Newspaper Page Text
tàm mmeam «S ATÜRDAY, jam. %iœ tarn ■'ii ■' ifitWiii I Vol. is, AO. : s . t , A. LAFARC*U£, ? ' ... Editor & pRat'fai:Ton. I SÜBSCRIPT10X— ^$4 per annum, paya ble in advance or (hiring the. first mouth» or $5 at the end of the first month. PS^Inm-tinns for candidatures to pub lic offices ivill be charged 810 for each •langnage. IdTWlien our bille shall be hniidcd to a collector for payment» the Rame shall be charged an extfa of 10 jjot cent, for collecting. paper will be discontinued tin lens all arrearages are paid. £^A11 communications* of a personal Mil tire will be charged a! the discretion >>f the Editor, and payment exacted in advance. I HVËRTlSEMENTS-s^Ono square of ten lines, or the -space often lines, 31 for the ierst insertion, and 50 cents for each sub-1 scquent insertion. lyTlmnk* to our worthy Mayor, W W. Waddill Esq., for late city dates. r^On Monday next, the State Le gislature resumes its meetings. Veiy important bills?*will come before it, ni»! call forth all the Wisdom and talent of Louisiana Legislators. tdP'General Williams, the hero c.f Kars, is fortifying Canada and is prepa ring for the contemplated contest against» the Yankees. — Arrival of the Steanifl* Afîieo, S t. J ohn's , Dec. 21.—The steamship ; Arago has arrived with Southampton j dates of the 12th inst. Gen. Scott ha* arrived. Previous to embarking, Scott had a long conference with Napoleon. All the French press, except the Moniteur, says France will 1'e- i main neutral in the war between England and America. Risks on American ships have been re fused at Lloyd's. British war vessels are preparing fo r ser vice, and nure troops will be sent t<> i Canada. No abatement in England of! warlike preparations. From linrolndam via Memphis. M f.mi'iiis , Dec. 27.—The St. Loni Republican, of the 2.'îd inst.; announce the arrival of the steamer America, iron. Liverpool, with dates ofthe 7thinst. TIl following is a summary ot tin* news : Warlike preparations continued in En gland. An anti-war meeting was held in Du blinand sympathy expressed for America The Paris papers assert that the British Government lia 1 stated that the cotton ports of the South will be open by Fe bruary next, at the latest. The British Parliament will bo pro-j ogued on the 7th of January. More troops will be Bent to Canada. The French Journals say France will remain neutral in the event of war bet ween England and America. The Paris correspondent of the Lon don News says the Patrie is imperfectly informed in regard t,o intentions of tlie French Government when it speaks ot France joining England in artntjfl media tion. A large force of Engineers will be sent to Canada immediately. The demand of the British Government 13 based exclusively on legal grounds. 11 asks the liberation of Mason and Siideli, and if not complied with Lord Lyons is to leave Washington. The demand is moderate but firm. The Patrie has reason to believe that Lincoln will not give Mason and Slidell up. British war vessels are now preparing to start for America in the beginning of January. * In the Ilanseatic Towns it is believed the blockade of the Southern ports will poou be broken by England. ■ ! 1 j j i Louisiana Legislature. IU tox R oche , Dec. 21, —In the Se it ite, t e joint, resolution from the House, of thanks to (\>uiino<i'fliv HoUiirs, was unanimously concurred in. „Tile vote defeating Mr. (î inft'n bill to .from execution a certain amount nade the special ortler for Friday, the ^Och of January next, Messrs. Barrow, Dupuy and Tete were appointed a special committee to inquire into the closing of Bayou Plaque mi ne, by the Police Jury of the parish of Iberville. In the House, the bills trom the Se nate, providing for the building of a navy and the organization of a naval force to repel invasiou, with two bills reported by the House Naval Committee, having the same object in viert' htit upon quite a.dif ferentplan, were, after a warm discussion, on motion of Mr. McDonald, made the special order for Wednesday, the Stil öf j January next. Ayes 43, nays 33. ■ The Senate bill appropriation $2,500, I 0 10, or so much t';fcrenf as mäy be neces : saiy to pay tlie Confederate War tax on ; the peoj^Je of Louisiana, passed. j The Senate bill authorizing the settlers ' on public lands, who are or may be in the ! mHitary or naval service of the State, or ronfederate States, to pay for said lands ; within three years after the termination I of I lie war, passed< I The Senate bill making* Confederate j States bonds receivable for all public lands sold in the State, passed; J The bill for the relief of çottori plan tors is made the special order for TueS j day, the 7th of January. • A bill for the relief of the Po yet ras Asy luin, of New Orleans, passed. Mr. Morrison introduced a bill to create and extend privileges ôn crops, which was referred. Adjourned to the ôth^of January, 1862. B aton R ouge , Dec. 20. — In the Ser into the House bill for the relief of She riffs and Tax Collectors was passed; al s; I the House bill to suspend judicial pro ( 'edings against persons -in the military and naval service. . Mr. Grantt's bill to exempt a certain amount, of slave property from execution vas defeated—ayes 10, noes 11. Mr. Laidlavv offered a bill for the restgj vey ot the township On which New Or- j leans is situated. ; In the Hotise; the bill was passed I suspending judicial proceedings against persons in the military and naval service, j V joint resolution has been adopted by 1 both Houses to rfdjonm ou to-morrow to j ï lie Gth of January. j The Senate bill appropriating $2,500,-j 000 to raise a naval force to repel inva- | ■mou , was taken up out of its order and j passed on second reading and laid or fbe ! table subject to call. j Mr. Robinson introduced a bill for the relief of sugar planters, similar in its provisions to the Cotton Planters' bill. Mr.- Tappan's bill to suspend forced sales, commonly called the Ht ay Law, was adopted—ayes 49, noes 40. The substitute provides for sales of pro peitv when it brings nine-tenths ot" its appraised value, to be appraised accor ding to the standard of valuation on the 1st of June, ISf.O. The first and second sections were adopted. In the evening session t]i e. TTo nse adopted, on its second reading, all the sections, without material amendment, of Tappan's substitute to the Stay Law ; j i i T ^Y VIRTUE of an honon STATE OF LOUISIANA, j Parish of Avoyelles. £ »Seventh Judicial District Court. Succession of AzcWn Juneau, deceesed wife of Valerien Moreau, père. order issued bv the t o ■ District, in anil for the Parish of Avoyelfes, ! State of Louisiana, will be offered at pnblic 1 auction, to the last and highest bidder, by j the undersigned, public auctioneer for the said j parish, i SATURDAY, the 8th day of February 1862. hetw'.in the hours of 10 A.; M. and 1 at. the residence of »Valerien Moreau père, the foliowing described property, to wit : 1. The plantation upon which the said Va lerien A/oreau père now resides, situated near M ansura in t&is Parish, containing fifty three and 1 (2 acres-, bounded North by lands of J. 15. M. GremiHion ; South, by the succession of John Cole ; East, by Gervais Chutelain and West by Valéry Gauthier, with all the buil dings and improvements thereon situated. 2. The slave Sophie, negro woman, aged about 80 years. . » 3. 20 heads of Jmgs# 4. 1 caw and calf. • 5. 15 h'ads of sheep. 6. 3 beds and bedding. 7. 1 armoir. 8. 1 clock, 2 tables ajid 8 chairs. 9 Un lot farming utensils. 0. 1 lot kitchen furniture. Terms and Conditions. •' All sums of five dollars and under payable Cash. All sums over fipvè dollars payable in four annual equai instalments, viz ; one fourth pa/nb'e on the firs' day of /Ipril 1862 ; one fourth on the first day of April X8(»3 ; one fourth on the Jirst day of April 1864 and the last fourth on the first day of /fjiril 1805. Purchasers to furnish their notes with two 'opdand solvent securities, In solido. to the or î i ii.n , nt earing 'nterrst at the rate of eight per cent per annum after their several maturities until final payment. The land and slave to remain specially mortgaged and hypothecated in fa vor, of tlie Administrator iint'll the full aria final payment of the principal aod interest that may accrue thereon. Acts of sals to be passed before the Recor der of this Parish and the notes made payable at hit office. • . * jgiMarksvillev January 4th 18S2 y (K. K. COCHRANE, . •Public- Auctioneer. j ; I j 1 j j | j ! j STATE OF LOUISIANA, * Parish of Avoyelles. ) seventh JUDICIAL DISTRICT COt'RT. Succession of François Roy, deceased. BY VIRTUE of an order