Newspaper Page Text
. - .7.., . iPP -;ii.-T-i ni.,uwmw J.'l!' ""ITT " T- Tin; ijT'' -iff-T iTT '!'l'rf" TV"' . JJT T KiffLV.if jl)L-.'r7 FP: f7Tii,'irr(S & . - . a"TnBl W ' . mi ' m earn -' fc ' 1 rcn (11 ju. . VOLUME II. DICKSON, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 191ft. 1 .aM.'iMwaiawj!UitiiaKWi'ii' ', Evclybnashitt anr Russell Thaw in 1iEB!e'thnio May 24 edlSS ,J...h.v:-. ' . RED K0S3 trj?sa . Oil ill FLU FORCE A large and enthusiastic tathr- lag of Dickson people, who were in terested in Red Cros work, wet kt 0ktuont Auditorium Tueeday evening, where plant were laid to ((otJucl the Bed Cru campaign in Diiknou thw Mk. Mr. Alt WlUum. om d tb It v wtr uf Nthill, th pritu ipal itpak r. w. A. MtKw intcHdi over Th r if er oiowi by the BaniX'r, fylUmiwl with praynr t ReVi fiuio." ""'"" "'"": Alter Mr, WiliitcDi U1 iiltveti hit ti(!r. which wit tnthuiittw k-a'ly rmlvvd. Ctiirmn Mtailow. aMtti by H T. Cowan aul 11. 11. HkII, iotii ill utofiptitun atuttual- in t X27tt). Utfinr talk wr naila by W. M, Mflilr, J. A. CUoifuU. 11. T. Cuwan, aud 1'itt Hnl. Tim i ercWa wre clowd with (itajnr by 'Dr. Muff. Tim limiting was suet-va in rvary way, conaidnrinx that (our- liftlm of tii audii'tica woiurp , ami thiKlrru, It UdcplurabU that . Ui ottt.n.ot owt city e(u, to , com lutfa like Una by tuir prnt)i: aod dnclioe to rondnr aid to ru at wqrthy aa buiuaaity itaell and una that in i-Iom akin and ha aj it'a fundanmntal principle. Urn teach f rif and prpti oT Jfoua Chrit At thia touting wauy pfuj.U madt donatiuita which, to carry out, tnnana a icrific on tlii'ir part lit t lireo or (oar Inatancea widow, waking ttmir living by avwiug, coo tributud $5. Boyt and girU who art nut earning over $25 pr month contributed $&, whilt many of thf iaaikng and wealthiest uin of our city and who art gotting rich on ac count of high prieoa caUMcd by the war, re(ua4 to give anything. Thar ara lew Wen iu Dickaoo whn art ablo tu contribute and are doing a liberally, but we regret the (act that many of our ablcet aud richeet men and eoiue o( our lead ing church member tay away from theiw meeting to that they will not be confronted with the appeal to ihiiut Ui bitya, Rid jpiiii f, them, when they do give, give only Five or Teit Dollar, when they have made from Three to Ten Tnoutaml I) tllar a year for tlm !at two year on account of condition brought about by the war. . VV. Rice llnttrs Primary l or Senatorial Nomination We publish in this issue the an nounreiuent of Hon. J, U. Uic, of Di.Vf-r, a a candidate for the "cna totial nomination, iiibjett to the Democratic) primary in August. Mr. Uu-e ha tusuy friends in this VUu. to hum lie need 'no in" tiwhntion or twinendatUw-Vut t thotte not ac(4U.nutel wtth Judge Rice, we will state that he ha been I'lt-sidtntial elector (rom ! t'on grrssioual Dmtrict. In lvi'., when Bring in Your Hens Saturday We are going to have another Poultry Car in Dickson Next Saturday and will guarantee you 20c in cash for your hens that day. Brinij tlum in now. a thU n:v ht your lat diaiKH' this M;VAn of ttins -V for them. Tliey ar movinc pretty fat and the market M liahi, !.i go lower at any tiim; in fact, it much weaker now than it was Uii.'wrr-k, fA"Our car will placei by the VVhoIesa'e house. Drive, arouu.i to it ani s;et your hens weighs), take your ticket to the Pnxiuev houe, tr t the cash ami trade where you please. Yours very truly, The Murphree Produce Co. Roy Murphrw. Manager W. J. Bryan fift ran for ' hvtident. Mr. Rtc