Newspaper Page Text
:'.'', i'.-s? '?' i ir'--:yl '': ':;.. Sri''';':'-'" - '-,. . , fr,:r;,i "',,; .'' . ,Vv- rat cicrrca coriffir xruiax::r:.. i;- . -i ft -v vaawaaW4avaaaMsiaVawa ! -f 'fy "'" " WfptW I I, , j i I U .... -HI T-1 H '" i..i,..1i,..i,.IM-,MIT-'TP.I1.-..I ....i-.w."--.' www ' v ntiTTiV'fY nil nri r I an Mtinftrwt 1 nt ..' ' 4.'"'" -7',;'1" ' ft'.'. : i 4iMe s.V jtrm-mfttty pt-r.; -vnm-'r jb:m! be luan oc Pw.ujJE" V ' f. 4). i gv i j i it i3 M OU HUilS RUE FOR tUSII ma . IF COOTATK UlHtOW. tVtH(S A UN1TI of rinwr otvtitoiit avjrt AOAtfS TO Ur 00 WM AJIHIw RIOtD TtKMt IXACTfO KV VtCTOniOU ALUM. teOK. WOTKIRI it femm coATtOb fAtATH rtxtnxtH AHA 4T0&ACH tOURT CIN1A AOORTB NOV!, WAV f Or KSERINrJ ACCOUNT. CALirOtNlA BYRUf Of CANT HAH TWOtH TOM. ACHi live:. tOWCll CERTAIN HE COT HIS MAI HOSTILITIES JMVC CEASEt MM UATF.RIAL IS TA'AEN Wrat AimmrkimM kmy 'OiptwwB Owa BJOOO Mtatl1a; CMMt, Ow BvPOO fit nia 71 Trw fiaetan, LOOOLMN Rw4a f ! Area AMwaiaa, s Prtvtff imf iwat Hh a BJt t.tu 44 Wttk vtt-Ech On R9 . rtMH Qrvnn Kl'ld Cplur4 i Wttli Ml Own Haitd. WlUj African Araiy Northwt 4 IPr4iMievr7HM Is Gri7" dlvH'M Prtrat gum" Jott and hu ealp Wt J w rar4 ia lbs SNrviUiBi of Wt Ylrglal. aitd b wfiag- mam tn Jma A. Jo. Hi "la Amn ib country back or rl mm; bat, m he a, h ha not bi born wcb o( lat. flit comrade aaj tbart (a aa bear or una thus h i At tb requaat Of hi fllow aoldlar, Jo showed hi famon boll bcklt iMtt. IttKM "GtXt mil um." tudd4 Irttli WM kattoai, Md) butum rpr ttattvf Ownuji kl!14 or c(r4 At tint Joam uuld r tb , Uo of Klpln hu CrtDa l tlmi, ladtaa UhUa, but eompromUM Ml OUtlOM. "It ala t a twaatr," 8)Lm. nu tt ta nr owa taraUoa, nd artr bui loa nprwMti a (iraao attner or eilurii lta my own hand. (X (tm, (br only Zft button oa tt Bo, Vut 1 c4 IbriM mora to my nx k t that fr aa4 no tits to hiuy on R MA, -aaUaiMi tua, tut but Ion xcwi 09 thia bolt asi I'm car I'ra got my BIDCl tl SUILT UNCWR riAI. American fatrali Croat Rivar ,Af rlulti On a Ptoon Iridga. Altb Annrlmn Artny on tbo rnat-)ilU(tr flghtim took pi along tb Mauia rtvr. Arlrao pa trolt iurrJl !a rroiilua (h river at UrlBulw on a pontoon brldga ion tniHH unJr fir. At nth or point 1 tha Auirtn vera rocounoltorlnl Other croilngi. Tba 0rman ha op tba bridga i:tu Ltio'-M"" tta L4tnuvlllo, on tho t toV, and' th Important 'to a" of Atnay. oa ' iaa'aaat' bank ' Aftor Ui pnototiQ brti!g at Hr!ul lt bad boen ruruitructi'il tho Amrt can Uirow a nond brldga acr th Weu at Clary l Mtlt and dlopid a nw llaa o th lia'tly woodwd and ery dUrkult ground eat of th r1f b tan lfy aod Hrlu!l, a nlla front, NOTE 6 HOTEL MAN DEAD. Caasar RIU Paa Away at wiu land tanttarlum. N Tork 4"aaar llm. who rtb llabad tba Hill )tni of botrl li; protolnont cltla la Ruropo and th ValttHt Ktataa, dld at a naniurlum In tuevraa, H wit ir land, y a rabla Etam mUd hara. Mr Itlti wm bom In Swltiertan.l Tt gMtara ago, aad for th lat ftv jvurt raaldad