Newspaper Page Text
udsiuxeh testil'o:it. uimm cotice. f DICKSON COtMV HlRAtD f U ULIIHID AT OICXS01. TIM. KTKKT II I AT IT Herald PublWhiaj Company .A, FREXMAif iJ'JJS t. UH-l.",-l. .. -- " '"?! iKv4 aa arcurvl-cl wnl rnaUanr ft) ttat ptaCothie al i'u.-ke,ri, TrOiwaeaa. j baarlattua Rat-. . .1 91. m l lHO .... ft. ' V 'XTrtf e v?1'1 W dh"twa H f. SOLUTIONS OF ftCSPlCT. fri uheiliert to the l tlod. limlber E K Lovell. to tube olhs, J'iU) iiaraxmv ude. :o. ;u I O CI r hi' 'jit removed from nrtti ( 1! anaM'iilioO tO that higher an I bttt-r wr!"l, having departed thi lif January I'tf HMD, aged 41 yi ,r tl month arid 1 J diye Whereat, t Jo I in ll witdow h mm tit t Ink from u. in th mid it A eg of hi lit mitt htbora our brl'iyvd brother, F K, Lodl; And. Wtf -, w lura attain ed tie It mm ul a trtirt hri(h-r and tlit Ulbr dVolrd l ilut , Theref-ir. be it r" cl, That we bii in humble aobiiM! t t the Wlmloitl if .111 nil ! lli I iVillrf (iu l. and uiitu- ktt fl to tllOaa whit kit' tim end l"vd him the d'lp Ht-rrnw v tWl l Hie lo i our biothrr and our njuipathy lot til falllllv ill thrill- hi'rrrtvrinrnt; And, Therefore . be i( further n aw.lvr.l. 1'hat a ' l of Ihrae rr0 luiii'iii b i"iit tn tli ib' of tire iltci-an-d 'brrtfbrr: ni lf I ai'H'4'l i'n our KecorN, au I a copy bn ent to tbe Ii Jtmti County llt-rald for publication. Tbw January '.H'K (i. I', Oilier. T. J Varrn, t). K Sg-r, Committee. Time ia U Ut U lutb. Au'l fKo a Kid&j Pili fcift too.J U itt i io Uitkaoo. No DK'kaon rri iot wfaa nuffru Uckadw. or o ooytiii uncarj 2ta can rtruaio on cofiviaced hif tbia 'lk lotit ltt t&ooy. J. B. BalUrJ. pitiU. Church Hl Dkkaon. tart; "My Uck mcb4 oi 1 baJ piioa through iy kitt bey. My kiloyi act4 irrruJar)y t'to. 1 u4 Poao't Kiduy filla, bub I got ("u tb Myatt Dreg Co , and Uy ouada lue antiraly 1 rcotBiut-bi Doara high iv." (laleuM-nt given February Celling Kid of Cold. Tb I'anioft atiiJ quirkfut way to ri.l ul u (mM i to take Chautlii'r Ulna Cough Hfimiiy. Thia pr tmratioii baa bfti) in ui lor inanv yi-ara ami ita valur fully rovfii. No tiiKtti'r what rfujflv u uae, liowt-vfr. t'rtri luuit ba takn imt to contrail a.rtiil cold bffurn you bava ri'iovrfi'il Iroui tha tirt oif. xii l thi t" in wriitu-i lUrmt'r ol tbia. A iun of iwiil'lla aga or oilier ahoulil go to bpi atnl atny in b-A until lully riwTil, It i brtti-r to atay in tml thrfi ilaya at tb dirt tiuu lii rf at'i'k Ititer oi ... aiv OllTUAHY. With tu lit h a.irr,nv r iiot tha kh.I h nib ol K io IVari, .iu!it l I Mr Hil l M'a John Nuk. of Dlik'OII Uuita li illi'il Kph rury i I'U'' Sha wa born Voh-r 'i'i. litHi. bring I'i y"tr. ii!.iiha mvl P2 iUyn i UiT". It wum to think ! b-'i 'i-Miii U'lii-n j'iat in thi t'luoiii of lib, hut Ut"i a tit t take lor. Su ivja tikn ill with rripUa ainl pUiiftv