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klgbt now I cab ta butt of that fa trembling, Th Scottl mad a gempUrt turn la th air, bit the gmitd, latitat" over twtca, each time flawing tl tb rtlw aad tbaa aiained still, about four fa front me, ta sort ef silSng pcsltloa. 1 called t tba. "Art you hurt tally, JockT bat M aturwer. H waa dead. A dark red ai wiaiai through bis tunic right under the heart Th blood ran ewwa bla bar ia, making a aorrfbl tight On hla right eld he carried his a tar bottl. I wag eraay for a drink aad triad to raaci this, bet for tba life af as could at negotiate that four Nat, Thea I bcatn uocoasctoua. Waa I wok 9p I vat la aa advanced tnt-ald aat I aakad tba doctor If ara bad tabes 2b Hwa, Wt took Oka traaxh aad tba wood beyond, all right," ba aaM, "aod you fsllowe aid pun Mt, bat. my lad, that was thirty alt boaia ata. Imiwi lying to Mane) Laad la thai bally hula for a day asd ball If a woader yon arc all." He alao told aaa that out of tha twenty "'Omi ral' fa ralttttig trty; tot a vara kltkd. Tba officer died of wound la crawling back to our trench aad I waa severely wounded, hot on fcrtJaw returned without a ecratch, with at any prlaoaec. No doubt thta chap kret tba no who bad answxed aad Im properly cat tba barbod wire. la tba official eouiniunliu our trench raid waa described m follows : "All quWt an tba wtrn front. x opting la tba neighborhood of Gora ns rt wood, wher on of Our raid lag parties penetrated Into tha German tt la needle to My that wa bad no aaa for oar persuaders or come-nionga, aa wa brought bark o prisoner, and autll I B Old Pepper'a word, Tor eoaally I dual tailor that that part f tba Derosa trsnch l occupied." will always coma to m when I hear soma fallow trying to gat away with a fuhy ntAUinetiL I will Judge It accordingly. Crurrm xxvu. llghty. From tht drst-wid pout, after laoca Iktlag ma with autltetanu serum to femat lockjaw, I waa pot Into aa era balance and aetit to a temporary hoa fAtal behind tha Mar. To roach thta hospital wa had t go along a rood about flta mUs to tngth. Thl rmi , Waa atjikr shftl flra, for now ami than tiara would light up in aky a tro akanditus axilii'ai and thn tha run l aacmad to tramMe. W JU n.'t mind, though no doubt nn of a w(hd that a shall would bit ua and tod our mlaory. paraonally, 1 was not parties lar. It waa nothing but bump. jolt, rat Ha, and bang. Bo tarsi tlmaa tba (Irtwr would turn atwand aad ! nt Vhr nat-a, aratl aooa W tharw Ona fcUows. tJboaa ambalaaca dnvwra, a lot of. thout (ft Waat, too. ' If gradnalty draw out af tba lira aowa aad patlad ap la front of an tm ' flMaa - dsflwai. - tlrefeir;bMuf .cr rlad aaa down a aambar of stars and aaa cod maoaa wblta tabla n a brtghUy Igbtad room. A aargaaat of tba Royal artsy Mad leal carpa faawnad vy baattagaa and cat sat ay tasOt. Tbaa tk doctor, wtcb bla asaaraa roUad aft, took chart. Ra wtaktd at m aad I aiakad back, aad tbaa aa aaaad. Hew do voa foat. aaaaaaad a a bitr I ajnwarait Tba all right, bat M gtaa a ald far a drlak at Baaa." 0a aaddad to tba aarwaaat. wbo