of sale, issued" by the Honorable Cdtlrt ot the Seventh Judicial District, in and for the parish of Avöyelles, • State ot Louisiana, will be offered at pnblic auction, to the last and highest bidder, by the urider signel, Public Auctioneer of said Parish, TUESDAY, the lltli day of February, * 18.62. betweet^he hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M., at the la,te residence of the deceased, the fol foxing- described pi*rtperty, to wit« 1. .A certstiti tract Or parcel of laud, si tuated near the plantation where the deceased last resided, being tlie Same purchased from Alcëê L'aborde, containing oiie hundred and 'sixty arpents mdre dr less, bounded i\ orth by the pliitltätidn above meutionned. South, by Louis Prevot, East, by Jn Bte Laborde Jr., and West-by Paulin St-Roraain, with all the buildings and improvements thereon. 2. A certain plantation or tract of land, situated near the above mentioned plantation, containing one hundred arpents more or less, bounded North and West by the plantation above mentioned ; South by widow Joseph St-Romain, and East by Jean Pierre Ducôté with all-the buildings and improvements, pur chased by the dec. ased at the ^accession sale of Mrs Emilie Couvillion, deceased wife of Z.'non St-Romain. 3. A certain tract of cypress land situated on the South side of Lake Pearl, containing twenty six acre?, more or less, bounded South by A\cee Roy. North by Louis Prévôt, East by Jn Baptiste & Pau hi Laborde and West by Prudent Normand. ALSO TIÏE FOLLOWING SLAVES : 4. Haptiste, negro man, aged about 4*) yea. 5. Bob, " " " " 40 " 6. Siinilien, " " " " 27 " 7. Victoire, negro woman aged about 38 years, with her four children, to'with : Victo ria aged ubiut 9 years ; Henry, a boy aged i; v'.Mirs ; Saintville. a boy aged 2 years and un in inn t child aged 28 days. . H Louise negro wtfrmm, aged 38 y'eafs and herch'ld Clementine aged six years. Kii -abe'.h, negro Wonï. aged ab. 20 years 0. A'r'.ire " girl, " 1" U. ' a'luy. " " " 12 " •2. Mcriaurff, " ." " 10 " b-i 25 ht ads ot eat tie. f4. 2 heads of tfork horses. T). 1 mule. 11). îîO heads of hogs. 11. 40 heads ol sheep. ]3. 1 pair oxen. U. H50 liarrels of corn in tlie shitcks. 20. The fafmîng utensils. Terms'and Conditions. .tli sums of ten dollars nnd under payable Cash. All sums over ten dollars payable in three eipial annual instsi'ments. viz: one ihird payable on the Hin day of April lHfijt; one third on ihe first ,| a y of Aprfl J8ti4 and the last third ou the first day of Apiil 186ä. —I'urehasers to fnrni"h their notes Willi two good and solvent securities, in solido, to the order and satisfaction of the Administrator, ben ring interest at, the rate of eight per cent per annum, after their several maturities un til final payment. The lands and slates to remain specially mortgaged and hypothecated in favor of the Administrator until' the full and final payment of the principal and inte rest that may accrue thereon. JcU of sale to be passed before the Re corder of this Parish and the uotes made pa yable at his office. Marksville, January 4th 1862. E. E. COCHRANE, Public Auctioneer. MILITIA. H ead Q uarters , ( AvoyeUes Regt, of La. Militia. ) ^ ATTENTION. ^ppsriio Militia of the Avoyelles Re giment is hereby ordered to attend regi mental drill ,on the plains of Coulee des Grues, near M arks vi I le, on Saturday the 18tb of January next* 1862, at ten o'clock, A. M. 2. The officer^ of the Regiment and the officers of the different Companies in the Regiment will meet on Monday, \he 13tb of January next, 1S62, at the place above mentioned to prejmre for said drill. By order of A. D. COCO, Col. Com. Avoyelles liegt, ember 28th, 1861. . Estate of P rudent d' A rtlls , deceased 1 . NOTICE, All persons holding claimB against tb<e above estate are notified^ to- present the same to the undersigned properly sworn to, and all those indebted to said estate are informed that prompt settle ment must be made or else legal measu res nvill be reserved to to enforce pay ment, H.