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Half American Crop Produced In InTwenty Intwenty InTwenty
Twenty Miles of StLucie County CountyTHE CountyTftf CountyTI1E
Hndiliors C ndillor s of Nature Make it Free From FromGreat fromCreat FromCroat
Great Creat Damage Dam gc Most Desirable locationforProspcctive Location LocationFor Locationfor
Prospective For Horn Homseekers Homseekersyr seekers seekersStanding seekersStanding
1t i1t i yr Standing on the end of the dock jut jutting juttih juttih ¬
ting tih out into Indian river at Jensen St StLucie StLucie Stle
le Lucie aide County Florida Flol cla one realize that thattaking thattaking
1 taking the four pain points of the compass compassunder cumpassun
a under un er observation that hu sees things thingsall thingsair
I altakeu all taken together that exists to the thename thel1ameextent thet
t l1ameextent wame name extent in no ho other place in the theUnited theUnite1 theUnited
United States Standing with your yourbatik YOII YOIIbuk yourbark
batik to the Bust you ou can see without withoutthe
the th aid of a glass a body of hind on onwhich onMch onJ
J which Mch is grown half of the pineapples pineapplestimt pineupplesthat pineap Les Lesrcc
rcc that are III produced on the main main lath land of ofthe ofthl ofthe
the United States StatesNow StateRNow StatesNnw
Now Uli thin is b something startling to a aperson uperson apersonnotn
personnotn person not acquainted cd with the thefucts facts factsbut factsbut i
but they thl are facts just tlie same for forfront forfrol1l fortr
tr front Jensen you can see north to Fort FortPRrce FortPiercl FortX
X PRrce and south I Eli to Stuart and this thisterritory thisterritory thisterritory
territory has ha always aIWI R and always will willbe willbe willbe
be the tIi greatest Illatlt producing center of the theFlorida theFlorida
Florida pineapple producing territory territoryThere ltHlitolYfllml territoryhere I
There here is I another 11111 lilli thing I h nJr in in connection connectionwith cOline connectiont1ith ct inn innith
t1ith with ith the fact that this is i the center of ofproduction ofprotlud ofprodacton
production protlud inll and is one of the potent potentfactors patentY lotent lotentaclms
Y factors why it it always has and alwlnyawill always alwaysi nlvllfRwill
i will he old that is that it has an ex exemption l lenplinll ¬
1 emption from cold that other producinglack producing producingsections I
sections lack lackThis lackThiH lacknp
np This past winter which has been one oneof oneetas I Ior
etas have had since sincememorial sinceiirlyt
of the severest that we
iirlyt memorial I memorialIhh cl1nl alono one one of 189195 1 t95 has been some soner something sumethill ¬ J I
thing thill t r of nr o ta taict a f test t tit as to t places p Ilcc5 most exempt exemptfrom xun t
ict from damaging colds I and while we wehave wohave wei I
i ng have no desire to boast we have after aftera afterhie
hie 11 a thorough 1 canvass of the entire section sectionwhore I
4 whore pineapples arc grown on the theEast Lhoigt thoI
I East igt Coast found that in the territory tmd oly I IalJOve
laoove alJOve move mentioned m nt jOlHd there has been beenless
mu less le Ies damage than any where whmcoIRp whmcoIRpo else elseTo I
i To o a person familiar with those con eonditions condiUulliIof conust
ust ditions diUulliIof of location and surrounds Ru lounds con conducive Coilducive ¬ I
ducive to obtaining ohtllinin the best results resultsthis resultsACs I
ACs this exemption is easily understood but butjtothe I I
jtothe tothe the stranger who is told thatsixty or oronehundred 01 01one orA
A onehundred one hl1lllheel ed miles further south that thatthe thatthe thatthecotd
the thecotd cold damage was w1 a great deal greater great reat reater ¬
jj er than here to pineapples an explana explanation ¬
tion is necessary neCeSHaI neCeSHaIFirst necessaryFirst
First of all the the Department of Agri AgricuUtire Agliculture Agril
l culture from soil analysis made the theentire theenl1re theentire
entire length of the pineapple grotvingaectiunIRS growing growingsection growillg8tction
aectiunIRS section llIlS ias published the fact that the thesoil thesoli thesoil
soil in his immediate section is the thekleal theideal theideal
ideal quality for growing pineapples pineapplesand
rf and this Ii has a been demonstrated for the thepast thetwenty I Ipast t
past twenty years llUH and is still on top I
t Now lets look at a condition that ex exist exst exstnowhere ¬ I
° ist st stnowhere no where else 1Is on the East EnRtCoust EnRtCoustFl Coast CoastFort CoastFort
Fort Fl rt Pierce is sixteen miles north of ofJensen ofllsln ofeIi5en
Jensen llsln take a buggy and drive down downthe downh downhe
the h he public road on a III the river bunk from fromFijrt fromIrt fromnqrt
Fijrt Irt Pierce Iiercel1ul and you ou will wi II find that the thelanil theana theanal
ana bordering the river I VeI has an elevatIon elevatIonr j jpf i
pf r from rom ten to twenty feet above aluvethe aluvethetiter the theateI j
titer ateI level This condition cOIidi Uoit extends to toStuart totuart totuart
+ tuart where fi from m there south to the theunipingolF theumpingolf
k unipingolF place the land is isvely very very muchI much muchietrer muchelller
I ietrer the water wutlIlcll level where pineapples pineapplesire pineapplesregrown
ire regrown grown and has hll 110 water frontage frontageNow frontageqt I INow
qt Now Nowlets lets look a little into the thequestiolls thequestiollshlevlltion thequestionsf questions questionselevation
elevation f sum 11 > water frontage to tohe to toie tohe
he ie east of o fields planted in pineapples pineappleseall
