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T3Z DICKON COUNTY EZX1LD, DICKSON, TZSXZ2. Xt5flSsjSwf After the Grip What? The Kaiser as for Fourieei Years SM It toiw yJ waak. W It apittti a&4 vttoirT la?fesssm cacarrsiai saaaaaa. a4 anar yaw w awat trata 'Uaa wrW'taa aaaf tJtoeatanablsfv TbJa aad faa .A By ARTHUR N. DAVIS, D. D&-AnekDto tlieKiWfeoa!904to!9!8 riit.sweaaaahwasaatsttoawJl kes? aa ?raurarsseta. wto.tssslvtjrrai I Knew PREFACE far 14 year th kaiser tu any pstieot. All I know of bin and all thst h told m cam to aw white U relation of patient and dentist listed twrtsmn us. far that reason I fit at first that, bo matter how vital to th allied ran lulght b th Infor nation I canld giv u to th kal mi's viewpoint ambition aod plana, tti requirement of pro faaslonal thkw must sesl my ttpn and eotup! m to withhold It from th world at laig. When, hcowovsr, 1 cowldnrJ th grav crtsla that confronts tba world and in which my own country la playing ao Important part, and realised that what I knew of th kslser might pros of foot valu to clTtlUatioo, I concluded that my patriotic duty waa paramount aod ros su perior to any of th ordinary da nism! of professional athlca. lo thi conclusion I wta strengthened by the urgent aulld tatton of Ui leader of my pro fession who wer moat emphatic la 'their' eootftitton - that wy ethical qualm Wer Wltlroly un warranted, to, tWw of all Um cUr- ARTHUR H. DA VIM, I). IX 6. CHAPTER I. Amarlea Must So Punished i" When war brok out between tba tinned State mid Germany, on April , 1017, I waa In llerlln. I had llvd and (tract Iced my profession ai a dent lat ttixra fr Is yeara, and tha kaiser had been uie of toy patleota during II that time. I don't know eiactly how many risit tho kaiser paid m profession aJty, tut I know 1 am aa' la esying they wer not less than UN), and taw ptAWlHle are they wer closer to ISA. Aim out Invariably, after my. work waa done, tho kaiser remained any where from ten mtuutee to an hour and a half to discus the topic of tha boot with u. When wo declared war against Oer many, therefore, whil I waa still aa American eltlsen aa patriotic au American, t believe, a might b found aaywbere I had lived In Germany ao tool. JUki: Hoylojjwt an many prtft alimal frlpodtililpa lit 't'tormany a iut faofKl rlrcloa aud waa ao generally regardinl aa a particular favorlta of tba kNir litniH.lf. thnt I found It hard to realUe that vi,rttul I hud tv coma au alien tumy, Th anme day tlie breaking off of (lll'liHiuitlr relutlmia wa announced, the Oerinan newn'ra had publlahed tha provtatuna of au old treaty ho twpen tJertuany and th I'ulted Statea whli-li gave Americana In (iermany and t.orman InAmertca nine mouth after a doclarallon of war between tha tW( nation within which to aettlt their affair and lea to tha country. "Thta trratj," the newjiier point od out. wa made la tho time of Fred erick l bo tlreot. It ha a never Ina repealed. tvmay will ronjiwt It" .Jut, hM .r. .! . wany, nnire ijermana to America than there were Americana In Germany,, thla prompt annonncw luent of Germ any' a Intention rega tng thla tru-aty was quite ttmlcrstand" W and It aeemed tnot lmprotaMe t that Germany would adopt any harah meaupa tonartl Americana and .hereby Invite reprUala. Had the situation btvn reversed, of cinirie, the Gcrmaua would undoubt ully hare thouht it fipiient to la tent Anterbnti no matter vihat hap- gH'nod to their own countrymen In i America, and. in that event, this an- "lent trowty wvmld hsve shared tho ' fate of that which guaranteed Hcl Klum's neutrality. w "scrap of p ivr" moro tsr less wu!d never havo been allowiM t Inicrfero with Ooc twsny s "destiny." .lnflucii"ll Germans who eatled to uie professionally during that pe rlM sJohw? lHvrtaMy eipressod tho Ijopo that I was not planning io leave lierlin. "No matter what happons, doctor," they dev'Urexl -"even If tha worst tvtnes to the worst and war Is de c'ufwl between AtiieHca and Gormany you may feel ijiilte sur th kalT will never Irt snyone harm yon." I had not let the matter rest there, however. 