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DICKSON COUNTY IIOUlDllS D1CKS0-1 SAHSRED? 'fVIUIIIB AT MCXIOX, TO. BTIKT USAY II titrtftl Fwblishinf Company k. a. nsxM ax ivBi" ftatt! m claw mail roaatav ft lfet puutUv a .nckn.n, ir.wakt. tUbrltK Jt -.. I1U 6 mrtit. it payable, in 4iw Tbt wia nutu pe-rrmta tt;er to jte-lgt u to bi north. X be. foot appraiaea hie uo. j you wuuli tervu a ao etausple to oilier, yoj wavt e n on lorjrei ahead ftf tbt iUipl. UojkI reaulution are !! right, provided lt reeolutoi reo!u!- a t. rMulr. H ul j(tixi ther. enter. 'f Hum the other triri ilireunii u te tweeter thau your Lite, tu tutuy ut ux. U jit oi.e hrrutiiK drteut J wlul i jfoui tti bet u ntt. gently, think eaeetly, and your hometown will rj nee ut yui.i preeeia. With the pruer ul women' giwit prowling amuud iu the tie. t!i old faaniouet) eewing circle einull UecuUie Ktu an arutot rath tratur of feioUiUie life. Tbt Evidence It Convincing. I lie Testimony Opn to la estimation. Kver? on ileuie any regional lilily lr the. -et ul luu. Ul i:oure. No une i utility Pricet juet naturally jump t thru utm accord. Marriage it a lottery only wh-u out or both of the c mtiactinii partiea ihit on making it tn h Uue inuat urt etpet I perfection in , hiaor her luafe, unl wjUiitit iy accord the eatue, iii return. The preat'her tie the kuot, Ihr judge untiea it, and iwtween tin two it'a a oontuuiiiud luerry-Ko round purloriuaiii e from one art t' the other. The Poison Apple. Our Oramlparrnt thought that the tomato wa poiaonnu ( (ill led it "The Poison Apple." The 1U1 were uuder the iiuprvaeiou that Tuberculoid wae incurable mid cnl tent it "Coiituiiiptioit" (rem the fact that it I'tmauiued thoae who contra cted il. Today we know that tomato i au eitremely euaulrnl vegetable but everybody ikee nm know thai Tuber ulit"t i not only preventable and controllable, but that il i cur able. And t Intel latter tiuih i tht lueeeage thl tlx- Trnneeeee Anti Tuberculoma Aeeociation i bruit ing home to i J pccp'.e n Ibi etate, . Already, a a a dirrit reni'.t 1 1 tl itfoiH ! thic aiH'iety. iu'epilnir have been erect I Uit c;ntnio .' Iel tor thee re ( tuh'M uir p- lieiitu eud uHtutini)i rontaininjj more bed are under n r.Mru ion. t'lliee audtowiiN a re !ootinj lor hreeh Air t'ampe and Opn Air choola and the way i t'pm; opened to make T;iiiu--e, tit hi e'thieel slate in ti e In:, u ben one realiiee ha V.n 'f Lei treti accoii;p'ilu d t!ir'i:g!; t. " !e ol tlnf hltlt" Ui-d i ro-j i l r:-i ihA Seale which we attach t on; Iritere and pckaj;!i '.) c'l.ri't iu tlie t Act i br light Iwuie tlsit thit work nni't n ittiiuit' i'; i "year Xhe tati!p4in I eil the ,eal-- and urge aubtcrttition, ill be lte..i Irv-nlhe lt to ihf liUn ol I'cctiu br Setiog the need id nmre hea'tii work, aud cotitinujnce ol work no being accouipUehed. the caiupaigu. baa breu ratloreed by tioTonor A H K Wrt, Colonel Alvm C. York and a hoat ol other prominent Trtui'anf. This heaith work inuft go un, a en'Ht in kval Anti fubefvuloaij movement. "1 kew Kah WovlJa l l -t My BeM Uraia.' Says irrJ Iiab It'a ban! to keep rat out ol law etor. Tnw for year A tieiuh boring etiww eild me eouse KAT SNAr It worked woodfr? tiathrr eJ ui) Jead rat every aiorosrg Bought oiora KArNAP. Hav.u't a rat trow, h hey wouldn't eat mv beet graio wluu 1 threw RAT S.N AT around." Three ira 2V. VV. $1.10 S.!d and guaranteed i l)iwn Uaniwr Co. II. t Tomliueon and 'Cletuori Pharmacy . STUAYEIV Bay tiiiey wttb L,t biod leet. atai in f orehead, brande t oa !tt Lip ' Y. C P!enw 0ltif J. H. A. ii, D;cko. Celare a taterr.r4 can b atveipt d l.era it iUt t ecipycjeted by ! teatiaiouytiy the endetna ol Mtiueone residing ta l)ickeu. tate !wiA lntii unkuowo pupi iu re mote placea Guay be tru-. but we iatinot prove Uie.m. Here ia a tatUitit by a Dakaoa reatdeot: JT. T. Hoi ley. etmayof 4 prop. f hotel, Maiu Hi , eayc "i bad a !fJ, aching ferhng ti.ruh my but ami kidnryt. being cn my feet to much la what 1 blame lor ihe cauae my trouble. 1 ached ill. over aud fcvery tiite I looked amund. eidewaya, I would get duiy. My kidney didn't act right, either. 