Newspaper Page Text
MR. WAYT’S WIFE’S SISTER 'A ■ continued from first pace. -v _ r feels in his mothers nearness. luo cool breath of the approaching twilight, the grateful shade and Sabbath stillness did the rest. Now and then a long, broken sigh heaved her chest, and ran through her body. There was tha glisten of tiny •. vv w . * S I “on, thor, tuor!” s:. . c s;j::d a pas- F SION or TEARS. f crystals upon her oy- -lashes. Once, she sobbed aloud, and Thor n; >\ od uneasily and sighed sympathetic:.’ly. By and by, ho began •to boat bis tail gently against the turf; Udutiful eyes , ’ gleamed glnd and; wistful, but he did not offer to lift his head. Hetty patted it in her sleep, and left her hand there. tfi She and Thor were walking over a wilderness prairie. The coarse grass iifiPl flaunted up to hor ch in, and she would ■Ph have lost the dog bad she not wound her fingers in bis hair. Such a long, tiresome, toilsome way it was, and the grass so stiff and strong! Sometimes it knotted about her ankles; sometimes iV the beards struck, like whips, across her H face. A bitter wind was blowing, and B stung her eyes to watering. In pass ing, it lashed the grass into surges that H boomed like the sea. PI Miles and miles awy - an orange sun | —set burned luridly upon the horizon, and right between her and it was a i floating figure, moving majestically on ward. A man< ■ blow back in the bitter wind until she could almost touch the hem: a confusing flutter of drapery maske-d the head and shoulders; the < face was set steadfastly wetward, and kept away from her. At long Intervals, a hand was tossed clear of the white foldings and beckoned her to follow. : “And follow I will. ’ she said, between her sot teeth, to herself and to Thor, “I will follow until I overtake him or diel” And all the while tho blasting wind hissed in her hair and bowled in tho pampas grasses, and her feet were sore and bleeding; her limbs failed under her; her tongue clave to the roof of ner mouth with dryness; her heart heal faint— Hark! At the upward fling of her loader’s arm music rained down from iieavon, and the earth made joyous re , sponse; strong, exultant strains, like an organ peal, and such vibrant melodious chimes as Bunyan heard when all the 1h?11s of tho holy city rang together for joy. The majestic, floating figure turned to lean toward her with outstretched arms, and eyes that gazed into hors as she had vowed they should never look again. “O! I knew it must bo you!’’ She said it aloud. In her rapturous dream. “It could bo nobody elsol Thank God! Than k God!” Thor bounded from under her hand. * * jjarch Gilchrist's Ne w York v.uu a cuusin. who was ■ always delighted to have “a good fol ■ low” drop in upon him on Sunday even- I ing. March, in the uneasy wrotchod * ness that beset him, honestly intended to visit him when he took the five o'clock train. Ho wanted to get away from the ; place for a few hours, ho said; away from tormenting associations and pos- | siblo catechists, and think calmly cj the j next step to be taken. By the time ho j reached Jersey City ho had discovered j , that he was trying to get away from j himself and not from his home; more- j over, that he wanted neither dinner 1 nor the society of tho genial celibate. : lie stepped from the train, turned into ; the station restaurant, sat down at the table he had occupied on the day he i landed from the City of Borne and : missed tho noon train, and ordered at random something to eat. The longer table built about tho post I in the middle of the room was sur