tw elector from the. 8istb Congreional Diatkt. Alao, io 1916 when U'tKxlrow Wileon made bia Mcond rac fur freeklent, Mr me waa ncior for wi!oo to.i tunned th Dutkt in hia behalf. In Judge Rice repreat-iiM Stewart County to th LrgUiature The Ugialaturt uf that year went down in htatort aa tb oioet ecouom a-al and aUteeuiao-iik body that had met in the ftate for year; Ben ton McMilUu waa (governor at that time, and perautu poated in Stale aiiir know that IkntiHi McMillan, with the aid u! the Legiaiature of l$W, gave Tenneeeee a buioeia adrninieUatiofi. The Senatorial District in wbi juoge nice tepirei to repr-eut. id composed of Dickaon, Iloueton iiuiiiphrry and Stewart Couutie. Htewart County baa not had a rep resentative in th lunate for aiiteen yeai. and under the plan of rota tiou me irienda of Judge una urge that a Mtewart Cointv man i en titled to the Iwmor thia year. A Card. Mr, Kditnr; I wootd like a word to my frit mN and feilow-patriots at thin critical A0Mmfe.;..lH Urn Uwm if itl ae itrHlinc a Red Croat drive for you all know We are at war with the moat d pouu innuman power mat naa ever been known la history. The terri ble crlrnf at Us,ilotf ar.too. hor rible for description. W'e must Imat the Huns! If we want Christ's mission on earth to be fulfilled, if we want peace on earth, we moat fiuht (or it. Our glorious boy a art at the front. Will we back them? V! a thous and time ye! We must make the Bed Cro so efficient that whn one of our hoy are wounded he will know: "If 1 can only get to the Ked Cross I can be saved." l-et 0 give them the cheeiing thought that we will back them with our last dollar. Mow is the time when the good man chooa, while the coward ttauds aside doubling ifi his abject terror till hi Urd is crucified. . I wish you business men of Dit kson would tep into the surgical dr ing depsHrhWi - ''iff -the Wl " Rftf tross Chapter, and f-e what our noble women are doinrf. Think of those bandage being ttained red someday! For what? T perpetu ate (ree government a countrj where every n roy sit under hi own vine and tig tree, with no one to dare molest ol ni4 him afraid In union there is strength, so let u all put our shoulder to the wheel We are buying or liberty migbtj chesp if we give $,"it a month for the neit two year. No biine tuan in Du kon need tell me hr .-n't do it! 1 would nther meei the Hen face to face, than for sol fier boy. after the warts over, to call me a slicker - You sr worse tlrsfl rf stacker" ft you don't-giv- evenuntil it hurts Kesp't . W. M. MK 17.1. KB. The Owl Pnntcry is the p'a e fcr drst i Is printing. 39 CICKSQ3 ccj:rn DnVC rtlTDIIll HIV )Q UUItf LllirtAlfi L. On next Tueeday afternoon, thirtjr nine more Dukon County boya will entrain kr for Camp File, little Bock. Ark . where they will receive treioing for military eervice in the Natiouai Army. The men lave l-eej nailed to report to the bxal Bjsr 1 at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Three alternate are in cluded in tba call to report, who will be L!d iu esse ol emergency. Those notifted to report nmiet this caii. ineiuoe: tieo. Monroe Martin, WfaiM Bloff KcrUrt Huiilh Tailent. Ookson Claude Hudson Dickaon. James Le Hudson, Dickson. 8. 0. Bledsoe. Hill. Iowa Will Bennett. White Bluff. John M. Adeock, Dt kson. Wm. Kuell Bkdo. Bon Aqua. Aty Vaden Seal. Htrkmau, K"y. Bert Bernard Andrew, Dickaou. (ieorge Jackson. White Blutf. Henry McKerrin Nebletl. Con ninsham, Teun. Ja. Klbert Taylor, White Blufl. Clsreuoe Bowers. Dickson. Uoyd MurfeB, Holduvilie,Otla Karl W. Bishop. Dickson, , John, Iel JTueeeilv. . liMa, . J,m.Uuw.,J -u. Wtii.Xm.rC&g. 