Newspaper Page Text
♦ 'Here shall the Press the people's right maintain, unawed by influence and nnbribed by gain." ST, FRAMSYILLE, LOUISIANA, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1872, ftcpuMican. NOMINATION OF OUEELEY and Brown at the head of its col Baltimore nominations. A ratifica iiepbltmtt ♦ [Written for T hk S pmi- W re K ly R kplbli OAH .] THE PORTRAIT. \EWSER1ES-V0ll. Ml. 38. of the Union were forced into line ftcpuMican. „,„1 Friday'. »' ' !*■ M - , Kdltor. L v e»r. •" iwiy""®" SS Uli». ' 1 60 Ri^rtüln« lime« I »«M Agate.)... Ti,nt |nw«M«n--------"^ lt" ia the name of a Illinois. I^weulthiest bankers in „„Jin life as an errand »lary of fifty cents a week. leather men will look at L n w ho show tbe most Ld will love the women 1 the least. [»newspaper is very mach iag an umbrella in a windy «body thinks he could [etter than the one who has ; handle. stiftest "pitch" in the Js a young woman aged Lee, belonging to a Minne lle bnse ball club. ■Dudley Field's son-in-law \ has gone out to Natal as of that blazing diamond olmaster, on being asked I meant by the word forti ^gwered, "Two twentifica e a fortification." I who asserts that her opin upon a close observ I years of the he-male, says as a rule, regard their I singles for just two months, month before marrying L month after burying her. »anbury New. s man sayn jority of women care but If tho backs of bats could only be hollowed I to admit of their bustles ner the bullot might go to lot all they care." pard, who was sent from a short time since, [ imprisoned, has, upon the (minds urged by the Ameri nment, been discharged The next turn will prob ation for compensation. on Globe says, regarding } of women to mount the in Massachusetts half bink they have a mission t seem to realize that they Iwork, and that there is on pman iu ten in that State loot preach if she could people there are who Macresdy is dead. The ä great actor was report i obituary was written I 4 ? 0 i but« in fact, he still is said to be hale and (His age is seventy-nine, nidence Cheltenham, Eng pïork city, employers in of manufacture have 1 npon resisting the atrik k 'ter end. At a recent passed resolutions to 1 1 sight hour system, and to f'y ten hours for a day's » executive committee was t to perfect the work of who, during the °n, had gone to pass _ 8 friend in the country ®gth of a general invita »round, by a gentle hint, fooid have done better to I special one. " I saw some rf^wy," was the visitor'i L ' Mas I came to-day by road." « You will ■ "as the reply, " as yon I to-morrow by the lower NOMINATION OF OUEELEY AND BROWN. Responses from all Quarters. Jackson , Miss., July 10.—The news from Baltimore was received with great rejoicing. There was firing of cannon all the afternoon, and now a torchlight procession is passing through tho principal streets, after which there will be speaking.— Among the orators are Judge Al corn and Lieutenant Governor Ben nett, besides many of former Demo cratic faith. Mobile , July 10. — Mr. DeLeon, the managing editor of the Register, says to-morrow their paper will put Greeley and Brown at the head of its columns. Wilmington, N. C., July 10. —The nomination of Greeley and Brown by the Baltimore convention gives universal satisfaction among the con servatives and Democrats here. The State canvass is progressing amid unusual excitement. Both parties are making tremendous efforts.— Secretaries Boutwell and Delano will make two speeches each for the Re publicans within the next two weeks. Atlanta , Ga., July 10. —The nom ination of Greeley gives very general satisfaction here. Memphis , July 10.—News of the nomination of Greeley and Brown was received with enthusiasm by the Democracy here. The Avalanche. and Appal offices have suspended across the street immense Greeley and Brown flags. Greeley clubs will at once take steps to hold a monster ratification meeting. New YoitK, July 10. —On tho an nouncement of the nomination of Greeley and Brown three field pieces fired one hundred guns in City Hall Park. Flags were hoisted on the City Hall, and a banner was sus pended between two large trees in in City Hail Park, with the inscrip tion that Tammany responds to the nomination of tho National Conven tion at Baltimore. Newuuro, N. Y., July 10.—The Democrats here are firing one hun dred guns in honor of the nomina tion of Greeley and Brown. Philadelphia , July 10. —The Aye says in reference to the nomination of Greeley : In the general upris ing against official corruption the popular voice has hailed Horace Greeley as an honest man, the no blest of God, who is to restore the better days of the republic, when patriotism and public spirit, not sel fishness and greediness, were the common attributes of American Presidents. This the expectation that Horace Greeley must fulfill if he prove equal to his great oppor tunity. It is not by mistrust, but by a generous confidence that he may strengthen for his work that confidence which the Democratic party has accorded him, and no words of ours would, we know, abate iL We do not know him except by his record—that is pure. In the cause of reform and honest admin istration, his name will suit well with those of Buckalcw, Thompson and Hartley. Richmond , Va., July 10. —The ac tion of the Baltimore convention iu nominating Greeley and Brown is received here with the greatest satis faction. Guns were fired during this afternoon, and to-night an im promptu meeting was held. There was also a considerable display of fireworks. Friday night there will be a grand ratification meeting. Raleigh , N. C., July 10.