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ft ft; it h si 'MX HESSIAN FLY THREAT EHS WltffCT WHEAT ( HAD ' I -'TAKEN GALOMEL- I WOULD BE SICK, WEAK Ml - 1 BUf7 f gkkKM 4 Dsffcrtef vfU Fitul Utters t HtaKk It C1 4 ji r4 to nai ft tWMWif 1 rirrfi'Tip KfiiiiifcirtiL :. Ml YEARS UiTIidUT HOPE The HE Ko matter boar loir nor hor md Toe bsee ... .! J v.... ri. ...... j ii. 1 Uir. i no help lor you. TBre ta. Make a 3 ZTi Jtvr Bii;A lo gat wall Yon tan. TSiere ta a oidy la which you mar hu fall raliiiaee S did Mra. .fUnaiU Kanu ef 19 8.1 rat Street. I Je Brit.. fV,tn Thi I ohit ! I bad cramp tar tr. year aad UutJit I old Br be any btur. I co14 not l without diatm. Kipt -wstltt my mouUt epa an4 could hardly breath. Ko medicine oaipa.1 ma, I 14. catarrh ot the itumach. Now I -are bo crami and am Uti g well and httlthr, 1 wln erary tiarwrioc taraoti -would Uko E KU-NA." Catarrh rffecta tb omrou anembra la aof Cfflfl At BrL Pli-ltL'-NA. tor enttln th dlgeatlon and aiding ehsdnatton, aeada a rich, pore ispply of blood and Boartolimttfit to ti and lafUmed tacibtraoaa aad hJU return. for cough. eo1d, catarrh and catarrhal condition trautratly, FE-Ktf-N'A la monouandad. If you ar alck, do not wait awl affr. To aooner yoa btl ofo Dr Hartaiaa'i wall kaova PE-RL'-XA, tba aoooer yo may iote to ba w!l a ad auon and fa full tnMU)m ot your balth. A btla of I'B-RL'-NA la tba flt tmarKeacy. rdy touka rniely to hara to tht fcoaiw. It U fotrteo ouaa of era taisttoa ad protetton. Bold erywbr la ublet ur Uqald tana. r I a 1 ft r f a Arii9ttioua. "I itMW uu tbltok I tiftvw a gi(.j,t j "Miilihiif nuiwy, i . If y.i irrgt iy fckknr J hhv ttiin ytf may ?t !t vf "Sot at atl," Kdi-J ffiw f,tf! Ht-rk. r!e "I know f flw.fy of kii'ii jtu'v ! " hnsi' i t;; f..r f!rr!,.. 1 . ; Where Can I Find Relief From Itching, Terrifying Eczema? . . i i . . . , . Qation on Lip a of Afflicted, 7hre I a harr!ry (Itv.mi.'ft fuMie Uirturc Die itrhin 3 ill a!. rcicltr by Kwns; detp tlown i it iurct, whu-fi it in the tliod, th td& ..vaar.4 .,Iftfe.r.. linn w'.iich ! r4k ijjt t?irr,h tha Vio. Ifut i w!ty most saf i- aerm on f with the b..rniu, '?c,or ,frl,5r?"'1 ',-r!' ,"1S-J , s.n i)ist4 h h. S. S., which act ,iuum A ct,re fnm l-.rl ai'Pfy,; the Moo.!. Cn J bt. ct n. f nlvri fitmtj3 t.-y, n-l yv-u w.U ee fuiti TiiJj pest: livea thrswihi tJhm wiser in ih mmi CI tM 1 fil wtutat atAlka p tnamaU. InsprttitK ity is r-it..y v,Tat wt? tV Uy l.Hik in swa a ti tav. that crawl bom within liv t-i C Wt,Jl t iar tWtfp. if titty am jW i 'iiniKMiil'. became uch trtat lutt t tart ftijy (tie la. it tem jiorui-Sy. "lh diieattt can in;) ic v5f" ''- rtKbt trtattiKnt. Mhcal Vf"- fee, A4.!r ietn;l Du E10LIL lJMnC BIS tus bv hrvt : t aa ?