rounded by a party of men and women. ; The men wore * full black beards and a ; great deal of waistcoat, crossed by gold | ropes. The women had round, black i ■eyes, high-bridged noses and pronounced complexions. March tried not to see | them and tried to eat what was*et be- 1 fore him. It made him sick to observe that Hetty's place was filled by an over j blown young lady whose bang made a 1 definite downward peak between bci j black brows, and who bad ten rings on ■ ithe left hand and five on tho right. i He caught the six-thirty train back to FairhilL Be bad made up his sensible jmind to talk over his family to a project ;marvelously-well developed when one !remembers that the inception was not an jhour old when he swung himself ofl ‘upon the platform of the Fairhill sta jtion. He would sot out next week foi ; the Adirondacks, set up a forest studic and begin ‘ serious work.” The phrase '.jumped with his mood. Nothing else would draw tho inflammation out of the wound. He meant to bear up like a man under the blow he had received, to forget disappointment in labor for a worthy end, love, in ambition. He took the orchard in his walk home from tho station. It was quite out ot his way, and ho was not guilty of the weakness of denying this. He went there deliberately and with purpose, vaulting the fence from the quiet street at the foot of the hill, as he had don< on that memorable' Sunday when th< orchards were “all a-fluttor with pink.' One more look at the nook under green apple-boughs would be a sad satisfac tion, and tho contrast between what he had hoped and what he knew to be rock bottomed reality, would be a salutary tonic. One look he must have—a look that should be farewell to folly and ro gret While still twenty yards away from the arbor he espied something that looked like a mass of white drapery ly ing upon the turf. He stood just with out the stooping boughs fencing the sleeper about, his face framed in an opening of the foliage, as Hetty, ; aroused by Thor’s bound from her side, {raised her eye-lids and closed them again with a smile ,of dreamy delight .upon eyes swimming in luminous tears. “I thought it was you!” she repeated, in a thrilling whisper, and again, and more drowsily—“ Thank God!" | The church-bclls, chiming the half hour notice of evening service, went on with tho music of her dream. Thor, enacting, a second time, tho role of Deu ex machina, thought this an auspicious moment for thrusting hia cold nose against her check. With a stifled scream, she attempted to rise, and catching her foot in tho shawl, would have fallen, had not I March rushed forward to her help. Hav ing taken her bands to restore her to her balance, he continued to bold them. She struggled to free them—hut fee Surprise and confusion had robbed her of strengtn ana scit-possession. “1 thought—they said —that is, Perry saw you lake tho train for New York!” she managed to articulate. “Hetty!”—imploringly, while the eyes she had soon in her vision, over flowed hers with loving light—“why do you shun mo so persistently? Aro you determined never to hear how dear you aro to me?” [to BK CONTIS TED.] Weak Lungs May he made to do good service through a long life by a judicious use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. The signs of weakness are "short ness of breath.” pains In the chest and back, a persistent cough, feverishness, and raising of blood. All or either of these symptoms may indicate weak lungs, and should have immediate attention. “ 1 have been a life-long sufferer from weak lungs and, till I used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, was scarcely over free from a cough. This medicine always relieves my cough and strengthens my lungs, as no other medicine ever did. I have induced many of my acquaintances to use the Pectoral in throat and lung troubles. It has always proved beneficial, particularly so in the case of my son-in-law, Mr. Z. A. Snow, of this place, who was cured by it of a severe cough.”