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i1 f(" we" i.-wWTfaM"r'l iseaUsBSssM j To Crr 'iFrltcis and Gatows, One and All: f ,,1, f -U( f - y-. We like, competition that gives you a v cbattca to examine voodn. pikes and quality aad be convinced by your, own judgment. : Our goods were bought in plenty to time to meet ony competition. , We want to buy your EGGS, at top prides and will pay you cash or trade. We will pay you cash (or Crossties off youjr wagon, .When you cotne, remember that we hive a well line of Ldie' Spring Coati. Come in iod look them over. We itili have plenty of Gingham at Wc tr yard, and Tobacco Canvas at 5c per yard. We have junt received our Spring line of J - Ycttnjt MenV l'antu; aUo, a duudv line of Men n, J Young Meii'a and Boy' Spring Suits. " DotitTOi looking at our gooda. We are al t wayi glad to ihow you, whether you buy or not. We thank you for the nice trade you have given Ia ut in the tet and solicit a continuance of name. Come to tee us. TOM HALBROOK. R ! I , t,'V'TlWr 1 , I,,,,, I Xtl Li ..1 1 lli.l Intofttllai Utter From . , A Former Dickson Boy J 1ht totlowlog ietUr from Ijuu Tocuiiuitua, wiit of Mj. thI lr. W, A. lomlloiwa. uJ fwrtnrrly a rei dat of ihia pl, but U dow "re- ' iJdiog" ilti l'ncl otii, m supply Brgnt, ititlood t Cutnp Dau ruJ, La., b ba rcivwd. tad U It U brimful. ol iutrrmliujt fact, od knowioK thai hi ruaiiy Mnd would Hk to hr from bun, we tad plaur la publishing Camp Boauregiud. La. Editor Dickson Couuty Herald: Army life would h tuurt thw tiraaow it it w not for the ttuught of fritoda back hooia and ploatant luaoioriaa of daja kou by. ho apaakiog of army hit Uer ar fen ouuido ths army that can half way comprehend what il nicana and what thou ia it am umirrttoiog, With all tba unpleaaant and pleat t thing that can b aaid about it, it ia going to b Uie making of many a man, not only phyaically butiuor ally aa weii. VV'e hate a city bare of arral " ttiuAan1 pe'opti-l Otijr1- thai w takna none ot that portion of the race that eithor makea it a hell on earth or a heaven for man. The ladive are a thing of the pat with ua. We have been under quaran tine aince the firet of Januarv on account of Spinal Meningitii. To nay that I like the anny wonki be the wrong conception, but under the cinumiBtaocae I would not he eatitneil anywner eleeu. ne art flahtloir for a ca'uie which no v Tao appret'iate half ae well a thcM Xti the ftf. - TW uf 10 r erlaetiug peace i iu kuown t thoee out of the army. We, who have bad a taite ot what war l'an comprehend more thoroogtJy- wha an everlaatim twace would mean not oofy to ua but the 'gwieratioo to rra. A man who ia not willing to make the world a(e for, not oolj the other auana children, but prob ably hta own. haf uot that true Am erican blood m him that the prin ciplea of thia nation are built upon Kor the above reaaoua, and no olbrr I utuat aay that I am glad that atn in the army, There la an id preyaleul in the niinde of a great many people that the army ia de grading. Toere never wae a bigger mietake made. When a man en lint in the artuy, be ie going to he confirmed in the ideae which he hf ot life, if he baa the right pnnci plea he ia going to be made atronget in them. If be baa not had that training in childhood which e7ery on ia due. then he ia toing to be found a uk) 01 thoae who have no re apect fur themaelvea, much aoj found to have either good morals 01 bad onea: In civil uie, one can cover up a multitude of eiaa and preeent himeelf to society a re a gentleman, but it ia not true in the army. Why It i, I know not. hut there are a great many people civil lite who are judging te arm aa a whole by the fhort-comiogi of the few. Let a eoldter get in the 3 TIkl Coming of Spring is not far away, and your thoughts will he directed toward making purchases oj rfurhituft and the various new furnish ings you will need in the home. No mat ter how elaborate or modest your demands may be, this store is prepared to meet a!! needs promptly, as our lines are so veil selected, so amply stocked, that we can give perfect service in every respect. Call in and let us show you. Discard That Old Cook Stove Get Q New one, and pay for it in econ omy. We offer a line of Stoves that give xa best value your money can buy. They CONSERVE FUEL.give Positive satisfaction in use, and meet eir ery demand fully. See US NOW! YLOR BROS. Dealers ia Furniture and fiouseFaraishins; ; Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Pkfitt: CmhrUnJttS. 