-t chaajt ajam ta rhM pup riB a i n in th -akM and , uifeM f. uutbt uuowl umhr. win fcrtna Mtr.d nra t n at (iita in ttt fail. Tt. flu laava th atutbit . fl aretno j TWO VITAL POINTS i of the Heajiaxv fly. P?por;e ?wwtfi?vintwvteat until th jtae fat&- $t that mine ox th plants will appear n'-wc frourva until after Utj flats have died. Sowtnsf on this date usually insures Iart yieidain 3&U of normal Consult nxircc-mtyaff nt or State Agricultural College retfardlrti the .V w.ryj oT. A Plcnv. under deeply . CT k' iff'$t?a it stutblo" durtr. jtimnieror earty fall vh.r? th is pr,v:tici arl does r-.ct uvterlete wttli th srowirrj of clover cr ! f Tfur,tw wirfMt s.t art i kit! U tvctuKtnj or ilowjiv while st bst lit youn. But I tool 'Codsoa's Uvtt Tone' Insttai ti Ft4 Gnai Calcmd MusaatrtSilivitcst Ewy droirsta la town feat end i fe pnt faUU wff In tk mt f i'aV ; etuH. Tb y ail f. Ut Mnt rratua, ; lHaua'a tif T la taii&f tu ( lterol ta !RiWt and ptyA kaw tt" IKl.n" lit Tue l pre : aua"y piaratttt'iwl by try drujirt ,' bi tt A Urjr Iwittl dHi1 . ft( wry Rttti-b but If It fatt t gU i tet to wy tf lif laojl i t and wnii;io, J'4t aJs fr ; yuar i'.y batt. SHt fjlk tiuld ra'.W iht rtedMw" Liter Tm t pleaat taattfti, mr? tiPtW nutody, banaliM ta fcth ehildtva h4 adttHa. Taka a tiMttiftd at ttittbt attd k fertin fiM M tMUwsit H bt'ad atbA add atonm-tk vt t((rd It ftpa w caa l tHwm" all tl Bt if t!k tt CsKi4. .Tak 4m vi Vt( H tmtay and ttmw fa vO tW irsk, tick and caOMtatL lml 1hmi a dy. Ad, SHE THOUGHT DYEING WAS OLD FASHIONED ffr-".' fc t Vtri4 !-''vt lVfrt- Bt itt'i.r I. V'l I'.l h T..t. i'l.Uv.l SOLO FOK BO YtAm fcr.MAlARIA, CHILLS and ffYLR. f0r 1 TOWN LONG WITHOUT" BANK SOUNDED ALL rIKtTo HER ! 'U. Pruonsr' Dtfrnta NjitaVy . Had a Lot of WrljM Wtjaf-ht fair PtOKCulOrifc", "111.' f:l !.Mi,. .t l.fflck sr b -r!in.T. v. Iu in -liar- t:S!Tir lii.-; -i'.K'ili iiH)-iy n( ii rnilwuy 2n. Co'orj.lo Co'munlty, in f. Mora Th.ri a Century, It No t-J H Inndtution. S-i'i ! Tin l!lt!t Siuini.-n i.imii 't I.tiK I In" tint -i-r nf (''!!; i-t s: ! t.v. rl",. In Hi luvT i'ii I if U;.' iii! ni'l r!. (HU' l' licit I'lHlU tl. ll th'- M.i.f V- ,'k vf Sim l.ul i.ih-m !:. ilimit f"r !" -.11 .-si lliU t,,wd I timn' tt'.nn iiih Imnilrrit )-nri eM, niiil M"i' of tlii- ritrilii-'t itii'iniMt f Ml.'ttiifli MUitit-iit that fuUiirttxl tti ijnt'tliM iiril jnh of tin' ScJinlKli rehterN nf Sunlit l"t hhJ l.'iii!y. Fur tiettrly fifty yoar ticfurc the f1r"t runtsiiijftit of .iti-rlcitii-, utiili'r I'titUHIiliiit of (JkII 1'rHllk l'.itlilvvltl, !" a ttiM'iit l.Mir, arrhf"! over l.n Vein (villi n'lut ptahlthml tho mi!lt:m Mit nf I'm! (inrtniHl, Srt'l I.iiU I bwn a flo'irNMitf llttlm it!tt.m.