fa I.urora it wa prnprltor f hotel bearing hi nam tn iondon, IVtl. Madrid. iiudapt, Naw Yor( aad 1'blladvlpbla. Ha la unrlv4 by hi widow, who, la th mnagr of th Hotel Rlti 1 Fart, aad a ko Chartea. bow a pn. at la th AmerUan artny and (Sao & at (inip Vkir, 1 J. .. , Among othr hotwl of whloh Mr tttta wa proprietor th 8lia Magglora Hotl. Italy; i'laaa Hot', itueaoa Alr , PLANTED BOM as IN CHUACH. taamana Prprd T Bring Down Ed Iflc Upn Wrhlper. On th Urttlih FYont In lmm- Anrlran tnxip ho .m-upHod a, Martin River during the dta. aoath of I 0iu receotlT dl:o red In th belfry of th village ohurc (t formldabl rhre of plote asaaaa of wire the charge wa coin acted with th motmtrance on tM klgh altar la tuch a way that If th Bioo' ranee wr moved an etploxlon. Vhkh would bar brought the churrh ta .VOa H .fit .of .. worahlpi ra, would kva taken plai- The off, rar counaaadlng th Atuertoan drtarh, tent made official meet ton of th matter In bl report to hi auperfor Supply of Ful OH Cut Off. Washington -One effect of th llm In Hon of Auntm from th war. tb fuel administration announced, will b th cutting off of Uertnaay'B upplle f fMel oil and gajKillne Oermaay bat Veen ottlnitv fuel oli and gotln from 0!tcia and Koumanta and wa planning to import extensively from th Caucasus, the announcement said, bat under the terms cf the Amtrtitt nult!c aH truffle between Cerirarty aad her former a'.lv nrat stop Call Fer 'I.KW3 Mr, Mn: Washington lrcot U1; Cen Crowdr c',W for tl"ivi dnsr; reg,. tranta phyUUy nuAlifte,! fr limited ewrvtce to entr1n fr camp h'eea Kor, IS nd Voluntary er.',.tv,iet!:s wl!t b accep'ed antU Nov. Jt Vv rtetjr of trtde and son ar mentioned m th caU aad 4 state ar Baked to iraih the ne. 'si' nu r Vr Total c" tor mf.iUrr sertK tor NosemNrr kave ttow pai.d rt ritrk nd ar fir fa ev. c -f .frevlou nonth?.v bW r.tatioa ander k draft. It tiipwlatite for Arn'HtJe FuU A trl Entlrty Owt of War Far th Fktwr T EaMata TarrHary Cempiirt DmiIUatJ id Far Waabiegt4a.Tu ata of anaUtka aader wkkb U laad aad tea torcaa ut bat one wa tit Aatlro-liaagartaa apir bar laid down tatr mt war an&JutKed UaalUaowly fk Watblagtoa aad iba alllad cantata Thvy aocooipiub comp'et aamadtf n4 opaa Ai(rUa a&d H i&gerlaa ta rltory (or Jlmortma aad all tee! opara tloa agaiaat (Mraany. Frou tbi draUe docimat, tt may t acaud, may b gtaad aa aecvraie watliat al th coudlUeaa aeartog cotspUUoa ts the tupren war coaactl at VnaHii iadr wblck Grmay may bar c tke of booUlttlaav Austrla Hoagary, tha laat aad mot powrful ally of Garnaay, pid out of th world r Nor. 4 aadr tern ol abject irradr. Not only bat the armed forcao of tbo oar powerful Aaatro-Huagarta atupir laid down their arm to await th end of the war aad aeaea term dictated by th atliec avd th lnlld Btate. but Aaatro-Huagariaa territory r open for epvratto alsit Oariaeay Kn th munition of that format ally ar to b ad against th kaUer 1 armle If refual to attept coBdlttooi now being prepared for them mat pro1ond fighting arary T! tonal ttiKlwr hi.