eall e all know thai tha + elevated lands are ares aresuhjlcl itrePA
PA s subject to itiinmge llI1age by cold thanhuSe than thanmse thanhose
hose mse which wh eIi lh are lowellwnce ower hence any in inormed inOrmlllIIllII fnormed
ormed OrmlllIIllII man alv mil It II < tries to get on a aiiljeor aidle aidge
iiljeor idle or an eleva cd t1 piece of land to torov torov toroty
rov pineuppltn piIm tpp1N nnd the t hI territory torritor ofhirh of ofhidi ofhirh
hirh I lhllll have si SdCII leii I CU also that which whichxtonds whichxtllIcls whichxtends
xtonds north f Fort Fierce in a arnihmlly afulnallv arpdually
rnihmlly smaller degree dl Jee for 16 miles milesknown milcs1mnwli miilesknown
known as Tc 1 1I i 1 a Pineapple Pi Ridge of ofie ofhe ofa
a he ie Kist aHt Cons ConstAnntlHr I
4 Another feafi which whichdistin distinguishes distinguishesfrom l1ishe l1isherom
from rom all nth nlhl T I sections where the theneapple theInlapple thet1
t1 neapple is it gn gi + n is the fact 1uc that lying Iyillgthe lyingthe
> the east oft of thi hi ridge 1 lJ e if iii the famousIlan famous famousUan famousUan
Uan river alta whclj Ilh h is from flOmtwo two to four fourlilfs foulIIr
1 lilfs IIr ilea in witdh The pineapples grownrough grown grownirbugh grownrough
rough this section RlCt lH arc planted pl nted up to toid toit tod
id d on nnthe the river livI hank and andaK as all ofr of ofitycoldscome ot otreolds
itycoldscome reolds r CO nil from the west and north northwt northM northY
wt damage is further prevented by hytl
Y 4 a tl fact that cold 011 cannot settle H ttle on the thend thend thenil
nd for the reason that thathe the land isI is isflier isIther
I flier than the water in Indian river riverid riverdthe rivertin
tin id d dthe the cold which whi h always seeks the thewest thewellt theen
en west west point goes over the banks of ofidlan ofdllin ofJ
J idlan Lain river to the lowest level of the theBter theleI theter
Bter leI below belowthis this is one of the undistulle undis undisilable undisfnctR
tulle facts that prospective lro pective settlers settlersbetter settlersbetter settlersl
l better bear in mind It is not in inriijed inricJP innded
ricJP riijed < J to bv b asserted n RIlt d that the cold old has hastdone hast hasdone
done t I le any any damage here this thiswi winters wiiitert ltel ltellltlR
tit lltlR t it is a fact flwtthut that there is ty 1 far fara faraItdful a aiatdeul avat
iatdeul vat deal les h s than was done donenmywhere donenmywhereeoi any ullyWhetc ullyWhetceon where wheree
eon e on the u gust Coast nnd when one oneseeking onelIeeklllg one onepeeking
seeking a location they had better hottervethe betterve betterQt
vethe ve Qt the best I hesthecondiliols L
Hie hecondiliols he conditions above ahovedeR described ribedare ribedaretJI are aretjo are aret1110
tjo t1110 he found any wlfbre wt tvi re else on onthe ontheitjand the theWt theYt
Wt Yt itjand + And any one desiring dE > flirin to t verifre verify verifyMestatmenls
Mestatmenls > e stutmellts can very vary readily do sowishing so sovisiting ROcviRiUnJtho
cviRiUnJtho visiting the different dillclenlsfctionR sections and if iftpyan Ify ify
tpyan y can < an find a sixteen sixl en no mile strip that thntshow thatIrtiHhnw tha thalihow
IrtiHhnw show n IIK many mll pineapples practicallyart practically practicallyRurthy practicallyUtthy
Rurthy Utthy art iy this winters wlnttIscold wintCIH cold as as there are arePUtrli areIIUI
PUtrli ougii IIUI krrlm from Fort Pierce byJensen by J 1J1 pn to topart toIftrtwt tofart
part Iftrtwt fart we watit to mukn niakna a liandsome liandsomeeht hull haiitd5omeetlt me meehtin
eht ehtin In fact we feel th that 1t we w would wouldrsate W lulll lulllSd
rsate Sd safe in hrulrlring offering them lwlI1lhe their l choice l Of Ofu < if ifThat ift ift
That u at t pineapple plantation in 11 tide tl tlKr h hum
Kr t tinri tinriteat um ums
Pojfepf J teat s t the thapineapple pineapple south Bo south pfjtWa r rk of or thin thini tl tlJ
f >
A A1t
1 to 1 r L I OJ OJd i
> I
d > Jht > jtt
section is is on land that is back froi froiwater from fromvute1 fronwater l
water and is isvtIy very much lower that thlUhosl thlUhoslIII those thosin
in in here and therefore the frost rost settle
down on them as there are are no openings
to the East to which the cold can drifout drif dliftoUt drifout t
out to a lower point Joint These are m fact factwhich fuctswhich factswhich
which have been so thoroughly de demonstrated denionstated Ie IenlflnRtl1lted
monstrated that no one who has made madiany mllCleIInyinvestigatiun madeany
any IInyinvestigatiun investigation thinks of questioning qUE > stioninJr
and now is a good time to come 1111see aw awsee und undsee
see that the above statements an
true trueIn trucIn trueIn
In addition to the facts as above abovistated ahovestu abovestitted
stated stu ed there is isno no section in the state statiwhich stltewhich statewhich
which presents a more desirable de i1llble location
for those desiring to live or spend u apart i ipart uplllt
part of their time in Florida than the thisixteen thefjlxreen thesixteen
sixteen mile strip strip along the shores o othe of ofthe ofthe
the beautiful Indian river between Fort l < mt
Pierce and Jensen 1 ensen and from a astund astundpoint stand standpoint stunelpoint
point of health it has no equal in thestate the thestate thestute
state the lands are high dry and can cannot cannot cannot
not contain or retain any unhealthygerms unhealthy unhealthjgerms unhealthygerms
germs that could possibly create sick siclvness sicknes sickness
ness The drinking water water is as u pure purens pure1S
ns could be bede desired ired and the waters ol of
