Newspaper Page Text
4 f va 0 af I ..J (hi....!.. 4 1 M " liWWU BUU - . U Vb ff IH W ' a - ' " . ' - -:- . ".. . i . V i . - 7' ,' ' ij, ' 1 . : m- . , , ' . "--77" W "" ' 1 Bo. to Ht. n4 Mm Tiifik 'Hurt. Tbuffiay. July 11, .JulUf . CUt. Badif, Jr., it toi(f ui14)f iii CbitliBowga. Mtta Maiilitii (Of, rf Pn A)ua, fa the g'jt ol M. atJ Mil. T.LwII. Mia. GarifiKla Duff, cf N-hf iUr put MonJaf aod Tu'lay br tba gueafi of relative autj rU-Ja. Mn, W. II. McKitinotj apvnt v rtldaya laat wtk in Nanftvitla tb gott uf br, I. A. Kthriig Mm, ft-ffiiB ha cube to reatur luA . to vinit lr "0, Joaeph. r Marvin Kirk unday iu thclmm the gutift ui Mint Latta liiUt Mr. 11. it (iilUrl ami thil4nu, ul Murr. Kv . ar I'm kuu of i tr fatliar. ir W . Suit wil family.' i Lyuwoixl tii ott ab'l (it'ofK" Alii hall ltft VVrJnrajlnr imt" rig fur Kanaaati) work uittm wtirat liarvent Mra. H. (. Kob-n.un and little ikhi ar f ltttiuK ralttivt iu Nh- villa. Mia KtU Mi.iirr .f Nuabv Il ia bara th Kunt ol r--UUva aul frieml, Mr, and Mra. K. !. Ia bihI child ran, of Hrilgnrt. Al., int a law dayi hr thin wntk tha guata of Mr. and Mr. W. Morau. Juhiitiie Arft-tH t .mi of Mr. and Mra' C. M Ailcm k of )u kun rout 3, arriml luuin Wndnnatlay mum iuti front army ocrvKH in Kismch. T. C. lirHrg rftuniKtl boma Wednraday mnroin from avral ,layi viait , wiridaliy ,in.dt;a,go. anil point in Oiiiu ut Mici!in. Mra Kd Murdimoti attdMtildrro bate raturnad fruai a vimt wjtb bar parent, Mr. an I Mr. K. L. liar riaiui, in Natbvilla. itrnard Audni. Inttfr known aa ' Pete," haa returned from Catup Mvrritt. wborv be h lifrn iu army ar?it for inhu tiuia. Mr. H. V. Kurd and daubtrr, after a f lyn viit lir tba Kuat of Mra. W. H. Hrd. hava rttturned to thair luiiuo at Holunald. Mr. and Mr. Sam Work, of Pal- la, IVi, art lit-re the gueat of la, leiao, n tba forfiier'a K. J. Work. 'a iiarent. Mr. aiul Mra Si ott J id Dalla. Tt'i. ia hare tba Oe-t of hia broltw,- J, S. Johnaon. and nt tier leUtiv aud friamln Mra. t)rl(Hfiy Hmaa and two t'biidren int the Fourth at Hum tha gue.t of her uareutt Mr. and Mra. W. K. Hbop. Mra. Klher Bihop, hn returned to her hou at Rurita. after a few day vimt here the guext of Mra. Uriby Hinaa. GOOD fURNITURE n YOUR DUTY TO YOUR HOMC JZ of Cood Furniture Is Our Pledge" to You TAYLOR BROS. FURNITURE DEALERS; DiCKSOX, TEXX. 3 VN WTO. I- J- Mra. Ullle Ivell, of Naabvilla. apaut tba waek end the gupat of bur wother, Mr. Vina Sugg, on Turkey l'rtk. Mr. Keith Padgett, after aie ei lenited vinit bare with relative haa returned to bar home in Wayntt boro, Ky. Mra. K. Morgan aud little Mempbia, laat .Saturday.lnfUr a tit here with her mother, Mr. Mituie Dull and other ralativea and friend Mr. and Mr. Homer Lcke and baby, of Nli?i!!, eiit the wvi end here with the former' parenla, Mr. aud Mr Joe l,K-k. Mr. 0 ar Keenon aud cbildreo. Oeftr Thorns and Luine. of Pari, ara here the guext of Mr. Keenon' mother, Klnora Martin and other relative and friend." Mi? l.illie. Ilatti and Joicy Hurt, aud their couin, tiarrett Nithoi, upent aeviral daya thi week with (heir Krnd)ient. Mr. ami Mr. Andy Martin, al Hon The inaoy friend of J.e (iilb, ton of Mr. and Mra. J. K liihba, of Ibi I'Uie. will be glad to learn that ba ha arrived afe on thi ide from Franoa. He i ipled home in neit few dy. Miee Naomi (ireen and Anna Holtey (ipent Wedneadiy in Nh villi h-'inpipg They were atvom panied home by Mr. K C. Kiggina, of luka. Mi".. who i to vpeud everal day here with friend riture - w ji ei A9a Individuality rurnixureiK Let the children grow up in surround ings that will cultivate their character as irou would wish.. You can choose furniture here that will help in such education fur niture that reflects your ideas and Ideals of home life We have been unusually careful In ftthennf our assortment of furniture For tho Children We have here