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ft ) fit fWWjwap";jP P -' i'1 1 J 1 i"V rrm-v "jf5 " kk w jlijaj'-' WEST flMfY. f; t it Qviita a ttaaaW attectie4 tiia Kioi'a.liitf a WaUe VaiUy.iUifr way. ' .. it si fiSkCTZZ::' - i I i ' hi jij;miiiw.iiiii I. hhiiw. i nn jm 1 - '-?&0z$r& Wow is the p Buying Wawi In thU time f war4 it b more necessary than ever to buy tires for permanent economy Hundreds of thousands of motor ists have found that business judg ment in tire-buying leads strainht to United States Tires: The phenomenal growth of United States Tire Sales is positive proof of this fact. The unusually high quality OUnltcd Stitei tires has AW citwu united State Tirea DICKSONMOTOH Oak Hill. Mn C. C. Usrri tMtnt titord Jtsraooa with Mm. Jiu Ikiir. tulitru wfrt th uti of Mr, j. Sl. Urr, Hturdy. Mn. 0. K. i'ettr fi:lvi Mn. K. L. Petty rvailjr. Mrs. Hbordy Hamilton piU 8turdr with bvt ttruthcr. Floyd Tnvit and (acuilj. MiiMi Ri Greer and Ulcno Loggias UH Mooty to tttuuil th suiumtr ikhool tt Martrboro. Mn. Knloa Lech tpnt aturdar siternooo with Mtt. T R. Souths laud. Mra. Kdd Butlor sad ehiMteo lfut Friday with Mr. M il. IVttv. nieht wilh Him Kul Mr, aud Mr. K l, IVtty and Telephone Courtesy The people who ict the greatett amount of good out of their telcphoca are those who talk over it as though hcq to face. -Courtesy smooths buf difficultica tsd promotes the promptest podblc. tions. The operatofi 76i are trained to be patient and po&o all drcumstmcea, but they w4l do work if they meet with pates politeness on the mrt ytfl 1 The fact thatyotrrc?aot t operator or the other py daaiM not cause you to omkxirti& Tte best results come through tha f mutual courtety. TU Mia wttl thTtmBi trim CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY figwai frfair ry&fo are Time to Make Your Tire a Business Proposition. help are Good Tires. family ot ;Vhit Blur!, Mf dtiu Jjhn Olfnn and Fall Bowdm ol Nashville were the gut?Uof Mr. and Mrs. J. J. (Jill Sunday. Miaaea Wiitua and Kthel Cald well rpent Hutiday with Mra. Iloht Martia. Our Graadfathm. drenched horu' lr oolio. That waa the old way thii h m utit'r tain and imf.. Farria' Colic Keiuedy d(M away with drn hing ia applietl on the hunwn tongue with a urupper which come i kHl in each bottle. Uet it today, We guarantee it Uel it at the Anmon 1 1 M ware Co.. Dickson. TVnn ; T. I. (Vf A Stu. Dkkeou, Route I; J. K. Mc Cletland, 1 ennewm City; tirsy A 8tark. Cnttilerlaid Furnace; 14f v4 &?1ef , - ihAi . -Bmj- 4 Henry. VVhite .Bluff;!. Seal -Mum Ijrlee; V. I). ButL'cy itS.n, liurrjH -ade. the' BELL nf nm l - ? States Tires Good Tires mado them easily the most popular tires anions owners of the bigest selling light cars. , The same quality is built Into til United States Tires into the small sizes as well as the larger sixes t for ' -: heavier Ciirs. : - - - - Select the United States Tire that fits