-rit tin'iiiituWil Mi;hly ilcvrlr.iM',! fjtrin lu the.lnut fmv ycttri th' iroex? and l''viIiiiini-tit of (h tnwn nni ttiiiimmiltjr h-tt ttinrt r'lil tint!! tHtw ttio ton U (twaltlrrt'd t t lrK PtlOHKh trt hrttik, Tht ln Jurlty if th rtxiidftit iif the vlcliiltv r ShhUIi -nviiMtis itMjlt' of lh olil WiMt. willi(nnt, rtnirttNma, rnrctli' and i!s(iron. Sum of ih tnlth Iwrt ttnn of th vtilloy are to found to the ttwn anil It eliio etivlnm. Piking th Bon, Tti plrt )t elegit) nnd thp fiMx) w (fwhl but nrltiir on chop wn wrvl nj'ltx'w. Acriasi fruut uc .tt th? huticrloKt l.vkine timu I had icvtr n. ItU fr lixikivl o bitttKry Hitil mi'l(tlnl that I cotihtn't t-vnr tit lmk at bltu. Tt nnn mt t him K'ft hi iaat. With th word. "I sm.-. thrrf ;ta a Uttlv nnr utrkins n that." he iiraobod ovvt to thi iloMrft f-'a'o, picked p tb '-Wi i hiio nd (tri''.l!l)l Il'tUll. tl th I T. - ! ebffi. l't. !y Oif tu ''I'til !,i-!y sa.v yon trl-4 to n to tit-r lit tho rn.Mtav itton" V: i.'inH-;?.-., it; .if at c.viH'rr '.n the M'm.')-1' t'iil ti'.tj-f tli.-j r-pt.-fi fnU. a'o a ri-fd ft;.-r -av of fu IKs.ia-t: t!v "l tbi! t.j.it3tit !;.-!-Ktvw ins !'. ! r'.i't, Yhcw rj-ort ti' lli.-it i-.iis! ! ( 1, vnm) :rfi-l l.ix hw-u !,!'!.-! ly It..' II. , r.h fiy. au-l that ?t:ot ti'Mt- to ; cr'p itf r K'it;t't r'rto!tt. Title winter tf'-att (rro era eot (if tlw Km-ky motin'stTi citn h lii.HitN'd to u!t;u in' a cootvriied iniem'nt. to iil'n'rve the mjn"J Rt!ttda if -yl- l-.anni t!m ll'-'i!tn tie il'irin t! wn- I tm-r ttii'l full of t '.'., tt thut a t1initriit g.'inTst ni!'!ir :tk of tho J Ii-! very 1 1 I ii'.iv :U i i t:r Ik !''.V. i A !. 'rSi.. of fiirtn t(itMr ft'lit ui'fa- Jornhi wo.-ilhiT cotiiUtiont ! l!inH;i f-f h.'t! Ct1' tt f J J 0f ! ' of tift. irin tht hi-; !-:v ir-finf M a to ..!.nt lit:l r'iif a t-f'ntM .-t t ."!' 1 (. IK.. ;.!) .:...-., :i ,oit( j-; i 1 bihfty h-.ijrurt.-.' :,t-' t :-,' j.rit,4 i j jf,U-wtie. . 'I t;! '.-tiM l-e do hy Mn-h 1, H ; p, '.?.!.. ... ni !o t.)rt the tii.Me an! prwi it 1r jntrt .f l''4 f! fntn ' tutri aud n-iiitVtUiJ o'!u-r fWM ot tri!i-.K phi-sit r bu.-l. y. Tt d i Itihy ho l-lai;!e.t to !, sn ot i cthi-r lnomiiu". jt.i;i'k j;MUig fro . ni to sviild otuvijilne li'w pf (irollt t frwni Uh l.i!i ditnni; the crm-M jcar i Hev to FigSt t fly, The usr'toiil for futiil'iiiins flu Hf ,!."! fly a'o In l.rl. f tu f.! ; A Ber Othned -fttettd"' 'rifrttrTi; " w n- ? ' ' ttit a Wr t a itniM. Uj-frs,tor Wet l. u4 etaitH. I houlj Clfttl tt Ur Jtt'ittt' Jn- ii(t. He tl,ifik thtu r Kotus n a ad te1- to tuak uey if l.ey Oo. Tea Tt e lowiw lt ire t te 111 k' lni vt ri- A llll Ax tut "Olaenamd Dye" Mad Her faded Shabby. Old 0rnta Llk New. pmn't worry tftt pHfi f1t n fiaHrtd Per" (rMftrfint..J tr elee a new rk-h. f.-til-'i- color t niy fthrtc. whefbor tf he wwd, irHk. t'fien cotton rf mlteil coottn Mono '-w-k!nc xSklrta. r h Urvti'i CWf f.'n'Jno efcfvlh'fif 1 ttlred'n IWt In nackaee tJI hfo t diamond dy any color. T l 'ba i.xt remrVatit mtfh any tnster'at hv ittilrr thou ihln. In tt" wnM l-a ,iut le in- GETS MONEY FROM RUBBISH Invantieft ef Cnaihman H r"rtjed it Pravur) v In a hu br uf T . yon "Diamond the" 0Lr ("rd AJv Net Nutty. We were ri5iut In th twiniry Utt full wbea aotne. dlxtaure drttatt