beds, high chairs and Utile rockers lor the oaby We also have a fuR line ot the many furniture needs of the larger children -odL and ends that we nandy arourtj the pUrxxa cr hemer the cri "terra gateer . Ckme in and aee tf we have net good reaseti U beaevt that cu lie ik natch yjun cb)y FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mia Mary Whilaop. of Centre ville, i bera the gueat ol Miaa Klizabeth Matthew. Miaa Vera Miller tat to Kar villa Tueadav and hd ber toil removed and i getting along nicely. I. T. Klrod thie week aaauiue4 dutie. AooiaU Manager of the Suubright Canning dinpany. ' MiV ft. h'. rnti ebHtiwi." after a tew daya tiait here tba ue-i. of relative and friend, have returned to their home in Naahville The baby of Mr. and Mr. Hubert Uy, we are p leaned to report, re covering Iroru u attack of infactile paralyai. iUmetuber the Sunbrigbt Can niug Company will buy all freab bin kberrie brought tbetn on Wed ueattay and Saturday of tach week at 30c per gallon. Will alo buy atring beana. H. M. Moore and Chat. U. Maeoo were arreated bare Tueeday evening, rbarged with atealtng a Ford rjti about from a do:ior in Central City, Ky. They were pot in jail and Wed nead ay an officer from ' Central City came and carried them back to Kentucky for trial. They deny having dole the car end claim tbey bought it from a party in Greenville, Ky. George Heard apettt the week end beta tha gueat of Mr. and Mra. C, H. Snemore. He baa juat re turned from army ervice iu FraJKf . He went to Barton' Creek Mon day to the home ol hi father, T. K.. Heard. Harry Hopkina, of livingetow. j npcndiog a few daya here the guet of hi mother. Mra Jtnuie Hopkina and other relative and friend He will be accompanied home by hi wJe, win) ba heeu viniting ber p.renta. Mr. and Mr. U. W. at or n fvr everl week. Ktj. T. J. Warren, of Dickaon. claim o hold tbe beat record ol ny magitrate in tbe county, la regard to htlping repleaUh . the couniy'e reury. be having turned over to the county for th paat ail month il!ected on fin to bi court. Communion and preparatory aervice al St John' Lutheran Church at Dickwn. Sunday July Church at Dv r V;; m.. cindacted by Rev. ,-. who i to. preach Ion 'The Relation of Faith and f GHvd Work " Sunday School at !9 4 a, m. You are moet cordially iicvitetl to attend theee tvrrtce" i Clyde M. Taylor, of the Fhing Sohv.l Detachment. March Field j Riverfide. California, wbo ha been VKtnng hi parent. Mr. aod Mra. Iboma Taylor, at VanWer, an ooojcee hi f return to "Tba Garden epot of Kartb." (Catiiwnia ) after a lor wery Miroey. arl aayi be wdl eooc be ready lor "jiy ride'" in mid air. Sncveee to lae "birdman." L W l-itttle tod little . Urry. of Dyloo. Ohw are (pend ing mi wee i nere. jr.r. Utile i looking after his buetoee inteteart here and diepoemg of hie nooee bold good, wtich have been vtored incc h and family moved away from here verJ year ago. Mr. little, wha wae formerly Mi Lela Rrrkert. died eeverai ntontha ago in aN a . a -a vision, aoe nirr oeirn vxum . J tha uifioaca. If You deHaout. Give tha chllircn hot muffbs, diced bead lcQ vant of it Mra, A. L White, of Wtat Dick- aawc preeented to thia office tail Saturday til very fine cttcQmbert. one of which wai quit a freak of nature viaf to the) f ct that it wa a triplet or three cucumber grows together. Mm. White i an eipert gardener and aivaye grow fine cu cumber, which fact be lay ia due to planting Uiem w hen tbe ain ia in th twin, which, per bap, a. tioned above. Mr. Leebie Focter. after a few day vieit ber with relative and friend left Saturday for her hme at leu-land. Okla. J)b.a,e ec companred by her pares te, Mr. and Mr. J. II. Fage, who wilt apend acvejrtl week in Oklahoma (be gueat o their eon. Kevi at Kair land and Haggard at Kraocia Lubie Pag alo of Irancia, Okla.,, it kere locking after hi fatbet buai