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TD Siai o TONTEABAND?? IS CtiiSMTtD! USX'ATTC.'IO A Thrilling War Story of the North Atlantic HVKRY. htOTHlHl RCMOVI KV bONt FROM LITTt, I aTOaUCH, ttvt, now tut. 4X1VC "CAiJFORHIA, Yf.U Off FIOS IF C03X ttlVIOUt OH FftVtftisrl By RANDALL PARRISH Cwrlaat A. C McOarg 4 Ctt. CHAPTER XXVI, 17 Wt light Bat ITnat Immediately M!.Twd; hvwr wt triad nurnt'tvew shipshape th best eould. and bold vn for tin) nest few hour, has comparatively bet lltfl la do with th Intereat of i lil story. Lea yord brought the two men on deck, and fada waa no sailor, but mors likely to pro faithful, h wss sent (lms th ladder tu assist Master In th nrs room. Imgaa took th change la ad ministration aboard with sea going philosophy, aawiiilngly feeling no aul tuoalty because of th rough handling received, and went to work under my order with hearty good will. W were II four at u capable aeameo, and an hour (if hard work placed th Indian Oilef In very fair condition, fnr deck and running rigging con cern rd. At tht end. however, standing oq n forecastle, ami Marin aft. I bail fnlth that wo could bundle tha hooker, even with ttmt small crew, and wrinir her fely Into tbe harbor of 8t. John's. r earlier weather predic tion wrr not yet verified, at least to anv serious eitetit. Indeed there waa nothing pnrtlrulsr to worry etut, eg cepting thai temporary steering ap pef, snd It had worked fcwjr wiHifll now i r t give ma confidence, ; "What do you mke m It. Mr. Im ' yvr" ' P,te,tM, ' btcTng- dwofc cn and iky by a wave of the band, "Uaa It a rlrrulsr storm, leaving as otifalde nf It rndlusT "No, air; It's not thai,' and b drew f hi buck of hi tin ii 1 1 acroaa hla Hps. "Imgiiii an I talked about it on th tnalnvnrd yonder, an' 'tt or Judg ment, lr, thnt if )tit a alow brooder. There won't ho no quick rhong. but tlm WMthrr Ml iit (tniilimlly get heitrler until we're ai'uddln' under bare iHile. It'll bic in'le lertnorrow nljibt befurx wt get Hi full, welirht." "Hut you haw no douht hm'U weather nr "llarrln' nn accident. When do you eiped to mnk (but xirt. alrT" "St'T Well, we'rn a bit off our conrxw now. I'm afraid w nay be another nlchl atlnnt." He fitiHul ntottotjc. one band ahnd owlnt; M eye. H be gnsrd nut over the .irt rail. "I Hut n' thlnktn' o' them oor cte nut there In the lit, fir." ho wild flnnllv "I'm betfln" that tnot o' f hem with they wiw back on thla dock by now." ' "Sn doiiht i hnt them's no way ww cen help them nnd we've got ttnr'nwtl' work to do. Ton and O'aon go helow " 1 wntehod the two dlaafponr throtifh the eonitnnlon. xt'oke a word to t'oifitn. jxHitliiij bl'ii where he could hour nie chM If iinvMiirT. and then wetit nft to the wheel. I li.'id not renltred tho rull weltrht nf the gsli until X n-aehed th" nf tho ladder, nnd ttd or-t with out nnv protection from the caMn, Tor an loitnnf I hnd to grnifv tho ld mil. ahu.llnc int fo with an arm; then I atrtnti'liil fijrward, tinttl my hand grlnvei) the heel " hy ds.ltt t jriiii cnlj for hetpr aked "llil m ton nnch for anv wol i'Hl I never realised forward bow It w n Mowing." she ycd against tuo, rtlntlnj to my alcove. "It - It ilooa kick tome." ho puntotl. "and