1 had called at the Amcri- ca ew.bssy, where It ws pvln:!sj oat to me that, wblt diplomatic ro-1 Utiona had No severed. It was not ; at all cwrtata that war wceld rwsalt j aad therw was. therefore, no reasoo ' for me to leas Bertie prwrtpitately. R4 tba bstser been la Ber'da at tha time. I might, of coarse, fear had aa optrt unity to pot tha question to him squarely ss to what my fata might tf war wrr (Jeciarrs!. bet sraajtioa to practii la Xew Tork. aad th away. Th eocrt chamberla. had i follow teg; yr I wat to Xw Tort been arpolatod hot a abort tiro beforw j agaia aad took Gie stst deotsi txam and 1 dd not I. cow htra persoaally. laadoa. I retarwd to Germany lata la hut M prmievvwoc. Coaat Aagtst von th aatama of 11 and Lstrr I tearard ttalaafcari oao wt th wisest and moat ttnttmt ea ta Qaraaaay, wsj o j of ay o!da patient and I derliad to dtacvaa tba itltaatloa with him. c fartoataiy, howwrvr, I foaad Ida to ill to racatTa mo. 11a waa algbty yaara old and, aJthonsh nouaitally wall pco aarrcd. waa la no coodltloai oa UUa occasloo to rerelva Tlaltora. Another laflutnUat paUent of mlna whoa 1 Htht oat at ttda tUca was at Amhaaaador too Btorn. Aithoauib b waa now retired from official Ufa, ha had furmarly booo a powtrfal fl uro la German ftata ctrclea tad aU!l kept mora or Ua La touch with Um saw court chambertala and other la high office, LIU oephaw waa twdor aetretary of foreign affair. f f ottnd th i-anihaaaadoe . at hi private apartowct la tha Adlou hotel, "What will happen to Amoricana," I aaked, "If my cvanlry dactarca war agalnat QercaeyT" "That, doctor, will depend entirely npoa how America tmta oar aub J acta," ha replied, autaawhat mora coldly than I had eipecttd of him. "If America Interna Germans, ot cowan, wa ahall vadoabtadly Imt Amrrtcao tha aama way, and yoa coold hardly txpoct any apaclal cooalderatlan, al though. If yoa will wrtta a letter to tha court chauiherlttln, who la a poraonal frleod of mine, I ahall aea that ha get - "Tot, irUenry." I replied, thora la a traaty Utwetn Germany and Aiaer Ica. 1 undent: and. which gt Tea tha Jecu or cltlM-oa of una conouy who happen to bo aoJourulBf In tba other when war la declared olno nontha within which to rloaa up Uielr affairs and leave. Would not that protect me?" "lf courre, doct'W," ho aoawcrthl. "Germany will reapect tha treaty If America does, and then tbero will b no trouble. It aooma to mo you uiuat await developments and, In the mean time you have no tauao for worry." "Suppose aooia of your auhjecta In America atmuld act up aud start blowing up bridges or munition fac tories and should bo lynched, which ihey probably would be." 1 auggeated, "what would Germany's courao be 7" "Whut Germany would do then, doctor," ha replied, slowly on J thoughtfully, aa though such a coutiu grncy had never occurred to him be fore -"really, doctor, I don't know what wa would do!" Thla somewhat unsatisfactory Inter view with Von Storm might hava wor ried mo moro, perhaps, had It not been for a Ttult 1 received only a day or two later from Trlaco von IMesa, one Of th tatMf-iwiwa1.fteb-at sJv Tlsora, who called on me profession ally. For a year and a half tha kaiser hud had his great army headquarter at tho prttuVa palaca at l'lcss. In southeastern Germany, and I knew that