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If 'V . ;T! ,; S!55I!S p.mih i mnmmmimrnm . w ww.iw wn m V) Notts Froa LdOtl Ret) Cress Work Roocs. .. 1 A roil composed ot liy lata ladiea initiated tbt eaakiog of hospital aLirti at tba OBeuing aff tan local t Had Croat wfrk room, Mrt, 0, F Ijkmb won tbt blue ribbon for coat pitting tba fiM garment, and tba rtd ritboQ fajt U Mr. E. L. Greg ory. , . Tlditeta hoephsi garuacota were fiultbatt dating U tiH week. Wool fair Uo sweater and fourteen paint " " of aoi wj rtvft ont to rnttun ta 3 iret weak, pre A. H. Leathers 3 - donated while oil tiolb for tltlvt and tablet to tba fooout. Mrt - Chat. Badff Jr.. donated tha two Urge Rtd Cre flaga ia tba jroal window a oi entrance. Tha fee machine in the work roome art coatitauUy running , and from lb amount of noise ono?ig.tiaa3gtoe btawelf ia tit (root trench in the r Western front and oodr Ltiyy fir. ' But wben ynw ate the warm botpi- tal coat fur our wounded Hanisciet , that thete mm Mara turu oat, you become avcatoiud to thia note Ubd think it rqul ta "mui." Tha prattjr. vhitt aorgicat draaa iog roota ar atitl uaoccupkd. bot ' ' tha work xt thia partkalar btattcb uf acryicc will tart aown. LAND IALL Byroa W. Klnj Gives Dtl&fctfitl Prcjraramc Safunli, Mtrch 23rd, War.54ta2f Day. Fridar aviuun ci lnat SMak Dki- I la a croclaaaUoa iMaed tr Uil KM nat a3wdi tha oppfitMuity oil lorn C. Rja. ifatoray, Marcb22rd. UaitBi Bitm W. . KJu. coUdlU dttgn.tw4 aa ar-fTiiiga way. niluw UrtitMf of fiAtkin Moa-laad oor imsodIc U tiiiad npoo t CuIIms fiebooi AiidikiuA oo if lentbuauaui to thia great mortfflvftt - . . . . a ........ (i-triMt kr.M1 liirKw-jAX cLortAio-1 U bJUl aakfel Mill orauMTj cmai- omdU tht baa beta oflfowd to liloeaa U twpandad oo tbia dabi Iroto Dkkaun audiMM iu maar ttiiiioiii.ll to X 0 clock in U AJUi-ijooc, und Ui Dtomaj waa to lb Mlur of llal th Uie" raadmo. cUrecter aketchM. ttcjort coiomuailj wotar and boy. aod by k artttfic ntasMt tJ Im-lttitM f" w .PJfEtt"- MrOQAtioo and eipraiu, bialafMOp and oiNMja)ia (nnnLn mith iatA and tha hiifb d-lrnoif)t. grt of outory dwplard, U witbl Mat Uirwu I. . rwwoft ma UttU aflurt Laid lb aodifidtd at-lamngi tt Hon. Clydt Lropahira tfnikift bf aah of bia barra for I and Miaa Dllk Doitc of Naahtia two aolid bourt. laiul Kav. Janwa luer of CUrfcanik loaaisoch aa a town of tht aiialla txt ut UitkJkxo oo tbia data. Jltaa hardly am ia fortooata aoougb tolUortcb will addrea tb wuntra bafaaootMi wtw!aiar aa ht iolwufitn to tlia county oa "War o t o ir i S'CP'.O It ; JO) Saturday, a:ooccccc E'AN D M arch 23, 1918 iMnEUaMM K aaWaJaMMMik o o o o o o u 4! it iuidt, aod aa a ctrttia per cul of tb orocaoda wart to bIp tha Armoiaoi. tbt promoter of the ao tHtabuuiot war aadly diaappoiot td in th ititaJI audtcoe urwot. aod it ia Madiaaa to atata that tbo mlm ack tuitarUiiimttit of uth tiavutga" at tra o clock at Alamo Tlatc You art eptialiy urgfi to Miaa DortcK, for alw will bar tutaaagfl worth your wbila. lo the aftemoou. Ugiooiog at out o'clock, Mr. Khropbira aod lUr Dur will deliver ptlnottc addrraaw tariaty tbat iaoaly aSordad Uirougblat Alaujo Tbcalra. Vm aod Uk to big Chantaugoa couraea, butjaoma oti with you. Tb boja 10 wtw wm net fortat ta Laar JByJKraoca wed arm. aaitayuitiim, food rou W. King, a tapuy