Indian IndIRn1ivCl river being directly connected connectedwith connectedwith connectedwith
with the Atlantic ocean by numerous
inlets is therefore salty and necessarily
free from any thing calculated c to pro ¬
duce sickness and as a matter of factrestores fact factrestores Cuctrestors
restores health to many who come here hereseeking heleseekillg hereseeking
seeking a restoration le t01ution of health lost in
less favorable sectionsAdd sections sectionsAdd HectionsAdd
Add to this the fact that in these theseshining theseI
I shining health giving waters there thereare thmeI thereare
are millions of fish fI h which are to behail be behad behad
I had for the taking and it is not hard hardto hllldto hardto
to realize that we have here a favoredsection favored favoredsection favoledsectioll
section the like of which is not to be befoiind befoillld hefttn1
foiind elsewhere I ewhele in the t he state Those Thosef
> f us who have ha Vt lived here 11 < Jo for many manyyears manyYlalS manyyeas
I years do not fully realize the beautiesallI beauties beautiesand h1autiealHlacvlIlIlIJres
and alHlacvlIlIlIJres i advantages t 11V 1Il ages that we w enjoy and the thefact thefllct thefeet
fact that gradually glluhmll new comers are arequietly lireqll arequietly
quietly qll < ltly taking talci rig up UI the properties thatare that thatare thatfire
are placed Illap paced on the market is a pretty prettygood IIettgoO
good goO goo indication that they are more morealive inurealive
alive to their interests illtCle ts than we are to toours toOUIfI toems
ours and while some feel that they theycould theyCould
could do better elsewhere our opinion opinionfrom olin lI1
from constant COliS tun t investigation illves tigation covering allli a along
long period of 01 time is that t1Ilthe the future futureis
is far brighter for this section He < t on than thanthe thantho thantime
the past last has h ls he been cn and we should shun nd re recontinued recontinued
continued on page 8 8SOME I ISOME
An interesting train of thought is issuggested issuggested
suggested by b the fact that Easter came cameunusually cameunu camettnu
unusually unu ually early this year enrMmch March 27th 27thwhich 27thwhich 27thwhich
which to the th minds of some people peoplepredicts peoplfpredicts peoplepredicts
predicts an early spring Rp1 nJr The calmest euihestdate ealilestdute calmestlate
date upon which Easter may fall is March
22 but in a period of more than 200 200years 200yearR 200years
years the conditions brought lHou ht it uponthat upon uponthat ulonthat
that day but once olceii in 1816 The dates dateshave dateshave dateshave
have been calculated from 178G to 2013both 2013 2013both 2013both
both inclusive being twelve cycles of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the moon Only four times in that ex extended extended ¬
tended period hasEaster come as early earlyas elldyMarch
as March 23 It may come as late as asApril asApril
April 25 25as as it did in 1896 but it will willnot willnoL willnot
not again strike stlil < e that date until W43 1143In W43In W43Iii
In 1791 it occured upon ulon April 24 hut butit hutit hutit
it will be the year of grace 2011 before beforeit
it is again as late The next next earlyEaster early earlyEaster earlyEa
Easter Ea ter will be 1913 when it will fall falluplln fallupllnMarch uponMarch upon uponMarch
March 23 The Theday day for Easter is theresult the theresult
result of ofanastlonomical an an astronomical astronomicalcalcuintint astronomicalcalcuintintIt CulcullI calculation calculationIt tion tionIt
It falls upon the first Sunday following followingthe
the first full moon after the vernal vernalequinox velnalequinox vernalequinox
equinox The sun crosses the spring springequinoctial springequinoctial springequinoctial
equinoctial line on March 21 If thatday that thatday thatday
day should be a Saturday and the moon moonreach moonreach moon
reach the full that night the next day dayMarch dayMarch dayMarch
March 22 would be Easter This con concurrence concurrence concurrence ¬
currence currence of events as stated has be been beenrecorded en enrcorded n nrecorded
recorded but once in a calculated period periodcovering periodcovcring periodcovering
covering beyond 200 years yearsGOVERNMENT yearsGOVERNMfNT yearsGOVERNMENT
I IWar
War on blind tigersand tigers and on boot bootleggers bootle bootleggers ¬
leggers le gers has been declared decl1 erl by b the na national nntional nittfonal ¬
tional administration Hereafter per persons perRons perSOnS ¬
sons engaged in these forms OIms of liquortraffic liquor liquortraffic liquortraffic
traffic are to be dealt withmuch with much more moredrasticHlly moredluKticllIy inuredrastically I
drastically than heretoforeThis heretofore heretoforeThis heletoCo1eihis
This stand stam of the government has hasparticular hasparticular hasparticular
particular reference to violation of theinternal the theinternal themternal
internal revenue r i1 venue laws in dry countrywhere country countrywhere countrywhele
where local enactments prohibit dealing dealingin
w 1 l i I I IIII
in III liquor liquor uuuu Loud complaints < uiiiMuu u iiou had come cometo cometo wiiiw wiiiwto
to President Taft from various lIhy lIhydistricts dry drydistricts drylistricts
districts notably in the South and andWest undWest andWest
West that the prohibition prohibitionavs laws were werenegatived werenegatived I Inegatived
negatived through the operations of the theblind timeblind I Ilbl
lbl blind lul tiger and the bootleggers IIbootieggefsund bootleggersand
and in response r to demands forremerM forremerMal fo remel1f remel1fal i