dia apfaarad. sad Tt ba Aaraad If b Mat ratara wttb a gtaaa of at. I awaM acUy afwa say uaatb aboat a ajaartar of a laca, bat I got away wttb rtwj drae of that aba. It taatod yoat Kka Btlgbta, tad tbat la baaraa ta Tom ay. Th doctor aald aooaathtng to aa or darty. tka only word 1 coald catch was talorofom." than thy put soma kind af an arrangauiaat r lay uoaa aad moaih aad It was sua for dreamland. Wbaa 1 0(rntd ny sjraa I aiw lylag a stTYKhr. la a Ww woodaa baJldlng. Rtarywhaaa I I.H'kod I aaw twi of TvHKttilaa oa atretchorn. aoflso daad to tha world, aal tha rast wttb fags 'in tbair moulk. Tha mala topic tt thatr cramtk waa BUghty. aU had a frta oa tkatr fs.-a. atrapt thva who didnt baaa aaoagh faca laft to grta wtth. I ITtnaad wttk my riht aya. tha cttiar was baadagad. frtcfcerr ranxi tn and bo tan t carry tba outsdi. Tea CawM kaar tha chug of tha antas La tba waiting MiUur. I wa put into ax sr.-tnl.xv with tarao othara ard w w.ot fc-r so (ghtwtt-mila rid. 1 wo m a brta tTaKhar. TV lad rght anvas f s.sahl ay aonwrtblag bombir. Riiht iho-rt a w a c.aa frxnu tha ' Rcyai Irtik nRaa. to r ftvwjj : bha wu aWtcbAsa. Mill GO AN AMERICAN SOLDER WHO WENT Orftgrc Wa bad goaa aboat thrao mlloa wbea I board tba dtatbvratUa la tha throat ef tba man oppoaita. Ha had goo ta rast serosa tb Oraat Dtatd I think at tba Una I an Had him, Tha man of tha Boy at trtab r!3 bad bad bla Itft foot blowa off. tha juttlug of tb amhaUaca oar tha rough road bad looaanad up tb band agar oa bla foot, and bad atartod It tIdiBg again. This blood ran down tb aids of tba strvtcbar and atartvd dripping. ! was tying oa toy bark, too weak to mora, and tha dripping of this blood got ma ta my ntthaodagod right ay. I clnaad mj ays and pratty soon could not opoo th lid; tha blood bad coBgsalsd and closed It, aa U It wsra g'.uad down. An Kngttah girl draasad In khaki waa drtrlng tha ambalanc, bUa baatdt Br on tha saat waa a corporal of tb H1U.Q, Thsy kapt up a running coorarution about Blighty which al most wrocksd my arri pratty aooa imta .th. ntwtcnaa abor m. tha liiatuuan bacama awara of tha fact that tha Wndags from bis foot bad b coroa lixiaa; It roost havs paliuad him WrrtfiljiV'bitco'o' ba-faWaa-1 -f load aoUa: "If you don't atop thla bloody daath wagin and tit this d baodaga oa niy fuot, I will gt out and walk." " Tb girl on tha saat turned around and lu a syuipathatlc Uc aaiad. "I'oor fallow, ara you ry badly woundair Tha Irishman, at this auaatloo, lat out a bowl of Indignation and an sworad. "Am I vary badly woandad. what Moody chHrk ; no, tia not wound ad, rra only ba kicksd by a canary bird." Tha atuhuUoca tmmattlataly stoppad, and tha corporal cam to lha rear and fitad him up, and also washed out my right ay. I was too waak to thank blm, but It waa a graat rilf. Than I must bar bocom ooconadou. ba caua whan I ragatnad my sotvsaa. tha smbulanra was at a standstill, and toy atraii twr was balng ramovad from It It was night, lantrma want &uhlng bars snd thara, ami I could aaa atratch arbcarors hurrying to snd fro. Than I waa rarrtad Into a boapltal train. Tha loatda of this train looked Ilka baavan to ma, Juat pura white, and wa mat uur first Rod Cnm nurawa ; wa tbo'ugtit thay Wars ao.gla.' 