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the Diotsox conrnr hesald. dicjjjoh. tehsxsiool msFra World Celebrities Coming to Visit Uncle Sam WAXllIWroV,-- More world eelrhrltiea will rlait th Ctiited Stotea during tb emlng twelve wMh ta all It rTMi history. In. Kpltaelo i'u.vw, jiroitt!. lit uf Hraa.1, Lo ti.rrld in Waahington recently. U tba flrat of the loag Hue of taeon aad royal ber of royalty will eiiw Inter. (Jen ml IVtala h.ia already eipr hla Intuition Jf vialtlng th 1'olted Htatea and an liivluHim to do an will he etMided tn Marshal Koch. Tim flritt m-khioIi of the 1ii,ii of Nudum I t b? held It! Washington In October nrol will t.ririK to the capital Premier l.loyd Oeorg. Olemenceau nl pracfi.-tilly nil of it.- iliadriguiahed Mad rjicn who havxt taken part lu tb pc nriC'itlatlotia If, Pall. Viaiu o' royal p'-roiiiij(ii and diMiiijjiiUliml Uttropeaa atatesmen to tbo t'nited Miii- In the wer'. few and fur between. In th futur they promla tu be frequent. Tli'' fr nt of th- world have conceived a Hew Ua f the l'nin.rtn f th Putted States alne the worll war. Moreover, u In dli l.-iiuiur n.iirt.o) t r iay tba v!!t of a fhlrf of aUt. tbi ruliT of ttir- fountrie 1 tI by rr-lint WHs-m fe'l oWlgafinl tu v I i t tin) Cnit'-'j KiatM, evvu 1 tbi'y Klmulil uvt bo prompted tu do ki by pi-raoiml Hilffi'Dt. Navy Dress Uniform Knocked Into a Cocked Hat SH ItKTAUV IAMKI.S hm Nu-mI on orl.r mftlnt; down th wanlmlwa of imml nl!1. r a inliiimum, lo'iif art- (he p Ul full ijrt n outfiu whlob. ! up it luruf portloo i'f tin- oiTlivri' iy. ('h -kril rpault-ta aul fdiilr Ih'Iu nho arr fntbl.ilii. Wvt onlr rrniH : "A n ri"oil" of i h Irnnrin N-anu''! ilurliiK i hi- iir, lurliii hlcb odV.'tTH of Hit' imvj er only ftnulro'l In Hfiir (be onliijary 5irUn! uuifurtu, Idf rtMiil! of hiii Mii-i m i f r n fouiul . V-t .'".' ! tin' r''ul!-iui nt f'-r ho'li f.'nmil nfi'l infinti:if 'o-fibifH. to 1'ff.M't Mvn.itny htH. .Mtm- .!( butiril mil To i! ! '.i'.' i In triivthiitf OftliT lltlt I" I II t-.Ml.. lllrnll -thlli lt I rt uf Ih.- h it nl o(!l. vr ftiii!(i.-n! I i ll! full ilr- ... unit , lii' l.oki't; Till ! (.it, ri'.mo'ti nii-l fui! .r. Lril " I !)' f.:l inii prr nliff uiiifi'tn; "hpft lut full til ft; hiff Hf.ft ml ilrvd ; vr!iiu fnl! li'i s ; iptiiif r ufi-ii n-l :f, t(rf. li.' ii' iit'u will I . -iiH in u tri on! f.i 1 10 ti tin' olU'-f r of tbc tTvlr In thf f uf u i in tb.-y ;- ri-itii'il to pur. to.""' alt urtt' lf of uulf.irnii at tln'ir own rtpo if. Tbf liii'f.'ini'i iit.H nuthorUfl to ! w.-m ar; l'ii'!r"'. Mtvli'i' iln , Vl! -t v ttv ilt , nti'l ro'iuiik iii". but iuly tb W' Atftt ftill bo wi'iii until tin' I rflilrtit profliiinu'.oti 'hut fb war h:n rbxtml. Kpituifta will not I'f worn with fwntnic lif lo'i " f 't " 1 lit' I'lM hi'.l llMt of Illli-O'llt Hint bi'tl"r!ll''n' IllfllUTT It 11" rv'i'k'lltf'.l tu tho tllllttflllM. It lirot i'l I'f IH!""''I I .,-ry mliKhlpiiiiili urii.t nat ! ;it tuntitb from Annupolia la In pot'kot nl-out i l!o i.'