1 wan advioed to try LKuo t Kidney and g d a Ul at I he Myatt Utu to it didn't take Uuau'a ng to cur' me and 1 haveu't had return of the trouble. 1 gladly enduree tbi remedy.' Priii ih at all dealer. Ioo't timply ak ( r a klduey remedy tr t Hutu Kldiiry HIU the ue that Mr, H.dley had. Koeter Mil tuirii Co.. Mf(r HufJl. N. Y. For Sale. ii few rtoaaiaif bkcka of th Col ony Laoda at tLU place, aiao loll aod ail at raet&ablo prk-ea. A Utm. of 347 wem; 125 is eviti ration, food . iotftmBMiU U1 make a Irat diiaa tlxk Urn. livtfig watar, tota wail to4 priog Locate 4l thrw silaa trom Teiifw City, i A tm itor build liig and Hock olf good go wltia it Prut $t3.uoa L 0. PbilUt. Daalor io Eaal ErUU. j TeWiwawM CitT. A mrrthant in Murfrretboru tit- that -,Vtiur. fur packing ;uiur i al!d m. him lat week aud aanted tuei-il l:tm hem mid bacon A hen .teked the prue the ealeaiiiiU . that thert- a alight iu rtfm I tie m-fi haul tht-n kid iu thl could he alien !ik had uri" utT hutit id a hundred pouiid lit rffued to buy at the irueakrd. II IhH du't look ike profile. mi ti- tb wy what doe it ppef,to h-'f Murfre h.ifo liotne Journal. tNtOt-VCNT W0TIC1. To the Craditori of Mr. IL P. Brewer, dec ad: By order of the Clerk of tta Co uuty Court of Dkkaoo County, Teunetaee, oolic it hereby givao to all peraoot having claitua agaiuet the eatata ol Mra K P. Brewer, da ceaaed, to appear and file tht eain with the Clerk of aaid Geurt, auth eaticated iu la unauotr (iribed by lav. oo of before March lit, 1 WO Tbt inaolvatcy of aaid ealata having teeB eutgeatad, toy claim hot filed on or belort that data will be forever barred both la law and equity. Thiamin, day ol October. 1919 s T. BKLMMir, Admr. K P. Brewer' Eatat Jamrt Stocky Say. "Rat Ctaf M 5I2S Fur Plusfeiaf Bilk" "We couldn't tell what wai clog tint up nor toilet and drama. We had to tear up floor, plpea, etc.. looiid a rat' nt io biiament They bad choked the pipe with refue. The plumber' hill wa $125. HAT-SNAP cleaned tha ro- dent out " Three aiae. 'iSc, bik, $1 Uj. Soli) and guaranteed by Dkkaon Il.rdware Co.. II. (I. Tom linaon and Clemore Pbaimacjr. The Stuff There Made of Marks Their Woi-th Ti HE greater mileage, the uninterrupted service that Fisk Tires give, starts with their built-in goodness. Big way oversize tough; measure their mileage against any tire you have ever used. DWy art bmiit to e idtut Tt 4V tU Bt Cone m it fJU WorUf Work for mmj tk Sqaartti Concern m Ejtuttnc to afa Bmaimt mitk. NextTime BUY FISK Standard Alotor Co., Dickson Hicks Auto Co, Charlotte 1 f t - represeitts a vSauS 1 Delco -LigH Tield Represent afivvT y There Is a Delco-Light Man Near You No matter where you 1 i ve, there is a Delco-Light man within easy reach of you. This means much more to you than mere convenience in the pur chase of a Delco-Light plant. These men, are trained men they KNOW electricity as applied to farm use, They can advise you as to the size ol plant you should have. ywel foe farwt md tOt'r (f cttuhmg air .xJ Wanagt ao Win" Qlr o jMate ta f l nvt. Iue-hueg Storage iwitrty -L.S OH KLKOikbL They can see that your house, and barn are properly wired They can superintend the installation of the plant so that it will nivc you the most efficient and economical service. They can iv; vhj iHtellit'ent- .tdviceas iqMic. puff , chase and use of v :iicr system, washmt; machine, churn. s?jaii.r. ;.i..khc machine and other appli ances that yoj can operate with the electricity furnished by Delco-Light. And -after the plant is installed they are always near-by to advise with you and see that you get one hundred percent satisfaction out of its operation 0'4 0-Li4?if it lii'tfrmnfi tabor, belter in& living rortJiiaii an-l th iuaUy pt!n4 hr rfwlf trt fiw and labar tased in more than 75. W) form homeu DEL CO-LIGHT S. H. BRYAN & CO.. Dealers, Dickson, Tenn. t$&Bfj C, & B, ELECT CO., Distributors, Nashville, Term, "f Q THE DOMESTIC ENGINEERING CO.. Dayton, Ohio. ; Tk Dootic ;Enf iaeriaf Compaoy, Dayton, Obit' 11 - . .