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It , .''iff. If , . - ' - . - ,. IV JI ,J J . T , 'J ' f 1 -S 'i ' il l i. . Ill 1 I f ' ti '! St J t L S0tmmmMWmMli9mVmHH L I 4 for L Father Sajte- "I like a store I can depend upon to keep W kinds of tobacvo and the quality bnnds of cigars. I appreciate alwj a conveniently t laced store. I Jut I am ipccialJy reri for the cigar counter where 1 am always sure tu get fmh good." Father tan satiny hi wishes here. Well Stocked and Handy Particular tastes are assured of grat ification in our ttock of cigars, tobacco, pipes and other smokers' accessories. A deserved popularity keeps it always fresh. If you have a favorite bnnd, and it it worthy of your choice, you will find that M kaa also Wen worthy of ourt. Cigars Tobacco CI.EM0KG PHARMACY, Dickson, Tenn. Local nd Otherwise t A A Mm Kv Atmtin. of N w t v ) !. i Id" gin-Hi nf Mi F.tta Martin. Mt-r Trutitt Arnol'l it vmiliog ndnlivc in ltili-4, r-x", jr, t 1 1 v in M ii xi 4i ii foxier b I Arthur Millt-r, of Siiriugtiill, t-pfut thp wrk'tul lirB tury llunx i in th unrkr-t buying t kimU for th lUi !ry OihmU Co. Cipt. V. M. Ttiriicr, of Nlivillt'. 1 t Monday ix-rt greeting liio nin lri'iiti. Min Winhii 1111, of Hiirim, Hpfiit Tufilfty ami U'tluiK(Uy with Mn k'tl Murtiii. Mihx ii-nro l uiy, of Ciiinii City, lit Do! guritt ui Urt iiiiKin Mr. Ilulx rt K.ty Mr, Join) Vaiilui aihl diiKlrfD ri visiting rrUtiy1 n.i frifn.ln in r"l rriiiirHvt . Mi'm PiHy (iunn fien( tin wwk rU'l lorn the gtiM( of lo'r brother, J 1! (Iunn nnl ifi. hn ma n niiitc from Ji knon. Mi., to hfr hi.'inf in Nlivillt, Willie Ahlhftit !-ft Sunday for a viit lo hia vraridfitiiH, 11. Ah Itoit. in in moot. Mm louiit Kruuri hi rt'turn 'l (mod ft- ilnyn v t h t with trla. tivt at Johnsonvill". Mr. aod Mr Jak Punn Uft Thnrdiy for a mal dy ty at Kil Boiling Spring. .Mootlny from a Iwo-wtrk iit to rflatif at SUytlcn. MiM Klor(Ha (Joff ha rvlurofd from a -k'ii iiit to friud at Charlotte atul virinily. Horn, to Mr. anl Mr. Noruiau Hfon at Ihrir hinn in Islington, Ky , Julv 11. a daughter. Mi Nainiif Mai Ath-otk ha r tunml from U'avily, after a !( wa-k vinil with frinU. W. A Self od 11. II. Crighy of th )ifkHn Mwantil l!o . ar in Chit ago huringfill ootl. CSatj'li lludaun. of biuivillr, Ky., iftit thf WH-k-enl her with hi mother, Mr J. L Hudioin. Kat Wwuia, if Vuyt pun;haa id t ha Lloyd ISeetl reoidetic tn (Vntr avamifi Tuemlay amt' wilfl move hi family hera. The ale w made by i'inkertop t Sander. real e(a agent. GOOD FURNITURE is xvn DUTY TO YOUR HOME. I-ia-r Modern Furniture Needs In the dining room. In the parlor, In the hall are many places for Individual pieces cf furniture. For Instance, there are stands of various kinds, hat racks, chtni cicsets, book cases In each cf these needs and In many others we have a variety of styles irom which to choose. They are both Useful and Ornamental We cfler a worth-while collection of tabla and floor lamps, porch furniture, etc Them is scarcely a limit to the list cf Items w carry under this class cf furniture. A casual exactly what ycuwar.tif ycu are undecided. Good Furniture Is Our Pledge to You TAYLOR -BROS. FURNITURE DEALERS; FUNERAL DIRECTORS DICKSON, TEN IV. Mm. ?Matfi Halites hM rtluica i from visit uh niatwvt la Bt Unit. - , Un 3. C. fber, of LfWt. m tb gMt oJf U, oi Hf i. ' iiagpt tt dty Uil ! Mm Uuy Ball, ol C4r Hilll, tnii tb Va4 kft tt fttt of hr ood. Mr. tl,arr 8t<b. Mr. Ei Oobaai, of Dfr, toJ tatker Mrt. Sunk Ptttwif. cf Wtiu Blufl. r tMm arardaj. !klU NU and Rtaim&M Robi oo. of Aobara wer roevsl t't o1 their cooiiD, If m Euoic Toftwr, Mr. and Mr W Vt. M'AlUr and ianfhtir. Mia ' Mary. ylaitiog rflatiM and friend lo jLtwiaburf Ko4'0 