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JpMfr fWW--f wpwig jAorti 1 t .jZe' 7f. t .vi- 4 fy' ' f , " 'i . n,fi K',t k : . i taawawaawaawiia , .i tmmmmm ImmmmtmmiU iiiiieiiiiiiMffi if a Having been appointed Adminis trator of the estate of John T. Peel er, deceased, notice is hereby given that I will, on Thiiroriaif Mnwomhn I IIUI UUU 1 at the late residence of the said John T. Peeler, on TUMBLING CREEK, HUMPHREYS COUNTY, Tennessee, offer for sale to the high est and best bidder the personal property belonging to said estate, Consisting of corn, hay, hogs, cattle, sheep, , wagop, farming implements, buggy and har ness, mower, bincjer and many otner articles that cannot be mentioned here. TEBMC a'e w 111 on a credit of I LllltlO six months, the purchaser will be required to give note bearing interest from date, with approved personal security, before the property is delivered. All sums of $5 and lens will be cash, and till parties desiring to pay cash on larger sums will be allowed to do so instead of executing notes, This Nov7, 1018 J. N. PEELER, Administrator. I . . . ...I IT JVJ Below are speaking dates in the in terest of the United War Work Camp ?aign: BELl SfiURG-Friday. Nov 15, W, J Johnson. WHITE OAK FLATWriday and F. S. Hall. PORTKRS SCHOOL HOUSE - W fJ eartnn. Cl'MKERl-AND Fl'RNACE- w, rearton. CI IARL01 I E Srtluulay. Nov and W. L Cook. WHITE RJ .UrF-Saturday, Nov and r . 3 Mall. BURNS-Saimday. Nov. lb, 7 p Hall. I I ARFETl I V AU EY Saturday Nov 16. 7 p. m-S. E. Hunt and I T. Cowan. EDGEWOOD. Sunder, Not 17 10a m.-J W. learaon. TENNESSEE CU Y-Sunday, Nov 17. 7 p m -J W. FEW'S CHAPEL Sunday. Nov 17. 10 . m-H. T. Cowan. ME 710N -Sunday. Nov. 17. 2 SO p m-H. T. Uwn. S I AY I ON - Sunday. Nov. 17. .' K) p m-H. E Hunt It is very important that everybody attend these meetings. : . Respectfully, Joe il Weems, Chairman. Qjrn.r Cr..H. Tht Flu obidin and the tchool ha etartod im at Few' Chapel. We wMtt to call attention to meeting o( the fr:ur in our local ity at Few' OhoJ fr the iutrpoe of getting in organisation f eons kind etarled to betn-lit the tanner. Mr, Klrod, th ! nur.,,t Agnt. will b present on Nov, ti, at i p. id. We wish to riv notice that there will b a Thanksgiving Pay c) brition at FV Papl on that day. Come and bring your dinnrr and com prepare! to tell eotse Uiiog you hv u t. thankful ir, Lei It hare a good tisue t.-tethe' and take tune to be thankful, acd to f eo Sleep aaJ Rett. 0 l tbe HMt ivimuou cai:ee , ot WMtuoia Uki reenene i indi . Mtiioa. Take m of Chamberlain 'i - Tkrta imtuetSiateiy aftef aupper "Tisi H if you do not ml better J UJ tie better. They eaty M)et r y ir Oft ilft fllUWUIIIUUI dtV) 1U 7.30 P m-F L Gregory aid 15. 7 p. m-H. A. Gofi Friday. Nov. 15. 16. J. -11 m J' Saturday, Nov If), 7 p. n 7 i A. L. . m J. Clement .Gregory I (, 3 p m m E. L Gregory and F. S. COLDS AHO GRIPPE HELD TO CALOTABS OVEHKISHT To break up a cold oter night or cut nhort ao attack intiuema. :Mrie. phyaiciana awl druggiati re now recmnaneiuimt CaJotabe. he near nauwalef caUiipel. that il iu'int frotu all daugtroaa and -kkening eflcta, Tboe who haee tried it My that it acta like magic, by far mur frTctire ted certain thau the old tyle calotuvl. hereto fire reennweniieti by al pltyatiaD. One CaJotab on Um tongue at b,t tiraeeith a ttkm 4 waU. that1 all No lt4, rn nauaea nor the !tghteet intetretKt with eating. wvrk or peuren. Ntl omintyourcoH ha vanished and yaor whole ytern fe! rfrehevl and untimL CaUat i told wkiy to original aeied irkea. price thirty nvcentP. Pvmaieaid td ami tuaxaiiteed by aJi druggieta. Yout tuooty feack U joa are not leltghted.