-h t. Atmrlm m 'ttt talla front nctJ Uw lr ( 1 b .mt. ,1ft 11 fnrtM, turf 'iiii.i- ul Kt'.t ( H rtittrr amt mutter? yumtni, nr.u(a 9 1 ttf AmrK-ii n-i aiiMd fo-n ol 6 i!fifir i' ttuty ltr e " tJ, ua of Austrian milruait (or . iiiaii n'nit imn. va-uttun ) iuitint nd j :im, in Oudin col; rnlf o( a nt tha AuatfW'l iiff. at iitiwarrn f'at aad ttiaann- nafi I undar AntcrK-aii ani ! .4 jfMtrl:..urrndr ot all ifurinan un mrln In Aittnn im. in rvpatff u U ..MiaJ aa4 . A atai iMia uuhi m rtyjtiila l IM tmun-larr tnt l'tml hr Italy un!r lh t(aMa-lrrdi-Jl ttr Iraaiy tit Uumt n i n.iam. TM ,tll:t a:vuptHn bv aliV1 furxa ta rx '.n4. hx-ai mtiurt, ta luatataln rdt Kmtr allia aMarvtalitn Tha tanna nt tn armliiua a to t iirflJ owt Ditilar tha dtia thtn ttl UarahJ Fwh, ti wiU diitat malarial lu lurnatl "ar and tupir vl., !, m,nir I i( Aia'r'Huiran f rr- u ttia ramr Alt Oarman trvrt In Austria itunaam, 'Itair or tha Uatkana. muat ba out or tn ;arnal within II Jaa. lJatrurtln 4 a teHirr br rtreat ri( tort-a la va.'!n. Jir (wMJ.In Hhi to ba ttirr.njcrad inriud 11 mnA. rn Aiiatrlan autMiMirtnaa. thraa haltl hUa. thra lltit rrulaara nine .tirov l lorpaitu Ihi .ua ml no tagrar anj H 1-anuha monitor tJ tie aalgnata4 nr th rkilll All othar war rr ntttttad and dtaarmad un 14 ill- rat-tlon ' rtaa navltatteo of ell Auatrtaa walara t)r bvth tha war an.1 fnnimarlal ftaata oi Jaa aliiaa la provtn1 for. Tha tlanuha routa la I t ba it nnn bv K '.-ruttl0n t dkamantlina i-t (urtraaa- tyba aalactad r the IH4 rommandrr Tha ailatln blut-kada of tha aliiaa atalnal Auatrla ramalna um-hankl, Auatria hire balng liable t cantur whar found. Ci .-ail wbara a eimlaaioa, tu t rtamti ,tr, prorMaa Hharvlaa All anamr navel airi-raft ara to be put iut of vMramlaalan and r-um antralad uedof Iliad i-vntrol AU Auatrlan hrUr an-1 thar etiulpmanl in wcuplad Italian pet it ts ba lart Blo. h.l AU fartrmaa prvtactln Auatrtan naval aSaaae or atatlona ar ta ee ocruplad ae th a nana I al rstaa I a'lfirally aurran--rtarad All aUled r-raTt nal-t bf AuaM ar ' ttie 'rwrwmeal msl!talr. ........... Th wnlv n(nlHt military fxrva Au 'irta U permitted to rataln ta llmltad ta that naraaaar to maintain ordar to hat awn bordar AUSTRIAN FLAG SHIP SUNK luper Dreadnought Vrlbu UnUi at Naval Bas Torpedoed By n IUIin "Naval Tk." Washington The Austrian super, dreadnought Verlhu I'mUs. th flag ship of the Austro Hungarian fli'et at th naval t.av at I'ol. was torpedoed and sunk by an Kalian 'naval tauk." which, mannel by two officer, suc ceeded In penetrating the nilae field at tb entranc of the harbor j . The Italian sailors has accom j p;ihed nitbr great feat and ha j aaow -th- apr-drd.aong;tt, V.e.nbu' Valtls. which mean the last snd blt get ttnlt of th Austrian fleet Thtj Italian sailor have thus- retaliated U-t ' th Ue Ihe Vertbus t'nltis Inflict . apon the Itallaa