Hi (4 we ' a girl ewtil'rig wtitrhiiig h-r : iit it i in a car. We, tot, ,v I client i a he tark-d the i-ar ? ow-rl (itr.o t. frt-.rt : crop rotation. ! not ; and '! e he!ioia "It m a mlittiikf," jiUnihtl the inanTtjie have nmihlne-l to Influence lOany In the il'W'k. "I an looklnt: for my 1 W'it urowrra in ptantinif tltlr grain wtfe'a yoiiuj wbHti I've never J t.5-'S$.rly In the aean'M. lid ban re- noon, toit " ho il t-een dewr'.tuHl to me ' bev-y lnfeftln of Ilea a n han-lionie yutmi lady, with ifoMon Jn ?Vlu 'no -ttcntty ail of thli early h!r. "oil cut festMfcs, fine comlev : jilitiil. 'Mn'nt l.m. vrf.Nd fttire, hertutif'.ilty ilrced, Mwni; Feared In C?t Bftii- " j A daii'ii'sly tieHvy tn'eitntioh of With n cl-iftnnn h!n!t. the printnl i l!es!an !lV 7-M10 exWt In the Piednmat wrw a.'Minnt hint Hiferrupiiit hi , pbiln Abeaf.Nhm tlig eat nf the flow of otiKi'tonoe, ! Amiaiachtan 'Kivnntitttia and . emtiractni -I don't n-lsh to pr.vte the fon- ! Slarylaml. Vlrs-tii and eatefn IVnn Llvauut, air," h aa'd, to. ttie tna1. aytvaM Cn-jlota ot -rlow Ilea trmte. "Any one nlht hav made the!aian fly 'ttatnitir irt that mime mlnfake." already hcffim ti b hcar.1. and there ., .. , (a at prewnt every Indlcntjon that Might Have Been Woeaa. early aown wheat In tt e atate will The not!) who Motnedme ajx.ka hi 1 b cunahterably If n artaly re thought !uitl had heen nwre tvn- j "U,'H' ' iuhi ,r" T- ivminl with ihe tblr.ira of the world than with thlnjrn H"lrtrtml. On day by chance hi hund fell upon a txk coiitnlnltitf the catechlam of a certain Pro tent tint chnrch, and he earnestly pninuryM In readltn th Ten Cotnttiatttlment, For aome time ha pondered over the "Thou mhalta" and "Ttiou ahalt not. ahlch had heeei for fotten lnijt alnce chlIdhoHl. Then, laying down the book with a !h. be wntteml: "Well, I've never killed anytnidy, anyway." Htchanee, There la ik remedy for th Ileaalan Sufti a tt ml Mt Wh.! on atot-We If It li'0.hi, " 1 '"""" to av.'id aolfif J e drove tst .nd aiis! the j-irl bat I'h'.w u.Wr ail inf-ated attitdde, tti ,mn " ",,,- "SVh wt.ere Kde, u after bareat. j ' ,,f ,f X lmy all .I.Hi'r atu-at b j H- -f wnw; -KchuS btrrwtnc. d:-kltif, ph'-vtlnj or aotne j -.-.- other twth.t. j Cenaatation foe Moth.e, 4. How !! land to he town ! wbeaf j bathliif twatb one a early and d.-eplr a evlMtttg cwtdh j f w"h !,t Bi,! 'tbef. the Hon permit, and preire a thonMichlj latter ltr? very ttmjt. lie w.-nt in ami competed .HilfM. j bathlnj with the other boy and after .V merte undsture acalnat pe-1 be had npnln Joined hi parent he told rtod of dnnish! at H)!ti t'.tne. j bcm of the fun he had bnd, 4d!n ft. t'e fixKl wd. ibat the twy bad made a lot nf fun 7. fVrtllUe. " j nver a h!f fl wmititt they bad Hn In a.. Sow wheat dnrlnit the fly free pe i bathing at a dlMnme. Then be added. rto1 a adti-d toy your farm adrlaor cmiwdlngty : ''Hut you M I didn't or 