opport(uitlaod clothiug, aod they ara looking dieted by. Forgot Wkat lie Sttitl By virtu o( a power id a! too' laioad lo a moitg.go to tha onUrr- ytQm fpublkaa, Mt. liiliad. ttgnad tut. March I'oih, mi, hy Ohio: Tha aditur bad au intrtt jr. II. Btoo aud wilp. rtnled la log-aipamoct a)a Unit ago. whro dook i , paraa ow to oo, m iut i . tl,UB1 g,ttUtajo caiot to thia of to ua for thst tbii aud tly utuat out look in vam. B iu. aud hear ihfM x?akfa ttplaiu hf l ut your duty aod ahouid b your ulvaun to tiuy War Havtoga Staatjw aud hlp your (Jovarowtut. o o 41 0 (I o o els of Yellow Mammoth Soy. Beans which they waat g to place with the farmers, for seed. o O Dr. H. A. Morgan, who ia considered one ot Uie best posted men O mHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Dicfeon, Tenn- essee, has purchased one-hundred and fifty bush- i u on agricultural questions in Tennessee, lniorms ua mat me sou ox w J Dickson County is especially adapted for growing soy beans. Soy JJ beans, it is claimed, will build up and improve the land better than j! ! any crop, as tne plant draws nitrogen from the air and deposits it in ) 41 41 lUguUr'a ortU of ('ick County, Taon., tb urtdcroigotd wtli, uo HATUKDAY, APRIL 2. 1V1S. at 1 o clock p, tu.. at tha rmth door ( , of tbt Uourtbou in th town of , . Charlotte, In aald county, offer lor itit if ina rwgwfj prourr ror ravo tbt following tract of land in tb Vth Ciyil District of aaid County: Bounded oa tha north by tittwart Stbatittoa; on tha raat by Ir. - Braka, Ja. Millar aod Addia Wfik lay; oa tha aouth by II. B. Wallaca and W. B Bonr; wft by B. W. Wallact containing 1 &4 acrva. (Whtat crop rtamptj salt will ha mailt to pay tha lo dtbtedhewt Hftuicil ly aaid wort gaga, tad wtll ba frre of tha right ot rtdaoDption, waived in ;d mortgaga aa to aaid debt. Thia Kabruarv 2Hth. 1W1S. PEOPLES BANK. " By N. 11. Kubank. , U. N. Laacb, Altornty. Caahitr. Ktmembtf tha Alamt i Act and aaktd for a copy of th a ii i a a morrow county lupuoiitan. lie acruiiuued it carvfully when a copy wat bandad him, and then aai.l .vow X know! Miiat la it you berl.iu'. Couah Rtmmly and 1 for 0' H ,ml w'11 U (?" ! got tha riauj. I want to avra t tor i and tha citrka oauieu vr evarything ia tba lint on tha ahelf txcept 'Ctambrain'a.' I'll try again, and III otvar go homt with out Cbaubarlaia'a Coogb Remedy," Tha Republican would augnt lo tha proprietor of tiorta that they poat thuir clerka and never let them fcuhetituta. Cuatomert lota faitb in itoret where aobititating ia permit tod, to aay nothing of tha iujuetice to oiaktra of food goode and the dieappointavent of cuatomera. ady Recruits fur Co. C W anted I We have been autborited by the War lpaftiint t alit tvecly ooea lor toiupaoy t, Aatiooa Guard, at lu kw.n. Term., and a an op nortunity to join, provided the 'JU have not entitled before you route. If you art in the draft and have been pot ia Claet 1, you can cootr on and jo! a and be practically at xurred that you will not be taken from thia Company. Anyone inter ett will report to the undervigned not later than Tueeday, 2ib. in thia connection, we wish to eitwnd an invitatioo to tbt genera public to attend our ppeiia! exhibit frill in Picknon neit iuetday ntitht at :.iO o'clock. II. II. JKLK, Captain Attention, Mr. Farmer ! We want to aell you your Ftrtiltaer and field tJeeda, Met ua before buying. Edwarda Moetgnatry. TAYTON, -No. Rcport of Condition of The ' CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK AtDkkaoii, Inlht Stattof TtWHttawa, W Owattrf CaUn, March 4,J9ti . RESOURCES: I. j a lani and ditcoania s. .1 2st,ofll.s.i CWeedrafU, aaeevured ........ .... U. S. B4e(otliar tiaaw Uwerty S4t of I 1 7. a U. K. fkinda depoataad lo awart cireolation (par value).....,. . f. U & Uonda and vertttkattt ot toJtwdnet owned aad unpledged.., ToUll'. . Honda (oiher Uiaa Liberty lkua aad etrtirtratet o indebteiJiHrtt . Uwtrty Ltaa Bomta: Utwfty Uma ttivitda, 3 and 4 per real, ttn(iled(el 1. Swada, atcartttoa, etc. i ., HemrHtea vtbrt than V, 5 Poude. ( u4 lclii.lio . atwkt) oaed uiWg.l , Totat UuuU, tecttnttt', etc ' fv Htnek of federal KetrrTt . Bank (50 Pr cein of auUcriptioiii Itt, A V'aiM ol tiikiit biM 11. ranuinrt arl future Keal Katatt owiwd other than bankoig Iioum- lawful rtaem with levtri K.wrve Itenk Caab In vault aud h aiouut due (rvm oauuial bank tlieckt oa other bank in tiw nmr city ot in m reptirttnc bank . - Check ita taifc Ux-aii uni.U f city ut Un ul repotting bank ad otWr ch item. .. Keleiui'thm mti-t witn I . Irvatuter at Jje from I'. . Ireaaurer.. War $aving G mrVaira ami Thrut Mam) actual ly owued.. , Total 37,400(10 J(IO) UO i.SXt) 00 IS. IS. 1. , II . u .'x oo v.hni 00 atmouf -.rt ur. .. Ul JWO 5T J 47 ,:,'. tiy-tlM,.?7 4 734 00 Mr. and Mrt. iierrell and daugb ter, Ida, and too. Lealte, o( litrin ingbam, Ala., were tbt week-end gueett of Mr. and Mrt. Hartit Leathers. Miaa Ethel Crow apeut Saturday and Hunday Uie guett of Miaa Pau hna W hiteoo. A niutical entertai'iiujeDt waa eb joyed Saturday night at the home ul Mr. and Mr. Hartie Leather Anthony Albert Nicks, who ia at' tending echool at Huntingdon, it at borue (or a lew a aye. Miitu Rertoa Stewart tpeol 8uo- lay at Charlotte the guett of Mitt Claytie Lee Uray. Mrt. Kmaia Phillipa Harper it tpendtng a (ew daya with bomefolk. Mist Ruth Speight bat returned to her home iu Naehville. Uell Holt aod titter of Nahvill were guettt ol the Miatee Cuuoiag ham Sunday. Mtat Kilie Kiog, who hat leen jendmt eeveral ttayt here, bat re turned lo her home at Hickory oint. Mite Clara Wall and Mr. Cook Moaee were united in marriage here laet Saturday afternoon. STOP MDIGESTlOa VITH tin IIEPAT1CA LIABILITIES: K. Capital ttock paid u I 2&, 8arplut fund Sti. a Ctidivkled ptita k,) .ti b Lett corrvt'i etpvum, mierr.t, aiJ tain pat S.2W.W 30, Circulaung nv' vutetari.ii.i S3. iNel amounta 'toe (o Nuvai oaokt S3. Net amouai Ju U nk, bauaera, and iruat cwaaasea (other Uuta i:k!uv1s1 m 31 or S2 Demawd DeaMMitt ,o4Br tlui eank Jrpot tuft. Jevt t Rrrve vJp.u payable tthm .10 J.1 t. IttdtriduaJ depottU tabjevt to cfceca. 34. CvrtitlcsUtt ot tlepneit due itt lew than JO dart (otfacr UaA ftr ui'vney borrvwed ..................... 