'And thay wsro. Mca ilttta soft bunks and claan, whtta shavts. A Ui li' nuraa sat basida ma during tha whole rids which laatad thrsa hour. Sh was holding my wrtst; 1 thought I had mnda a bit, and triad to tall tier how I got wounded, but aha would put bar flngc-r to bar Upa and say, "Yaa, I know, but you mustn't talk now. try to go to slaap, ttll do you gnoil, doctors onlars." La tar on I laaraad that an waa taking my puUa vary raw mtnutaa, as I was vrry waak from tba loaa ef blood and thay ta pactad ma ta anoff It. but I didn't from tha- train we want lata amb laacaa for a abort rids to tba boapMal ship faaama. Anotnar pa Vara and mora angsia, .. I d't JwamJr ih Utp acroaa tba channel t opaoad my yaa; I waa being car rtad oa a atratcbar throcgb Unas of people, some cbaartng, some waving Saga, and ethers crying. The tug war Cntoa Jscka, I waa ta Southampton. Blighty at lose My stretcher waa strewn wttb Beware, ctgarettaa, aad cboceietee. Tears started ta ran dewa my cheek frora my good aye. I lift a booby waa crying. Cas faa boat ItV- Tbea lat aaotber boeptteJ train, a Ovabear rtd ta ralgntoe, another am balance rlda, and tba I was carried tato Mnnaey ward of the Anericaa Womea'e War boapltal aad pat tat a real bed. Tata real bed waa too mark for my ucttrung aerTa and I fainted. Whan I cam te, a pratty Red Cross nuraa was bending ow ma, batMng my forehead with cold water, than aaa left and tb ward ordiy piaced a tcraan around my bad. and gate m a murb-nevded atb aad clean pajamas. Tea the .Tean was ramoaKt and a bowl of steamieg soap m glran sn. It tasted deltctoua. Mon ialahtng my o ta carsa caaie back te id w bj name aad aaotbee. She ptit tola Infrmatioa dowa ta a tmt book aad tbaa naked : Tben do yva com froenT 1 aa swered: Trota tb btf twwn befclod the Stat af liberty;" cpoa keart-jg this aba started jomptng ap aad do. rtaag bar baada. and railing out to three nurse acre the ward : "Com bare, gtrla a: 1 we ba got a real Uw Tanke with ta." Thay rane ever aad beeiered m wtia owttoaa, anMl the 4.vtiT sr na4. Tpoa learning that i wa a Amrrican be almoet crashed ay hiid In h! grtp of waicr. Thay al wara Acrrtcaaa, and were glad to era Cie. Ta dctor aary tec.-r'.j r-xa ay fcajkdsjas 9d Kwd me. after rtew- 1 1 " " " Iff 'JII '"' .''''' "1 taf Wf Oa. aVw'VMMIaltwti tak aaa' t ta paratla ttMsttar lft atedlauiy. i tmrntWr 1 Mm1 ami what w aV wtta aaa,,,:;; la a few aUnatea, fwar ardartts ara looked Kka undertaker iraaaaat fa whit, brought u utckr tsniyM aad placmg ta u It nutied bus oat of tb ward, art ona a courtyard ta lb operating room or -jactaroa." as To my catt It - I doat rastrobaa- aarl&g tb aaa tbeeUc applied. When rem to I wtm agmia tytajr Va ft bnd la Maaaty ward. Oc at th anraea bad dmpd a krg AmerVaa Sag over the bead af lb bed, aa4 gbjspd ta my bad wk4 a amaltef Sag, aad It made me fseJ good all er t again ae tb "Stars and Sutpa." At tbat tim 1 