al measures he directed that steps betaken be betaken betal
taken tal < en to tosto stop > the practices so far as aslay asIny as asilly
lay within the th federal powerNcw power powerNew powerNew
New reeulations were ere drawn undertimesupervisiun under underthe uncJerthe i
the timesupervisiun supervision of Mr Cabell the corn cornmissionerof cdm cdmmissionor C 1 1miRsioner
missionor missionerof of internal revenue and dp dpi a arovpd np npiroved
rovpd i 4 by Secretary n i H U MncVep MaeVeagn MaeVeagnThey W h hfhev L LThey
They sot set out that us nstlle the peddling ped llinl of ofliquorsis ofliqu ofLiquors
Liquors liquorsis liqu r8 is ms not contemplated by the th internal in lnternalrevenuc internalrevenue ¬
ternal ternalrevenuc revenue laws 111 wa and no no provision ptOvi ioriis ioriismade is ismade ismade
made for theissuu the issuance ce oftinystampfe oftinystampfegalizing oflnystnmpfelgalizing of any stamp ieL ieLgalizing
galizing such practice peddlers of liqu liquore IIqunrR hquor
or ore s or IIhootleg bootleggers ers are ar not to he re regarded re reunintentional reglmJe
glmJe as comi corning g within the class of ofunintentlOlmlvlOlatori ofunintentional
unintentional unintentlOlmlvlOlatori violators and should he bearrested hearre hearrested
arrested arre ted and nndrcporte renorteu for prosecution prosecutionwhenever pfoKecutionwhcn pfosecutfnnwhenever
whenever whcn vel found selling liquor in suchmanner such suchmanner suchmnnn
manner mnnn I Heavy penalties of fine or orimprisonment or orimprisonment orimrisonmcnt
imprisonment or urhotharcprcscrlbed urhotharcprcscrlbedfor both are prescribed prescribedfor prescrlbedfor
for violations of oft the e law lawAs lawAea lawAs
As Aea asupplemental s ppleinental m measure measure asure of assis asslstnnce assistance assis assistance ¬
tance to the states R lltCS in III the enforcement enforcementof
of f their n1t lr prohibition ohibltitl laws ws a method hastUUllpruvuhll hashcen has hasbeen
been tUUllpruvuhll provided by Which hlch they may may ohlaim oh obtain ¬
tain tnil information illftU rmtilllhgallHr gathered < 11 by the fed federal flllIul fedOral ¬ J
Oral Iul government KIlv rnlUll t Qt ° f liitornul revenue revuaueyiulxtlOuB ovullu ovulluvOl
yiulxtlOuB vOl tODB tODBJ >
w 4
J f > I
I j < t ifC JI 40 r c 1 < tf
l < < 9
i I I l FlORIDA COASInteresting COAST COASTFacts
Interesting Facts and Figures FiguresGathered FiguresI FiguresGathered
Gathered by fishing Gazette GazetteEXTENT GazelleEXT GazetteEXTENT
Number of Craft Engaged In Business BusinessValue 8usinessValue BusinessValue
Value of Last Years CatchMullet CatchMulletI Catch Mullet MulletThe
I The Most Valuable ValuableWith ValuableWith ValuableWith
With a littoral of over 6000 miles mileswashed mileswaslwd mileswashed
washed by h the Atlantic ocean and the theGulf theGulf theGulf
Gulf of Mexico redundant in every everyform everyflm everyform
form of marine life the peninsula of ofFlorida ofFloridu I IFlolidu
Florida would indeed fail in her part if ifshe ifshe I Ishe
she did not contribute a full quota to tothe tothe I Ithe
the maritime products of our countrylhere country countryThere country1hele
There are many persons however who whodo whodl whodo
do not realize the great scope of the thefishing thofishing thefishing
fishing industry of this State A brief briefglance briefglance briefglance
glance at the latest fisheries report reportfrom ICJlOItCIom reportfrom
from Florida will enable one to obtain a abetter nbetter I Ibetter
better idea of the present pre ent status of the thebusiness theI thebusiness
business says the Fishing GazetteThere Gazette GazetteI Gazettelhele
I There are 10000 men engaged stead steadily steadIlly steadfly ¬
Illy fly in this occupation in the State be besides beNieles besides ¬
sides a few thousand more more who fromtheir from fromtheir rom romtheir
their little freeholds near the coastslisp coasts coastsfish COllstSfish
fish in between crops which meanswhile means meanswhile meanswhile
while the potatoes corn co Ill cane and andoranges andoranges IIl1dulInge
oranges are ripening in the luxuriant luxuriantsun
sun and soil oil Following Followin the general generalrule generallule generalrule
rule of computation in such cases you youwill YUUwill youwill
will deduce that probably ft hundred hundredthousand hUf1drodi hundredthousand
thousand thonsl1nlllleOIle people here gain their subais subsfsItomce subaistence HubiliHtf
i Itomce tence tf > nce wholly or in large measure from fromthe ftomthe fromthe
the teeming waters watersOf WaletsOf watersOf
Of these fisherpeople the mullet nudletmen mulletmen mulletmen I
men with their families are by far the themost themost themost
most numerous and in themselves themselvesthey thlmselveHthey themselvesthey
they deserve the most attention al although althuugh mtltho ¬
though tho u h the s spongefishers ome r rthe fislors because ecau 1 e of ofthe ofthe
the quaintness quaintness uf of thqir occupation occupationthe and andthe ulHII
the peculiar nature of their marine ha havests har harvests hmveHts ¬
I vests are looked on as the most inter interesting intercsting interesting ¬
esting ilermen fi iermen class on this continent continentOf
I Of the craft engaged in fishing off offthe offthe oilthe
the Florida Flol da coast only about four fourhundred fuulI fourhunIred
I hundred larger vessels are shown some something somei something ¬
i thing like half of these being sponging spongingcraft spongingI spongingcraft
I craft but to swell the total you ou must musttake mustI
I take account of almost six thousand thousandsmall thousandsll1l111 thousandsmall
small boats bOlltsvalued valued at more than half a amillion 11million amillion
