Newspaper Page Text
KfAT DE LA LOUISIANE, \ Paroisse des Avoyelles. J Cour du Septième 1) iStf.lêt Jttd ici a ire Succession d-E ise Ducôté, veuve décédéo de Jean Brfptistë Leihoine, aussi décédé. EN Y E R T U d'un ordre de vente, lancé dans l'aB'uire ci-dessus l'Honorable (Jour du Septième JDistriCt Judic. de l'Etat de la Lomsiar.e, dans et pour a paroisse des Avoyelles, il sera offert en vente publique, par le soussigné, Shérif dans et pour la dite paroisse, pour être adjugé au plus haut et dernier enchérisseur, le LUNDI, 11 de Novembre 1861, entre 10 hgures du matin et 4 heures P. M. à la résidente de la défunte, les propriétés ci-aprës deentes: 4o. TERRES. 1-0. L'habitation sur laquelle résidait la dé funte, situce dans la partie inférieure de la iràirie des Avoyelles de cette paroisse, et jo'^iée au sud par les terres appartenant à •Jerçme Lemoine, au nord par, le cherriin pu blic à l'est par la propriété du Dr. J. Dea l'ossé, et à l'ouest par J. Baptiste Laborde Sr. Cette habitation contient cent soixante quinze acre») plus ou moins. , 2o. ESCLAVES. 1.— Julien, nègre âgé de 46 ans environ 2.— Céleste, négresse âgée de 31 ans en viron, avec son enlant Julie, àgëe di 8 ans. 3.—Adelaide, négresse, Agée d 'environ 14] ans. 4.— Antoine, nègre âgé d'environ 10 ans âo. MEUBLES. * 1. — U^ie charrette à Bœufs. 2.— Une paire de Bœufs de tire. 3.— Armoire, Bois de Lits, Tablesffochaises etc., etc, 4. —3,500 perches, plus ou moins. TE »MES & CONDITIONS f 'le^cl $j£ojpu au-de^i lous, aui Poor la somme de comptant. • An-dessqade $10, pajfïble en quatre term#s| égaux, savoir : Un quart payable le premierl jour d'avril 1862 ; un autre qu"rt payable le| premier jour du mois d'avril 1863, le troisiè-r me quart payable lejpremier jour du mois d'a-l vril 1864, et le dernier quart le 1er avril 1865.1 lies acheteurs devront fournir leurs billetsl iivec deux bonnes et sol vables sécurités, à l'or-l dre et à la satisfaction de l'administrateurf J^es billets porteront intérêt à '8 p3tir centl l'an, à partir de l'échéance jusqu'à parfait! paiement, sans, pour cela autoriser aucun re-1 tard dans le paiement. Üne hypothèque spé-l ciale pèsera sur le terrain et les esclaves veii-l dus. avec ïa clause de non alienando: , r Bureau du Sherif, à Marksvilie, ce 31 1 août 1861. P. P. NORMAND,- Shérif et encanteur exojjicio. P- ABAT t'llAS. W. CUSHMA| ABÀT & CtiSHMAN, and ConiMBStira Perdants, (FACTORS'ROW) So 69 Carondelet Street, NEW-ORLEANS \n\n SATURDAY, OCT. 12 18M. (îïice An Mm-ksViUe Corner Sâïfô and Washington *** M « fil '* i •V* Niinfwf Nt - Jr > •ksViWe, T ingt on street«, j ji-n Î f „ 1 ' *'• ' >1 «M ♦ mt %_täi •? i »FOR PRESIDENT OF THE CON FEDERATE STATES : S4#-'DA'VIA * FOR VICE PRESIDENT : A. H STEPHpjÇS Election on the first Wednesday^ Nov ember, 1861r gÉ. • n ' ' V .*« Präsidentin Is Klcciofs. , For State at Large r-Charles; iDerbi guy, of Orleans, Albert G Carter of East Feliciana '. Alternates : S, G.*Camp bell of Natchitoches, G L Fusellier ôf St-Mary. 'JF*" . first District— Donatien Augustin Orleans: Alternate : François^GatdèreS of Orleans, Second District— Jas P Freret of leans ; Alternate : Louis Bush of Lafoirttlfor c ] Je . ■ >: « Fourth District—Wm R Barrow of West Feliciana ; Alternate : Cypriein Dupré of St-Landry. | Fifth District—B Eagan Sr., of Bi?n-, ville ; Alternate : Robert Hodges of Bos-J *UT. »Sixth District— S L Chambliss of, Carroll; Alternate : Oriu,Mayo of Cata-j houla. CONGRES— 6th DISTRICT. John M*erkinvJr>, o"f Madison. STATE TREASURER. "AUDITOR of PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, of Baton-Bougo. SUPERINTENDANT» iSenry •tvery. STATE SENATE, t'abius Ricord HOUSE * REPRESENTATIVE. fx. i*. fixttrhies. it. Ii* Blukeivoöd. • tSîIERlFF F. .Vor at tt h ft. RECORDER. • Sj. 8". 