht U Raxiiiifcl by lb Toi Covaci! of tii Twin of t)H-ku,Tbal aa ekciiui b, aod tbe him ia ltby taUed llur, hk tfc four a4 of &b To a IVk, to be Wit brctweeo llie tmr ol 9 o'clock a. m. Md u ujck p. n : Til I" ItSDA Y SEPTIiM BEE 6, H17 lot the purpba J elnetiog urn Majfor, uo fUecaxkr, one hiani tad - tmt School PLreclor fion tint town laVlaxgt, and two AlkroMa tm eacb of the fwir Wd of aaid Town of IttWo. Ik it f aribw reaotvod. That tbt follow Wwiug ciUiieiw are bmby appAted t bold tttd eteetioa t tl- fitet deoigiut- AUU NO. LtJectwo to be bt-ld ut front of it. Jaine' llotel-T. J. Warrea, Ucivr; A, 1. Hjffo, C. I). FeaUea, CUaka; J. E. Urow, T.J. Harria, ii. J VuM-yar J, Jttdgea. WARD NO. 2-EWtwa to be bM n front of J. U. Gosntt') tot--A. I) Englii, lliiver; II. G. Stnsinf, C, L 8tt, Cfcrka; J. a fWklty, W. T. itiog, L. U. Kiu'ag, Judge. WAKU.vtf. 3 Lierboo to be Uel-t ui fr jiit of VV. A. CLainbcw A Co. buildiag -J. M.Ttioutpaui, Rtf-etver; VY.C.Doty, F. C. Uooeaaii, Cttrka; B. A. Clifton, W li. l'anli, It. A, Sootbiaad, Judge. WAKU .U. -1-l.k-eUoo to be bld to front of Wil-x nuilding-ti. W. Wyona, Keriav-r; 11. N. WitUwuus Jeff Sinilit, dwia; K M. .MAUtr, A. J.lXi"uur, W. 11. Uivkmtn, Judge. A tuotiuu waa made by Harnt aud ace- oq1ikJ by ldvrio-d that the above rwo (utiou lio udt'pteil. TIkw- voting for nJopliou were A. C. llugtw, T, K. 14 ward, W. J. ISugg, Oury llama, 11. T. t'oIlir. II. L. CHiaSHY, Mayor Attwt: ..IbCTHOMPSUN, Recorder. la ttiirNtiaoee of a reaolulloa of the Mayor and IWr 1 of Aldermeu of the t-alltttg tttt up &p Ut be- btd to Uie fvuf Ward thereof , on Thurlnv Septfrnlwr 6, 1017, for the purpoau of i-lecliog one Mayor, one Recorder, one Marohal and ou S- liix-l ini-eetor Iroui Ut towu-at- large, aJ two Aldermeo from each ward. lly the authority vented in ua aa Elec tion 'ommi4ouer for IHckaoo ('oonty, and flwlion In hereby railed for the above named ptirpoae, aad the alnve iiaiocd election otticera are hereby app iutcd to bold aid ehx'tiou. ThU Auguxt 7, 1917. K. 11. 8TONF, T. C. HE LBEKU. ' Election Coinmiaiiiuuen. Stomach and liver Trouble. No end ot misery and actual uf ff-ring is caused by disorders of the ntotnach and liver, and may be avoided by the use of Chamberlain' Tahlet, Give them a trial. Ihey only cot a quarter. -adv. To My Friends: As to trouble you read of in the Nashville Tennessean. abw Nasli. vihe Banner, stating that 1 was ar rested at Paris, Tenn., for violating the Bone Dry law; if you noticed, they said that I had a quantity of whiskey on my person. This is a mistake. I did not have any whisk ey on my person nor did I have any elsewhere Mr. Monroe Lane, one of the fellows that was in the car with me, did have some whiskey, and Jhat is the reason that I was mixed up in this alTair. If any of you care to, write Mr. Harry Han cock, the Night Marshal who arrest ed ut. he will tell you that I did not have anything to do with the 'whiskey, also the Sheriff. As to me riding on freight train, I was merely riding this freight so as to get back to Hollow Rock Junction in time to get on duty, as 1 was working there, and if 1 had waited for passenger train would have made me too late to go on duty. I did not drink any whiskey and had nothing to do with any. and when the time comes around you will see for yourself that I dd not. If any of my friends care to know any more about it you will .please write fo Mr. Harry Hancock',' Night Marshal, pari. Tenn., and he will substantiate what I have said about it. J. T, MOORE, Jit. The HUDSON COMt MKRCIAL COLLEGE WILL OPEN at 9 A. M, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3d. The School will be located in the hall over the. Hudson & Dooegan Hardware Co., Dickson. Tenn. For further laformatlon, call at the abo r-mcntioncJ building bttn the hour of n art II A. M or over phone. ' , .