wtsadered wbea Cm boya ta tba traacae weald a tM emblem ef tb "laad of tb tree and the home af tb brae" btde taaea, doteg Ita bit ta Ibis great way af cJea llaatloa. My woands war aery palafdl. aad several time at night I would dream that myriads of khaki altrthed ftgurea would pasa my bad and each weadd stop, bend over m. and watap, "Tb beat of luck, mate." Soaked wttb pcreptratloa ! would awake with a cry. and tba nlgkt nurse would coma aver and bold my band. TMj awakening got ta b a habit wttk a until that particular aura wa transferred ta another ward. la tare weeks' Cm, owing t tt rareful treatment received, I waa able to alt ap aad get my bearings. Oar ward eoataldkd aeaeaty-flea wtlcta, W per rent ef which war surgical as sea. At tb head af acb bed bang a twmperatarw chart and dlagtumie abeet Acroaa tbla sheet would b written "0. 8. W." or "8. W," tb for mer meaning gun shot wound and tb latter shell wound. The 8. W ." pre dominated. pe'iaUy among the Royal Hold artUlerf and Royal atneer. Aboat. forty different regiments war repreaenled. and arany argamenta en Sued aa to. tha reapactlva Cghi Wl try of each regtmeoA The rivalry waa wonderful. A lock arguing wttb aa Irishman, tbaa a strong Cockney se cant would butt tn to favor of a Low do regiment. IWfore long a Wei un man, fallowed by a member ef a Tork shire regiment, and. per Upa. a Cana dian Intrude themaeirsa and tn arw uHit wates loud and furious. Tb pattaots tn tba beds aUrt howling to them to at tie their dtspui outside and the ward ta la aa aptoar. Tba bead slater somen along and wttb a wave of the band completely roata tb doughty warrior and agaia etleoee retgna saprema. Wwdneaday aad Sunday of aacb week wr visiting daya and were looked forward to by tha men, because they meant parcel containing fruit, sweat or fags. When a patient bad a regular visitor, he was generally Yf web supplied with thee deitcartea tlreet Jealousy la shown among the ma aa to their visitors and many word wart enene after the visitors leave. When a man as sent to a roovate ceat home, be generally turns over hi steady visitor to the man la tba next bail Moat visitors bsve autograph albums and bre Tommy to death by' aaktng' blm to write the particulars of bit wounding la earn. Several Tom rale try to duck this anpleasaot J by t!l Ing the visitors that they cannot writ but this never phaaes tha ewner of tha album ; be or aha, generally aha. offer to write It for them and Tommy ta stung Into tailing his experience. The queetlotv asked Tommy by vist ton would make a cterer Joke boob to a military man. Sore kindly looking old lady wfll top at your bed aad In t sympatlietK vote addreea yoa: "Toa poor bay, wounded by thoa terrible Oermaaa Ton must be raffed eg frlgktfal pain, A ballet, did yoa aayt . WaO.. tU aia, I have slwajs wanted to know, did kt burt wore going la or roaring outf - m aa cojrmtrriX), . Si. , VELOCITY OF BIG SHEOS Oooewatoe Usee a'esblswi af Mw Lg Time la feovlrad far fteeve aa Fall te Ceaitae af I art. "tadytng the eatoctty af Stella aa4 balleta flred la tb