4i re million. ASSESSOR. , 0;<tnnw<l 4 thifeiain. * CORUXER. To THK IIO.V. (I. 1'. VOOKHIKS, •* Dear Sir. — Your fehuw citizens being fully satisfied of the ah le and dignified mail« î ht in which you have represented this Parish in ho State Legislature, wo'fld respectfully ask you to permit us to submit your iiarne» | ,r re-election. In tli« Vesei .t crisis, the [tip jioop'c wished men 10 represent them that huveB been tried and appreciated fort their ability, Eïi, (uiriittifra and untiering energy. We the. lore being '^tWied in our humble opinion that/ f()1 jt make a better choice of one t.. ^••*io we canno present us-in the State Legislature. Hoj Sir, that you will accept our demand, may depend wo will use all our influences L r your election in November next. Respectfully, &c., &c. F. lticord. Valerien Roy. Zenon Laborde, Louis Bonnette, Jean Bte. Guillory, Joseph-Roy, L' V. Gremillion, Henry Guillory, Dr. J. Deslosses. Joseph (Jhatelaiu, . Valéry Coco, K. C. Bonnette, Edmond Chatelain, Zenon Mayeux, ^ Faul Bordeion, Valéry Guilllot, jl/artin Grémillion, J. J. Bordelon, L'. d'Artirs, Bruno Gremillion, j*. P. Normand, Edmond Gremillion, Eumee Lacour, Valéry Koy, Faul E. Rabalais, Pierre Beuc air, Leandre Bordelon, A. B, Coco, J. Bte. Roy, E. E. Cochrane, £c. Commun r. iteil. With the consent of the^Presideftt of the ContVdm-ate Stati-s to raise a Regi ment of mooted men for special ser vice in ilie State ae of Louisiana, and theV^ promise of an jmmediate_ acceptance to the same by the Hon. J. P. Benjamin Sec. of of war pro tsm I call upon those who are determined to maintain their rights as freemen, and the honor of their country to fall in with me, and as early ns possible organize companies. From six ty five to one hundred men will consti tute â company, each man tobe furnished with a double barrel shot gun of rifle« and if possible a brace of pistols; the size of the horse will not bo objected to ( if he can carry Iiis rider with ease» this is 110 time for words or I would show the, advantage that the State will derive, from such a Regiment as this is désigna-, ted to be. We shall be governed by an act of the Southern Congress entitled "An act to provide for local defence and speciaf service." For further particulars call at my residence, or address me, Big Bend P. O. . Bte Bend, Avoyelles 6th Oct. 1861.. % B.W. BLAKEWOOD. Polygamy.—Brigham Young, who has nearly thirty wives, is said to have only thirty children living^ A French traveler makes this statement, not with the idea of reflecting upon Brigham, but to slio the moral penalty, of polygamy. . RICORD ESQ. . Thitf. gentleman is a candidate before^* Cjie people of the District for the State* Senate, eleotion in November next. He claims to be the people's choice at the ballot box, and do does *S»ot pretend to tot^orrtj ^trpporrctr Tjjr uiia Tri rträi jrârt^ to-day, for at this critical juncture in the history ; of our State, he desires to jnakSv .no party appeal". * • We must put tbt^jtfen, in oui- opinion, best fitted for pubîi'ç station and -honorary preferment fend îf-the_gentleinan, whose riame heads "this «oticë'iS brought o,ut, it" is upon the Consideration that Avoyelles, Point Coupée and West Feliciana, would be sàfêly, wisely aüd ably represented in the dipper house of .our legislature. Mr R*l efficiën&y is well-knort n. He.pos sesses to a greàt degree : the science of ofîgovernment. He la no lawyer; 'cis-'true,' but lo legislate: one is