Newspaper Page Text
II» frmi-Weefely gepaMtas. FRIDAY. •JULY 1», 1872. FOR PRESIDENT, HORACE GREELEY, Of Sew toils. FOR VICE -PRESIDENT, GRATZ BROWN, MASS MEETING ! A meeting will be held at the Court house, in St. Frnncisville, onj Satur day, the 20th inst., for the purpose of ratifying the nomination of Horace Greeley and B. Gi-utz Brown ; also to choose delegates to attend the Liberal State Convention, to convene in New Orleans, on the first Monday in Aug., next. All who concur in this opinion, ir respective of previous political opin ion, are cordially invited to be pres ent at the time and place above men tioned. Edwin Àclnms, " the eminent tra gedian," won $-1.000 on Longfellow. One hundred and thirty baskets of natural flowers hang from a balcony of one of the Long Branch Hotels. San Francisco is quietly depriving England ol' her tea laurels, without so much as saying by yom- leave. The greatest " pain aunihilatcr" in existence is said to be a boy who lias smashed 1,000 windows this year. A "society for the encouragement of young men desiring to marry" is organizing among the young ladies at Bondout, N. Y. There are in the lunatic asylums of Austria one hundred and two persons, each of whom believes that he is the late Emperor Maximilian, of Mexico. There are in the United States 63, 000 church edifices, affording accom modations for twenty-one millions and a half of worshipers. A copy of the third folio of Shalies pere, printed in 1664, was sold recent ly at a London auction for one hun dred and forty-one pounds, or about seven hundred dollars. A married woman lately sat up all night darning her husband's stock ings, because she read in the news paper that "in consequence of the wretched condition of the firemen's hose, much property was burnt up." Picnics in Pennsylvania wind up with what is called the Dolly Varden march—the young ladies standing in a row and the young men passing along the line and kissing each good night. The most sensible thing Eli Per kins has ever uttered is, that for a girl to whiten her face, pink her lips, redden her cheeks and blacken her eyebrows is to proclaim that she is one of the demi-monde. It is stated that the State of Texas would contain the entire population of the United States without making it any more thickly settled than Mas sachusetts, and would hold the entire population of the French Empire (or Bepublie that now is) and leave unin habited a margin of sixty miles around the boundary of the State. A traveler in Alabama, finding his supper to consist of fried beef, fried ham, fried bacon, fried eggs, fried chicken, fried batter cakes and hot coffee, thinks an appropriate epitaph upon the grave of every other man who dies in that country would be, "Killed by a frying pan." Caleb Cushing says the English papers are to him one of the standing miracles of the age. The exquisite simplicity with which they attack positions which no one cares to defend or tries to defend—positions hopelessly untenable—is a thing you can never explain by any reference to the ordi nary rules of human conduct. Secretary Bobcson has for his chief messenger in the Navy Department a man who is denounced by the Wash ington Republican as a " dead beat" and swindler. It appears that re cently he sold a clerkship in the Navy Department to the son of a saloon keeper in Washington for $150 ; that $50 was paid, and a note for $100 pay able in ninety days was taken for the remainder. The appointment was made by the Secretary, and at the end of the month the broker insisted that the salary should be paid on the undue note. This being refused he had the clerk dismissed. All these facts having been-laid before the Sec retary of the Navy, he retains the messenger, evidently beiag afraid to discharge him. A SORRY SPECTACLE. The " last ditchers" of Louisiana presented a sorry spectacle at the Varieties Theatre last Friday night. They were there as the ghost of the Democratic party, gravely endeavor ing to convince the people that they must accept the apparition as the substantial being of what was once a live party—a controlling power in the land. These " last ditchers," failing to comprehend the popular will as ex pressed at Cincinnati, Baltimore, and elsewhere—virtually decreeing the dissolution of the Democratic party, and calling upon the people to rally under the Liberal banner—went forth last Friday night five hundred strong, and with torchlights, blazing banners, martial music and speeches the old party would have been proud of in days gone by, made a desper ate effort to prove to the people that wiiat they had pronounced dead still lived and had a being. It is impossible for the " last ditch ers" to conceive how