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v If u m:f ' if 1, j r in Ir THE DICKSON COUKTY HIXiXD, DICX30?., JKmSSES. .11 , aawaiaMaiaaai.w.MSi -A',,,',"'' Mr EMPEY HAS NARROW ESCAPE WHILE ON PATROL DUTY IN NO MAN'S UNO. x. gynopsia Ftrgd by ths sinking of th Losltania. with ths loss of Atm-rtcsa live, Arthur Guy Kmpey, an American Using la Jersey City, fix- to England and enlists a a private la tb RdtUh army. After a short arpertenr s a rrrrTtlttng sfllw ta London, fc 1 sewt to trstn icg quarters In France, where be first bran tb sound of big gun and makes the ara.ulutaur of "eontles." After a brief period of training Empey's company U sent Into th front Una trsurbea, where be takes his firt turn no the fire step while th bullets whli overhead. Kmpey loarns, at comrad fall, that death lurks always la Una troichra. Chaplain dltli)uUhi biinaetf bjr rtamln routnl4 aifl aiufcr bot firtf. With pick and amnvl Cmpy baa tsprlmr aa a trao. h dljtKT In .No kfao'i LaniL KiritlDf i(Mr1n oa ILrtolag cat OVUlL Ex ctUug wurk on obavrvatiuo poat doty. CHASTEN XVICntlnu4, 1 f Quit r.mlra to WUaon waa an Xhr rbarartor la er brigxtw tiartMel ieott; wa railed blm "Old Hwrtty" on account of hla t. II waa flflr-atn, altlwmfh looklBf forty. "Otd Hmy, ba btm hum la th Nortbweat aotl bad a4rrd In tha Nortbwait Ifountixl ml!e. Ha waa a tr)ral ot)Wpunohr and Indian ftKhtor and waa a drad ahot with tha riel. and tMk nn falna to tlKul" thla f't from b. 1I d to tnka car of hla rtn If It wr a ttjr. In bla afar tiiain.-utu foo roald alwaya him c'lranlng It or imlth 0 tha H.K'k, Urn) brtlda tha man wbo by tnttkc liR(tQr4 to lt't h!d f tbla rtfla; ha xn found out bla error. Kcutt waa aa deaf aa a mutt, nd It waa amuxthg at parada to watcb felm In tha manual of arm a, slyly glancing out of tha corner of hla ry t tht man nnt to blm to a what tk or dor waa. llow be paad tba doctor waa a myatrry to ua; ba muat hara Muffed hla way through, because ba certainty lodfjx' IWalde blm the Fourth of July looked like (Xxd Friday. Ha wore at tha time a large aouilrTo, hot a Mexican stork aaddla over hla shoutdrr, a lariat on , k!a arm. and a "forty fir e" bnnglag from hla hip. Pmnplng thla prpbr tialla on tha fimir he wrnt up to the recruiting oflWr and ahoutrd: "I'm from AmiTlca. weat of the Hocklca, .. ae4 au u ila jwur-aay1.. I've got no u for a Ucrinan and ran abftot ikntie. At Scotland Yard they turnod me down; natd I waa deaf and o I am. I dim't hanker toaahlp In with a d ,1 mud t-rvmchlng outfit, hut the catalrj'a full, ao I riiww thla regl meufa hotter thun none, ao trot out your papers and I'll algu 'em." Ho told them he waa forty and slipped by. I waa oa recrultlmf service at the tltue he applied fr enlistment. It waa Old Mootty'e gmit ambition to be a sniper or "hMy anatfher," a Mr. Atklu calls It. The day that be wla detailed as brlnd sniper be wle bratwl his apilntmeBt by blowing the whole platoon to fag. iMng a Yok, t ld Scotty took a lik ing to me and ned to spin some great Jrarna aNut the pUina. ami t.he whole . jMatoon on ti until iQcse in ana as, far mom. Ananias waa a rookie com ' paml with him. The et plalnnman and discipline ruld n"t asree, but the officers all j liked hltu. even If he a haM to man- ' age, ''so ulien he wa detailed' as a 1 anlin-r a sigh of relief went up from j the ottWr" me. j Old SScotty bad the free.lom.of the