Newspaper Page Text
w 1 MBtÜt lL KEWÜR» ft.L be given, for any information lead ing to the recovery of a Bay Horse, about 9 or 10 years old, with a white star in the face, sway back heavy mane, and tail, strayed from J. H. Cason' plantation. The horse has belonged, at oue time. tÔ Ms. Per kins of Bayou Rouge. Information to be sent to Roberson, Jenkins & (Jo., Simmsport. 19oct— Im Z. CASEY. ^ 3 'h s.f ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE, PAROISSE DÈS AVOYELLES. COUR DU SEPTIEME DISTRICT JUDICIAIRE. Succession de Joseph Guillot, décédé, et dé Nancy Guillot, son épouse, aussi déeédée. EN vertu d'un ordre de vente, à moi adressé par l'honorable cour du Septième Dis trict Judiciaire, dans et pour la paroisse dea Avoyelles, Etat de la Louisiane, iL sera offert en vente publique, au plus haut et dernier snt chérisseur par le soussigné, encanteur publie, duement commissionné, , pour la dite pa roinse, le MERO*HDI, 23 1 — Une certaine portion dans la. prairie des ^vdyelles, près de la ligne de la corporation de Marksville, contenant vingt-six arpents, plus ou moins, bornée au nord par Mme William Edward»; au sud et à l'ouestpeir François Gremilfi&n, et à l'est par E- Conner et Pierre Normand—avèc les amé liorations qui s'y trouvent. 2.— Une certaine portion de terre située dans la paroisse des ^voyelle«, dans les ma rais. près de la ligne de la corporation de Marksville, contenant quatorze arpent,«, plu* ou moins, bornée «n nord par la terre de Mme William Edwards; a l'est et au sud par Fran çois Grémillion, et à l'ouest par des terrés pu bliques. Termes et Coiidiyons. Les acquéreurs devronl fournir leurs hiilcfs avec deux bonnes et valides cautions, et en dossés ä l'ordre et à i& satisfaction de l'admi nistrateur, portant 8 0[Ö d'intérêt par an ft partir de l'eehéanet|Jii.squ'à parfait pufemeirt. La terre restera nrîi'Ctée d'une hypothèque * spéciale en faven» <ïe radmiriisfruk-nr jusqu'à final et parfait paien"îcnt du capital et .As in térêts. Maiksville, Avoyelles, ce 21 S'^ptT 1861 EDOUARD- DE ~ EiK'anteàï'ub'lit. \n\n Mm SATURDAY, VOLUME XF II. OCT. it* t fül -, ? », . Nümb»u--Ü5. &a Office in 2\Lark«\W\e, Corner Marks and Washington streets. Oil it CANDIDATES. FOR PRESIDENT OF THE CON FEDERATE STATES: JEFFERSON DAVIS. ?R VICE PRESIDENT : A- it. STEPHENS. Election on the first Wednesday of Nov ember, 1861. Presidential Electors. 1 For State at Large — Charles Derbi gny, of Orleans, Albert G- Carter of* East Feliciana '■ Alternates : S. Gr. Camp bell of Natchitoches, G L Fusellier of St-Mary. First District— Donatien Augustin of Orleans: Alternate: François Gardère of Orleans, Second District— Jas P Freret of Or leans ; Alternate : Louis Bush of Lafour che. Fourth District—Win R Barrow of West Feliciana; Alternate: Cyprien Dupru of St-Landry. Fifth District—B Eagan Sr., of Bien ville: Alteuial cRobert Hodges of Bos sier. Sixth District — S. L Chambliss o Carroll; Alternat»}* "Oriu Mayo of Cata houla. CONG RES—6th DISTRICT. »Fittest Perkins >Br., of Madison. STATE TREASURER. ii. tj. Sßefrecsc. AUDITOR of PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. Eftjitp. Serrai t^r .y of Baton-Bouge. ^ SUPERINTENDANT. Bf*. Si- »T. vfJagrUder. STATE SENATE. B'abius Hicoi'tl. H 0 U S E REI ' RE S ENTA TI VE . * 4ä. S*. Voiïrtiies. SS. 51*. SSlt!kci€oo(t. SHERIFF. * JF. û •. .Vormund. RECORDER. Ei. î' 9 . remWioii. ASSESSOR. Mid m <>3è d ^ ha féUti it': COR( >NÈR. To tkk Hon. G. P. Voorijies, Dear Sir. -- Your fellow citizens being fully satisfied of the able and dignified n\in or in which you have represented this Parish, i i he State Legislature, would respectfully a-k you to permit us to submit your name for re-election. . In the present crisis, the people wishes men to represent them that have been tried and