-'ult i f tbi.i or. r. Ideas of Living Expenses ' AI 'MlcUM II f th.- rnlf.-.l St it.' . until), to lie r'i i . ! ,i!i' v In t.ho Wtva. l-nfTfrrnt Ut, ii;.!i!3..Mlt' A -i cAr LikE OH 4.1 UA .in V. I'll!' i I .he Mo Is l.t i i Pi .! I of I'! '. S.;ri'o! . -er. itis ' S'.'v.H1 . ... o h : !! il : ' : . , 'i;i-H!i! 1 wtt-r t j . ii r I-. . .. ,i . t; i i-. '.', ;i:':.,i. uuriifuni't: .hm.iii. $.U; ho!-.i.t..! rv !'. .o-urarn e, , ;ni!.n; tt;- operur.on. J" ''; ei!;;rt!.'! ttf.'l $. ' , jcirin: .-fttUhV. t-.iii'.'OiHl f.-irt'.t, hotf! btV :'ix and s'nti.e-i-v, .. .ti; pb suiiitit, opt;.';.!'.!., ibT.!i!.'. drucH and rm-lt:-tji. I $ I 'HI' 1 .U V 1 ' IT li v;il Meeker, ..utr.v.iU.t.'iii'r fi'vi' i in i htviuvi iii the winter of vi' t. r $ ; x.'iir to tuoiv than . u r.'4r p,-r tent of Ibetie faioi ie tt il'! . ... ..'!,! ill" p"'r cent broke . Demand for Captured Hun Cannon Exceeds Supply DlSlUiiU rnN of the (n-rruan -'.'.:i'x. tttacbmo run arid ."(her war device , i -. ,! hv kto,-rf.-n w.w'id iMr ta pro -.'"'i t 'f by the Vad.twvtrtb r. .s,'.. .;.. '.;. j .,n! ly the .M'Hate. w Mch ne!ly trar.'..-r to th state t.le dlffl prvscatM. by the fact ex:'..-t f.'-r tropbiea .) far . x e !'..:. ir.l fit!.', o xjie-t. cx'untix'i, park, -:. w.S'tt. etc etc , a. v it fi-vM ot the acpply. Se. ator' W a.!w'ortb' P'aa ret'f the ae.-re -, -x ,.f war will apportion t the t it rd iTi :or 'fit mid the 1M- '" ? ,Vi '' - lb r.e propv-r- tioi, aa th; N-r e ti :--.:-!iher of t'.U",i eetx I 1 arnn (- 1 .Ah . x? the V to the iS:a!e '.Nt "alt xMn it'ii. i'.m i-nrr-e aVk tln-.t' thrx-we- j-., '.-(ned fr-rvv.' .'f t '':".- rx,".ivfed for p fit-ecu. for nt.-.-'.ju ni-.i-teu; '., .'.-i" The n.rt;ormer,t a"1" ternrx!, roia1 b.- n -i :e TranaptMrUllon vha-j'- tier I jpxvi-rriiner.t. ?!.''' rsri'W but rot ;V .. w tvuim Wti.wV. '.ncoeut PNcnr l mm M a am nam peraocagea whom tb United Btutt- la in to autertain." Tb prince of Waleii la to talt tbU country ta Augat. 11 will bo en tertained nt Newport, and later wtll roiii to Waahlnjton to b oHUiallj entertained by th president. King Albert ana (Jwd B!Mhtb of BWijiuto ot Quern Marl of Hotl mania. pitb!y I'reaident I'ulnonlro of frame and probably many other mem i i L foltoitirf arti.'lf-i of clotbliu: Spt lr"iivn ; mri tr'ttun a I'o'kfJ nr nl.ilt" y th "T'I't: fui! i!t'-a; full druiw; blt full tire s ; i Seem to Vary Widely ' ; S'Ufnititent have iloi'bleil thnt yoUIi(f l".trli'( of 'iiiinibla. must have $15 a tiil.Mrouni ka. ba iW'tibitl u a rttta - til it it Uffii If iilit'ilt flioiIKh li k''", mi Aiiii-riiHti i-lrl nulf.t'lt'iitly well f.'l. ilrftiM ami hoitM-d. i et lit Now Vork MlM Ifrotia 1 t'urroll. titn.'t.oii, ha petitlotuit tho ; "Oitrvstf" i oitrl to irnTfiitf ht-r an- i.ii.i! a:iw!irtf from $l. to i She wo the ln'r.'H.', f-t of llvioj : t ; t :i k -.4 it tii.po;l'Ie. for her to kt.-p i:p lifr no.'tnl iotiit;on on tho Jl.'1"". ' 1s-hi i'arroll I the only daughter j t . . ...U I , ,...., 11 i..llll...,d.,ri l.,r... 1 Ol JOff I'll I '. HI . .'il. inn. ..'