brigade. He tvied to draw two or j tbrve days' rntl mi and disappear w!th bis glai", rstice t. nder and rifle, and we would see or hesr no more of him jnntll suddenly he would reappear aJirHh a couple of notches added to those already on the butt of Ms rifle. Every time he got a Herman It meant another notch. He was proud of these Botches. Hut after t few months Father Rheumstl'io got him and be was cent to mtghty; the air In the wake of bis latrefrher waa blue ! came. Old fkvtty surely coatd awewr; aome of bis eotbwwts actually baraod yoa. ! aVmbt at this writing, he la Tftewewfeer la Bilghty" pasty ftKtlac H o bridge or alng the wait of owe mitoltloa plsut wttb the "a R." cr I1om Defense coep CHAPTER XV1U Ovt In Frwt Aftr tea Ueuteaaat Stores of cur aeciioa cam Into tie dugout sad In formed me that 1 was "for a recocn.J patM sod woa!4 carry all MUls borahs. At 11 30 tbst nlfht twefrw oo, or Utvti.irit stul myself went out In trvrt otv a v!m1 N Mar.'s land We cn:!vt s,-.-nnd In the dark ftr aNut f" K'-ar, ut Xttclilg aNe? lacktrg t'T-t-.'-lf. -. xtv hv-kcttt tVr rVvh pr.U-s to trt what tfewy wt.- t si;. Atou'"! ti' tu tV we wrre rsrvv'v r; '! .. ruf wsy iHt t.!rty fmrC' Vv t vJ..t!sp i.tta ' ' ' Mill" 0 WHO MiNT MIllfilJYEHPEY I Gurrr 1 wire, when we walked Into a IWhs covering rty nearly thirty atrong. Then tba niusle stsrtsd. tha fiddler ren dered bla bill, and we paid. fighting lo the dark with a bayonet la not sery pleaaent Tha Oermana t It on tha tub, bat oar offlovr waa no novice at the game and didn't fol low them. He gave tha order "down on the ground, hug It close." ,, Just In time, too, because a solley skimmed over our heads. Then In low tones .us were told. .bt.. separata and crawl back tu our treiuhcs, ssib own on bis own. We could ace the flashes of their rifles lo the darkness, but tbt bullets were going over our head. We lost three men killed and one wounded tn the arm. If It ha in't been for our omcer'a quick thinking the whole patrol would have probably bean wiped out. After about twenty mtnntt' wait wit wont out again and discovered that the Germans bad a wiring party work ing on their barbed wire. We returned to our trenches unobserved with the Information and our machine guns Im mediately got busy. The next night four men were sent out to go over and examine the Ger man barbed wire and see If they had A Hidden Cun. ci?t laoes t5inuh It ; If ao, this pree stl so early monrtcg attack oa our trenches. Of course I had to be one of the four selected for the Job, It was Just like sending a fellow to the ttOdertakef'a to order hi own coffla. At ten o'cWk we started out, armed with three Nmb, a bayonet and re wlrer. After getting Into Xo Mao's Land we evirated. tmwUng for ar Ave feet at a Whm ducking star shells, w(:h nrsys cracking enrtead. I reached their wtrw. I aerated along this Inch by Incb, era reel y breataiag. 1 could hear Jhe talking la their trench, my heart was pounding tgalnat Bay ribs. One false move or tb least noise frocj me taeaat discery and almost certain death. After covwtag my sectiw I quietly era led back. I had rotten ahoat half way when 1 noticed thst my reroivwr; wa;i mlwiRg. It was pitch dark, Jl taraed aNjut to see if I eosJd find It; S It civiiMal be fir nj, because aNut ; thJVe or t.-xr s-.inutes previous I hud felt tl'.e best? la th hvHtvr. I crawled aror.d 1- cln-l.