not absolutely Bunder the obligation to have acquired a Or-Bname among the Baristers. It is enough ils'to have a man sound upon the prin Jciples we have lately inaugurated, a man able to discuss questions of political t»co Homy, finances» relations between the Confederate government and the State and in our candidate we find all that can be required' to satisfy^ even the most scrupulous minds. We do not arrogate to ourselves the right to say that Mr. R. alone is fit and proper from among our eitizens to fil! that high station, but Ave «re satisfied that the great majority, of our voters will sanction the opinion we entertain of him, and then Send to, the Senate the man who will désefrâ theiîll Çtire approbation of all, which never fai Jled him during the period he acted, in "this parish, as Sheriff and. as Clerk of the District Court» HON. G. P. VOORMES. We have been for the last two years a close observer of that gentleman's course in the Legislature, and we can truly say that a more popular, a more energetic and a better member than him was not to be found among his compeers, within the hemicycle of tho Representatives Hall. In address, deportment and tact of business, our honorable friend had few equals. True to his friends, grateful to the parish he represented, all his labors jVere turned to do good and to reflect honor upon the people who elevated him to a high position j and it is for us, now, to return the coiuplimeht heso richly de serves. These timeP .artf critical but glo rious. The Sotttli, threatened by the powerful armaments of the Northern deft pot, rises in grandeur and in tieroisig, iti presence of imminent danger. Her sons are eager for the fight, and, all over the country, the hammer and the furnace beats and melts the metal that'Will arm their hands. Already» immortal laurels crown the brows of our soldiers and #e want, at this great epock ôf our history, our deliberative assemblies to be filled , , i , * . , , [tip >Vith the purest patriots of the land, Born of old democratic stock, Hob, Eïi, I*.. Voorliies is the man for the times |, as always been with the people and f()1 . tlu , peop r P . He knows their wants, ,. x tent of their rights, and the way! ^••*io vindicate them. In him, if elected,] we will havH a strong rept-esentative in] our next legislature. Let us then pro inotf nur own interests by electing Hon.j G. P. Voorliies in November next. His! acceptance of being a candidate for] reflection has been obtoined. Now for usj to do him justice Jrt the ballot box.J Happy the people who selects their public! men from among those that know how to serve. . range to \the cities of 1 «igorleans and Mobile, to command the % HOME DEFENSE. : Now that our own State is threatened] with invasion by the Vandals of Lin colndom and predatory incursions have' 1 ' " ' '■ ■ 1 1 1 Rctüally been made upon ourTmpmtt* 1 "" southern border, our attention should rected nearer home and the means pro vided for repelling an insulting foe. Tho Confederate Government is alive to the importance it attaches to the Gulf States* and has forwarded guns of large calibre cities of New avenues to those great commercial marts Already has the Confederate Congress enacted a law for the Home Defense of the several States and provided means for the execution of its measures j Gov Moore has 1'esolVed to • send no more troops from our State for foreign service, and other precautions are adopted for the protection of Louisiana soil- from the unhallowed tread of a beastly enemy, all of which seem to indicate à reasonable apprehension in the minds of our officers that the invasion