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SPENT ALL HE HAD SEEKING HEALTH GOOD FRUITS FOR PRESERVES AND APPROVED PRESERVinG METHODS U Prweeds From Sato of His Hems Went for Treatment Not Hot a Difficult Process and the Fruit Keeps Better; ' Than When the Ordinary Canning Process Is too Relieved Hint IB I I J ' I r- I J f 1 I 1 I H I .J I I I I 1 I . tRiw'-iAllliiir'lET M! w MIlIiJuuiJIlI I r- GOT A BIG SURPRISE Trotbits Dftsppesred and He Caff Now Work Ten Hour i Day Tanlao Did Mora Good Than TNi Iverythlnsj Else. ' ' ' ' "After I had spent awry cent mi lled from the sale of my home, and everal hundred dollar besides, !a trying to recover my health, two bot tle of Tanlac did ma more rood than verythlng tm put together," aald Robert A. I.and, a motor-man on the El Paso Electric line, who Uvea at 1013 Ban Antonio afreet. El Paso, "My health gave way fir year ago," he continued, "and for four yeara I wasn't able to do a lick of work. Even the raw eggs and milk I 11 red on owed to my stomach and almost choked roe with gas and ray heart act td strangely. ! hare been a railroad Mit and used to exposure to all ktnda f weather, and tny system had been .DO weakened by five spells of pneu tnoViis during the last four yeara, that If I got wet It laid me cp several Cayv "WWL air. It was the greatest sur- prise I erer had the way this Tanlac began .to straighten me out right from the atai-t I ran enjoy my meals for the flrt time la years. Nothing hurts bm any .more, I Bleep like a log and ft Bp li the morning ready for my Job, I wjork ten hours a day without letting tPred and em stronger and more vlglrous and have gained In weight Although I got soaked, to the xMaWaSm Auriutii pat' two weeks! U didn't hurt m a hit ,1 m so gratVful for wbnt Tanlac Is do ing for m( that I wunt everybody to . I. M l anow it" i There la a Tanlac dealer In' your town- Adv. ) Itlack-Cat Luck. A ccrlntn ,'renMi'ot In s country su burb, stiys tlio Guimllnn, makes a point of keying fipen the doors and win dow of his house. As lie sat In one of his breery rooms the other evening, waiting for tjlnner, bis wife came In from the kite ien. "We've Just hod a visit from black cat she wild. "Ah," he replied, "that's good. Black eats are lucky, you know." . "Tea," answered his wife, wtio dla tlkea cats, "th'.s one was certulnly lucky. It has ran off wtth the cod teak I waa Jimt going to cook for you." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC Yon know wht you are taking, at the formula la printed on every label, shewing It Is ' Quinine and Iron In a tutetas form. The Quinine drives oat malaria, the Iron tailds op the system, to cents. Quito So. """Wo may llv to at tfte tirphriM In common, everyday use like the auto mobile." "Sure! Put our chances of living to ee that will be better If we leave the experimenting to other people." IMITATION 13 8!NCtM8T.fUTTt but like counterfeit money the Imita tion haa not the worth of the original Insist on "La Creols" Hair Dreeing It's the original. Darkens yoar bohr In the natural way, bat contains no dje fries $1.00.-AdT, Considering, i "Thy yo believe a wife, la Juatlfled, pi- toktng money from her husband's bucket r I "Certainly. If ho Is careless enough go lenve. any there." L. Trr. V-mot'i Ta4 not mtv (tneis Warm at Tancrm but c'.ft&nA eul til nuou In whkh ihr bri nj toe ut If a man has nothing elite to spend Be can spend his vacation at home. To be found In bad company Is often isqutvalenAo being lost. EAT 3 ' wew pws mihkii LA Oiillsi tonstfiwtSon ondoOmentt irculrW a TS9C trtirlns: mm OUARANTCID an4WM4ee "BhrmsDruj 0 mi ss All Draw 101 1S SI V i r . m w mm , TM9. 2 ' Packing Jama CPTepare! SpertaJT tf the Vntted Blftlne l(Mtrtmut of Airteullurv.) The traits which, are so plenttful In many parts of the country this seaeon may be saved by preserving as well s by canning. IYvsmes and simi lar products differ from caunod fruit sk" ttaf ' ttarfc '?nr!: prwptlrti 4t swat arc nsed in prsptrin: tV-n, Jn that they are" cooked longer, ' u lit that special sterlllwtlon la containers la cot necessary In all cases. Ilcauo of this many of these pruducts nay be packed In larg-nucked bottles and glaaitea, and seaUnl wtth cork, paruitln, etc. Tight-sealing Jura thus may be saved for canning. rreserves, Jama, marmakdm, etc, differ among themselves in the propor tion of sugar osod, the degreo of cook ing employed, and the cotmisteccy of the flalshed product Thoofch leas economical to prepare than canned fruit becanse of the relatively large amounts of sugar used, preserve and similar preparations furnish a variety In the ways of putting up frolts and make valuable additions to the winter ration of sweet foods, Simps In Preserving When preserves are property