million dollars The diving apparatus apparatusof
of the spongers although so lately in introduced ¬
I troduced troduceci here h le with the invasion of the theGreek theI theGreek
Greek divers two years ago already alreadyfoots ulreadyfoots alreadyfoots
I foots up a total valuation of more than thana
I a hundred thousand dollars And this thisapart thisI
I apart from the boats as well as shore shoreand shoreand shoreI
I and accessory property JIup rty The sponge spongemarketed spongemarketed
marketed from our waters last year yearsold year8uld
sold for 544880 a close second to the themullet theI themullet
mullet harvest hl1rve t which brought Florida Florida65203j
I 652030 Hed snapper comes next to tothese tothele tothese
these in value being a cash returns of
434060 with shad ranking ran < in fourth of ofour ofour j jour
our marine products selling last year yearfor yellrI yearfor
I for 319800 319800The 319800i 319800The
i The oyster business of Florida is al also also ¬
so considerable consid rable and contrary contl ry to the the1prevalent theprevalent theprevalent
prevalent notion of the bivalve in semi semitropical semitropical
tropical waters it brings fine monetary monetaryyreturns monetaryreturns monehuyretull1S
returns Last year the oysters of the thepeninsula thepeninsula
peninsula waters sold for something somethingover somethingovel
over a quarter of a million dollars dollarsmaking dollarsmalting
making it evident that it would pay paywell paywell
well to cultivate and harvest this toothSame tooth toothsome toothsom ¬
some crop oo with more assiduity assiduityOf as iduHy iduHyOf
Of other over fish that always find ready readymarket readymalket readymarket
market trout Spanish mackerel pom pompano pornpano pompano
pano bluefish bass sheephead group groupers groupers rour rourerSt > ¬
ers erSt catfish bream all brought hand handsome tlanJsome handsome ¬
some returns to the fisherfolks of the thepeninsula tbepeninsula thepeninsula
peninsula each adding its quota quota to the thegrand theJrrnlld thegrand
grand total of three and a half million milliondollars milliolldolar milliondollars
dollars for last yearss yea ss catch catchAmong catchAmong
Among the final items of interest interestwe
we note that turtle and tarrapin were werecaught werecaught
caught can ht from our waters to the amount amountof amlll1ll t tof tof
of 183700 pounds selling for 22110 22110while 22110while 22110while
while the alligator hides shipped to mar market market murket ¬
ket numbered 50900 bringing smaller smallerreturns HmallerretUln smallerreturns
returns than you might expect 18230 18230which tB230which 48230which >
which was less than 1 111el per pelt peltPOLITICAL peltPOLITICAL peltPOLITICAL
Following precedent set during the thecampaign thecampailnof timecampaign
campaign of two years ago the White WhiteCity WhiteCity
City Improvement Club will give a aBasket aBasket aBasket
Basket Picnic Saturday April 9th in inthe illthe inthe
the grove grovejust just north of White Whi City and andextends andextends andextends
extends a ugeneral general invitation tp to the thepublic th thpublic timepublic
public and especially to all allcandidntts candidates candidatesfor
for public office to be presentDont present presentDont
Dont forget the basketthe basket the club clubwill clubwill
will serve coffee free of charge clllU e to all allon alllo
on the grounds round Lemonade and icecream ice icecream icecream
cream will be sold sol and a prize pnze shoot shooting shooting shootg ¬
ing ingcontrst contest will take place between the thehours th thhours thehours
hours of 1030 and 12 oclockAfter oclock oclockAfter o clock clockA
After A ter dinner all candidates c will be begiven begiven begiven
given an opportunity to address thevoters the thevoters thevoterKpr
voters voterKpr present sent and set se forth their fit fitness litness fitness ¬
ness for the positions sought Dont Dontforget Dontforg Dontforget
forget forg t the dateSaturday date dateSnt Saturday rday April pril 9th 9thTHE 9thTHE 9thTHE
Our announcement announcement columns this week weekpresent weekIresent weekpresentt
present the he cards of several now aspirants aspir aspirants I1MpjRntli ¬
ants for public officeo office officeGeo
Geo 0 < > 0 E Coon the present prClnmtmcmller member of ofthe DCIthf ofthi
Ithf the ficjmol rhClnl I board froni fl ruin fm the thtIJ1 ljhirU 1i district districtannounced dm kt net 1 1aIUIOtuicea
aIUIOtuicea announced annow e us u candidate for iupori iuporiw > uperin
tendent of Public Instruction Mr MrCoon lhCoon MrCoon
Coon is well and favorably known all allover ullOVCl allover
over the county and his service on the theboard thebOllld theboard
board has given Iven him a direct insight insightinto insightintn insightinto
into the school affairs of the county countyand countyand countyand
and he would be well qualified to fill the theposition thepO1ition theposition
position in a most acceptable manner mannerA
A new candidate e for political favor favoris favOis
is Frank Depew of Fort Pierce for forFish forFish forFish
Fish and Ganio Warden Mr Depew Uepewis
is perfectly fearless fell riess is well acquainted acquaintedwith
with the river and an woods and thorough thoroughly thOlou h hIy ¬
ly competent to make an excellent excellentofiicial c excellentofficial cellent cellentof1lcial
official Mr 11 r Depew states that if elect elected elected electccl ¬
ed he will enforce the fish f Hh and game gamelaws jlnmelaws gablelaws
laws to the letter and those who knows knowsFrank ImowsFrnnk kllOtVSFrank
Frank believe he will do so and that thatthe thRtthe thatthe
