Newspaper Page Text
ISaptt £ara.gulvcrtiscurcntss. JOIIN r.lllVIN«, Wholesale ami retail Dealer In GKOCKKIKS AND WESTK1ÎN • PliODUOE, front Itrcet, Bayou Sara, La, Fancy nnit Slavic II ry (iooila, .Vallon» &c —— Root», Hkneft, Hu ta« l'npii. Trunk«, VnliKCH, Hiiblim, \ Uoieiry Gentlemen's and Boy's Furnishing Goods. Ladle and Youtliw Dress floods, French, Kn^lish and American Prints, Bleached and Unbleached 1>«» u.estics. Kvrwi.v, ('»tlouail«», Drilling, Ticking», Sheetings anil Shirtings,. Jeans, &c., HARDWARE AMI CITIJittV. « -ALSO- - Wood and Willow>Wnrc. My stock of groceries is renewed almost daily* and I will h « î 11 them at a blight advance from actual cost fur Cauli* The highest market price paid for Col ton. i.ko.m aoi.kk, Of lif vy &. Adler, Un, von Sara, la L KV Y & ADLER, Foot of the Hill, near the IV. F. R. R. Bayou Sara, La. Dealers in Dryltioodtt, Groceries, Wliic»f& Liquor —ALSO— WOOD AND WII.LOW WAKE. Sheetings all sizes and prices ; American and French Prints ; Shirtings, 'different grades ; Irish and Scotch Linens and Crash ; Cot pmades ; Brown and Bleached Domes tics ; Casimeres ; Vcstings ; Trim mings ; Fancy Articles, such as Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Thread, Needles, Pins, * Rubber,£l*earl Glass, Silk ami Linen, Buttons, be. J. mllc«, Genta, Hoy« mid Jlinscs Hoots and NIioch. al ways be found fresh and of the first quality Also on hand a largo lot of furniture and Plows -tor sale cheap for cash. JYL HEEG'Il, CABIN12T MAKER, Burial Case Manufacturer &. Undertaker* Principal street. Bayou Sara. La. Respectfully announces to the citizens of this and adjoining parishes, that he maun l'a eturcs and keeps ou hand a good assotimeut Collins. Leaden Caskets always on hand and for sale at reasonable prices for cash only. A new and elegant Iïearse with a lino span oi horses eau be secured at moderate rates. M mimuT, Tin, Copper and Hlicet-Iron Worker* Mnguire.s Old Stand, 8un Street, Bayou Sara. La. Citizens, Planters, and others, needing work In Iiis line, will please send in their orders auu they will be promptly attended I». Particular attention paid to Boofling aud Gutter« •pis* Also, to repairing Cooking Stoves. HP-All work guaranteed. ^ T. CJA8TKEM,, Sun street, between Commerce and Levee, Onyou Sara, La, — »K.W.KK I»— FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. —AND— HOUSE l'LUNIWlII.NG GOODS. TIN-WARE, CUTLERY, GUNS & PISTOLS, SPORTING MATERIALS, WAGON & CARRIAGE IRON & WOODWORK, WHEELS & HUES, SPOKES & FELLOES, UOIÏ& SHOES & NAILS, IRON & STEEL, ETC., PATENT COAL OILCANS, IRON AND TIN, ORATES & MANTELS, WOOD & WILLOW-WALE, MANN'S PATENT AXES, FISU HOOKS, , LINES, k. ' Over forty makes Coal aud Wood Cooking and Heating atovec, among which are— Backs Brilliant, ('barter Oak, Concord, Continental, Kentneklan, Etc '•Our motto is »mall profits and quick sales." No troudle to show Goods. Prices to suit the times. ANE HUNDRED DOLLAKH REWARD VJ will be paid for evideuce sufficient to «ouvict b «*tore any ordiuary jurv any parties placing' obs true ÜOH3 or. the * ' " * Roail Compauy. mk»tf |tnv (Drlcattö JJODKT & UUETOAN liltOS., wiioi.ksalli dkai.kks im Foreign aiAl Domestic DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 41 Old Levcc 41 Between Bienville and Customhouse, Xem Orteans, Louisiana. ■•mirent Rodet, François Gnoydnn, Pierre Oneydan piSAMv, IIAAS & CO., Successors to FRANK & HAAS, Importers and Jobbers of FftNCY & STAPLE DltY GOODS, Notions, Hosiery, tXre. 43 Chartres Street 4!