made the fruit keeps its form, Is plump, ten der, clear, and of good color, the sur rounding simp being also clear and of proper density. In making preeervea the object Is to have the fruit per meated with the simp and this can be accomplished only by careful proced ure; lu order to prevent shrinkage It Is necensary to put fruit at first Into thin simp and increase Its density slowly by boiling the fruit In the sirup or by alternately cooking and allow ing tbo product to stand Immersed In the sirup. If at any time the fruit Hhrtvets or wrtnkkao the strap should bo made lees dVuae by the addition of water. To make thee strops boll sng&r and wator" "together In the proportion gi' Mlbetow "until ' Stgar " U i'" dLsaolveO. Strain sU Imparl ties out of tb sirup before using: fitrsp No, 1 Fourteen ounce sugar to om gallon waUtt Sirup o. J One pound, M ounces agar to one gallon water. ' Strap No. 8 Three pounds nine ounces sflgair to one gallon water. Slrop Ko. 4-Lftve pounds, eight ounces sugar to one gallon water. Sirup No. 6 fax pounds, 13 ounces sugar to one gallon wster. If no scales ore available, the amounts of sugar may be approximat ed by measuring, using one pint for each pound and Id tablespoonfnls to the half pint For the recipes which follow all measurements are level and the standard measuring cop holding half -pint Is used. Tor fruits like peaches, pears, wa termelon rind, etc. preserving should be begun in simp not heavier than No. 3. Juicy fruits like berries can be pot at the beginning into a heavier sirup, about No, 4, became the abundant Juice of the fruit Quickly reduces the density of the sirup before shrinking can take place. When the preserves are finished and ready for packing, the density of tbo sirup should have reached that of 2a 4 or No. &. Sirup made with very acid fruits can be mads heavier than pure sugar sirups without danger of crystallisation be cause the add Inverts soma of the sugar, changing It to a form which rooktng will hot crystaUiae readily. OooMna-&oce long cooking In jures the color and Savor of fruits, tt tt desirable to cook delicate fruits such as berries for as short a time as possible. Cooling rapldry after conking gives preserves a better color sod flavor than con be secured when they are packed hoc SUnding im mersed In sirup ater cooking also helps to plump them. JX berry pre serves sre covered for a brief time before removing from fire and the ves sel left covered while cooling, the product will be more plump. For cooling, shallow enamel tray (Dfi :-:-.,.ts v ;;.;, ten In tho Mosstv or pans ore desirabbx Tin IS not de slrabte because fruits will discolor in It rack preserves cold, bring the sirup In which they hate stood to boil ing, test by observing thickness when poured from a spoon, and If of proper I dvpo over the racked pro- serves, pacmimg win mra wrwaeu ptro tUe,e M bld to rumors oil air bubble, If not of the right density for packing, the sirup must be concen trated by bolting. To seal properly and to Insure safety from mold It la desirable that all preserves be pro cessed, Tight-sealing Jars must be used, therefore, for these products. Since they can be sterilised below the boiling point processing at simmering (80 degrees C) for 30 mtautes Is pre ferable to boiling, because this tern pw-ature will give better color. Too general directions gtrro msy bfl applied to practically any fruit 'to make preserves. For oddirJoosl con venience, however, the following spe cific red pes era given for products moot likely to bo abundant during tb retnaiadar of the season. ' Watermelon Preserves-Out one pound watermelon rind Into Inch squares, Allow to stand overnight In clear water. Drain and cover with about No. 8 sirup (2 cupful sugar to 1 Quart water. Boll for 23 minutes, Let stand overnight Immersed tn sirup. Next morning add Juice of half lemon and three slice of lemon additional for each pound. Cook uutll transpa rent (about one hour). Let stand un til cold. Pack, add the strap, garnish-' lag with alkca of lemon, cats and pro ceo Glmjeead ' WsjtsrmoKm -Rino To each pound of rind cut mto 1-Inch sqnarvs, add two quarts of wster and one ounos slaked lime, Let stand In lime water overnight Next morning drain and let stand one to two hours In fresh, oold wster. Drain well and twtl rafodly la strong ginger tea. (ona ounce ginger to one Quart water) for 13 minutes, Drain, put Into No. 3 sirup mods by using one pint strained ginger tea with on Quart water and one and a half pounds of sugar. Cook until tender and transparent (about one and a half hours). After boiling t half-hoar add half lemon sliced thin. Flaw In shallow pans' to coot, having the rind welt wvcred with si rup. When cool arrange pieces st tinctJvely la