war lad Ma arte Sanger, a freacb geoeaotsr. ta tara to tb old tueetloa ef tb time rt woald take a stoae t faQ to tb eewts ef the earth, Hla caclaatoa wma that tt wold take about SO mlnate M acta. Uaaaenddl. b gavw tb aabtort macb thought la tba last ceatary, mad tb ttm 30 mlnate aeea. Marweao oa tha ether hand roe tended that all hour waM be required, Sauger ears that a tn stooe aa proached the center f tb earth It would be draws downward by tha core of the eaxth sad upward by Je eh3 which It tki already penetrated. Th rate at. which the daaaity f th eavrtb varies ot Increase aa we penetrat ta greater depth la unknown. Sanger' formula Is bed upon ccoi3ratlocs of the momect of tnertia of the eeraa, aa calculated from the 4aia of tb eaitnoxea. which agree wttb oN sae-rattoM oa tb density of the earth, rrodacted la mine ahafta. TT a afcftft ware driven right tbrewrh tbe earth the stone wraij appear at th Aatipodea afTer SS m'cotaa secMvda and tkf return to tts starting ptt, at wfcicb ft weaid trj.te tea rae;yr aace at the end of t bnr IT mtnntaaL Her Lfcit fUr.k (a!ilr TbU chert, taadaaa lant CIid In. - hU.U-l3t whatt lUt CaC-'ee 1? t.t y-ur btr.-.5vi r.sss 'g-ed to ft btt It iee no V'' hw orach irossae yon waat Mrt--Mk. ts at si!? WeT. : Uie .I tier 'A-faarMl Wee . TEKSSE Epitome of Intern tog Ercnts That Are Transpiring Over the State j Ki1Ilw Th Tane Volunteer vrce swamped by lb $ewaae Tter bera in tia gamw by tb acora af S to . afaacbaater Cltiieei of Maachaster rortribuied a fand Iwt week t bay drinks, cigars aad can4y for tha li men who departed tor training 0219 at Wadsaork. C- Newbern A meaaag baa baaa r cled by ndstives her from tb wa d'fartment at Waahlngton. atatsag that Mil Mu'henn a Newbern boy. had bea killed la acttoa on the batu front la Fran. MrvwnivtlieAll churcbe ta this tUy opeied Sunday and the grammar and high -.iwjtfwia. jhvoX .Xar... , . .At tht re are a number vl mfiueoia ra b he country, tbe eooaiy ala will not ove thla week ChattaatHMta State Attorney lYanl M Thooipajn rendered a diiln that local scbuol bxsards could legally ptj tt-; lrii of .teachera tor all tv Um acht)ol were closed on acuul of the inHuet la eptactulo An o&tnloB had been .e)ueted by itai $erln tenJent ot Schols Sherrlil. Nearly all the tn: of the uie weracloeod I r eral weeks. ' -MticHee.-"liliaai- fiwt ljeryj. xf voirrrj, w liwt w!;a ih Aocp b!p Otranto rol'.ilel will) the steeu r KistiTOir to'-'iirsmim- mt isf w deatrviyed Youttg Henry waa among the men drafted fim thla con tr a H-tnbr, 117 lit. bard t'um cvlnga, of tbia rounty. hat rrled 1 reag atstlBit that bis son, Krneel CuniUisghsm. who waa on hoard tha iHranto. wa saved Alamo - After hsvinr bean cleeed for a number of dr by oniar o! Crockett rounty fjod administrator, the gins of Alamo and t'rockett county rommem-ed running msIo The (in had becom OveraiiKked wtth sed, etc, aod ran could not b had to mot asm With thla ban Ufled the buyera are now ready to reaume buying th taple. and tt Is eipftrted that buin hr will be much more Hvety Jackson. 