| X. H" Orleans, Louisiana, OFFICK A, BOOS fcCO., .S« Ti 'iitik &r. Co«, C lothinir f E oumc, 373/unl^Sr.X Y. Cor. Magazine Com. Sis M USIU. For Concert», null«, Pnrndcs and Soires —BY THE SILVER CORNET BAND —OF— OHAHTiKS JAEGEB, can l.»e obtained by applying at 42 Customhouse Street* Engaaemrnts made for the Country. pou LOY «St CO, dkalkrs in GROCEBIES, TEAS And all kindM of Chinese (J ooi I h * OS Chartres Street..• 9$ New Orleans, Louisiana. B. JUEIIL, WHOLESALE DEALER -r-IN— Groceries, WiueN, Liquor», Arc* 91 Old Leo-» Street 91 Between Conti and St. Louis. Street, New Orleans, La. } & L. M. HELliMAN. Importers ot WINES. BRANDIES AND OINS —AND— Rectifiers of Whiskey« No. 112 Pine Street, Between Main and Second, St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturers of Hetlnwn's Congress and Star Hit ters. j j 1IAL],Kit, COOKIN Q & HEATING STOVES Ol' the inoMt improved pnttcniN \ furnishing goods of every desertion. COPPER TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKER, Steamboat, Steamship and Metallic Rootling work executed at short notice. 94 Cawp Street flfj And 18H Tchoupitonlaa Street, New Orleans, La. All order» attended!! to promptly* Agent for Wallaces Combination Patent (Irate. jj nioiiii, DFAERIN HOOTS, 8IIOE8 AND HATS. 113 Gravier Street Xi ir Orleans, Louisiana. LEHMAN BROS. 13.) Pearl St.,N. Y. LEHMAN, DÜRR k CO, Montgomery, Ala. f EIIIHAN, NE\VCiA88!& CO., COTTON FACTO US, —and— Ciencrnl Commission Merchants ISS Gravier Street., NEW ORLEANS, LA. E & M. LEHMAN, HENKY ABBAHAM, B. KEWGASS. J^AWRENC E URO»., Successors to Lawrence A Jlebard, Coiiinii8»ion Mcrchnntu nnd (iroccra« {PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Aiid dealers in LOUISIANA RICE. 33 Tclioupitonlas Street •.33 * New Orleans, Louisiana. ^ HI MON».S CoMuiopolitnn New» Depot, STATIONARY, 3300KS &C. ( Formerly 85 Barone St. ) 49..... Exchange Alley 49 Bet ween Bienville and Conti Sts. Neto Orleans,' La, Hnbëcribtion» received to all Publications. .Suliscrihetk will be accountable for the .subs ription if they do noj, scad back the paper, or uc- I ify the publiohcïtt otherwise. | 18. NO YS, Practical Engineer and Machinist. HAVING BEEN FOR THE LAST TWELVE YEARS connected with the Machino Establishment of JntneMlTmtd, Cinriminti, O» Is prepared to take orders on mont reasonable terms for all kinds of l'Imitation, Mil! & Wood Working Mnc'rj Consisting in part of Stationary and Portable stenm Engines and Boilers. Iron and wood Frame Circular saw Mills, with improved connected head block Kugle Cotton Oins, Ingersol f Cotton Presses, etc. NOYSE'S IMPROVED WOODWORTH PLAINING MACHINES, Portable Corn & YVlient 3Iills (both Iron aiul Wood ;) Complete ncIn of Floor lUill Machinery* Nync's Imp ynved F or tub le Horse Power, Noyse's llullck Cotton Pre«», to work by hand, steam or Horse Power» NEWELL COTTON SCREWS, SHAFTING, PUL LEYS, SAWS, GASS PIPES, BRASS WORKS, WOOLEN k COTTON MACHINERY, NOY BE'S PATENT COMPRESS. Address care of Wm GUSHING, No. Ol St. Charles si., cor. Union, New Orleans. Address : Care Lock Box 18. J^AMEI, (iOKUEN, No. 23 Magazine street, New Orleans, La Importer und Wholesale Dealer in Millinery nnd Straw floods, — anö— LADIES FANCY GOODS. THE LARGEST k BEST ASSORTED