he enjoyed hi monarch's confl dence, When I asked htm rcirardlng tha possible Internment of Amrrtcan. ha asuuretl me that, coma what might, I aud my family had not tha allghtest reason for alarm. "No matter what may befall other American, doctor," ha asserted, in a confidential manner, "tho kaiser has gone on record to tha effect that you and your family arc not to ba mo lested" Another Incident which- tnada ma feol that I could proceed with my prvp- 'trsrttiWS'tor iwiTHcf Herttn without off due hssta was tha miIpt early la th yar of a most estraordlnary twat card from tha kaiser which. It occurred U me, was quit significant as to his In tentions regarding my welfsro. Ou one side was his picture and on tha other, writ ten and signed In English In his own haadwrttlng. was tho suessafs: "IVar iVctor lavU; "Wishing J04 a very ftvj ysr for UK. WILLIAM I. It" This ws the Rmt messasre of Its kind that I had evvr received from th kaiser, r.ven In peace times, tho pJ iture svta'.s which h hsd sent to me ;from ttn.e to tune and wy,-h were . autographed by him, wero always signed In German. When, on February 1. the Germans resumed their ruth less submarine warfare a cove which was Immertistciy followed by the breaking off of diplomatic r?Iations-I fe't that th kaiser mnst havo for scen thi coeseoenco and had snt m the postal as an Intimation that ho wanted ma to remain la BiYlia ncvrrthcless. When th Germans sank fie Losl tania, llrio and practicing la Ger many loot many of their attractions for me. I mad sp my silnd thra that 1 would rsttar retara hom and cocb- taen-w my prfesJool crer all over rla. if ascaaaary. than reciala la a cvniatry which coa.'d aaactla srh'k a hidwos form ot wmrfarwth waatoa JestmrtJoo of sromea and children. T that end, I went to Nw lork la tha stiraaer of 1913 to farturat tha ra Qairemeots for th prattle of my pro fewks: la that atata, I lA an Hiioois Uceas, but I wanted to b la a post that my crf?fitrt had bee, rrwited. ! Then I ecicoeJ actJva prnrtlcs , (CvrrtM, sK& ay t UvChim ?, far ftslfcai4 to dlaiMMka of my Gnaaa prtcOc aad rvtura aoam My socoed rwasoe far wanting to got tot of Germany aa aoon aa posattbl was th fact that food coadltioaa la Germany wera toconilng soora pr earlosM vry day. My wtf aad I ftarod' that ear child, who waa two ytara old, might toffcr from lack of propr aowrishment If w remained aad 1 determined that no matter how long It adgtt ba arcosaary for ta to remain la IWrtlfl, my wif and child at any rat should U-ava at Um otrOeat possiUI Daoautat. My third roasonr howevar, waa by far th most Insistent of alL I Jha4 bocosn eoovloewd that wkat I knw of tha kaiser aad hta plana, bow that w wers at war, ought to b rota municated to America wtthoot dlay and that th only way to do that ade quately would be to get bom aa aoon aa 1 poMibly could, no matter what personal aacrific might b larolvsd ta abandoolnc my European practjea and Intereata. It la tru that la th early year of my relationship with th kaiser oar conversations naturally smhraced only tha moat general of rubjecta, bat la later year, whea h cam ta know ma better, h cast asld all resrv aad t!ksi.j0 cuo.on whaeTr waa ppr moot to- his mind at tha tim. After th wsr atartsd that, of coarw, formed th pfio.lpal subject -of ' outr ' dlsctts slona and th part that Amrlci was playing In th conflict wa frequently brought up because of th fact that I was aa American. Go memorable Interview I had had with him Influenced u perns p more than any other single factor to hasten ths settlement of my European affair aod return home. !t was la the fall of 1D1& Tha kai ser had com to u for professions! attention, and after my