abiut a wai'k bffor br d"th aivt "tirfrfif tntf-tialv Until .b'atti ri'pr 'I !ir trui'a All w .1 hi' I ir Ion tint li'Ving fni'D'h totlll il i loi! of ml hv ol !i, n :.M by all who kr Iot l' ko lo-r ,ito bit a io'r ifM-li' t fili.i'r anl mMlfr aba K 4 v a to l;i i i rs, tvrii i-t)r Ou Jr. 7, 1958, Mr. BiUrd aai'J: "I Lava evrv til a uiucb (titb in Doau'a KwJuay Pill do aa wh'u 1 gave if T fortuir atat rtixQta Wbrn 1 baa ruht told, 1 have uatircHl a alight rtturo of Uvt tf.ub!f. but ftoao'a Kidney Pili ha iiavr failed lo rtlievt ui," friir at all .djalera lbio't iiiiply mk for a ki )ny wroedy ti-t I'oan'a Ki lnry J'lUa tba aaoie tbat Mf HalUrd had. Kalir-Mi. burn Co. Mfgrt. Hoffalo. S. Y. IVebtcrUn Church' Notes. An early conization aaaecnblad on Keb l, to tttvod lb funeral ol Mr Clyde Uuquo. a lormor ctttiao of Ibckaon arid a (utiuher ol th Preabyterian Cburcb. The aervit't nyf conducted by the paator Kol loaiiog fhia the regular uieetinge were bebl. Neil Sabbath the paator a? ill preach at II o'clock and. alao, at ? o'rlock Sunday fkhool roneeoea at 'J; 45. young people' meeting at ti Mrtioiera and otlor viaitor are welcQU)Hl t H aerricea. ileporta will be made by the deli-iratea to tha ureal New Era Conference, at Iouiafllle. Ky., Frb. 1,5 14. Ibree or more it i eipect ed will g ) from tbia church. Aa announced Nathvilla Presby tery will meat Feb. IH, Feb 1M at . p. m . the Woman' Miaaionary Six-iity will bold it regular meeting at th home ol Mra. i..!T Ureadful Cough Cured. A severe cold ia ofteu followed by a rmigh cough for which Chamfer I tin 'a Cough Keened y ha proven flecially valaabln. Mra. F. . 0!en,,Maryville Mo., write; "A- t out two year ago my little boy Jean caught a aevere cold and coughed dreadfully lor day. I tried a number ol cough medicine but .... i .-it ii iuiinit am nun any gooo unui i aave hiui . Chbrli'i Cough llciuedy. It relieed hi cough light awav and before he had tiniah '1 t ikitiit one bott e ha waa cured I think it la juat tine f . f children." iv. Church of Christ Klder John T, 5aiith ia five dr 'iVn 00- I'-irj witb the A K K . fi Kru: til i htwt nf othr ri Utive n tr-finlj. Falun! - r i- ':! I It tha HiH'kChurvh. by I H HridlfT. and the remain laid to rrtt in the Rock Church cemetery. We wieh to ejb-ud our deepeet aympalhy tii t rc broken hearted familv. A Fill tvNIA Tor Sale. Oato. Hf . Stub k. MiiVt Seed, etc. Car hd wta a apeci ilty. or wnta u ' for rn;r Cortoit IJraiti Co, Denver. Tenn. Notes. having l a L t g.uKi crowaa at eacn tervue. ii hi area tneu ber of the Church ol CiirUt you am ri pet-ted to be prea, ml at the church ierice. H vou are not a member, mair and iil ua Vou are alway welctnue IJeporter. That Terrible Headicbf, IK) you have periodic attack ol h idai be accotrpanied by eickneaa