—There is much rejoicing among the Conserva tives and Democrats here over the nomination of Greeley and Brown. The evening edition of the Daily News appeared with the candidates at its masthead. Washington , July 10.— The Daily Patriot places the names of Greeley and Brown at the head of its col umns to-morrow. San Francisco , July 10.—The Daily Examiner, the leading Democrat journal on the Pacific coast, hitherto opposed to the Cincinnati movement hoists the names of Greeley and Brown, and editorially indorses the nomination. Pittsbüro , July 10.—The fPitts burg l'ont, which has heretofore op posed Greeley and Brown, will now support them. In a leader to-mor row it will say : " The action of the convention was marked with suffi cient dignity, force and unanimity to warrant us in yielding our full adhe sion and support to the candidates, which we promptly pledge here and now." New York , July 10.—Dispatches report numerous salutes and ratifica tion meetings over the nomination of Greeley and Brown at Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester, Oswego, Sara toga, Utica, Long Branch, NewJer sey, Bangor, Maine, Laconia, New York, and other cities in the West. Charleston , July 11.—The News this morning in noticing the Balti more nomination says : " Honestly and frankly we declare our opinion that in the action of the Baltimore convention yesterday is the remedy for every public trouble ; the begin ning of an era of unity of thought and purpose for these 30,000,000 . At Baltimore the division which provoked secession was estab lished. It is fitting that the shme city should witness the clasping of hands which marks the end of the hates and fears of war." The Courier says : " The enthu siasm for Mr. Greeley came first from the South, and at the South he will receive a support as earnest and enthusiastic as he will receive among his warmest friends at home." Montgomery , July 11.—All the daily Democratic papers in Alabama have hoisted the Greeley and Brown ticket, and the weeklies will do so at an early day. E lmira , July II.—Sam'l. C. Taber resigned his membership of the State Republican Committee, and supports Greeley and Brown. New York , July 11.—The World says : In faithful fulfillment of the pledge which the World has con stantly repeated since its great dis appointment at the surprising nomi nation at Cincinnati, we bow to the decision of the Democratic National Convention, and loyally support Mr. Greeley as the Democratic candi date for President. It deprecates abusing anti-Gree ley Democrats, and says : " Unless these can be won over the canvass against Grant is utterly hopeless.— The great object is harmony and unanimity." General Breckinridge expresses himself in favor of Greeley. The Tribune heads its account of the proceedings at Baltimore with two hands grasped. Shreveport , La, July 11.—The news of Greeley and Brown's nomi nation was received with intense en thusiasm. One hundred guns were fired. A large meeting of Germans at the Board of Trade rooms is or ganizing a Greeley and Brown club. There is general rejoicing. Warsaw , N. Y., July 11.—News of the- nomination of Greeley and Brown was received here with the firing of 100 guns. Brooklyn , July 11.—Tho Times, a Republican organ in the eastern dis trict of this city, supports Greeley and Brown. Concord , N. H., July 11.—The Democrats of this town -fired a na tional salute over the nomination of Greeley and Brown to-day. Ogdensburg , N. Y., July 11.—A salute of thirty-seven guns was fired by the Liberal Republican and Dem ocrats yesterday iu honor of tho Baltimore nominations. A ratifica tion meeting held was addressed by General E. A. Merrit and others.— Forty-five Republicans signed the call. Tlie Grantites' Battle Gronnd. Settle, of North Carolina, who was president of the Philadelphia con vention, undertook to give an ac count of his stewardship to his con stituents on his return borne, but was not well received. We are told that, during hi3 speech, " the Eu Elux began asking him impertinent questions." One of them actually had the audacity to inquire, "Where were you when secession began ?"— It is evident that, if this sort of thing continues, Grant will have to call out the military. Tho Ku-Klux must be suppressed at all hazards. North Carolina has become the great central battle-ground with the Grantites. Money is used lavishly. Within a few days past a prominent supporter of Grant, supposed to be ex-Senator Abbott, went to New York to obtain money to be used in the canvass, and obtained $25,000, and boasted of it in Washington.— The election is in August and is the first to be held. If we are to be lieve the assessors, marshals, collec tors, postmasters, etc., the State is good for Grant by 10,000 ; but if we are to believe the people, Grant will be decidedly beaten in November.