37. Cabir'i ftksk owuuaimg. .,.. TMa. iiespaiKl Uepo4.ia,......, T Time Itopoattt uvt to rtaft (payable after 30 day, r tubect to 30 dayt or wort aotxe, and p-tJ aawftf:l 43. CertiScatea of depoitt (other than for woaey bomaed S7,.b4-4i4,$JtVil 4d..M tW.Jli l tl.g74.7i 734 61 V) OlCOt) lo.omuu t.71.1 ti 37,500 00 T,... .:,0ivfcJ 8tW of Tetti, CHoty of DwktvKt. at: I. . K. lijyw, Caaiuer of Uie aboe-i im aoo wAmed baak, do toleiaaiy law tat v ttahNueu ta Um U Um Ueet vd v kaoMt aad belief. Cvmot'-Mteet: I W.. McMurry. A. E. Haat, Dinctortw Swfctehbed aad awora W t4or m Um lea day 4 Mara, mi. L retstacuat. Xuaary PaUia, U. There't not a bit of uw in , your having to be aggravated with a tour rtotntca. or euSering from a heari neat in your cheat or ttoaacb after every meal you eat. Tbat'a indigestion. And, if let run oo, more tenoua comphcaliont art ture to an re, and tbt firt thing you know you ara in a mighty bad 'it. Itttpeelayour whole tyttem. Ithrowt you all out of gear. Get yourteit a bottle of Vin H patica preecription. and Uko plenty of it. It goe right to tbt aeat of the trouble at one. It ia nature "t Iowa prescription for the relief of in- Idtyettioo tod other dinoniert of tbt ttomacb, kidoeyt. liver aad.bowela. Coma in and get a bottle, on oar rtvoai meadatioa. in Hepatira s bow beicg iotro- dufed and tiplained at Ciemore I Pharmacy, Dick tow. Teno, R. F. Seoing A Soo, CfcarkHat. Tena.. m araer Iron Co., Cumberland Fur aact. Term.; W. L Weakly. Belto burg, Tetut; W, J. liackett. Trtr well. Teno.; W. A. BeJI A Co., Van- lttt. Tcu, and by J. R. MrClel- iaad, T&eet City. adr. o i) the soil. Dr. Moigan insists that every farmer in Lhcuson uounty should trrow sov beans on their farms. Our plan to encourage the growing of more soy beans, is to place 9 ONE BUSHEL of SEED BEANS with EACH FARMER so, on l Saturday, March 23rd, at 10 o'clock At Our Banking House in Dickson, wo will place with the farmers, One Hundred and Fifty Bushels of Soy Beans. Each bushel will be in a separate sack, and a pamphlet giving the best instructions on planting, cultivating and harvesting this crop will be given each farmer. V will jitaw the Un with She farmer on the Lsi that lit tfturni u, during the uiotilh of NovomUr or lHciuUr of this year, tmc au-1 one-half busHVlt) tf'Lfan for tho busliti bf seed beam frmtl. SlwmU it mA U con-, enient for the fanner to return the one and on-half bushels, for th rMl, hr trat- tfre-'prfvile'ife fif rHn os.obfi.N4t.v .H-W ,khh pricu will cover the cot of bvant and the sack ih which the heanitare furniahtHi. This $1.W tlrawt no iuterest, anil tho anner has the ptivilee of paying to the Hank in cash, on or tn?fore November Kith, Hi IS, $4.1M), or if iyment i not ir.aile, he is to df liver Oue and one-half buthel of U'nui fur the butihe) of aeetl furnished. Our object, aa stated above, in making this offer, is to induce w w 41 O 4) 4) people who have not raised soy beans to try the crop, ani to encour x UlOiJtl W HVJ UUVQ 1IUDCU tUDUi UOICbViOID IM IIMITO UiUiU, a-B. aure and be on hand and get your Leant, and DO NOT FORGET the DATE, and remember that we furniah the ten! IN SACKS, and you can return the Leant thia fall, or you tan pay ua by November I Oth. 1918. $4.90. No interval and no charge for tackt. If you want a buahel of theae teed, rome and bring your neighbor and let loin get a buahe), If you do not want a buahel of aerd. tell your neighbor about thia offer eo be can rome and grt himeelf in line to rata tba er that pay a. J Ont bushel of eeei it auffitient tu plant from J to 5 acret in rowt ao that they can b cultivated, and toy bean hay haa aold in Ditkaon tint year at retail for $40.00 per Ion. If