%S, L. TAYLOR, Attys. of Est Militia. Notice is hereby given to tlte public that will proceed strictly according to law in the collection of fine» imposed on persons failing to attend drill». Sheriff's Office, Marksvflle Nov. 29th. 1861. P. P. NORMAND, Sheriff, Sequestration iVotice S Tü the Citizens of the Parishes of Rapides, Avoyelles, Natchitoches and Winn, IIIER1ÎBY notify every Attorney, Agent, former Partner, Trustee, or orther Person holding of controlling any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, goods or chattels, rights or credits, or any interests therein, of or for arty alien enemy of the Confederate States of Americaj speedily to inform me, the Receiver for the section of the District of* Louisiana comprising the above named Parishes, of the same, and to render to me an account thereof, and so far as is practicable to place flu same in my hands. Any such persons wilfully fai •nitg-err give me tfiis information and render such account will be guilty of ai high misde meanor and will be liable to be indicted and upon conviction, fined and imprisoned and will further be liable to be sued by the Con federate States and subjected to pay double the value of the estate, property or effects of the alien enemy held by him or subject to his control. I also notify each and every citizen of the Coufederaie States speedily to give me infor mation, as the Law makes it his duty to do of all lands, tenements or hereditaments, goods and chattels, rights and credits within the above named Parishes, and of every right and interests therein held, owned, possessed, or en joyed by or for any alien enemy. The following pi rsons are subject to the operation of the Act of Congress, approved August 30th 18'fa'I, as Alien Enemies, viz : All citizens of the United States except ttiosé of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, District of Columbia, or the Terri tories of Arizona. New Mexico and Indian Territory frouth of Kansas. All citizens or residents of these excepted States and Terri tories who shall commit actual hostilities against the Confederate States, or uid, or abet tne United States in the existing war. All persons who have a domicil within the States with which our Government is at war, uo inatter whether they be citizens or not. Address me at ^lexafidria, Parish' of Ra pides. Louisiana. T. C. M AN.NING, Recei ver. Alexandria, Lna., October 7th, 1861. oct 19—1 m. TO THE SOUTHERN PUBLIC. At a meeting of the citizens- of New Or leans conv ned on thé 2!)th of July last, a per manent committee of twenty lour gentlemen was appointed to solicit contributions for the relief of the sfck and wounded soldiers of the Southern Confederacy, and provide for their comfort during tlie war. The undersigned, in behalf cf the roWmi'.tee thus appointed, appeal to the humane and patriotic to aid them in their holy work. It behooves those who enjoy the safety and eom forfs of home to testify, in a material form their appreciation ofthe perils and sufferings of nur brave volunteers." It is in our cause they are : M icken, and it is our mission to pour balm into their wounds. The poorest ciui contribute something, aud the offering will be appreciated ; perhaps such will be especially blessed iu their results. The ommittee will be advised of the nature of supplies required at hospitals. Their ef forts will not be confined to the soldiers of a particular State or section. They Will afford all the aid and relief in their power to all stirrers in our cause. If means can be raised they propose to organize a permanent system of relief. Contributions of clothing, blanket? and bed clothes, articles of nourishment sui table for the sick, particularly sugar, coffee, tea, rice, taj ioca. arrowroot, cordials, pure li quors and wines, are specially sollicited. Warm c.othing, woolen socks aud shoes, in great quantity, will soon become absolutely necessary in the latitude of the seat of war. We appeal to our fellow-citizens not to aban don our brave soldiers in their afflictions. A warehouse for the reception of such sto res jus may be contributed has been establis hed at No. 58 C ravier street, where a relia ble person will be in attendance. Each mem ber of the Permanent Committee will receive contributions iu money. .Tonv Finney, T. l>. stnjjy, R. (t AKDHRE , IIenry Rknshaw, •. Sub-Committee. NOTICE. The following gentlemen compose the per maaent Committee for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers of the Southern Confe deracy : W. A. E i.more , President. 