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m9M oickso.n mm ww DEDEWEOTESnrS mWUtl At &XCZSOS, TXIS. 1TXITKUKAT IT UcrI4 Publiililol Ca-Bapaji Li. FEiuui W e-isdcfa Bail EUlt II u0 fOmUmtM at Seeriale) DM. 4 SI v wrtptuve m partible t advaac 5T ."".',."..... 'j i".jii".B"ia.;.mu DC la alt lar cilia fharo art place baie t&e wum froa tha city dumped, is ibni.a, ; aaay Iff!" blTO be0 ftftfd lbo th bih-water tnark bj ahte.lio etna tod other refae frost tbt iunn . sum, la Kh York Cit tbia rafw if earned eat to w io big barf and cet into tb tea, Tbia il ait- ibl treatment lot garbage lo Dick too tbara i piae wturrc bumto bodiri are damped. Wa at the funeral and carry th bod i to lb dump. Wt do it with great rweraoce iod t Urge ib of ii i I. ror aanitary raaaooi w cover th tHxtf witb duU From that titua uu. iu tot cae. neglect tba body. It might juat all b as old eboe fatting la tba damp ol Huipbar Wpriug bottom io Neabvili or discarded tin cait rettfag o tha floor of tha Atimtt octao. If oo doo't blir it, j jat Ilka look it Union Cemetery! No buato oiin Id any town ibould allow ncwipiper publiahed In bia town to go without bla aim and buaiueae being mention! aurna where in ita column. TbU applte to all kmda of Nlner general tor, dry good, grocera, furniture daafera, manufacturing tablih Uifula, autoouobiia dealer, mechan ic, profeaaiooal man aud in fact 11 cImmi ol buaioaaa men. Tbia doai out main that you ibould Lev a whole or half or a tan a (jmrtar page ad io yry iaaua ol tba pauar. but your nttae and busi newt ibould b mentioned il yoa do A ttranger picking up a Qwuaper bould ba able to tail Juat whit buiin ia reprcaeuied la a town by looking at tba buainaaa meuti Hone ia Dicfcna who mffanl bacaaclw, headache, e dietreeatagl urinary Ula can afford to ff&or thk OkkKO mio't tieUUI ttary. it I u coxtonMci umtums vm aoi Dkkaoo taiiut ean doobt I. H Tajkw , tkin4 blackaoitl Rif kud An., aaya: l looiui Doa'i KMmj Pi'.a to bt aa aiealkat kid ay raster a ad I gladJ mom-1 meod tbrot. Mjr kidoayt vera weak mi actad IrrtiuMi. 1 had il jMvara biciucba, too. Ooaa'a kid- atj rilK proewtd bom taa Mayttl Drag Co.. gtta mt gwat raliaL Tba abova atattouHtt waa gitaol rubraary 13, 1911 aod no iaoa 7.1 1S18. Mr. Taybr added: "I rtcom mtndad Doaa Kidney Pilia la 1911. 81ca tiMMt, tbay bat aiwaya proves btaadkial what I bad aad Prica 60c at all daalara. Doo't fimply aak tor a . kidaay ntoM!y t Uoaot KMofj nilttha iml that Mr. Taylor bad, r"oaUr Mil- bore Co. Migm. Buffalo, N. V. .1)0 ad io tb paper, Tbia ia tba bad I poaiibia adTartiacr. Tb oiaa wko doaa not adrartiae b boaioaa doaa! ao iajuatica to bimaall aod hta towo. Ha ia tba aaaa wbo atpctl lha aawapapef to do tba moat Ire I booating for bia towo. Toe maa bo ioiile ou abarieg the buaioae U)at-omva to i lows but rtluaea to advertiaa bia buatotea ia oot a filoabla addition. The life of toy towo dapaoda opoo the life, wide awake aod liberal buia meo, The Committee appoint! by the Couoty Court, to receive bida lor tba controctioo af a county jail met io Charlotte Monday and it waa decided to poatpooe tle boiid- i a . i a t a .a I mg oi me jui loflnonrir. aa no I tnooey ia puw avtilibJa lo build eaaie. for the btnalit ul thoaa who hay- tog elactfio irooa the electric cur rent will be turned oo each Thurs day auorniag from 8 to 12. until the ragulai day current ii inaugurat ed. U. I. Baaalay. Mayor. to the naw cream itation, which opena for buainaaa aeit Wedoaaday. A0(t. 8. at J, K, Tidwell a rcx-r,l