Newspaper Page Text
jtPKH. 3, 1 Sit. F^U»H WUBCTORY. Irr::::::::: Parish .îurlge. Cîerlc of Court. Beeorde r. . Tax Colloetor. Coroner. Ti-ciiburt-r. police Juror«. Jotin F. Irvine. President. . Warner T.ewia. ,s ' ' 1t. 0. Stirling. •ey, LOCAL NEWS. Police Jury of West Feliciana ßt Monday next. layuumber of Petorsoti's Mug ubeen rceieved. Lere indisposition of tho otli Iftccount for the lack of etlito W in to-day's issno. I Lucifer, Chief Pot-slewer nf L Blizzard, furnishes the infor Ithttt •'Jimmy," he .of the insolation, is responsible for, jaial get up of the last Leader, us in the extreme, .Teems. ,atch dated New York, March «thatGov. Warmoth was to lit city for New Orleans, on |«lt. Hedeuies emphatically lade or sought to make auj Lise with President firent. Jwriting the above wo lßarn ■Governor arrived in New Or 1 Wednesday night last, ive npon our table, a commu I signed J. W. S. which states itice to Mr. J. S. Dnla, tho Iteacher "of the Union Public [or his services as teacher du labsence of his assistant, from ptk to April 1st, he should re cxtra remuneration. His lumbers 11G pupils, which is [more then enough to tax his bemoeracy of East Feliciann lin ]Vtass Sleeting on the 23d Icamc to tho conclusion that bo injurious to the deino pake nominations for cither Rational offices. Bowing resolutions was ailopt j we deem any action at this Ithe part of tho Democratic this State, in relation to Fcd Btate policy, tu* inesytitlifdifc pic, but that its cruise .should i to be determined by future Iliftt the adoption of apiat Irinciples, and the uurmu.v Indidato;; for Stute ofttc-s îV .r Imbur election, at this time ■injurious to the best interest pit, and we will take no part a such platform, or«nakmg Ifnations." «pecju .--We take the fol ium the Iberville 1Xium of fcrsonswith whom we have I in relation to the prospects bar crop, concur in stating ■ seed cane has been seriously fc' the untoward weather of ■days of winter, and a disnw lortcrop will be t.lie probidile Iwithstaudiiig tli" increased fvoted to the cultivation of Inno staple. We have heard ■two planters who have beert Mate that one acre of seed I hardly suffice to plant an I cultivation. Our planters (te of sanguine ilispositioijjj, I bear up bravely under M lumstauces. Surely their Ipenfcverance should be jv » a propitious season and a I Harvest, for ii to but-dou iwd r scarcity of mi 01103 f is added a short crop, a pu almost irretrievable wis Ufall upon them." fey> from the 5th Con^res Irictof Louisiana, introSuc Mhe House, on the 1st inst., feed under a suspension of ior the relief from political *■'' the following named |Jno. Young, Benj. R. C0I0 IfV'orne ; Sam'i. S. liow ftab ou, a ; I>. C. Morgan, o£ l''k A. Dowden, w. B. li? Fiilinan, A. Harris, 1 Everett, of Caldwell ; T. « is ' A - Osborne, E it : "• I'utch, Joseph 1{. R. W. Eichard M 0V risfi °n. of Ouachi iJ « Richland ; Chiehes i tt ° a te tiitochca ; F. O/ ; «»ulon, of Orleans ; Jno. IA« 1 Moore, of St. restus Talbot, 0! Ibor " . i %' S. Herron, of fen r Jones ' of Ten I Wall, Lewis H. ïoung, of lÙ Âr tucker, Tî, B. t ^Mdian, G. B. Sliep fcthat staunch Republi I th ® Marks^-ille Register, 6 Dunn Leader : addition to the Custom ,^ 10 State is the kbÄ hed at Ht - Fran ■Unv m wei ' :uow not, a careful search [ » discover the name of fc 0futnre e dition we Fwr ertain this fact . for L ft*®,« 8 w a wretched ^ ar ^ preservative, Portion oi its contenta JW. g.~W(Ue ^avfrtistfrnrnts. JAKE JUITCIIEI.L, DEALER IS DRY OOOKS, GROCERIES, WISES AND LIQUORS. f-:rdrr"nld Street, St, Francisville, La. Having lately made additions to my extensive stock of family ami FANCY & STAPLE DBY GOODS —StTCH A8— Ladies Dress unci Trimming Goods. Gent's unci Boy's Furnishing Goods, Ladies, Misses» mid Infants Shoes, «'»cuts' and IJovs Dress Boots and Shoes, lirogaiiH, Russets. Woolen and Cottou)'Goods. Knglish, Frcm it a ltd American Prints, .lapouese French and English Silks ami Cloth's. Laees and Fm , broideries, fPocl<cfc and Tahle C title* ry, Pins and Needles. A WO tiUOCKJUES AND PROVISIONS. Mv stock bavin? lrsott purchased for cash and selling for cash exclusively, i am satisfied that I can hold out great. inducements to the trading pub lic.. .\J v alack consist in part of Flour, Kngar, Coften, Teas, Hams, Shoulders, Pork, Lard, Butter. Cheese, Candles, Coal Oil, Whisky Brandy, Maekcrel, Herrings, Cod Fish, Mac* arojiv, Vermieella, Canned Fish, Can-, ned Fruit, Potatoes, Onions, Pick led Beef, Gun Powder, Drop Shot, Crockery. Woodand Willow ware, Sutokitig and chew ing Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, also sport* ing Materials and Good«t —ALSO— PLANTATION SUPPLIES of ell descriptions. Ca*" All of which will ho disposed of at a slight advance only above their original cost. Askiuga si I m re. i.j :>;ti roaaga from tho public, I promise ^iujou Jjixn'it SVtUdliynufnts. t I). HHIS, Aftent. I J. DEALER IS KANCtVÄSTAriiKGROOEniES, WIN:; .\xi» hiQCouH. Front SUeet, lîayou Sam, Lu. CA.YNKT) M Sil, CANNr.i) FH.rrr, PI-.IS PECf, Ml-ST A BD, i \;ST POWiJKnP, G KF.KN k LLK. TVvV, SALMON' ic LOBST KP»9, ,S \ ni> Î Is* ES ^ OVSTEPii3, V£U.Uir?XL£ .v MACAB0N3 PLii Sl.!:Vi>' .v .TM1-LIES, • : A NUt'S, C'iC^E!; Si;OAR, S*» . ■ • !>Ï?UJ MS & C WntES, hOT>A \ OKK\ii CRACKERS, PICKS'lUiv CUAl'IvEUS, Sl'itl'uISK CAN'i)Tl->\, JUSïÛ'.M \ tnU'^D FIG3. Phrtieu'.?ir a f îeni ion stoiajz«'. ,,x in .» u«Mi!ls received for nU a.ïff.s <oi consign* rUet prire lo.'i'otiou A. i t A K K O O M , h;-ni Mmt, Jini/ei! San t, Lu. PcspcctfjiBv informs the citiKons of West Fol i ei una thai lie conti nue« to iirsî, class liquors which are sev\'"«l hv polite liar-t'-nders. A share of public patronage is solicited. TVTOTIC!? TO TAX-PAYERS.