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Jit VOL. XiX. ■ - S/UNT MARY’S BEACON u roUUSUKb KVKKt TIIOR6DAT ST J.7.K1M0. 4 JAMES S. DOWNS. Taints or Sußscßirrioji.—s2 OOperan- Bttm, to be paid within six months. No •uWripthm will be received for a short er period than six months, and no paper W discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publish ers. Tkkms or AarßßTisivo. per square for the first insertion, and 25 •ta. for every subsequent insertion. — Might lines or less constitute a square. — If the number of insertions be not marked •n the advertisement, it will be publish ed until forbid, and charged accordingly. A liberal deluction ma le to those who advertise by the vear fiisrirs HUH I)ESIR A B I E REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for St Mary'a County, sitting as a Court of Kquity. the under.-igned, as Truateo, will offer at public sale at (he (’•art House door, ia Leonard Town, be tween the hours of one and three a’clcck Y U, on TUESDAY, the I2ih day of May next, lbs following named real estate, lying near j the Clifton Factory in St. Mary’s County, briug the same Laud of which the late I Ana gainer dhd seised and possessed, to wit: •HUNTING QUARTER.** aasraiaitif 129 acres, more or less Terms of sale, aa prescribed by the de area, are aa follow*: Two hunJrcd dol lars cash, the balance in equal instal ments of one and two years, with interest from the day of sale—the purchaser giving bond with security to he approved by the Trustee. ROUT. C. COMBS. Trustee. April 9h, 1863 ta. BEAURJJSA rdT HANDSOME grey stallion, renn yean old. 15| hands high, was r* by Register out of a Reliance mare, whose dam. Maid of Fatuxnit, was pur chased of Mr. Clagett of Alexandria and represented to be by John Randolph’* Gracchus nut of a thorough-bred mare. Ho will stand at Oakville on Monday, at Leonard Town on Wednesday, and at home on Friday. Taans.—Ten dollars, to he discharged by seven dollars if paid on or before August let, 1863. Groom fee 50 cts. F. G. NEALE, Aptil 9ih, 1863 3t. STRAYED, nr whs stolen from my stables, near the Ridge, St. Inigoes District, in ibis county, on Friday, the 3rd, instant. a Sorrel Mare, five years okl lids Spring. B'aid mare had a white or blazed fare, a abort mane, worn mostly on the right hide, a white fore foot and a wart upon her left bind leg. Any penmw bringing her to me. or giving informal iuu leading tu her recovery, will re ceive the above reward of Twenty dollars. SUSAN WELCH. Ridge P. O , ua April 9lb # 1803—4 w. ~E STRAY. CAMS to the premises of the under signed, about three months ago, * stray YEARLING, of a ilevp red color and mark ed with a aa allow fork in the left ear The owner H hereby notified to come forward, prove pruptrty. pay chargee and take bis property, in the lime prescribed by law, ■ ■otherwise it will bo legally disp.ued of. ROBERT GRAY. C’iiaptiro, Md. April 9th, a§B—4w. NOTICE. TMJ’Ont’E ia hereby given, that the un- Jl v designed intend petitioning the Coun ty Commiaaioners of Saint Mast's County he the erndt* in nation of mure land at Mill atom Landing on the Patuxent river, in this rouily, h r ihe purp<e of enabling the pub lit; tw con! we d a< said Landing. JOHN D. FREEMAN, E. N. A HELL. JAMES BCIIOFIFLD. JAS4KA H. DENT A others. April 9th, IM3-- lts. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE. NEWS AGRICULTUIIE AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. LEONARD TOWN. MD.. TTIURSDAfY MORNING. APML 16. 