IN THE SOUTH. A full stock of Ladles, Misses and Children« trim ned flats aud Bonnets always (pi haud which wil ie sold on favorable terms. j 1ILOO.H I&CO., Wholesale Cïrocçrs, And Dealers in WESTERN PRODUCE WIne», Liquor», Segnr», and Tobacco, 5 fi Magazi ne Street 9 £ Corner of Natchez Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. I 'J Goods received and sold on commission, fpilE l'ltKEDMEX'S SAVINCiW IIAXK —AND— T R UST COMPANY, Cliartcred by Hie K. Covernment, Mnreli IOCS. P^ISCIPAL OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C» 1). L. Eaton, Arliinry, , BRANCH OFFICE: 1.14 Cmondelet Street. 114 C. S. STÜKTKVANT, Cashier. JOSEPH II. WILSON'S DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. 103 .....Canal Str First Floor t Mtï GOODS, GFNT3 FUBNISHING GOODS. Second Floor i LADIES BOOM FOB SHAWLS, CLOAKS & WBAPS Third Floor: CARPETS, MATS AND BUGS. A visit to filestore will repay any persons wishing to buy cheap aud elegant goods. |,£INU & H1AYEIÎ, dkalkrs 13 VIRGINIA TOBACCO, Segnr», SnufT, Clay und Briar Pipe», &c. 76 Grader Street 76 New Orleans Louisiana. FOR SALE. THE property situated in tlio town of Bayou Sara, and uow occupied by 31rs. C. Gorliani. For terms, âte. • Apply to ^ LEON ADLER, of npl9-ly. LEVY t ADLER. Bayou Sara, La. [CE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! ! ! THE public nie respeetfnlly inforiiieil that I will keep constantly on hand ,at my Wniehoune, dnriiiK the summer, lurso mijiply of Northern Ice, which will bü Mild at the lowest rates. Hiy21-lf. K. w. WHITEMAN. . „ k Co., to Henry C. Walker, dated about 22d October, lflfi*, for a note «f I). M. Hamilton, for SlSOti 97| 10« anil a note of T. C. West, for $133 00 with interest, both payable to the oriler of II. »I. Walker, also for » ing said re P- ^V-ilUrr, inyio-lf. « . ^ u ^ ul1 i».v R nid J. F. l%vme & Co., from said v\ alker, as collateral security for his account with them, as expressed in said receipt. A liberal reward will be paid to any one for find receipt aud returning it to nie or to*I)r. \V. HLNKÏ C. »WALKÜR. groffjssiona I spvevtbemrntsi S. J - Ij - BKL1»KN. New Orleans. Ilouina. y & J. IIUI.DEN. Attorneys nt I.nw. Ko. atf St. Charles Street. Nsw Orleans, La* Q t.» FISK. Attorney nnd Counsellor nt Law. All civil business promptly attended to. Office at the Court limine. BATON ROUGE, LA. W AIM JEN, Attorney mid Counsellor nt Lnw — and — Cnited State» Coiuiiil»»loner» No. 79 Customhouse Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. JOHN IS. IIOWAHl), I.AW OFFICE US St. Charles Street Nsw Orleans, Louisiana. A. P. FIEL1IS & UIUST. DOIjTON, Attorney nnd Conneellor nt I.aW, No. 9 Commercial Place, 2n<t Floor, New Oilcans, La. IKIIAX, Notary Public, and United States Commise, Ion Offiiee No. GO Camp St., New Orleans. Commissioner of the United States Court of Claims and Commission«'!' for the states. Testimony and depositions taken at short notice. Passports provided, and Customhouse papers promptly attended to. ^ylllTAKER & McIILTH. Attornej« nt Law. tîl S t. Charles Street New Orleans, La, J E.WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT L.AW, ÖSI Canal Street (10 New Orleans, Louisiana. H. sEYAiont. NOTARY PUBLIC. And Coniiniasioncr of Deed for Illinois, Te.\ü», Jliwiissl|ii:i, and olht l- states Passports for Europo proctueil at Short Notice. 