Tucker, of Me at phi, a rout to KayetteiUe, etwot Toeedaj hr the uat of Mia Delia Httdoo i Mr. Frauk Mcttoo wat ealltxi to U3r Monday on account of tit Itloett of her brother. Robe t Law rtLct. Mr. K A. Umierbill fcl two daughter. Muee Lut ilie and Laora. rn vieiling relative oo Parktr Creek. Miea Mary lioni.J left Tbura day for Main mot Cae where L will epeuij aeveral day tabi& br vai'atioo. Mr R. A lCle tnd dawghUf, Mi Tennie Mat of raJetleifK tt the gueitt of Mr T. K fietp and other relative and friend. Rob Wtlaoo. DK'kaon'a oigbt 1ml ice, hi retsroed from a few day viait with rlativaat Madtaoo yille. Ky. Tha Woman' Miaaionary Society of the Kiml Hapttvl Church held it reitular uieetim with Mr. M. H. Keele Wedneinlay. Itev. liurna. of Meatweo. will preach at the Cumberland Preaby terian Church the fourth Saoday in thi month. Mr Cbarle Martin and little daughter, Jaunita. uf Hoheowald. put aeveral day here laat week Mr. Kriday. of New Catle. I'a , ia the gueet of ber father. J. B Uoherton. and other relative aod triend. Maeter Frank Dunn left Saturday for an ei tended vieit with Mr. tad Mr, (itori C. Kobertauo. at O'Neil, Nrbra.ka. Mr. and Mr a. Doa Parker, of Ilickuiar. County wer the gula of Mr. and Mr. Calvin Martin lew lay thi week. . Mr. J. H. tiiboo and Mr. I). K. Oakley, of Naahyille. are the guet of their parent. Mr cd Mr. T. K. Keep jut north of Dickaon. Mr. N. 11. Smith nd Mr. Harry Haaeloa aud daughier. Margret, of Nashville, were the iuei cf Mr. W, tl. McKtnnon lt ek. Mis lone Larkiu want to Pari Sunday where ah ha accepted a poeition in .he L l N. Railroad of fice tenographer. , Will (luerin, of Memphi. pnt the week-end here the guet of hit parent. Mr, and Mr. J. M. Thomp on, aod ther relative and fnend. Mr and Mr. J A.Myattand Mr and Mr F. Kuttell vpent Sun- lay the guet of Mr. and Mra. Jim Myati on Turkey Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopkina re- tunaed Sunday to their home in Living. ton after a few week viait here with relative and friend. Mr Carrie Larkin and daugh ter. Mie Helen aod Mai fuiilb. of Si Louia, were recent viitora of the former' iter, Mr. Chl. Seay. Meedame W. A. Clement and W. A lioodmru pent Tueeday and Wednedy in Naahvill attending lis tte convention of druggiet. Mie Pauline Walker, etenogra pber In W A. Chjobtrv A Co . at thi place, i pnding a few day vacation with relative oo Jooe' Creek. Mr. and Mr S Adcxk. of Nahville; (ilhert Dugin. of Hohen w!d, and Siergeant Johnnie Adcotk were the gueet of Mr aod Fred Simon Saturday. Mr. Ktum Hooper aod little daughter and littl niece. Mildr Uicbarln, of Naahviil. are here the gueet of the fiwmet" motber, Mr. Ell Tate. atMMUialiii ii aveMiiiimiin iniiani mm imni M mi, iiiiii!immhiwwwiiiiiiiiw - "w ' MiiiiiiaiiMiiyi a wW im Wi wi iw ! ' n n " ii I ww nwn i "f Tivt- --- ea nwmi.g-wiW Wfr,i Ml .,;iwiim'.i t' ' wwwwHi m n I iWliaW IWI 1 1 1 1 f Wwa)i''aiW' i i WW ipiwi l r I ii I "Wt f.. . & ' J , 1 1 j' " J ' ' " . V ' 4. 1hat one hit ia IP ew ptrUing tlrir!s trti ifvf Uw f 'rm1mT V 1 ( Seei: , f YcmmiuowitlrtlieUM r I firiwdshi? toticootaOaiBa a oil j I clttt tW two. A bou! &7 ) 7 I Irtpi the blow iwj. 7 Cwrr54aiariCfc I 7 W. A. Chmri I Co. -,f f mJi PMttwiwt: , S S Mr. ana Mr, tl. w. ioihn were called lo Saihyill lat Friday to attend the foner! of Mr. Lut Nln, wife of Mr Collin' broth er, J. J. Neloo who died Thur day of tuberralotj. jf, P HaoteNoui Saturday from St Tboma Hoepital wbr b haa ben niiiuned the patt two mootLa with a trattured limb. We are glad to leport biin touch improved. Atty. and Mr. J. A. Cleweut accompanied by their littl grand on, w. A. Clement. Jr., went to Pari Wedoeaday. where Mr. CI' rocnt will look after torn legal