'ate ejpcrluient e'attoti, Adhere to thene pruetlee every year whether the tty l aUuudaot or ararra. Tliey wt!l help to keep It cree. t'oniniunlty cv-otertln I eentl If auivea I to be attained, twcatl one Infdt field mat fnrnlah enoagh file to damage th wheat foe aeveral tulle arou4 tell tbtn ywi were ey mother." IDENTIFY VARIETIES OF SWEET POTATOES Department of Agriculture Working Out a Key. Is It I 8aad en Cater, Sira ad Shape of tn and Leava and l Qual ity of Tubeea Thfetv Reault Prmiin(j. Hi Favorlt Placa, j "tie I a man of cttreniea In bit j ni vo.1. lie t either tip In the garret j r down lti the ceMar." j The t"n!te.l State dejartTOcnt of g "Well, if he prudent enough t ylculture 1 working out a key r-y l it In nrlvnfe l,vk t hef moMt of i .... nt .l,-h v' .!. nf wnt rv lteft.iv marriage my hut-nd aaa flr,f ,,IV ,n ,w wHar- f(, rtn jntlfld There baa 1 1 1,1 "' iltr.r. Kfn ere! del rf CorfiJhn Question Incompi.t U., ,wwt p.,,,?,, vrtet:e. and lf. it . . ..... ,m Ik a I - . iH' .-' iinr smi n ut umi tan Th Poor Married Mick. o ucepMh!e to fiaitery " "Yer "And now he t uvpt:i'e 1 1 n"th tug hut fresh evild "-Ktorlda Tittr t'tnlon. LEARN OF WHEAT VARIETIES Raauit of Copetae,lv Sueva Made by United State Dpai"tmit of Aoricurtura. . ... Mean btrt Tru. "That w a naty thing fca cook aald me N-fore leaving." "What wa r "Juat a aba w leaving lha boon ahe turned back In a rage and id : "Weil, Tva got It 00 yer bntnd, any bow. I don't hava t at ay here," For the first time in the history of wheat growing la America It IH H be poaaibte to map the dlacrthotion of wheat varlette and to learn the largw number nf name under which the aam tarietie are known In different part of the conntry. This remilt b bn made p.s.1tie by a HnfrbetiSe anrvey of varlefte made t y the t'ftited State department of gr!cvltr. through the borean of plant tndafry and the brcaa nf crop estimate work ing In co-operation, S hednle wera actit to ihout C crop repx-M-tee to determine the distribution of what artet!e- the (KHsr-e from wbh'h tbey Th )aao. "Preaa agent rarely go lata bank ruptcy." "' wonder. Tbelr lleablli He are a! thetr aseeta" i i-ii d i t m i;tii.ttnmn. w. p. Hot It rsnnwt dut into ceah r, mw ctirnvtly tst. It ritr1 ahat ' vorth av-( from ruiddtih ami pre pare it for rvbatribntlun,. t.liolera ate aaibei, litl la converted tttt fer 1 1! Iter, tin are denned, and m'r and rjf ate -.eteil Attofher hit iif eutchitWry ui in thla nntidw ful "re ftiae rwuviry plant" den la with clitik. era, tumlng thetu Into toohleit rrs'te block for building. H lis t.n pr ed that rvety hundred tuna of wnte pfotiui-e 11''. and ine a ou of Inbabllnnt 'dlaeyird alwutt tin hundred ton f rithhll dally ta can eaalty work nul.tba tntmUipnl revetitie that awli a plant wtwtid fum. duv. Net r. few town in the United Klfigdrt'M bave already ttita)led Hoyle rubbish convertlttg