1'nton I'nlveraity, whitls waa dteianated as one of the atwdnrt army training raropt, hi aerured l Hiot of :o) ttndenti. all ot whom have been duly Induced Into the service trrt!ss!l.v every amdent hat Ukeu out the full tnaursnce allot 11. ant rf liu N), making a total of approximate ly !,000,fl Ttiere are atadanta from fire aa!e, enrtilled. namely, Tennea aeei. KefitiKiy, W4lNtnpl, Atam and Arkvnva Naahvil'e -On Nov, 11, at the Com men ial club. Nashville, there wtll be s me'-'it x of the rituem thniuchout tir tat for the purple of orxaolrirg a forestry w "lation The question ft ronldera'l jn I of lmmene Itrp ' tanre to !! and a btg attendance ta r cju:td The welfare of eery bualneai in Tenneee dependa directly or Indl rw:t'.y upon the foreau of the sta'e Why ? iWsuee .f tha good Influence r.eraary, wood and timber cotnlui from them. . Knoxvllle Tb supreme court bald 'he first regular session partlrtpated in by th' new "m'Wbera"of tb eaurt who war alerted la Aagust of thli yaar Thetewt aaoeaored 4jum meat to Nov 11 la order that the mm 'sera of th court might so horn tr vote tn the election. It was also an nouared that the caee ta which an at tark 1 being made upon the ceastite .tonality aad validity of tha etatst rl 117 placing county offtrers oa a sal ary haals aad deprttlng tkm of tba fees of offlr would not b beard of November 11. the dais heretofore a bet would probably b poetponed not) th court roovaciea at NaahvUk la ta rember. Naahvllle rel Administrator W C Myer says that during the past weak the output of the ooel mlaea U the Rait Tennaeaee diatrkt has b rut slmoat W per ceat by resign of tbi '-r.ecs epidemic. Arrordin to in fcrmattoa fureiehed the faS afmlr.l -tr by Inatrt. t Rprasttiv K n "ytt6 of t! federal fat: adniBrs Hon. pracOcaHy rr mtt in at Tace ws affiled by !. 'd." nnd many were aid down. h. oth t operated en aiior.esel trr.e "f ouvpiit has Wa. 'cat. y Mr Mrer "Inn m& Gof Ua a weak m Iti.WK '..r.a iatt weak. Mt we e t-'fiax thl teadstw?s. eiil teprs a v!"y at fiat ts mire w fj t retred to nor Btl 0tyqt " - VeacphH -Oa of the '.arct drO "'.: for Vampais gad 'teihy casitti rt:l by I-l irili b-artt 'v,:3 K eb't c- t;i tit were crrd t ct-'.aed loc raa:; dsr.a th -'tj;h r-t NoTember. Tfc'.t ! Ui vcoad large: caCS tor ;a fro. hai y county ; ": -- At the r'.g '! ilr s ka, ft im Tyxi4 -' r.- ;k tec jr.SJsss copiee rf t'-t Ut. .-...;:Wiw.iu.,.. ioii:3'8?aii8iii;;auHisi w Tlkai Influou (Urns Attack t! Lfclftj cf Oai Ah Pj. Safc. Who VspoRub It Apvlied Ortr sTuoaI iumI Cbt, tie MdcAtel Vsport Lootn ths Plilegatj Open tke Air Pavatra taA Slimukts U Mucous Mambrmc to Throw Off lh i!Wt&v li eUaOogt, VSRtlI ik rU. avbodS Tkrosik ) Stiinw Lata tK Skis, Attractiaf th &lood to th Surface exadl Htm AkU la RgaJttcbff the Cogkfaatmi WUhia. CAIX A PHYSICIAN -CO TO BED STAY QUIET DONT WORRY tie Is ffe enaaliw two r ! eaasai teawM Has a aar Lane raaaeaa aaw m ratwHtsae. Met oae awe Deweh aw eg atv-aay awe Nae4 Caaee Aeeeg. . fa ... M..C, ,ea f MaeJtku The Ct Uawawe lm a Cwsaalteattawe ral, Ataanw-SM reaailf rwataaa ta a KweSewa