army during the re treat last year. -N ?, After Long Sea Strugg a Tark 'Island. B W. I -TH captain and seven men of the Norwegian Sark ftSflnder, who had. been missinjt 'B-. tteir vessel stopped, by a German i.bmiin and they were f;red to take to a small hoat on tVt li. ba arrived here after more than thfr week' ettHHiure and In an almost starved condition. Cnda Win B g Victor;. ndon r:rthr Important gain hv Ven, trade ht th BriiHh trwps est cf ant;nc. field Marshi1! HH report from '-Aj.j iAfter Th! C-A of VatU ws capturird ar.d Ur.1. -& de'echmrn; entered ?! AUh. Held Mf !.a'. Han rejv-in that V.. ienvienres b taken tr ttvps ussier tT t.'urne. wj, rsd tvrvuh ts.e tow. The villa cf ir-e . te edj ValtacteB?. wa car-ttsreJ by tb f!er trc-v v.t'the .'., t gn'n.Bd In resia. I V g SBv ?y 1 1 ii pt, awwa. lr1 11 '" '" - HOUSE CIVEK REPUBLICANS Tr.e Baata la Uaaar Branch Yat T Be OaeidaeV-Oarnaar-ata Ctaiaa 44, Btpublicana 47. WaabiBgtoa,-Coatrol off tb United State leuat tUl rwmaia ta aVabt. la Itaca of return from tare ttatee, wbar coatewti) tietweea tb rvpobhrai. aad democratic raadtdata ramaiaed cloe a til count prof re4. Tb r publican tacra4 their maturity la th bouea when two or tbrwa t frv Houth fJakota were roacoded to Qittv.. Tbr aaata, oa aacb la Bautb bakola. New Mtiko aad Moatana, ar yt in doubt Tb etandiog cf tb two prtl la th Tteit hooae. wttaoat Ui lhre miat lag dUtrtct. tot Republican. tZt; democrat. 11$, a republican tuarity of ! Ia th nt. without th tbr4 doubtful iUte, there ar 47 rapubll can and dt.nn.vrat Of the tenat race jet ta be derid ml, Truman ft Newberry, republic i., appeared to ba maintaining hi lead over Henry ford, th democratic car: dldato, in Michigan With JI3 pw rla! to bear from Newberry wa leading bl opponent uiy 4 W voter Tba Micblaan Ut rapubllcaa commit lee claimed Newberry election, dw rla-rfng that th rwnMitolag-.duUiiiU. ar normally repuhltcan tiupportem cf -Hotor i'nii. al Now Mc.Uo. ati'J claim hi election on the bail of ca ertng return A the report conic from UBofftclal aourc, lb contt continued to b placed to the doubt ful daaa la Idaho, Frvtik II lodlng wa making deep Inroad Into the majority credited to Senator John V. Nugent democrat Nugent lead wa ot. l 4W, with klM'Q of tho atatea estlmat ad rota of ta.000 counted Mccormick elected. Jma Hamilton Lewta, natae, I D ftd. Apparently. Chicago - Medtll MeCorinlck. pre tnt congreesman at large, waa elected I'Blted SUte senator by a plurality vartouarJ estimated at from Hi to tfl.OOO. Return from J,:3 preclnrt out of 1.200 la Illinois outstd of Cook ecunty gW McCortnlck 234.14: and Senator Jam Hamilton Lewi Ut, CIS. la Chicago and Cook county lawl bad a plurality of something bk el.tWO, from available return. Returns for congressman at large from 1.44 pret'lneta'out of S.IOO la lUtnote. outside of Cook county, gav tb aiectlon of Tate aad ")aon; tba republiraa candidate, aa coagreea na