your particular needs. Our Sales and Serv ice Depot dealer will gladly you. Then stick to it' That's Why We Sell Them CAR CO. Colesburg. f .. ' Mr. Oliie Urkint and Mra, Mollie Burdettpeut Suudar with relative ou hnr Creek. Jtfl Adixmk waa in Xaahvillr 'Mwly -- '---' The eclipee of the pun wa viewed by lt of Hip! here SunJay. A pretty rreecenl was plainly viathU. Mre.Varren of Waverly baa benu the gtieat of her niece. Mi. J. T. Burch. Mr. Harah K. Cowan who ha heen Itere viaitiutf ht-r hmthr. 1. W. Ilr.)n, left Katnrdav for Lvpao--m Ark.. Whfnt ehe will eiait Ivf-r ou, Frank Cowan aud family. The ice cream tupp at J.I. SeNon'ti Sjiturday uiglit. waa well atteuiltnl aud enjoyed Uy !l prut, , J' Cut e Jo&". le 4vTufk,jt.(itek. Wiasli-ftP-Huhttdy, '. ': Williata ttnd Alfred Wall W!ik of Naahville, t viiiting thr Lttuihea nl Mr. Nuuie McAlpino and Jrff AdiVtrk. - ii ., T rryrn Eclcbtng. Make t rtguUr hahit tf eatioc slowly, iiia-iinte joor thor. ugbly. wl jou niay have no furth er- trxiufue. If ju eiiould,take one d Chaaihcrlatn'a Tahlct ia.uitHli ately after eupper.- d?. Sweet Potato Slips for Sk t ' y 'Xk per hundml at IM; by parrel pviet. l.Vc per thoueaad elrm. J. J. Bueh. Phone CumberiaAd Dikon Exchange. G-14 wzm Dickson Marble and Granite Works J. A. THO&IJkS. Proprietor ft V axwry to report Mr. Bal ata Kuiiivam o lh aak ttai. ' Sara !Iriia ul Uiirrauw. Itr a&d Mr. Kaia Uaiutuoo ul Y'llov Chwk Uk k(i4 gaU ol their trothf. IX tk Uemauo, sod tatoily. Mie llattw Doee-B i vtaltbf her tratcr, - Mn, i taybe Uoell, al Wamly. Bwn to Mi. aod Mr. Uollir Doaeg ui. Jaue S. a fio hoy. Wa are tUd to wimH Mn. Dora Dubegao tttr alter teifit ill Sf Clara aud Leudlefi AoWk of Ukkeoo and liUW Uatai 8tmt tf aoeodtitf a tew dayt vita their aunt, Mr. Lola Bk. Mie Claia rleklef, who ia at lendiny ocboal at Bowliot Qrtta, Ky . w epethlini a fear day with hooirf !ki. Miaa IiUi IMier ot daraer't Creek i vUittog h aitr, M 8am Fujua. Sim DonegaoV family ot Wii iiiiueoa comity were tb "wtk-trnd uet of their gramt parenta, Mr. and Mr. Marvh fielder. Mia Kaiuaey of llatuphxejl county la the gueat of her ftitttr, Mr. Mont IiUrgau. . Mr. ami Mr. Jo Springer tod iittiii daughter, Olio, of Vanler mn the wwk-od gueat of thtir pareul. Mr. and Mr. Monro Dooa gan. Tomioia Fujua ot the tnario. Parte laland, H. C. ia buto oo tew "day" fiirloogh. ' on cbiraa. i ttea oaraaite aan trie vert life blood oot of theai. Duat the hen at night with B. A. Thomai I joum Killer and your trouble are ended . It alao killa hot on cocooi tt: tdttsaro, and taoaali '"vtoM. r W tell it to yoti and if it doet nut make good, we will. (let it at the AmUrtou Hardware Co , Oickeou, Teno.. T. 0. Cww A Sooa. Dtckaoa Route 1; J. R. McCUllaod. Tenn eee City, (iray A Stark, Cumber land Furnace; 8niiig ft Bowker. Dull: Brown & Henry. Whit Bluff, Neal Morrow, I.ylee; v . I). Buttrey dk Hon, Bum. adv. Turkey Creek Tit farmer to true aeclion are huey harveeling wheat and oat. Utile Mia A tie ne Lyle, of Dick on, ia the gueet ot her aunt, Mr Dee Myatt. Mr. Kate Marh and children, of IVrtlwm, m h k -ewt goe of hrr mother, Mr. Martha Luther (leorge Tucker. 