appreciated fort their ability, patriotism and untiering energy. We thei e fore being satisfied in our humble opinion that we cannot make a better choice of one to re present us in the State Legislature. Hoping Sir, that you will accept our demand, you may depend we will us5 all our influences kr your election in November next. Respectfully, &c., &c. F. Ricord, Valerien Roy, Zenon Laborde, Louis Bonnette, Jean Bte. Guillory, Joseph Roy, L' V. Grëmillion, Heury Guillory, I)r. J. Desfossés, Joseph Chatelain, Valéry Coco, E. O. Bonnette, Edmond Chatelain, Zenon Mayeux, Paul Bordelon, Valéry Guilllot, Martin Grémillion, J. % J. Bordelon, P. d'Artlys, Bruuo Grémillion, „ P. P. Normand, Edmond Grémillion, î'juiriee Lacour, Valéry Roy, • Paul E. Rabalais, Pierre Beu« äir, Leandre Bordelon, J. Bte. Roy, A.B. Coco, E. E. Cochrane, &c. Commun Cited. With the coneent of the President of the Confederate Statea to raise a Regi ment of mounted men for special ser vice in the State of Louisiana, and the promise of an immediate acceptance of the same by the Hon. J. P. Benjamin Sec. of of war pro tem I call upon those who are determined to maintain their rights as freemen, and the honor of their country to fall in with me, and as early as possible organize companies. From six ty five to one hundred men will consti tute n^ompany, each man tobe furnished with V double barrel shot gun or rifle, and flrposeible a brace of pistols; the size of the horse will not •be objected to ifhe can carry his rider with ease, this is no time for words or I would show the advantage that the State will derive from such a Regiment as this is designa ted to be. We shall be governed by an act of the Southern Congress entitled "An act to provide for local defence and special service."- For further particulars call at my residence, or address me, Big Bend P. 0. Big Bend, Avoyelles 6th Oct. 1861. B. W. BLAKEWOOD. • Editor of the Vehcan. —You are here 4 by authorized and requested by me to announce me as a candidate to Represent the parishes of Avoyelles, PoinViïoupee and West Feliciana in the State ~ for the regular session of four years. r A. M. GRAY. Avoyelles, Oct. 18th 1861. TO OUR. PATRONS The demise of Mri~P. d'Artlys has created some trouble about the progress Of tlïë "Pelican" for the last two weeks. This half sheet is so overcrowed with le gal notices and other advertisements, that a very brief space is left for our lo cal or parish news, and the report of the late brilliant achievements against Lin coln's troops and war vessels, near the mouth of the Mississippi and àt the San ta "Rosa island. We are in hopes of being able to present the name of the 4»ew Editor, next week, when the. paper will resume its old enlarged size, not w ithstauding the scarcity of paper. Di vers interests require of us such iinpro verileüts. Failure of last Saturday's mass Meeting. Should the call for a Mass Meeting of the citizens of the parish of Avoyelles had had for its object interests of great importance to discuss, it would have been more generally answered than it was done on Saturday last. Only but a few men, resolved to thp opposition to ouü friends, met at the Court House, and we do not believe it necessary to state here the result of their deliberations. The striking feature of that meeting ifc that the whole vote (15) was divided in the following manner : 11 votes were given to candidates of the oonosition and 4 ainst. Then, it is unexpected that they will try to legitimate such choices. When the people will speak, which will be done on th» 4th of November next, its tribunal will be the true Mass Meet ing that will dispose of all the claims. It is impossible to mistake the ambitious designs of the authors of.the meeting ; patriots had nothing at all to do there: for, men