I vat almowt afraid l,tnl!it lot I Strwjtd rrvr4 Until My Han4s g 1 I aw giaJ you cam. I uldit hold to the vurw but but tbat din't nat(ir. dva Itf ' Not at ail; w r Sa n ahap to f iH the atorm, with twdy on vaa In Ui: atckehoio. ou i'd hv ttt tvcji fo the ladder." "Vou--yon ui m tv st WJowT "1 orvh r joa to." "And jv'u ar gvnne t rvu.aiu at tb rvla!onor " lUiMii ta frwarit. w'.tta iaaT call 1 hav .cc; tho iuo unto' Now tot so hour a tvt, tl'.i rv la not&Ine ua t d o. bt:t h.''l on wiw.i th storm hate, t"!i s rt.j ' o wh, $nd stand by. Ttu are t-vlu:oly oiiiant axi. tad must r boicM jc tii gmj "Tt U-tt ym tMok it boat I m so tlrfrjiha strata et U; tU tu I eottltl not hold oat-" "! know." I brnt and kid htr. and b cluttg to roe. "list do sot think of that any Mtgor; yoa moat go u your rixitit at ones aal Us dowm." "Dot yuu tstii sta oa dck sll night r "Not onletui th storm tncneaaes. la an hour or so Ml t all th othr. and II down myself. Ctu, dear, yoa bar long la th watch U-low." Ttmt cortaiuly aawtiml louly dei k aftof aha bad iUsi(tsril down th laddor. 1 had artird uiany a quirt watch at , many (uvtuurabla oint, bat that hour taaht ut th rvai ! son of LufwIlOMML W wtr Irlvlujf forward rwklesIy Into a wall nf dark tie, utterly la)(utrabU to tfcc ry. What horror might b lurking Just ahead of tha plnngtut; bow, uo Imagina tion could plctur. 'roia wbvr I IokJ, duUhltif th spoke tt tha wbe l, I could not oa traco tb yard of th nialnmaat, bur cvuld I pen-vir on tth-r sldtt th water through which w drovx. Yet It waa not thla which pulled so at my nt-rvo. I bad stood at th wboel oftU tM'for guldlrig great ship through ItniH-tiotruble blarknraa, and slnfd ttis MiWnnny at -twvsj.' But tiico 1 waa on of a crew, alert and rwtdy, mertrry )r f urtnisg my jmrt of gtvon tank. "Ituf ww f vttld ! drive from ni the rotiactouanc that I stixKi there alonr; that ou all that spaca of doak forward only on solitary man crouched In th Wackncas; that Mow la th eniitnefvomand stokrhot, only two wore; already worn and weary with toll, stuck grimly to their work: that under my control thla groat frolghter, loaded lrnwt to th dock Iteanis, was flying befor tbe storm, plunwlng through thf wild water of tho mid Aflitntlc, with douth hovering ntioro In tho shrtok of th storm. Yet I citing to It grtndy, no longer making any attempt to htd any sottll course, but merely chmtaltitT th 1or way In which to meet th fore of th stornt. It was twa o'clock when, too thor oughly wearied to stand tha strain longer, I sent I'ugnn below to call tbe mate. l.eaord was tho heavier nin. and the ntoro eierleni'od sailor, so, at nit tiucgextlou, h ttmk th wheel, whll oixon went forward. I can recall creeping d iwn tho ladder, and stag gering down tho stair, but nothing more. I nmat hnvo been aslcp oven beforo I rechol th berth In th rnp tXVli ,Jrtrtf1ojTV. ; , f- . A baud ahik m, and I o;n'to1 my eve,'' For an ntnnt t wa too dmed tit comprehend. TN port w cliwil. hut dnytlsht str'nioi through tho thick glua llluinlnaflng tho stateroom, and I recognise! bemjlng over tno. " had to call you, sir." ho riplttlned klnilly. "llto iu;ln roytil ha tr)k lm.o, an' It II tako all hand tor stow tt aiulu