-s ar.i! : Ust fo;;n i It thva t-; - n p-? j u.-k, to our I're:.y w-.n ! .ic-M. b?.:S-l wire. and J. 1 f:t o?:i r. tk.? l i'.-N td i V tol-.l ' t!'1 tT.-! :k. 1:, t ta. i .c c! I W 'w iJ D ... SI AY 1 flafaft.v 1 Tsa Ciltlfli art f wood. trtO fas Genaan art troo, 31 fcec-t ttof pad tratsng; by. misuka I Bad crawM hack to the C.-rtaa a Hnea, I turned atosily tcat and ssy Matt caught o tlus wlra ad ciJ a r!;-iicg fttjiac aharn vtalkicj .raof tA 1 nratg to my tret datklLg tow. aaa iraa Kadi; bark towani eur liaea. Tba Germans started ftrtnj. Tn tmUati were biting all arwutd toa, hea bans I Lrna smash into oar wire, and a shara raallecjm, 'Alt, who cornea there r racf out. I gasped out tha swaaword, and. groping asy way through tba Una la the wire, trarttur my naada aad Bnlfortu, I tuobied Into oar trroca and waa sss, but I was a tMfroita wrova for aa boar, tntU a drink t nun brought cm round. CHATTIH XVtlt. J tagad Vdar Fir Three day after the Incident )ast ra latei our compao was relieved from tha front line and carried. W stayed in reserve btllvta for about two weka when w recrirod tha welcocaa newa that our dlvlstoo would go back of tna Una "to rest bUleta." W wvcid re msln in thwaa bUleta for at least tww aiootha, this la order to be restored ta our full strength by drafts of recruits from Illlgbty. Everyone was happy and Cuntmtod at these tidings; all you could bear around the bUleta waa whistling and slnglug. Tba day after tha receipt et the order wa hiked for five days, stak ing an average of about twelve klloa per day an til wa arrived at tha small town of 0' . It took us about thro days to get aettled, and from thea oa oar cuahe time started, Wa would parade from 8:45 la tha morning until 12 noon. The except for aa oacaatonal billot or brigade guard wa w era oa our eara. For tba first four or Bve afternoons I spvot my tiros In bringing np to dats my neglected correapoodesicw. Tommy loves to to s mased, and aa leg a Tank, they turned to ase for something new In this line. 1 taught them how to pitch norsoahoea, aad this game made a great bit for about ten days. Then Tommy turned to Amer ion for a new diversion.,: I was up la the air until a happy thought ram to me. Why not wrltr a sketch and break Tommy lo aa an actor t One evening after "lights out." when you are not eupposed to talk, I Impart ed my at-heme In w hlspers to the sec tlon. They eagerly accepted tha Idea of forming a stock company and could hnrdty wait uofll the morning for further detatla. After parade, tha neat afternoon 1 was aimoat mobbed. Everyone In ths section wanted a part la the proposed sketch. rYboa I Informed tliui that It would tske at least tea days of hard work to write the plot, they were bit terty disappointed. I Immediately got buy, made a desk out of biscuit tint in the corner of Ibe billet, and put up a sign "Kinpey Wallace Theatrical Co," About twenty of the eectlon, epm reading this sign. Immediately applied for the position of office boy. I accepted the( twenty applicants, jind i sent mem on scouring panics rnrouim OUt the dew rted French tillage TbrSS parties were to search alt the attics for diiwrded civilian clothes, and any thing that we could ttse tn the prop of our proposed company. ' Almut Ove that night they relumed covered with grime and dust, but load ed down with a miscellaneous assort ment of everything under the sun They must