work was com pleted ha remained to discuss som of th aspects f th war. I'erhapa the fact that I had just returned from a vlit to America mad htm mor than usually esger for a chat with m. Wo had discussed various phases of th war. when th kaiser rhangtd th subject abruptly with th qnsatlon:' "DavU. what's the matter with your country V "In what respect, your maji-atyf I akd, "Why is It that yonr conntry la ao unfair to Germany! Why do yoa per sist In supplying munitions and money to th allies! Why doent your pres ident treat th European warrlnf r.s t'.ovis the asm as h treated Mexico by ratting' an embargo oa 'm'unlU'ohi and letting as fight thla thing cat our selves! Too do not ship munitions to us. why do yon ship them to th other sidr I was on snch terms with th kaiser that I did not hesttat to answer his question with another. "I hnv always anderstood. yonr msjesty, that during th tuss!an-Jap sneo war. Germany continually sup plied munitions to Russia. Why was that any mors justiflahl than America supplying munitions to ths allies! Then again. In th Spanish-American m THvia, yon irarprls me !" th kai ser Intermpted, rising from th opr sting chair. In which he had remained, wal.;ng towards tno, throwing back hi aho,oi.;rr at.d. rWag, to U full height "Th cases ar ntlrly differ ent. When w he!;ed Russia against Jupna w were helping a whlta rac sgsinst a yeltow race, don't ver for get tbst lon't ever forg that. Put with America, that is certainly not th case. Tour ecuntry t acting frm purely mercenary motives. It is a ess of dollars, dollars, dollar T and each tim h repeated th wvrd hs strock his partially helpless left hand violently with his pow-erful right. "America values dollar mor than sh raltie German Uvea! 8b thinks it right to shoot d-iwn my poi-ple." II had workel himself op to a de greo n( indication U h I had seen him diapiay oty oa two or three pre-; vloos (weapons ad I b confess l' was reiactant to start a fresh outburst ! by nwertng his arsnsmetts. Ills i ey-es, vjtosHt s-ft and kiod'y. ftsshed J fro as he towards me and slowly and InclaiTely declarvd : "Paris, Ac-encs mast bo punished f r !'r actions !" la t&st riprsioa, which he repeat ed on subsequent octsUnis ta pro- cls'y th so words and with the! satsvo 3iesnred cnjihasi. I knew that j c reTea..M mosiuy clearly what hi at titude was aod win evvr b toward tli country. CHAPTER IL TVs Kaiser at Patssfarsv Getttag out of Germany proved to W a far mor dlOcnlt propositioo than I had Imagined. Nesliiicg that It would probably b sxfTraJ months befor I coold ftaaiy aottl p my affairs, and that my ch3d, who wau aaomic. cmght to be taksa out of Gereaxy with ss littW delay as pctssibJ becU5 food condltloa were fast going frors had to worsw. I ap- nIJ t tlu kanBujBtar for lato hatrw av m-tf. mad chiii eo to H trax ee. Laka GaTa, SitriMi,J what I kopd to jot them at fJka aiilaat poavlhi BMatt aad acv paey them hoax. I did not roOak tha Idea f their folnc arroaa th acwaa wtt&ost eta. That waa la May. WIT. Wka paassd whit ear application waa golaa; from aa official, to sohcr. lytajt, par aapa for days at a tim aader a a f other apfUrattoa of a almUtar char acter or awaiting th laetigrton at ear psrsoaal hlstortea, and It wsa not antll th eod of Jucs that w rclT4 any word regardlnc It . Tana w learned that It had beea denied. Thla wa my first Intimation that w might hava diflkuity la getUag out of Germany. A day ar later th kalse csUed oa ma profewwloually and I told bias of our plight, hopiag that b woald hxlur cd for aa. It waa th only favor ef a twraoaal character I bad vr aak4 of aim, "My child la alliax. yonr majesty." I aid. "and 1 feel that aha