known for their adherence to the old and the new liberal principles, were already before the people, and citis zens from all parts-of our Parish as weu as from the sister Parishes of Ihe Sena torial District, greet with enthousinsm the names that are proudly placed at the head of our columns. COI. B. w. BLAKEWOOD. An instance of the injustice that natu rally flows from last Saturday's procee dings, is that, since the announcement of Col. B W. Blakewood's candidacy for the House of Representatives, it has been resolved, in some quarters, to try to put him down. The attempt was made manifest at the last meeting. The Col's claims were, this time, perfectly and decidedly just. Did he not consent at the last canvass to withdraw from the field and remain in the shade, for the sake of hel ping to elevate his best friends, some of which were his immediate neighbors 1 Is, the abnegation he has heretofore made of himself acknowledged to-day ? No ! then, let the brave revolutionist follow the success that will, on the 4th of November, inevitably reward him for all his devotion and zeal to his country's cause j his time for service has arrived, Col. B. will and must be elected. LETTER FROM DOMLDSONVILLE. •t • To the Editor of Avoyelles Pelican : You were kind enough to send me a number of your journal, containing a notice of a ^letter of Doctor Russel the correspondant of the London Times. I have not-seen the letter to which refer ince is made,'consequently do not know what it contains. With reference to my self, Mr. Russel when-he visited the coast fouud me with knapsack on and handling a musket in the ranks of a volqpteer company. But what it had to do with universal suffrage for a man who had been elected by a, làrge majority to a State Convention as an oppenent of the immediate withdrawal of the State from the Union, to handle a musket as pri vate in the ranks, to defend his home and fireside against incursion from that Union, is more than I will undertake to answer. A regular system of todyism to an extent rarely seen in any other coun try was practised towards Mr. Russel for some.time after his advent in this country, and the basest lickspittles have been those most loud in villifying him of late. Many of them boasting now of having "crammed" John Bull for their private entertainment and pleasure, now. decry him for repeating, what hS had received on good faith, as it came from gentlemen holding high social posi tion in' the community ; and as a natural consequence he had a right to deem them worthy of credence if not of perfect con fidence.—Such a question as that of se sessiou or cooperation or union is only a matter of history and exists in this Sta te as a historical fact oceuring some times between January and May last. Too much consequence jvas attached to Mr. RussePs advent and' too much attention shown him with design, and he was shrewd enough to perceive it : and has handled us without gloves - (as we rr^t fully merited.) His transit was a rapid and brilliant one; he made his Perihelion at New Orleaue, approached a little too near "Goot singed" is now "out in the çtfd? and ifcaking the mosfcof his aphe lion, contemplating the similarity of the 1 of excentric luminaries. You call fib* a*defense against an imagi nary A rule of my lite has been never to do any thing for which a defen se should be necessary and* I am not aWare of having deviated from it of late. You individually have a right to know that I act solely upon my own convic tions, uninfluenced by either friend or foe; that what I think r'ght I do entirely, regardles# of the immediate consequence Indépendance has ever been* a pro minent trait, and probably some of those gentlemen, visited by Doctor Russell, may have indulged, as you frequently have, a disposition to cavil at the person who always saw fit to Exercise his own judge ment in shaping his course through life. Universal suffrage is the great Bug Bear of all Englishmen, and the de cision he may have come to, from the "private conversation with gentlemen in each of the Southern'IStates" could by no possibility have any bearing upon my (Dr. Cottman) being willing to (me) "à se mettre en campagne contre les ar mees fédérales." Very respectfully, THOS. COTTMAN. Ascênsion, October, 3rd 1861. , Capt. Fenelon Cannon 's Company.