.., ' ; NAVY ?inpir tstiiu Her father wilted her the lu ll wetity-otie tin. I then the riihl' of hU estate, s farroll live with her mother and attend t.ho emitted nor nitmer to aivnti ... w i l of $' Snire 'tint I'm her alloti'V ha V !',"PtI, of Min :irrf! - ,.- nhow tin in !,!'.: .fort ivtfi. fi.-mtii .!'. tt . r.:st. '. of atatUti.n. inft!fteyl t'i'.Sli). . 'The;r ranfivsl frta a er. te attnu-tbtnf ; iVJ pr CTOt (.howil 5JT ti fj , ) C3aVC - i i-f,w a -wr J-F V rvr . I I JV-., J I 1 J I "Hih re sun, ni'.nerwrrtera, wrtar, ttcio threw-i-'iVrt and other war device raptured fmn the n-d a'iie.,1 nattoti,"" wb the e-pt!uo cf tbf? vnv.ea ,.r ai-f.ii.1 car by tbe Vetted State and i're and parka. j ..trbu'.'txn t.v town a rial cH'.ea that tax pra-; y the governor of each state. TV st of dettvery wt'4 N force by tb ! h- .i-i trsde x;'aNe under the relation i -c ; :o rrvt;xa cf ts trcpa.c in tt PRESIDENT IKES REM Ifffil E lakes JUserticn That Leagi'e of ' Free fiaticni Has Beccmi ' "Practical Necessity MEANS RELIEF FROM WAR Hif awtl ftff t tt an lft41apftMbl Inatrvmvnullty far th MainUftAMM f tM Nrw Ord lt Vp In Wiritt VtafclncToB, July to. Tt art railWt Into' m-nnioo at 12 Vh St titd prayvr offrvl by tht rbapia'u. E. Ffimtat J. I'rvttyonn, tni tkfhmX dlttnr (uidattc for th ri te hl.4 lt tbfrf i-ttt(f to til 'T It aknot to unrt'r. -M,t-nt WiUon apok fr.;u r :.-.all fMtruui frr"H by tht d i'f lis r'!lnj rlrk of th !. Ilia a.Mtvaji m a ftvlloma: iOtlrturu of th Stiiite; Tb treaty f prf with Orroan tftM at Vrrvullir on th t Jan. I avail my!f of tb rarttt pporin!ty to Uy th trity Nforf ton for rt!f).-atloo an4 ti Inform y artth rf jril tj th work of th roofer ti by whlrh (bat trty a funuBr Tb trmty ff Bt!wfic twthltn Im ban a worM cttlrmetit. Il ull not )i po!t)! for ti. to nuilsliiaru r to pnmtru lt mau'.f'il ) rollon an a.lir wh'rh rount of tnfaal!y atwirthinx U thn a trrari.w My intir ati'l all th In'ormattoo I vi. m !ll bp at y"r A h(m'miI unit at ;h- diitv3l of your rommittf on 'nrfif t '.itl 'i i a! any tltuf. lhfr nf'.'ri;i:i!!.v i.r In at jmu may irtft-r; ii'"! I hop itnt'joti will not Bi!t to ftiakr uf of t beiu. I I ahull nt tbu-tintf, prior to your jjwti 'U'! of !''! tl.fiimfti!, t'."i t t vr,!y a Sfffml fhiintiW.tation of l! i tfop HI;. I I'lirpo!' I ! In "P-t)lei of Ufft'.. .... Ol-.c ;' 'if. I o i!o..! . (her l n i n'.-'! t ! a .) ; hnvt- ! ; .-':- i Wlil.'t' !t;r.,l - I'ift! on I .1 .i f nt Put Uu j 'Sitoy tfi ii'iiit of w tin t s ' !i:- t.f !! prohli'it.t w pb-j ;..' ,. , ,.i .f,.r, :i.v t.ii.l to dt-stl ' tin? . u 'l of l.iyii-n ilow I' : tra ' Of !''t'l',i! ' tM I. r' n h... h !!.. o'.t ),(. ,.f Iti r -:' .-.i ; . i.i'th'p, ami ihf io-w I HI lv f i lerri.i ; a:ik.'" I an ! i hv li ' .'!, ! I Th.- ."I liitn.'ale h 1 "r Hi r ibt' ii,t.! purl i;t o (f, p it r'il:ii'.;mi.'f wblrh in-' :n wtn-ri' It iiiiil have -I -! to U"i-"'" or r- otse th-u. rr-i out ri'lit-i uf j."iuiri iti;.t of hi'fli".! iiiu.' liai.' ln'.'ii fri.lii.! to i you It wo'ilil hi.