—Mrs. L. I. Cloud, Benton. Ark. ‘T have had lung trouble for about one year and have tried many different remedies, but hotidng does me so much good as Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. I heartily recommend tins medicine.”—Cynthia Borr, Harmony. Me. flyer’s Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED PY Dr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Prut', --.a. Price $1; itx bullies, $5. H. iIRK, jfe, W TOIESAL? (JR OGEE —AND— COMMISSION' MERCHANT. DEALER IK Flour, Fish. E-opo, Pairts, &c No. 7 North Union Street, ALEXANDRIA IT Solicit etl DUDLEY & CARPEUTEE GENERA la COMMISSION >. ESCHANTS TOR THE SAT.R OC Tobacco, Grain &c. 57 Light Street, BALTIMORE MI) . OPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Inspection and sale of TOBACCO, and sale of all Country Produce. Consign ments solicited. rov 30-ly •MITT’S CONSUMPTION . UUI ' ° SCROFULA EMULSION |gS2SS ,Tls CURES SV*, Wonderful FJech Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott’s Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos pbites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, tho potency of both bein g largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & B3WNE, Chemists. N.Y. Wm. J. Edeleh, Albert Roklis EDELES BROTHERS. Gen’l ommission merchants FOB THE Utß OF LEAF TOBACCO, GRAIN, WOOL AXO ALL KISPS-Cr CO UXTRY PROP VCE, — AT— No. 8 West Camdtu Street, BALTIMORE, MD. ! Persona! attention to the inspection of To ; baccc and liberal advam es on coa^iguiueDts. j Mr. ,'OE.N' GOV\ NLEY, of P. G Co., is now connected with nnrh'ui-e ! [CARTER’S iSiTTLr |IVER | PILLS. CURE Eick n-attache and relieve all the troubles loot* fiont to a bilious state of the system, such a M X>tezincsa, Nausea, P-ow.iineaa. Distreea after eating. Pain in the Si te, Ac. While their moat remarkable success has been shown ia curing i stex Headache, yet Oerter’* Little liver FHilaM Equally Valuahialn Co naßpation, Curing and pro venting this annoying complaint," bile they ala® correct aU disorders of the stomach .stimulate tha liver and regulate the bowels. £ ven ii they only HEAD A ebathey would be almostpriceless to those who Bn/ftr from this distressing complaint; but fortu nately their goodness does notend hero,and those Tvbooncotry them wilt find these little pills vain able in so many ways that they will not be wa king to do without them. But after ailsick head ACHE lathe bans of bo many lives that here Is wharf we make our great boast. Our pills cure it whila others do not. Carter’s Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills makes dose'. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all wha use them. In vialsat 25 cents; five for $L Sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO.. New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE ynnjffMMMMJMßtiMmirzpwasrMMMnißMMMMMxrwwinsmrr What is Caatorim j® Pr. Sami Wirhte'* old, ItsmlsM and quick extra for j Infanta’ and Children’s Complaints. Superior to C'aator Oil. Paregoric or Ifarcotio' Symps. Children cry for Caatorla. Mil lions of Mothers Mess Castoida. SfrUaUUjrT Co.Hc. Constipation; I ”i reeomxncnd Csstoris fur children’* Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Wyes healthy sleep ; also aids digeition ; I known to me.” H. A. Archer. M. D Without narcotic stupefaction. | Ul bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Thr Cbstalr Compart, 77 Murray 6t„ Kexr York. jmianii\in\mivwv\uvuvwinuu^w\*u^TO^ |THE SOUTHERN MARYLAND DEVELOPMENT CO. —op en AU LKS COUNTY,M AKYLAND Officers: \\., , l otin..itauonern: Fhedebk’s Stone, I , . Preside,*. 