of our State is contem plated by the naval expedition how fit ting out in Hamptoù Rsads. Too much importance therefore can not be attached to the adoption of protec live policy every where in Louisiana* We 4 were r pleased to' see to-day a letter fromTthe the acting Secretary of war^ J. P. Ben-|j jamin, addressed' to our patriotic fellow-ffor oitizen, Col. B. W. Blakewood upon tbisl subject, in which letter the Col. is autho-Tfor riztid to raise a regi^eiit^êmftuft^lkmenp for the ConfederatiolPservice ^but to re-Ifor main in the State of Louisiana for its de-jL fenise. Gol. Blakpwood is also assuredjTfhe by the • Secretary of war, that his regi-M meat will be received and mustered intolthe service immediately upon its completion.® Thé gallant and' .chivalronfc. ereolesjfor v, will have an opportunity of adding nçw laurels and new lustre to their i&ine ÎÛ; 16 defense of their native soil, andiîithê P^^'^/rom insult and injury of/thei i^ivès, their mothers and their sisters. I Come forward, therefore, native ftl adopted citizens of Louisiana, proverb! f , », - ^ -^wr*»wfcrr^ come forward, and pledge youf ri; arms in the sacred cause. I Col; Blakewood is a rebel of Sout . Carolina school, thoroughly nnbtied with the loVe of country aud highly endbw ;,with a-conteinpt for the Wlfshingtörf deSrMfoi; potism. A gentlemen by birth arid byi education he is prepared to fill any of the, avocations of "life with courtesy, with integrity and with capacity. j Our exchanges rtre requested to give publicity to the call of Col. Blakewood and especially would We itfvite the atten tion of the Gulf Parishes to this highly important enterprise. ^ Parties desirous of orgaüizihg öömpä? nies for this Regiment and requiring fur ther particulars, should address CofL B. W. Blakewood, Big Bend P. 0. Parish of Avoyelles, Lua. DIED, On Thursday the 10th msi., PRU DENT D'ARTLYS, in the 41st year of his age. He was a native of Normandy, France. M. D. breathed his last after short illness. He was the proprietor ofj this paper, and his loss will be severely felt by The french press o: Louisiana loseF» also» in hiin one of it: dest lumbers. " T. F. Till 15 NIC Mi CLARK & THIEïEMAS, €/ÛlrtUtt3Sii No. 88 (vieux No. 102.) rue : Nttb-ORLëAfrs. COTTON FACrOKS AND > "' J - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Caroridelel s treet. — New Orleans, Tai ; J— L. V. M A RYE/ , AGENT FOR THE SALE OF*'> DtJPOWTS GUNPOWDER, No 31,T.clioupitoulas Street, NEW -ORLEANS. R. XV 01.AKK T. F. THTKN'EMAN CLARK «6 TH I EIME M AN, ¥ actor s Sc C ommvssum No. 88 (old No. 102) Magazine street, nßw orleans; FRERE, PAINTER AO PAPER HANGER, AT MANSTJRA, Avoyelles. rnmmmmimmmm rnmmmmimmmm THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. ) Parish of Avoyelles. \ Seventh Judicial District Court. [Succession of Marie Lafon, deceased wife of Louis Ingouf. 1 Y virtue of an order issued by thej Honorable Court of the 7th Judi cial District, in and for the parish ofj [Avoyelles, State of Louisiana, will bi f offered at public auction to the last and [highest bidder« by the undersigned, Pu-| f blic Auctioneer, duly commisshsnned for : the said parish. B SATURDAY, the 12th day of October!^ : »;14. Between the hours of 10 A. M. and.{f 4 P. M., at the Court House of Marks-S-16. , the following properties, to \wt : ft PRfMO—NOTES. re of the nes said Albrights __ cessioni on the notes drawn oiraiirru vor, 3-01 to i r, . , I 1 A note drawn by Zenon Avbeaux| for the sum of $64 00 ; g 2. A note drawn by^Bartheleiny Bau-g din for the sum of $18 00 ; $ 3. A note drawn-by Philipps Bock for the sum of $36 90 ; | 4. A note drawn by Bany for the sum j of $52 21; !