you want a buahel of aeed and do not own the land, get the man wlto doe own the land to get a buahel for you I Remembor the date Saturday, March 23, J010, at 10 o'clock. No beans will be reserved for anybody, but those who are here on 0 that day will get their bushel of seed. 8 0 4) (3 o 4) I 0 0 8 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DICKSON HTTHENSUX. Preaident S. G. HOLLAND, Vice Preaident J A. MYATT. Vice Preaident H.ll5rF.aabier S. G. ROnTKTSON. Aaat Caabier H. L GRIGSBY. Aaat. Caabier To liio Farmers of Dickson County:... we are lonaon 3ytem ueaiera for thtt County, and aa auck are actively engaged ih bringing the Common Senae Methodt of eaeier nd more profitable farming to every nook and corner ot our aection. These method and the remark ble Jobaon ptowa have received he endorsement of great Agmul- turttta, St.ite OfTiciaia and practical farmer all over the country, and theae benefit are being extended to all part of the country at a rate that certainly prove it merit and genuine, practical advantage. No farmer can a (ford to overlook the opportunity of a thorough investi gation of thia System. Call on ua for literature and fufl twticulart. We're bete to eerve you. Jobeon Row now in etocJi. DkfcSM HaNvart Ctx, Oktsoat; W. M. Mooter. Otartotte. Ttaa. Try TkU Far Star Staavack. Ktt alowly. matUcatt yoyr food Iboru&gbly. Kat but little meat aod none-at all for tapper. If you are tUIl troubled with your ttomacb tike oce of CbamerUio't Tableta before going to bed. $14.23 ca ah it ad yon aLouId raf for anv JjOO-mue. ooo-kid. 30il3ti Auto Tin SUfidurd Motor Co, SWEET PEAS! Beautiful blooming Sweet Peas. Give us your order. Tranaplanted Tomato Plant. Esrtianna, 60c per l(l. 1 5c per doren. No lc than 50 at 100 rate. Swt Pepper .at !c per tlot ti. Hot Pepper, at Kc a dozen. Let u book your order now. aW Add Parcel Poat charge, 5c for firet 100. 15c per ll. H b potge it tent, extra plant lo that amount will be added. Aetert Mud colore 1 5c per dozer. Salvia, or Scadet Sage 15c per doren. Petunia white and variegated 10c eacb. DAHLIAS If you want dahlia, put your order in now. We have a good variety red. pink, fellow, white and varie gated. Prkee 10c, 15c and 20c each. 3 Feme. Begoniaa, Geranium, Chryaantbem urn, and many other planla. We bare aa abundance of good borne grown Canna tmlba, with two or more eyea, ataadard variety. A bargain at 5 c Ell to Set S. C. Rhode Iulaiid Red; $1.50 tor getting of 15 eggs; 80 per cant. ' Latch guaranlewl. Lank ford at run. OICKSOfl GREENHOUSE Ca4ra4 aa, tHaktia. MOtMiaatocffT NOTica. WILLIE DAVIS JACK DAVIS la Chaeery Court at fHekaon. Ten la th tiw it d!v aptanivg lo the Oerk A Mat fy U 141, mhvh I fom to, Ut the Xrtkdact, 3mU D- ra a arewlectt c uie ratie kiiw re aad caaant be am d Ait pro- . av -vfc Mt, it t UmcKM oraerca rt u ter ibat d atiebdaai. Jack Davit, ap pear at Uie tusrtUAiae at ii4cs, &. a m Wrtft TTr4av alter U tu Umtdtj im April, aeat. aad U-a aod tarre to plead aaer m Ut the till aw4 agatatt ktm km Vbm raoa Utf dvorr. ut ih aarue ID IU tki (or omirei 4 tajeae m fnt lrf-r- It n (anbef Mdered tLat tl ilrrsM Irr n u irtraaoa tctr cxaetiv twu, a mi r-jiii tff ia ta vhm raaea. vt itv- t aaait at at m Dxstoa, Ta . turn Usrrh ilta, ltia J.J Taylor, Clerk A; VT. T. CfiMrr, SksL