Newspaper Page Text
mi DICKSON 'CPUiflY HERALD t DIUIHID AT Did 50 S. Till. ITIKT r&lDAY If Herald PublUhiog Com pin 7 B.A, FBKX A1I Buaieee lKaaajrf JiatarwA m ecm I rlaae mail nattier tl ah 9uaUt&eo at DiUMi, Imtjmamm. tVeriw4Jua atatva. f4 ,,.... . - a . . $1,431 U a;ei , SOe. Viacmptti. n pevaU in advaac Holland evi l.'.ota.Iy do- cot car to b German gentlemen of bigb degre ednct la retida within it Recoctuuction and madjuslaeivt appear to be the order of tb day Wh' apecial reconetructioQ do yuo Th tt KaUet in Holland i iJ to be wearing civilian diet. An other oa of "alldrted up and do I place to go,' It never occurred to the Uerrnan that the "Watch on the Kbirta would tooie" day be an American wtch. Our boye in Krone feeia a the audience doee whin tit curtain jre down- They want to put on tbair wrape and tart fur home. Ih dily ppt I'Kik otran without th war mp l(wa "th) uuly war wa had." and it ia tiatural ttul w almuld It a Itttio. Wbro tht war tito tlm Kaiwr wii the Man o! th ilur. Rut una naw rapubln in (irrnuov rwm t Tt iha leiidncy -rrf th H.w. A tba l!r dt-iUd rrport couk in it appear that th American army hlil ronnxlrratilr ol a pictitr ill tha Argonni lnel. Wa trunt that tha Ut ' hviuu ol hata" bat htft-u ung and that Ibr fudurlng popular 'ng "f the w fir Id will hereafter l;a. fracv on earth good-will to in hi " Th United Hiir appar to it re-r-ivitig Mr M'Adoo'a proposal for tha rrdtu".io'i ( Uu in" tat bill with uiUch chicrfuintM and rgua- UlUJttV. Wi ihonld judg by mariner ih .t uiny of rffrit op- hobo whi wr obliged by far trsuNtmn work bad uow tf"i.o back to tbri origioal ptuf ; hi. A i'fitt rtiiiufivinu. thi c li'lH, )rt tiiu turxii with th pthii our it .it ion i-UiiH upon th Held an I btlUol" id Kr tiouin t :n-1 1 til- ;nvl out .in)' ii in bfitr to Mvn li: 'i.'i,(hl liff w tV kiim- !imi to fv-rnvr l ta jyinu !lti U 1 l.-r of whicL t pit to diujh 1'tonk "' (H f,'!irn whn U rtnnii'lii. i' ai jn I rri'id-nt Wil.ti roo!d ml join wildlrow a in th t r Hat if on m'-ovintf thf urn h tc tt ifnd Ion -dignii hv . Ii(tl pri vat mmg Kod daiit- nf hi own. who could b!.r.'r puv' Tb Attif ri n ' bnv who hoped b utHft ihe KitHfr in Merlin uiut to ad!v ti i t iM.iin t.t IKul tm n remain twrw f.r it tr 'duiii'n t ; tlivui. Hrariiiy ki.owlcdg of their win procamy ml U;l tie careil to. MICKIE SAS "1 ."NOP ,fVt OVONH HVJtXlH' IkftOoV It. $ V , ca k owtivT vta. AfcOsK X I il OO -Cvi tW V4V.lt4,Uf BkK' NO MiwAi tO Crt flH$ D!CKSOaFil00F. Should Convince Every Dicfc ioa Ruder. TL batik elate u.ol iif a aaigb- bof. titig la i&enU el aronac-d. bio you u aad biir. JM aw edora&t by aoOe fttfiBf er far away com u and no' blif at til., Her' a Dickrw ' A Dickeoo ciliiea totu&ct. fctd ud t tOOVUJCad. ' ' Joseph Lock. Sr. kweh-r. Cbtr btt St., gift thr folJowiof ui mwot r ebniiary 15, 1911: "I mi feml from lam back and Bit kidney were walk. I ud Doan't Kidney nil and thy ga m treat rlif. I highly rcoitt.od Doa'." On June 7, 191S. Mr. Luck aui: "U 191 1. I bad a bad ipti! of kid ney troubi and I Joan a kidney Pill cure 1 ue. Tb cur ba been pwnaaoent and 1 ate pteaeed to ebow my high regard fur Doan't kidne Ptlla by endoratng them again." I'rice VAh at all dealers. IWt aiqaply ak fr a kiduav