at-Unt CHAMP CLARK WINS. Majority For Con,r Will Roh Twa TKouaand Vet. St U-iuli - Speaker Champ Clark at Itowlltig tJren estimated hi election by : coo vote on tba face of lacom plete returns from tba election la c itnplete return how Judge Heldea I' Ji.em er. republican, elected I'Blted Plate senator over forrnr Oo Jo. W Folk to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Stone. It 1 also apparent that th demo rrata loet two congremea, Des-ker bl t-e Firteenth and Hrwtr la th TUrteeBtb. Tb ttwtda prohlbi riftn amendment, along wUh eMtbt AV r amendment. 1 probably loet , BL IxoU rolled op a 5,00 majority for t'.e wet. Y. M. C, A. Te Bwsrth America. Ituoi Aire - South America I ta be oraantted for T. M C A war work along tha earn line a the Europe.! countrr, The war wark rooactl ol th Yootuj Men ChriWaB MaocU'.toa In New Tork ha appointed Jay C r'tetd. of the Bueoo Aire Y M. C, A: to act a field :rtary la Roata ArneHca la which capacity he win ko;k c'ter th BteriiBttietft of t aited Atatea sailor beBvr thy Und at ny South A erica a port It I proposed to bat permatieat or rani ration la all tba SoOi Amencait porta, ander the df rectus of tb V M C- A. flit aecreury. which can a moment notice prepare l(Vmeve t, entertain any Bhr of satyrs wh, mar be nt ''a bora oa lav -Vktory 5nfl-On Thantiegivleg 0y. Nw. York - rer. for a -v'very sorg ca th f ThaB.kHvits Day,' wrn. ail .Amer; can wul he asked t join ta g;B.g Mrn patrictic : s: 4 o :i k iii'.ern time, were fvwtpTeted here by ib Coar.cii cf Wcsn RICHEST WOMAN IN WORLD Mr, Rm4I Bag. Wldew l FwnMHM FtataiHiar, Ote At Hr Haewi I'a Naw Yarh. N Tort-Mr Saa taga, wid ow of Lh fataoaa financier aad reputed to b tba wealthiest woaaaa ta th world, died 4daly at br bone bora, fVath 1 at4 ta have beea caitaavt bf lmeat incident to old ac. Mi-a, iag wa H year of ag Tb fortaaa Mr Sag left I eatiauted to ba ai tied at from :,VKH.000 to l.K.CKM).Vt, priacfpaUy toveatud tn it rr4tna4 aad naaacial csterprt Utdetpraad iatrt ceater oa Ui eroYtttoa tse will of Mr tiag . She leavra bo children, her near e'atlve being Brpbew and ftle. ilra Sage, wt wa Margart OUt'a SUhuiu. w lnra la Syracuie, S V.: flu y:. tih descendant oa het ra'ernat vide from Capt Mile iiuadi She be the eond wtf ol Iti-ncit Sae in l!V Her lryet .e gift for philanthropic purpote S I0.aou.0w.i id a the 'Sab Poun dticn to "tmptove the aouil and Ji ln coeditkf. to the I nittd Slate " OHIB COCS DRY. Rural Dstrcl Ovrenaa Wt Vott . : ., C'tiaa. Colutabu. O." Itolo baa'aatftraj t!a fast growing itdunia of stair aber iutoiliatt'ng 'lig'.r carinol 'be' ivlj oe purc hased. W Ufa tba report frutii ruj :) counties showing cb a marked teidency toward th dry amendmcDt; 'I became evident early that tb 30 OOa tad that (he weta bad obtained woulij te overcome and pretlctlon to tht effe t proved tra. Wlih slightly ! than precdncta out. the prohlbltloa force assumed a lesd of f.Mt. and tbelr leader confk dently predict tbt th final majority. ill be clo to I$.KK. Th vote, wtm ,VHS precinct out of !.