plant. A!wr den in one day oollectnl frt.ttsu) worth cif discarded lartite. a week' )aut )ar collection l the city of fHicffield fab Ired f1". whtie lilaafow estlmatr that one year version of tta rub blah will bring in aVJtl.WW. A Cuaaa. "Wlier'e hava tliotM? dummy director brenT lnqttlrd Mr, taiu (lieit. "To a board meeting," atwwered Mr, tmsttn 81 x. "What kind of lxrdr "lun fw aura. Judjflnf frr aer. era! f lha actttm It mt have bees ome kind f a oulja bard." Tb wnrot thing man can do la to do aoiuctblug bia friend era aurw he utd never do. 1 on hud !:f wick? Mrs P.-.Which due lt weekT .this key wH! PiflKe tt p.!n,e m p-s- j tir f tbetr Ifitrwluillon ttretv t'tentiry att trna vnT,r. n I h W on the color, aire aed shai The Swct Cereal FJaor of GrapeNuts Ifenotpioditcod bv addtnd sugar to this blend of wheat and malted barley The wcetnw. Is due to ac tual irain uar.clf-dcvcl . oped oy the broceini Ami Ioi IvkWin ot this gnesit food. Therc$ a Reason Ox Grape-Nuts . of the Metns and 'eare. and on the rcfoc. sue and quality of the potate themselves. That the key works t j aftes.M hy the fact ! by 1 ne varlctW d.vacnhe.1 a; the tttrt Cclum bo dlwvvervd Atreti- fc been j Identified, The develyipwrd ef vaHetfes ef i wev? pots'oc f-vr t-k f"et simp. I rcn ant rnr making ta amkr way. i and the rre-i'm'mtcy revolt ectjred In dicate tht the pw;MIifte or tne ivt ptsM bare bardlr been twbed crn, Tt t yet c- t J whsf may b etpes-e-1 fr thl aw, bu! the rebuilt rht fr aeenred r rft trfmttTi. Tb? wrk la be!tg Into the conimnr.lty. the permittige whk-h each repro-Tt at the total wheat eregc In the eotiimcntty. Ttie retarnev! -he1ale be te studied arid t 01 a thousand letter of 1a ju;ry bane te"n tuent asking fc-r addi tutcai infkKTnctkia and tatuptc-. KEEPS ONtFUREBRED SIRES Vt'e ef N Loedot Cvwtf. Ce aect.cut, Uaed Beaited e J9 Veir 1 have kept regtered Vt9 foe 33 year." wr'.les Uyd V. Ay ef New lodon cfntnty. Corn, la appiyrng to the faired State Vart.ui cf acr- AeMpgc'T arrt. V. and at rtittnr f.w etsrwHtswiit le !h "Hetter tre pee rv etperiaetst tat!on, Fbr- ett,-e. C. Ivt,a;! wrek tn ccrlri set S rewP-etter Stck" campaifn. Mr. Aye' 1 h-reenier of HXf4 cattiSe. pvrrva h.-rwea. fVrk sfttrt sw-tue and tar.! real's. !t vms hw that 1t Tf.I record cd1 tsssr-g pfrecred lre prnvr hn"!r-g la stcnite ovodfrteev 1 ;o awre then xUtri wt a et r,-,- '-. eaa be carrted tbc j ccr.rywas esetty- oeeir y. an ( April 1 rtt I aiece theewMem ,4 dPeiai HardWorkTires muscles and TiGiTves nnd then to whto ihem vith coffee, with its dru caffeine, makes a bad matter worse MMUffiEM Is a drink for workers that contains no drug, abut furnishes a finely fltv wred berakge. ftiliodied and ixbustl3esln4to former. (eCtffee.driTilKers. ?vo. sizes At jrocers Usudlly sold .at 25&15 n.-t ?-re f3 t per cer; e lea fra i frsti'e.1 hUa tee Bras t tar decav ' 1 tie sea Jc CJ5lHi--ii'-t.