«!./-, ., I 5. A note drawn by Gervais Couvil-| lion for the sum of $30 49 > $ 6. A note drawn by Caliiham for the| sum of $16 40 ; f I. A note drawn by Dupont for the| sum of $6 66 ; 8. A note drawn by M. Lmbroc tor the3^ sum of $37 87 ; | 9. 4 note drawn by Gen. Dupms fori the sum af $9 95 ; p 10. A note drawn by Constance Guil lot for the sum of $14 10' ; II. A note drawn by Gaspard son for' fromTthe sum of $45 10'; - ! 12. A note drawn by widow Gaspard! the sum of $11 i7 ; tbisl la. A note drawn by Joassin Gagnardjtion autho-Tfor thé sum of $57 11; f 14. A note drav#-n by J. B. Lacombe^notes re-Ifor the sum of $24 54 ; , de-jL 15. A note drawn by G. Lovair^or assuredjTfhe aum of $49 j ^ i regi-M 16. A nqte dra4^«byi'S. iuavalle for intolthe sum of $35 18 ; * 17. A note drawn by Z. G. Guillot' ereolesjfor the Bum of ^15 50 1 deSrMfoi; gy jf-drawn by D>. Ingouf for 23 07 ; . . Ira'wn by T. Bordelou for m 90 ; , |e drawn by J, H.'Barbin, " ' $252 49 ; S drawn by Simeon Couvil m sum , o ^SI3 45 ; tote drawja by Mrs. widow De £or the sun| of $4 79* ; k F. Lemoine for ay;A. G. Morrow te' Jay Dr. Porret for " L. Robinson fbi 1 en by L. Dauzat for gaid notes, bearing after their ma ~-i"Vitieht. tjfe sa'' 1 "** v " ^jginents, to ^t : G'.BordelOn, oft session for ti\o sum - ists MrtDubroc sön lid âucces§i^&&the drawn by Ed. Lemaître, #142 29 ; I drawn by H. Lachènâyél «27 75 ; - J drawn by Maudignon U 49 ; drawn by Louiß Seizième, ili e sum of $40 73 ; P^f. drawn by John Says for i$7 *; »fffawu.bjr D.üuillory for ïrawn i>y Terence May eux ;$li 89 ; /'drawn ^y Julés Frère for 145 16; ?.n by. Joseph Guillot r 9HS 00 ; * dfftwn by J. A. Havard $25 00V drawn by Louis dimmer Ssidit Its ß| D. Duptiy, in Tessfoii for the gum Jaints Colin Guillot, in i succession, for the sum I again ts A. Deselles, in successionJor the sum ^against Thdodule Dau jaid succession for the ïhts C. Bordelon, in Session for the sum of againts D. Galbert; in succession for the sum of agai«ts T. Artlgue, in 'saidluccession for the sum of fa vol o $56 SfS 9. Jifigr "favor of !5 9c 10., •favor of S5B 88. ' ertio accounts! All Akts and tit les of the saidsncces Lsion oiitpe followintr accounts, to wit $ 22 25 1. S. L/einoine, 2. T M^j'eux, 3. O Jatkson, 4. W ^Nelson, 5. W. 6. Eu£ 7. Lou| 8. Gee 9. E. ;.10. V Armand, 11. T. Dubroc, nes, n, 12. O Ifî'Hnkj DooAinan, »;14. J. iS-nors, L5. G^^wfllory, Ev'ar Gaspard, ft 17. Michaud, re ^'inr« 19.1) Guillot, 3-01 j) Gerbeaux, I 22'. C Coinçon, ' 23 Ktlmon d Bordslon, g 24 Jog (^löt, 25 - Dm . a Guillot, $ 26. Gaspard son, * j , 27 Wi(low Edgard Voorhies, | 23 D aum as, ** j 2g ' j j untia ^ I 30. Louis Martin, 31 Srateo f Louisiana, $ 32. Widow Alexandre Marcotte, the| Cailfefeau, f 3^ Xa^ier-Dupuis, the| 35 - y a j Barron, - |W Eugène Ingouf, the3^ Q. Nortrfancl, | 38 " ß'pucote, fori gg.-Esp'ire Ducotà, p for' ! to furnish their notes with good securi Ities, îi^olido, to the order and satisftic Gagnardjtion of* the administrator of the succès f sion of the late Mary Lafon, and said Lacombe^notes bearing 8 QjO per annum interest 2 05 2 70 3 50 47 95 10 45 4 60 2 45 5 76 1 50 3 95 3 00 # 12 50 63 50 2 90 0 39 ->20 . 27 20 1 25 ■£7_19 3-78 , '6 00 fO 42 7.1 98 3 50 40 98 11 27 27 47 9 63 6 55 38 00. 143 39 9 70 5 50 95 143 39 45 58 2 45 2 15 And many other accounts. 