&, problhltlt polled SM,J4. whll tb voter op posed to prohibit Ion polled ll0,is4 CONTANTINOvLt II OCCUr-IEO., Allld Army In th Turk CaplUI A Result f Sueendr. rati Allied force ar reported to hat arrived la Cocstaotinopl aad to lv landed at tb Prlnc' Uland. ac to aa Atben dispatch to th f'eftt Journal Tb Prior' Islands tra ltoied la the Be of Maraaort, near th roast of Asia Minor, It tn H .-rile outbest of Coosiantlnopla, Tbey ar Bin la number ITALY REVeXiTTnFBTEB. Buain Buspendad In Rare 4 City Clbrt Vkteey Over Muna. Rom Business ha been virtually suspended here while the city cb13b uee tv celebrate the victory over Au tria. The demon at radons Ip vanut part of Rom are following each o'h er without Interval. All the store closed and the tramway were forced to suspend eervlc because of tht derse ctvwds thronging the streets A notable fearur of the celebration was supplied by airplane and dlrigi ble balkKB whkh flew ovr th clly aad dropped flower - L Oueaney Tai ar Britlaa. , Indoa Ilrttisk troopa, la tbelr of f io ft aottt iMtan -of - Val1eirire. hav raptared th fortified tob of l (juesooy, after having completely rur round ej it, Field Marebai Halg aa riounred. Th entlra grrSoa of mor l.m mea was takes wttb th citadel. French Advance Over Bl Mil. Part . The retreat of the Ormaaa between the ia lre canal and the Ar gosne gained Impetus, according to the war offle Bioaecemeat' Th F reach troop cir-d th enemy oat of 3g tioc tf territory, making aa ad anr whtrb at certain point reached a depth of trior than ii mile. Quick Relief Fearei Red Crea. WashUg'on WUlla 4S.hor afet tl.e A est Haas evecaated Vlttorto. Ctst aclUco and (dno. relief w ds4r?b tited to the clvlliaa po'pulaflsva bf tb Aaerictn Red Cpm A iitpatck frc I'tose Cros hdj'rter says tre!trc takea by relief Bli prrested great safferlsf Ot'S'-CIs ae The Mwei RhVp. Brvr Aire. The Argentine rov erttoveat b. p'.a-yJ a 'aulltary rvard, tbme JevBa merer ait .tpa its tested t Pah'a rUc-a. Tie Mis j re tie X V?.f?rr.i ri'.i.scfi:k WutMat4w.--r. ruklrg id al algbt MBBKttHw raat a rtgtweat af ABM rtcaa tafaatuvr Mutkm.'tarly 4i tlROiikd ttilt tg, tit rum rktom la Ju!j. Ha kadi ntamc ta la mad 8tttt. Ci.Soj Atmy twpa. Ta- atataaiaitt tvJknw: tleaduartert-AKwrka Cipedltio, ary Force. Nov X ; ; "Tb rtrat Aiaartcar. Amy cti d It offeasjt. tarttng attk a pr carioj foaUxtt att tk wait baak e( tb J . ta reatoa al ttaataal nab oral difficult,, aad defended Vy a y redrl deeperat by tbl kaowtodg that tk beigkl aorth of Vrda war vital to aa Ia. Ta Fifth tXviaio. aad NaHoaai Owi troop froia WiVOla aad XlcklgM employed la tbta opratto, aad aioarly but steadily IcugVl tbelr way tkrougb. oat the days cf coatiawou battla. la till re1oa w hold I Job Dt aat Daa, lb height overlook lag CraadvUl, thra kilometre east al iUruawat, Silloo