raeuady grt Doan'a Kidnr Pitta tb aamt that Mr. ht Luck, Hr , bad K-tfr-Milburn O , Mfr . Botfato, S. Y Tha voice of tier many and Aust ria crying Bread. Brd" tuuat b be-del aud atiawered Would it not h a gd plan however, to answer thero with war bread? We trun apare it. It la to tie Uopeo the totucien tioua ohjet'tora in all the uxtntha have uot become toi tinnly fixed iu Ibtif ., habit . . of auiafianlioualy ohiwting ' Mnther will hardly wel come a coiiecientioua objeibtr 'io feela utilised to voice au uufavor able opinion of her cooking.. Food reetm tions have made it Bwceaaary.tor many a utout wotuan in reduce, greatly to the benefit of tir appearance and health o thai auaar aud wheal are aier to obtain, we-hope that ahe will not or gin to indulge in theiu a formerly if ebe doea the will be ture to loa ebal ibe baa itained in gaining what eue baa lout. OBITUARY. Oa Monday evcutog. Nov, lSih UMM. Ht 11 o'cliRk. Mr. Kit Walker paeaed peacefully away at bit home jtt Sulphur Fork, out mite Houtb of Charlotte. Tauu. lie wa taken it! with pneumonia about a weak 'leiore bi death aud tuflired ia tensely uutil death relieved hie triala. It ia ueeleaaXo apnat th )'ten (iatd phriie. "That a good nun (rtxn ua baa goue.' for everyone ho knew Mr. Walker wa tontci ua of hit guiet and unaeauunng and uiauuer. Iu hi home ofe be wa alwavt geutl and pa tent with Ihoae of hi Jioueehold la bin dealinga with neigbbort and fiud. hoaeal aud true dealing were upprhnoet traitt of bif cbar it-ter Hip chnatiaii life wa char tcterued by a life of pialj and un- 4Ut'tioned tinunene Mr. Walkei loved bit ttod. hit home, hia church an I Iim country with a tfrvtnl ano jndying love and wt ready always o x-rve them in whatever capacit) ailed upon. He w a meiuber oi iheutuherland Treat jteruu churcl l oiling lo uieiuberhip with u hrlolte con g re gatim. fti-Htij ifler Iwcotiiina a member id the churi h. he wat made a Holing Kid r.'which o!boe he held at hie death He wa a'luo a member of the Jun tor Oiler, under the auepicea oi wbich be waa buried. The funeral n held at hit lat ijoaie alter wnicn trie intermeoi took plaoe at Mt Lehanon Ceme tery. Service were condocted by hi parlor. Kev. Thillipt. aeited hy Rev Omar Charlee. ol the M K. Church. South. Mr. Walker i aurvive! by a wife and eight children, three aunt aud five daughter; alto a number ol grand children. At the time of bit death he wa about tutyne yearv old. The bereaved family have tht kytupathv of a luge cirri of frirode "Bteeaed are the dead, bo die in the l-ord." MARVIN CHOATE. Mere of Baltte Kiel J Sent Home From France Ceutrevitie. Teun Nov -24. Aft er aiore than an yearn' of eervic in the United Stateaarmy. Lieut. WiSi iam P. Stanoeld, eo of JW. A Siac u Id. of near Boo Aqua, bat heec eent bote froin a boepitai it! Franc to rec.ver from two wcrnadr- received m the battle Chateau Ibierry. H wrtn aereral melala which tpeak to otly but coortocini It ol heroic courage ia battle. One of big K4l is tha Franch Croix d Gotm. Wb uked a id tb det that bntfigbl bioa ditioc"iial d ioottiu. b tat tMUtifMt. Id uodty rwUkl&ioc biua. Ui (itoita which milked hi hi;h coor at will t related by hi ofBcf. a4 it in cerbik tby will cwepe an Lnumtin atury. H otiat4 to tb riutetfttb t'. 