1 j °HkC.Las, Secy, J. C. Howard.! Sam’l R. Neave, Tretis. L. A. WilmerJ j - p - Matthews. The attention of Land Owners, and those Inn ing tiie control or care of landed estates, is invited to the facilities offered for the sale of real properties by the establishment of Hue Southern Maryland Development Company. This Contjiany is mainly composed of resi dent land owners, who, combining energy and capital in a stock corporation, have organised and equipped a real estate office i anil general agency for the development and sale of lands throughout the counties of Prince George’s, Calvert, Charles and Saint Mary's. Persons desirous of having their lands placed in the market daring the season of ISflO, should without delay send to the Com pany a description ot the lands, correct name of owners, (if husband a”d wife, so state,) the number of acres, quality, situation, area and kind of timber, farm impiovements, etc., I and the lowest cash price for which sale may | lie made. The Company will then examine the pro-' IFcny, and, if accepted and placed under cun- | tract, will provide all necessary descriptions' for publication in theirforthcomingdisplaylist ■of the “Lands axd Ucsoiuu'ss or Southern j Maryland. ’’ A description will also lx* I placed on the office lo<,k of sales and in the j hands of the Company's agents in the -e- ml j I States, j ■ The Company’s terms ot sales will be in- : variably as shall beagreed upon,and in every case will tie conditioned ii|Knt the fulfillment ■ of its contract undertakings, l The principal and business office of the Company is, for the present, located at Cox’s Station, Charles Co., Md. Business communications should lie sent to that office addressed to JOHN C. LANG, Jan’y. Skit. 1890-lm Eng’r Coaua'r. a. . :rc Umurji, Smk BtflwM, CMUtt> p: *ii n, M’.r.r i, .or 181 is;nU, take t;.c Sr.fc in.) ■'. ;■ in IV’loJy, 5 s%|| m j bsa i BILE BEANS i’sr (tc ilr \\ j boiuo). Th;.' ai r the Srtit • .<r fkU .\%ow. ) Pr-ce of oltlirr . ,*?r J.f .SMITH AC3.i.--ierur c:Ur BF...SS. ST.IOBIS m. BATIMORE & POTOMAC R. R, TIME TADLB. After Samiy, November IBth the Train oa this road will run as follows ; NORTH. arcora, train. | triie-i train | j i Leave Cox’s 6 15.rvl Cox’* I lap.® i Port Tobacco 6JI “ Pori Tobacco 126 ; La Plata 626 “ La Plata 1 -JO While Plat t 636 “ Whbe Plain* 15. t | Waldorf C4s** , Warldorf 220 : Mattawonvan 651 “ Matlawomm 230 , Brandywine 658 “ Brandywine 250 : Cheiietthani 704 “ (’heltt-ahaca 307 ; Linden 708 “ if.inden 315 ' Crootue 715 “ [Croome 335 Marlboro’ 723 “ Marlboro’ 350 j Hill’s 7 28 “ ,llili’s 400 i lyee'and 732 “ 1 Leelan-i 410 I Hall's 737 “ Hall’s *25 ( Midlikin 74! “ jM-iliikin *3O . | Collinglon 749 “ jCollingtoa 445 Bowie 756 “ Bowie 520 jAr. Washt'n 840 “ .\r. Washt’n 655 ‘ Baltimore 910 “j“ baitimore 630 l_ 4il riio di ads ,ts LAMP ’ --t’V !- *he Bar.t ::r pla tn* r-el liaive.. crw,•*,brlltW , wfcfici ■■eubL.ix.i, / rarranabn*tur - wT'-ntua -e, c*yj Sh? is Bedcvir ? ft i In leert. >,-rep rv imwu* &t>r hr?iki 3 •■w-imfcJhA Chian ’unktirw • aL ot ih ot ;•* no nicker j \ So€. nociitcbtri oi ih# v ►u' IK* aIL IK) \ *cce ot V msr kt'J. and caw. a nnt explode® .