the illegal fishing with seines will cease ceasesoon cease800n ceasesoon
soon after he takes the oath of office officeThe offiLelhe officefile
The announcement of C H Edwards EdwardsA
A N Hoofnaglo and D E Austin for forreelection forreelection forreelection
reelection as members of the board of ofcounty ofcounty ofcounty
county commissioners from the second secondthird secondthird secondthird
third and fourth dirtricts completes a alist ulist nlist
list of candidates for commissioners commissionersfrom
from each district E A Holt of ofWabasso ofWahasso ofWabasso
Wabasso enters the race for county countycommissioner countycommissiol1lI countycommissioner
commissioner from the first fir t districtagainst district districtagainst districtugainst
against P Kroegel W W Potter an announces unnounces 1lnounces ¬
nounces for commissioner from the thefifth thefifth thetifth
fifth district di trict and will contest for the theplace theIace theItlce
place Iace with Peter Raulerson At pres present presthese piest ¬
eat these are the only districts that have haveonposition haveopposition
opposition but there is yet ten days to tomake tomllke tomake
make application applicationW
W E Tylander rvlundel has yielded ielded to thewishes the thewishes thewishes
wishes of he people of 0 ofFort Fort Pierce Pierceand Pimceand Pierceatld
and announces for member of the school schoolboard schoolboald schoolboard
board for the second sel ond district J Fhell F FBell FBell
Bell of White City announces as acandidate a acandidate acllndidate
candidate for member of the school schoolboard schoolboard schoolboard
board for the third district composed composedof comloHedof
of White City Ankona Jensen and andTantie andlantie andPantie
Tantie Numerous citizens of Jensen Jensenand Jensenand Jensenand
and Ankona precincts present the name nameof imme immeof I
of Wm Pomeroy 3 of Eldred as a can candidate candidate candidate ¬
didate for member of the school board boardfor hOlldfOI hoardfor
for the third district Last week B DF BF BF
F Hardesty announce nnnounced as a candidate candidatefor
for the lirstdistrict lirstdistrictAgain tilstilistrictAgain fhstdistrictAgain
Again TilE TRIBUNE < remindsyou reminds you thatin that thatin thatin
in order oiler to vote at the May or June pri primary priyou ¬ i
mary you s must pay your poll o olater tax not notlater notlater
later than April 9th No one else can canpay canIM canpay
I Iporation
It is i fs unlawful for any person or corporation cor corporation ¬
poration to pay the poll po I tax for any anyperson I Iperson Iperson
person or for the tax collector to ac accept j jcept j jcept
cept the payment of poll taxes from fromother fomother frontother
other than the person whosepoll whose poll loll tax is isbeing isbeing I
being paid paidTherefore
Therefore you must pay your our own ownpoll ownpoll I Ipoll
poll tax to the th colector on or before the
I j
9th day dll of April if you want to vote in inthe inthe
the primary primaryEvery I
Every candidate is required tpqu led to file in inthe inthe inthe
the office of the clerk If > f the Circuit CircuitCourt CircuitCourt
Court at least ten days before the pri priniary pri1111ry prinary I
itemized itemiz d of ofall
nary an sworn statement I Iall iall
all his campaign expenses expenses And candi candidates candidates candilates ¬
dates have to file a similar sworn state statement statement statement ¬
ment after the primary election electionIt ele tiou tiouIt
It is unlawful for a candidate to do donate donate donate ¬
nate contribute or give away opromise or orpromise 01promise
promise or agree to do so any money moneyintoxicating moneymtoxicatinJt moneyintoxicating
intoxicating liquor or any anything thing of value valueto valueto
to any person or to any church or char charitable charitable charitable ¬
itable institution institutionIt
It is unlawful for any person td t give givelend givelend givelend
lend solicit request or demand any anymoney anymoney anymonoy
money intoxicating liquor or anything anythingof anythinof
of value or to solicit the loan or orgift gift of ofmoney ofmoney ofmonoy
money monoyA moneyA
A heavy Ineavyy penalty is prescribed for forany forany forany
any violation of this law and a candidate candi candidate ¬
date doing so may have his name left leftpff I leftoff ft fth
off the h ticket even e if nominated nominatedTILE i iHE
After two years of phenomenal sue sueanadian suecess
cess in their home city and surrounding
Canadian territory the Toronto Male Maleiuartet I
Quartet uartet is I now making its second tour tourit tourof tourof
of it the United States The sympathetic sympatheticblending j
blending of voices in ensemble precisionif precision
of if attack and brilliant forte effectsproduced effects effectsproduced ffeetsproduced
produced make it equal if not notlmperior notlmperiorof superior superiorf
of > f any any quartet now before the public publicThe publicThe publicThe
The repertoire is varied and extensive extensiveincluding extensiveIncluding extensiveincluding
including both bothclas3ical classical and popular popularmusic popularmusic popularmusic
music rendered in such Rucha a manner as to toplease toplease tolease
please lease tRe t emost most critical cr itical of audiences audiencesScotch aUdiencesScotch
Scotch selection in costume and the theiplaying the theplaying I
playing of the novelty instrument instrumentMaroharp instrumentMarohap nshumentM
M Maroharp aroharp8 add mu d l variety to the theell entertain entertainment entertuinmeet rtain rtainm ¬
meet mentThe m meetThe L LThe
The management of the Fort Pierce PierceImprovement PlereImprovement PierceImprovement
