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to tmc uni vr.wsAi: ca.h It's no I. nj('?r iietiry t go iut-j lit" d-ai dt-ei.-M'-int.' titf pta lueril uf tt( I ui i Car t ? toiy know u'l ab-ut "The t'.HI ar.' Uuw Jt ."""" tin ! t,u,i iuy afur lay y:tr alu-r 'flr it .m jj-rut : ntf txpcimt; nuuil that rtf.(..lvrful. This ..dt.-iliM-ii;t.t i tu ury' i; ..-- ftivc IjUV'I to Ik v or b'M will, nut -i by. lUiv a r-r.i iar vthcit you ran t,:t one. VV.-'I! take J.'".! rare of your ni'i. r -p-t your Kurd t" "U a a ,..i'.U-, .ui l r.f ti.- ht-t in "after rr , iv" w Im'U rr-jui n i S. II. BRYAN & CO. Diik-n. - - Untie ! ' i.l FEED A LOAD OF CATTLE FOR NASHVILLE'S THIRD ANNUAL FAT CATTLE SH017 DKCLWtM'R 10th and 11th, P.U9. S2,500.00 In Cash Premiums No rrrtranvf i vtmiprtaiouopcn to lYntusAee, . , ..... .... Alabama, i.'irA, Kloiukt ami MtssiKtjppt. The Smith's Greatest Live Stock Show PHf MIUMI ON LOTS. Itrt fl.)00 .on4 EhUcO Third, 3 uO Pwurta 1 , u,.t f Wt MIUMS OH INDIVIDUALS. Ml ftter f .)t! oa atat Heifer i n vt Bm( Hereford iUtf Heef ,. J m tt) Shorthorn it ttfef l0ii Beat Angut Hafrr &eaf JfHH) Grana ;bmptiiih!p 100 v MaiaYour Plant Now to Ke4 and Eihfrlt Cattle at Thtt 8'iow All iu' hMMIkiI at thtt (bow mutt ! na'Uea of one of (ho ffa iii"i to whl. U competition i open, or miat T v tn la oat ol theaa ,Hut.. iloifl January 1, nil FOR ENTRY LANK AND FULL PARTICULARS ADORIM UNION STOCK YARDS (IncorportUd) ' NASH VILLI. TtNNESSM Tta Logical Marktt for Ttenemtt L! tt4L WANTED No, 1 Walnut Logs 18 inches and up and 23 inches and up. 8 feet and up, long. Quote prices and name quantities to C. C. Mengel & Bro. Co. lncorertt4 Louisville, Ky. A TT K N TIO X! Aatera . . ... I v (rr D.Km . .lO.V.'O e. K .. !.,!; i rt- each l t 'tn . . f"t ' t u ,m IVcrA, Ivvri.- . , IS.- fJi t '''. S !in- lt ot 5.i.i .'r 'l- - Nttnev H ill Swcit I'ofato Slip lit A5c per hundred, Ked Now! Dickson Greenhouse 3sar"''!r ' n r ISOUT STROt'G FOR UERI1IM $tomih Out of Order Heft Woman Can Hat Any I hint No. M; Jui 4 K Work. 0 2 ! 1 Wi Kc'1 f.u. Nhiti it wi i f M'-lllJt.f, tfj b Jtttiii UUJlVib of rt mr?r. b,ef tl tW 6; itfifn! Imin ii . My ttUirh w out uf wirr tft tini ht I huK1 trji rt t ttiit;g, Mi Wui Mia. 1 cooMa't kf-t'p kt4 do tey tiuti.ti "1 tmtftity le u !k) mi) rutt 1 lr i wnk tti'l lirnl itut t! thtn any tiMttg "My totnrh U hack it) iutb ixhi (OtMlitloO that 1 fl jut t inythiutf My n:f v hiv tu tirlpod !4j ii t 1 (u !rtu ilid "I think Mf-ritotiK i uo i thi- ht tlriu tlip ilCMjr lo til" btl dnywdrft". auJ I rrroriiturnit i( ' Mitt"tif i Iiiijhly rfvuturuniii- li'f aliltitf ruu'tilliUn. tit ii,r 9t,)l'lf b, itrr ki ttiry. cUtrh rttrututtttm irrnui,i" nml Istf ntui It t tf. tigttt fKJlSif tT Hfi. f.s!., without r Mi-ntitu i !;, I ri !'iiv-lt is Ati'l t S 1 (jK t A Ni ii Sit.m IV Ml Soy fleam. Securing d Sland hi-tim lor th Jirl liut. A wor't n -vuriiif Utnl itnght lplu! tt Ohw WHfi hlll riiwf ie.i' HI kTiiwitiK ttrnnt Mtv l Itir rttlliiif to V NOt coy hfili Thr HTtr (b'.jrri rtirii !uf other iri I If h'ii my If n iiIm . (if l!ti h itniix itrili. or mv hfdowtl t r ! 