'u, t) ie Catvnn Adrock. Bums. Thelan D Kpps, White Blutf A in mMi Elea:rt. White Blutf. -Cliarlee A'vin Slavden, Cumber- Isnd Furnace. William Dauglierty. White Bluffs Jet! Tayl Dunnaway, I'harlotte. Malcom A. Betty, Charlotte, B 1. John Henry. Treawell. Alfretl D. Brown. Bum. Clareuce Miller Beck, Burn. Jsme M. Hall. White BloiT. Krnest Heal, fylvia. Albert Hinet, Dickson. Warren Donaldson. Dickson. Jesse J. Have. Cheap Hill. (!rdy lee Tipton. Dickson. D. Talmage Taytitr, Dickson, Jess Frank Luther, Dickaon, K. 1. Jes Thoma Bumpns, DogwtMd Heutt Dunning. Hlayden. ALri.KN V I tot Samuel J.. Lane, Teunessee City, ttrover Buchanan Outlaw, Mylvia. Willie l'iptou. Di ksou, On ne it Monday, Herman Crock- nt ii W-tntf W'ttr!-irrfd; hrteV-' on of Dickson, both colored, will be eut to Camp Mea le. M.I. Nolkc to Merchants And Clerks in Dickson Having been appointed by the (lovrrnment rlulriusn of the sale of War having .Stamps among I he merchant in Dickon. I hereby nil a meeting of all the merrhanls tul thur cleits for Thui !sy niaht May 2dr I. at the Al.itno Theatre . Ml nun h.rits and clerks are re- 4U-ted to be prewlit. ti C CtLUNS, Jk. ' for a SprainrJ Aaklr. As soon as possible after the in jury is receive,! gt-t a hot lie ol Chamberlsm" limmeut nd follow t,he pjain printed direvtwa which sccompiny the bott!e.-adv. Sweet Potato Slips for Sale 20c ler hundml at bed. I y parcel txwl. lx- ver thousand eitra i. J. Hnh. Phone CutuberUu-i 12t-X, Dickson Kxchange. G-H A Card. To the Citiiens i f th 2nd District; As chairman id the Kd ("rose Caaipaiiiu la th Second Oistrut. I ish to take tin mean of calling the attrition ol those who live in ,Ut District and want to iip our Dis'thcl to "go over She top'' in the tilotTiient given us in this worthy cus to bring a doaen eigs r any thing else of value to tbe I'eotecoet b;'tdmg in Dickson neit Ssturdsy. and I will be there to receive and look after it. Be ure to brb or eni .n3ething. a our District man nut fsti in doing iu ptrt Kespectfully. J. W. MARTIN. Members of Primary Elec tion Boards Named May IS The County Dswrtk Kxecn- 1 11 StufJf io pum2tir to $ tU Kv fa imriwn !" Ilamwtsui mm A the erurf. J. 8. Hick. tp eoiuteJlhe folio iu member of the vasuiUe a measbcra of tbe Pntoary tuiettiwo Board, who will nave change of lee primary election iu tnie CowUy Asguat it: J. N, Harvey, Pitt Uecelee. Ben CoBitr. J, 3. Uickt ami Jeff Lawpley. On the eame day. tbe Repeh!ica acutive Committee, witn Harry Davie cbairwan and Wayne Bate us eecretary, held a tuceling io Dkkeon for tiie eame purpoee. and appointed the fdlowing moubre nf Ihtir Cooonittee on tbe Primary Board: R. D. All , Wayne Bats man W. B. Williame, Cba. Iltwk- .i.o4.,Hrar..P!iK..., i . , Mrs. Sarah Ray. After a long illne, Mrs. 5arab Bar. on the morning of May DKth. IV IS, psseed from this life to her tteaveuiy home, Thu another f the beet known pioneer reeidenU nf Dickson 1 taken from th rouKun ity iu which no on had a truer or more conrtaut iuterest Xarah A. Fletcher wa horn to Crawford County, Pa., io 1S41. aM came to Tenoeesee in iMl At the time nf twr death, she was 75 year, 4 uumte.nAj'. i dai-.oW. .;. .Hhe m a . .h' Aule.f ',pj .tyfnt; .jhiijrif.n," ..erip il whom eurviee hWf-mr and three daughters: Charles Bay. of Nashville: Hermie and Frank Ray, of UUksoo; John Bay, of i'tnns)! vania; Mr. B. F. Walker and