wf the etiitiiach or vomitinu a al akin and dull eya' If ao, you can get quick rvlief by taking Chauiberiaiu' Tablet directed Io hiliotiane, nd you may be able to avoid theee attack if vou oh nerve I' ickage the direction7 witti each adv. S1KAYKI) Two year old black tuuley heifer, with' white back and hit belly; unmarked. Will pay liberal reward for any information aa to her whereabout. M. L Red. Tenneaae City. Term., K. 1. it aa I LAND tALL T M.K.UKkL. LT.U.V Bxi. rissint.f.r. ft al l Ue Cuaty Court of tHca iwwy oturp mire Aniroivii in cs-tcou of twoMmtv T. M F. lW.etiaVg. rWeawagtr. f ai. I aioa M wife w piouiHd incur- ATI RDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1919. b, by khTicin unte- operated e'efcack, p. m., at th Fa mm iemioUcated b ! tmubie). I and 'Mar fiji, ia Ktiite IWufT. egan giving Adier i-k il ah ia TjMeaee. eU to gkawt ai b , ,: ..,:i bld, to trana of tai owe gf SO at-ree. nx or iaaa. U otbar ol 4 ) aeraa uKir t iaaa. 1 in m the tUv crj 4 UMt i I'aViaiMi eanurty, aWwt four i.. L i Ut.. al m a .a t.eM-k eaiptie btlltt upper unw.iP rwi .ulZTX-.-t at U iiaat a iuipnv,n. i cosittnae until aie ia cured '" ("!(rnetfl J. II I'nderwood. Marian. Ala. and lower bflw,!. during KXHRK admentsry c:,.a. lieorotef ALL foui matter which poiaoo ytetn. Often Ct'UFS t nttptuj." Pr veiita appedu'it:. We bre oJd Ad'er i-ka uin var. It ra a tutttur of buek! ccra. giycerioe aci rtine o'.bee ;aipl Said ami i3 b lot oaaMiunl eaa4. t.Vr reowiwiter la be pd ib of aJ two yara, anUi ibtetwat atta lta ivUiai tut h uaaaad pwrHkwae atoney, aad hi hat- v4 Uie e(iMty i rwdaasiptiiav. tawaratrwl aiai dowar righta. TVie Jaattan 22, J. A. CaXMKXT, W. m CWtauo CwaBaaiaaaiaiaaa a lit CMftty 4 LikcajMa. ta gatmiaaaw of aa AttUtLw Lagiaaaturai, laaaaaai Jajaaary 2), 119. aMaawuwag at to raS at tJew tMMi. W tk$ aarpata J atwiftg Vta atblutla aad wtli taf Ua vutan 4 Uati aval tWa4y a Lka tiaatikaa U a attack Ltw u No Fauc Law, aa Urclurti tail a aaeetau aa ba kwaj la aacli U Ua Ia1- Uea Oail Dartrtcta Uat UMatj a F&1UAY, FEBRl'AKY 21, Ul, UtwtwaV tkrfeor tit a. ia. a ad p. AUvata-r IrfaUy iuhd U Ui iiut aaal Cwuitty 4ac4iita W1 be qml , daal tu tota Uactcia, and wo piM laa r; aUail fat) rwtiwad. Tlet law gwr anuag ik StaU ttka tbstl Vy llua tWUua aod vtuUuuai of ak law i aWl U puaiaaxni. aa 4We l ftmt al alectMi laam ara auw puaiabad. Tk futWtg Ua bewa ait td u buld aatd Wuoa to iWl raaaactive dta iTKia, awl wdt rv pay a ia tglar alacUwaa lat U. MaViu, U tinker, W A hllm a, juJaia, Vau Kunitaaf. ti L law, terka. Op! taUar, i 2u4I.l -Jnu Kimta. II C bruaa Uinua Duarcaa. iiklna; AH Wuik, t; C Ua kuia, cartka. iap rackr, iw. 3raLt -CJ l adcrkiH, U (iartoa Jiui liatrta, ittOaaa, H J leai, h k li aril, ciaraa, M llud Mrauii, rvc, lib lwi. atU4 ur Biaan tan) A i'aiUa, A J btowa, J M KKlgaway, )4- gra, t. A CaUe, A K thafctirrl, elna CaUMty, wte. tla lu burua Uj W 1) Iraaiat A i HtrWdauti, .lou 1'rrry. liiJani, A Hruwii, W I butUfy, ciatka, i v Kerry fee. tUi Uiat.