1563 NOTICE ANY person or persona holding any note or claim of any description or kind, whatever, against me, or for which I am in any way res|M>nailJe or lx nnd, (if there l>e any such note, claim or responsibility out standing against mej are lint by unified to pre sent the same to me within three mouths from ibis date, otherwise, 1 will not he held responsible for its payment. ' C. B. SMITH. Ualge P. O . Md. April 9th,1863 —3t. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR. HENRY NORRIS of Jos , thankful frr the support he received a* the taat election, oilers himself to the voti rs of Leonn allow n District, as a cnn.hdale for Rood Supervisor. nnd promi ses. if elected, to devote hi* entire lime to the improvement of the public roads. Apiil 9:h ( I?C3, TiuTinmi of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for St. Man’s County, sifting ns a Court ol Equity, pnw'ti >n the 23rd of March IS6S. wherein fie**. W. Hayden is complainant sud Harriet Hayden ami others are defendants, ; the undersigned, ns Trustee, will ■!! at pub j lie rale, at the Court House door, in Leonard iToWn, in said County, on |FRIDAY, the 24th, of April | next, (W fair, if ot the next fair day thereafter) be tween the houis of 11 o’clock A. M , and o oVlock P. M., the following real estate; One tract or parcel of land called and { known by the name of “LOCUST FARM” Wing part of “Ilopton Park,*’ containing 175 acres, more or Ice#; “SMALL HOPE ” containing 100 acres, more or less; eS IFBEE SEBD©!/* being part of “Ilopton Park" containing 100 acres, , no-re or ’•; ••Will ELER’S LOT” •obtaining 150 acres, more or less; •HO-FTM IFAKK," containing 52 1-2 acres, more or less—and containing in the aggrrgrale 477 1-2 acres, l more or leas. | This land is in a solid body, beautifully 10-j cated on the head waters of St. Clements! Bay, — East side of said Bay — about five miles j from Leonard Town, adjoining to Mathew A. | Stone’s land, on which there is a fine wharf to which steamers from Raltim to and Wash- ■ ington were accustomed to call, prior to the i difficulties of the Government. The *oil ia well adapted to the growth of , Cv-ru, Wheat and Tobacco. There is upon , this land a sufficiency of wood to pay the I whole purcha>e money. This is a fine chance for the investment of means. The location U beautiful, the land good, and the conveniences by water the very Fine fi>h ami This property will com mand ready sale at any lime. Terms of sale, as prescribed by the decree, 1 •re: Oue thousand dollars cash on the day oi •ale, tha residue to l*e paid nn three equal instalments, at one, two aiul three years, i with interest from day of sae. The deleted payments to be secured by the bonds of the purchaser or purchasers with security to be approved by the Trustee. When all the purchase mover shall be paid, the Trustee will execute a deed to the pur chaser nr purchasers, tree, clear and discharged , from all the title to the parties to the bill j under w-hich the decree was passed, or all parlies claiming under them. On I lie day of sale it will la? determined whether or not the laud wilt be ail sold in a body. G. FRED. MADDOX. Trustee, April 2nd, 1863—ts. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I announce'myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court for Sai-tl Mary’s county, and ntspwtfidiy solicit the support of my frtaad* and In pu:*lc, GEORGE H. HERBERT. TRUSTEE’S Jill IF ’ VALUABLE : IKBiilL EOTitfKB. I |Y virtu** of a decree of the Circuit I; IF for Saint Man's Om.ty, sitting as a ; O-nri of Equity—pished on the 23rd of i March 18(i3—'UiicK-iu L. A, i c*ke *nid j others are complainants Mary A, i Peake ami nth*, is are dc.todanG. Imi i.ud'-r --• signed, as Trustee, will *cl. .vi