the Democratic party can be dead while such men as Judge Coltoo, Governor Voor hies, Governor Ilyams, General Lew is, Professor Booth, Judge McEnery, Mr. Jonas, ect., live. But it is not impossible for the people to see that the Democratic party is dead and buried, while the gentlemen named are alive and kicking, for the simply reason that the people know they aie not the Democratic party, nor even that powerful branch of it that once ruled the destinies of this State. Therefore the people are not a lit tle surprised to hear so intelligent a gentleman as Judge McEnery pro claim, at a meeting called for the purpose of ratifying the nominations of the national candidates of the Lil ieral party, that the ontgnshing of the honest masses upon that oc casion reminded him of " the stale, flat and unprofitable charge that the Democratic party has ceased to live.' The outgushing of the honest mass es in every State of the Union in favor of Greeley and Brown should have served to enlighten the natur ally acute mind of Judge McEnery upon the real condition of the Dem ocratic party. These daily outgush ings have long since convinced far less discriminating minds of the fate of that party. But the Judge re fuses (o see it and says : We kuow that the action, the final action of the Baltimore convention was awaited with great suspense and great anxiety by the whole Ameri can people. We know particularly that it was awaited with great anx iety and great suspense by the party which has put Sir. Greeley in nomi nation, for they know as well as that we stand and sit here to-night, that it would have been fruitless, hope less, to have placed him before the American people for their suffrage unless he could have brought to his aid the Democratic party of the Uni ted States. The party that nominated Mr. Greeley certainly did await with much anxiety the action of the Bal timore convention, for it knew that unless the people had been success ful in sending a sufficient number of delegates there to prevent the nomi nation of a Democratic ticket, the cause of the Liberal Republican party would be less certain in the selection of a President. The Lib eral party knew that the question of reform had been agitated among the people throughout the country ; knew that the Democratic masses in many of the States had determined to send delegates to the Baltimore convention pledged to tho support of Greeley and Brown ; but it was impossible to know until after the meeting of the convention what pro gress had been made iu the interest of reform in the short time that elapsed between Cincinnatti and Baltimore. This accounts for the anxiety manifested by the friends of the reform party, and referred to by the orators at the Varieties Theatre. Men of Ju<3ge McEnery's way of thinking did endeavor to nominate Democrats for the offices o£ Presi dent and Vice President, and if they could have succceded in doing so at Baltimore, it is quite probable that the judge and his friends xit the Va rieties Theatre would have been found, in that event, denouncing in stead of praising Greeley and Brown. As it is, we find thein deuouncing the Liberal movement in this State and endeavoring, coutvary to what is known to bo the popular will of the Democratic voters, to force a Demo cratic State ticket, thus strengthen ing the chances of organized ignor ance to rule the State for the next four years. And chief among the reasons assigned by the principal speakers of Friday evening why the united Stute ticket should be sup ported was that of nativity. Mr. Jonas, one of the principal speakers aud the candidate for Lieuenant Governor, would make this a great consideration iu the choice of State officials. It was not. enough to know that a man had been here ten years, and came here in defense of this country ; but it must be known that he was bora and reared here and had been in the Confederate service to entitle him to office. We do not believe the people are prepared to sanction this narrow, prescriptive and selfish Know Nothing doctrine put forth by Mr. Jonas. An equally infelicitious were the remarks of Judge McEnery when he said : There is an element in the Liberal party which I can address myself to almost as a matter of light, certain ly as a matter of duty, fur these gen tleman who now form an integral part of that party have stood shoul der. to shoulder and side by side with me in many hard fought but tles. The speeches of these gentlemen make them cut a sorry spectacle as candidates for the highest oîlices within the gift of the people at a time when the prejudices of the pant ire to be forgotten and the interest of society studied iu the broadest, most, intelligent, and unselfish