- prenii'i'in: in toe to attempt to evpiuin the ipi.-.tKii'i wbU'h a root- or : ne mat ,ier tri ' 'r ,r, ! " ,! " atuofthiti,; !t. miit'it I'iik aro... .r the inurv dlirernf r'. i.:i'tit .liil al'empf ban !.!' ami lo.-rc -it !i "'t .! !y i-v I'u'y to rei'ort to the rorsr.- the p;rt it fi,.t-.l I., .ri f,.r iwv i.i.Vv'J' and' -trie o i'!iiv a tb r-i.,tfat,e of th tii'rnwtit of tl.e Ciitted 8t!f 'I'h'it ptirt il'.'uti'tl Jii 'h" fi'e 4iierit a ,n poiifl :n t'.e war '.! hi the f M . .rnTH thst h ol !''. ?i . rfif. ttl th-' '.'! of ! ' w'th wh.toi e hi I ii.w...ii.', win-'irt In tl.a! p.ft ttmiti,1.' Saw Swr'-eiafy of R ot Pfoed -j-j., I .... .;',, Tereiit f" t :'r-v.! be war .)f fi. un v-r n,h,n of or th'. - r. ...:: ei;r ;ito.-;i 'on -ui - fl.ln, i tt, ri"I ' r ' rri' w r-.f . f tv,-,, , fijiv ;' l .11 1 0 v V " 1 ?1 -A e d-r-.- rin i w f" ..I I- 1 S IV 1 . ,' ,. it 'i e . ; , ..' ,-, no t .j.. ,.f r vr , . , rv w ' ; " , ; ,-) ! 'i-.t' v'. en.' ' ;. , o.. r", w! , iv p- r -S t;, ! v :',. ?,,,- ,rs oC :V -T w . '.' ...j ','t ).i ,Ll-.'r r,., r r ., ,f.i ... ii mImV T.-ri a I if a 'i-t "O'l:! flei't.-l I'm' r. ;.. f t.-- "!".''''ti a if.f.t t;. aut s 'at i- .i.r!-. - of h ;..."",.',"!, 4.. ' I-'. o '-' - ;-r;'. lf t' ii '' w J -..' . .. ' , I,.- .;',i," r, -,' : A ' ..r: for . -4--S. , i "i.. r- 'i-T, of r-j'.t 1 'hi i f i -r"', n.Tit" -t.' That 'he fff.'-,- ? V T t',-'. ' ' -t - r- ro t fe:' 11. . I b war ,i ,! .;'-:.''. . ti.t. ;-(.',, .fi. "f ri'.' -i"-,l v. e . I. Vr . e.( r-.i -.i-! j lr ,v" tm of ?ht p- e in : o:b r Le.tei Stated Titrt'y ' A d. Tb bx.iw o'" tt.r r ti'Vri i':i arte T: th ir.'ri: ('. were at a very t.-w ei ; w,:-d our'.ri f;-'"-. To p.'jr a -rx tie . TVr a v ryw'.ere ar-i'tu terti. i-ef ? In rtt r; of ;. aa'.er in war .! 'r .'.fii-N- -l.t'h. i.:-t hat you bve or'x t-. -r-s: h". wj f-!r ir '.-'.. i vi. e" 'tt' etitt f . f v,ifr ro-'" : ' N-'.io-e t;-,f ar' ;- .ai tt :.i, w x.j oyc t.wetr ald ae'..' , .r x te :er t;.e r a-a;e and tfce-r pf-.)..:a: af y, Th fir:. rie'.-f'-:x-i. f.Tj'.-.T'ef tier at i "Serena Th r-y hid an T ' ft- :af f. alr tcr -:-.e f.iy lSKa th rwit that t t 'E nvu teat tt ort-l. TrTtw t!u Uvman wr to lt f.r frr4 i.-h. fcack. w tf t tiUrw we nvtin'Jy fvartrd is. Ati Jt Aexiiu turn aai Mto. Wi'.ftf apirtt f JrraiK, attvaaWI WW fcakita f tt t'winii of Jc!y but yrr la rarta Ml af fbjxia wrty Ub M kr. fvc fn iy. Vtt'.W ttnft f kixa. But thy nasi aj tT aawv.bic n t tik.r tn; tVy tnr !bi( tWt M . ,.....:..! rTfj-f f tcttHf ai'ii'n" Cira' iW Th ! aifbt of ur a f tbJr rifor. if tl fwcoe vhit aiti4 luif 'jt rry mnit ttr atal art B&r anil wy turn f tir awttifiBf man V to tfctr ! xo- jj pndktnJSik( ttkd t-aay dtadplin. in c Ukouiu:iaM ar t&at j$j Prtt to rryth!uf tby iti ia Tryitt h. aa thftu that iw rabl day ryklia that mth:uf U4 bapprnrtj that was math unxv tha a b' IsrtJftt a th fljhttnt ca. thlb itrj dl!frrit froia th r ar rival of frh trot.