0TERM3 & CONDITIONS AÏI note, judgment or account paya, ble ön the lst of April 1862. Purchaser's , i for frotn sville 1861 the auction sale until tbmit authorizing for n any delay. the 28 day of September EDOUARD DE GENERES, ' Public Auctioneer. FOR CONGRESS SIXTH DISTRICT ^ We are "aSTP^ed to Renounce JOHN PERKINS, Jr., of Madisoiff^ forloarididatf for Congress of the C^nfpdâJ Brate States^lWfliRe 6tù Congressional ËÔR THE STATE LEGISLATURE:' Mr . P. d'Artlys —Please ätlnouncel Dr. B. W. BLAKEWOOD as a candi date for the State Legisldturç, to repre sent the parish of Avoyelles, and that he' Avili be Snpported by tiré majority ok the citizkçjs FOR THE STATE SENATE the voters of our Senatorial District, the name of Hon. A. M. GRAY as a candidate for the State Senate at tjio next election. Avoyelles. FOR AUDITOR: r Mr . P. d 'ARTLYS -^-Please annöunci H. PERALTA, of East Baton Rouge, as a candidate for Auditor of Public' Accounts. i , Mr . P. D'Artlys —Please submit FOR S H ERIE: Mr . { P. d'Artlys —Pleaso announce! I*. P. NORMAN D, the present incum-J beht, aö a candidate for re-election toj the same office, and will be supported byj numerous friends .of the pAfflSH of Av ÔYELLES. • - • 7F EC v ORDER Please announëëï FOR, D'AR'fLYS that L. Y."GREMILLION, .1.« v sént Recorder, is a candidate for re election, , Majority —:— —— Dear Sir — Please announce thatj HÈNRY AVÉRYr -the present Super intendent of Public Education, is a can didate for re-election. Mr. d'Artlys —Please announce ED MOND CHATELAIN as a candidate for Assessor, and he will, supported in November next, by his ,•* » NUMEROUS KRIBNDÄ. JS'oti cé to Tax Payers. The Tax Payers of the Parish of Avoyel les, are hereby notified to coihe immediately! and settle the amount of théir Taxes, other-l wise I will.proceild to collect the same in thej manner prescribed by law. Sheriff office, Sept. 19th 1Ö61- ~ % P. P. .VOR M Sheriff fc CoKector. i STATIC 0¥* U7 r s arisS - of Avî^ôHés *'* SKVRNTI! «uroJAh.^KTKICT Succt'SsiiiffÄ%f Joseph OnWot. deceived, and of Nancy (iuijlot, his wife, also deceased. BY VIRTUE of an order is'jit d bv the '•wiiurabie Court of the Ttu Judicial Distale c. in "and foT the Variéh of À voyelle», Statt} of Lpnisiana, will be oflered at public Suction, Jo the last and highest bidder, bT th^ undersigned, public auctioneer for the said parish; WENKSßAY, the 23th of OctofBer,.1861, between the ' hours of io oclock A'Ut M on d 4 P. M.^at the last residence of the fâceaséd, _the following described property, tö-wü • I certain parcel bf land situated fe thp prairie of Aydyelles^néttr the line f of the cor poration of Marksyjlle, containing twepty-sls: arpents, mfire or less, bûuiided uörth by Mrs. , tqÄWillwm Edwards ; south and west by Fran Ïois Gremillion ; and east by E. Conner and Merre Nojmand—and together with the im provemèfitSthercon. ( A certain parcel of land situated in the parish of Avoyelles, ip the swamps, near the jipe of thé corporation of Marksvilie, contain ing fourteen arperiTS, niorS V* 1 less, boundedi north hy land of Mrs. William Edwards; . east and south by François Qrétaillion, and west by public la/ids. Terms and Conditions? Ä Purchasers to fnrnish their notes with * (wo ood and solvent securities, to the order ot [the admin : strator, bearing' 8 0(0 interest per annum after thteir several maturities,until final payment. The lands to remain specially mortgaged and hypothecated in favor of the liolJer or hofders of said notes, until the full and final payment of principal and intercuts. il/arksville. Avoyelles, this 2ltli titty of September 1861., '' EDOUARD DE GÉNÉRÉS, Public Auctioneer; STATE OF LOUISIANA, * > Parish of Avoyelles. J Court of the 7th Judicial District; Estate of Eliza Ducôté, dèCêased widow-df Jean Baptiste Lemoine, also deceased. BY, VIRTUE of an Ordei 1 bf . sa le; issued by the Honorable Court of the Seventh Judicial District, in and for the patish Of Avoyelles, State of Louisiana, will be offered at public suction, to the last and highett bidder, by the under signed, Shqrif, in and for the said parish, ort MONDAt, the 11th o^ ovefeber, 1861;-, betweenthelioan of 10 a. m . find 4 p. «., at the lnj ,e reaidenne of the' déceaèed, the follow^ ing desenbea property, fo-Wit— 1st. LANDS. 