tore. Hand in Hand One of the main reasons why there hu been such a marked improvement in the wholesome neia aad" healthfulneu in food pruai ucti the last ten yean hat been on account of the cooperation between pure food ''officials and domestic science teachers. These two ele ments hsvip ben working toward a common end bur protection awuut unscrupulous manu facturers, who have n t based their claims to business on the quality, but rather on cheapness and ho, in their endeavor to market their production price or quantity, have often resorted to substitution and to the use of unwholesome material. Though proves has been nude, yet much remains to be done. Mr. Hirry L fcskew, Food Commis sioner ot Tenderer, h.s teen Very active in his efforts to .sjf'ejjuard the health of the people of his State. In the New York Journal of Com merce he lus the to say about so called Sell Ruing I-'Iklt, which is used in cer taiii sections: "I would not tolerate flour products like some ot" the 'self-minu; tlour' sold in a large part of the .-.South, the .concomitants, of which - are alike unknown and not to be ascertained by tiie consumer and whose ,purit in the matter of phosphate is ojen to serious question aa a de ceptive agency." When the need of improvement of certain food products ii pointed out so derinitelv and at the same time is backed up by thousands of domestic science teachers throughout the country , it is quite natural that A merican house wives will gradually hevome schooled in the proper selection of food products, and at the same tunc demand prvper labeling of all food products. I Wc have reduced tlie Titan 10-20 price $225. You can now get the woVld a ttaudard 3-p!o tractor for $1,000. . t - - t, - Titan 1 10-20 VI I I M n t II K I f I ? I f I UM9 v, '1 i ' When you buy a TITAN ihe original price includes: Frldon'eiihulleyf.iSafe A hue, ida Hhtlaa (Uk t bmhI tf ' t . IW'-fc... . MM. M(ifWlt HMT KhMU, M MWka Attn nUtim. T Tna ie-J a to. wkktr the a4 its. twH mn tW buct KargUk- It n4 tmmmmrf af bultt M tW i-.j V&J mt yvlwa . i.4wniri 1 tt t3rvrw &i W -mK1 It jn Uk a( Iim at ktttmrhjia mm nfMitM. Io ft tti-e it r wmH aSt ywUy. w w aw otJy. h h, f,. , ,tj uir r Sis io m it, Tiu Tuon iyp t..a rr. i MamNBaaaaWMBMM THERE is no "Joker" in this price. We arc not telling you one story in this advertise- A raent and then leaving it for our dealers Throttle Governor m . .ia a.. - 1 J to DreaK tne sac news mat me aaveroseu price won't buy a tractor unless you pay extra for a lot of necessary features. The Titan isaler won't charge you extra for "starting and nrice" before he can deliver the tractor. He T7on't show you a machine stripped of many essential parts belt pulley, fenders, platform, gcrernor, drawbar, tools and then tell you that you can have these things by paying extra for them. The Titan at this advertised price is a complete 3-plow kerosene tractor. .r Stmt Dk-hn at .jM wi iui gam twrab iwftop tiM 4aia' M oo kmm thaipu. waa Wkwlt w lb bMl fomomf jmf an OfWfiM a mhy (vat aa aM aa Uw towrtwt atMl a4.. teat tt Ml ta Mm tea wwen mbvm ft4 " ia bh at in a UMttM fovtwtkM ao witfc ami aatta tw--ao h MMMtktll;, Taa Ttsn thmtOa aai fort, Hvia gTM turn ay 0Trtfif iaMuw oM K lamaKat aod SMfthMia W and aWM BMcaanaa. Vaa f ajditiVtMrf JINI ciVsVYfc rt.r,..Ly Soma teat iNttMai f-t a Ula WUrtl a aJMr ib. Then there it another thing. Wt are not experiment ing at your expense when we sell you a Titan 10-20. There b real farm machine and tractor manufacturing