In ttit a wind; beat ilea that fel ler Ihunu bos gin out entirely, an' there' g"t tor l another band scut below to the stokehoto. I t up. already thoughly awake, "Vhnt time Is ItT "Com' on half aftsr four, sir." "Why I thoiiRht I had Juat dropped off. Anv Incrru in tho weight of Ibo gis oi.r "No, sir; ! don't think tho wind U qtdto so heavy, and It' gottin' moro t..'i,yUWe, but , tber' . waaidorabl sea." "! can tell fht tho wny th Mp pltehea; he' takln; wJer forward." "Ton o' It; tbe damnod hooker la d'.'dod ilotp iw'' ur Uke a, whsrt thn a ship." It ;i a wild svno enocuh when I enforced frot'i t:io ititpiitton and pHUM'd a utonicnt tti tbo protection of tho caM'i to vtr the dctk f-rwrd. Hugo crested wavo burnt over the forocatl bead. mwa;!lng dtwn on'o tho nialn dvk. and vwtvptnc aft to tho actippor smldahlp. Tho vei stag pennl under th rcjx'at!: blew, yet rvwvered with a buoyancy which go mo renewed aurago. plunging forward, again to moot th next aan!t t'x continuous bivira a they struck against our Jh, th mad dapping of tb bsvaeno.1 csovas aloft, th coasolo vh ricking of tho crtlagA mado a pan dctnonlura of nolr which rendered th human vct, altaMt asolesis, 1 put my U;v to tVmm'a cr. XNin tho thro of as ps tho gas ket. r "tt cot to N dono, sir. or'. w lot ths sail fit ; but It's ffotn' t b no N'T'l joN. "Wfcrrf's lu-anr "lUngto" thcr to th shrwads. waUIn' for uv" "Tlieo oroa ; th sooner If nt with, Its bettor." We wool up th r!!!r.oa l.ko snails cwry b:rt cf wind driving bs flat afaiaat tho wber w hcg va grtmlv. I nuran was first to lay ct upon tho f.vtrv-p-, and t tot no rgrt when Olsoa J!;-pa jit mo ta tho i.r Niwtiric la my or -. "lt mo ro nctt. r. yo iattot N"Ot at this sort o' b !to?y " ILvwvvof I n-ado i: In rrr turn, tho wind driving w !t afla.t th vsr, ;b fT''po tltnclRg ni;f twaeatfc ry wo;ht. tho t srr'ajr cunrna of h l.orHxl sail stilt a troa. Inrn bad ti wrt It. but t clang th- Uk a cat. ttnibonUy f3,;htlD Isrb ky Stu b as h drw la th cktth. II tnuat hav had th strsngtk of a tit. and th grip of a n. It waa a ta mlawt battle, and who ! r -fdy back tat th tualntop ote-ry siaad of wt body throbbed with pslo. and 1 sank dowa against th mast at niggling to rogala my strvagth. 1 had B'y hood burled In my arm, ronactoua ouly of th wild leaping of th mast, and th sickening; sensation eausod by Its oonstant sway ing, whoa f'egaa's shovt ot ta Uod pott mil nj to w heart, lit td right, cllnglag to a stay, startag forth Into th attxfthar oT th port tov. ' "Look, sir! The rt's a boat I B, yondrr; she'll top th crost ta a ni thrr I had a (tlntps of so on ot hi or a black speck la th midst of ta break- Hus, Crattd Wava Burst Ovr tha Forecast! Head. lug xpray but could out b sure of whst tt was. "Ar you certain it la a boatr I questioned. "Th thing hnd no shape to me. What do you say, UWnT "A boat, sir; there was a slip o' sail hoisted; It's my notion she's bovod to, rtdln' to a drug. Thero she Is sguln," Aye, 1 got a fftlr view that time. a tho ciM'kle-aholl was thrown high up oU the rT,t tf-tTe wno: H sick ening to see that black ob-ct 'burled high up agalnNt tho sky, and then it! apwar uttrly Info the hollow. The boat mull te hove