pt.h.ic *-*l**. • <>t the Court liou.e door, iu LvouutJ I own. nn ■ FRIDAY, the 24th, of April next, ’. lx-I ween the hour* of 12 o’clock, M., and 6 o’clock, I*. M.. the following real estate: “PART OF HOPTON PARK,” | and part of a tract or parcel of laud cal led “BAPTIST HOPE,” containing 103 1-4 acres, mere or lew ; ••nor TOX PARK," : containing 84 acres; BOOTHES Wing psrt of llcptou Park,containing 56 acres; containing in all 243 3-4 acres, m-r<; or lets. 1 This land is located immediately on the roid leading tr in Leonard Town to the Head of St (leiacnts Bay—being about three miles from each place. It is a coin pact farm—about thn-c miles and a hall from Sioiie’h Wharf, on St. Clements Bay. The soil is gtxal for Corn. Wheat and To bacco. it lias on it a large lot of cord wood, enough to pay for the Estate. The Houses are gtmd. n, *d suflioicnt for the farm. Terms of sale, as prescrilnd by the decree, j are, fifteen hundred dollars cash on the day ' of sale—the residue to ho paid in three equal instalments, iu one two and three years, with interest thereon from day ol sale. ■ The di'fcrred payment lobe second by the Uitids of the pun has-r, with security to bt appi - veil by the Trustee. Wtenali the purchase money shall have U-en paid, the Trustee will execute a ilecd *o ihe purchaser or purchasers, free t clear ai d discliargitl ftom all the title of the par ti> s in thu cause. G. FRED MADDOX, Trustee. April 2nd, 1863—ts. FOR THE PATUXENT RIVER AND PLUM POINT. THE STEAMER PLANTER will leave Baltimore for the Patuxent River every Wednesday morning, at 6 o’clock, commencing I Wedneaday, April ], ]663, proceeding aa j up aa Hill’s L4i ding. Reniniing, will leave Hill’s Landing every' Friday morning fer Henedin, leaving Benedict ' , every Saturday n.ernmg, at 6 o’clock, for lial- ; ’ limore—catling at all the usual Landings on the ; ! River, also at Plum Point, going and reluming, j Passage ?o Plum Point nnd Patuxent River, 'sl 50. Meals Extra. Fieight received up to 1 o’clock on Tuesdays. I N B. Tobacco per Hogshead $1 25 “ •* From Branch 1 50 Grain per hag, delivered on Steamer’s wharf 10 , An additional freight of one-fourth will he j charged on all down fieight intended fur the | Branch. I Passengers are respectfully requested not to bring any aitides of Freight on board the Steamer on the morning of her departure, ex- ' cij*l tneir Baggage, as it will not he received. GEO. W. WEEMS, Master. April 2nd, 1863—if. NOTICE TO CREDITORS™ ) NOTICE is hereby given that the suhsr.ri l*er has obtained from the Orphans' Court ■ iof Si Mary’s county, to Maryland, letters ] leMementary on the personal estate of Martha I Kilgour, late of said county, deceased. All’ parsons having claims against the said deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the proper vouches thereof, tu the suhsciiber, on or before the 15m dsy of Oct., 1863, oiher-' wise they may be excluded by law from all benefii of the smd estate Giver under my hand ibis 2nd day of April, ]b63. ROBERT FORD, Executor. April Sud, 1863—4 w. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE i hereby given that the •übscri beis have obtained from the Orphans’ Court of St. Mary’s county, in Maryland, let ter* of adnunisi ration nn the personal estate of, GEO. C. MORGAN, late of said county, de r.eaed. AH persons having claims against the sud deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with tbe proper vouches, thereof, to the subscribers on or before the 15th day of Oct., 1863, otherwise hey may be excluded by law from all leuefii of the said estate. Given un der our hands this 2nd day of April, 1863. ALICE MORGAN. JOHD F. MAGILE, Administrators. April 2nd, 1863 4w. IriummuEiF VALUABLE , | REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of a decree of the Oictiit Gnrt > for Saint Mary’s CVunty. eilting as a Fruity.