sense. —N. O. Republican. FROM THE PARISHES. Hon. Taylor Beattie, of Terre bonne, has been requested by the Bar of the 15th Judicial District, to run for District Judge. The Donaldsonvillo Chief reports the death of Dr. G. A. Franklin, a native of Maryland, and for more than twenty years a resident of As cension. The Chief also reports the death of a colored man from sun stroke. We learn from the Attakapas Rvg v/trr, that the charges of bribery which had been preferred against Judge Train, and District Attorney Merchant, have been dismissed alter a lengthy investigation by the Grand Jury. The same paper has been present ed with a stock of sugar cane, four feet, high, having six red joints. Speaking of the new alliance of the Reformers and Democrats, the Baton lîouge Gazelle-Comet, says : The announcement of the combin ed Democratic State ticket in this city created about as much enthusi asm as a first-class suicide would.— The efforts of political hacks to choke that ticket down the public throat will not take. The people have no objection to the men, but they do object to the manner in which they were nominated. The gentlemen who have been announced on that ticket would exhibit their good sense, as others have shown, to withdraw their names. If they do not now see that they have no show of elec tion they will find it out in Novem ber, when the end sought by the people will be defeated as well as they, and who will be responsible for it ? The politicians who think an office good for sore eyes—or the peo ple who think these politicians too blind to be cured at the sight of an office ; we opine that the sore eyes of those candidates will never be cured if they are depending on the cream from old brindles milk to do it. > The same paper contanis the fol lowing : Our friend Mr. Harrington Haral son brought, to our sanctum on Wed nesday last a species of worm which he pronounccs to bo the genuine cotton worm. Mr. Haralson exhibi ted two specimens, one of the first and one of the second crop of worms. It would bo a sad calamity to our planters now to have their hopes of a good crop blasted by the devasta tions of this vermine. The corn and cotton crop through the parish is said to be splendid. The sugar prospect is not so good. Tho Patriot-Democrat, of Clinton, has heard it reported that the army worm has been found in several fields in that parish. Tho report has reach the Natchez Covrier that the army worms have mado their appearance iu the Parish of Concordia. TO THE JUSTICES OF THE PLACE. By Sec. 1010, Ray's R. Statutes, it is the duty of the Justice or Mag istrate, to investigate and bond ac cused parties in all cases, where the offence for which the accused is so charged be one that may not subject the party to capital punishment or to imprisonment in the penitentiary. Where the punishment is fine, or imprisonment without specifying hard labor," or at the discretion of the Court, Magistrates have juris diction : and I am inform by the District Judge, that he will not ap prove any bills of cost in such cases unless investigated by the Magis trates, as required by law. W. W. Leake, Parish Attorney. Mme. Octavia, Walton Le Vert, one of the grand old women, lias been made happy by the birth of n grand son, George Walton, named after his grandpîirent on the maternal side, who was one of the three signer» of tho Declaration ol' Independence from the State of Georgia. A converted Indian preacher, in Kansas, says lie can always tell a christianized Indian by the treatment of his squaw. When she rides a horse and the husband walks, it is conclu sive proof that a work of grace has been accomplished. A Danbnry man feels so mortified over the reflection that his children are not able to attend Sunday school for want, of suitable clothes, that lie spends every 8; bbath in the woods, accompanied by his faithful dog, which wears a five dollar colla/. The Sandwich Islands are rapidly becoming depopulated. In 1 S--' their population was 1*12,000. In 18(50, this had dwindled to GO,000. Forty years more will suffice for the total extinction of tho Sandwiches. Every race seems to decrease except tho white, which is increasing at a rate unequaled in history. Sooner or later t he Caucasian will inevitably be the only type of man on the globe. Sheriff Jfalcs. THE STATE OK LOUISIANA. Parish of West Fcliclnnn. Court—No. 110. i of Horaco B. Vib » nie directed from of St. Thursday the 25th clay of July A. D., One lot of household and kitchen fnrnil b;iv nrure. one horrel colt, the contents am of the store as Inventoried and helongini Term* of Hille Cash. jy9-cSil S7 20. STATE OF LOUISIANA. Parish of West Feliciana. 