8am Hootl and Johu Tucker atteuotnl th Behtiat foot-wa hinc at Watr Valley laat Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Horace Iwia and children, of Ahiff, viaiied Mr. Uw ia' parent. Mr. and Mr. W. ) Mvatt. Sunday. Claude Rrgieter died at the home vf hi grandmother. Mra. Mary Re gieter. laet Friday and hi reinatna were laid to reat Saturday ia the futnily hurrying ground. Mr. and Mr, Dick Dooegan and children viaited Mr. and Mr M. K Difijoy and family . Sunday. . . . , ' '.''.Mliifea 'tfacAi. nd ::YvHr. ftefi ter, ot Ditkaon. attended the fuoer I of their onuin. Claude Begiater, met Saturday. Mia Orlean Fraaier i on the akk it. Mi Klta HkI ha returned home, after a few wek viait at l)uke.d atkt Bon Aqu. ' Mr. Alice Tucker and little dan ghter. Kathenne, viaited Mr. Uttl a Hood, Sunday. Lame Bck Rclicvti. For a lame back apply Chamber lain' Uniment twice day maeaag the muacle of the beck over th .teat of pain thoroughly at each ap plication. adv. Iron Hilt Mr, and Mrs T. W. Luther ipeat the week-end wiU re la Uvea oo Ytl low Greek. . Joe Wbited, of White Bluff . tpeot Tuesday with Mr. and Mr. Jobs Myall. Mr. 8. B. Nolaod visited Mr. W. R. Laakford Satorday. 0. Ott and daughter, EOe. re turned to their home at Sylvia, af ter few day viait wilb Lee Robert too. Mr, aod Mr. s k Una d rhildreo epeoi U week-end it Mr. aod Mr. W. B. UUser. Mr. aod Mr. W. R. Uokford. Mr. aod Mra. W. E. Koland. Mr. aod Mr. 8. B. Nolaod epent 8 un ity mixk Mr. od Mn. Jobs UftXl tad family- , Mi. Siei.a Umtxel, of m Cjek.T. vieitiog Mr. aod Mn. Mc Kiaaj Laoobcrt. Saw to Pipers Vtam tt ihl; Tookttlcr Wcs&dlt: TrcutitsJ V.zzUZ nr a , UmtdU OaJtint Ctub, ttormb. Se4k ttyt tl Vb Httkt pro cti4ioo Im wad a iifiy ft maaofbiao. u , .?! w io lb jtMero. write Mr. CWv. wtver H bed dot o wocb tot tb wlf ot fieot. 1-oc. of th NbvUl pAte forco, ao-t koovriat bf prooilf. aod that whit b id tra tod mtd b odtdiwoa l:5'Kot .and bought two botUe of Via Heyatka. t bd tried vrytbif tor Uf atoaocb troubl. iooligeetioai. beadacb. ood md wn rtiodition.. but without oy ru)U. t at mm lira m too polka (or is Kaabfiit. bat bat to g'v it op on acoouot of mt bhh, I am row aogr-of h . Meooafc... Outiag Pub wber they bev everylhlog good to tat. But befor taking Vtn tiepaticft I couklal ft M 1 do oow "1 oow feel atroager aod better io every way. and am odviatng any eevraUry to tab Via Heretic, ft NOM-ftlllDf NT HOTtCl. Maggle Weem t at, v F. F. Ad- rock. t aia. InlChaotery Court at Dick. Tenu. Io thl tt. llppoafi'ld'tb' Clerk o4MartMtw"i Ci file, that th defendant, Albert Adcock. ia a oooreeldenl of tit SUte of Tenn.. aod Cannot be rvd with