MaMk Tm wvtte Owat av te a wa (arcaa, Tawee s tM Ws) Twe Kerlr, Vpaatah taflseaae. wfcteh asaeareg la ttwiai la Mar. aaa all tka serearesea ef ari or la gnrpe. which has swayt eawr the world l auaaarewe eptflamles aa tar ca a hleter rewa liiareaee le rafara aa aislaesMa in lt H, C wfcteh a rar4 br wtaar t have eea Inflaaaaa aary cealary baa k4 Its (attack. Baartawlwft- writk llll tkS eeaiatrr kas hag Ave enlgemlea, the iaet la li its. tub sTwrroaa. - Ortf , mew, a tl . is w aeJt4. wavaU Wales wa a ekill, ti. law by ai-ktoc favartahavee and nesawses , a' ,j)aA.j aaaiieaaa., .ad a aanartei fveling ef wfce' a.atf araaaie Th tamneratur la rrsaa IS te ts aad lb tavar usually lis frewi fkr t a Cars Tb attar h th wuo wtebtB, r ilalaa af tha sir - naeaeees5 aee throat 1 browcklal tub, thr Is eauelly a bar ewvb Mpeetally bag at atakt, aad frynt!F all th aepaaranea of a sever head ceid. rata TtAra)CT. Oa te h4 at th fret a r ?, net Mir far yoat w sahe. but t avetd aaeeadtag th die te ethvee 4ah a amrawtiva t pleaty f anurishiat feeL rewtata rfttir eulet S 4t wrrr. Qetala. sestlfln er tavr' Kawdaa. ate, aaa we aditterad br tb physietaa's atraetlawe t rttv that eebtkg Rut there Is ae euro er Ae Omln us Owtteek. 'lirara up. young tnaai" eorursged Ih dentiat, "It will t out and all over In a minute." "Tee." solemnly rv.IIed llitl ,ls nc Cellli-ei. who a In the hlr, "t'Of, one day with th lxrd I as a thouaand yrttr uttd a thmiaaad J-ar a "li day " Kaua lily ftor. TO OUARO AOAINgT INFLUENZA Keep a tlttl Varbcr Balm ta year IMW, It 1 siittn-pilc, aod k!)t germs. ttHHgh rfrmlear to- ; trnly . w extrrnallj. li also relieves tbe d traewlug .syniptiwn; 2.V In, Tube, and Jar. Avoid tmltatim Ad. We are netir bpy or so un hisppy as we uimh-. Mattm, 40. Tbe fat man .Wttt mind It If fok cl blm irtty. SAFE, GENTLE CLEANSES Tar aeatune GOLD MEDAL Haarlem QU has baaa a tae4rd bewwhold ramedr for... kidney, her bladder and . eUeaaca trewbie, sad all at eewaertad wiik Ike wruary organa. The ktdaays aad Uad 'daw at' UW'atHer'VaafWha aagaw . bedf. Thay r the 6 Kara. Um penaees ef your Hood, it tbe poiao wWk ealer yews' ayetete thmwfh tha biead aad steat ark ara net entirely threw ewt tf ta ludhays and bladder, yaw art dnoasod. aBS a)aaVa ' asssasajMkJpsjsajs 'flfeaV'aaflHsaalws deyewde ncy, barker ha, etonaaek Uoetle, keadarbe, yaia la lame sad fewer aada ate. jrU rtnwaa. graavt, diaVatty waaa armsUag. dowdy aod bioody anae, rhew aiatism, ariatKa aad lwanhe, all warn yaw te Innk aftar ywr ktdarya aad kleddee. AH the kadanat awm waakaeaa af the kidneys ef etfcar erywna or that the enewty atKreWe wha-k era slway prtaaat m yevr avafaa Vr altakad yowr waak apot, (U MEDAL Haariem W (apaelss arc what yew head. TWv sr not a "patent madidaa," nor a "new diaaoaery.' For W yawrs they , rsxa a i r . 