—This? splendid company from Avoyelles parish, numbering 66 m^p and horses, arrived in our city on the steamer Gen. Hodges, on Thursday evening. They are a fine loo king body of young men, superbly moun ted and armed with double barrel shot guns. TÎie are at the Barracks. This makes the sixth company that has repor ted here for Colonel Scott's Battalion. B. R: Advocate. Withdrawal of Col. II. W. Allen. — Col. H. W. Allen, as appears from his card elsewhere, has withdrawn from the field as a candidate for Congress in the Fourth District. The numerous friends of this gentleman in the Fourth District, while they may regret his withdrawal, will ap preciate the patriotic motives which in duce him to decline political honors at the present juncture, in order that he may devote his earnest attention and'his useful activity to tho duties of lus mili tary position as Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Regiment of Louisiana. Col. Allen presents an example worthy of imitation. It is no time for vexatious contests between candidates For civil office. Evôry .man should bo content to remain at his post, civil or military, where he can fender service to his country. B. II. Advoctt'e. ' Sequestràtion IVotice Ï To the Citizens of the Parishes of Rapides, Avoyelles, Natchitoches and Winn. I HEREBY notify every Attorney, Agon 1 , former. Partner, Trustee, or orther Person holding or controlling any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, goods or chattels, rights or credits, or any interests therein, of or for any alien enemy of the- Confederate States of America, speedily to inform me, the Receiver for the section of the District of Louisiana comprising the above named Parishes, of the same, and to render to me an account thereof, aud|So far as is practicable to place the same in my hands. Any such persons wilfully fai ling to give me this information aud render such account will be guilty of a high misde meanor and will ba liable to be indicted and upon conviction, fined and imprisoned and will further be liable to be sued by the Con federate States and subjected to pay double the value of the estate, property or .effects of the alien enemy held by him or subject to his control. I also notify each a»d every citizen of the Confederate States speedily to give me infor mation, as the La/& makes it his duty to do of all lauds, tenements or hereditaments, goods aud chattels, rights and credits withiu the above named Parishes, and of every right aud interests therein held, owned, possessed, or en joyed by or for any alien enemy. The following pi rsons are subject to the ration of the Act of Congress, approved August 30th 1861, as Alien Enemies, viz : All citizens of the Uuited States except tnosé of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, District of Columbia, or the Terri tories t)f sAriS! na, New Mexico and Indian Territory South of Kansas. All citizens or residents of these excepted States and Terri tories who shall commit.actfiaf.hostilities against the Confederate States, or aid, or abet tnc United States in the existing war. All persons who have a domiril within the States with which our Government is at war, uo inatter whether they be citizens or not. Address me at Alexandria, Parish