prucoa. it i ordered by tb CUrk aod Matr. that aaid Dft, Albert Adoock appear at tb Coart bouee. in Dtckeon. Tenn , oo or beJur Ihureday after tb Jib Monday In Oct. 11 next, aod pkiad, aaawar or dmur to th bill Had agaiott biro and other in the abov can, or tb au will be taken for coofeed a to him and t for hearing etparte, It ia further ordered that thia notic tm publibl in th Dickaon County Herald, for four cooeeoutive week, a roquirect by law in euch cae.' WiUeaa my band at office, io Dkkaon, Tenn,, thia Jung&th. U'lH J. J. Taylor.U A. M. Kanaard It Weeaoa, Hof. 31 1 t, ' HOH4tlllDtHT MOTICC. J. K. Hi '. Mary 4VV."H'prrow w "'"'"' Before T. J, Warren Juttlce of th Peac of Dickeon County. Ia thia eaoa it appear by af- KaiUfaUioai ftaaraofeed GEO. R. CALHOUN Optician "DON'T FORGET' 311 Mb A. N., Naebvttfce. ftot w connected with Calhoaw Jewtry Coaneeey SKNO YOtJ BKOKf.N Lf.ftftT.C lilOiraDTff We are still in the market for Dogwood and will pay - $9.60 Cash Per Rick Delivered on our yard, or at points on the N C. & St L Ry. , Lowest Specifications, 4 inches at the smfkll end of a 5-foot stick. Phono or write for Specification Card. v' CaMartcetawd Pwmm IM A. Taylor Bros, Funeral Direc- tors and un- balmcrs! W carry a AO jyjr'i n t un aweew S'wagrV'wa mmi CttlM ' Hi Cair liii fitw Maa of'- , i tiUUrt.aJttt-jahiicbli I..tnt t A tvW adefg mt tnetvdt, i J do advi wf le mSc t ; i drjd to Uk ViO UlfMilK. $. it bay )! tut 4 Y-a tm w ibi itaMuettt oy : is ttve, rorid roo wast to. hvt i t ea b taUco-oUl in Mpitf offic I wm, I am st km bi do it. ' Jtit eitcb letter m thl au fisariag to day day to tb Vta t!iMttr Uiwauwie. baw ibi trt Via tlrotirt tMiwrrtotWHt i eatoooeetl of eight of tb tot hef . hI rewettiea know lo bjkIuJ ctAe. Cwa io and gt bottlo, aod try tl on our mmelaUvo, HH Via tUpatk at th Clotooro Hiareoacy J)ck. Teoa , tl Sinf A Jottt hariottft., Ttm Vrry lrwv C-o.. uobrlJd '' tw, TeOft-; W, L Wey. Bella. htart,Tfon.; W.J, lUrkett, Tr wU. Teoa.; W. A. Bell A Co., V twe. Ten 4 and by J. K. MiClel. lawd, Toe Cit?, d. Bdavit that th deft. Mary W. Kpor roil, ia foetly iodehted to U yti( Iff and I a noorovideot of tb Hut, to that th ordinary pror of Jaw wwoot he eervod on her, aod original attarbmeot having v bee) l"fia O Kef WU&W 4l4tQrrtd lK.rte-:i oublicatioo b made to thl)tck t County Herald, a oewapaiw ub Babod ia Dickaontouotv Tenoeeae fNT four (MoN'Utive week, wo maoding th aaid Mary W. Sport ow to ipiar Mor at my offit la. - . tMekaoo. Tenaeeee, on th tXb 4f of Julyt lH.d nttUdM to iaid uit, or it will b prooedi with eg parte. Thl June ft. 1V1H. T. J. Warren J ulice of th Peae. II. C. Bkh.ra.,.,1. Atty. U WALLPAPER Vrichl brothers I Xtnxr Mi th A'eM North 1 EGGS WANTED! Alao Butter and Poulir y. '4ow4atfaWaWt. tf-ftkii mm ttoTiEii i nm 3ifMm III .. It U4 . t. V- naaiivu i laMNtaaaa Murchison. end Davis I ' m - ' : 'I v?.; .ia!?9M.'..;'.