bueinee. lhey will alo viait rela tive at Puryear. Wallace Matthew, who ha hewn her oo a viait to hi parent. Ir and Mr. J. II. Matthew, and fami ly, returned Monday to Wilming ton. Oelewire, where he it employ ed. He with hi brother, Clv, pent Mveral day of hi vacation at: Ditrioo .SprMit;;K::,; :;:i.v;f Mi Ada Curti. who for aom. time baa been emetary of the Civilian Relief Department of the Red Croe at thi place, with otitcet in the Baker Building, hai to to Savannah, (i.. where he haa ac- ceptenl a position with the Ued Croe in that city. Mr. and Mrt.tiW. Mullin recent ly relurnetl from a eeveral day yit with the forowr' parent. Mr. and Mr, J. 0. Mollio. and other rela tive and friend at Mt. Plet,t While gone Mr Mullin mited tn evwtt other adioininf count Je and report the proepect fir rmpi in that aeclion were never better. Paiy IVan daughter, of Mr aod Mr. Whit Cowan ha return ed from the hoepital in Naehville, where the underwent an operation removing eeveral growth frM tb gland in ber neck.-, which ... were caused by to inrloenta eetUing ia the gland Sb i reported getting along nicely. Lieut. Hubert (Jreen, another one of Dickeon' volunteer, mved j booje Monday, having received hi ; discharge frrtui army ervic. L! wa one of the doughboy, at 4 ? aw actiye eorvue in rraoce. iub; baa a-.any intereeting etperience to relate. Hubert woa hi rom mienuos ehortiy after enliticg. wbic'S apeak well for on of our oatrv on. Hi many friefiear glad o welcome him back. . . t 1 ' H .. w oiougui notua If You Get The Habit Store for Your X'w..v m :'.,vt Groceries you will not only find it a hablthard to break f but one that you will not want to break. We have many customers whG have contracted that habit and they are glad of . Wont you get the habit? We re prepared to make it very much to your advantage. Let us "show youf1. H. G. T0MLINS0N, BhVeTi 0. C. COLLINS AND SON nerat Director an 4 Ewtftafaawr carry a complete line ail grade, coftin and canket. Special at tention givt-o to all etlk da.? t nights Phone: Store 11 Reidenc. 13ft. Mie kviith Bdg aoi Mary Dooegao have returoel fmrs Jack oo, where they attended tb mar riage of their rooeio. Mie Loci! Wi'.liaru Ramett. Jr.. left Star- Snsn to Ml, Joe Coffery, of Jay tor Buffalo. S. Y.. to apwod the . Birmiochaai. Ala. Mr. Coffery I euri.njer with hi uot. Mr. Wili-ithe daughter of Mr. and Mr. tarn Luigart. He wa acooo:.poi- Arthur Seaman, wtvi formerly re- el a far a Naabvill by hi iiater.' aided heie. . Mr. Hugh Wynof . a , - I Tburmaa Pentog. who t eto- Mr. acd Mr. S. 0. Robert ployed ia the N . C. t St, L. Rf and little left Tburtday for a ofic. Naebrille. itok i vacation week' viit with the ttwmer' trip, having goo to Whiagtoa. VJ . UL- U.k.. 4.1.-..- V V L. P. ..I pajTOU, jar. auj r. . w, iwifn- .in mm it vnj. r w iw v.nj ' ioc at Baaapu Milk. oHhwt poinU ol iulartac r i m. w .1 1'lniiwwiww im awWawla)ij.feawiMM;i umiiniii lajwraewjaia FORD OWNERS-ATTENTION! Krt ymi iUltfijci wUk yt-ar tiratil Wi3 yo conti ta en4Bgr joer life a4 tu r- 4g ac )fa, 0r r PTTE?tSirTTNG fLUC wUt give ytn Pifcd lie eieaMe car. It five 1 ilf4ir. ti t t(tt, tvif ftrong a ta m fom tum fcive, at r treed. a4 roniumct ro more tsneL Can be tntu4 ty anyone three miast; l the We tfcf tu; can't kt. Sest m fvfi (tirefiiont tor imuSing, preptii, ha Z00. UNION AlH O SALES COMPANY kW ItJ, fWkea Ta. 1 Marthbaek Errt and ieter. Mr ft, F, Hick end rwildrw. Mk Unw, of Waahiotlob. V. .. j Mtw Datey. Edward d 8awvat. 'HwJ bar Moodaf and epemt U jretanue4 notse &terdar oactloc iy whb thenr tout, Mr. J. A. 'from a viwt la tit kira TtxHeei. Tbey wer.t to Charloft jiwatar, Mra, Cailte Freeoao. at Tiy to viait fmwb. J Padacait. ICjf. ...I -)