( A rrt mora! f4r hul ffnct ItWf Int th atrvis'. Tb P.ii pbyairal ! for ot ltu .pirittnl tii (..4 1 hlii mor than Ih.iI vij.,r. TlifT rarrW tb !!' f a fr pri at thrtr hm t,4 ai-h tbst r'niirft wrr umlMjtrahl " rj pruf hrttufht riuratt; thrlr RfhtiB Hiil vlify rrtain. They r r-ii.tiUft at rruwi;,-rv anf a tfclr thouianj 'll4 to mil lit thrtr atrnj?h wat wn to no aalvatioo. Ac4 tbt-y wr ft vwa to rarry h hvi au l mak (o.k1 the aw-ran-: ;t furi. l"iwt uum erit Into battle; an.i thtr offl-em er worthy f thiu. Cmrada in Oraat Caua. Tblr it mt the ovton tspva afclrh to attrr ealojy f th irtnlu Amer-U- ar,t U I'raor but perl.epn sin.- aia twkir.f of their miwbm. ! may apeak aim of th pride t har! with "ry Aaietican wbo aaw or donlt ltb thetn thar. They were the ort of men Amerta wql(J wtxh to be repr seiiseii by. tb! ori of men eery Atupr ian oui.J Uh to f'ann fellow foi.ntrytn.'n am! com rail In a grmt esune. ; I hey wer terrible In battle. n.J s.'fitlo anJ helpful out i.f it, r-ui. ni-r. li-ii the tr.o:l;.'tA inl to Uier the wivf n. thf little b'.!r!i at boine. j Tbey were fr niiTt arm, tint i forstti?nt tbelf Me"a of iVity jti the t't hav. , , "' , ; . ' ' "at"! wtif, tt. .-tu and of e;iir my- . Duty to Quiet Felt of Worid ovtiiptiltititn of what they foi a ii !' u w ho r pt'tiit i a at !ht' pe-.. tut.;. It v :f to to It tlint rxery do- j to k par! in -.oi' r:f.jJ,-! ; e.l .Vsn.-r 1 our du; ,it;i.!i w ! fur nt ne re nt'I, to tt'f!i)i'n " "J l1'-! th f.'H i: I f. r I '. th It, t J I...; i "f tba p.. lea who hd Iwti llvnif 'It j hd., the nntloiK that I;m-! ; -.Hi! by tmr a.ii.'i'.i. to ibir free- il-nn. It w;i "iir il'i'r to ft" rierr thlttf taf It w wi' o-ir t".r tn , d to make tt e tr:ni:' b of ft emhtm and of r! t a la.tfu 'rtumph lis the ; aiitrr,io'e i f wbith iiien in !.t evrry w litre t'xe wttiiou; fenr. t!d etitanilfmer. of et.-ry kind .oi! lli ttie ai jiroir.t.ri Ah:,h fox- -ernsrtenK bad made fo on tu.iti-r in thf d.'iy , xx hi n nylit and e'sbt mn .tttsf ti ...( and the pt-wer i tb x'.-tor i .ti xt's,o!t rt'ttm'ti!.. Vif ii'unln. ; xx-Mfh e.'.ttiip!ufj r.x ! , j, !!.,! j of territory a ft) f(e:, ..ti. .if .x r!CT'r t' m':tt veetii to h to the , t;;Vrt'-( of lf.i,' who bd the mr to innn l!p"n ftii-m bud ht.n entered . i'.M w "hoitt fbf.ict t of what the bv j piN o.,i;,-,.r:;ttl !..! 1'. N- or pfjfit i by; 'm! f , vub! i.t a'wax ! bin.-irhK bnib'l a aid it wa in! , ar to the t-w "Tier f '.,!,. ; on 'he old and .im of it e frj!t of ; th traftitii rtxay' I fear, for a tlta h h "er Tbrunt Upee Cv'f 'ce. Thf were .t t.ik xxbttb 'He j rl f t r.'!'. .o-'K'i nV-.-i' ".is, afvi - V I -A.I, f !t Knx to p-rfore: They trwtde fro-n t'e -ettr!!i n ; 1 !.' Ut'e t'-'!- ', : .'i-., , wb.-.-b i -o.!'') act t, ; Xy-e w t. r . . t rrryi ii " j i i-tc't , f '; , ird t'i,-d '.., ki'-, V,jd been t broken and Th,!" were to ,'-,-'" on t'-f ',.-.i' od th.-' 3- .'.d .