— A federal reign of terror on the one hand and of carpet-bagism on the other still rules North Carolina. A poor working-girl was looking in at tbe window of one of those lovely flower shops of Paris fit snow ing hard at the time) at a branch of white lilac. Her face was beautiful, pale, and wet with tears. She hesi tatingly opened the door and asked the price. " Ten francs," was the reply. "Ten francs!" and she re luctantly laid it back, but two drops glistened on the flowers that were not there before. " My darling baby," she sobbed. " He came when the lilacs were in bloom, and he must leave forever with one poor little branch in his hand." "You have lost your little one?" asked the flow er-woman. A heart-sob and bent head replied. The flower-woman then took, not a branch, but an arm ful, and filled the poor girl's apron, putting back the piece of proffered money. " No ! no ! it shall never be said in heaven that I made you pay for the last little bed of your poor babe." By On The Washington Patriot reports that a letter from Governor War moth, of Louisiana, says : "The Liberal movement is sweeping every thing before it. The people are pushing away the politicians and taking the lead themselves, and, of course, the politicians are dashing in behind." That accounts for the action of the Picayune in professing to support Greeley and Brown. A college student, in a discussion with a professor as to whether the sense of seeing or that of touch was the most delicate of the senses, main tained that the sense of touch was. " What proof can you give of this ?" asked the professor, " Why," re sponded the student, "there's my chum's moustache ; he's all the time feeling of it, and nobody has ever been able to see it." A country girl went to Fund du Lac the other day, and for the first time saw the immense appendage hung to the back of a new-fashioned dress. She took a square look at it, liked it, and determined to have one. So, going into a store, she asked the clerk to show her some of bis "hump cloth." The clerk was embarrassed but, after consulting with the pro prietor, the young lady got hor hump cloth aud dopartod happy. [Written for T hk S pmi- W re K ly R kplbli OAH .] THE PORTRAIT. Her eyes were Muck, anil yet so bright, They seemed like orbs of burning light ; Ami as you gazed they Uusheil with love strong as e'en a stone to move. Alum the brightness melted away, Like sun-lit beams on April day, Retiring hind some elond to hide, "et beaming still, tho' so retired. here passion. too, laid claim to power, Though soon its fiery reign was o'er, For iu her heart was love's domain, And from its rule her glances came. They were such eyes men ne'er l'orget, But'thiuk of «ver with regret. see tliom still, in every dream, like two bl ight stars that heavenward beam : <io where I will, by land or sea, Those twin-bright stars still follow me. Her hair was dark as absent light In waving ringlets taking flight, That danced in even»* floating breeze, Like fairies 'iieatli the forest tre*?s. One touch lYoin but the tiniest hair That strayed 011 some soft breath of air. Had power the coldest frame to thrill With joy, which, gone, would linger still Renewed by memory's magic skill# {She gave me with her last adieu, One little lock of raven hué, And bade me wear it next my heart "Then we should be far, far apart. have it still ; since that sau day When fate unpitying lmre her away, ~iy day and night I've worn it here, ho' dimmed long since by many a tear. Her face was as of chiselled stone, As clear anil pure as virtue's throne, Tliefaintest flush,at times would hue The velvet cheeks, so «oit to view, E'en as the sun's last lingering lay Ou some cold statue stopped to play ; Or as the light, thro' curtains red. In ruddy ravs 011 walls is shed. Kacli moment o'er its mirface strolled The varied heating of the soul. Whose every act was mirrored there As stainless as the face was fair. There truth aud faith together reigned, But nothing false and nothing feigned. Aud over all, like cloudless sky, Sweet peace would ever bless the eye. A something sad, tho* not akiu To grief, or iuiforgotten sin, Seemed part of all, tho' sad yet sweet, Like shades that in a picture meet, Where gladdened feeliugs are portrayed, O'ev which a sense of sadness weighed. The mouth, iu keeping with the face, With lips where sjmrted every grace, Disclosing oft two dazzling rows Of pinkish pearls within the doors. A man might barter mines of gold, Enslave liiiinielf, be bought and s*tld, To press one quick but thrilling kiss On mouth so sweet and loved as this, But when she spoke, your soul would busli Its very life, until the gush Of angel music passed away : So sweet, divine, that voice's sway, Once sounded in the willing ear, You'd think 'twas ever echoed near. To meet was life, and hope, aud heaven. More dear anil dearly cherished even, Than household tones of childish days, Or fame's endeariug sounds of praise. We loved, and ott she hlushingly told. In words that ne'er can he old, „'eu uow wheu years have swept ou by Iu many around since then, I sigh, As memories floating from the past Bring back the time I heard her last. This brow bears many a tangled line By sorrow traced since that dear time, Aiiil age has built its lioarv throne On locks as dark as raven's own ; Rut in the heart, that's ever green, Her voice is still as sweet as then. Twas such she was ; can wonder grow still should love lier memory so ; r that since she tron#enrth has flown, live couteiit to live aloue ! e. p. Speech of Gov. Wariuoth. delivered at the great greeley and brown ratification meeting, in new orleans, on wednesday