ftoada a cbaog of climate, I applied ta U kommandaatar for loara for my wif and chUd to go to Montrovx. bat I bar just heard that It has bra refud ! "Daria, I will what I can do la th matter," h replied raaariag!y, and aa ha wa lesvlnx my offie h turned to m and aatd ta th proc of hla "tw'a korareralttttt matter yoa ik of, laara It ta ta a'nd 1 wt so wfca-i t caa Af '''- Th kaiser's Inflnenc woald readily aolra our problem, I thought, and 1 was Try much relieved. Two days later, however, I received a Utter from Gmnt voo Molts, on of tbakal ser"s adjutants, Stating that th kai ser had tpokea to hltn rt'gsrdlng th Hvrltseruutd project, hot, under th ctrcurostsnces. It was out of th ques tion. If, however, my rhlid'a condition wr such aa to roaka a change of cll rnnt really aoceaaary, ha addad, th kaiser suggested that a trip ta th Austriaa Tyrol might perhapa b ar ranged, a tha cllmat ther waa Just aa good a that of Switaartaad. bat b for permission would ba graatad for that trip It would h necessary to ob tain a certificate from th district doc tor stating that It waa ncry. Aa tha food situation In Austria waa Just as bad as It was la Germany. If not worse, that Idea dldnt appeal to m at alt. and I went Immediately to ih kommandantur and explained th situation to them. When they saw Vunt too klaltkVa letter !h officer In charge threw up lit hand. , "That's final," h declared. "That come from a higher authority than oar. It Is uwies to pursue ths siab ter aay further. Wa received a voav monlcatlon from his majciy regard Ing your rase, but th matter was last entirely to our discretion. It n not a command, only a request frora bis majesty. A command, of course, would hsv been dlfferetiL" Then I apjJinl for a pass tt my wtf. child and myself to gw u Amer ica, They pointed out at th s uaRan dsntur that aa my wif' appUratloa to leara Berlin preceded mine, 1 waa possible ah would b allowed tu leas before m. I told th officer that that would salt re admirably, as I wanted th pass for Mrs, I via and th child granted at th earliest possihia no meot regardlesa of what action might b tkW'W'my'Own afnct.',,'-f Agata thetw followed a long period of anxious waiting while th Germsa red tap slowly unwound but rreern ally, la September, w rwcelTod word that Mrs. Uavls and the child might leav Berlin for Copenhagen between October W and IX They left on th tenth. A day or two latrr commenced th German offmslT against Riga, on th Raltie. WlthJa thre or four day th German captured occeiTe:y th fvsel, Runo, Obro and Moon Island In th Gu!f of Rigs, aad then carried their lnvsJoo to the mainland. Their apparent objective was I"V"trogrd ami on October 1S the Rassiana announced that the seat of the gjvernmetjt would W removed fns Petrogrvd to M. cow. The tTfwswi on the Bat :!c filled to ov-f rvome lb Jef(Teslori In Germany csaswl by th aertons istemal WtB fio In Austria at this perl,!. Muni tion factories wers l-eieg wrecked by hnBfer-crare-5 and war-weary strikers and th populace wa bejs ahot down la great number la th food riots which developed la Tarlou parts of Austria. Not sine th war begaa had th octivxsk been so discoursgiag for th Germans. Then, on Oct-ber li. Jatd aa thlafs were looking thfir blackest, th great Gerraaa-A astro offcasts against Us Italians waa started, la threw day U Ivan as wr swept oat of Aastrta aad th Toatona pressed forward ts th pass west of th Isosss rleer leading to th Tenetiaa alalaa. By tkw ad of October th Italian arasioa arm la fan mrest Befor Owl effnlTa waa crr th Germs as c reared, Cwsy tlatTaed. b lews thaa prisoom aad ra! thoosa&i hi gatta, bessdea vast twvw fcf ssasitkma aad rcrt-li. Tb