to; there would be uo living cthorwUe In that sea, and the ery fact that It remained afloat wa evidence of sailor nNmriL I drew my self to my feet, clinging with one hand to a stay, hollowing the other to make my vole reach the deck below. "Mr. Leajyord I" "Aye, aye, air." "Ihor Is a smalt !oat off th port quarter, riding to a dra" "A what, alrT "A ship's boat off tho port quarter too far sny to toll what's sboard hor i 'an you let hor bend fall off a point f "Not without anothor'br.nd at the wheel ; it take all my strength to bold ber a she Is." "Jnmp dwfl. Ing9n, lay aft; wo mnt got that rt twl'fl. If w hWp those follow a lu this saw." "Ave. aye, sir." Ho iK-raniblo! over tho fop. hut Olson land I wore content to uo the lubbers hole, naitii.-rf ti.e til-. i..'cr, TtjTL-ru nou! t bo th"o u'.ve. I ,rA Iti'o tho cabin after a g'sa. stepping Ions enonsli to explain wo hnd sight ed to Vera, who appeared In her stt rwnMloor. fully dressed. "Ton have nt Ihho In body" I asked. Indignantly. "th, bnt I have; tud-vd I have. Why I nun have slept four hour but I lay !.vwn fully dressed. 11 didn't know what might happen. Could you m-e if there were men In tho boat" "No, not to dlatingtjtah them with the nuked eye; the glas will rrveal that ; bst the Nwit must be occupied to keep a9ct to this sow." "Who can they be. do yon supptwe shipwrecked sailors T "It would be nsj gts It wi:i prwre to b on of our owq b-wt we'vf ortrr hauled." "But bow could wr "Th wtnd charfgvd after midnight j and. with the oo KstKl st tbe wheel, w wrr obliged to pay off. and ran before It ft 1 not lxr.rsJMe ttvat w are back ta almost tho aaree sect.'on of sea where w left thA fellow. Com sp on oVet. and sell know shortly." Sh went la for a wrap, bet Je4nd me ataswst tmroedlatety. I rr5t bare been fir xttiotoe Uw-st'.ag the boat frt CnaUy caaght It fairly on the crest cf a war. Even at that f.atanoo two rocogTitsed faces leaped Instantly Into the rtrcl of vtatoo Llverp.KiI ad Uo Cann. CHAPTER XXVtt. j A 04 e (w the Chw. ' Ttte g'Imr - bit fx- a a tnwirr jthe Nt inrrrta U tt atrveped iota the hc45cw. Tt oar own quart rbot t nouactrd shortly, eudeavortuc keep wj glasses tral&ed no th rtgfct spot. tfcaa, aad tao devils with him." "TW, shall we stand by. sirT ssked Lewywrt. "Wb.t should w be pkltcu; up UuW acumr I linseed astd at him. , Wly. Mr. Ueayord? Wefl. on re son Is, w ar American seattiea, Tho feUowc rsa scarcely hart a now, and a hand or two nor a bo Hi will help ua to-Jbfika port. We've cut to nave firemen below, and Kspeilo would N abb to spell MastTS in the eoglae roorn, I tatdt on thetr rwrnrnf a a send. ' let your helm off another iwUt there, steady now; hold ber Just a th la." Agwi 1 caught th boat in th focus of th leveled glasses; II wa piewsnra My nearer now, but I could only awe four tueo etrd th craft, th other tw beta. White and Itapello. Tbe tiller was gone, th man at th stern. Jim White, steering by weans of a Uwt oar; th sail had been whlpp) Into rags, and a canvas shirt suhstt tuted. One mn was on his knee ball ing fortotuily, and Tony bad an arm In a allng. 8o intent was 1 In this en dears t" decipher th detail of the frwawtty thqMtgk -th glass, .1 waa an swers that Tens hsd climbed the lad dor, and now stood besdde me, clinging to .fJto.Mt.