8. JaJUatry in Alaeka aii aid a half yai ago, and with tl punitive ipanlitioo under liberal Perabictg M tb Mextca border irow Manb im. to Fitbruiary S. 1T. H Uiul bees ia FraxK eighteen month, bm iakii ouiaj ot what battle be ha not taid. H itid il rb oi tb Drat abol by Aoxtu-ao from on of Ihe famooa French 76t. which i sow o tabibitijo at Vet Potot. TbHebnt wai tirtd probably (m October tl. 191?. Hi woundt wer fruui a naatbin gun, ooo of bit knee being frty injured. Tto- ueeeeau and Atbrnan, OBITUARY. " Tbomaa Curtia Field wa born MayS. ltM. li profeeeed fai'.h in Cbriat in 19U. and ym-ii the M. fc. Church. Houtb. at Fjm, in wbkh tie lived a true member II wa Hopertoteudeut ia lb Sunday School at Kno ou year befiww g v Ing to tb training camp. July '17 1'JIH, in which he ataved about two uioiilha. then tailed fur overeeaa Cortitdird with itllurnaa pieo moiua in r ranee. At. H VJIH making hit elay oa aaith 24 year 5 mouth a ad 15 davt He lre father, mother, two brother and on titter, Wnley and lee Field and Mr. Louie Work, ah of Du k mn County, to weep lor him. W cao aay ol Curtit, h wa an affectionate mo. a tru brother. loyal and faithful friend. Whew be lipped away b left a vacancy in tb buui iu,tb.;ommuuity Uwi church and Sunday Hcbool. W tball all mie Curtit, but we will know where to Hod biu. We weep uot at thoe who have no hope. II wtll not roma back to ua in the tWh. but bit aptrit ehall br-Kxl over lb borne, and w can goto lnai if we will he faithful unto the end Ilia preteuc waa gladueet and un tbtue ner: wttat mutt it o uver there' Id bit death, bit pa el or bat loet a true and faithful worker. To the father, mother, brother and titter. I would aay: b? baa left you au tiaiuple; follow him a be followed Chnet and th path will lead you to that beautiful home of tb tout, 4tere be awaita you. Hit tife and character ehone a a city et on a hill. Mav ' lb Lord who bear their crtee. tend Hit tptrtt to abid with th lonely father, moth er. brother, tiater and friend, and to guide them home at teat, where Curtit await their coming, aud where thev tha't t reunited forev er, cleaeej are tne dea.I. who die in the lord; ' yea, ibey are not dead, but alive forever more, with the Lord and the redeemed who art goo before; with eong on our lip' and with harp in our band, to meet one another rin. A friend, MRS. W. II FIKLl). M. E. Church Notes. Sunday Scbd SMS a m B. F McCreary, Supe.nnten.lenl. Preaching at 11 U a. in , and IM) p m, A cordial invitaton and welcome extendeii to au, . wt,o can tten1 - iJiroe with u. we wilt do thee gff. John I). Holland, Paetor. Notke. K. Church. Sooth. Pkkeoo, TenO. December 1. l)li Sunday School 9:45 a to Preach rgllt m.. an.) 7 p. in., auarp Prayer meeting , p. m . tpworth League 6 p.m. every Sunday evn ing. uoert upper every Itt ur. day at cloee of ptearhiog. Stranger and vieitior cordially invited to all eervicee. If you aie ill call Cumbwrland Phone 1 ly. K. L. Gregory. I'aHtr. A Wwt Crow. If your children are tubject to croup, or it you have retain h fetr their being attacked by that di e&e. you tltould prtxure a bv.llle cd Chamberlain' Cough Remedy and todv the direciioo for uae. wo tbat to cite of an attack you will know