Newspaper Page Text
J s It 1 if. 4 ff 4t r$ ' 1 1 . ,r ' 1 ' , H i ; ' i- . . ' "if it if ' . ft e , 0': fv,; f L i A 1 t j if if 'rJ'V J- 7.-" i i .4 VU 1 5 iSi' f "w" . V I . f ' ' 1 I!5 1 jJl&S. Jz:iA Pjfi ' ' REOlf AIL O W III 111 II II II II II II ' 1 m N January 1, 1919 we will move our Furniture and Undertak- If ft i v5 3 t a 's"r-V' ha 0 ing business to our new home, known as the T. Ldvell building, now occupied by Taylor Brothers. We invite oiir friends to make our new home their headquarters. Holiday Goods. We have a full line of nice Holiday Goods now on display at our store and invite you to call and get . full ,V i r.i r ... ..i i prices. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, we are Very truly, 6. C. COLLINS & SON Furniture Dealer and Funeral Directors DICKSON TKNN. mm to jnt CUu. (CV&tiauvl Frvwn P I what 1 you io ltc mt, 1 tkl Mm ttuii bl ail itul nnJ dull, nn4 1 a( t( t k U' t A iiult mJk. biijtc.r 1 a Ill'.I rt 4.1 Jjidt. . !, v I hU fe5 ,TiU ' tvl!r. hi'' fit alt i U ji U. I vU xt tebrini1 titiw utu fir wurt at i alii lb 1 ul nk lhiat fx (utlt t; ui )t a liuk 41 uivtfe u' l 6kn.1I aoJ 1 not you lo fcrir-i ti a rubW .J.'ll aal raUr. A&J that i ail that I ill it It for, a yvu lafr m tfiany oituw VhUdr4 la jk ' to rr. Hut tm tr and Jnft'l Kr-, f-t wto:a fti (ka. atJ mt ftiif tg tro:br atJ iatr. Wiit, to your tU'ia gut WUib Urrttut Adui i Vf ;.! anta I atu a iiUlf! boy oicr yeam oi.t. t go to ctKwl d4 aut i th Sawul tirak. San ta, i t!l Irll v-u hi 1 t,t lvri Xaa; An nttt t.l.l toy iiUj). autJ mit iryiti ul ranijr. Yuur little frtt&d, Iyi1 Vtim. lckiKiU. Koyt 1. TAKES ADiER-IKA! OBITUARY. Clvlf I. But knt-r. t"n of Mr. an J . 1 had HenoiVj loe! sn l liv.r Mr. J. A Btf. kni-r. aml Jl year, trouble, kxt !W f.vjii l v ' a tm nl rfurt o Yellow ' . l obIt liyui4 Itet'.iu ttsir j t;re-k. Adier i ka and 'now mure I ()u Jut) rlh, VI. lit riis'tered r than rer, K ait i Ueu upland. 1 ! I r milnart i"ri. mi l on Sept. ""win loFoim. i t:n. lot! ir traininit camp, at v.atup I i. . .. . :.. .1.. ...I I .. evr My tnul Mo t1n dt homi one. Acd Hie runny friend who are Irfl to aiourn (or him. Written ly a coottin. Jewel Wril; If." (Stined) UttltFlll. Minn. Ow dm Artleri ill Tlipt. oor s, itmoh i and t'.N0ttimttii IS 8UNTIX ' Kttinf ,V1.L ' vol ,. uattHr whkh , .ijem Oft ' ?PW,I!, w have aM Adlr r Buckoer of ti death n N n Uth. ; " 'M 4 Bt JSf" li i ';w'ixlurf rrtrig i.'U"t t-tBWfcidea-atd Ttiw-tijnily aalo-an-aduU , 4MMHtMr l' rptv ,ifag'. Gl) wl C'yd w oe id Uy net pui iurttihuted laure auiii to tt K"d Vadworth. ."parinMri. S, C. N'ot hing in catvp o very long hffr am'ing. the ni"(t' nut of hi fe arnva! in ."trance. O'.i Nov. ."I!, th i nn'-Mg" caru to th home nf Mr and Mr. For Crwup. ' Chamherlaio'e Cough I'.emedj t aplendid fur 'nup," wntea Mm K'ward llatt. Krankf rt N Y My children have hh ijuukly tf lii'vcd id Attack id thi -drea'tfui contplauil by vta ue." 1 h e reiisJ) t uouin In) opium or other iirnti: aul tuav b given to a child a con dv. . n t .11. , ' Cri. And longed l oewer the L Hi SjotingV U, g.ire, Jerwv Cil of the Color." tvulU'lo lw found a; hi-, hum xu Bat our Kathtr in Heaven nid Dtvk'Oa during f.