7th District Court. i vs. No. 24;>3 Allen D. Saturday the 3d day of August, A, 1»., 1ÎIT2, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., of said day, the following mentioned and described prop erty to-wit. ; One Gray Horse, One Light Bay Mule, One two hors Ten meut. jel6-ctL-$7 20. of Sale Cash—with the henetit of appraise M. ULlJliKT, Tin, Copper anil Slieet-Iron Worker. Maguire.s Old Stand, Sun Street, Bayou Sara. La. Citizens, Planters, and others, needing work in his line, will please send in their orders ami they will lie promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to Hooding and Gutter •jutf Also, to repairing Cooking Stoves. All work guaranteed. »AIUS1I DONOS. - „ , __ -- after Monday 22d inst., and exchange them for the In terest Bonds, issued by authority of the General Assembly of 1Ö72. JNO. P. MUM FORD, jyl6-2t Parish Treasurer. ItEECIl, CABINET MAKER, Burial Case Manufacturer & Undertaker* Principal street. Jlayou Sara. La. Respectfully announces to the citizens of this and adjoining parishes, that he manufactures and keenson hand a good assotiuicnt Cotlins. Leaden Caskets alw ays on hand and for sale at reasonable prices for rush only. A new and elegant Hearse with a fine span ol hors the ed at moderate rate rpitEES! FLOWEitö ! Bt I, US! SE EUS! HEDGE PLANTS! Nursery Stock ! Fruit and Flower Plates ! Address F. K, Phoenix, Lloominglon Xursery, Illinois. fJOft ACRES ; 21st year; 12 Greenhouses. Ap UUU pk', 1,000 1 yr„ *20; 2 y. §30; 3y. $40: 4 y. $50. 4 Catalogues, 20 cents. jyl6-5t. ft. J.--?Bte Itöwrtfowwrtfc J AKE MITISMJ« DEALER IK DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Ferdinand Street, St. Frandevilte, La. Having 'ately made additions to my extensive stock of family and FANCY & STAPLE DRY QOODS> —SUCH AS— Ladies Dress 1 and Trimming Goods, Gent's and Boy's Furnishing Goods, Ladies, MI sbcsb and Infants Shoes, Gents' and BoyS Press Boots and Shoes, Brogans, ltnsset«, Woolen and Cotton Goods, ISnglisli, French and American Prints, Japoueso Freneli and English Silks and Cloth's, Laces and Em broideries, '.Pocket and Tahle Cutle ry, Pins and Needles. UltOCERlES AMD PROVISION». Mv stock having l>o«n purchased fur cash mnâ selling for cash exclusively, I lini ' satisKéd tliaVl hold ont great inducements to the trading pu»> lie. Mv stockjeonsist in part of Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Ilams, Shoulders, Pork Lard, But ter, Cheese, Candles, Coal Oil, Whisky Brand.,', Mackerel, Herrings, Cod Fish, Mac aron y , Vermieolla, Canned Fish, Can ned Fruit, Potatoes, Onions, Pickled Beef, Gun Powder, Drop Shot, Crockery, Wood and Willow ware, Smoking and chew ing Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, also sport jug Materials and Goods —ALSO— PLANTATION SUPPLIES of all descript ions. I"W All of wide idvanee only ;il»< >h:ire of patrons s disposed of at. a slight original cost. Askiup ~ the publie, I prom pilOTOtUtAPllS. E. C. KIBLINGEIt» —OF— Jackson, Ln< (Where he has been located nearly twenty years.) New Orleans, with ils, and some lie pa rat us, imd has opened a gallery at Mr. 1 ■ rniitteuherMCi''*, Bayou Sara, la»., where 1) • ill tr.v to sustain his reputatiou «is an artist. Children's pictures taken in one second, old pic. ores copied and enlarged, and large Photographs and Landscapes taken to order. ssoeiated with Mr. John Boyd, who is prepared to eut stencil plates and key checks. Call sooi for any work iu our line, as 41 Time I n Money." 15. VAUUHI.I. Y , — IN— Hooks nnd Stationary, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, CANDIES, fruits, TTC Foot of the IMI, Near the West Feliciana Rail Road track. IV OTIC li ! NOTICE!! gned Board of Assessors, located at the Court House in the town of St. Frnncisville, will have in hands the Tax Roll, tor assessment, thirty davs l and alter the first day ot August, A. I). IHTJ. irties interested are requested to attend the assessment of their property during that time. FKI,IX V. LKAKK, Sheriff. CALVIN GOODMAN, Clerk. ,i,v5-lni-Sl3 50. A. A. MILL1KKN, Hccordcr. f\ NJ2 IU'NIM(Kl) DOM. A KS KKWAHD v/ will he paid lor evidence »ntlieieut to convict In fore any ordinary jury any parties placing oh», truetions or. tho tract of the West Felieiaua Bail ltoad Company. J. BUBRESS McGEHEE, nih22tf President. pURIFY YOltt BLOOD* 1^01? Scrofula, Scrofulous Diseases of the Eyes, or Scrofula iu any form. Any disease or/eruption of the Shin, disease of the Liver, Rheumatism, Pimples, Old Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down Constitutions, Syphilis, or any dis ease depending ou a depraved condition of the blood, try Dr. Crook'» Hyrnp of Poke Root* It has tli« médicinal property of Poke combined with a preparation of iron which goes