-' Cumberland Phone. Mrs. H P, Spen cer: Home Pkone. Mist SwU C HuJ- son. No. 135, Dkksosi, Tena. nETOSHESS' . ' OUICKLT.OVICCOL'i: ST tlfja STEWART Had Been Suffering Cirtatly For Many Years, Mr. Or Stewart, of 23 Irving Apartment. N4vi'5e, ha at list overcame the awful nerya condi tion which be bad be-n io for year. - Not only, ban he jheeo exceeding ly nercow, ijkjnt fct-J tort conaider able in weight; had even loat her tat for thing; bad no appetite, and could tt arct ly sleep at all; w all tired out and sluggish like all the time. - , VI am all right now." said Mrs Ora Stewart "and the firat brittle of Yin Hepatica did the work. - 1 saw where it was advertised a a remedy for juat such troubles fiotn which I was sultering, and 1 went and got it and tried it. It has done wonders for rue ami l want to rec otu men-1 it to any one tmrnng as I did." Vin Hepatica ia more . than single medicine. It i a combina tion ol eight of the best herbal rem dies known tn turdica! scieure and need for renturiea by the medical profession for stomach, lim and kidney troubles, jtervousi and tired feeling. Only reuerjtly did the great cieutit discover the art nf combining them all into the one great universal remedy, Vin He patica. . Yin Hepatica is not a '.'King Cure-AU," but if you are all tired out, nervous, can't sleep well at nights, constipated, your liver luggih, jrour kidneys do not work well; if you sutler from indigestion or other stomach trnibl. Yjn He 'VW'lWfV,vV1ailWWf;W cleanse your y"tern and tcrie "Jou up and make you feel yourself again Vin Hepatica is now being intro duced and explained at Clemore Phramacy, Dickson, Tenn.; B. K. Sensing A Son, Charlotta, Tenn.; Warner Iron Co., Cumburland Fur nace, Tenn.; VV. L Weakly, Bella- burg. Tenn.; W. J. Hackett, Trta- well, Tenn.; V. A, Bell & Co., Van leer, Term., and by J. It, McClel land, Tennessee City. adv. Homes for Orphans Wanted 1 There are today in the Tennessee Children's Home Society over thirty attractive, bright, healthy children ranging in age from tiny infants up to sevn years of age, These chil dren have as bright prospects, by nature, as any (hi Id that can he found. There only need is home training and environment to com plete their live of Usefulness ns citiiens. We are uwing this oppor tunity to appeal to the childless noines of Tennessee to take one of tliese little ones on trial. Ofcotirse, if Uie child does not meet the re quirements of the home it can be returned to the Society. One of the greatest privilege- alTorded the childless homo is the privilege of taking one of these little ones under its care. Remember our Lord while on earth said: ' "As much as ye did it unto on 'of the least of these ye did it unto me." Ami agaiu. "He that receiyeth one such little one in my name rweiveth me." These little fellows are longing for a home, jmd if you want,to take one on trial write B. U. Kegen, Superintendent. 21J 8th "A venue North; Nashville; Tenn. Chronic Constipation.' It is by no means nn easy matter to cure this disease, but it can be done in most instances by taking Chamberlain's Tablets and com plying with the plain printed direc tions that accompany each pack age. -ady. The Owl Printf ry is the place gat first class printing. to Just as your Family Physician knows how to treat your bodily ills and prescribe for them, so do we know how to treat and prescribe for your wearing ap parel. Taking cases that have been giv en up, is our sped- alty. hasley & Kel ley, phone 175. SW make a Specialty of Straw and Panama Hats. iiss!iville.cii.mto:c: i st. uuis mxito UIIKHIKfi SERVICE J The Marketior Division of the Traflk Department cf the Nashville, Chattanooga A St Louis Railway will furnish -to persons (lesirini to .fwrc&K,' the names fiittl addresses of the owners of the following ' --.; FO R S At Kl;.;:J i rS: I $ bushels velvet lean in th Kulll. ISO buahela Ctuion dovet weed, wdl aellja". amJ thouwind pound Red Top grass aeed, will sell in small lota; Bermuda grAt J; several cars fine beech and rnaple lumber; 2.OJ0 gitlloaa Sorghum tnolowra, will aell in moH Iota; Locuat and CKeetnut post; t carl wd of grawra or feeder. To producers will be furnished the names and ad dresses of persons by whom the following comtttodtties are i j ; WANT I ; ' ' lOO) buariela Barley arcd. in mU qnantitie; 1 00 bushels fWlle Bailey wed. 10 ton Velvet Uana in the hull; Burr clover stfed. eny quantity; Canned tomatoe. any quantity; I car. Grazer; I car Steers; 3 car Hickory King aeed corn; Crimson , clover ed, Uge and email c,uantitiea; 500 pound Red Top gv aeed. lg or small lota; Soy bean, mall lota or by the car load; 50Q pounda Lepelieza graas seed; 4 ton velvet bean meal; 100 bushel German millet eed; Jenneaare millet aeed, small quantities or car lots; 1000 buahcls Winter Turf and Rust IVoof oat; Gray Turf oats, amall quantities or car 6ts; 3 car Burt oat, Black -eyed peas, small quantities or car lots; 5,000 bushels Whtppoorwill, Clay firld pea, small lula or cailoads; Green pejqxjrs; Okta; Cantaloupe; 500 bonhe-U Rape seed, large or amall quantities; Red clover seed, any quantity; Abruat ii rye aet-d, any quantity; new Common Rye'eed, any quantity; l t-l . I 1. L I C LJ 1 I.-, t i pmind-Swe?-Ctvei'ed, Common and -Hairy .Vetch aerd., any quanty; New seed wheat and wheal for nuiiing.apy quantit. Barnyard manure, any quantity to carload; 2 buahrl White clover aeed. Breeders of live stock and producers of field, garden 'and orchard products for sale, except such as reuh the market, through established and logical channels, are invited to communicate to the undersigned compk'te descriptions, prices, quantities and other necessary in formation of such commodities. a Address, L P.BELL AH, General Agent, ' NASHVILLE, TENN Before Calling 4 . ' -!' - .'' The telephone directory is issued at f frequent intervals for the information, and benefit of the telephone-using public. t' , ' '-'' . - y '' ' Every effort is made to -keep this list accurate and up-to-date. It Is expected that telephone-users will consult it before making calls; A call for an incorrect . numbef cauiesdefay and possible annoy : . . ince; to. a ibSaljL . Avoid inconvenience to all con cerned by looting up telephone numbers b the directorybefore calling. y .. WniyMTiUphonrSmilt (CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY incerftfated 0. C. COLLINS Faneral Directors and Embalmer carry a com .pJete line ail grades, coflins and casket.-' Sjw-ial at tentiyM given to all call, day or night. ; Phones: Store 112. Residence, 136. "AUliO" PuOEHAU FOR WEEK OF AUGUST 21-25: TUESDAYWilliam "Fo present hia winiome star; June CVprice, in "THE MISCHIEF-MAKER--The pidariution ol lUpfni,. "And they all lived happily ever af terf. ' 1 hey had a great dral of trouble getting married, fcecaw; lets of peogle intetfrrrd. and tried to keep them apart but true TovS yo-u know. aTlwaie faiuft.pnT THURSDAY "HIE IlXIRESS CF COFFEE i);NV-.A Ti angle Fine Art play in 5 act, featuring Bessie Love. SATURDAY Ea nay pre'senta THE CRIMSON WINC"-the gretet war play of true year, featuring E. i t Calvert and all-etar cast