neaa a agent for the Standard Oil Co., during hi sbeence, In order to preeerve tha record of th Red Croe work in Dickaon County, a hietory ol the organita tfon and aihieveinenta of tha chaptff erill bm wriltett try a '"com mittee, appointed by Mr. II. T, Cowan, chapter chairman. Thi committee ia compoeed of M re el a me Pilt Henalee, J. A. CI men t and.Miee Edith Badge. Thi chan ter hietory will he made triplicate, the original will b ent to Division Headquarter. Atlanta, Oa., and another copy retained in the chap tee file ae a part of tha perm anent record. Miss Donegan Entsr tains Club Saturday. ljt Sturdy aftertKion, Miaa Mary Donegan entertained lb (Jirle Five Hundred Club, at the pretty home of her iter, Mra. , Jim Hal brook. Tba card table were arranged oa the porch, which wa beautifully decorated with itaed of garden Mower and fern. Tbe boa'ee keptecore. '"V Alter the game, delicioo pink aod white ice were eerred by the boeteea and Mr. Halbrook, The out-of town gueet were Mice Ethel Ridgaby, ol LonUrilla. Ky.. aod Miaa Jalia Toaalineon of Wa verly. Other gneata wer M ieee Marie Smith, Bet Koran, Carrie McCaul. Glenn Leech. Maybelte Gja i. Edith Badge and Mary Bar nett. . .. : CUrksville Presbytery. A cal meeting cf work era in ClarkaTille Preebyterr wae held in Rev. A. C. Biddie' CVirth Jaoe th27th, Rrv. F. P. Arterbors tbe Key Man lor the Preebytery waa elect ed to prewide. He. Bi2d! waf made ecttry, and Ree. . E Power opened th naeetia wi'Jb prayer. Tbe cooiefeoce wa held t plan lot and art tbe data tor tba raited campaign l raiee oar eoU of the 5(k.aX) 00 ht edacaSMMul End owment. Mr. AilWbra and other poke estbifteiaetie nf tbe Soteee t endowmmt growing by leap" and boaad. The cooler enoe came to thi a ania0B etiB: H, Ttai July ttt, tpatt a the "IMt Hems Mm It mcani Hc-Ilh end ttsfOMTAwr m rev im mZmh wiM .n. a.i u " I awaMfa a4 apNaaartaiaMi, OwawwIataMkhawfcwgaafi -m a ihaiuW.: MmapM :'. ffcMjMfta V'tAl (jMClaid. yOaawa fawaw Vite Mb m) : r'i,; t '-;:. '' tm IV l. atVaat tl.l C tXatWk, awSSSai Ami If You Get Of Coming to This Store for Your you will not only md h a habit hard to : cm to break We have many customers vho have contracted that habit and thiy are glad. of it. Wont you $et the habit? ; WeVa prepared to make it very much to 05 "shoa 'yout' " ----' -ri,iiii"iii"-i-r'rviAAJUM H. G. TOMLINSON, lra: 0. X COLLINS AND SON Fwaeral Daractaea anal tabalier : carry a cotoplet linn ail grade, coffin and caakeU, Special at lention given ( to ail call, day ot night Phone: Store 11 Residence, 188. -a i F0.1D OV3T5-ATTE?mON! Are yow Mtl.fVd veb yewr Heats. Witt yoa nwtie to eftaangtr yoar life 4 car rj axieg late Cjkt? ' Oar new mUSXXWi WJH t glee yoa Sfkt iff at ? car. It gives a ateaiy. wbit fivkt, twke te atroag as ta oe now at aay leeen, tsd waai o caore certrt, J Can n tMiU4 tf aayeme tw tkrv nctawtet luu tbt Wtu4 ttw caj rt hou. Sett b f0 Vct5oat W lattaXeg; prepaid, for Wt. ' UNION AUTOSeU3 coi?Atr adi church fo Clarktrii) iPreaTf- tery- 1 That each faring fee nrged to befn al rmce 1 peeeent t3r canae of Endow aoeot fnaaa Soarfay to bW day end o fire rh of bia e&erda e tba oppwrtooity to ewbecrirat, kriottiot bi noficitaAtt to a bappt doc on Um laat Sonde? ia JaJf. J.TSat the foortb Soday b Joly IT. tSIS, t Mrt eadr. kwoem aami in Qaiteeifui ia?rjB aaa- k own ar-xiu fare - ?nat lae US own jrtt:if u Kki..-YttrU rM is-. iv. i I t!icb, 1 ' StrczoCi ; Taa Gbr Tbe Htf bit t - bi ei'.Jot.JJ f aeenre exalte k the day, nnd a etajke e pepalar aod happy .. taalee) eaml what mitW. ee ae etetrw 0Araio,y, i ;$.-Ua1 ejpWaBy eacb lttv: &t.firbe cbarebaa, f . sf fee ewe autMeU t let tp m MeeraweU ta to tot oJta C The nrt 7 ie Cooe wurk4, CI r frjrf, tZ2rib:'&ki ir'";" immLl&KAaQ tzi nr-Uer r - - - ' : r . r v .V rrr as- jw-rw w, tC-Z? er, . w , - i j v' 1' 'l .,...t.