*uJ tV* It* Vf % dmar. .'l*, vkltet>>M< lO'-'-stl , (•aia-iA * bnllUDey r- v-ntia. tr grfifct,— W H i*v Nietel. Uoiit ur Auilqnc Hr r- u. Alw rite C'..i'3-innr EiUnalou Mndv I.amp f r flerrymen. aatitors, Suulenti, Teaehora, Protes - .s. ! .wyers, l'hysii l.m; amt other i piofea.-ios.iM n.eti. Tin- hlp<]'ac Daiiqael lamp*. The (ikiiataee Plano Lamps, j Fend for price list. lami aat ,' ] ‘lie price, Doxtd .u.<l iaf<-i> by express. tP“Oet i>or t-rivies. “ Sjv no u hclirvirvj. ’ ULIMTOKB L VillP CO., VI Park Plstcc, New York. ilifi NT A L ~btj liGEltyT pH. .A. U. COBUY f VFFKH ft's Prob-ssionuf Service.? to ’he P.-o \J pie of < harles and the ;djoining counties Be will d-> both tyerativu md Meehan im Work; correct irregularity in Teeth, Sc. Dh. Cobkv will be in his Office iu Port lo bacco the first and second weeks in each month The rest ot the time ne will devote to calls fron home. Office over the Grange Hall, in the "Doewe. Budding.” A(ild>T.S WANTD To sell the INCANDESCENT LAMP. Large profits. I. F. ROTCHFOSD & CO., No 1001 Six’h Street, S W , June 6 Im. WASHINGTON. D. C OLLMTORS' Rei;eiHi’S FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICE. CHURCH & STEPHENSON 1 Li umber Alerclian Ls, Cor. Stn St. and Maryland Ave. S. W. Adjoining (1. A P. Freight Depot, W ASHINGTON, D. O. Dealers in all kinds of JLIJfIBKR j CiOOl) LIOHDS AT 681.30 Per Hundred I GOOD WHITE PINE SHINGLES, $3.00 PER THOUSAND. Lumber delivered free on both Cars and River Boats. i I _ __ _ _ | G.t.b11.b.,1 I situ. THOMAS K. YOUNG ::c Ahr I AGE BUILDER!;;::! HARNESS pots AKD ' IXOLE : } OP ALL KINDS. Ah] _ ROAD CARTS I H.FS & UP FRIES c—AjgHjg TOP BUGGIES ; of every description, K From SSO Up hills IS OUR LEADKR, No. 464 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTKXOCD TO t&T Persons buying would do well to call and examine my atock before purchasing elaea here. Carhiao sand Wagons sold on the beat of terms and guarantied. No trouble to show goods whether you buy or do' R. J. BAKER & CO, 36 South Charles Street, Baitimor I | mtK GtIIMJNB BONK. . No. 1. Fare Dissolved Haw ILuei A I a ).fIirSD BOliS, B. B one hosulmte! Pure Dissolved Aninia! Bone ! WHE VT CROP J UCjjr* These (roods are thoroughly Relia ble. and tee refer to till who have used them Jor a Ul of ti ■ rits. Taos. B. II Tuknku, Salesman. John M. Page, Cashier T MARYLAND COMMISSION AGENCY: of BALTIMORE CITY ISrccßEoixr. thk SOUTHERN MARYLAND COMMISSION AGENCY FUR THK dAL^OF [Tobacco, Graiu t Wool, Live Stock, Peis, Peaches, AND FARM PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 222 S. Charles Street, BALTIMORE, MB. DIRECTORS J. T. II itch ins. Pier. 1L 11. Garner, I*. J. Bowen. John B. Lyon, F. H. Darn all John B. Gray, Joseph S. Wilson, secretary. PARRY M3TO. CO, INDIANAPOLIS. INO. Price, $1 MUgSSI Low Bent Seat Arm*. Perfectly Lulaneed. Lone. Ka-'y Kid ins OH Temnerril Spring. JJevt Wheel* and Host All lvcr. IE YOU CAS T FIND TEEM FOE SALE BT TOPE MERCHANTS. WRITE VS I I Single Strap Track Jl HARNESS. The leather. Workmanship ami linish are of SAVE MONEY BY BUYING DIRECT. V, t. j Harness at from 86.09 up. gX ■ PS! Road Carts ':om $9.50 up. 11 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. LiU JW yjW ACME MAHUFACTUEIHG 00. Tl\ jf Ilf INDIANAPOLIS, IND. GKOROK K. GAIITKKLL, Dealer in House Furnishings, STOVES. RANGES & LATROBES. No. 815-7th Street, North West. WiiHliington, 13. C. Till Hoofing, Spouting, and Stove Bepairing promptly