1 a t Th lt lllfllioit i Hiort't. rimU i ry hllow frotii' otii" tu t nit )U i II ifmun l ' .rtintfil lr.'re lint r !! out t lh i:ly uriu' for tuii it l hn-nk rruit with hiflit litrro 11 hfn !irf gffmmtini or toiu out n( h1 troutitl i.jt Ihr tsaif. When r to or thrtr- nrl.fy ith ruUiv-Ow ith tciioii ir Hcni i.W'. tin riirtinn tny bt tfpiairi in ten d) to two trk 1. T. Klrwi. (V. Agt. I I I I I I I I I Won't You Have to Wait For Your! Pass Book? Irfi r. "F Tl- 'rt .ii iu )tM boo my atfctMattt tt.ud. I ay Oi !! Swibk trv It K. )l p twk tvrt t ituie You will mo longer tit t em ymr Uittk (vtuir receipt for vlitoii) kjUj u 4 di or uiore lit lite lai of evt-ry tuiuth tfl onler to find OUt ItOW j'OMf HO-xiiut itativitl. With the Hurrouhs lwtketpin Mcliui, w hich we arv putting to work tu our atxwuiiUftg dfjxtujejiit, e ..will hive verj defjtor'i e evunt lasted up to date at alt time. A ueUy-prtrjtedr tMaoliitte-figui-d ititetnont of your eheek and drjits, aud th balance of your aeeount, ill come to you every month with your canceled checks. Your it book ill aho -only the amount -drpos-ith And if you ever want a statement of your account in a hurrv, we can give it to you with every check and Jejuvait listed ri;ht up to date, in ki of five minutes. Thtt monthly Matrmrnt tyntrro tt an improvrmrnt in : ui trrvu e t you that w ate tur will tmm your approve ! It m Ir buidrntotnc quit krr, mui act urate and iar nwi tatitlactofy to f.von..irc:titd. tha.n tKf ll mrtliui ol calltng in and balancing put Uxk our firtt machine printed ttatentrnt will la ready oun. I r'.l ut what you think ol it s Stayton Bank & Trust Co. Tkr I'rtttiimt Sif I Smi. owl tlrtvkio?.' n,.n till) tl.lru rnl. m.lti ut !' li( Cva4a4 Rlaltaital I I Ki.soctaji t MM Hu.khon l l.ttuiat S,V.II H.w4. ajfliw ll..uf (r1lulr t).Ulml I .K n html nd Ju liuHilktnkt ... 4'.0l 04 I, .1.1 tw:r,ii " '' " "" tA!Uff5 " '' ""l : - l .,,,.,1 Stmt I 3IH l .l.ird I'mAi. t2 IVi. tOI.OV M l oi.i 1 1 cut j o; Veterinary Rrmrdiri H, A THOMAS' t.l KAKIilS' lutf xtHini" at ih'' lira I I the lift. Thy ari- iiieiii'tr,. all utnlivirir VoU l a hot tiay tii.'lu in" uiie lor the nithiiif fr.l you lnv" l; y U' farm Why tot iiy retilien ol known tmnl Prriirih-ii that hava IokI i!ih l e-l of tuu atul earlt liTlllif fnt lut then) roiii( 111 litir aiih th A uieri n finu.r Afi'hr-oli Ilafftaate t'o . 7 I) ("row A .""on AGED MINISTER LIKES TO GO AUTOMOBIUNG "WITH ALLENBY IN PALESTINE" Will Attend Methodist Centenary Sacred Views Also to Be Snovo Celebration June 20-Julj 13. at Methodist Celebration. REV. ALSIRT VOOIL. AtH M nif ta Att Mtth4ift Ci'tii'i CaitbraOan. Har A':rt Voa; of GaDtta. Pa. fbe at af !1i it jralr.g ry 4 thi; hit Mia be t;rJ to ?a e !o !w rrRt tt the Veth odia: ir,trar r;bratiaa i ' ;n I oJamSi O frvta Job t to .hiiy II Fr't-t-c ' wtr.ttrry br.vre. tk f.jr n-or" tks naart In Una aar! aiitiai he r!or in BiTr- hare atta' Uitfce4 ll'ticr. t fraoijt Wtiaa -aara oi4 tta it!ej tat! . t.a tr.t t: la .ai.'t of e rvrr.araloaa of .!) Vet&adlat T rets'eaarAa !-, a Itaaw - a it4-i.o ar..l va ra ?ra.-t -ts re- 0.' .e baa ta r i'.et aa tet t f.t I r "J.- a Har, ttta ra:ona: kaaTS v !.ta a gu-.i .f ' ax J fc'.a haartr.j a .-.4 algk a- ir'wja'rvl H, at to ta .; f i at tt frx as J WouM nu Hfca t By from ( air to teiua!ani XVuji(J jow !iia to hover inr the l rani id and r. in a ff not) u the r i,ir ,uer hi(i the ! ra- : at).!'a-l for .r H:!d y.,.; tin. (U ui,jj in (n caa of Ma'S i. V '.m'vrv the tortt f 'r!.tti uf tar: f ,!. ,, f f-. ! a1;, of i.a- ;, tier.. tarnr t!i':if: rate a--ef t.j Hmthi !: (J t "nsr .Jji i,f " irr 1('!;; f.a.ii at 1st ra t.f a e .-. hour -id OU like ',y ae Centra av'. i er eaptare Jen.aaJatri ar...' .ers tse ' d ( hri!iau er.tne g .jardia i the Vciiirt of ! iit.rl ). 1 :-.i.- i of '.Ktrnercapa .Tta o.