- ller.Twlr srowswl mm. t. her presence, "Why. thcr are only four of theinr "Tea; they must have pawed through Hade last night," I answered. "Here, toko the ghoul ; tttv are two bodte lyliut In th bottom of th Nt." "t"aa you manage th wheel alone for a bit Mr. Leayordr "1 can try. sir." "Miss Carrlngtoa. would you mind giving the male a bsndT tb fought her way across to him without a word. Kwvtng the glass on th deck, "Hood ; bold her as she Is, end have Maater slow down. It Is going to be a ticklish yi to get those fellows on board; baa anyone a auggostlonT" "A running at from the lower main -yard, sir," suid Olson. "That will tsko only one at a time." Two, If they're quick enough about It; but It's tho only wsy, sir. Tint! Nmt wouldn't live a second cloae In slotigxblo." "Kight you are; you and tHttrnn lay ut on the yard end get the whlb rigged; pick a strong cord snd ee that 't fits the pulley hl. k. Mi keep to the fock'.'and ease thi-m tn. Pa tlie eod Iowa to me ; lively now." Those In the boat saw what we were attempting, realising at once that we meant to take them aboard. The re lief felt was lnttitly rlpreeaed be tho waving of hand, and a faint cry reached us acroas the water. MVtn even endeavored to stand up- but wa )erkod down again. No douht the rec ognition of the ship hsd left them in total deapalr of rescue, their one thought being that we would permit them to drift by. rather than take (her aboard again. The gap between .v-ao'.-LJ y "Boat Ahyl" I Rosrwd. o .slowly dosed. I could their faor clearly, spof.ea) in ajp'oised ap peal. Tbey were htsggsrd, enwted with salt, piteous enough to their sdleat pleading to make me forget the past, Boat ahoyr I roared. "Keep aretl away from the aide ; well whip you ta ftora tbe trjitn yard. liar job oarsT "tme pair, sir." ft was Uvrrpeoi, aad I wa g'd to n.-e th too of rrepert ta hi tvwer. Then hold ber Nek, and drtf tn ticfwly ffera first; yoi get tt IV. Are those dead meoT "One of them Is ; Pobot has bis l'g broksaA." "Well send a sJing oVtwa; r-trt Is rTtt ta Crt and th ret of yrwa ad by. Are yoa reiy nowT" "Ay, aye. str." nivnn J-taed mo At the rope, Darsn roiualrdng cretrfeed oa 'he ywrd th sb.'p hW t Bwifloejl ercrT for th r, and fill f the wave, Th bnat 4rTtd catrJocafr !ti stem fret. hld r he tvro cwr In W kis.i of Ltver tpt a&d wtd;e. TVrfomser roaghty jsseiBed coumaa. Gt a? rVre UcCaaa; m your knee aow; ft he ' sak damt miss that rop, sod bo44 oa aanl; taka a turn aroaud that thwart sWalp do ! d.ut fast Gtv Tony tha end; he ha one bjr(d yet Now gv ivbola Into the sty&; d yoa. aiaa ysu'v got to; iV cant leave the oars. Take a grip there, lubots, snd help yourself. That' better II lift, ed his ana ta signal "All right sir, swing away r It waa a good half howr's Jotv. aad a bard e ; twice the boat neorty swamped, snd went dowa, IJverjool w ta t4 I lews ta Usit aircadJ half filled with water. As be rwa slow ly. rrtptvlot the rop with Us bsbds, unable to get foot la th aooa. the deertc4 craft Boated away, th dead body of Watson half roer4 with water. The four of thets mad a sorry !ook Ing bunch oa th