have thought thst I wat g'4ng to start a department store, Judging froau the different things they brought back fnwn their pillage. Afier etjtht dajs' constant writing 1 completed a two-act farce ci!y which I called The I'alaca ftaUK'n." Upon the suggestion of on of the boy In'the section I sent a proof of the pnnrram to a prlntitig house to Lotion. ''Th.''ftf&fg16'dTiferftif lrt and atsrted rehearsing. Iavld Iei t would have .thrown up hU hmdi In despair at the material which I had to use. Just Imagine trying M tuih a Tommy, with a strong cockney accent, to a Bowery toui or a S- u'hero negro, 'Adjacent to our Mllet was an cpek Ce!4 We got buy at cne end of It and OHistructed a stag. We secured ths lumber for the stage by detnollshiBi an old wooden shack tn the rear vt j our billet. The first scene was supposed to ref resent a street on the flowery la Ne York, while the acena of the aecoas! j act was the Interior of the Diwt4 Palace saloon, also on the IWwery. In the play I tpok the part of Ala Switch, a farmer, who bad come from Famrktnvfaa Center. Ten a, to makt his first visit to Sw Tori. la the first scene Abe Switch meet! tha proprietor of the Diamond Faiaaa salota, a ra a? shackle affair which at tha owner was s financial loan. TV proprietor's naraa was Tata Twist etn. Ms bartaasder bathg nansad ruieta t After ateetlag Aba. Too aad nasaa Cp persaaded htm to bay tha pies ?rating It to tha aklea and teOtM wondrous talaa of Lh twoawy taken am the bar. TI Eiwaay staoea kla play ditneultiea but vdtn neeat ceaa. Tha next to atari ment tails Shout ft. TO SK CONT.NVF-r-l Vti Vart A.wt ef W re. ' It has t'C er:rii!e ? t the wtfi. la t-o cr s-d Vr!...-; of t,t t cc km' s?""v.v tsey f;rt .! la 17. wonld rc3i f.-tit ' s UVSLjtO ttC CiOVO. MA1CES FORTUNE BYSMUGGLING Swedish Rubfcf Barcn Tc2$ How H Profited b) Trad- In j on Frontier, has cucx efjcaE m vrAk Mad Hla Fire Meey Deaf ka RaaaJaa) ft w Waa Thaw tagsgss hs gmuegling ftwkbac Fraea Flw iand aad Oeta Rtch Qulekly. Stockholm. Sweden. "Tow want t know what poplt staualef Go P tha river then, sod you sW out Ttw-y soeggte neariy rreryttlRfc an It Is rather dsfficuU to answer tha awtion offhand." So said a custom nous offWr st Rsparand. tha little 9wdth own on tba frontier of Flu land, to Herbert IXcswo, a Rwediak writer, who went up the Toraea vwlley to Investigate the smuggling stoHew. TYtr 1 wt watnng tor the rec Tornea train to start, ft tuotorcyrle chuggt into the auttoo yard." said Ertceon, Ttit Is one of oor rubber barons." remarked so acquaintance ta me. A rubber baron. In Haparaada talk. Is k man who suddenly gets rick on smuggling rubber ta from Finland. I was la lack, for tha baron Karlaaoa t til rati hint traveled Bortk ta my compartment. He waa a pleasant fel low. , lie did not remind me of the smart speculators I had sort ta Korr land. Ha even looked, stnbamsawd when I began to talk about amaggtlng. Cle tef era tka Wee, Trettty he t4 me that at the ootbreak of Oh war ha had tcw clerk In one of NorrlamTs conat towns, De bad earned his mooey In rubles, "It Is not generally known that many hundred Swede have mad big fortunes nut of ruble. It happened Ilka thtsr After the twupstWsn of Poland and other regions of Ifussia, the Germans found that the ioptilatKn refusiMl to taks marks In payment for such suppliea as were paid for. The people demanded ruldea. and rubles