-U T I'laknUm, K B IK altaua, titll AadVrauu, iudw; A L Wait U L .Volt, cterka, W M i'tUj, ieu i.Ui lHat -.rljUi but) PirU-y, V' C SiiiiUi. ti 1. l atum, judgee; U J V nHtiai i 11 t'ruuher, claika, O a. UU, rw. 6lii Dial. Charlutt Ua J Oaniel iV llbr, KtitMU I'uauaa'ay, ;uUm C'luu. VVtUiauie, taa Harria, t-iarka, til!) UKiaraoa, rae. 7UiUial.-KltiaSauUi, H TrWrt, l K ?wry, ju Igaa, M U Muilb, J K Nutp tiua, cWka; HO Umaoll, mv Mb Dtt. 'Cuiii. lata. Ua J A Na- but. W T Miaiphnry, W U Uul( juj tca, W W Harria, S ll Irrel-, ilerka, L ntnuta, rac. fHh llamlU tua tiu. Irftgia Ja. aJUni, 1' luuuoaj, ja.ia.a Kay I'tullii, Vau Hrgwvmd, rivtka, J no iluunif, rw. Hlh lh.l.- SUJrU box : A J toward It C IVaVer, H Vi W aJlaca, ju .!., O II Wayaick, tl N Wdhaiua, ri-ika, luttun r Mitf-M. nsc. Kb liat.- sVanlva Ui J H Holltiay Jim lUnwl, J II Davw, iuOgra, ff 1 Mi tie, W M 1W11. elk. F lliuna, rr lUllt lhal J W HrvwDiug. J J l im b a i t ah'B, llKlaaa, " vj I N-UiuiUiiU, (teo. Uill, cl'rla J N litruer, rac. IIUi Iiat, -K K Huett, A J Adair Wui, Adaiua, jWdgea, SlayJvu Hunt, MvK- ria Avaiilt, clke. I K Am rill, r. . lJUi fat.-Shall Jtrfdaa, A ti Ao.trr Ka, J H Veuerabt,, 'julgi-a, H111 AJ cork. WiU Juedaa, ma, i M ili.- , ret Uih Dial h A Ciatoa Caaa KruUk rtiaa, Utt. VHtar, fwtgi. el RirhairatMi 1J Cailbll, rlka, II lltu,atutii, rac Hlb Dial -J M MaJI, Jim r,oKlma, I K lfua. jlrt,,A 11 Mail, Tmui Kv tiatt, clcrka. C L Hall, rre. I .Nth Dtai I W l.iaiy, A J ioIUaiu, i B CakwU, iiadgea, M J iHike. J km Ma- r; clwka; Ira Jct,Wiuu k, w, Tkiia Ifbrgwy :!rd. K, ll.JfnNF, Cliaumaa, W. B. WILUAXS, ,Vlv, T. V. UELBKKti. Flat'lem CunuuiaMuoert, iHt kaoo Co NON-RttlOf NT. NOTICE. JOHN WHXIAMS VS. J. W. CLEMMON In CliaocMy Court tt Di kvo, Terdi In thi cauae, tt appearing to the Clerk and Maater. fxom affidavit hied, that the Defendaot. i. W Ciauiaion. 1 ,' oou reeident of, the 'tate of Teooeetee, and cannot be lerved with proce. and that an vriginl attachment ha ieuel and reen levie! upon the ral eat ale ol the tald J. W, ClemmoD. in the tb. diatrict of Iicko CoudIv, Tetinee; it i. therefore, ordered hy the Mater that aaid Defend a tit J. W. Clct&mott. appear at the Courthouae. in Dicket.n. Tenueaaer 00 or before, the b'tRST MONDAY In MARCH. 