-'ail. FOR .cr faroi. J- nxm btHwe. tiim raj lea Luua IHck; fC. $oOdown aod lob i nu. H. MAKTIN. aiif W. 34ib St.. Nw Y art City. Subnbe tot The titl nil DuW. Lttkr Froa Fnacr. Fulioabg k a Utter troia a Dick too Cooajtf ... Im ,MOw Tton, wiittea to bi tost, Miaa Annie T lar. CkrWtU. B. 1 U la alto a oepbaw td 4ur iaarsatiiaa, H. L ToJar. and tkm Utter will U of i? Utwl to kia ay Iricnda k tb County. Ua kad bevo in the txto- cba a week when ka wrvta tiaiet "SouMwbera In ftfcm" Oct I My Dear Aaat: 1 wrote yo a Utter iuat tb our day and tol4 ytM that 1 kad Jr gvttew e Ut- ter alee I kad beea orer here, but the laat day or two I have bees getting Iota of letter. 1 think they moat hate tared them back eolhet coald girn Iheto all to ui at one I don't car when I itt th jaet to I get theai. I alwtl a feei a lot batter iuet after J get a Utttr from borne. You fpoke of tba great tioua that to koaa wtning will b. and you ar right too. The jy of (tuning hoist will atinoet pay lor the trip and th bardabipa and everything frr tke fellow that baa atayed at botna during tnta war wul never know what it U to really go koine Tbe end of the war willSurxly be a grand tint for ill of tj. L'l oter bere and you folka at home too. and it'a tbe tue way in aituoet all Ut countrtea of th world.' Thia little planet of our hai ner rr iu all ita dickered hiotiwy bald a many glad hearta at m time at will be here hn the war end a And the od i not aa far off now a it uae to be, either. The latect new lookt mighty god to me, Anyway tt can I latt forever. We have al way got that to fall back on, I am tending you iu thia letter touvetiir poet card that wan given to tue by tome French people that i got- aiquamted with - at ""httfe vtiliage where we itayed couple oi week before we caw? to the front Take care of it for na. Tbe writing on the back i French. Thia ia what it tavt. "Souvenir of your little friend.'' None l thia French family could ipeak a word of Knuueh aril tt prM-iou little French that ( know But I managed to become gool mem! irith the to. I Ue to go town to their home almoot every eveuing and May a while. I learn ed a little Prtncb from them, but ( couldn't teach the to any Kngiish There wat a girl in that family but I auppoee you had gueed that by thia tiroV, Tbe only troable waa the couldn't undaratand my Kngiish oor ajy French" either. But tht waa nice and friendly, and ah gave ui tome poet card tto, but can't tend them home becaua they havr pictitree of a certain French town on theru, and the Cenaor wouldn't pat theru. f will keep them and bring then booue when 1 corue il tuey do t wear out. "" When the time cam for u to leave that vllltg!l hated to go. it teemed like leaving home again And tuy French friruda toaaeil iuf witit aouvenir. Kach one oi them ave