the Germans did not havo The only way of getting them waa through Sweden. The Kusla government permitted no more than 8' lo be tak en out of the government bf each traveler, but with the Ittoentlv of fd rcwaM smugglers were not lack ing, Ths nsparunda agents bought Bp these rubles and sent them down to Oermany by halea. "When the Germans had bought all the rubles they wntel Ksrlsson tried to smuggle drugs to Finland. Tliat fallett ahs-ifutely, ne met with a dls tster at the outset. Ills first consign- Mr Artadr.e ll.nmsfc-v, wife of Kerenkj's secretary, exjwrienced an ttnusual sarvrise when she.artive'l In Toky. ?lie Is the douWe of T&tlana, Jaughter of tha former car. who waa reported on her way t- America. Mr. Rwimanov was offerw! aa entire wing ef the Imperial palace at Tokyo for her accommodation wMle In the Jap anese capital. It being the belief that the really was the daughter of the oar. IS AS FATAL AS WAR Tuberculoais KMt as Many Fafl From ftuHets, as Dr. Lrvwgsw Farrawd Agfaata a Fwaaa ta ktr atUs Agakaat Qiasaaa, 2fr TortL MrtHty frora tuber ralosts anvwg tk clvtliaa popsUatlon and ta the anaie of all the countries I engaged ta tke war has st least ap- j pntasted the total number of aol ; diers tXvl ta tattle, acwdtrg to Dr. I tivtngMoo Farrand. director of tte I Amcrwa coc!sla f' tte prevrt, ; Con of tTlerca!'si. in 'France. I xtitt tbe pev f.f Am-erica throw : tfceissselTea it to tfc "Jit..'! of the w 6gSt Trswrr3""s wttk tifciraajw egj witk wfetcn tksy liite karl CMetv ewa! t'.re tliia i !H Ua ) dra f ait rx! m Tint Tn , Mad m tS' et o lis wtara t-- f'rj.K DOUBLE OF CZAR'S DAUGHTER If ' - j t v sait as acveral klloa of arvty,.Jlc tic-add and 1W rllafcwl tWrmwcter was strtned by the 8wsIUk rastutas aa thMltla and a bear? Caa ass ts MNdL ka get t&ta umc tik sowa Ftoaisk inerchaata wbA far a frtca, guraated to kave a large ftaatstr of rvbkcr rtaga oa the itttk atda og Um fvr at eeruia mtBata on a cef Ula day. "Knterini Into irelattons wttk a firm ta Stockholm rd finding that ka could eaaka laany tBoasand kn-aec prost thereby. Katlssun tvid the Hbs ta go ahead, (me night he want to Hattlla. here the rubbwr waa to be reatly, Matrtla U a tiny station the Uap aranda4ver.Tiwiiea at retck f rail wy, and almost oa tha tuk of the Hw. "vkea he arrived thcra was no sign of a Russian cwstota nonse offlorr serosa stream. The revointoa kas al tered matters. The Cossacks who used to pa (ml the BaaMan snore had dlearr4 Tho tww gnarda sjpotnt d by the revnlutlooariea found It mora tntereattng to stay ta Tornea. Kartssoa picked p tha rubber. This was only tb first of a cjhata of such transao Hons be msnagwd with financial sac- LIFE IS SAVED BY HANDKERCHIEF Aviator, Stranded in No Man's land, Faces :':TiitiW'' Friend and Foe. WAVED SIGNAL TO FRENCH y Fast Running Sergeant Isugham ftsathst Comrades In Safety Is Rewarded With Military Msd sl by tha F reach. Washington. Flight Sergeant James II. tiaughain of Washington, who was transferred from the Lafsyetts eara drtlle to tha larls Air iH-fmsa squad Mn, has been tvported a prlaotter la Unofficial advices to Lis mother, Mr. Mary A. Ilangham. president of tha Dixie Agricultural company of Wash ington. Sergeant naugham Joined tha Lafayette escadrille la 1917 when be was eighteen J ears old and won tha Military medal, tha highest French honor to ftmooMimlslwd men. Tlie Incident