exsltatlea of tb Germana ever . tb trlaxph of titeir armie to I:'y , xer no boaada. Wlui it was at Its 4 BS55S3 atght I bad a tatfavrtov wttik !ba kaV sr wbtck wta r roesaia t ttt aaawt Tlvtd ft say asasaary. It waa aboat thrsaKldrryatv stasias taor&lai wbaj I wa aronsod bf a aaaAl waa, la an awtricka tono f aa aanoooced that tba Kaa IwssJaV 1M kaiser patac at Fetadsat. was) m taw pbon. I wont to tba tolcssaat ajst waa tef-wtiMsJ that ta kaiawr wm Mt fwrtag from a bad toolhach and wwalfl d bta aata for m wttbla aa bostr av I got ap at oat and pack4 iif s su-ttmeots. and at sis-thirty tb gar, ft big gray Marcwdca Utaoustu. afXtvwf. IVsidea th chauffeur thera waa ail trtdr carrying th bug! who dls tiax-ti awtoa oaiy tha kalavr may as Whil tb SbU room and other atatt txwKna wer aertswthi to v tailors ba for tba war. bo on waa rr permit ted to Tialt tb prlrata apartmcata at tba katser apatalra. Oa thla occasion, howsvor, 1 wat gilded right through tba Shan raoaa, through a door opeulag oa th left and np a wld atatrcasa ta tba kadaaf! gsrderob. or d roast nf room Tbra I foaad breakfast ready foi me. It consisted of mat coffeo, real wblt broad, batter, marmahtda, sugar, creaaa and cold meata. It was ta trat food of th kind : had oaten ta antM tw and' practically on to G tnnay ontsida tbs royal family aad tba Jnnkera wtt any better oil thanr l it that rpct . WUiU 1 waa breskfssflng, tb katacr waa draaslog. Ills valet entered T rl time. I noticed, to tak oat arti cle of clothing from tba maswlr ward rot which lined th room. I bad jast completed my meal when I re ceived word that my patient waa ready to receiv ma, Aa I efitered tb kalaera bedroota b was standing ta th coaler of tba room, fully attired la aa army gray uniform, but without hla sword. Ka looked mor haggard than 1 bad ever Seen him. eicept one la 1513. Lack of sleep and physical pat a wer twa thing with which h had bad eery little eipertenc, and they certainly showed their effects sry plainly. II dlda't aewra to b ta th beat of humor bat g rtd ms cordially enough and shook banda, "In all my Ufa, Fa via," b said, 1 bav never suffered ao much pain." I rxpresaod my sorrow aad startod to Improvise a dental chair oat of aa upholstered arnx-hslr v which I placed stwt pillows and. aa th kaiser aat dowa, ba laughingly remarked : "Lok her. iHvIa, yoo'v got to do tfofflTfirng tor ,- '1 'cant -figM 4fea whol world, yoa know, and bsvv a tothcbr When I waa through and hla pala waa relieved, hla Spirit aeetned to re vive appreciably, and h eiplalnd why It waa b waa ao anxious to bar hit tooth trouble removed aa quickly a pOKKihl, "I must go down to Italy, Iavla." b said, "to sew what my nobi troop hsv accomplished. My gracious what w have don to them dowa there I Our offensive at Riga waa Just a feint We had deer Used aar In tended offensive Is Italy ao thoroughly that tba Italia na thought wa couldn't possibly Intend to carry it through. For thro months It waa common talk ta Germany, yon remember, thai th sims woauJd eiart to Ortofcss, and an tb lulls as bsllered It was an a bluff and when w advanced on Riga they were surs of It They thought w wer so occupied thera that w could pay no atKntlon to them, and an w caught them r.spplng !" Th kaiser's far fairly beamed a h dwelt on th strategy of hla gen era Is and th successful outcome of their Italian campaign. "For monies Italy had been engaged! In planting her big gnna oa th mountain-top and gathering cwuntalas of ammonitton and supplies and food and hospital supplies In th valleys. below, in preparation for their twelfth lwao offensive. "W let tbra gfl ahead and waited patiently for th right moment. They thought that