—ALL PERSONS IN jdebted to .'.o Stat«' ajul Parish for Taxes or Iiiceue.'s, are require«! to come to the. «dllee of tlie collector, at tbe court house in Si. VratioisvUlo, and pnv lhe •same forthwith, otherwise the pe nalties re«]uire«l b.^ law will b«^ enî<n^vd^ Collector. E. G1ÎJÎIÏN »AVIS, * DPXTAL SVUGFOX 0(Te v s his services io the citizens ol East and West Felicirna and «dioininn parishes. Orders 1«* 1*4 at tho Drug Stovt^pl Dr. Frank Muni lord wiil be promptly attendeu to. NOTICE. SUCCESSION of William Argue, deceased. All persons luiving claims against the late W»> Argue, will preseut tliom to 1110 oe my Attorn«-.. Wicklifle ii Fisher, and all persons indebted to said {Succession are requestenl to setlle at once. WJ1. COBB CKKMANY. mai'29-4i". Administrator. STATE OF LOÜSIASA. I'urlsli ol' West Fclicinun, rurisli Court—No. 474. John Milguire m licorge MuH. BV virtue ofnmt to sutisfy a writ of A .<«■ issued in tho itluivc slyli'il Buit, from sind Honorable court, and t«» me directed, I have seized, and will offer for sale, in front of tho courthouse, ui St. FrancisvUle, oil Saturday, tho 6tli day of A« l>«t 1R72, at tlie hour of 11 o'clock A. 51. of said day. tho following mentioned and described property, One frame house, situated in the town of Bayou Sara, ou lot number 154, in square number 14, anu now occupied by l>octor Whitman Wilcox as an Terms of sale—Cash, with the benefit of ap pruisemuut. FELIX V. LEAKK, mil 22-75 Sheriff. FOU KA1.E--I.10.000 A No. 1 Henrt Shin hlue at to iloilaiB per thouiuiii<l.■ Apply to l.r > i Ai .il'h nn, Jk'iHil uttlit. lull, liayuu üaru, la». pou LOOYftl'. I)K «U.P.KS !Ü GKOCEIilES, TEAS And nil klcds of riilncMe Gaotlx. 98..... Chartres Street »8 M*» Orh'avH. LouUfn'-ut. ßSlfSKIlS.. VKOLKS'ALT? DEALER (iroccrlcs, Wine*«, Liquors, ätc « #1 Old Lear" Street... a 511. Between Conti and St. Louis Street, Xew Orleans, La. J & 1«. »!. nELL;UA\, Importers ot WINES. BKANDIES. AND OINS —AND— Kfctlflws oi* Whiskey» No. lPi Pine Kl, r-l, Between Main and Second, St. Louis, Mo. JJ HAl.IiKli, Dp.Ai.en is COOKING & HEATING STOVES Of the iiioNt improved pnttfi-nH, JTouxe furnishing goods of every description. COPFKR, TIN AND SHEET IKON WORKER, Steamlmat, Steamship and Metallic Rooflltig work executed ut bliort notice. 94 Camp Street fM A lui 18H TelionpltonlAa Street, JS'ew Orleans, Lit. All ordern attended! to promptly. t for li'nl : ;iees Combination Patent Orate. J) tlOHK, DFAERIM BOOTS, SHOES AXJI HATS. 113 Graricr Street 1 11 X.™ Oi ,v,Tiw, Louisiana. M lSK: - For Concert », Bnlls, Parades and Scire« -BY THE— SILVER CO II S KT BAND —OF— CHARTil IS JAEGER, mn by obtained hy upplyiiui «t ( i ' uMtoiiilioiiNu Street« F.