—pissed on the 17th day f I dune, 1862—wbeiriu Daniel J. Payne and i others are complainants, and Susan E. 'Pip pet, RoV-crt Ti|*j>et and ctliers are defendant*, ■ ho under.igned, as Trustee, will soil at pub lic sale, in the village of Chaptico, in said county, (m SATURDAY, the 18th o April next, | (if fair, if not. the next day thereafter) between the hours of 11 o’clock. A. M. and. 4 o’chH’k, P. M., the following real estate,! viz: Oue tract or parcel of land, called and known as— “PART OF BASH FORD.” containing 194 acres, mote or less. | One other tract or parcel of land, calkd ami ; known a*— 1 containing 129 acres, i more or less One other tract ot parcel of land, called , and known as— “DEAR BOUGHT,” containing 220 acres, more nr less. ! One otFier tract or pa*cel of land, colled and ; I known as— “BRYAN S,” OR “RKEN’S VEX TUKE” con talcing 80 acres, mt re or less ! These land* all lie in Chaptlco District, in ; Saint Mary’s Comity, and contain, in the ag- 1 gregote, 623 acres, 1 more or lea*. J Tley are located on the rr>ad leading from Chaptico to Newport. aL'iit f< ur miles from the former place, and adjoin the farm >l Ww. A. Kirk. They are well adapted to the , : growth of all the staple products of tins sec- . fion of State, ?tnd ns l\-lm r co lanrl* are e.-pe -1 daily tle.Miahlo. 'l'F.e sod in this vicinity i ' jas fine as can be found in any part of the : State, ami its susceptibility for rapid and htst ' ing improvement ran be attested by an exam-j ' ination of the premises, or any of the farms ■ arljoining. I’hese laruls are also convenient j to Church. Mill, the P*l Office ami arc near enough to navigable water f**r ali the practi- I cal purpose* of the farmer. They are in a healthy and well regulated neighbirhood f have fine water upon them, and are, upon the ■ whole, as adesirable as any unimprui cd lands I ! in the Slate Term* of sale, a* prescribed by tbe decree, ’ are: ! One fifth of the purchase money to he paid . 1 iu cash on the day of sale—the residue to l>e I pant, in three equal instalments, a; one, two and three vears fr-mt the day of sale, with i interes't thereon frint day of sale. The de ferjeil pavrnents to l>e secured by the bonds of the purchaser, or purchasers, w ith securi- Ity to l>e ap}ti>>ve<l by the Trustee When all iF.c purchase money shall le paid, Ihe Trustee v ill execute a deed to the. i purchaHT, or purchasers, free, cletir and dis , charged front ail the title of the parties to the 1 Bill under w hieh this deeree was passed—a’.so , of thoue claiming under the said parti***. JAMES T. M. It A LET, Trustee. March 12th. 18C3—t*. ; mJiJSAILS* homes; a fine family carriage; a R.-cka ; way; a Buggy; and severs! farm wagons. For i term*, apply to J. W J. MOORE, Washington Hotel, Leonard Towu. ; j April 2nd, 1863—tf. JOSEPH H. KEY ATTORNEY AT LARf. Leonard Town Si. Mary's County, Maryland, j WILL practice in the Court* of the first Judicial Circuit—B. Mart’s Charles• anti Prince G'lerpaV Counties. March 6tb, 18 8 -Bm. I iDMIKISTRITORT SUE OP LIKELY j YOUHB NEGROES. BY virtue ol’an order of the Oruhana’ Court for Sain; Mary's County, the undersigned, administrators of John T. Graves, deceased, will sell at public sale, at the late residence of the saiJ John T. Graves, on Saturday, the 18th day ot Aptil next, (if fair, it nut, the next fair day thereafter) between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P. M., two likely young uegrue*, viz : aasaJiL'^ aged about 17 resra; | mmm&z aged about 13 years. Terms or Sazr.