exactly what cour to purtu. Thit it a favvmt and vrv tuocefu remedy for croup, and it ia ioaport- ant tbat you oberve tbe direction carefully. ad. Tb intelligerK wat received here Wrdneeday of tb death of Mr John Autin. wbfrh occurrw.! at hi borne ia NttbviUe. Tae.iay nigbt. .if inr'cetit. He formerly lived here; wat aboot W yean of are tod leave wile and - atreraJ children. lit remain wer brought back to Barn, hi childhood home, aoJ in tmd ia Lb faajy in vt yard. MEAT PRODUCERS DID FULL DUTY facrtust in American Hogt W k4 Help to Keet Warid Fat . ' Ihortase,,' ' '" "' mum SAVE SITUATION tt fwew fr4twi4--4eiirai Ura Over r Tkrcx!k uxl proittrtiwa a4 eebtra(iu w will it at!e ttl )r l sit tettt ittura wie 'prewar average eipufta if port pevducla Mtta tf e heavy tfeaiamU aJe4 in rwr it foe lb aallttofc wo Ka bev freed frtM (Mum fH'rrKa. Itie lrtrttir.t of 4trlcultare awl (l l"wxt AdiMlMiairatiun are Juti6t ttav ut our very artk of UmU!M ef U t 1 rtmk In the ttnuint jrmt lU grraieat wvrM iOi.rte will Ue la Itji. aud ir will a:p t a tta aituattun T efficacy f le tvlicy ef Uuu!tr4 prrviw tloti ba tUUt up la tlaa cvubirr auppllea hh h ;tt ec able ia t aupply a very tare lrt uf tb fat tieOdrwry vf I he wwriO. la beef there iuui be a abortaite Iu t-V rv due largely t limited rernera lur ship rapacity. All fnreaer atO available, iiowevf, will be filled by 4airtca. Arfrctln and AortraMa. Tb ctmtrtbuthtto made by tbe pr dacera ef tbi rwuatry to tb war prw I ram a apl)lw( partUalariy I ant Rial ftHd product la ,llluiraied by tb follow in : Knrta rompMed by th V. R. lrtinriit of Afrtctikur. laglcale aa taTfn la cattle of lO.Z?." bead M'd-"lZitT.fV) 'hdaa." ""Tbe-e"' i'ea rr cuuu'llrd t Jautaary 1 lt. " In tKl peHfif'tri.fe St'ai w 'd la thevu of 81tt.4H.iO brail, lite Indue- tluu are that this dent-aa l,ow an Increaae, arrvrvllnt to meat re- porta Slbre January 1 unoflliMal liifortita- !! Itoillmtpa a lacrrame to tof t of Uut leaa Itiaa B lr cvtW. aud ! ur than 15 r cent aa cowprd with wo jrt-er au, with au 1 net raw U tb average weight. l'vllolii the requett of tbe A Food Aduiiutietracion fur an .lun-eaM la hof productfa for marletftit lit tb f:i t.f 1V1S and the prii of lt tt liicrean may yield not Ira tUaa l.t.1 tt.U.Hi puutida tn.r of pwrk paiu ia tban were avaliatde lat tear. Vltb- wtt Ihla lirra the ahlpjilni program arraafd t'jr air liouvrr n-ganllug ati linal food prvdurta would bate Uw tuilwIM. Th ilrvaaod bog pmdurtt daring1 th lhrr uiutilh endlag Hepf-mhrr M, mi, amounted to p(0.inouo jMUiet. till the corrw,ut)iig touiilha f ltflM the ilr.awd hig: prvnlu-t 10(l-4 1 'It" au liM-metM of r 3Ti. tuai.tMi puiul for the quarter. 1'iurti.g the aame period for J 1 I T lit record ff Inapea-ted lughtr f dreamt' 'teef tw.d " ll ). piund a agalnat MH'Mi,!1"' iuir!a fur Ih tltr- inen'.h period ending Seplember 1, tliia )ear, Our obd Gospel et l5fe K, wasr-ves less wast) nothing L k- America a Pedg of Food Gave Heart to th Atliea In TWir Darkcat Hour Wtjafvr It tt-..arT Atwrka will aenA, That . aa Aiwrt a- a . plodee t the Interallied fmxl eirii1l: And le. ram tbe Amrrlran fl irmr tia-l bl(hrto made k1 tt'X t.'t brart and eit farwanl rarm eftterpriae ant tau- !i a..f? m tBmwed perk empliea. f1 cor.wr. vatkm tncreatwl ept twlal alme weata doubted. FAITH JUITIFICTJ V EVCNT. I On not beUee ttiat drft" frce rwd be appBel to ! lalo eo'Mrrdc dtTPjti and ne u of ntp!ie ty the grvat aif1ty of Amencan peo ple, and I baee learned a 0P acd aMdlng faith la Vm JraeUl-grn-: of th ivr AwtV tu'ue aao, wb, atd we aa ttatwte and dpd on t rte d it de-iM(-l ty tb war.