their cooteaiplated offeo sir must ltevltsbly brtng our weaker neichbor t br koee and fore ber to mske a avparst peace!" I!y "cur weaker neighbor" the kaiser, af course, referred to Aastrta. aad bow accural was bis informs H regarding Itaiy a erpectattwna and bw eastty they migttt have been mkred wer b quectly reTeaied by tb poHilcaSon of that famous letter from Kaiser Karl to mac tTa. la tM wast twatollssewt Doota Osvia t pt tb kaiseCs dual aarsssaaTiTy, abasrtag bsssr tb sear, wwil nt caaitfts-aj aeieaw ed tba aewaarrB trw aKara te. Dewt snisa tftsa Uterwstinf atasf y f th Osrvwaa "wwr ieest" fro b co.vnxn ) Hem at saw atasrtse. Hole ta plajOrr wiRa asay w stenped wttb a astxtar of aaad sad just.' ef parts mixed lata a past witb water. Wbea dry rwer wiia piec of paper to match tba vaS last VsWaf'sWaaJhjl asa aWsTasal MastSaaaW kksaa, hwyitrTg a tb aasataasaya)s taartf' ta tayassai 4aa VJasMst 0(4 5' ajiMsaatt Msssa sat ssbssbb, aVaaam aajsaasasT aaaw aaa aaaaj bssss A IRti ksiy at ecbooi saw hi teavbat ratot and fall, la tb cuiifusloo It wa4 impowaibl to keep so auay bead eool, and tba UtU on fkwked 'rovsnd tba prostrate lady and ber iyntptb41o cob league. But tbl antall boy let botlk bit color and his coolness. Standing oa a trch and raUtag bkt band, b exclaimed i "Pleaae, tcb ar, ran I run and fHcb father! Ul aake coffins. Tb peal of Uughtaf -afckh remd 4biv. uuuaioua bumat routed th lonelier from ber abort 4ranvi, aad aoteody'.enjvyed ;lb...tmg.,;' tier's saving mors than l did wbaaj th circumatanco wer ripisia4 ta) kr afterward. UPSET STOMACH At't DIAPtMIN AT ONCI INDf eOURNlSt. OA. ACIOITV, INDIQIITION. stay ttpaot I When meals doa" nt mn. m hel.-h na acids aad BOOS (est ml food. When you feel lamp at mdigostion pain, flsltjlencw, beartotwu) ar bsadarb yoa caa get tnstaat rallaa 1 1 JTo waiting t Tspe'e Diapepala t8 put you on your fet Aa rwMin aa yasl eat on of tbeae pleasant haroi!) tablets all tb Indigestion, gasea, artaV Ity and siomacb dlstre ends. ToaJ druggist sells them. Ads. Th Usa. "IIow ar th charge from war ba toon Bred!" "1 rnppo fntrn ths psrsfbiitea." HOW TO FIGHT Avoid crowds, coughs and cowardav but fear neUhor germs nor German I KeX tha system la good order, lks plenty of eiercis In th fresh air an4 prs'-tlce cleanliness. Remember a cleaa mouth, a clean skin, aad clean Iwwela arc a protecting armour against dSseas. Ta kiwp the liver and bowels regular and to carry awy the poisons wltldta, It is bt to take a TegetahJe pill erf other day, road up of May apple, aloe, J!n. and arr-cHiid. to be had at B.-t d.-cg scores, kr.-wn as I'r. I1erv rietit Pellet. If titers ) a u4da onet of what apfw-srs like a bard cold mi should go to l-ed. w rp warm, teka a bt n.u'srl tm tth sd drink cotde otsnly of fcflf JemotJide. If pain derelopa) ia h'wd or fsk, ak th drujrglst for Afiorie (snt4artr) ubM. Tbes will f uh fb t sdler aal kldty and carrf ff p.n t.wjs germs, To cnirol tba psln aud 'fc tske on Anuric tsMet rvey two n'urt, with frequent drtrk of letJMinsde. Tl truoW3la appear in a roost irearberoa way, whn lb ttflaenra victim Is attarenfly ricr lag sad anxious to kv bisbed. la rs . covMlag frxN-o a bad attack af laSnewa at paeiuaooia ths syrtrra absssld ba ktlit rp srirh a fw4 herbal tootaci ss Dr. Iterce Gotdeii Medical Wacow try, made without aS,b&i from tba mot aad bcrki of America a fwa tree, or fcla Iron tic (irtj tosJc) tabMaV which can be obtained at avast drug? stores, or seed l&e. to It. Pterce'i Iaa fids' Hot!. BaffaK X. T tm Mai packaga, ' Perolotent Coujha ArtsaBswa,aVaV GOT "aw'Jsl ssassW VMs iaM brrm. i msh as asa A sAiasstiitaa "USX? aaaaaw' 1 I SPANISH INFLUENZA ! V L J t .-.. s ''