ing experience back of it. We have been in the farm inachine bu5tSesi WIS ytart Iral'tiawbeen xuy ' tractors lor 14 yean. Not another company tn the world knows the farmer's power and machine require ments as the Harvester organization does. Would you entrust your bank account to a man who had never had any experience in handling money? Will you risk your tern profits tn a tractor built by designers whose knowledge of farming is limited to books and a drawing board? It wiQ pay you to think about these things when you buy your tractor. Starting and Instruction Service JUmOm -Sr" W mm trancw tmcn k to ch. ym a lff "atamnf awl Thm ht-mM. Tbt. M imOm wv oT gating a Uxm w. tot tuMMg ptitacM Bat yum g tM tttxat ititol paying tMa cherga. Tk.f mad k rotlaory. TU tnrmml aW gha a tfcai tawara Ua a4f fm t a aitr. W aJ y it a Tit 10 20 Fr arfcaJa IwaWfaW ay m, ifilTm pmti aB aaHWtra iff. I nterInationau Harvester Com pany Of.AMlSICAK. tall ao4 4 Omm ufataaJ can H a diawtwH Tkf mm to aa avaftooaMl th. tad that a km itatttw not only puli. p4i tml alaa Hmrata, Ny kd, gtaia tada. Srata. ltua,hi, K, aach rauinng dtdataet tub h ad Juawaanl. fKaa (wry aWn1! tow aattl IrWat mtktf mttUm Im at tti Titan lrlal. NtM. th. M-ovtaMMia tut a m tana, ol adtuM- nanl both up and doura and auWa-iaa. Thw Ta rf.a H xry nwj aW awtW w-fffla rf. raal. Fenders CHICAGO USA Ttt. Annt t4 anan a-ir., vidaatly did le know Utat th Jrt havi Ihtow tttfl. dual M Iu4 avat th opatatiN awl auK hin. aniaa (andata rn ft. Tin Titan I0 ha ( h bfxlata. Thar at a)aoa'aaMy fi liuta. Th ' Michigan ha paaaad a k prtttubMing th aal o( lndark ttartnn. r. a himaWd aOfcawf fca 40i0 tiwtafartama, PlntfnfTn "0 tUaignara aeparatttl fa aat tn a trartnf ea I luUUllIl ton keara a daf u am, )Jtli.f at tough ftM, au lhay rao't aftai a-hal a laltaf H lha tiarKrt ofwiatul to laat htntaaU iw and thn br aundtttg wp, itht vt Mat. Vaa ill -.ut lha T1n la- f4ttiB that anatita (w to (h thta It b a ruoiiutl iaaioi luMttahad lgullf arnh Tlian trafc o ta fa1, Tr1 wr!' ' '" ila t (utPUhaJ with Twaa W. 1 UU15 ThM handy . H M fKld in nf tha tart thai Titan ttt -W tractor gH out U ! irauuamlr than r)r othai tia-tf in tha flA Buom traiux concert) whua MaUW "d fatuut adjuaMolaid lpate. ISirntok itothtng hoi W. w fhtaa ariamhaa. Tf tall 'f m that imm HnuVl ia , a a that it daaan ad adjuatmam to p.m hlwa thiaf A mattai id bet. thay nnH navaaaary toot U tha aam tm,n ih otntt th "l ita daartihad hnra- ti atak a tew "rutg wrt Tha TOaa W-fO raw Jar tW f It rWmitaaa' arfrrWf fr rWfa. to IKSO I All. ' k i: V.NVHA(iKN. J. h. yraiNH. Kr as Mirk anii. AOIX-Jibtaeaaiai mS kWrl Ii aaaa t aL, LK w ara. A a) a IA fWaaar ), a y tt Umruf a -SW tart' M AMMate .4ra and fM , . artaiaa ( liaortrjf Court at rrtiaeaaM. In obeli, tea to a .H-r of the Cbar.oery Court it Dutaoo. Ttm.. niaac ai iaa apru icriu, rjy. to I tha above atjled caae. I will, ou Saturday, the 16th. day ot' AufU-t. 1919. at noon, ia front of tiie courl- Iboiue doog iu )k iou, Tenneiaee, all to tb hifbeat tad heat bidder tba proprrtr iu aaid detre nfacrib' beinc a tract rf ar4 kaowB tba Mark Fart (Cot.) tract of lend, lyitg aod being io tba Utb Civil Diatrict ol Dicfcaon Cnoatt. Tea aeeee, ana aeeonhea raiiew: LtviteJ io tbe 13th, dril diatrict ol Dkkeoo Coaaty. Teao., on tb head Vetera of Ylie Creek, atw bounded aa followa: Om tba north by tbe iaudi of Mark Fort iad Neb lett, (Col.) On the eaeX by tbe !iod of Shipman; on lh aootb aod veil by tb landa ol J. J. Clif ton, for