Improvement tclub club takes pleasure in inpresenting inpresenting inpresenting
presenting tins till organization of high highclass highclassartistq highclass
classartistq class artists thisFri thisFridayevening this Friday a evening April April1st Aprillit April1st
1st They are young men of sterling sterlingcharacter steilingcharlcter sterlingcharacter
character possessing voices voicesof of excellent ofexcellentqualityan1 excellentDuality x ellent ellentquahty
Duality qualityan1 and undoubtedly a musical treat treatwaits treat1walts treatawaits
awaits waits the people of Fort PierceThe Pierce PierceThe Piercefile
The Marshalltown la Republican Republicanwys
Rays of their recentvls recent visit t there Theevenings The Thesveningrf TheeveningtI
evenings entertainment by theToronto theTorontoartet the Toronto Torontoquartet T onto ontoQuartetj
quartet artet which proved plovedtobea rovedto to be a group group roup Of Offour otClur
fuour four Clur exceptionally excelmtionallystrong strong vol voicesnllcapa voicesnllcapatile s lIcl1p I IileoC
Mile tile ileoC of solo work wOlkand and each one ne was en enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed ¬
joyed in solo parts fully fuUyas as much if not hotmore notmore notmore
more than in the quartet quartet singing The Thetenor Thetenor Thetenor
tenor solo The Carnival and its encore en enora encore
core ora I Am Awearin for You were weresspecially wereespecially wereeespecially
especially strong Mr Gardner as asa asareader a areader a areader
reader possessed more than ordinaryyability ordinary ordinaryability rdinarya
a ability b 11 it y so sdthat R t that h a t W with ith t the he selection 9 t ec tItjnorll tItjnorllpro of a aprogram aprogram
pro program ram made up mostly 0 ofvmusic music new newto i ito 1to +
to the t e average a average rage audience th the eyenings eyeningsentertainment cveningtsentertainment evenings eveningsentertainment
entertainment vas of f the best that four fourcry fourvery fourvery
very cry ti1lel1t talented d musicians could Oiilcigtve OiilcigtveR give giveReserved giveReserved
Reserved R sfJrv dscatR seats on Ill sale llIleat ut the he St StLuoio StL StLuoiu
Luoio L alu Drug DrugCompnY Company i storer store
i iThirty
Thirty Principal Reasons Given Givenfor Givenfor 1 1for
for Present High Prices PricesTARIfF PricesTARiff PricesTARIFF
Authority Thinks This Gigantic Robber RobberOnly RobberOnly 1
Only Onl One of Minor CausesOilier CausesOilierReason CausesOilierReason 1
Reason Not Advanced by b Public PublicThirtytwo PublicThirtytwo
1 1hhtytwo
J 1J
Thirtytwo reasons reasons why prices are arehigh arehigh i ihigh
high embracing all that are most com commonly consnlonly Olll Olllmonly ¬
monly cited are here given givel1lK as condens condensed ¬ t ted r red
ed from a recent careful compilation compilationin i iin
in the San Francisco Chronicle Chlonicle1The t t1The
1 1The The enormously enOll11ouHlyinclense increase output of ofgold ofgold ofgold
gold gold2lhe
2 2lhe The increase il1crcl1 e of the circulating circulatingmedium chcullltill chcullltillmedium circulatingnledimm
medium coinpaper coin paper money etcto etc to near nearthe Iwnrthl meartin
the saturation point Joint Joint3Tho I
3Tho 3 Tho extention of the credit system systemwhich systelllwhich systemwhich
which had called into existence immensequnhtities immense immensequantities immense11ullhtities
quantities of abstract wealth wtnt h re returns Ieturns returns ¬
turns upon which must be paid out of ofactual ofactual t tactual
actual or real wealth wealth4lhe wealth4The
4 4lhe The growth of extravagant extravag > nt habits habitswhich huhitRwhich habitswhich
which has caused demand to out strip stripproduction SIIi SIIiloductior1 stripproduction
production5The production loductior1 loductior1I
5The 5 I The tipping hahit which in the thoUnited theUnited theUnited
United States owing to its lack of ofsystemization ofsystemization ofsystemization
systemization had hll become an extra extratax extratax extratax
tax on those who distribute gratuities gratuitiesIn
In Europe tips are part of the wages wagesof wagesof wagesof
of those on whom they are m conferred conferredbut COllfCllellhut
but in this country they are supplement supplementto i
to wages WUj1es6GIcat r r0Great
6 6GIcat Great prosperity as exhibited by bythe bythe t tthe
the wealth of the nation which has in increased increnscdnbuut increased ¬
creased crenscdnbuut about 63 pet cent during dU1 ng the thelast thelast thelast
last fourteen years The possession of ofwealth ofwealth ofwealth
wealth makes makeshuyels buyers eager and their theircompetition theircomputition theirnmt1ttot
competition competitionimportation nmt1ttot m makes prices mount mount7The
7 7The The importation of costly luxuries luxuries8The I ISThe
8 SThe The waste produced by drink hab habit 1mbIt hmbit ¬
it which is charged with burdening the thecommunity thecommunity thecommunity
community with the maintenance of 01 its itsvictims Itsvictims itsvictims
victims and greatly enlarging the crim criminal climinnl oimfoal ¬
foal class thus increasing the burdens burdensof bUIdensofataxpaye
ofataxpaye ofataxpayeUThe of a taxpayer taxpayerU taxpayer9The
UThe U The destruction of paper money mOlw by bytire hytlre bytare
tire or otherwise This causes an ap apparent ape apeparent apparent ¬
parent gain to the Government but is isreally isreally l lreally
really an added though disguised tax taxand taxand i iand
and operates like likeall all taxes to increase increaseprices inclcleplices increaseInices
prices plices10Midirected
10 10Midirected Misdirected expenditure for foreducation foreducation foreducation