me toairtbing. one thing they tave it a French Army bugle, and it hat taaeelt and ford ttrung a round all over it awful bungleoonie to carry around. But if 1 can juat manage to get it home, it will he a tioe aouvenir; aleo. it will be fiof tor "Jack ' to call bit tot doer vitb I thot at a rel foi tbe otter attrnirg He -trotted tip from luml a bank and tat down out in ' No Mali Land. ' He wat about a t uudied yard away . . ' I tljot, trange gun and ued battle tightt "to I couldn t kill bin but he moved. I am atiit, well and faring line. and bona you are all the tatue. w I think it i grtting arar th ,lm foe Ui to be relieved. And 1 will to glad to get a chance to el tan up a bit and tleep eoaaa. Tbe artillery kickt up an awful racket around her every once in awhile. They were at it laat night and thia morning. Tbev never bay thot right at ut. but oai ahelli lendetl mighty cioae to ua thia nor ning. By 'D8 I mean half of the Fourth Platoon. are ia a little Itrong point, by ooraelvee. down oa he atdw of kill There ant U of I bad read abovt the new draft! law, hoi dow t tfttnl any of tboee eenuooec in jtm leuer wm cavtiiomB wtio (ear; we rnliel U 'dome. 1 caa't tell murh abootj Aowrre above her th're. pmleas" thia country in a Utter. It'a tool of future year; yr a toib caa't big a job for me to tackle. But it t a fine country, a ttrangt coon try. ftad a Verj aiffernl country from cur. Thepeoidf are friawdly and treat well eyery where we go. li Writtea bv on wh- dearly lwJ lika them fine. 1 wih I could hriog(tr. ETHKL JACK'sOX, i them with ma and tbow them to yw. Tbi Utter may aeeia a huJe div jointa4 . Upt. but I am wnling it la lh xa dugoot. but 'ay tSi light Ta diSeftnt candle, ?tto oik ooa WoaI o.)) and ttor a t room in nere toe me 10 co?t it.t . t" ' 'DC Vhoiogbl, 1 bar to fibawy mikw I oi I will try to keey Um gp to tweeo tuy letter ua efeart, a I red A world olio v and fwi4 aUKea j-j all. Aa ti, . "TR1 VATJB JOESmilV, am a. e r, ! OlliTUAWY. Lacian Tb)m Bwy. eon of Mr. and Mn. A K Berry, dl in' J! af pimoguoau Si.t $X lain. Age AS ytara 1 nwcth and 34 day. Tn tad new td hi deal! reach d Ha relttiee Ne I, lI Irucia wa one ot tke ttoblei young men of oor cumamnity. and wat kv4 by all a ho knew htm. Hie tunny diiKmcn usada hi so a wekom tiaitor in every home. When bt tmntry tailed kini to waa ready and wilting to go. He nlitd in the tervice of LU country ion ii Vm It tad t thuik that Li voung Ida wat ended eo eoCiU. but we feel emv that he tuawrred the call of hi Hcfn'; Father in the fwte way that be1 aiiwrd th cll id lit country. He waa a taemtor d N"w Hoe Cuoibetlactt !rebyterUn Otfi-'i. He w giod an I lviog , the acnahine of hi K'in, a boy aov cotuioutiiiv tuihl be proud of. He wa a faithful worker for tbe Thi lirwrty Ian Waa mem ber d patriotic qiartette. who con tributed to ro8- to tbe IntrrM of the meeting by their .p-eu lid tns iug He tea vet a father, tuather. thw itera: Mr. Allen hut. Mr J, W. Fe rell and Mt 11 I) and two brother. Hn and Rrr. the eomrade f 'hta trie- Tto .-de votion of thee two brother wa beautiful toee. ... IJja,pa.ejitt ., Wt -,-,.., UmUU ton. M t'Mibera and tutcta a loviog brother Hi paator t loynt neu lr. Hi a'iatpe a h4uvid friend cuutry a gotd an! patriotic citttea, who gave hi life for it freeiioni. Writtro by OII.I K FKIlRKLL in Memoriam. Oo Oct. 