Jars, cow to overflowing with sirup. Cap, clamp, and process. The density of the pwttn slrnp for preserved and . gingered watermelon rind (also flgs end peaches) should be between that of No, 3 and No. & Pooch Preserves. Doll three pounds sugar and three quarts water together until sugar Is dissolved. Strain out all impuiitlea, Have four pounds peaches well sorted so that all are sound and firm. Peel the fruit tftw Immersing for about oo minute (or until tha skin slips off easily) Into boiling wa terthen into cold. If desired, cot the fruit Into halve, or thinner cres cent-shaped slice. Add the pesche to the sirup and cook until dear and transparent Remove fruit to shallow tny, cover wtth sirup and let stand over night to plump. Pack Om preserves tn sterOtied jara, carer to overflowing with sirup, which should be further reduced by boiling If not thick enough. Adjust lid and rubber and process, . Tosnass Press ryes. Kak g sirup, using two cvpfuls sugar and tare cupfuls water;' add one lemon sliced thinly, sit Inches of stick cinnamon, and M boil 13 minutes; then sdd one pound of small "yellow plums" or egg tomatoes," which have been pricked with a coarse needle or scolded and skinned, ret simmer until tomatoes are clear. Remove tomatoes and spread out tn a tray. Cook sirup until prop er consistency, pour over the totna toMi and allow to stand over nighty Next morning park into small Jars, pour sirup ever them, partly seal, and process pint Jars 13 sUautes, s. -' New Discovery! Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Uke Salivate or Make You Sick Don't Lose a Day's Work HarmSess Liver v Medidne for Men, Women, Childrern-Read Guarantee! Ugfc! CaJomel makes yott'iick. It's hortjUt! Take a dooc of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes in to contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it tip. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish und "all knocked out,"" if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated, or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you Giving Him a Scars. A young soldier had gous to the theater with a friend. The ploy drag ged and he fell asleep. An hour later he was awakened by tha voice of an actor saying; TVeihavibeen her Bvs days" "BleS mWl and I had only leave to stop out oil midnight 1" ' OFF WITHOUT PA1M Cincinnati man tails how to dry up a corn or callus so It lifts off with fingers, Too corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed yon before, soys this 'Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of free tone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at one and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted off, root and all, without pain, A small bottle of freetone costs very little at any drag store, bat will posi tively take off every hard or soft corn or Callus, This shonld be tried, as it Is in ex pec si re and Is sold hot to Irri tate the surrounding skin, If your drnggist hasnt any freezons tell him to get a small bottle for you from bis wholesale drug house. adv. Might Work, "We are extending too many speeches In the Congresslonsl Rocord." "tVbat's tho remedy, senatorT "When member gets tired let him continue his speech by nenni of a grsphophone." BABtCft AKO CftOWWva CtitLOfitVN need a touic to tone op the system snd regulate the liver. Mothers ore con stantly using with wonderful success, oar "rianUUon" Chill and Fever Too le Pleasant to take contains no Cal omel. Price SOc. Adv. Mola A negro who was well-known to the judge had been baled Into court on a charge of having struck a relative wtth a brick. After the usual preHm tnaries, says . Everybody's U&gaslne, the court Inquired : "Why did you hit this manT ... "Jedge, he called, xn a black liacat "Well, you sre one, sren't your Testsah, maybe 1 is one.. But, Jedge, spoee some one should call you a black rascal, wouldn't you hit 'emt" ,"But rm not one, am IV "Xaw. sah, naw, ah, yon alnt one; but spose some one'd call you do kind or rascal you is, wnai j you aor His Chief Desire. General Persuing told In Paris a story about a young American soldier. "Ue talked a lot on the toyege over." said the general, "of the delight he wguld take tn sightseeing 'when on lea tit - " Donl miss Notro Dome cathedral tn Paris,' sold a French volunteer. "You bet, I wontr sold he. "Dost miss Westminster abbey In London,' sold a Scot "'No, slreel But, say, fellows,' the young soldier declared, the thing Tn craxiest of all to one Is the Church of England.'" Fstol Detect. "Bow does that nosy Question de partment wottf - . It wont answer P03TTQAS7IES (Maria Con) eatfi star The Ruling Passion. Floor WalkerHurry out, madam t The store's aflre. .Jus,walor,fln; sale. ON FIRST SYMPTOMS