—Cash on day ol sale, JOHN T GRAVE*, MARY A. GRAVES. Adint 'a. March 26tb, 1863 —ts. EOLUITY IB TICE. I Ann Sheever ) In the Circuit Court vs. ) for St. Mary’s County. | Margcrct David A ) pitting as a Court of others > Equity, March Tor* 3 1863. fllllK object of this suit is to obtain a \ JL decree for a division or rale of the • real estate of :he late Joseph David of St. ■ Mary’s County, The bill in substance rtaier, that the I said J osi-ph David died in 1860, intestate | and umunrrii <!, leaving a* his heirs, the complainant, Margaret David, Catharine Curiss. wife of Sampson Cariss. of Haiti more City. Joseph T. Clarke. John t iarke, Rebecca Clarke and Margaret | Clarke, children of Maria Clarke, a eLtei i Joseph David. The bill further states, of : that the said Joseph David died seized and j possessed of a tract of land lying and be ; ing in St. Mary’s County called aud i kn&wn rs RICHARDS MANOR, con taining one hundred and seventy seven . acres. The till further charges, that said l Real Estate cannot be divided among said ! heirs without great loss and injury and that it would fie to the interest aud advan tage of all parties to have the same sold and the proceeds dMributcd among the ■ parties entitled to the same; and it ap- Ipt aring to the satisfaction of the Court, i that John Clarke, one of the Defendants, j resides beyond the jurisdiction of this I Court, it is, therefore, ordered this 21st day (of March Anno Domini 1863, that tbe : complainant by causing a copy of this or der to be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Saint Mary’s Btucon before the third Monday of August next, give notice to the absent defendant; of the nature, object and imbalance of this ( bill and warn the said absent defendant to j be in this Court, iu person or by attorney, on or before the third Monday in Novem ber next, to arawrr the premises and show cause, if any be has, why a decree should not pass as prayed, and that iu default thereof said till will be taken pro con /*<*o as against him. GEO. BRENT. I hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true copy taken from ’lie original filed , iu my office this 21 March 1863, JAMES T. BLAKISTUNE. Clk. March 20th. 18C3—4w. CBLLECTOR S NOTICE, i BY the County Commissioners for Saint j Mary’s County— ; ORDERED, That Robert F. Tavlor. <!- : lector of State anl County taxes in the l*t •election dUtiict of St. Mary’s county, r,n*e adrertiaeimen:*. expressing the name* ol the following lot* of land with the cottages there on, the amount of taxes due for the sair.cj together w ith the name* of the persons cha*-| geable for said taxes, to he inserted once per week for and during four weeks in the St. Mary’s Hebron, a newspaper published in Bl* 1 . Mary’a County, also once a week for four weeks in the Daily GazetU, a newspaper 1 published in Baltimore City, notifying, that t unless the State and County taxes, due on , said lots, cottages, shall be paid to the I said Collector, within the space of thirty ■ days, after the publication of tie notice afore- I sai l is completed, the lots aforesaid, and ■•ul lages or such parts thereof as may be neces sary to raise the sum due thereon, shall be sold to the fiigbebt bidder /or tbe payment of the same. Owners. Name of Land. Amt. due 1862 Jan. Ut 1863 B j Berry. Sami. 11. Lot and cottage *t I’t. Lock j Out. No. 44. $2.13, ! Boyle, Junius J 60 2.13 ■ Biitvoe, Edmund 46 2.18 < Blakisione, James T 54 1,07 j 1 Broome, T