-;.rtar;lsj ie do aJ the.a :'! ' -ra.r.ted at tke Meth,.t;t Cetfe-ary rei:fiti,M- t( (,!jrn!1u.. O. .Hoa ? t. ij;. ii. in th Uta!l ' Th"t!.a !raeW.g:;a A! er.hi tn fa.eitu.e for tu tfci tait tfatd i iti;ir. ao-!ri pfctuiat a- 1 uli j : .. rajih. ib f i , ; tSiet.tK- eitne aNvnt to a f:iJ evre-Kted .i,.-rer ef tftia tfaabiB : tan.a.t:i ,.; he g;j Tt the great ravtrtary ttr " a!!u fr- it tegiratrg to -ei ber, the Tu-k had -it. drie Htt .of f-e H !ar..d nnd Kx4 -aatrlde r'v fWriiii hafdad ra:tr:il a: A:;-;w. rd;nc tfte Wit'ef Fw..rora whexe of it-e ta:ar and tke ,;aa ''B if.( f ir H' 're 'o nw? Oma that 1 Ti;e h :; the mcr.i wa. V tji- h ar.a ha feeard hair r t-'lof4 Tttey tie j-',a''e )n 'Atv ad bo the .iie ; of fate re re a.-r -ai.y U.ri Thar io a!aot nnix that oea tm d rat to e r laHrr of y.a tee '-'a.tiW Knee Haw at? orO- ': ra- traeer ru!4 aaa) la tkaV'f a' io?e, Mlti to taau aawrtiT. Tea tra-a'c fcaa aMaiawd vjr a-.-.ra j UdBTtaaaaat of Ua .-.erg of Na Teeli y TW -,U NEW IiXCHANOl; TELEPHONE RATES EFFECTIVE JUNE 1ST, 1919 A now schedule of tolenhone exchanga rates' becomes effective in Dickson June 1, by direct ion of tho Operating Board of the United 8tata Telegraph Hnd Telephone Administration, act ing under the ordet of the Po8tmater Oen ritl of the United States. A you know, all of the linos and property of this company are in ponaesHion, control andaie beintf operated by the U. 8. Government under thw dirvctioh of tn-v Postmaster Oentsral f tht United States. The new rates ure necemvry in order that ad ditional rnvenue may be? necured by the govern ment to m?t tho increased opHratintexpt-nseH. The caube.s whivh make greater telephuiir:ve. nue tu ceasary ant due to tne new conditiuns and the new pric leveln intn ducd by th- war and are entirely b ?,vond the control of t he U 8. Telfttfjaph and relooon: Administration or of the Triepij!n Ct'tiyany More than two vnar uuo thn Ootiipai'V I r -na A' that the iiHphi" MytiiViit Would b o;ki ated at a !-.? Ht u . jn. ra e; c'i!d be aJj iit ed to meet the io.r.v.ii;v 'Ost-i - f all .-iftnnts ent rit win h ;r; du-- j mat Horvir-. A -'mi-lar rat. adjusttni.t wt.i.Ui iiav.i b i u'HVid ab f und'r private :nti )t. and tin- n-.v ech dui ia or..-.:i.' i-; th hulj- v wool 1 !iv h -u o1, in H': if Mv ( n- riv.ii -n; n ul nut tak. n . H.ii'.'-n ol t-ur prup. rty. ti'l-t ii mik k it'!K 'I" li ! twdftil III a;n wh ff'.io i ! 'l iir:i', Pf I ii iiih' il lll- Hit If l-f'l t-i 4 i iitf . - - w !ii"f, r' juifi' thi a Idili'jiai f ' m.ik ii l iwrea-i'd wa ;,4 ' t i-foj l'v'i t i fi;i'i'- thtn Ui t tin- in-W ( Ui I ' i .( W1" Hi '! pi a t i-ty. It is yifitiicr jif ,v -u "u if; i-it At'e-1- rftM'- w atr, and h tar a- .!:- i l.'!;ve tint jor ti !l ui f i:n-r !- . u'n fcf -X j''ii.e-& t-i U-1'-ii?. '' IKe ik rat" a !jeJ'j!e i fu arH re nsblr, a-l de pt t ',a age of rested revenue whh it wiil pr'xiuce ta mu h tower l the iir eater! ol oi fiir and rOrrrrMjra vl am.iltt c kti f Complete irtJe in'ormaitan iul ih new ratet tnav I h tuneJ at fKe rnanzer'a f'fTire Tt'e are makinK trrry etjert t i rhange our re'wij promU .oi jr .urte-aua cnaiJerati'.n wi'. be apprrciatrH. I new rate lir your ei 'H.e will be ah,n on four atatemerrt ol June 1st Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company Incorporated I I I 1 If I THE HtRALD-ONE YEAR, $1 I'.aai Mt a! lie ti.t It at a?vear a. CiV. (Tvrh-f tit a-aCra tr. :: vfl; t3 aai !;:F( at tM gr MgajiaMiat caar-