-vditig ea-oo. above. Colored men tne at all time.; W aliould not grieve, knowirg I ' STK A YRi-One if year d frenft . lnjrnl black bt-ifer. unmarkrti. liabel in right ear. with B K. Ku qua, lckon, Tenn. lieaird of $2 r0 fat iuf rmlin t tier rhralKJUt W. H. BAKKB. D 20. Dii kon, Tenii. SPECIAL INVITATION! 1 We cordially invite Christmas Shoppers to call pt oar store and inspect our attractive Urn 0. FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS; ETC. . , GROCERIES- Sec or line of always fresh and up-to-date Groceries. Giie us your next order, FRESH MEATS We are amply prepar ed, at all times, to supply the trade with the very best in the Fresh Meat line. All 1 orders promptlx filed. Z. EL SPRINGER - - Both Telephones No. 46, INSOLVENT NOTICE To the creditor of Dr. H K ! Larkiti. Dec'd By order 1 1 th Clerk id the Coun'y Court, of .On k n County. Tenn , notice i hereb) iivij tn all pemin bavipg clairn gint the etat of lr. H. K. kin. IVf'J. to anper ant file the me w:tft the Clerk of .ii,l Court authenticated in tb mannr pr crihed by !w, on rr before Jan I. The irnivency :;f iid e- tt having been ngfe?-d. ny rUiu not file.1 on or bf re jiJ date, "ill be forever barred tth m )ar tid equity. Tbi IVceniber 14th. 191 W. UKK1NS, A tm r. of lr. H. E. Lrkit eetaie. Hello atU Krre coaiet a iittl irl a jer old B ante and tome to our Xiiiai tree at Ke Chapel. Bnug tue a little trunk ' ft dofl. apple ?atigr mod llf Don t forget to-bring my oi?thig 1. iv-r fur Xau. Y'HU httlegirl, luia Kuth Vi, l'.. k 1 eon. 1 Urar Sar.ta: Here rutir tn' ery g(wl liule b. We aanl ou tu ttrtng u eome toy. eo ci. iy, applet, orange, nui, t t)'e, oitt ffatua, remeruter our onc.e lbb. and t arry him aotuetHing. H i in Kraoe. And bring our liU'e i!er, Margtrel, a doll Wei! we ill be gd ao.l go to bed early for you to tome, litHMl j-je, WH- " . Your little boye, JtepcrJi tilcnii BWIedgev diarloiter Rotite t: v ' Dear 5nta Claue: t am a little giil 7 yeaia old, and want you to bring me a lut'e atove, a doll buugy, ciindiea, frinta and Uta of out i hi ) all for (hi lour, Your tittlf girl. Jewell DilUid. Burn. l)er Santa Clauae I am a Kttle Ul iy gull 4 month old. a"d am large enough to write for mytelf. I want a lubber doll, a pendant nrtk chain, liiii; and candv. Verna Dillard, Botn Dear Santa. I am a Ititle boy I I year old ,oul go to ulio . l'l"ae brintf me ' rurlLuur I need! to keep me warm, and candir. apple. raiin, and nut l.elte Mouatoti, Curnberliind Fuinate. Dear Sint. I am a Inile girl 9 yer uW, lirinie me mirnr ran-l' . nut, fruits of ail kind, and a doll Don t forget f;rrulm. grandpa and the ol.her bova in F ram e I tt Dame! Dear 5mt.i I want vou to bring me a boa of Holiday hande.t'kchief lot of landir. ruii and fruit Alva Diilftid. liviin. Dear Old Santy: Hung aome pplea. Citndv. ((in, doll piano, and bi doll, i'rarl Holland. Dick- on SANTA'S HEADQUARTERS . . 1 m 1 mi 'JfclLi ." ara : ; e 7 IF 0 ;&5 to Hmdquarieri for SA1STA C1.AUS in Dickson. li vv J. H. WOOTEN. A complete line of Diamonds, Watches, Pins, Rings; anything-in the jewelry line, Bi as sortment of Toys jor the girls and hoys. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES! : Remember, that this store is head' quarters for the best thai is going in Chrisimas Groceries Caiid);, We are better prepared to serve you this Xmas than ever before and- our prices are as cheap, if not cheaper, than you will fine elsewhere. We are con fident it will pay you to come to our store and let us supply your wants in our line. T. R. EDWARDS Dear arila I am a little girl yer old, bring me otoe nroU, ami fruit Mary Daniel Dear .""antii: I! e gill I I , year old, biingtome randy, not, t aplr and fruit. Maggie Daniel. Dear ?anta l!eae Kring me 2 doll, and other ttr nd apple orange, nut, iaiin and candy D n t foiget'mv little brother and itrr Vera liouaton, t'onder land I" urnace f t 1 1 , r , ' 1 I J "U 1 Ks V.S MM . .' Va .ji-AV, .1 . . ti a . v. z ry ! j Row :oid A !fc!w 5fn. Il wiH aoria b GA'N v. a .r,c.ji i1 time i r 01 u y t oi ' . Ktitt , 'Mfttry (Iwiatmaa and t'iappe New Yei, Wiii.t a kkJiJ turie luf yotl to ? t t .1 .1 - 11 Ovio I i pi.l i . j y.r tB.tive i!ev: t.'tfnct wr n riig lyip, torn Ijrt, conterurK..I Sa.a.g tWr f r vr.ry tnernlet of H family. DLLCX ) l-lC'ilT ptocaJe ! w! t, tJran. aa eWtric W't lof t.K hww n 1 14 n; r ;- tr-t pcrwef ! ruA tlte W (alter, rro rri- r a ..J i .e r inibirrr. It lrig t$f conveiwnre arid m J'i erwf,t i tlie ttmtty li'arie - tnakevthfl farm a Lrttrr jU. e t j i i i t - t.J ooo pay f a iucl ia S B BRYAN & GOm-Dealers Sluoitth Trouble. "Before I uei Cban.beriaiii' Tablet I dtM'tir"J a great deal f .f Voruacti trtiuiile ti Mi brvou o.i tird ail th tiiuc. TheeelaMeta helped me frim the tirt, and ns-i.le of week' time 1 ha I improved in everv ". Tit. lr, l A I'rng ard. Je:!rori City, Mo adv. MuftCft. For Singer Sewing Machine tee Mi Minnie Norn. Cash Tbo rs. A!i prn irviet led t O B l,l taell ileceae'd mill p!s. ru,e fora rd ni et!ie nd ave r-M-t Ab pero hvirg ;lft ftir.t the evtate of the tui U B. l aid el', will file the Mtte wi5f ae protr!ypmvn auton rii!"iiti r they will be barred. Tbi tc. Ifith. in. U fil)bKRTH)N AJmintUt' r. ( Ti ' v. r I ill I t kw e e-s m i 1 1 v hi ew r ett. QalXJTL. Mwitii naif 1 11 '""a QverWfiMio'izfid lrtt Delco-Uzkt eSOUND UUESTOHE FOR SUE $1.10 per ten f.o. b. cars Goodrich, Teas. STANDARD IRON CO. 0. f. COttlNS Funeral ftre tew anJ . Cmkaliwcr "irry a roa'ete lire a.t ia b . '. Mi at '.'j,!.. '1'ti to ail ' "'. diy ct right. Hior.- tre It2 Keider.-e. ev 4:U.P7' WHb b! jy and t;fctk b;i ie tf,ke "i c tlie fervic 'ig frono it w.ndi" nt !y it iy a a ; red relic. If Mr. Turky v'a hia Uh h-e! had better r1rt? tn e wder t,4 ; ffif WtTl & C3. go into hiding f?r t fr ,Ur. j iwWUJU. Tt tt-t.lij li-.. r Ltaaaal afJ . i 1 i 1 . . ar ) i rj 'ivt tr.aa - iw riO!r in 1 ri!QC Uthr nd tr4J.r w wj'd r ftmitiiw stte Cfceitmat edtki k Mi MNa Coiuoibu to B.tke. j Am IHM cn.r.e ar?.l ?7"&r fji w -X 1 a 1 e, ill A Tfcaw STRAYED Oae 2 yrf,r 5d red eT. dW! pi;t njfU ear: OtM I-' year 'd r4 tet. rr. rurk. Ijib rfaf rewri frf irtl .rr.tKn a Aa tbeir tereab !. tiry Tidweli, Dkkaoc Tefea." - h . 11 rfK'.;ri-aMf . : --- . I '