Mrs. X'ff. fueeell. of Dhkeon and Nu Maggie Ray. of Pennsylvania. Nine- Iwn grandchildren and two great- gramlcbildren also aurvive her, Mr. Ray waa a comistent tnsm- ber of the Preshyteriau Church from chifdhood. Tbe funeral eervice. conducted by her pastor, Herman A. Uoff, D. D., and attended by a large com pany uf bereaved friend, were held from the residence of th deceased .Sunday afternoon, and the remain were laid to rest in Union cemetery. baiting the glorious resurrection. her spirit i with the lrd. At br request, the teit of the memorial liccouree wa II Timothy 4:0 H. and the scripture read w the comfort ing and prophetic chapter, John H Her work do follow her. ..May ytfiH 4fl U" he T-omforted by the Frient in whom she had so long f ly trusted. I'sstor. Persons Required to Register. All male person, citizens ol Dick son County, lenn., who have since the 6th day id June, 11)17. and on June 5th, 11IH. attained the age of 21 years, must register. Therefore, such persons will be required to re- prt at theiocal Bord io Dickson, Tenn , on June 5th, DMH, between the hears of 7 a. in. and 9 p. m , for regiotrstion. Tin Msy 21st. im J. A . LABJv 1 K e- Cheirtrain- . Local Board. Dickson County Stated Meet inf. Dickeon Lolge No 4Ch, K. A A. M., will 1m? held in th Udg Hall Saturday ntaht, My at'' TiStf! o cloc k. a A. K. Murrhieon, W. M. F. H. Crow, Secretary. CAW.0 OF TMAMR. To all the friend wh-e syn ta- tby and eerrice wtr so kindly tn drel during the illness and dth of our dear mother, we desire to l ternd ur sincere thank. Mr. . 8. Fuseell, Mr. B. F. Walker, Charles. Herman and Fraok By, ' Ice Cream Supper. Tli ladie ct the Birton' Crk cream Sator- cemmunity wilt eu ice supper at Elliott More on day. June 1st. beginning at 3 p. m. Tbe pr-Kted will go to the Bed Cro. lKot fail to atteod. Card of Thanks. We wnt to eiprees In our frietd and ceighliors our sincere aptre istjon f- their kindne and sjm pathy hwn o dariog Ine ment jHnrt and death ol our pmioo soi ih1 brother. Mr. and Mr. Ma ory Carton And family. ccnormiiTflT UKL'CIT CEXT WEEK. Another m,fal term ot in traction at Oikmont ' 8cboot ia eerin a rke, Tne final "etaaaa" are Wing ta14 thi week, aa4 be ginning Sttuday, May tfitfa, tke 1917 IS CoiBKHNMmeot , eiercietf start, wnen tn fiaerju&srraM tef man will be preached at 11 a u. in the School Auditorium by lr Stonewall Andereon. 4 N'aehviile. The nest eimiee nf Cossmeuee ment till W neld Wetoeday even ing at &30 oVJock, when the an nual Inter-Society dUte will be held. The eubiect tV ReevIveKl. That the FdtefMuth Amendment In the Federal Cr-ssUisUon Should Be Repealed." Cnrti 8heley and For rest Haibrook will represent the! af firmative, and Wiiiard Coleman and William Tbompeon will defend the negative, side of the question. On Thursday evening the annual Inter-Stxiety tiirl' IWUmatorj Contest is scheduled. The follow ing will be represented on the pro gram: Webeter Boxiety Willie Culiier, "The Color;" Roeanna Oakley, "The Uurel uf ft Mother;' Iri Hopklna.-Kdith a Ftrtt Caller;" Mrr JValksr. 'The Vetexan gl the 'Flag." " '" tnnier"' Society 'Lonie 'Jorin,'''.t1t ififlBn'IWl" 'Bali'" ner. Hester Keele, 'Awericatt Courage." Kate McMurry, "The lls.rt id Old Hickory.