-'Kl: '..'T;tt-.ed i !., end'- '.eetltrt t be mended r . it-lt.. ' r-T-t cot te 'l' 'tli-v- , i-e . ':V j r,r!r!.-:plt r i .r,i'j 'i:'e! hi r.-t wh: , Ne ' ; i:' I r.o; e Vf'-. e x I a.; ix upply'.r r r-.t -,.f ..rm ttv f t'sVte or T, ' ;'-., -led t Ar. 1 'hey eou'd n-.f ad !' x ;-'.-r't !r. tn a i? hxt;d b d-tf-e were t- v-' i-p wbteb ; v t iv ''if 't'o.f'T ..' ft tett-, .,f Wee.e-.. Tl':"tjl.TO iif'l vnfr'et by :he fr'ii '.ato h had e.tent! t't t!ie-.r rrt, t t XX ..e. f .f '.fieert e". f , ir;-I;.t r tn 'y i-i.f gerr,rtr-ir I- traa'eea for 'he r pe- 1 pJi tn-.! r.t$ at I heir"i (f ;br , wt to ! no r.T.e,,.xr, art'.S'xr'y nt"ng lb r'" T a to aib-rfc h' y were t. be n -!': I" ,h etl?:., of the; , tn.;-. rv:'Upe lete-TJ,' Jxi.;-.1 ''-.r,veT., -vha r-vtat to. th of t-r. ra. w-th rf art '.! '.-i tri.- f i maty to arr 'r. d-d;y t re r, or "h rra"d to t -nT ef wa-it xi' 'r.t adstts.a-rsttra af"tee-wr a j . '.,!. ; ' csd tnt i irti i The t.'-T am pre id n- pmvr.rt ev.r-.nv j wieai r.ey'. if tt tetJ. la I a.;ch -a"- e'T t the ' :.--w , r,d i: r ?,f j ,v fy oiiiry ir.e' of re- ; t '".vn. j .: et.a tixa M-vea. J 1 tl ; CK'-fxr l:lf x 1 to t ft a4 f ffmti autarfty I (nxBStwa rotatri ttwtof Ik fir j fWMd lu MiWtL.'A, ttlii Monti Mnak lata&vk C tac W tfwr$ utk u4 ft p5C f at 46rtfcr' ttlsMNM. ri? tU tti 8r Iwn r4'4 .( M 'fit BB4r tti,rrf dfirtV r tim vdtrlk 44 twt Ufalv ttrafr f prflikJ aetvrvifxiry cu4 wiidk vatiaj)iat4 a Caat tm!itKa f Its Utlml rfctMia by t b pi. at riUat a fr dry rtU l.yf.t mU b -ait4'''i'll:''ra,'iia4r ciattorwt ut t'Hl jfinrant! u arr fP t'.'Ca! iJJia uva Hb rtatsi ta M tf !t fwirl attj triitVol Jl. tiM !tk t Mat f hk-h It i-4 t a pert; rwprt aafrard4 fibtitit rtM bh( N bim fwr, t.rty )MpktitM r at f tur dt t nsak rhlo tt r rtiftity thy tnll H an!r; rr lain ami wufns ntxl f artirt tihaa wald b ar4 fir !h awttt rot of aafJctivattsI diftcuitt of Baal tWalon. a 1th fsH t wackf uattra -it tth tk, tb tmty ItaKf ; th Inrj avB-boJ uj.rrlii f tfe tank uf reparation vfchii Ornany wma t aa.ifftak ( rvaiblMt UJita th fc eenentlon U)'bt tiri break down ; tb reif0eatl.M ati4 r1 f d wtulatralit arraticnent and retire tltit wbicfe tb triy rtrevtl4. but bub it f rvftttt4 otishr not prvn of lailtDf aitaat( or eoctivly fair tf too lottf nfoA4 would b lt practlfnble. A lafu of fre r.!tou bail ben rHtlrl ne'tty. liamlfi tb tr8t of !, aa.1 r will CJ that rr;tt tbrtuKhot Ita manifold (tfttUi) Ua f K fe4t Mlr4 to tnra to lh f Natboaa as an tBilPibl l;riEer.tallty for th ttaalnteftane of th new nrtter It bai been their part to at up tn th worM. tb world of dttid m. Thi I here ahould be a I i;iie of Nation to tdy the romiel aad mafntatn the nefol tta.ertatt4!nf of tb .rld, tw make, not treat lea al-.?&, but th aevrptvd prlnciptea of iBternatlonal law a well, tb actual rui of cvmduet ammic the fovern nentt of the world, bai ben od of the Btrrireota aiveptnl frvfti tb flrt aa the haU of jai.