that earned the ser geant the medal was described In S let' ter he wrote recently. Paying tHbult to the wonderful spirit of his Frcnrb istfffle, 'ftergv.atH'BsfagTjnfB Id : ' . "We bad been sent out, to patrol back of the Oerman lines and to at tack anything enemy w saw. Having IncendlBsy llls In toy gnn. I was pre pared to attack a German "sausage af cvtservatry Italloon. Just as I was beginning the doecont to attack, I ssw a Itocho alndane going In the dlrectlm of our lines to do photographic work. I put on full speed and signaled to ths other planes to follow. They evident ly dll not sea my signal for they dldut pn down with me. Wfeen I gH ! lis) meters front the Bhe I started firing. The enemy, replied by turning ! both guns st me. I must luivt rot blm, however, with the first blast, for when I pulled up to make snother dtvw he was stlent rtfeesj, ... afrrthlpg v. lpcWA-.o t"$. wonld makt the gnodest man oa earth cuss, and as I am not one of the best, you can Imagine that I left little un said. My motor stopped absolutely dead. There was only one thing for me to do and that waa to dlvo, lose the iWhe and try to v!lane to the Frtnch lln. As I went past the Ger man machine It ImmedSately came down and. putting soma nice steel very cWmss to hlra. I did all the smUcy I had tvsr teamed. Wka I bad finished I fonnd that I had come dowm from 10.0i3 to 110 feet and there was no Boche In sight. "I then looked around for a plara to land. I saw a fairly good p'lace oif to the right and made It I then stepped out of lb machine right oa the face To mak our country really safe wa most first mske It healthy." latka stofan Doctor Farrand suggests for this war s gainst diaeas. . Of the oa railed to tha colors ky the first draft Sft.fflW wars foaad ta k tubercaiar. TkJa Is oe of ths atrtkiag Indkatksts of tka prsvmletws of ts dTiawasa. ""hUe rka srer ka tkes sffectwaCy dlsctoaed coftdJtMCt which existed be fore, rather tha a prodaeed tnens coadt ttont. It is also tn that ta Indirect w ays It kas sohataaSUlly Increased ths tuberculosis Bcoblaei ta the Curqpeas countries tavnivad," says Doctor Far rand. ' 1 refer frot t tk situation la the ancles, srter tk mode of life often !! to retoc this disease. bt t COS) n.vr ffect the rlvtiUa 8wta ati'a" et ( I wc rrorrr.;: aBtESli anf, ; c. ;'s'jy nd tk"1r wufsnf ifirB,ri-j "" :V. s're gjtn s w-rjn-tV,f oiafJ An Hsk scVo,i.5t 2ija t fcsva A 0lii-i-t rpig g;r. tie 5 CriTtt-bl ra that has tfc aasaa) i:jer s2 f rd-'nist- V'.' '' tyir-s;'n tint tvm kaa . Kr: ks tsmv&?lJ, sk tj rsvw'ls m tkw $t)ii&i aiKkyr-itls, t 1( Wht v?wt CHontltieiS fkf '1U4. &af Sftl 4 vtl t essnttariy Cesr W tNf rtver fS May Mitks fast, . XI gAtwa tte r,i .aa adiattfu.r. I f nd esse wece a ttrcfit. h4 m M grivf ky taking dQvery at and wytaj hwvy K a tkAnwand kOo as kaas sJioy-, The fkmr soiafslliig seotnx tag Isnttcata that t) IIaws engaged ta vi blaiignaivls ed a partivuk xljf . MaiMas typ fw tkejr a.j Hosr vt rf tWr tend xUl tibey kstov ta. tens of tkad f tketr MUm tomtrpme are ttmrtf atarrtttg M that tkeir giwirane la aaavdlag f corumiatdoM fwll of ritcs appvU tdj other UnU Attwrtcat taclided, ta srw tketn a lltila ftov It aeesna rrtotts that theax cotnmUtns cottld aot ka tarried a awk at the frontlet sad tt gaelsed a guard to put a stop ta tfee drain of Hour thetw. PHONE COMPANY PUTS BAN ON HUN MESSAGES Prookfield, ' Ma, Cowtplrtng