191 neat, and plead. anwr or detcur to the bill Sled againet bim in thi cauae or the me will be taken f r cordeeard and the raoae net for bearing ei parte. It ia further or4ered that th: oiitict be pobliabef in lb Dickaon County Herald, for at 11 focr CtMecutire week, a required by law iu uch cae. 1 lie ujucai . vuuipaujf 11,1 ..iiucxiLrt The Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York 34 Nassau Sireet, New York ' - In 1918 ; e;vu5i VAO. One Billion Four Hundred until Stity Eighf Million Dollar Paid to Policyholder Since the Company Ben Huiincisin 1843 Dividends 10 Policy holdcra in 1918 $19,222,739 4 Dividends lo Policyholder in 1919 NotwirheUn Jtng the heavy mottality raoaeJ by the influent, and the gaeat incieaae in late, our I V i tale u( annual diviJcnd will br (taui in 119 LIBERTY BONDS Included in our assets are $63,065,000 of Liberty Bond. rlalanct Sheet December A IV)S AS4.TS Real Talate $ 7M(kVMH Muf'jj je . . . . .... IIMUKWJ 17 iivmuiiLs fcluy Reaeivr .......... 5 Kl I J.0?7 00 folic y I A At it Honda and Stoeka Inteieat and Renta due and accrued ........ Premium, in courae ul collection Caah (il.Mb.iS) at iotereat .... Depoaited to pay claim tt7,7)V65tt 4H 444,264,fl,l62 8.702.744 1 1 2,22.542 4(, I.I4.H 2724 $67 i 714.2'fl B buppleireitliirv C'tin'iwct Kraivr . , , . Other Policy I taKilittea I'irniiuiiia, inleira and Rer.ta pi4m advance Miift llanaoua I tabili'ica Due itanka on l.iScity Bond purcbaatsl, wi'h Int. Intra, tjcrnae fee, etc , payable in 1111) .... Dm. Inula pai able in 11 1 H Krarrve fttr f utuie Dfcr- -rd tvuiedJ..vv - Conttngencv Rradaurplua) 4.SIO(A67 I4.02;l4 0 l.2t)43ll 0 915 0J 81 24.4,564 56 2.P07.442 JN 2 1.45(1.6)0 A I 5l.&7Mto5 2S 15.711,075 5-2 $07.1,7 1 4,2Vri (IAINS IN 1918 In Insurance in Force .$SS,47fT. 127 In 'Admitted Assets. . $39.7 1 4,724 In Nei Policy Reserves 15.052.9S7 In Total Income 2.986.625 Total Insurance in Force December 31, 1918 $1,861,881,953 ,J. H. I IARPKH.JIl., .M- U.G.SKNSINCi DISTRICT MANAUKRS Room 8, Baker Building, Dickson, Tennessee ! "o) foj o)" "o) fa mm I will sell at public auction, at my home, two miles north-east of Dickson on the Dickson and ,Jim Larkins Pike Tuesday, February 18, 1913 Beginning at 10 o'clock, the following Live Stock and other articles: Five Jennets. One Jennet colt. One 20 -horse power International Five Mares, in foal. One young draft Stallion, three. year old. One Jack, five years oil 15 12 hands high, registered. iOne? Mule Colt. WUoee..f hand at my orcein lw,c l,u,Jt lcko. Tetm..thi.J.r.aHhi9i:,!3tfr fc QjWS ca!ves. J. 1. TAYLOR, C. 4 M f W . T. LKUrZKrv, Sojicitot. Notice. To Wwoaa Tbi Ma; Coocern My wilau !? Parry, fearjet Wfl nxy bd and board, tbia ia to notify aii part eoooer&ad, that I wU I not be r9iowble or tab'e tor acy 1 cODtract r ajebt t& icy make J Eleven head of Yearlings. One Sow with nine pigs. Tractor. One No. 4 Western Dynamo. Two Wagons and numerous farm Implements Some house-hold furniture and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Will Be Made Known on Day of Sale 'JSS.4 J. J. BUSH, DICKSON, TENN.