of Ra pides, Louisiana. T. 0. MANNTNG, Receiver. Alexandria, Lua., October 7th, 1861. oct 19—1 m. ATS VHO.t QUN-SMITH, Str -Louis St., opposite St -Louis Exchange Recommends himself to an tjjose who arc in need of a good gun. He has con stantly on hand an assortment of guns, of the best make, at the most moderate prices. He repairs, at the shortest notice, all fire arms entrusted to him. He has in his establishment a gallery of Pistol. Gun and Riffle shooting. - NO TICE TO F. \ 's. \. . «V Ê : On oi;der' he makes all the Free Masonry [ ornaments and decorations. ja. 28—ly B* THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, * ) Parish of Avoyelles, f , Seventh Judicial District Court. ,Succession of Marie Lafon, deceased wife of Louis Ingonf. virtue of an order issued by the Honorable Court of thé 7th Judi cial District, in and for the parish of Avoyelles} State of Louisiana, will be offered.. at pu blic auction to the laßt and highest bWSftr, by the undersigned, Pu blic Auctioneer, duly commissionned for the said parish. THURSDAY, October 31st 1861.^ Between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.', aFthe Court House of Marks yille, the following properties, to wit : 1 # -« primo —notes. All rights and titles of the said sue cession, on the notes drawn on his favor to wit ; 1 A note drawn by Zenon Arbeaux for the sum of $64 00 ; 2. A note drawn by Barthélémy Bau din for the sum of $18 00 3. A note drawn by Philipps Boek for the sum of $36 90 ; 4. A note drawn by Bany for the sum of .$52 21 5. A note drawn by Gervais Couvil lion for the sum of $30 49 6. A note drawn by Calliham for the sum of $16 40 7. A note .drawn by Dupont for. the sum of $6 66 ; . - S. A note drawn by M. Dubroc for the sitm of $37 9. A note ■drawn by Gen. Dupuis for the*smri«af $9»05 10. AÄgte drawn by Constance Guil 1 .Jrawh by Gaspard son for 12j^Bpt§ drawn by widow Gaspard for tneTmm of $il 77 13. A note drawn by'Joassin Gagnard for the su>n of $57 11 Id. A note drawn by J. B. Lacombo for thei?(j|| of $24 54 ; 1-5. A 4 n||#!rdfawn by G. Lavalie for the sum oJpy|) 65 ; J 6. 'Annote drawn by S. Lavalle for the sun^oÄ35 18 ; * 17. A» i»W drawn by Z. G. Gitillot for the pm of$$W> 50 ; IS. A note drawn by Ed. Lemaître for ihe êi tu» : IS. A noîe^drâwn by II. Lachenaye for tins sum çf$27 7.5 ; 20. A not^^di'awn by Maud ig non for the sum of #11^9 , # 21. A note uraw n by Louiai&frizième Mayeux forj§h&sum of $40 73 ■vu by J oliu* Says for note drawn by D. Guillory for 22, the stj 23. ; the sum^f• $20 9 s ! ; 24. A note .drawn by Terence Mayeux for the sum of $11 89 ; 0 26. A up te drawn by Jules Frère for the sqirtjif $145 16 j 26. Aviate drawn by Joseph Guillot for the sum of $18 00 ; 27. A note drawn by J. A. Havard for the sum of $25 00 ; 28. A note drawn by Louis Zimmer for the sum of $300 ; 29. A note drawn by D. Ingouf for the sujn of $3,023 67 ; 30 A note drawn by T. Bordelon for the sum of $26 90 ». 31. A note drawn by . J. H. Barbin, for the sum of $252 49 ; 32. A note drawn by Simeon Couvil lion for the sum of $.13 45 ; 33. A note drawn by Mrs. widow De terville for the snr^f $4 79 ; ^ - 34. A note drar^Äj.y F. Lemoine for the sum of $9 ; _ . 35. A note di?5wn by A. G. Morrow for the sum ©f$30 36. A note drawn by Dr. Porret for the sum of $S L.