}\{tnan)\fvlt wide for the. Country. LEHMAN BKOS. 133 Pearl St.. N. Y. LKHAIAX, DUKIi & CO. Montgomery, Ala. j JäK .ilAX, NEWGAS^<& CO., COTTON F ACTORS* — ,\xi>— («euernl ('«ifiniilM^lon Weroliaiir» 1 «a Oravitr Stveet 2 ÖS KßW ORLEANS, LA» E k ". LEHMAN, HENRY AB11AHAM, îiWGASS. J y raiLi>:<il Engineer ntid M'idûnist. 1 U AYING BKEN FOR THE LAST TSV F.LYE YEAIUÏ eouneci.ed with the Machine Establishment of Ju»iC»lT<idd, riueaiuati, O. } . Is prepared to talf <mh r.< on roost reasonable terms /or alt kin Ks of l'lnntnllun, Mill «V Wnniî V.'ovkiiiK Mae'ry Consisting in part of Stationary ami Portnlde steam Engines and Reilers. Iren üod Avootl Erame Cireuliir saw M ills, with improvedeonueeted head Idocii j'lagie Cotton tliua, Inji'ersol t'ot ton Presses, cu . XOYSE's JlIWtOVED WOODWORXE ?L.N IXIXG MACHINES, Portable Corn & Wheat SFilN (1 mi (1 i Iron and Wood;) Complete m - im of l'looi- I>Sill iMitehlnerv. Noyso's-Iuiprovad i'orlaMeH.rse Power, Noyse's llnllck C'ottou Pre»*, to wollt l»y hand, Ntentii or Ilorse Power. NEWELL COTTON SCREN'S, SHAFTING, PUL LEVS, SAWS, GASS PIPES,, SXASS WOKKS, WOOLEN & CO TTON MACÀINEKV, KOV BE'S PATENT COlirr .ESS. Address care of W m CUSHINO, Jio.«l St. Charles st., cor. l uion, >ew Orleans. Address î Care. Lsck Box 115. JjAfilFL (iSOIUllSN, No. îiîï Magaxino fitrcet, New Orleans, La Imponier and Wholesale Dr ai' -r ht, Miliiiievy and Straw Good»» —AND— LADIES FANCY GOODS. The attention of dealers is called to this stock as it is THE LARGEST & BEST ASSORTED IN" THE SOUTH. \ tnll «toelt of Ladies. Misses and Childrens trim med Hots and Bonnets always on liaud which will be sold on flavin-able terms. ß PAUUKJLLY, f — DFAT.IÎR IK— Hocks nuil Stationary, TOTS, FANCY GOODS, CANDIES, FItt'113, ETC. Eoot oftbe Hill, Swu lbs «'cat ïi.iciaua Kail B««<i trtnU. ïlnv d)rUatt!S ^(liettiiüfWfotsi. ßOBUT & (ilKYDAN 15 UO^., W11 OLKS Al. K DRALER8 JST Foreign nad D «.i m e » 1 1 o JJKV GOOD«, NOTIONS, H ATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, •41 Old Levee. .. 41 Between Bienville and Customhouse , Nev) Orleans, Louisiana. Laurent Bo«let, Francois Ones'dan, Pierre Gueydan J^AWRENCK UUOS., Successor# to Lawrence <{■ Ilebard, ConiiiileHlon Merehanta and^Grocci 1 », PLANTATION SI* i ' PL TES, And deulersl/i LOUISIANA RICE. % 311 Tchoupitoulas Street 3îl Ken Orleans, Louisiana. j^itANii, 1IAAS & CO.» Successors to FRANK & H A A S, Importer* end. Jobber* of F ANC Y & STAPLE DRY GOODS, Notion*, Ha&iery, &c. lit Chartres Street 4!S /fo Orleans, Louisiana, OFFICE A. POOS &C0., S. Frank Co ., Ciochiui; ÏUns^e, 07 Mur raj Sr. .v. F. Cor. AiugazinoA: Com. Ms Cosmopolitan Xewn Depot, STATIONARY, BOOKS &C. ( Formerly H5 Barone St. > PJ • Exchange Alley 4 î I Between Bienville and Conti Sta . Xao Orleans, Im. Snbtncrlbtlon* received toaHPiihllcaiionsi Subscribers will be accountable for the subs