'H. m. the Deitii An gel vUiteit tbe home uf Mt. aud Mr L lUyaiottd, and look (um them thur ibrlit.c batty. Jo nti For neveral day the child' ide hung on a balsnce. hi the dvo' ed parent aniiouly wicIhhI f h aome g I a oi of hone, but lh little offerer grew wore until 01 called hnn to Hiiufjl. He ; not id but le pxig Slt t p on. little Jo eph. for wi r art you tr in heaven among tto r)gl(i of tio,l We are all a t con;fort-d bv tbe bleaee l word id J. iit?- Suffer lit ile children to co'i)' unto nw, 4id fortt4 4lm i ut.a .-i - tW kingdom of havrri Furrw!! little Joaeph. .SuttiriK-r hr' v ttl winter blata n coiuf u I I . j t in tlo heart of lhe alio ti!i lititr here. trout uieui'iv will rvrr t riitrtn- mi. Hut th? cohf ol ailcnt me ag ba cotii" sin l the mul little Jiwu-ph lis takni it ;li,flit o (ito ttotne be TtKid tli f ste of death. MIK B. C. WOLF. OtlTUAttV. Oo Xovemtor 1 the Itl. Angrl the bo rue uf Mr am) Mr: J .M fluti n Ot n Tenh'"." tol cUiaied ft it. vi( t;tb the tweet eat re of the fKim1 Ivoui Hut ion. be w hv Or1 5rl, H!H. njtking b"r aty on e.rth ta-j yer and eight day, wln the itill voice f (JoJ cjel her borne. it w to bard to give up weei ittle Umiee. But -d kowetb ail thing Hef. and dreth all thing writ, an I taw M to call her from thu world of em an I rrn. l-t ut not weep f r tor, but Ut u live m we will meet tor in that land where there will I e n pirtiog luie leave a faticr inther. and little titer, to in ioro their Iw. Ae waa laid iu wo cUly. Tto beautiful niw-wrii'e cmket. the baakt of trgrnt ;l r, the eong and prayr. tbe tenJer mraeige of j trong nwainre f'r :hed cf featen. atxi tpaka jfi r tljjr whi ptra of eteroU juulh eHtlaat- mgj y. We planted f f ttut in the ailent tomb and kaptii d the told a Nvin thl' w-l, t m) in partdiee. whn the truxt-t,br6k the lee p of dat!i, and the Misftf Nya ariee. "O C3TE4 CI. FURS wltwaw-tt J- I wae aaai j & I I ' t i " ' - - pint IlLUrUI ItitUL OF USEE IIS UNtTtO TATtt rOO ACMwtMtaV TRATtOM tT C'T0T TO MAlNTAIt RATE. BE MODERATE IK &1AIIRET1K5 Or. H K leVav. real rtg A rtotiafatae f Tete. lareeat'i , T. tNi Panwert H$ Tt He &hiMi4titKe OTf th . Waraat imetwr rV. . Kkrvkvti)e.ttvery effort la kelag d4e itt Ua I'aiUMI atutaa Vi a W.uirrniva U uiiilna tt. prt-vt te k. Aa agrewwvat rexewtly twe4 uae NrtweeJa tbe toe4 aiiatUiw wm aag taa te4tag atert, 4 to. a a strate r a.-t ciiii or. tfcrow ml, dartvg the pret&: miU u Un ('ttKnga toait waa IUar. ia arar luia tbta guract ttr wtuat t ihii!U betweaa tt pi4sw.t tt th auHkera a4 food z6miUU :.. If dftfaaM jraahfij te, lT, ty atre guttag ta pai tiOu,)i it b (ar4 that IMa garaai caaaet BiatailN4. , 1 i ' la Ovtvi.r aa'attea wrtRr1pJ tsar let ta o rwlw watw lwtA pr cent wat ttaa '.., ft buiisa be atkJM.i'j ft lr t4. a aa Ui rt tti $ . S e-at-r. it t feat-eg. ot4 aikd t:tiiKtiie to ttialntala tbe guarantee But tiie pa-1 era caa ttxorb aa lnrv tt f'teva prt re&t Kar tr H A. ti rgaa. Ita feaarti teg adtoUaU f.r or Teimeaae, eaxteaUy aftkeaJ tv frm; St tnfc Ut I Murttt llr't iMt tturtag Uit atuttlti In me aituQ bd to Ireew R VM aaaraet te .lty.Uf,R4... ,ltoa,rtpff, .JH er bi to ia martlet a 4rug taa ; t Mith. U lata la tb tool wtmSaititratioa ta4ulga tit aep taat t Ik will retina iloie to tit 4 or bit tfc uottth ea O ChltNtf a aiket. eturk Hau)4 rttura tba Taea ruguter la ta aelgfetorheod of Uf Tbe foo4 admtJtrUon U eaaelei to maaa tilt a gaaraa'te beraua t tba unonnou power ttuit it onTitrtej ta It Never In fb at rj at tbe world did aey alnla tawtt laiioo bat the eeormk ui purchtr lKr Uvat t ieneutrtte4 la tht t'ftlU4 State Txi!ltrtloa lilcb bttja titt tfce aniile. navle at M reutitry and the ai:n, tnt atta aafta anormovt yurhae to the r- .. ovdiatiua of th aattoot iaa; .e U4 with im. Tae 4)a4 for j?v,rk for tprt auriwg !?' er wJH j tiraler than 4artng Ot lokwr, M U i ieUier wU4 hwt ta m.riirf k waa la tbe p.t ti)t ;h lnt ree !)) tot Va ulfUlat ta uort th rtoog at aca. Inceeatwg tugae ttaflew. : thidn Namter and lerembr tb ti'inr ration (or ordinary 4utet1 vt -t!V f titwe d Jir" proa per Dtf.nth )ote4 of two aouad, h!h ha btea the aliotaiant 4trtr. tte (Kit listen .iantB The (HKpl eta-ty repode4 ttaBftfnlly rie 'i fu r coaarattoa. aai fer to ctte juaat aa anoriwow Mtt Tht ttrtag tia Rabe4 th f'd tiuloittri.wn to iacreaa th at Io ik Hot: wilt else there, ta tM larjer allow aa. ai they t)l l ioved iSree pong lor a Naetr ftoni re4 Hr?ter bfita'.a raa ! le.e) tM(Kxia of ar wim the of,'- b4 another with taa cereal tr trutt, bt they nutx erte a wltS belli cereal B84Jff'!t . N aott-t niar ' f"e 'to any t'4t at oa wi Tiont tUa eaebaif ouna of auu at a ay 4aU. Mill F1 Piaffe. Report mm; to the federal f(y4 A4mlBlitr!trv '.feat It ri 0UDti the BiSI fe. el4t t Wot b .0 'njryrel fcf eii;e r4 4'-)er ta til'.l f4 V!o!atn-a ot l!t r'auiaHoa a-fi) b prte ut4. a tMe (,a4g It ettlutly ereary tw wr4r t e nca wtil fee4 fr dairy rattte. yewtt ncc and poaltry tug Tbe . f It lf t;-,r ktir$4ea t tVtoiq'e.y uaawlhwr .ted A a retU tt U.e pledge tb mill f-ed nituaiioa ta twaaa ewc-uaw ba 4r4e43y iaaprprwg. Ktt Ifwmatwea fowi. fanwera ar r(4 by it food ad BltiuitKr. to taetr InMaUri inmU oa tie fr 9trt (talk w et4i8:y bard ta et aal far Ubl rta;.s winch to wrig re ait ta aaar: lUu fsaia that coa'.d bw beat, at fara. Tt iraat t aatsg t ry lar &a r"SKnja ef taw cwt4 atr f f IU rwuatry. wtafclag ft ed . ... , ,,... , m w ui pvccaiiPD lilLLI t A- 4tfv. la tl ' W Wkaawwratea eJL u --. tac. etc. lliO: ' ' i TTs tr,n r.a urge ta ka ' ojb rf tta oU UL.-bey bw'a u a tauekav Kmwva A.v 4 k at tir for at year tig. Tt bar S ees twad fma ttnaaaa tiat aggt fws i 4d a art ae fartfl; prodac ttrwe d bwttar bttwf thai, iscw iTT-ra ; rw aaf reu-JO n w-cti; lae a awrwrwa Biasaaw, a titt ra! la tea aaat yaa ae .t aa w u es nrawy aa... u ; y-a West t-i-d ?e wi aa4aw thaf ht;h w fejM rA4a taULywaii -.