Foauia fart, aad ibeae aaata aaat to tb obi Ua "Tba Bai&bow Btnaiaa aad salt of tb First ttvUICB aetred tb bightt outb and southeast of 9daa tad U t suburb of ihst. city lyinn oa tb wet bank of the Meut Tba eatlr ragloa between the Meuie and the ttar a beea liberated bytt r'trst Aairict Arwy ia rlo ccwperatkia a lib th French Fourth Army, "la tba Woerr the troop of oar Second Army eiecuted a number o bUhly Brcesful raid, ntertng th enemy Use and returning with II artisoBer. "Th number of ub of all caJIbr takea by ttie First Auerttaa Amiy Ktttca ;Mt . -I me w 4o4 U4- ,X pr t leal count of raptured munition aad 'ma-tor rhowedl (r'-h. ..Ue -n thin gun, over I.009 rtfl, Tl treacb mortar, several anil tank glint, ter rat hundred tboussad round of r tillery uimurHlon. neriy J,tlt,nn round of sMall arm amuiuuitio and much other ttiatertal. "A regkneut of Amerkaa Intaatry particularly distinguished Itself ta tt final vlctorte In U!y " With American Army on Bdai Froit -Cotttlngeat of tba noted Halu bow ll vision and t f the First IMH.Io mad the final whirlwind rush In; Sedan RETIRE gfEFORE AMERICAN. Berlin Ad-nit Alii Advance ArM Mevs Undr Havy Fir. lverlin Americaa troop dran'rd aero tb River Meus aotitb of Ova, under a violent protect! v fir, and penetrated tha wood aad height oa the east bank of tba river between Milly aad Vtlo. tba Garaaaa got ral tff aaaouaead. Tb sttmBt add that betweea th rVbaldt aad tb ota tb Gerrnat Xr., wttbdraw asd tbat allied troopg In thatr attack oa tiiat froM ttorm' pcxttion which bad been evacuated, The aJHed tin I west of Bvy, gsong tb eastern edg of the Mormal forett, east of tATtdrwci and east of Oat OVER tOO OH IN CRASH. Rear End Collision Between Ter Brooklyn Rapid Transit Train. New York I: I estimated that al least 1!0 men and women wr killed, and probably double that number In jured In a rear end coUUiot belira two Brooklyn Rapid Transit lr!n fa th cot near tb Prospect Park stiatl fa m tb Urlgfitoa llea b line Tb crasb occurred when tbe train ahead, said ta bar beea ta cbarg of a 'green" tew jormaa, )pA the. track al i.wltcjg and a not Her train rusBtog in tbe aama dilution plunged Into the rear tajrj, 0rer Dead Litter Fle'd. With the ltrilh Armle in Prs-oca t'nprecedented oumhers of Gerraaa dead litter tb batllefleld of Vb rlecae Tbe combat whir b restitted ta th capture of tht cfty ws on of tfe bitterest and mot prolotigavj of tht retire wr tteyocd the towa b)1! to band fighting protreesed wii th German being shoved b'k Th CndlM rroesed the Rborte'le stream walst-dep tad evrrwbeltm-d detperat reslstaore f: bocbe. F'.. Mlian Mia IV airv . . Mai rring tira at r!? . '..-.V-4 - this country dap lag th eavir.g Oct ?4 was 14,7TJ iosrs is Hi air Trie dlsuno coterd by all nrers t th JT Heili was 1,11.. ! iS.'W. a distaa-r H peer : urae roti4 tfc eartJi. SQCJOO Autne Bagged. Ws!i!Tirtn5. Aitstrtaa prWcaort fptufi by lis tl.R before tha ar-til"- tok' eff.