attended to All work guaranteed. Stoves exchanged. DANIEL R. MAGRUDER Vernon B. Pennington, [“" or CODBT 0F A " ,A “ I A.ttornevat-Law ; Attorney -at- L.a w . Lx PLATAi MA hylani>. ! Prince Frederick, Calvert Co. WILL practice in the Court of Appeal* and > Will practice ia tbe several CoarU of Cb tries in the Courts of Charles, Calvert, Anna county. J Arundel, Prince George’* and St. Mar/', AiV* All collection* promptly attended to. counties, which be will attend regularly. ; May be found in Port Tobtcco e er/ Tuesday Office and Address—Ajtjuroue. Mo. , Saturday. San. ' , WASHINGTON < FLOUR & FEED CO. I I FLOUR, GRAIS& FEED IVIKIICIIANTS. I I .manufacture of Pearl Hominy, Breakfast Hominy, —AND— New Process Cora Meal. i I !‘r'-ts hr any if above articles ®-.|ioe‘l. I•> ' so .ii'. no igniqeftUof al! article* per ' ' nuir.c t • . ir l.i. ijiL i and gu .ran tee satifif.,o - retail* trim* action-. | WASHINGTON ; Flour k Feed Go.. I 4i & Va. \v f & W., WASHINGTON. I). C. t.ihera C'cuh hloanc* made on Con ■ j ament n. fS.* t *t. 9-ly 1 A CAUI). J. W. MOHTGOME Y, BULL.— i ZoKESrSB. No. 93J I. ..isina Avenue, M J TON, D C. firm o! h A Montgomery having j X la-eo diaculv l iv luulual consent, I have mini mi self a i b the old reliable firm of Buliro A MeKeever lor the transaction ot a General t'oniunsaion* tor the sale 01 Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and oilier country produce. Thankful lor tbe liberal patronage ol my coun try friend* in the past i re*pecllnlly soicil the continuance ot same in tbe future. Respectfully, J W.’MO.NTGJMKKY. -I. IIANUOCK PROUDCR COMMISSION M£RSHAJTT. IltK) ProMtoti at. BAI.rtUORt:. Mi I j F t the sale ut buttkr kgu>, wt.uL, n uks, furs | ' KiI K I'ABLS ij t i.l IS and kind* . i tLMUXTKV Pfiul'LCK y'> ! ' V lii’k .''JH rr.d Prompt Ref;rn, A V . r i. f. Mu I W. fi, VIGORS k OJ.. G’(>•''Kf’.S AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. lOA kS. Charles St, ii.Yl/l I IGHE. B** Partirulnr attention gives lo the in u n - . ; ■>.• ■ of r'J'IACvG, in • ...i.e o' '* ti \! N' ! d nil- Mt' lY l , tl'"'’R STEAM SAY & BUST Will -AT "IiIELTIOSS." H Vi.N l I'M-.lied oiy Steam Sn* and lirt viiil at “Md njf,’ on me roid between P , i Tobacco and ii'.ll T*n >f 1 ~ul I infnrio !!t , public tn*i i ato i all tunes re*i> :• .it *v.e ! uig or yiad-ng of all lesrripiion*. GRINDING HAYS: Mondays and Fridays HogsteaJ Sidin* a .jJon h-.nd Ait utnei kinds of Lamb-r on hand or i iruisiied at sbi rl notice. My facilities (or doing rapid aud goo j ork are of the best and t hope to merit share ot the pun ic patronage SW“AII order* pr.-aiplU nlteo led to A trial is all 1 ask J. W. GOLDSN, A WISE WOMAN ■ought tho IpiondM HIGH ARM JUNE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NICAUBN IT WAffi TNB BUT r.OW THEY ALL WANT !1 For It does each beautiful work. Ssmple Machint at Factory Prlea. E7£CY XACLIE WifililTED FOR 5 YEiB. Wanted in Dnoccnpied Temtorr JUNE MANOFACTOBINfi CflL p *vi.VIDEHE, ILL. JACOHJTKYRRS. WALLPAPER! WALLPAPER! WINDOW SHADES. Floor and Table Oil Cloth. 