cription iftliey do not send back th«i j»u)u*r. or no (irr r!io pubiislu is otherwise. \Viiole*«{e (Jroeers, And Dealers in WESTERN PRODUCE« WI ne », Liquor», Se^rx, and Tobacco , 50 Mayir.lnc titrcei 54» Corner of Xatciie?. Street, 2ùw Orleans, Louisiana. ^H!i i-«i:E2*.UKN»S r U'i KAMu -MID T K IJ S T COMP A N Y , Chartered by the 1*. S. Government. March PliXNl IPALOFFIOE, WASHINGTON, I>. C. li, L. Eate:i, Acî«:iry* BRANCH OFFICE: 114., ....Carondelct Street 111 C. S. STURTEVANT, Cashier. Bank Hours........ 9 A. M. to ^ P. M Saturday Ni^hta d to U o'clock i. KIN« a. mayir 17"ING iUAWKK, DEALBaS 12* VIRGINIA TOBACCO, Segai'ü, Sniiir, Clay and Briar l*!x»c*, &c Gravier Sinei. .70 New Orleans! Louisiana. JOSEPH 11. WILSON'S D li Y GOOD S KMT on l UM* 103 Canal Street 1«3 l'"irst Floor t DES GÜ0D3, GESTS ruaNXSHING GOODS. Sraiml Floor > LADIES ROOM FOR SHAWLS, CLOAKS & WRAPS Third Floor : CARPETS, MATS AND RCdS. ry A vint to the store will repay nny peiftyns wishing U» buy cheap aud elegant Rood#. OUU JOB OFFICE We are now prepivred-t o c seen t o J O Ii P li'I X 'J'àlîN G , OP KVERT PKSCRll'TlON. VHoM THK M A M M O T 11 PJO-S.TjK 'l WEDDING CABD. PLAIN, ORNAMENTAL FAxer r i'-1 -v t i ..v a , POSTERS, HANDBILLS, l'L AC AKDS, CIRCUIiARS, BILL HEAD;', CATALOGUES, PROGRAMME?, BILLS OF LADING, BLAN1C liEOEIPTS, Law Blauiiü, i5«ilî Tickets, &c., &c. il d \v o n k Of every variety. inc'u«liiis COLORED AND CIRCULAR WORK, at est", anil Most. Approved Style of tue. Art, liferent ülr.e, aiidoti any quality of paper. i'RICXS ACCORDINCLV. We M-ou'd Call tho pnifieuiiir rMteiilion ot tbe Mercantile and» Community t«> I Ms hvn^-b ot* our estaulivshnicut, ua no cllorl upouoi^part will bo wanting to INSURE SATISFACTION. Our stock of Job Material is large and weil select • cd, and this dopartutenl will bo under lin» charge of AX EXPER1EXCED ' ' TITO, Ulm iriU excite.all order? entrusted to bim wlih y< liens ami tiisj-cuch, ai New (Jrleana priem. ISTTI2Ä.Ufc»~ Cash on delivery of the. Job. R. i ii RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF in From One (o Tiv ; nty, »Minutes. ÄOT «.iSil iKH' äi Atter rea«iing i.i.s i.«. -. »• i î* : o>.e SlTl nit V. ITiJ !";N. KADWAT'S kfadv KT'T.IKF IS A CÜKEVOU A' i 'ER 1" P A IX. it ivis the Jii'i-t ar.d is THE ONLY PAIN, EEMEDY IN r.U03I ONE TO O'WENXY MINt'TT".^, Ii A I) WAY "S P.K A D Y H E 1.ÏE F WILL AFFORD EOT ANT EASE. ISTLAMATION CI-' 1'IITi Krt.>Nïïl-<î. INFLA5ÎA1Ï0N üf TKE BLAD|i|R. iNX'TjAltlA'l iCMV Oi ' Ï.' iC üt, : WELS. CONCWfltlN OF THE M'Xtia. SORE THROAT, 1>UTH.XXT BP.EATlilXit. PAljPIT.Vnc X Ol? THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CKOCi', WPHTUBRÎA. CAT.'aUtïI, KiTLCESZi. HEADACHE, .TOOTHAGÎIi. XKVBAUH -RnTîOrATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CKIF.LS. Tlionvjditutliou of the Renil.t- Re"ef in n few • ... . crn■up*. ! wattl' stomneii. lu'ttrlbi'.rit, x.i-lt sie. il«ein-, fli.i- iTif-n. Wind in tin I m »«,-!,, iij . i ! f .i Intenin! yn.