-t r V'jiKted assrw r .V'.'"i at Si Voty taken ; t;adea ..!' 6 brrv. A UiaUv teda ar B ale cblld ttMMflV. ClUtdm UttBlt WiU BOl take ta ttm ftoca play te atpty tbeit Ivawwlla, wko peevvte riofT alii vjrta llTr Et 1ttgla, atoauac Lamb Bt tba tv.4ra, anotkai'l & coated, or yur child It tlatle, aroaa, ftrreHaB, BreatB bad, tvatleaa, d.a1 t bearOly, full of roM or ba or t&rvaat or a ay ftber cblidrea ' alb aftear, iT tetarooafut of "Clb fortUa iyrtt of fig," tbe da1 04tT, BeYaaa It Is perfectly Bartw lea and ta a few hour all tbfa ron titwtiott r.l", soar btla and fcr atlavf waat 1U atl iuov ot 4 th pxiw!, od fvv bt a welt, play ft4 tfcild train. A tbonagb nnld rjeanatBE" ta ofUma all that I Bv aary. It aboald b tba ftrat treatment Ktre ta any tick be, llewar of frotcrfeIt Rf )ruv Ak yottf dragjglat for a Wttle at ! Ifrtla 8yrvt of tlga," afcUb. l foil dtrectlont r baMca, rblldren uf all ag aud for gKiwa-up tdalatf prlated oa tb bottle, took rarcfulll and ar that It 1 mad by tba ValV forJ ft yrtt ColaJ,' Ad. Fair ORer. Jyirak. ABraititb1, B t.1. Ji?! . c)h,'Jult. the maid Jt a1ttl Ottt mm mmls Waaali. )twtt wS.B J ,,- r,-','..-,.,-;. foh tnrmlyV-Not tB tb dlnlB rram 5 Hut I ve had cafeteria eaiert once, m if you'll line up your gveet ad snoot tiieiu out ber a 1th Ibetl ltt , I'll thnt tb.) yet all that's rotitln' to tbem HutTl l;.re. Insulted. Rtvony Father, one of Ihr toj aald I look like yt. lather Why itld foa eny ) rtBOy-Ntblfi. He a Lot bigg than me. Crwva't Taaaataas fMI Taa( .a ll A man ran has a lot of fan la tbti world and ttll b a gentlema. WOMAN'S NERVES ' MADESJIIONG By LnliA E. Pbktani'i Vcgetbb Compocad. '''''WtPvataTA t4aBBhvMilBI TSTIal VI ratt tt Blcat- WWaalaWaWaBawl ft a (v re ova I tell to tt Bp gl walk train m ka tb tTMnitagj WUad k ail ctiwtf nt 1 read aboil rdia C. I1nkiia- Vaffatakia Cott mui4 od thoof M 1 wtjld try iLM; MllWWIIwa Brail audi fowl fis b tk marinaf mi mbi ta do f wort. I fladtiy tinm mmmi Lydla E. rkduVi VffwVr Cpn4 to Bwaka mak Xrtm$;'-Hn. AiAaBT SuLTES, M (Jtaw4al ft. Wiawaw, Mttaa, - Ban aa'tsmOV w aawar ta ga4aj. . awasOBf Wa), "1 MMaVaTrOtM, I gH alief,' or "tt aw oa tkfk I a4vold f!y. Stack atsowM pro4M BjT tafa, ftatwM't apaftM ow4 tsvj Bala faaaatM root aad kerw rdy, LffHlo C Pknkbaaa'g Vaaeobea Cot Bvawdi. ttiaL For forty yr K kaa aooa awireaaa t&( tssds iiuot ecasdlt aa datiaat BwewU, tsfUrataoa. ttlcwratkMaTbrr wJatittaw, period! pikm, bckacti. a gdrsata. aasvd I asrvoa twwetratloa a aroea, ud p-bo coaidred tb I WvJ iwenvdytfor aoek audmeota. Mi) pd So Young CX tub Dandruff ana Itching witu iioirauimman W4tk CWn OAVt OAOOLIfJC Owe ansm Oaetr an aawr awMar U4 sm a avna aaaaa yvaa awnn rt araaaau wa r-e sa w mmm a aa kia stasalf imterati;. tifT at T atats aw Ai'tMmid k,t aro. tu taasK. cwtAta W. fc f L MEMsMfa eaO,-4e-WlV A fbasawas Wi C. jtrnXtWrnmi, jlgaB 9b4Ab4 daA eaaaewa avbaaA - - mi avvv vfereww tysavwig gjjg jjafi . mmm t