- with tb central power. War ttatmn Af4. Tbe tntemen of all the I Hlf rwit 1 rt..jntili were ajrrei.. tVt au h a Iracue ivul1 be errateil ti lb- 't t ttrtt I ttvtl.k there a foel f,m;tit ome of- rhrm, while' It int! be at'i'irplfd, the rirumtlttn of t-T.' .Ja ie's-yeiffcj a 'H'' of rfei'tlt.n wlii. li prai 'ltwl mrtl. ! bur ej.erieti-e In the world of affair, n .;.t kitW (o xery eaitllui and xxith (i.niij iui.'t i i!i; ! It oti'y it. tli dlfftfutt work of' amttikitis an all but uiilv.-.-ssl adjuat- i i i ' "f the world affatra hdx io-'tt ; from da i to tiy. from one t(r oft riMt-rcii '" t't nn'tlur, that it bream evident tn thrtii thai what they wrra oekliif woiil. I be Itltle ii'r than H-. riii ' i:i.t written upon a(er, ta b Ih'erpretM and applied by itnh meth t.' u tlie tt.nti. e of pt.ltlli a inlj-lit I ii. like aMt!ab!, if rliej did no) provide a mean of ptirntnr.ii -uuuel wliit'b all . re .!it:. to a .ipt, a nimmoti an tbttrlty xiioi i5,iiioi)ii would It ree- octiiti -d a ilei'i!H wbith all luiial j f ;('. ft. Skeptical Turn U Lgu. .V4 e U.e ii... jtraeti.'! the m.'iit k'pt?fi 'atnons" 't bew ' tanXt ' tnnr and ti.ofe to the lenfu a tbe au'lior it) ti n.iich wbi.h iiitemt!iial action wa to te fiiir..l tli authority with- out w br.h. l they had coi to It. It w ood be ditVmt tn t aurt- ! t.i 'ta treaty xir t ar.y o?br lu - trt.a-ti..iia. u':d. r!t,dir, iij...n wbt.h the, ,re t tl. ud fer tbe iaiiii tiani of ae. The in..' pitittl'a'i of lb con few were at 1! the tnoat ret to refer to ttt lei. 1,11c of ''.-r.a the auper.ntetolafte of TI Inter: wideh did not adnitt of liiiiit.d : ,',..,-,,,,,,.) ,,( ,i giiriiiiLMit.iiHxe l-r.,' ,'r a win d were to rej U ! re a .ai'rr.,ii.8;gt,t What bad xe.ttiet m fi;nel l(f p fi if. tlt.fl, hl : .-,.!! e i:i tw"! a i d coaiiei "f tsr' ? -.:y Tin xjni' f natiot.a wa ! pr-.i- 'oai ta' a bojte .f ar- in .nr.)- of the m.-it d,ff'-. yd ibt-g he waa afe'.iptif.jt And it bd vaoda'eal tteif tn To tbti'b: of every member of h,.-e M aoiiieUdtlg ril'tot. ' tdrt'f. mwh fxji''."r -rixt-f-',; iT'e-.T for r; way "bra a itH-r earrrtai onf tbe prv v:'or, ..f s .aVj!af treaty. It a oi, xer.ix''x r.-rciit that aH tb !," ' "f '!' wcrbl dmf..l of tb t-..r,fer'-fi.e !. J; nbou.d treat ioh fT!tu-:.f e..Trt Of tf natiuR w,.',;:d i:iiVe war of Er.- . ucti at thi.. thf baa rr -Vd. f',rev.e frrtK. A cry had tor.e out frsta k2B h eey XT'. kes load frora wbib ! aX'l bftcherw ftd father bad gw j f'-rth tn t:.;e Jf-t neff-.r tbat ' t t-ariflre h. atpr iin tf i i i f few tb two product wt!J b arorttiy It o rran fr-t wfey It had tnj,f r,m)eratls la fltbert evjK'ed. It hd hfl elated laM : Mtil rirV ,.,,e n:..r. dsr-! 4otalal and "'", ln t ib pti!lart!1e f rordittnBV ne ev -ej-t irTTitetjT and aniise. 