39 N. Gay St., Baltimore, Md ( i 'J'HBOId Reliable Wall Paper and Window X Shade Store of Baltimore city, is now pre pared toshow Spring Styles of Wall Paper and send samples to any part of the country when application is made. Will send the best work men to put up the same when required. Will a sail Wall Paper and Window Shade* at factory f prices. Call on or send to him tor beautiful lines. JACO3 MYjSRS , 39 North Oiy St., Baltimore. Has no branch House or any connection with an/ other boisa in the cit/. COUNTY DIRECTORY' CIRCUIT COURT. I lon. Jons’ P. Briscok, Chirp J udgk Prince Frederick, Galcert Go, lid. I Associate Judges: ' Hon. John Brooke. Mitcheloille, Prince Getrge's 0 Hon. J. Pa.bran Crane, i Great Mills, St. Mary's Go. Clerk of the Court: I J. Samuel Turner. j State's Attorney : L. Allison VVilmer. i Sheriff: James A. Adams. Auditor: Adrian Posey. I Regular Jury Terms begin on the third Monday of May and November ; ■dermediate terms on the third Mon- Uiy of February and July in each tear. Oil PHANS’ COURT. Chief Jndye: Wm. McK. Burroughs. Ttionipkinsnlle, Aid. Associdte Judges : Joseph Price, D. Igs. Sanders; Cross Roads, Md. La Plata, MU. Register of Wills : J. Benjamin Mattingly. County Commissioners: Aloysit T s E. Bowling, Pregidcut Joseph N. Harrison, James I. Naylor, Roderick G. Milstead, 11. LeOraND Padgett. Clerk and Treasurer : Samuel 0. Padgett, Port Tobacco Collectors of Taxes. Ist Bis. Kirby Carpenter. Hill Top JuJ •• Phil. B. Swann, Newport Jrd •* William J. Cox. Puuifret 4iti “ J. Al. Burch, Bryuutowa School Commissioners Hon. P. A. Scasskr, President Or. A. U Cobey. Port Tobacco Or. Li. C. Carkluo, Hu^Uesville Secretary and Em miner F. J. .Maddox, Tumpkiuxviiie, Truslees of the Poor. J >ba C. Piata Nicuutad S'.oucdireet, La PiaU. Francis P. Hamilton. MuUoauUie. Joua 1. Jenkins, Part Tobacco. | Samuel liausoa, Lilli Tup. Super itUenaeai of Almshouse i'aoiiius Ai. Welch, Port lobaCCO. HENRYBAADER DkALKU IB ALL KINDS OP mi Mils, fa. mi. mi Sheepskins, Wool Beeswax, TALLOW. &0., NO. 41 KING SI HEEL ALEXANDRIA, VA. oct. 17-1 J. , GOOD WQS&s LO vVSUG^' JOHNS. JENKINS. CAB N£T MAKER ANu UNDERTAKER, PORT TOBACCO. Md- WOULD inform the public that having t plcnished his slock be is prepared to fut | ish anything id the Uudcrl iking line, from the plainest COFFINS to the most costly an legaut CASKETS at prices am to besurpi.. - I either ia the city or country. Ant nai|ri i i prices. I He willatteod personally oa all luucra.s . .ot physically pre.rated from doing so. UNDERTAKING -AT— CONS STATION. VI R P W RORV having re<-eatly pureh XvX sed the undertaking outfit of (J. F Hayden is al all limes prepared to atlrud to fuoeiixls, in any part ol the county, at abort notice. COFFINS and CASKETS ol any de scription furnished at reason tide prices, and undertaking in all iu hrances periormed altei the must approved methods. Thinking the public for pal favors 1 would a .especliully atk ibr a continuance of the *<-.e. P. W. ROBEY, Cox’s Station “T-soTt JfiU V AND FORCE AIN. llfE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION T> V > OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK Of China, Crockery, Glass-ware, Cutlerj, Fine-plated Ware AND HOUSE-FURNISHING 6QUO3 of the best class, and at as low prices as ord. ' nary goods are usually sold. Agents for EDDY’S Celebrated Refrigerators, acknowledged everywhere to be the best fo family use. VI. W. Beveridge, I Late WEBB * BEVERIDGE, { Is. WH Psaas. ivcaas, a WASHINGTON, D. C. j The Place to Buj NEW STOCK OP CHOICE Garden and Field Seeds, WESTERN CLOVER. SAPLING CLOVER, (gnataotned.) TIMOTHY SEEDS. ORCHARD GRASS. RED TOP aad BLUB GRASS direct (rom the West AMERICAN and GERMAN MILLET. Choice Western Seed Oats GOLDEN BEAUTY SEED CORN NORTHERN EARLY ROSE &EED POT A TOES IN BARRELS. IMPROVED MINER AND HORTEN WOODEN AND IRON BEAM PLO VVS Farmers’ end Plows, OLIVER CHILLED CLOWS. Pl.w castings and Plow Wood of all kinds. Cultivators, single and double, shovel plows. Old’s Hollow Stool Axol Wagon Self-Oiling, one greasing guar