T 43 1.07; Brtwtke, Albert ACS Kccch 47 1,07; i Howie, Thomas F 40 2.13; Bernard, tl’ R 1 I.PO Bowie, Walt. b. Williams S E 15 1 8 ; ; Berry. Tin*maa E 11 1.60 Berry, William J 13 1,80 c ; j Clarke. Daniel 4k Wm. D 28 2.18 I O-mi ton, B.rcea 16 I,W CUybrook, R A • 1,89 Cox, Danirtdge 13 1,80 Carter, Raleigh D .11 1,00 D Dige*. Daniel C. 41 2.18 Daniel. .Kbn L L Johnson Wa Coat 41 1,07 Dare. Dr Juba 13 1,80 K ,' Eaton, Margaret 9 m 3.18 • 1 Cdt-Wn. Philip R 41 1,07 r i [ Fl*he:r, Ellwod 43 3.18 , Forbes, (Jrwge 43 1,07 .Paul, HQ 1 1,80 I 0 i Gordon. DII 2 2,1 t i joutii, Thomas W '4 2,1 t I. ; Harriri. Arnold 39 2,18 ; Hutching*, Luka WO 47 2,18 j Howe John 0 48 1,07 Harding, William 40 1.07 i Hoot, Abraham C 21 1.80 ! Harria. J Garmiu 8 1,80 J Johnson Reverdy 34 3.18 K i Key, F S 1 3.18 j Key. Henry K 8 3,18 Kent, Daniel A Briscoe Jama 84 2,18 | Kirkwood JIIA A W 14 1,80 i L j Lathram Fdward 3 3 2,18 j Long John B §2,18 M : May. John Fred 41 3.18 I Maddox, Joseph H 8 2.18 ' Morgan, Daniel T 6 2.18 Mecon, John Ray 24 1.07 Mitchell Walt. A Ternisoa, AO 48 3,18 N Norrii, Stephen 22 2,18 0 Owen, SW 4# 1,07 i p I Pitt, B T 46 1 07 J Pendleton, Wo A 44 2,18 Q ; Qubenbnrv, Wru Laid Wa*b ngton, Charles A 63 1.07 R Roberta. Benjamin 3 88 2,13 Roach, Edward N 41 2.18 Roane, Dr Lawreuaa 24 1,07 8 &*ddon, John 48 2,18 Sweeney, Hugh B ’* 49 1,07 Sale, Dandridga 28 1.07 Skninner, J H 87 g.IS SollerH, Augurtn* R 88 2,18 Smith, John M 16 1,80 . T Thompson. Marcellua A Amelia 48 2,18 Turner, Caroline 16 1.80 Turner Richard H A Georgs 18 1.80 Thomas, J H 1 2,18 Tayloe, Henry A 86 1.07 Tliomaa, Henry W i 2,18 Turner, Dr 1 2,18 Taylor, Zadoc A Ocrrv, Jaremiab 86 2,18 W Warren, John II 88 2.18 Wirt. William 18 1,80 Washington, John A 9 1,80 j Warring, Robert J 2 1.80 Warring. Wm 3 10 1,80 | Winter Henry W 48 2,18 CLARKR THOMAS A JOHN. PART •‘ELMORE,” 100 acres 8.19 By order, EOBT. C. COMBS. Clerk. NOTICE i* hereby given that anleaa the j State ocl Omnty taxca, due on the aforesaid j l<>t* or pared* of land and cottage*, shall ha paid to me on nr before the end of thirty day a aftvr the above publication is completed, the said lute or pi-rce’e of land and cottage* or Mich part thereof a* may be nccc*aary to rail* the sum due thereon together with the coat of advertising and legal interest, shall be Bold to the higheat bidder lor the payment of the MUM. ROBT. F. TAYLOR. Cjl lector. March 12th, 1863— 4 w. RATIFICATION NOTICE. Ann A. Carpenter. ) In the Circuit admr, y Court of St. Ma- ry’a County, ail iJo Spalding. Exr. of S ting as s Caurt of J. Dunbar Junior, A > Equity. others, 3 ORDERED by the Court, that lbs re port of B. G. Haaris, Trustee in thin ! cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless | cause to the contrary be shown on or | before the third Monday of June next. provided a copy of this order be inserted lin some newspaper published in Stint Mary's County ouce in three successive weeks before the first dsy of Msy next. The report states that the fans, eons* monly called the home farm, being the same of which William Dunbar died seised, was sold for two thousand and fifty dollar*, and that the farm which Joseph Dsebar purchased of Janies Thomas was sold for i two thousand dollar*. GEORGE BREST. I hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true ropy taken from the original filed in my office Test, JAME 3 T. BLAKISTONF. Clk. March 26ih, 18C3-3w. THAU X. main. BASSE A JAMIBOB. PREU3S and JAMISON. ! ATTORNEYS A COUNSELLORS at LAW. I 11TILL practice is the Courts afSu Mery la : v v and (ha adjaing ronntios. Ln*.r4 'lawn, Murdi )9th, lit?—J. NO 8