0 nny Maet Fare. War bad !m at :b b,rt of vy i i rearBeut f riwf--ef i-ry j arTsriw-erT oi i.. ant-mn pr dd 'h war. r.a-an pltew hs i bew told tbat d arsnt, wbib tby trtjed t tuntii. nat pc; anat tby a-w kfttw tbat tVy bag by lied ta; that ! and amd bad Vni -4i'et:4i(MM4 to pot n-ttktfia.' anibft ao Rjtt war. Tbey 1 '.bar. eid pedley anblsg . be f.r, f nr? -r.lij fore And Ukj jjjrw nt tt a i(.bjrakv. -flams CONTROL SHEEP-KILUN3 DD3 " iwwttry f Akw!trfr Aaba Twattty Gawaaea ta Ue tawi tct.i ifw n irrip.e4 by tk riiJ )( Ir, : aaewt f AvwHim. Tb ecartnt of nwvee adnata tat law a tw rvetrvl abrtlfl 0 U brtwJ by erTHnr tlMta t'. a Mter jwt ( b tb iroverbora 20 at a tea. Tb vrtJ7 wtaU wit that, altbousb three bat b a tratb l7ta lera (a tb atmW f wbeep la tb Vailed Ktatei in th rt yr Iber la twow for fwnbet j-paaioo taT lb tftduatry. iimtk U r dtKOiMirwfed tik many lr.ttKy fiv ketkir( bei im a.wmiii of tb Mtf fw ikf da tea- by b, Tb Mtvra wW fil W tb rnMr of Aria aaa. lelaar, rttkrid. tewwa, lmt) ana, Iowa, Kamtaa. UMfln, Mary Un4. Miniteaota, UlMtwtprw, lllaaotttri New Ilaiti(vblrt N.irtb t"itrittu, Pftba km 8ttli Ori.lina. Tvtjoe. Ylr C'.ula. Vt Vlrtttptta and Wtwwi. wberw tat brtlatre ar mow In autn, f'liowtt bt tb letter: "I umlervtand that nsaoy aiatea bar oniler (vmaderatl tb matter nt to rtitMurafe th largr d velopmrnt of the h twOtuatrj by If-, axnitvf or rmtr4liif tb b( mvtiae. twiOf th pt year, aa ya perba bow, there baa bt a grrattfyttm ! rrK In tb number of hep In tb United Male. Tber la ttmbMb4tjr rwota tn many if the rxwiKtry for further eipaain ab( tbU tnv afWx'lalty In tbe eottlod farnitnf area a. Tb field reprae(tattt of tbla d partment. however, Seflerally reit that farmera ar t1le-uragrel ta ma ay teat a from keptn aiteen oa ae fOBtlt of tb ilaujtnr wf lUmafW V do Tt qoeatlon aeertu to be prlnvar fty oce for e.tiiderw(iw ami art lm by Mf eyi inp Orarinf an National i" i.,', ...' Hanga. ..,....,..,:;, reroat ,n m trtalea. 1 am, lbrfr taking lb liberty t bring tb matter J"ur '!eritbm. with (b bit tbal wM JluaUon atMl 'le ft reroinneettdatloti aa way ,Kn to tb legtaltiw of that '' May I In Ibi evmtieetKm, l Vr td!ui lo b rarefutly i draw a and aptwirentiy well tiforcidl lawa uf aeveral alatea, n.ttat.ty ttiw of New Tork aad fennaylvanla, wblrh ar at forth ta th btiiMin (Famra Itallrtlti lX) locbwed brewltl." USt FEED TROUGHS FOR PIGS . gheulg B Cntruct4 bo That gadk Littla P'lr Will Ott HI full bbae. (Prpr4 br 'h !'k";4 !'' ffr meet ef Arrk-uitur I Toijnc p!r ahoviid It gfet tbevr fre1 In ni' h a snt that eah If--dlvldniil pig fi It abar. Tb la p! at way to eeiDlii tbla la to a low tb t-ica to eel ff.ttn a pt'd-rty w,(Mrtwi feed trmigb. m that will . . , nnf M llM. f, kr4 eo tb poaafbiNty nt crowding. SYSTEM OF SHEEP FARMING T 8 Sueafwl Wwol Muttata Caaxxt g lgord Twa rr1wtt , f'eaxnub. - (prfar4 if tv !'''t '! tir mn ef Aaete)tum A yTa of abeep farwtng that I to tw ft.r.t-nviy o.-ft)l -a art Iftyr etfhar wool rrmtt'm. In many BEST TIME FOR SOWING RAPE If Dt at Lat Ctwtt of Carta Lamb Can Tttrwg let Cv a4g m Aarteeiwv ilrmrw4 lav tax t'wiuiat OfaartV no f Aatawttwea. t TT rt prartt t w rap t tb ! ra:tvat)o o . Tb lamb rr.a tbi b tnrd Into tb- rTie!4 ta tb fa,1 and will f4 a ita tmee-r i-T pf ib exyna a Sid $ it: i n kh. U A. t I-- P. V f