anteed to ran a Mouth. EVERY AXLE GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. The Easiest and Lightest Running Wagon In Use. Mizes fu>iu Uue to Six-Horse. W agon Harness, Plow Harness, Bridles, Collars, Haines, Back Bauds, Traces. Also a Full Line of Hardware C'hieo It, s and Bits, Augers, Planes, Ac, THE HOOSIKK BROADCAST HAND SEED-SOWEK. Grouud Bose, Guaranteed Pure. Ammonia ted Bone Su per- Phosphate, Potato Guano, Kaiuit, Muriate of Potash, Ni trate of Soda, Tankage, Plaster, Ac. In fact everything kept in a drat elasa Agricultural Store. OKNDOKFF A TUUXTON, 203 Seventh St,. N. W., OPPOSITE CENTER MARKET. WASHINGTON, D. 0. H. 8. Zell, O. O. Zell, J. W. Humtkk President. Vice-Bread't. Secretary, Joh. 11 JS/L. Lloyd. —WITH THE ZELL GUANO CO., —OF— BALTIMORE CITY, —MAHDPAOTDMBS OW Zell s High Grade Fertl^rs —AID DBALBM IM ALL KIND* Of— Fertilizing Material! . E_ Factory, Locust Polut. Otllco, 3 -4<>;tC(i Ht BALTIMORE, >IL>. I IBEO leave to inforni my customers that I U am bow connected with the above bouse, I and Uianking you for the eery liberal patron •ge extend.! to me for Uw past thirteen y ears, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. This bouse is one of the oldest aad best known in the country, their gue-l having an enviable reputation wherever used, being m)e ■; the uest and most concentrated material. I nave been in the habit *>f making special mixtures fur uos of my customers, but the diff eat brands that I will offer you manufacture! by the Zell Manufacturing Go. are so complete that I feel that I cannot Im prove upon them. My long expaitense in the business and my knowledge of the different characters of soil in Southern Maryland, en ables me to tell you whit grade of fertilisers to use; therefore whatever brand I may recom mend you to use you can do so with the former cootidenee that yon have heretofore placed m me. 1 am now in the county and will call apon you in person with samples of these grades aud hope you will reserve your orilwx tor me. Sh *uld you need any goods Before IR||gp* cun see you, please ord.r direct from the Coo pany, or your commission merchants, as at responsible orders will be promptly tilted. Yours very truly, JOHN M. LLOYD. | J. E. JOY & CD.. UNDEirAKSid,^^ HaghasTille, Oturles WE wish fo imform our friends and public generally that we are at all ti oes prepared to attead to FUNERALS in any part of the county at short notice. Coffias and Casksts of any description furnished at reasonable prices; and undertaking in all its branches per formed after the most approved methods. Ws have added to our line of business a patent IUS CASKET, which we are prepared to furnish at short notice, which will preserve the deal anv length of time desired with perfect satisfaction. Thanking the public for past favors, we would most respectfully ask a continuance of the same J. E. JOY A CO.. Hughes ville. B. F. PEAKE. ~ Manufacturer and Dealer iu Building Materia, IhrUnro DOORS, SASH, BUNDS, Window and Door Frames, Lime and C ■ dined Plaster, Moulding, Hand Rails, Paints, Oils, Leads, Cement, Slat* Mantels, Ac. Cor. Klagf & Pitt Strot, m-3m ALEXANDRIA,] VA. MILLINERY STORE AT Fomf Charles County, Mi. Mrs. Emma Roby, m BEOS to inform the Indies that she ka Sheared the services of n competent milliner from Washington, D. G.,sod will hereafter keep at Pomfrst a complete stock of MILLIX liY (4 ) J(). Her good* will he selected with taste aad oaro and will tmbraca all tba latast aad matt proved styles; and ao effort will ha spared give ea Refection. £aaf I-ly.