education It is claimed that much muchmoney muchmoney niuchmoney
money expended exn ded for education is vast wasted WSilted vasteI ¬
ed because the recipients fail to make iunkeuse makeuse makeuse
use of f it and that taxes to support support a aschool ascho asclioolsystem
scho sclioolsystem school l system play their part in in raising raisingprices misingplices raisingprices
prices plicesllResuictlon i
11 llResuictlon Restriction of the conservation conservationpolicy cunservationpolicy conservationpulley
policy enhancing the value of the Urn Urnher timehel timber
her coal iron and other minerals in fnprivate inprivate inprivate
private ownership
12 12rhe The maintenance of ofglcat great armiesund armies armiesnnd arnmies arnmiesand
und navies which drive men from from pro productions productions ¬ 1
ductions and make heavy taxation taxationnecessary tuxutlonnece taxatmunnecessary
nece necessary sary for their subsistence subsi subsistencemmtl tence and to toprocure toJJlocure toprocure
procure instruments of destruction for fortheir forthdruse fortheir
thdruse thdruse13fhe their use use13Ihe
13 13fhe The tariff t r ff which is charged char ed with withincreasing withincleasing withincreasing
increasing the tneliice price of articles innport innporte1 import importid 4 4ed
id and that th t of osil similar itar articles produced producedt
lit t home home14Enormous home14Enormous
14 14Enormous Enormous increase of the number numberof
of public p blic servants servants The army of civil civilservices civilselvlces civilservices
services employes Is constantly extend externlng extending extending
ing ng involves increased taxation andleips Hndhelps and amidhelps
helps to increase the healthy demand demandfor demandfor demandfor
for products pro uct f +
15lhe 15 The enormous increase of muni muniipal municipal municipal r
cipal ipal expenditure for foraesthetic aesthetic uestheticobjecttl uestheticobjecttl16CompetitionoC objects objects16Competition
16 16CompetitionoC Competition of service by the theniddlemun themiddlemunjwho themiddiemunwho
middlemunjwho niddlemun who in his efforts to in inrease ing ingcrease 1 1crease
crease attractiveness of goods has in increased increased ¬ h hcreased
creased the coat of what he sells sellsIJ sells11Indolellceo sells17Indolence
IJ 11Indolellceo Indolence of house keepers who whofemand whoernlln wiledemand
demand ernlln that the lhestorekeeporsshall storekeepers ahull per perform perform ¬ v vform
form services servic s which whi h Increases the cost costf costof x xof
of > f his business business18Eno1
18 18Eno1 18Enormous Enormous notls increase > of rental vul vulles values 1 1ues
ues les due due to the effort of middlemen to toiccure toecureth +
ecureth the best locations In the cities citiesHie f
consumer pays heavy tribute to tohe tothe tothe
the he land an < owner through the thetltorekcep thetltorekceper atorekeep storekeeper
er r in m higher prices prl es I
19 Multiplication of middlemen middlemenThere 00
There were1643400 were 1b4400 persons pelsonsand and cur cororations y t tporations
orations in business in m the United Uniledtate8 Unitedstates
states at t tijeiend of 1909 an I n increase Itlcr uflc of 4 t j
of 37per 37 perctntin per cent in a single year yearLhU year1his eul eulihillig
LhU ihillig is the greatest increase since 1881 t t201he 1 120The
20 201he The laws lawl1regulating regulating sale Kaleo of food foodroducts rte rteproducts i iprodllcts
products roducts such as oleomargarine oleomar nrille and andlottonseed y
eed oil oil which whichprevenq1feftl preventtliem prevent them from fromBecoming from n x
Becoming competitors of articles rticl 3 that lJHtlave I + i
lave already established themselves themselvesThe i ifile
The price bj of the recoguized reco uiz d article is isncre k
ncre l8ed sed by creating prejudice against againstlie nguin againstthe t q qthe
the lie innovation innovationl1Lavish f f21t
l1Lavish 21t 11 vlsh ml expenditure > enr if itilre > for I In buildings t1
n which w 1lch business is conducted The TheiUms if
expended ed f forhandsoitieslructtues forharidsoine rhandsoineshllC structures structuresmd IIcl
for decoratipts Jecoratipilsnf tortip soC of stores contribute contributeo
to o the increase jpf f prices A depart departnent 14 1
store S stareweitliitoxtures t reWiti wjtlijljfxtureB x tUle II costing Co sting a qunr qunrer quarter 1
tel er of oa a million dollars dollars obtains a return returnm returnn tf tftel
m its investment by b cha charging churghghlith u stat higher highertrices r I Itl xt tl
Magnificent I
trices Magnificent railroad stations ns
mad male good byln by Increased rertsed freight ate rate22The ateI22The
I22The 22 The operation of trusts tr sts which ex exrcisecontrorover cx
rcisecontrorover 9v production anilprice anilprice23tffacit
23tffacit 23 r9cit combination of middlemen middlemenb ° k kto
to b sell Rel staple t lpl articles l1 ticlcs at a fixed fix d price price24Failures Irice24Fmlures1I1
24 24Fmlures1I1 Failures jn business b ine8s due dU to credit creditystemH W
system The annual losses l sses fr from l ltll that thatause 1t l t
tfmouttt < < to t many m n millions The Theailure Theallurc Tinafailureoftheunfortunate
failureoftheunfortunate ailure ofthe f heullfortunaleto unfortunate to tomneettheir meet aneettheir4 their theirbligHtons r
bligHtons tttions tl nlcolnp compels ls the t distribution cistributlllllof cistributlllllofthe t of ofhe s
the he loss 10Ral1ng among those who do pay I
25 25ScllluJt Selling futures f tures on excillujll exchanges exchangescontinued B Bcoutiuudonlui t tcontiuuedon
continued coutiuudonlui contiuuedon on uujfejj e
M 1 Y Yt Yr
r k 1t C Cp
p h