1>. I. Ricardo , Secretary. Henry Renshaw , Treasury. P. E. Bonford. J. Pemberton, H. Wright, S. O. Nelson, (i. iliiltenberger, P. ft. Wiltz, J. Bermudt z. S. P. DeLabarre, T. O. Sully, R. Gardère, S. B. Newman, W. A. Gasquet, A. M. Buchanan, R. A. Bourko, G. A. D. Kemper, A. B. James, J. Finney, J. P. Fre ret, H. Bier, P. A. Girand, J. O, Denègre. At a meeting of the Committee held this day, the following P.eam'ole and Resolution was unanimously adopted : "Whereas , the citizens of the Country Parishes, would gladly and promptly aid in Tendering assistance and comfort to the sick nd wounded soldiers who have volunteered, elr services and risked their lives is» the de of our common country, therefore, esolved , That three gentlemen in eaon id Parishes be appointed a Committee llect contributions, and forward the same he President or Treasurer ofthe Com ittee." To Messrs, H kndebsos Tayi.ob, J. L. Generes, H. M. Kkary, Conjmittee for Jvoyelles Parish, L. V« MARYBj AGENT FOR THK S ALK OF GXmPOWDBR, No 31 ,TchoHpitonlas Street, NEW, ORLEANS, IAZARE, tKVASSEUR ilEADQtlAKTËK*. RED HOUSE, on the Levee, near the Meat MîiVhct/ THE undersigned respectfully inform tli- ir numerous friends of the Avoyi-llo- parish and otlien in the State, tbat they Keep con stantly ou hand a large ffissortuieut of Dry Goods. Ready mada Clothing, HnN nnd Shoes, bought at the daily New York and v\v Orleans AUCTION'S, anil they are ready to sell them at. VERY LOW Prices. T'icy respectfully solicit a share of the pa troim^e of the public, and they feel èonMcu* ftiey will lie honorefywitb, as their goods nr& {ruarauteed to be good, cheap, and of the best styles. 'McSTEA, VALUE Sc CO., [late J. BURN IDE & Co ] IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN JflràmttÇ Jwtcstif^rj (Sotiiis No. Canal and No. 8fi & 88 Common St. NEW ORLEANS. SPOHTSW KI>1 ATTK^TIOrV NIER sa, GUN-SMITH, St-Louis St., opposite St-Louis Exchange RK(JO M M EN DS himself to all those who are in need of a good gun. He has con stantly on hand an assortment of gune, of the best make, at the most moderate prices. He repairs, at the shortest notice, all fire arms entrusted to him. J le lias iu iiis establishment a gafflery of Pistol. Gun and Riffle shooting. NOTICE TO P.*. ill's.*.. On order'lie makes all the Free Masonry ornaments and decorations. ja. —2b—Iv spf'cessor to JEAN MARIE LAMON. No. 42 Conti Street. HAS the pleasure of announcing his friends and the psblic generally that he has bought the store <rf Jean' Marie Lamon, and that he will keep constantly on hand Ordinary wines, white and red, in casks and half casks. Fine wines in boxes. * Jlepot of Joseph I'errier's ehampaigne. Cognac, and liquors. Brandy Frnits. Absin fhe. vermouth, Madaira. Mayorque, B'tters, Whiskey, ordinary, Bourbon, Tuscaloosa. Monongahela. All orders addressed to him from the coun try will be executed with the tinost care r - andat the lowest market prices. ^a.28-J y GHEAT depot ■ " o f * ■ ■ Frejich, Belcrian. German and English Cloths : Merinos. Fancy Velvet Ve ts, Serge. China Satin, Frames, Buttons, Sew Silk of the beet manufactories. Besides that, they have the largest Assortment of articles for Tailors use, that has ever been offered in the city. LAZARE, LEVASSEUR & CO., No. 10, Chartres street, NEW ORLEANS. P « r itc terrors to D e BLANC & FAUCHEUX, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC IMiWIIl, No. 63 (late No. 38) Old I^vee st., between conti and bienville ST*., Also 12^" 18 Conti st. lstdec. New Orlanb. R. A. CLARK t. f. tllienrman CLARK & THIENEMAN, ¥ actor s Commission TJL'RQ ^ • No. 88 (old No. 102) Magazine street, NEW ORLEANS. H- & L- TAYLOR. LAWYERS. Will attend to any bussiness entrusted to' them in the Seventh and adjoining Dis tricts. Office at Marksville. jt,2.a9 W. W. WADDILt.. aristide BARBIS WJiDDiLL Sc RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and. the publio .that fVom the 1st of June, they bave formed a co-partnership to transact business in their line in the 7th Judicial and adjoining Districts. Office at jtfarksville. Main streit, roayll William A*» Btewat,. LAWYER. ENDERS his proffessional servîtes to tha publie. He will practice in the • parishes of Avoyelles, Point Coupee aftd Bupîâ'«. Special attention given to- eoileetidfi) and to any business entrusted >ft him. Office at il^arîcsville. fipptx-<iî» A, TWit'* Wsahiiiififift Vy T