use "Renovlne" and be cured. Do not wait until the heart organ ts beyond repair. "Renovtne" ts the heart snd nerve tonic. Price 60c and $ LOO Ad. Old 8tuff. "MlM Scarieaf come very near giv ing her age away the other night." "How did that happenr ' "She was telling about having once seen a melodrama In which the h-io saved the heroine from being decapi tated by a buss saw." Birmingham Age-Herald. M MMIMMM WOMEN 1 IPS CHEAP! I USE LEMON JUICE TO i MAKE BEAUTY LOTION i In all weathers the, skin and com plexion can be kept wonderfully dear, soft and whit by tha use of this lncs pensive lemon lotion which any girl or woman can eaatly prepare. ' The Juice of two fresh lemons strain ed Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white nukes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beau tiller at about the cost one must tyy tot a sjnall Jar of the ordinary coia creami. Cafe should be taken to strain the 'lemon .Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to bleach and re move such blemishes as freckles, sal lowness snd tan, and Is the Ideal skin softener, tmoothener snd beantlfler. Just try it I Get three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make np a auarter pint cf this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and hidden beauty of any skin. Those who will make tt a habit to gently maweage this lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands one or twice dally may be re paid wtth a skin that ia flexible and young lkIhfAd a peach-like com plexion, A4t. A New Excuse. Mames, you ore a dollar short In your pay this week." 7c. my dear. I bad to meet the installms&t on ray liberty bond." A HINT TO WtSt WOMEN. Deal safer torrore whoa oil feaals woaUes will vacua ia fkia air after swag "FemotuM." Price joe ad t.oo Adv. To the .Ictort belong the prlvilega of lighting over the spoil- n wDart,nowa a woman has solved a grcs! ng-sterr. Calomel But D&sn't right, tip and make you feel fine and vigoroat want you to go back to the store and get yoc money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying sale of calomel because it is real livtr medtclatf entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate ? make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's lift Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constirwfttd waste which is dogging pur system and raikfart you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle vt Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire faatst feeling fine for months. Give it to your chfldresS. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they, like its plea ant taste, Adv. SsUr3r47tnL Tot CtsHswsfgstClkilns It FKmSSbW Ab i kill Cttsd Strti(tknii(Tc3. MaadttMatssl Net All Awful. Mamie "Marie says that she Sn.swful lot of friends." Mlrtasa bsd." Judge. BlMfJ !W ! "!!.'..!' 1J".1," ' Getting Old Too Fast? late la life the body shows atgoe si wear and eftea the kidneys weaken fart. The back la lame, beat and aelsA and tha kidney action diatreaaiag. iMs makes people fel older than they as. Don't wait lor dropsy, gravel, hardes ing of the srteriM or Bright' fllssaaOi Use a mild kidney stimulant. Try Dean's Kidney Pills. Thousands of a derly folks recommend thenv Tirlmiae) Cats ' Mrs. It U Johneon, 114 S-on4 Ave-, N., Fraaaiin, Tena., sayst "Ur kldneya were weak aoa I auRered from a dull chins tfarwth the smeJI of snr back. I tired so Mil? the! I eftea had to slop mr nouMwork, I rrquintly bad h4 aene and 1 orten sot rditsy I almiiet fell hed other eymptoms of ktdnev trouble, too. Finally, I uaod Ihmui's Kidney Pills and thee teileved all those ail meats." Get Deeafc at Ar tasfo, tt a Wm rOSTDUOUIUlUt CO, SUrTAUX KT. HAY fEVER-ASTII3 tSMoaef over? ehM el Oeihae, neejil Aieo 4 i OMMeue eraiMw MeieTi Stay nil 1 MMsMM mbMV tiWMM tits) sVNsMfesf 9SS)IMsWbiVMbMbb) .sna.ak....joe"e a eeMAI .." iGTHGADOLd AND AITHMADOsl OlwARITtO i aftvue tneaeeovo iMAM MM f USE IT raw Carta ae AHew Sbavss As) Newt I7ss MoMy Wk oitkoat foosUoa u HL'sn-a ci-as telle la lreoMi of ITCS, BCXMia, Ri MO WJ,TSTnUt r Oifce flektag ekto SteMeee. Wlia ie4dnurrtete,er aiwussilisaan, W. N. U, Mf MPHIS. MO. S-ttT7. Some women are no busy tryfetf tt preserve their charms tlkal hrc haveat time for anything else. V .-;; hiu. Ta. mm - - ' - - W toOlea TMUe Hue. Tky Oct tomvi. Some (CMiS cause oxdlns? wr sad srroe scolding wire caose etc WhcoYoorilCcC -Try Murine Eye RccL ) S taMint-jM ke Oomu,. imtr Prrf f pm Write for Vm S)e I IM a seneeeww y f Injmtl ye y t Xe )g ee te Wf yweeVe lie iSWila i I k nafiM vfilfbe kfM yot eMoey llse I tC we eeTj 4W-o7 aor-Sewef k ( vklehoeeeeiieiete. kj VSf lut M anurtiMe, or eiwe trom r"l a j.l JkeastSftlU U f MAjkUMa!Tl 4 trwassgefensj WtmmmmmTwJM T V