-ts. FKVER A-'lt .Mil l'y UAIJV.'A! S I'll, i..-si ,-n . it.A t)Vt V ' s ItEADV RELIEE. Fii'iy . v ., ./ HEALTH ! I3EAUTY i l BTRON-IÏ ASI) POSE 1ÎTCJÏ BL00D--1XCREASH AND 3! MliTli Ci. COMPLEXrOH BS. ßADWAY'S Sarsapariilian Hesoivent HAS MADE THE MOST A3T0N1RHI.N6 CURES ; BO QUICK, SO liAj 'ilj ABE THE CHANfiE the isoi/Y rxt-Eit Hïl INFLUBNOhi OF ^IFXS , aTEDICl^Fj THAT Every Bay an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. TÏÏK «il? EAT !-i Mt by this -'KÛxÂvïi'i i itiea-tioii. Iiw!:sfv&I'omiilal«}» • BE, EA.DWAY'S J Perfect Purgative Pills, o:i. uysps-poiu. .? ion ot tu-. I.«,\ ' the Infe -Uiti Visv 1 froio ID HA Z 1 > ill • the» RKa !» •' FA!<SK ANB Tit4"»*;. ' St ud one letter stniup to IÎA (»WAV & <!0.. N«.. ,'?7 ?,iiiuh'n l.aju Now Y tin:, luoruialiun e.orih iho send you. tbi!y For Çl! la Value!. Or, luv Äl.tlU, vi Vahle! Or, fov S1S-ÜO Sa V .hie l : r xle* beautiful und artistic Ci.voiao, "Isn 't Sit« will «>•• sont i v . Miai». M'eure ;v «Iou«M:p. Tm>t-,ivc. ;.s a j»i"' ; • i 1.1 ro «M'i-, ti-ai 'v siib>eut«vr it« Üh>i OK! > MONTH l-V . Hct-Mow,V:Fxe.* : in-- h c .fi t if « : iind us'.'.i'nl P:a !o: ^ i; .i.i;:ino in An»crica! îhroino mut leworkofi )tio/i , pt'U » spi«;»idi«l Parlor Picture, und u vii. wort Ii more than <toubbi ihe eo ö i. and', tog«'(ber with BliMOUl : î S Ai<>JS i 111. V fords uii opportunity for the invest <»»' as ni:;y never occur a^aiu : or. in hiim - h ..r' «• Sh«*. Pretty ."' fov .»? $ Vvooiujr, ' Miter.îeioine Thonij >T 8 5. wili lit- seia pcst-lree ; (' BKMORKST'S MON'i il.LY. .or ou«- year. 1er ' lliawrivha's Wooing " i;-. nit equ iliy sj>lei:vui .,i < o;'urt. a. iarffo and bennt«ful Chrême, .ait! .. i . tour time« the priée eherj.ed. Ilusbar«i^. F^thvis, Brothers and I.overs, »t»» not j'nit to suescrii >e 'V, '* hKMOUKST S MAGA^INK, and present ;l wi'.h ... beaut il'ul Clmuao. Jr wiP . \ v.--, sp : ' .• v. :iu •lelighl aud »aj»istaet.iou, i;nd prove ;t ipor.tul* j minder «»f your nuod taste i-iul km»l tee.iii.-." «tiess \V. .iK.\NiN«;^ B kuokkht , îjsii Browiwu-v. New ioik. {*op«es of the latent nutubers ot in«' Mn.uu/me ;{.> « eut» e:.vii. pusi-irc-e. tiJ'EOIAr, N OTICIV.«. AU aprsniis tlifnitudi-i-a indnlitcil to tli« 11 oomo forward and set tle witlwriit iurihvv dfisiv. f.KVY .t ÂOLKlî, Bayou Sara, La. janl- itt. A. L K V V i.V. CO., J u Askui La. From and after th's day wi:! &e!i» for ensh es iisiv«d.v. Those wisbma; r<? pureo:»?ie « an r« îy o '«•uriiig the hesf ha;$uius mid ti:-- ^tae tip» l»«--«t ouahty/i ods. oldeur. . iIwhvs reeeive. our b «*>t it-roe., wbih »lies Wili be treat« »! with sr«\n «-«»oHid. r.Mno. I.K VV V ABLKK. I îmvou Sum L A. Lk vy ^ < O., Jaekwon. r.«.