1017 a tv smt. LTw. i i V M arf -fc-jrr Ieeeelk fa tkestbe 4;ee saws ran Its Katwe keeeett wtit (tkrer the uvh tf elr rea b p vmr streacta The a ta taw artteanM whi af art,. taSaaaaa se weekaa the aedtty raiaa. that uaae te ea4Tf ef awate er kaeacttitia vletng a4 sweaatteaaa tkMMtl f the , ae bwart rtia r taaea fiae. n te vary laaeartwvat that tha eat raauua ta b4 aatit hta tteattb ratra-t ta be at toaet tw re or ae atvar th tve ka lrt yaw. it am ore evae I e et M ! M fawr aver. aerd)a t the eavartiy f the aturkv, mTwjiwL Arrutrtrittxa, la eedar ta atimwlat th ltg 4 th wie rsceacee t thiew a4t th snee , at tw heMatm the hit.a aa h(Ma th air eewaea . thH snakier th bresthtwa) " . Vl,-h a VMHb writ! vi r4 iecu ., itwt. t 4ala a ld .a a, Ilia4 ef tka throat. hai aad bk hat th ahiHildee til te ea th futraa Th nhewlg be ratbl Is ever th parla unlit Ik Shi t red. ir4 aa thtvhty c4 ilk tw iMvhMa ( hat Wel rUiha t Ik etthlag lave around tha aea, as tb ht ef the body llbcralae th lnsl ta th far af vepora Tbaae vapMta. te hale with Mch kraaih. eaer y tb u-t airei)y ta tb vrta MV At th mbi tia. VapaHeh la k aarbad tkmuah aad Uaiuiata th kia attret'h ih biivnd the er taea and thu (Ja in rlitaa Ih ua U wiltaia www txi atom thk ttiKaat, ! raa ta t"" ht thta la a arm itM pia.t pnirUv br- ..Awm -,i MsuMAt,.,.. .Ahwdjr threus k rri1 -nvattaw f- -titA 4f4 tioui fcMie ct4 whttk dnwhlHC ptifa. .titer t.-waia. eta. ha at year tlit)f atrancth by iotr t aaret I th !- air Ad tt4 toed. stsmr raaas raou tin m Abav all kep free fimn fnM a ld irrtiat th liaiwa f in air pa Mn nd ranitaf tham murk bttr bt4fa iaia for tha a ma Vtrh a vMkU.v at tha vary Si at in of cl4 Tat a had eotd nuelt a lillla In a ap and In halt th V-y-ra er bailor 1itl t aM)Hb U a bafiaaln Btnt httt if tltl I n vallsbl wrdteary la hHU. nil half full of bwlliac walor. put la half a tr ef Vaiftuh from tlw la .he tha kaitia Jual altiwiy bAlia-tnhl th lffl rllg. Vuh VywMui en t had la tht ia- t i II 9 - l all rualst The female Help Problem. It's the limit," "What's lb matter now!" "I didn't dijwt so mm li In (he old days bij lhe wife limteted mi picking iwt my si emigre t 'bee, "1,w be tn lt on htttltig a lM.ik at tb t'lrtalof oiniJu'twr beforo I hire tbt-m.' A taeyrti llte- a4m f,.ni av fW aaaimilik Ta e J" lirvr wuh Wr( imim v,ck riii. Tbr at r ewn'r Oevalatut piitiits this year cttlvst d .!) ih.a war gardeita, . . CUANTCt TO iavrmv arurvc m noeitr ruhr any tiv60T REMEDY YOUR KIDNEYS have baaa a ateadard hoeeehetd remedy. Tber ar the mire. erunnaJ tmiorted flue are pttet;y braleb. -Tbe antitag. lag ml waaa lot the a 11a aad Um th ludnay a sad -Vkeaaua- dke biaddw. ly raetarad U your newel vigor, eoelt -a vyvmiw t iw, nav: mrj ap ynm la amnuusi aa prevwt a tare ef tb diaaaas lM net delay a noemt. TJvleya are t . . . ImUa Atf AtmmM tint 11 WC-lt aU'AI, Hswlaaa OA (pa'e e por "-ran ttwa tfa hortnrie W ld. They prepared la eorraet f trty sad rwevanvnt form, are ey te ' and are woaittvaiy t-oaraateed t prvaifx rui. ta taw stsaa, aaata WLD m.OKw Aonapt a esb " ia(!;kiii..ifi,r. Tbgaaj OVERALLS wfl itaawi &g nAi4 kl4 of arcar and wool fagtt ta.wguMbfafi ,Tbtfnma4i Mkr XsaVa Osfk tm mm. mi s Msi tiHTmft Ckaa asr aasnark CSmrStrmutjof t I STiJ!!! ZH bwa tmm shea as aa 1 J sswMaargasaag I. Ljitintt d iQwt satajs twe 41 htm a , . 1