- Robinson for L. Dauzat for .valle, for the 37. A note di the sum of 38. A note the sum of $ 39. A note sum of $49 i * Nota. —All notes, bearing 8 0[0 interest per amum, after their ma turities, until final, payment. secundo —judgments. All rights and titles of the said suc cession on the following judgments, to wit : 1. Judgmentao^yydG. Bordelon, en favor of the the sum of $27 31 ^^2. Jud in favor for the sum of $27 6, ———— 3. JudgmetfagjfinTs C. Bordelon, in favor of the stfd succession for the sum of $40 9S ; 4. Judgment againfc C. D. Dupuy, in favor of the said succession for the sum of $10 40 ; agai on the Colin Guillot, in for the sum Deselles, in #lon for the sum ' « t Thwbdule Dau suflcessiön fdr tke 5. Judgment e favor of the said of$22 50 ; 6. Judgmént' favor of the saii of$26 31 f 7. Judgment zat,. in favor of sum of $40 88 ; 8. Judgment agaiiis C. BordelonT in favor of said successon for the sum of $56 95; : , 9. Judgment againts D. Galbert, in favor of said snccèlsiç for the sum of $35 95 ; 10. Judgment agaiits T. -Artigue, in fiijVor of the said succession for the sum of $58 88. TEfiTio ACCOUNTS. All rights and titles of the said succes sion on the following accounts, to wit : 22 25 2 05 2 70 3 50 47 95 1. S. Lemoine, 2. T Mayeux, 3. O Jackson, 4. W H Nelson, 5. W. Semmes, 6. Eugène Tasgiii, 7. Louis Zimmer, 8. Qeorge Berlin, 9. E. Bibb. 10. Y Armand, 11. T. Dubroc j 12. O Frank, 13. Doorhinan, 14. J. Hoopors, 15. G Guillory, 16. Evar Gaspard, 17. Michand, 18. D J Tassin, s 19. D Guillot, 20. C Yoiselie, 21. D Gerbeaux, 22/C Coinçon, 23. Edmond Bordelon, € 24. Jos Guillot j 25. Dora Guillot, 26. Gaspard son, 27. Widow Edgard Voorhies, 28. E Daumas, . 29. J Juneau, 30. Louis Martin, 31. State of Louisiana, 32. Widow Alexandre Marcotte, 33. Alcide Cailleteau, 34. Xavier Dupuis, 35. Yal. Barron, 36. Eugène Ingouf, 37. O. Normand, 38. B Ducoté, . ' 39. Espire Dueotè, 40. Aggy, 41. Jules Frère, A note for $145 16, upon which judg ment was rendered and sub ject to a credit for $50; 1st may 1861. And many other accounts. TERMS & CONDITIONS. 10 45 4»60 . * 5 76 1 50 3 95 3 00 12 50 63 50 ' 2 90 0 39 9 20 27 20 1 25 • 27 19 3 78 ► 6 00 10 42 11 98 3 50 40 98 11 27 27 47 9 63 6 55 38 00 143 39 9 70 5 50 25 143 39 45.58 2 45 2 15 23 91 All note, judgment or account paya ble on the 1st of April 1862. Purchasers to furnish their notes with good securi ties, in solido, to the order and satisfac tion of the administrator of the succ<& sion of the late Mary Lafon, and said notes bearing 8 0[0 per annum interest from- the day of the auction sale until final payment, without authorizing for that reason any delay. Marksville, the 28 day of September 1861. EDOUARD DE GENERES, Public Auctioneei FOB CONGRESS—SIXTH DISTRICT. OP We .are authorized to announce JOHN PERKINS, Jr.,*of Madison, as a candidate for Congress of the Confede rate States fort the 6th Congressional District. — FOR THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Mr . P. d'ArtlVs —^Please announce Dr. B. W. BLAKEWOOD as a candi date for the State Legislature, to repre sent the parish of Avoyelles, and that lie will be snpported by the majority of the citizens. FOR THE STATE SENATE : Mr . P. d'Artlys —Please submit to the voters of our Senatorial District, the name of Hon. A. M. GRAY as a candidate for the State Senate at the next election. Avoyelles. FOR AUDITOR: Mr . P. d'Artlys —Please ^announce II. PERALTA, of East Baton Rouge, as a candidate for Auditoi'* of Public Accounts. -FOR SHERIF» Mr . P. d'Artlys —Please announce P. P. NORMAND, the present incum bent, as a candidate for re-election to the same office, and will be supported by numerous'frieTids of the Parish of Avoyelles. FOR RECORDER: M r . P. d'Artlys —Please announce that L. V. GRËMILLION, the pre sent -Recorder, is a candidate for re election. Majority. Dear Sir — Please announce that HENRY AVERT, the present Super intendent of Public Education, is a can didate for re-election. Mr. d'Artlys —Pleaseamionnce ED MOND CHATELAIN as a candidate for Assessor, and he will supported in November next, by his ' NUMEROUS FKIENDS. B. P. ABAT CHAS. W. CUSHMA ABAT & CUSHMAN, and (Cïittiràssioii Pmjraitfe, (FACTORS' ROW) No 69 Carondelet Street, NEW-ORLE ANS LAZARÉ, LEVASSBÜR k* CO