wttk the reqtteat of the Una cossBty conactl f dVfesusa, the IW1 TeUfkMMt apa of thla city, has Uswed an Mer ta all patrons of Its aysteru prtihlbtttng any other language than fingUsfc ; over tha teJrtditae Itaea. of a dead 0rinaA. If took me k tnlsw nte to mtlsa wkat wa ksppeadag aa4 ' I awke to tha aotwid of bullets w bia sing past my bead. That dldnt dislurw me much, beceuw I was rondrt&f why iBbody hadn't buried tha Oar Bias Ik!ng around, however, all could se was dad Orntana, It and denf y d tve4 W ta that f wag' In Jr Mana Und, Of all the places ikersi are lo land In franco ant) Geraaar f had to land between the two. "Then I retiRd what a predicament I was l and began to think up soma way to get out of it. The thought cams) to ma that If I was nearer the Uermaa) Waea than to tha French, 1 had batter get rid of those Inccndlsry balls In tn pocket, foe if tb Germans catch jron with them you ar ahot at tmca, I climbed back Into my machine ta th tans of bullets and took out a toad of over 300 cartridge, threw them on tha ground and then removed my compaai and altimeter, "The first thing I.struck was a grava,' unfinished, with two of' ths enemy ta It. I eased t&yacif down Into It, lifted lip one of the tirniane and put tha) cartridge beneath bint. I atartad) walking bark td my machine. As I got mar it the Ikx-he line started thetr snttratMewr and rtfies St hM, and) tie lncKnnswarw thsVl teak onk of ' them, also opened up. 1 bad lo walk fssj feet betwnntt tha Hcvm Bfid It wai no oke with sll that ftrS coticentratad tn my direction. On buUajVpassed M cltm ta my far that I rWt fall tkaPb wind. 1 di-cide.! that I'd bsvaNo go ta one of the llnea, enemy or frit'fcd, hot Jut then I heard a machine overhead. I looked np and saw white puffs break log cat all around It, - , "On the way the fg got ao hot t, bad. to fall far down, and I dldnt ; mora ftr, I guess, five tnlnutea, Tticr Mng Bo good reason for ray brinf shot tike a d-g. I yanked out my baud kerchief and waved It at tha French line. ! "They finally gwt it after ten win , ate of waving, and 1 saw a French , offM-er Wtoning mo trim a bit og wood. If t!;r wver has bocn a faster WVyard trint I cevet beard of It I ran so fast that I ran right Into ths) officer, and very nearly knked his rax volver out of hi band. I showed bins, my Identification card and then atari ed cursing him for snooting at me, IN had tx-vu taking potshots at m out there,. He cpolnglsed, ssrlng that hm could only sea my head, becana big position was allghfly lower than Na Man's Land. "They took tn np to ths dlrlaionat generat and I reported (hat I bad seas) more than 210 dad Cermsns and aJ two Frenchmen, tt made him so nappf that toe gava m a dinner, and eoatpJVi nentd as for Mug a good soldier." . ferlttg from It Is pUiand throcgk IfiOO local societies f the KsUosuai Tuber rntfsts assocUtVm. GIRL CUTS OFF TRESSES j SO AS TO BUY W. S.S. Dayton, a Jasnlta Dswatl. eieweav est a bar iMaatlM ckaataat carts to katp wla tba i war. Ska tkea atlAd aa atB- 1 cr of tke Kattoaal kVwrlty leagwa that a wlsked fk hair to k aald ta Forttaad, Or, aad i ttat rk asoavey be wd la bay- j l&g War Ra rings atasspa. Oar i trad Athertow. the tatfcnr, iwsde tke first add oa the tresse st IV T rhJW espls&story J jeTer is w pe wa rnmst wilB tf-e Mir to tn highest bidder. JWJe9gj4 t 1 ( - u 1 I 'T" -TT'J ; ' ' TV" 4