at onca Into the blood, performing the most rapid and wonder ful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. CROOK'S Compound Syrup of Poke Root—take it and be healed. H. 9UUEAUL & 1». J. UOGAN, PRACTICAL PAINTERS, All Kinds or PAINTING, Glazlnn, Paper Hanging, Wall» nnd Ceiling Colored or Kalsomiued: Murhliuir. draining, ' ■—ALSO— Glass, Iron aud Timber Sign Writing. —ALSO— Gilding nudUronziug. All work executed with neatness and dispatch at reasonable îates. Country orders solicited and attended to with promptness. Address Box 87, P» O* St. Francisville, La. JOHN RUTH, HOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURE«, Royal Street, St. Francisville , La. Manufactures all kinds of Ladies, Gentlemen and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES at a short notice, and at priceB which defies any and all competition. GF* Especial attention paid to the getting up o calf, kid and morroca uppers. 9ni D*. CwwkSwSll, —« Proprietor. Dr. CfrooV, Iff* G rktlmuh: 1 «m und» JL. for the benefit I derived Tar. And to thon afflict«. Iufcl,', that I hart been «offert». a bronchial affection. I •*» medicine with but little t onM,? * S powers. But after using the health much Improrcd, ftn4 ,J" 1 ftm happrto.tat.tbJ*> ed and In the enjoyment of CMd ^ ^ West, „rown Int» «dmlrstlimoj ,£"*•! .»1, writes Br. A, -er '«S sign he shall bo Mel, which vomited, ami under which 1« Pills for an affection of the llret sign 1.1s wl ould commence loukt dlnient. lia ^ * his pigs in Scorpio, cut hit Imirinj'l^. 1 his tcetln l'isccsor Aauarln. ..-ÎÎ9J requires. p., rill» fori, ailment. He add, J* no»;» to wean 1.1s calvc. uo,l w j.."' ut hit hait Aquarius „ thft - Schoolmasters, start forWI K „, Ä1I . Hum Wiien .Ton Ret there.-z^jjj™ The di«KiiUeddtam*, tsl w l , ' l< lues, sold in bar-rooms at »tmi«. ncliics," have nothing In common ni kkr 's VlNKOAH lllTTKlic. 'fl„| ,, .lor» not owe its »tlmutattogp^» adulterated Alc ohol, l„it t» »édition lmnM never hereto*»« couiliinrj. n. (he Bittern lu cases'of wtirtltnto clirouic Indigestion, liver eomphhl m eases tending to consumption, i, « Unit except to thoso wlio liav# feu „ it, the result seems iiicrciliM«. Tlie Coiiimonwcalih C 'o >0ptnt pony.-To t lie working men ofonr State t rjr, whose wages me barely n*k« „ comfortdble homes for tlicir laniillf, ltJ sire to prevent want, misciy, aad Wll „ ninoug their fatherless lillle ones, thii Oilers special inducements of a liberal the bene lits of which are within tin »«i nnd a fallnre to malic such a rflonatimtr ty iiMiotmls almost to a criminal k ,;. H'ôrkmim. A CARD. The undersigned liegs leave to inform Mi and the public generally, that WiogatT courngemciit far surpassing Ms mostr pectat ions, that he does not propose to business here, reports toj the controy standing. Ile will give the same attratl« friends aud customers as heretofore and tj liave charge of a \Vliaifl>oftt r at tbe Landing, which will so iaereasehii^ transacting business, as to defy cod will endeavor to merit a coiitinuanteoltk patronage heretofore bestowed. AD i his line' constantly for sale under tbi price». Very lespcct&illr, jvl2-lm. E.W.W II. K. L. ltttt Ir 0* B*l* THE members of Bayev Kara Loto h " B. B., will bear in mind that the itig will be he'd on eacli Sunday attri or otherwise notithjd r at wliJta all 8. WEft, requested to attend. M. LITTOHKIM, Secretary. gasoil £arajpwn i kon aulrk, Of Levy At Adler, Bayou Sara, La. &IADLEU, rool.afthe HOT, «or Ot W. T. It Btjou Sus, U> Dellen In Drjr Good., Groceries, Wins t —A1S0— WOOD AND WILLOW W" In the dry goods department f ound ull family necessaries, mcd» Sheetings nil sizes «nil price»! 1 French Tiliits ; Shirtings, iliftwl Irish und Scotch Llmm and C»! )oundi a a ; Brown and Blewbri ticB; Cusiiiierc« i Teitmei; W mliiRs i Fauev Article«, n't» Couibs, Brushes, Pcrflimaji Thread, Needles, PiW Bulitier P«»' 1 e]m ' Silk and UM Buttons, ko. We have also » line mi "I I indies, lient», Boys m* W* nnd —ALSO— An Immense stock ot and Misses, selected with PJUJ offer nt prices which defy ^ . rp-our stock belli* renewed « y. always I n ) found fresh and ot mw Also on hand u Inrtfe lot of for sale cheap for cash. FOB SAlB' THE property situated JJÂjJît Sara, and now occupied W®» Kol terms, be. AppiJ'« . For terms, fee. apl9*ly. fS.» JOHN F. 1KVINB, Wholesaled wW SBOOBSSœsïâ^" Front Street, Fancy and Staple VTT * Boots, 8 femes. Hats, C 3CnU. t Vail«». «il»*" yVrs«!ÂÏj Gentlemen*» and Boy's" FWI1 A ■ and Youths Dress Ooo«V „j g American Prints, e -.estics. Kersey, Cotton»«>* ^ p Sheeting» and Shirting 8 * hardware.*"®*®' —i Wood nn4 My stock of crocerle» JMJ aiiti l will sell tnem at a H 1 » cost for Cash* The highest market