-HvrWrt Hwr, Aagnat 10, UK. 't Patriofs Plenty Bqy ls - Serve kits Waste nothing Mmr Quests will cfta fttgy share sjaylc tarr Be Proud to be . a food $ver 1' ia , W : "I Their Medicine Chest For 20 Years IT i t hiat itrriiUC of -tawre r 1 .. km. !. - cj- Hmm a. iwm a.ii ta t.1 ttaa ,tJ I k4 , a ' . r-wev. -uw H'HnriiMWI.O1" I an iKtiU ut hU- v .xn I t aift, Mi-,. a'tHt a--i him wfi!M i:-t k w"i (-' a'-'1. tW.4Kft-.Oi Oi W ' tw. U' J" eat Mm. Uvh and jl pt. a.t fo wa jrw it!. I e'i '-t ' hmM I . a4 t in laawtiaa im .'t si a . i mm st.)ii.j '. t lil m tMtt lk't ih. i t- l ; lw 0a( tt tn aa tM, asnl t I U4 ism ; av. 4u lv isa r.. Wr.M IV iMwra t "'- ' alt- a.a t ;,rf 1 t' MM, pLh.ra . t Orf Wr iai-r i .!.. a".. I etawwt nurWllf wn. 4 a fc.')it . t kti f wtriHa ie . W M ks.J au W tii Uwa u.- t'xaiMK'fe 4 . i a a tary a;;. ' tbi w" w.!'!, . awtuaoa. .aaJha... a .., !- Mw,asrtM tl a wil. ia t ni-ir- ti.( kfiuim., J . IK IUWI ! Im,mt .1 i. Artal tv rs.ats.Ot t li,.1ri.i.1 ) rrfcl nvivtM I at ia ! 't t.iiaia a -, a af i' k(fe I ' 4k g io- Myitt !)rut (Company, Dlckion, Tcnn. I -""W-. a r-a . a al fVl I t.Y...ic! War Has Multiplied the Value of Good Tires aeaawBBWawaaaawaaaa Never were car mi necessary both In business and domestic life. t Never was their continuous and eco nomical use so imperative. Never was freedom from tire troubff and fire cxrwnse Wabsolu'lely' 'rtaeriflat. " The raprdly grow tnu demand for United States Tires prove their war-tint worth. Thousands of motorists each week art turning to United States Tires to get do pendability and economy. ' United States Tires Ja&t longest and carry you farthest at least cost. They enable you to make the mott of your car passenger or commerci!--now. when it is more than ever a vita war-time necessity. , There is a United States Tire for er&f possible need. Our nearest Sales and Service Dtct will tell you which one you kbodd lam - United States "fircs ars Goorj TlrQO HOW INT GIRL CAN ' m mmm aWfawge ww w a ae a v r-v HAVE FRETTT ETES;; T7e tfwrk rhang wul ple yo. l Aioniinurfl y tvp FKKK, Cte. ' . Ta No girl i rtly if tr eye awp0 rni7. tied raiid or bar dark rtofc ONE WAH with r Lw?k eye weah wit. Imghbro. Ue eye add wtk' b will ftsrpna yoa itila . .:-1s,... tea Mtww !. a --4 aatwa V ruf M-it'.t t . t. -a W K lt ,a . a f alag i aawttc, a. t law e .-; 4 t " , r " t t. a. I . !... a ' kaaea a Ikweft tnu ibe ..rj , it 4 v I fc4 writ t WJM vts i ..t ti l t t.t 1 ts ffw rMe ? . i ..a a4 .. ' eaa i " !. aaM aa wm ti.u 1 .u toil t'i haiih'i a.aW f..4 If. . a HV tS t.j.i J.: ' at i - fiJMudJ Uae, ewV -it , -i,a rttti, mt r.d. a haa t r t '" tr tavm , ml . t a. ht ku i a,Mrt ' I,, n ' k wat, Wl M V.' aW.ev tbat fc"'. .' .-1 win wa a aaajr" Sft iW.- aai H , faHiw. ..... i.--1 li. I xlflA (s'J, . l iwi let in i it CM)., r,i, at. l'PjZi'? Patriot Ttcalrc Plem 1 " "Laa. 1 "a11" " '1