last. Fellow-Citizens —It is difficult for me to express the gratification I feel on this occasion, in witnessing tbe outburst of enthusiasm from tbe people of this city on the reception of Greeley and Brown for President aud Vice President of the United States. [Applause .J Had you nom inated one of your own sons, native to the soil of Louisiana, there could not have been more unanimity of sentiment and enthusiasm manifest ed by the people of this city. It seems to me, to-night, that you all— Republicans and Democrats— have laid aside your prejudices and animosities ; have forgotten the past differences which have existed, and united together to redeem our State and nation from military oppression and tyranny. [Applause. ] We have no time to discuss tbe record of any individuals, whether Democrat or Republican. The only question to be asked is, whether he is capable to free the country from tyranny, vice and corruption. Such a man we will select as a leader, and we intend to elect bim. [Applause-1 The people of this State, and espe cially of this city, have witnessed tbe peculiar workings of the Grant ad ministration. We have seen in our State a convention packed away in the United States Customhouse.— We have seen it guarded by United States marshals, sworn in without the shadow of authority of law, and United States troops drawn np in line of battle. We remember tbe disgraceful scenes of the ninth of August, 1871, and what was this convention called for ? Was it to nominate a congressional ticket ?— No ; it was called for tbe sole pur pose of indorsing General Grant— The object was that it might be sent forth to the country that the State of Louisiana, or the Republican par ty of the State, had indorsed Gen'l Grant. This was tho policy, aud this was tho way that other States to of the Union were forced into line by packed conventions, to forestall public opinion before tbe people had given a thought to the presidential succession. [That's so ; that's God's truth.] We have had more of the peculiar workings of this adminis tration arrayed against the State government, not because the govern ment was corrupt, not because they did not consider it of a republican form, but simply because the Gov ernor of the State was supposed to be opposed to tbe re-election of Gen eral Grant. [Shouts of applause.] The venality of the Legislature, or tbe mistakes of the government or the Gov. passed for nothing, called for nothing, but the one great offense toas that the Governor was not be lieved to be a " Grant man," and. this, in the minds of federal officials and administration supporters, was suGcient to justify such disgraceful scenes as those of last January.— The election of Horace Greeley car ries with it through reform and re demption from such arbitrary federal interference throughout the State and the entire country. Should he not bo elected, it will be the same for the next four years as it has been for the last. We shall see more brother-in-law collectors of the port, more revenue cutters, assessors and collectors, in order that the voice of the people may be more easily smoth ered and controlled. With the elec tion of Horace Greeley commences that era of reform that has been so long called for by an oppressed peo ple. A voice—How about tbe police ? A voice—How about tbe police ? Governor Warmoth—We want a police force in this city in tbe inter est of peace, law and order, and in this state of affairs we will not have to use them to whip out tbe United States government. Look at the manner in which the Philadelphia convention was managed. It was through such means as I have stated that General Grant was able to ob tain his uanimous (?) re-nomination. Look at the North and the South.— Compare them and you find the North prosperous and happy, and the South burdened with taxation.— You have no voice in the national government. You may take our re presentatives in Congress and boil them down, and they would not make a decent Louisiana legislator. [Laughter.] We propose to bring together all the elements of opposition to Grant ism in this State. Prejudices and bickerings must be laid aside. I have hated you as Democrats, and have fought you to the best of my ability, and if I can forget my own against you, you ought to lay aside yours, and we will go into the fight against the common enemy, both against him at Washington, and his offico holders and their allies in our own State, under whatever guise we find him. I intend to stand by you in this fight. I am for this move ment without regard to any person al consideration whatever because I believe it to be for the interest of tho whole country, and any little clique or combination that gets in the way of this movement will bo swept away like tinder in the whirlwind, and just as sure as the sun rises on the seventh of next November, just so certain is it that a majority of the votes of the people or this country will be cast for our old ' White Hat.' [Applause.] I thank you for the honor you have done me, and your kind attention to my few remarks.— [Applause and cheers. Tho best Dolly Varden story yet, is told of a young lady at Little Rock, Arkansas, who had a very small kitten she named Dolly Var den, but as it progressed in age and other developments, she discovered it was not that kind of a cat, so she re-chrisU'ued it Thomas VuiduU.