No. 10, CHARTRES STREET, » near Canal. STATE OF LOUISIAN A, Parish of Avoyelles. f SEVENTH JUDICIAL-DISTRICT COURT. Successions of Joseph Guillot. deceased, and of Nancy Guillot, hia wife, also deceased. BY YIRTIJB of an order issutd by thé honorable Court of the 7th Judicial ^'stricc. in and for thé Parish of Avoyelles, Staf£ of Louisiana, will be offered at public an<ct ' 00, ' ast ÄU< * highest bidder, by the undersigned, public auctioneer for the said parish, WENESDAY, the 23th of October, 1861® between the jlieure of JL0 oclock A. M- and 4 P. M., at the last residence of the deceased, the following described property, to-wit : 1;—A certain parcel of land situated in the prairie of Avoyelles, near the line of the cor poration of Marksville, containing twenty-six arpents, njore or less, boiinded north by Mrs. William Edwards ; south and west by Fran çois Grémillion ; and east by E. Conner and Pierre Normand —and together with the im provements thereon. 2.— A certâiti patcel of land situated in tho parish of Avoyelles, in the swamps, near the liue of the corporation of Marksville, contain ing fourteen arpents, more or less, bounded north hy land of Mrs. William Edwawls ; east and south by François Grëmillion, and west by public lands. Terms and Conditions. Purchasers to fnrnish their bdtes with two good and solvent securities, to the order of the administrator, bearing 8 0|0 interest per annum after their several ma;urities until final payment. The lands to remain specially mortgaged and hypothecated in favor of tho holder or holders of said notes, until the full and final payment of principal and interests. Marksville. Avoyelles, this 21th day of September 1861. EDOUARD DE GENERES, Public Auctioneer. STATE OF LOUISIANA, ( Parish of Avoyelles. J Court of the 7th Judicial District. Estate of Eliza Ducôté, deceased widow of Jean Baptiste Lemoine, also deceased. BY VIRTUE of an order of Rale, issued by the Honorable Court of the Seventh Judicial District, in and for the parish of Avoyelles, State of Louisiana, will be offered at public anctiou, to the last and highest bidder, by the under signed, Sherif, in and for the said parish, otf MONDAY, the lltli of Nôvember, 1861, b et ween the hours of 10 a. m . and 4 p. m ; , at the late residence Of the deceased, the follow ing described property, to-wit— * 1st. LANDS. 1. The plantation upon which the deceased lived, situated on the lower end of the Prairie of Avoyelles in this Parish, and bounded on the South by lauds.belonging to Jérôme Lemoine, on the north by the public Road, on the east by the land of Dr. J. Desfossé, and on the West by Jean Baptiste Laborde, Sr., containing one hundred aud séVeuty-five ar 2d. SLAVES. 1. Julien, negro man, aged about 46 years; 2. Céleste, negro woman, aged about 31 years, with her child Julie, aged 8 years. 3. Adelaide, negro girl, aged about 14 years. 4. Antoine, negro boy, aged about 10 y'ra. 3d. MOVEABLE PROPERTY. 1. One Ox cart. 2. One Yoke of Oxen. 3. One armoir, Bedsteads, Tables, Chair?, etc., etc. 4. 3,500 Rails. TËËMS & CO DITIONS, All sums of ten dollar and under, payable CASH. Over $10, payable in four equal instal ments, to-wit : One-fourth payable the first day of April 1862; - , ( • T*% One-fourth payable the first day of April 1863-; one-fourth payable the first day of April 1864, and the other fourth the first day of Jpril 1865. Purchasers to furnish their notes trith two good securities, to the order and satisfac tion of the administrator, said notes bearing 8 0[0 per annum interest after then* several maturities until final payment. The land and slaves to remain specially ^mortgaged with the clause of non alienando. Sheriff's office, Marksville, this 31st day vf August, 1861. P. P. NORLAND, Sheriff and auctioneer ex-officio.