-tl iv. w eoil, wrilh ia, ii'y v v w frwawFa g m , g . . a ,4 fhtmr ?f PUry. Oaty tllTA pAnj.rfti.'r 4.i- , evil 1 Af-N p ; V . a"W i """"'. ... , i? , si Tut Thy r-;:r EiVt Sq liBTT.1 TEl Of Owe tw tv Mwaft Vttvw fiwwtii 'K rw tm '---tthawtt 'tt tat Waw t IHaa Twak t Dry wwaj J - Wwat Vawtttatwf " s; kaniW4MWkMkfM'th wSgM twtt oMs Malta; ttt wwwt aewcan rtr watuac aaiJ a ta t to twwtva. . - rga abald b femwed atjtil t U tad par w gwatatata far UM aww ia lit daya. &. btWt M iartww ia warty Match,' ltIH artag Vr. rty t4bat lat law tatt Wltef. lwA tw tor the kw ia tm4ttftaw bl,' , ifova kept ia .) pwaa, ta w'htci taay caa at aiertiae, wawaUy taitww aaaaU titbara af wwah Xga that awvwi aaoaat ta taack, te9kteat atarela wta for ao kaaaf rttaiy ptgataUw) .mu. ttf-ara J-n-tiatier with aa pi lou aad paatarca ta wbkb U $ ' taa. Thw hrood wew aowt la gtvaa wana. wall vMUltAH tt aad dry gdaea ia whkb to j. lagyfwa Ugbt bM get tat htr b a good typa af hot to a t th "A tha4 punaht lc kti, ' - ' , tartg ta pfio4.t ttaa aa abatil ha fieaa tuAciawt lawTu keep i I owl, thrifty toad!! Von, Ut aha. tffraM,4bt. hi ta4 .fat - Vary fat aaw oftea r.t treabl at fwrwwiag Utaa and lhy ara ataa a)tggtft aad v e- . 4 farUior. ofittaaea tby oaiy farrww atall Itttwr. Vary thl mi ara U h . .. avoided, haewwa I heir pig atwailt a rtvw very ataaU aad. wwak. "-'Th irtg' Ta .til: Ww valW;irll H at, aga, aad otber w4itbaai ywaag ww Huair mora thai aMtart wt la pro(Hvrlto t tbeur weight kwajMiai ' tiey ot only bav ta iaeaka tktr yoaag, bt tby kata ta tapply thair owa ayttma with avawala, bo, aal tt bajldtiig mtwtancta. Oewt haft ta good, warn, w later quartwr rwulr lea f4 than thot forcwl ta tleep hal aiiMt tb b4 or ta tb fr otraar, I Itehtr tarrowing. tber are teywral aantarea of rain that may be a4 with good mlu. toflM af wilci ara a folio : til Two puna com. 1 part ahort and 1 i:th of tb total nUitvr taak age, WmmI n, r oil iral. tl Oa part etira. I pru aklat asiik.. i 3 Cauat part af barley, ata aal bona t m Kma parti of cwra, u aal widdlteg qiv balky and latativ fod trH at rtot, (buffped alfalfa, toy beee bay, wwpea bar, braa or trtl meal, wbaa tb r ta wot oa Mtbra Ky rleat, bog BMlaltt lrt,iiloa f fcirttaatoo. College f Agriculture, Uatverarty l Taaaawe Kaottyi ,j SUf.1f.lEil SILAGE FOR THE DAIRY ''i ... Tbe Well-Plinned Dairy Firm Will Sei.Ttutthi Cowt are Well Fid Fttfl SiiE II TBE SOB Farsv. Wht fiw .C - Ar Hee Otvte eiect(rm ff f lfa that Will 8geat MHh4 d etter r!iey ga u 4h Owe f Only ftrw Caw. . a A wi!f alio fur ar fedfac I an ot tb boat taeaa of kniag lb aiCk t of tbe dairy ar4 Mr cowi raa b fad froat the aaaa aertag by tb m of tb all tbaa br paatiirtag Tber la a wt,frai traatpleg down rf tb fwd aal ta awwa r aat iKee4 U th hut aal tie. . Aa tcUet plaa la t aav a au anatl dUametee ao tltag mm Oagw raa b fd ery day daring tb tvBMtwr, a it ebowld be needed. Tha dairy wr?b ataty of aw4 aUaar I try iargly tadeeadeat of amatbwr rawMiciaa TWe la Mldota a tM waaa ha aa awt w fair M. t ttlagw ewraj, aad 0ta are fr gaaj. wbaa ha wi4 at awaba aaorw avaaey frwa ita herd If tie dry. aaort J" with a r oaw af awrs ell - tvaw ta awwada af aibur aai 4 L tj k fair iaOytaiioa lor a tow. ff ti, mga, "W aaBia aaatar. Aaewt 1H ta jl waa v.u a. e.i a ... "TTT , . - . . 'W PHf laVtV gsaa WMmJJ M awtar ta iaw tlx tllag twaat aa4 AOovtag m avwraa-a af II baaaad mt Aav tar raw at I af fa) aaw waa at aOwg. aad a aaa wtmawu-ad fYoam aaaWg aa am, a -- - j a to aa tafto alia a- -a aatOw at tg--lae, ar- 1 .. wawaa, tl tat iwaattta' f awawl afci a atla 1ht V i tjrt- ( CSOdVCtitaWi jar , ) takaa ar Cainni,;B 4r " ;i n ii 'it, 1 1 . in II waaaaa -