vpecifk boaodam ace deed of J. 3. Mathi and f. Eliiabeth Matbi to Mark Feet. (Col.) roouafl- tag .u acre, more r team. TJRM8 0F 8ALK. Trustee Sale. hrrrM by dael of trut of re wrd in book So. "' pag 3tf0 of tba Kcgitrr'a oflit-rr for Dkkeoo t'ouuiv. Tritoraafe. O N. Borkner tHMivated to W. I. Cboate, dMaaaad,l a Triiatee a traet or parcel of laol ht-tfinafiar deacribed And th aid VV, 1. Choale hiving died aince tha i(ution of aaid deed of trut. and thr holder of id note, Tboma B Wikrr. haa rquMtf. au thorn 6 I and ippoiuted me t the uc t-aaaor to the aaid '. 1. Cboite io wt itiog. aaid writing being recorded hi the ItegiaterV me at"Cbat.tU: Teaoeeeee. to eircute thi truet. atiieH ia to eerure tbe paymeat of a cot and intereat eet out and deacriled in aaid dred of trumt. and trlwrra default ba been made in lb pivmant ol aaid note, a pro tied by ibe tern and condition ot aaid deed ol trait, and. Vt'htfeaa tbe owner nd hoWer of . d note ba reqneated me a loh etitvte truatea) to adrvrtiae and e!l aid property ti enfiiiTe the col lection of eaid tolbUdoe. ootue ia fere by .t-ven luat I. aa euhatitota trtnteeeill on Saturday. .September fi. 1919. at twelve o'clock, noon in front 4 tbe ootb door c( the Court booee io LMc Veoo, Troneaae offer for aaJe at pttb4k aoctiot) to tbe funeral tors and tm-balmers. Taylor Brothers Direc- A, Wc carry a caa4a tin ot Coffin aad Cav k4a. Ail call gr fronifd allila, 4ay er algM. tea. PImmmi OitaatM' CaBbr. aM ho. 212. 810 t Pbkmi : CeaaaartaaaJ ' I n v to contain thirty inn nie t ka Trnf-rtrd lo O. N Butkr iy i W. Ilutko-r. and recorded in V, 0 D. C. look Pte. H.C. RH'HARDfOS Mohatitut frurlte. IN3LVfWT NOTiCf All pef'OCMi indfbted to wm, Murry viilplea come f.raard and mike aettleinent at one. AH boiling clm, agiiaaH Wm, Mu'Tt will pleaev praeti wn iitiirf aoTics. To h Agn'U. m a aa mum aiaaaaaat J ' L L. i J J . a .h f l . I (mm teed. dower and aU Otoe aajp- tioo. a tract or parcel of law! in Dickens County. Teooeaae. deecrib edaifoUowa: Same being is tbe litb citil tttetrict ol Ihrlaoo Coanty. aad bounded oo tbc north by Street aod Uttdaaa. oo tie e-ajtb by 0. N. Bexkaer oo Um weft bj Had on ibe eart by Van Dta uppoed la the rigflt of redenptioo. Tbi 14th dy of Jsly. 1919. J A. Cleojeot Sokritoe. J. i Tiytor. Ck. and Com. Childreo! Vou ar i netted (o at teod the eertK fog children ia the rirdofUt. W. H Petaraeiea on next Seaday tt 3 p. Bodfoo. A owner of IW lM .".t...i. in ilia llih liialik I I I)h k- yiiwew ae -www a- p Va ci ty Troneaae, K lar)e Kitel and MCortikk To are hereby noufiad tOat .1 r prt at i ufflce i te ( '"tot houe in tb t"o af .'be Wile. I ri.iaa, o or the MXrtl IHV OK K4BKR 1919 and pay be ii ! f2 Hate. i'..f.lw and all n(hrt dir. aee- an arrdmg tj!a i'hin titrtt L,f r,;oiaii laud 1gUf witb dan; or forerer after be dehartKj. Tbia July S. 1919. J R Morry. Adoar A a 014 Faak fiider; Ao irritthle and ftal' ng dta aWtitio ii often ru-d ny iitit tioo. A itii astth good d-fetin and boe! that act rgulf!r aeaally t'"" '''wed Whn trmbl ed wttn i&iigatMi -r it-bail pa! too take ChaBbtaio'e Tablet. TW ftrebftbea tbe itomatb ax2 eaatie ail iatereet and oot tm-Bir'!, io. eluding tbia not" a bow pr-mded by !. your right to r4w aaRa eball be foreyee barr4, a ft-1 6md to e will i at ttota tiooited by m Ui H. Carl Marmoo Ibe punbiaar of eaid land. Witn nf f ofhre tbia the 2ol d,f(A July i'il L J. Browaicg, Co. Ct. CSk.' it ii oeHoriB Itafoficti'iMoatarafly: Tbay alao Ctoae a getk oaat.t of the bo!. dy.