deck, but bow that they wee safe, my feeling of sym pathy had vanlstMnL I could only re call their treatment of est and the daa grr we stilt ran ta having them once again aboard. Nothing waa to bs gained by soft word with sack aa they. I stepped aero to front them, aad Ol son and Pugan Joined m. Now, look here," 1 ash! frtrnty. "We : rslten""; ' wboaed -Iseewas we're human beings ; but ther"a ftf statu on this ship. You'll teke roar orders from me, ami III kUI the first man Jack of you who shows a sign of treachery. Whst became of flarhsf" . Xtcfana was still gasping frot bl drop Into the sea, and could not an swer, although 1 addressed my que Hon to hint. Uverj"' frpliex): "lie knifed Watson, and lHitHla kmtckod him overboard with an oor; he never cum ap." "Was It In the fight Dubois ffot hurtr "No. be was hit by the boom, aa' Tony there broke hla arm when be fell Into the wat off the shlp'a ladder." "All right; three of yon are fit for work, and Tony ran stand watch la the i englnerootn. Hare yon bad anything toeair "Yea, sir. In a way; there waa food tn tho boat." Then you have fared In thnt repoe1 Iwtter than we have. White, yoa go below anil hut! coal ; you climb down also Tony, snd relievo Mast era. Toll htm to lie down end get snie reat. Move along n.-w ; I'll be down there tnveelf presently." I tttrawt'tw Met'smi. "le m fro there; you are tl, hs-tid on lnrd this ablp the rest of the voynge. tko rou tindetwtand) Answer me dij your "Ye." "tM better than that" "Ye, sir." "Very welt; now yoa and Liverpool pick up Imtvoia, and put him tn num ber seven stateroom. Make him a com fortable as possible, but don't be long shout It. Then report oa deck to Mr. tilaoo; hot) keep you bnsy, and out of mischief. A word with yon, Olson." The second male rroased the deck with m to the rail; the drifting b hsd dlasjtpeared, having either sunk, or being bidden In the hollow of th mat surge. The screw wss begin ning to revolve once more with power, th planks trembling under foot snd bit of snnvhln wss streaming throng the clouds overhead, I stood silent a womftil. ewdwv.rliig to think out' tlia attnatbm, snd iMn .wUtod paflenfly, b1 eje the sky and then th ea. "What d rotj think nf onr rnet" I aat""! fna'y. rt'aej.w Uust them at'alir "5t fur s you rotjid awing a bull by th tall, sir," he answered aoherlT, "They ain't forgot the r.tgr.t la the Nuit yet. but there'a Jnst as ranch devil tn 'em as there ever ." "Tour opinion Is, they wld never he!p .!tl eMp Into gt John's, tf any villainy will e them7" "That's It, ir; they're so Mack now, they wont mlm1 a little more." "Thsf my Judgment; we rne; kef them span a much as w can. and bar an eye on them all th rim. How a boat DnganT" "31 talk straight enough, and t my notloa means to play square," Thst was my tmpreeslcfn; bo's Irish, sod Be headed, but do crtmJiMit We ought to be able to keep lb res ks sep rated. Besides ZU b aboat most of th tins." "How ton do yoa sappo tt win bo, slrr "Today aad another WgW Ilk sly ; I ma teil better wbea I get ae s6r vatl3 at noon. It will not give thssa mach time for plotting," I setit th ta forward with CXn wbea they retamed to th dock from j the carta, and ft basie thorn csthor