1. 1he plantation upon which the deceased lived, situated 011 the lower end of the Prairi« of Avoyelles in this Parish, and bounded oti the Sotith by laüds belonging to Jerome Lemoine, on the north by the public Road, on the east by the land of Dr. J. Desfossé, and on the West by Jean Baptiste Laborde, Sr.; containing öde hundred and sfe^enty-flvé ar penta, more or less. 2d. SLAVES. 1. Julien, negro man, aged about 45 year*. 2. Céleste, negro woman, aged about 3l year's, with her child Julie, aged 8 year», 3. Adelaide, negro girl, aged about 1 ' years. 4. Antoine, negro boy, aged about 10 y'rs. 3d. MOVEABLE PROPERTY. 1. One Ox cart. 2. One Y oke^tff; Oxen; ^>no arnioir, Bedsteads, Tables* Chairs, etc., etc. 3,500 Rails. TERMS & CO DITIONS. All suffljftjf ten dollar and under, payabiè CASH. Over $'0, payable in four éfju&l instal ments, to-wit : One-fourth payable the first day of April 1862; One-fdufth payable the first day of April 1863 ; one-fourth payable the first day of April 1864, and the othfer fourth the first [day of Jpril 1865. Purchasers to furnish their fihfcfl with !two good securities, to the order and Satisfac tion af the administrator, said notes bearing ,8 0|0 per annum interest after their several maturities until,final payment. The land and 'slaves to ream in specially mortgaged with the ciause of non alienando. Sheriff's office, Marksvilie, this 81st day of August, i 86l i P. Pf NORMAND, Sheriff ~ and auctioneer ex-offieio. L. ë [ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE, \ . PAROISSE DES AVOTELI.K8. f COUR DU SEPTIEME DISTRICT JUDlCIAIlttt. Succession de Joseph Guillot, décédé, ét dé Nancy Guillot, son ëpo'tisG, aussi décédée. EN vortu d'un ordre de vente, a moi adressé par l'honô'rable cour du Septième Dis trict Judiciaire, dans et pour la paroisse «les Avoyelles, " Etat de la Louisiane, il sera ofl»rt ,en vente publique, au plusliaut- et dernier înt ebérissenr par le sêflissigné, encanteür public, ;duenxent com'missionnê. pour la dite paroiiBC, le MERCREDI, 23 Octobre 1861, 1.— Une certaine portion de tei*rc située [dans la prairie de3 ^voyelles, près de la ligne de la corporation de Marksvilie, contenant [vingt-six arpents, plus. Ou moins, bornée au [nord par Mme William Edwards; an sud et à jPonest par François Gremillion, et à l'est par E* Conner ft. Pierre Normand — avec les amé îiotations qfii s'y tfo'ufefit. 2.— Une certaine portion de ferre située [dans la paroisse des ylvoyellcsy dans les ma ,rais. près de la ligne de Ja corporation d<^ jMarki»villo, ' contenant quatorze arpent?, ^jlus •011 moins, bornée an liVinfpar là terré dé Mnié iWilliam Edward's; a l'est et au sud par Fran 'eois Grémillion, et à l'ouest par des terres pu bliques. larmes et Conditions. Les acquéreurs devront fournir leurs billets, ivec deux bonnes et validas cautions, ft rn Idossés à l'ofdVé et à la slitYsfaction d'' 'udnii. Inistratenr. portant 8 OjO d'intérêt par an a' ■partir do l'echéaiiCH iusqu'h parfait piitmCnr» . La terre restera affrétée d'une Ispéciale eu favfenV de l 'ad minis trr.^ ^t [final et parfait paiement du capita ! f! «fcs in-' [térêts. . - I. . MaiksTillf. A voyelles c 21 Sejjt. -'1861.' EDOUARD nti GENERA • }'iu-ant*ar PiiMi^ - •