-' The graduating nereis, will h held Kridiy eveniftg. May 31t,9 SO oVlock. Twelve will receive di ploma a graduate from the Sen ior Class. Mis Hsmmi Bryan is Salutalorian; John Brown, Peel; Mite lone l-arkioa, Historian; Mia Mary Walker. Prophet, ami ,Curti Hheley. Valedktorian. Tbh will conclude the Commencement Xe cise. The IVlletlieri Orchestra will fu niah music for the wicasion. Diero-Stitt. i. Mr. and Mr. Osorg. Stitt an nounce the marriage of their dsug li ter, Nolia Mai, to Hergeant !riroo Diero. uf the l. 8. Army, the marriage mat eolemnUed at Waco. Tel;- wlemHiw giiSiWre; April iTlh. Bv. W P. Witsell, of the Kponopsl ('hurcb. read b ceremony, the ring service lelflg Ued . The bride wore a costume ol blue silk, With accessories to Uisti b. Among Uiose preeeut at the wed ding were tieorge Htitt and Miss Mary D. Htitt, from Dirkeoo. In Mcmotiam. Charlie Ssger, m of Henry and Margaret Hagr, was orn February . IH74; die,t Anril 16. 191. Th subject of this memoir was a oimg very wtJ jknp,tt.tlerf,w.riir hsvidg many splendid trait nf i lisractrr among tbem wai a fciih rgsrd for all lue ministers of th gospel, and a ,Jv4ion Pi his par ent prtiuiriy hia motber, al- sjs coundlir.g with her in nistttrs ; if I UNUSUAL TREAT F03 DICKS03 FiJIUC- E VELYN NESBIT ANUHERSON RUSSELL THAW "REDEMPTION" A Photo-Drama of Life Depicted with Relentless Truth A xronJerful moral lesson 'feari drawn from the heart of a frtat Irog edv. : 12YI FAIL TO SEE IT! Alamo Theatre, Fri. and .Sat. tbet eoacecxapj Ui mmi ctiiciefk Tw yonnf oua b itotl fida a4t a4fO very far wrong. H a eoatiaj im aki Mtar aa4 au4t Irienda among all the people v, Hotahii tvarejnti W4 triead wll tay, m la ail tike eaet; CSherien tU food U Im life and tw al the iwmtvtkaak K dnnbt naay Uwen, t knoet frooa t rien, yw will long to grftan tU band itat VI eUil utd to htat tan voiot tka h hashed, bnt mm ran oinlv aa and baas tiiaaa aa a aa. mbr tn u they ee to4 . , arwnt nt hefurn oatalhe yenrt tnn ' - by. let a hop thai out btrond the land nf 'wA'il eepln me dear one are ear. Tn yon, my friend, 1 pray thaT Goal. MO abundantly tuataw and eomhtrt. T..BlrtckUa, Doclort ol Dickson Adofsl New Shedult of Prkea. awsjMHgejga We, the undesigned Docton nl the town itfDiektM agree to iba following prlcee; Call 10 p. n. to 6 a. m , (;,, tn 10 p. m., $1 bi)t Office call and preacrlp Uonwork. $1 OU The bcteaaed euet sf thing aad the increased coet ol all material wwrd in nnr nrereedoa fcj fomtd aa lK4kf . tatJn. Th above acdtednle ut gericat la to be in etlev-l roin Joae i, l 18, W,J,8nM..D. Hartwalt Weaver, M.O. atnQnwrtgxif.D, w. . Bern; u.d: W, W, Wilkar M D C M. Lov.ll. M.D Rememl-wf the Alaatl '-J" .""hj. i '.u.ii'"emaujimw n&nonoonnononnaonnaaaoaaa The OnVer and Director f of the Fwt National Bank f Okkaon, invite tot renoWeof I he Herald to carefully atody the .hnancinl report mi thai CUnk, which ie in be found n another pet nf thkl iaeun'of The Herald Thia i the) baat, largest, and etrentee fH meht ever iaeuerf h tlUe Bwnk. , . - ' Our dtpoeata are nw over l?0QLft09lHh jidMeJ. tmtk ttav hand and m Bank; ' over 2 30,000. with total reeourcea of over 1660.000.00, ' Thia Bank a depoeita linen grown over i 1 50.000.00 in the Ut twelve month, nnd in the (net u year ewr do poetta have increneed nearly $500,000 oa If there ere any farmnre tw the County who need money to help them cultivate their crop, we would be glad to loan them the money. If thr ere any boy or girl who wis a eU I toe I need money to buy pig calf, they can get H from . Kemerobe-c. thai we poy 4 percei inter eel n film 4o . Very reepecttuily, Pitt Henelre, Preeideot 11.11 SelLCnahier 0 moo 00 oo ooooooooooooeo rp Ji IN .0" " .i.r- iV-fl.'i i tivc Cooasuttee istt at CsartoUt 7.V r , .it-'