Ing up tbe rtflle at-oqt U forsrawtl caused by the nlgtra stom. McOina tnored as thottch sraroelr ahl to rvrel hlnsrtf. bt Red too bold tf gist to b wrjpML Vers ram dowa th ddr. aawl r spoke torvVr belefjy, sboct achat 4 oercrred- Fa fSaerfj voJeered t get food resdt and I went below with ber, roaatag eg fa4. aaat pwttJsg him at work her era. As bewr le,tr ail sVjirf ea.Vrfed a wwrm real e5tg alike t fh after rWa. no w ls) w;iatuu Jio natter what at! your child, f Centla, thoroagh lasattr saoald s way bs th first treatment given. ,U your WttJ on u out of aorta, baUalck. Isnt rwrtiaj, eatljig and art lug naturally took. Mc-tbort so If tongue ta coated. This 1 a sure slga that th im,' stomach, liver and boas at ar dogged with wast. Wheaj crosa, Irritable, feverish, stomach Soar, breath bad or hss alomach aoha, dlar rhea, aor throat full of cold, glv a teaspoc&rul of "California Syrup of HfV..aud t few boure all th rwa stlpsteal ralsa. nrfte.o4 foo attt' sour bl ceoUy uwve out of tb ttt ti boef VitniuT" trtpittf, 'atfii ytm bat a welt, playful child again. Mother can rest ey after g11n this h rmlesa "fruit laiatl, becaoss tt tiever falls to cleans th llttlt sots liver aad bowels and oota tb stom ach and tbey dearly love It plessaat tast. Tult directions for bsblea, chil dren if all ages and for gjowaupa printed on each Intttls, llewar of ontnterfelt fig svmp. Ask your drugget fr a bottle of Cal Iforula 5a)rup of Fig;" then so that It Is made hy tbe "California fig Nyrap Cwmpany," Ade, la esse of emergency patriotism wtB always find a way. MP Ml' i.i j ! ii iiiiiiaawaa CORE THROAT J e TortMiii tf with was, ask wwlar A tUn apply- vim Rhoumatism -" Rcliof""25c. wev ) tMTsatst). SVa. TSiassass Wa Tea1 Ks pssstws TSMf SVKSMtt wa Thr ar three vital tena vt umaji wrtoe,--(ka 4t , too. 11m ttH3us of nuuriatKMoS from It and the ilrotnatWn vt w rwne !( to anl SMMtlatka esasa tsUur l 4rls full sowrteft asent frtitw M aa thai la (era wfts SMsae lmpuvnhtt ttood, wewksoMSi Stl t. Poor elintmiitoa wnS S eceuinutetlea of ! ! SrtikS Pt IS ho4r, iwae vtuOtts inn i mi th nw nf rKUMM is od aMia to Ut Sutiaa4 as sistr eerfcHi HI. as )isuii. due ta anas bstse fwwne wit k U pr9r,tm of altanlnay Uva. failure to n ut ertat bmAf S rwts. wnnt M tirawtad rl r tBww ' KU th wt1iHi t)nnetlia toe It. Cowta asy rtatMiMa iru Rpoct rvg i.tnvar T rWeumtaTi nam a lea - thwtic ooiaua is siwosa ta rcssauk o th Mr, 7 bio vt this Tt rliaa t 4 Nattteas . iMt law! tn . so wr raw wfwe MM anwttriivM fait. Ttmuaafxl ae t3 h lititOf evef 4f mI .' - t.t. fi:f W t-r . yn ft r t it.m aa SiOw for unrfii (fttR' A tie IKis f S4tur amjr JH TaW', euntalnina ooauli la Iiu4 vwwu -sv UM.-WVM ywaw sut ) ytm pros()t rHf and t laftu-torr tMoftt r met yoa Mrthttaf. N1ur amy u Sw oolr tat Ik ratef ot rbeiitnatiwna. It aw : Cea difawtton. Ufirri ih Bear, fvaf" ta k)diir i4 Urwwl seatn. ts f tova to bluer S4 eiaaitiae tS smem. Tow v tr tha ) aetc4ns and doetvra. sew nws ta rJ la. Tea'B get rJt thla tsm.. ( try K. stator' Wnmsy (Sta TtMtJ Is satd. swsrast! . east and Itchinfj Tvi&Catirara SaaaZScCatiata.2Scll Eh hat a m Ts fai MM aiai 5TC? YCCH CCZ3 aMrisiet aw r MS U Viui lwat)aw s4 was tiawssg ssa lis