34 Exchange Ally. New Orleans. (I'p Stairs.) F. W. JONEH. Notnry Publie. No. 114 Carondelet Street. New Orleans, La. C Bklciiru T. Bk. attik New Orleans. Thibodeax. x J^ELCIIEU. HEATTfE. Attorneys nnd Coiut»eIlor» «t Lnw. Will practice in the Courts of New Orleans and in those of the third and fourth Judicial District. judical ^(Uwtisemfnts. JOS. J. WADE, M. D. West Feliciana, La. Offers his professional services to the citizens ot h is neighborhood. Calls at all hours will bo au» swered. Charges moderate. WILCOX, AI. D. Ofllce in Rayon Surft, Near the resklenae of Mrs. Gorham. Offers his professional sert ices to tlio citizens of Kast and West Feliciana and adjoining parishes. l)r. Wilcox is also Parish Coroner. g GREEN DAVIS, DENTAL SURGEON, OtTevs his services to the citizens of East and West Felieirna and adjoining parishes. Orders left at. the Drug St ore of Dr. Frank Mum* ord will be promptly attended to. J^ DECItiiEH'SP BARR OSO M , iront g Street, Bayo u ÏÂV< rrt ,| La. Respectfully informs tlie citizens of West Felie.i ana that he continues to keep first class liquor which are served by polite bar-tenders. A share of public patronage is solicited. KOIJ SA 1,15-. 150.000 A No. 1 Heart Hhiu leb at üii duilaiâ per thousand. Apply to LKV Y (t AW.KR. 1 oui vi the hill, liuyou Sara la. IW-- OUR JOB OFFICE We are now prepared to execute J O 33 PRINTING, OFKVRUY DKflCUll'TlONk FUOM TUB 91 A »I M O T H POSTE It —TO THE— Wacom NO CA KD. P Ii AIN, O U N A M K N T A I, è'.iN a y PR t y tin <;, -SUCII AS— POSTERS, HANDBILLS, PLACARDS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, HILLS OF LADING, »LANK RECEIl'IS, I.nw ItlutiliN, Hull TIckeiN, ifcc,, «VCi c A u l) lr o j: ic <11 iV .T. y variety. insludiiiK COLORED AND CIRCULAR WORK, Latest" and Most Approved Style of Ino Art, oj every sLe andon any quality oj jn'pci'. PRICES ACCORDINGLY. attention of fl* .if !.iir «.LVt/iliiui!! 1 ,W, " ,Î8H< «'»»nunify to this braneh uiiibè;>":»u,'«';ô e,,t ' aH uo tn " n I5SURE SATISFACTION. Oftr stock of .fob Material is large and well select ed, and tins depart ment will > xj uuder the cluuge ot AN EXFUniEXCUD •• TYPO, Who «-ill ermite all orders en trustee! to him Kith neat neos and duipatdi, at New Orleans prices. tB^TiilUlö-CasU au dulimy uf the Job. « TBE,* In From 0„e , 0T » k « toiv e ,2; , RVrPl * WITH Po," RADWAY S READY EÖ. IEPis4 evehy p AI}f 11 **■ But THE ONLY PÀIK fig IN FROM ONE TO TWESTJ 11 A« WAY'S UE ADy g WILL AFFORD j INFLAMATION OF THE I.Nl'L VMA'flON Of TB? B J INFLAMATIOK OF THE BoirnTl «»CS 1 SORF. THROAT, DIFFICULT ! palmtatios or m HYSTERICS, CROUP, mtUTHQa] cnuKa HEADACHE, TOOÏItACHE. NEURALGIA, DHU«! COLD CHILLS, AGUF CHIU& Nlniimrlt, henrtlinrR.akfkS rlien, ilyNi'iiter.v, eolir, *i aiiil .ill inleriinl nnln». -hl I III veil1KB Iii alwiivn rnn-v n l way M Renily Itclicl' will."^ jei « IU prevent nii-kiifH. or Ig in i,Ja'bt-i,,,ui",!rt l ' rll,,m Fr ™^ 6 '« Fever asd Aurel i» I 7 : , VK, i. AN ", •V il:K '"'«It m M \u and Agile, nail till other M«l*? ssakmm HEALTH! BEAU 1 STRONG AND TÜRE RICH BLOOD OF FRESH ANÜTV0OB AND BEAUTIFUL COS SECURED TO All DR. RADWAÎ Sarsapariilian ! HAS MADE THE MOST mm SO QUICK, 80 lt.U'ID AltETHKJ THE BODY UNDEItdOEnt HE INFLUENCÏ OF 1 TRULY WONBUtra ] MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Inci Flesh and Weigitl Seen and Felt! THE Hit BAT BLOOD PII Eceri/ dmp of theSAIIS.llMIMPIJjXi