9 73: Cttittnr-' im4 1SS, iettt bit iA IrosbU axU tb gcW;p aUfK aod thff iaJge c ail the aAcnc. ' Mas I' a night 1, aa weU aa aaanj (Altt feUowa, havn gt&a to ImmI 'it thai taMMOtta can of Tapa tahkh tba bogie tme to draw out and make aa ktLeaoaue ia pjaib ao Uiat tti caa have Ue tiaiwiow of knowing be ta ut a few weary ecu la to eleep), al lay tber a moot the heavy, aooieu blakta and gaud out inty the opea thirw the Sap la th tcutt, and1 tried to tbktk of the future aod what it baa ia i lore for not only nyeU, but uf eowradc a well. 1 fiauly tlivt thai thia war ia going to Make a wonderful change in the swraU of man one for tba better. Wbta man ia put where be car have tine to and aut be dturbdi with the toliiee ot tba world, be i roioa to undergo a char a rcmaikable uce. Laat night I waa in the tent of a certaii peraon awl we were reading to each other it wae a love ttory, q( soarae. While 1 waa read lug a touching part of tb atory, I looked acroee and aaw my friend lying upon hi cot with a few big teaie rolling down hie cheek. Soon after I bad finished the etory, I went out to gel a bucket of water. Oc returning. 1 found thia mn. with hia fata turned toward tba aide ol hi tent, looking at Uie pictcre ol hi wife and baby, with euh coming at frequent inttrvala. Now. a great many people would think that no weakling like that abould be in the artuy. Thi fellow may have beet &s officer; at any rate, there ia not a maa in thi army that i aacntScing o much a be from the aiandpoioi of bappiueaa, nor i thtsie a man anywhere wh ia Joittg aa jaiaJn a hi power will permit to ovythrow Autuctcy.s When 1 eulivted In the army, 1 araa told by a frk-ndprohb!j a retativtr-that I would become war poor. U makea me laugh to think of it now: If tba rkl uf thia world were divided into two ciaaaea, ruon ey and eiperience the right kind of eiperience 1 would prefer the latter. To many petpla arc to tug eight of the nprincipiea wa are Ahting for and think nly of the financial aide of it, Theee perwona are the Kkiaer'a peraonal frieude in spirit if not in reality. There are a great many man in the army a ho are making mora than they did in civil life; theae would like to aee war prolonged. On the otber hand there are thoae who are giving up loved onea a well a prosperity. There It alo a da in the army who have made military a flair a profeMion; they, of oourwe, don't care how long the war laat, becauet they want to hay tba opportunUj to put into practice tboeo thaoriea which they bav probably apent year in itudyinf. Military training ha a tfeftdeitryto Ktiike A 'pti:i want to rule other. Tba loweet ranking private ha hopea ot being made a corporal or a aergeant au be can tell the other fellow what to do. The Kaier haa had many year ol uch training and baa bia ambition of tuling et very high. It remind m of what Brvtua aaid about Cae- aar. in part: waeear. waa great, lor which 1 loved him; Caeear waa nob la, for which 1 admired him;Caeat waa ambitioua, for which 1 lie him." in pronouncing the name oi Caeear and Kaiaer, w are remind el of the ainiiUriiy. But. there i jut enough duTfrVnce to keep Biti Irom ever gcUiog near the point where fie wilt ef hav ' the powft over the world that Caeaar once had Hiere are few in the army wb: would not give every mmc of bloo within them to aee Uie Kauwr in i plav Ifke.thAt rur) by , our mu.tua friend, Mr. U. C. Cw'lh'ni.' Since I enlieted laat July I have obtained the rank of liegimenta Supply Srgeant. I uppfy food, fuel, nroom. onine. etc.. to our Regiment of f-'K.) men. Aleo, I have the pleaaure of keeping about 700 horee aupplied with oat, bay, bed lint, rock Aalt. And many other thing that the Artrclea ot Wat specify. I like the work very ruvcb hecaue it i in keeping more ot Ie with that 1 had been doing tor the paat two year. Koclueed find the 'wlyerawkb,' for which aetkd me The Herald tot th time which it allotted for racb an amount. I want to lf vow PArdm for pkking you to unload ail tbeae feelinfft of mine unon. bat aomeone baa got to euffee. for I Saw a great weal of pleaeor ia receiving etler. aod Mrf cone to the coo- clueioo that the only way to ret uten ia to write. Hoping to bear from you before the. lape of a very great while, and wkhina you moch occae. 1 am. Yoara yery trulT. Loo ToaalinQ, gt. HJq. Co 111th AamQoitioa Train. Camp Beauregard. I a. o II o 41 O (I (I II II II II II 3 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Far a Bad C4d. II II II o 0 o o II II II o o II II o II II II A,nn livJ-tJl I ' ,f I f Km 9 9 (Ul mi P rvn OR "7 M A i? n fn. Af J u lyi III Alamo Theatre I Mareh 1 aed 17 ' if 4 ipinasiinices Friday Matinee and Evening Saturday Matinee and Evening r-ax " s This has been pronounced one of tne greatest pictures ever pro duced. YOU will think so, too, ; if you see its This wonderful picture should be seen by every man. woman and child. His your duty to see it, because it involves your country, and enlightens you as to what any country should do in the event Ul IMTUOlUll UVV V 1111 I UUUUVUUI FUI A the women perform. T! - A 1 i A 1 . - ..i. ..y ItAnaMn !ln r. 4. rrom me momeni me piuiuie uckhis, nucicsi grows, and the scenes and action hold you al most in an uncontrolable grip. Every moment is tense with excitement, yet not overdrawn. r-;:.::::-: 11. :JL See this picture while in Dick son, as it will be your last op- - -- ah. aXMlilMfll UUriUIIILY. I You Won't Forget It! Take Cbembcrtaia'e Cough Rem &9 ady. It baj etood the teet of Ume Qai iod caa b depladad upon, aiv.