eommuiiiciitcK throiiKii tli<> 111««!. M and other fluids aiidjuieeNof tiiriyrt« of I.irf tor it repairs tin* wiiMtfH nftlfffl new and sotitid mitteiiiil. Scrofula, ib suiHjttini», Ulundiilor i / mwiv , firm* Mouth, Tu „uns. Nodes in the I of the system. Sore Eyes, .S'trnmmfli ë the Ears, md the u'tn'Mt/urinnii/fHin Hons, I'eeer Sores, Scab! Html, kii] I Kheum, /'JI'jjsiju'ltiM, Acne, Murk fd ïlesh. Tu mars. ( 'alien s in the in g uni! ;>i infill ditchiuïM, Muht SmtiM ami all irastes of the lij> priiirwlf, a/r r« tire hinge of t'hù vmnln of hhUrv(w fco- tin lis use will prove /«fwypfr#*»« of these forms vfdiseilsc " it tfie patient daily lieiominjj whr wastes and decompoMtioa that i»wil ^•essintr. sneeeeds in arretttin^ tlrnrl repairs tIn- same With ni-w iitatoial 4 lieailii.v blood—ami IliiMtli«*SAK.SAPABl nnd does seeiite—a Mire in i-eftalii thisremeily eoaiineiieeH it# work ofjC and succeeds in diiiihiiiiliiiigtlit'lM«! repairs will tie rapid, anil i-Vfry «luv flj will feel himself tfiowiiijj ln-tter and« toed digesting'.better, i»|*!»etite I«yM tiesh and weijjht inereasiiiû. N«it only does the K akhaimkiiu «» eels all known refiu-dial «neufs i»il Chronic, scrofulous, coMtihitiipl»L eases ; but it istheOftfr |Hi»ltive Kidzicv & IllftdilerCoilf Urinary ami Womb disen«*». firi^l Dropsy. Stoppaue ot Wafer, limrtitijaB Priuht's Disease. Alhiiiaimirlii, w» *1 where there are l.rick diist iIc|hi»iK* is thick, eioiiby, mixed witli «i»""' 1 « white of an eua. or threads likef"»*« is a morbid, dark, bilioiw ai^iwttùrtC bone dust deposits, nlid wlu'iith^rr burniii^ seusatiou when |»aiwiwj{ in thesmall of the back wmUI ««»*'* DE. RADWAn| Perfect Purgative 1 perfeetlv tn«teleM. 1-lc»««)'? re(!«l«t>'. : en. Radtvny'a Pill». I" r he "^, ,2 tlie liver, I hiwi I «, W" vims iliNi'iise». 11 en il II i'11 1'1 1"* 1 " 1 ! ' iinlisention,|iep»lil, ll ;'' lll " i "i'" 1 j3 iiitliiinat ion lit tlie liiiweln. « "J ment» <lf the liiterjial tiwel*. »"J" a positive ettfe. Parfit i. nu reury. niiiiernl». orrti-let«"«'Si A le» dose» «il lt. 4 IUI A 1 « «»fj system fluni all tlie »t»'«' r «J| 25 cent s per lioJ. READ" FAI.SK AMI TKU- J**J stiillin to RADWAY t CO.. >f « New York. luforniati«» *«"" ' A O Ith AT orm Only S3 Far *11 h ' Ot, for. 84.00, ®18<0* " j Or, fôr 83.00, SIS'®* " Tlie lienutifnl and Pr etty I" liiiilily «n toi'« '»*, J •Size, I:t.il1 (after t llie will lie »eilt by mail. utiA a premium to every OUHST'S MONTHLY,netnBW g 1 1 tifnl and n»efnl I'ur iir ^ (i " Isn't slio Pretty I" I» splendid Parlor Picture, »n«»™ »■ortil more tlian doillij« JJÄ«^ ' anil, together with I hMOKKSl^ ford» an opportunitv «>r t 'f ™ „ . as may never occur a(t«i» ; .she Pretty t" for ** WooI . ik ' alter Jeronie^'»^!« *15. will lie »eilt wjt-l»» • »' DKMOREST'S MOSTII A " Hiawatha'. W (Hiiiis P('lif«*fl of art, n latin mid l "; ll " ,, 'i U«*3 four time» the price dnWj fc u tiA Brothers «ml p*«tj DKMOItEST'S M AO AXIS;K. »JJ ftp A lieiiulifllkChl'onio. It Will ™ _, T( I r deliffht. and »a«l»t*''î'y ll i" l, îa»ïLH minder of your good 5 1 ' dress \V. tatMt • New York. Copie» of J1'« » ( .IW« Magazine *25 cen ts entlii.j w _ 81 .30 a Vcnr. rpilE MASONIC MONI'?*' Devot i... holism ^Kssays upon tne t™» «» «.«"^ftliif Every Blnson IS |,ouW ^ Tlio M uxitor ha» from tho iinpnrtiid ■«" |l(| v e pnjr country. IliI'lM'.st »I j&ssrissmT** Colddboro' N« *-'•