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VOL I. SAINTMARrS GAZETTE II PUBLISHKD KYEKY TIIL'KSDAT BY WALTER THOMPSON. Terms or Sursckiitior.-—52.00 peran ini, to be paid within six months. No subscription will Ijc received l]pr a short er periwl than si* vnnotli*. ami do pa per be discontinued, until all arrearages are wail, except rtW© option of tbe publish " *' ****" Terms of AavßanOTEo. —$1 per square for the first insertion, and ’lo ctn. for every subsequent insertion.— Eight lines’H>r less constitute a square.— If the number of insertions he not marked nn the advertisement, it will be pulLsb <d until forbid, and charged accord", only. A liberal deUactmu made to tkouc who advertsm by the year >d tIfITIE SSALE OP ’ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, BY virtue of n detiw of the Circuit Court for St. Mary’s Countv, sitting as a Court f Kqnity, bearing daH f flic IHtn of .iune, I Hr,2, ibe undersigned, as Tnmlifj, will sell lit public rale, al die Court bouse door, in liWHiarii Town, on TUESDAY, the 27th o< Oc tober next, tlie following real estate, to wit; One tract or parcel of bind called and a* — eC M)IHLim ©BOTE,* Ling tbe Ur*l upon which John V. Posey now resides and containing 125 acres, mere or less. Tliis land Is l'*rafr*d In n very ilwiralile and a>li"lns tho lands of Oo| \Vin. 1. Holier*. M. Shanks It is well improved, has good buildings iijmii it ami is well adapt! d to (he growth ol all tin staple products of this section of the Slate. It is torvmitiii to da* Potomac liver and oysters, fi.-h and wild fowl nbnend In Hh toy* and creeks adjacent t* it. Terms ok EaRR, as prescrils-d by the de cree are cash. l : p*>n the payment of the purchase money, tke Trustee will execute a lerd to the |urcbacr free, clear and dis -barged from all tbe parties to (bis suit and those chuming under them. R. FORD. Trustee. October Ist. 1865—ts. tItCTUNJIOTICE. liereliy given.lbat aw Klwtlm Xl will In* Ik*M mi IVEDXESVAV, tin Ath ilnjofXtmm- Uir t*i ft. In the Fovcnd Election Di-tricts of St. Mary*? painty, for the of electing the follow ng officers to-wit; A Cudiptiolwr of tlie Treasury ol Maty- Umi. A Mendier of Gtngrcss for tlie Sixth Gn grcskifaiai District.- A ol Public Works f*r (be First IHsfri't. Two IMegatrs lo represent St. Mary’s County in the next House ol Delegates of Ma ry land. A Clerk of t! c Circuit Gur f. r St, MaryV f>nnty. A (legisfcr of Wills fl*r St. Mary’s County. Time Judges ol' the t>i j ban’sCi urt for St. hi ary V dainty. A Plate’s Attorney for St. Maty’s county,! Tfw Sin nil's for St. Mary *s c uuly. A County Surveyor for St. Mary’s county- Five Ganniissiom-rs of Tax for St. Mary’s. Abe, by each election district. JitHices of the I* cnee. Constables and Ibnul Su|*u visors, US fellows : Fr District No. l (St. liiigr-*sy—Two Magistrates, two Const abbs and one Hoad thiperrisor. For District No, 2 (Factory)—Time Mag istrates, two Coustal bs and one Road Snjer liisnr. For District No. 3 (Lc *i:ird Town) — Tl .roe Magistrates, lime Constables and one Road Supervisor. For District No. 4 (Chaptico) Three Mag htialcF, tluee Xk nsfaides and one Rond Su yeirkcr. For Distort No o ffliarkdle Hall) t—Two Magistrates, Two C nslabba and one lb ad huiervisor. F*r District No. r. (Palnxeio) —Two Mag istiates, two Constables and one Hoad Snper- V Wr. THOMAS L. DAVIS, SbrrilT Oct. I*t, iFfO—to. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICK i hereby Si\<i. ikut tbe aubsrri lm lias obtained from the Orphans’ Court ol St. Maiy’ rommy , m hi ary bid, Ifiien* •*U inriil. rf on die (ei sonnl estate of J olio C. Whrrrili, bile of said t-ounly, derenced. At! | ersoiis looms dm.ns against the said dtv*ased, are hereby warntd to exhibit the same with the proper vouches tUeirof, to the snbiici liter, on or hrfbto the 4ib dry of April I >64, other wise liny may la- excluded by law from all benefit of the said eatnte. (intp i.ialer my l aud tins 1 day ofOcol*er, IMS. WM. <,’• lIISCOK, Kxecnior. Oct. I si, 163-4 w. I>EVOTEI> TO LITERATURE,NEWS AGRICULTURE AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. LEONARD TOWN. MD., THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 8. 1863 j PHI FBI HLI ! | M wUI sell at private eele a desirable litUe j m. farm, located ne-ar St. Mary’s river, in tlie t Facto y District, and only half a mile from Miflairn’s Wharf. This farm is in rxcHlnnt •*rtier, jms a new two sltiry dwelfing upon it, 1 is healthy, well watered, has good oub-housea * iqsjtl it ami contains 100 acres, | more or lo**. Terms will lie made****?. Ad !mst, JAMKS S. DOWNS, • I.coward Town. Mi!.' jobs n7woon, * Great Mills, Md.. If the almve fiirm is not sold by ’IT'HS- the 51 of November next. I wi4 ofR-r Hj, at public silk* at Issinard Town. m JOHN H. WOOD. Octolicr Ist, —is. - j -:l_ . HATIFICATO.N NOTICE. |J. J. Alldatt ! In the Circuit ( ilk Oettrge Cmbs > (bnirl f* r Saint • vs 3 Mary’s County, , 1 John M. Springer hitting ns n Court A* HeUcea J. bis wife, j' of Kftiiy. FIY virtue of authority vested in me nndtT ' IM 3 the Al (f Assenildy in Mich CW; made and provided, it is Jiereby orlcrel that the ■ Tnislw’s nqnrt in Ibis case le ralitb'tl and j cvnliiined unless cause to (bo contrary be ■ shown on or iMiiStre the (bird Monday in No- I vend* r n -xf; provided a copy tf this order lit inserted in tbe St. Mary’s Gazette once n wwk for three successive weeks, before flic said third Momia}* in NoveniU-r. The rcjH.rt sfatis tbsit the land sold for two tbaisand dollant. JA M n>s T. BLA KISTOX K, Clk. True Copy—Test JAMES T. BLA HISTONE. Clerk. Oct. Ivi, 1803— :Uv. RATIFICATION NUTICK. I George Annswortby! In (be (Ircnit P*urt ; vV oilhtr, > for Saint Mary’s emtn- • vs 3 ty. sillim; as u Court, i Claxton Hidgelt of Kqnity. A ollnrs. | |> V virtue of authority vestal in me )>y tin ! Act of Assembly in such rase made atid | i pruviilt tL it b>-lim:bx igiknaiJimJl the report uf; | tlM* I rte Ire in (hi* case lie ratified ai;t eon- j timieil, unless eati-e to tlie contrary b • shown j on or belbrr tlie (bird Monday of Noveudier : next; provided a copy of ibis order I** insert- j ••d in tbe St. Mary’s dnttHe once a week b-r three successive wr-eks previous to said third ! Monday of Novendcr. Tl e report states that the land soil for six i bundre*! dollar*. ' JAMES T. BI.AKISTONK, Clk. True copy—Test JAMES T. BLA HISTONE, Clerk. Oi-t. Ist. 1865—8 w. J RATIFICATION NOTICE. George Combs, ), In the (Circuit Osirt , vs J for Saint Mary’s Gain- I Edgar G inbs, } ty, sitting as % Court j ' A* Mary I). Cumls. \ of Equity. y BY virtue <>f antboiity vested in me by tbe l Act of Assembly in sneli case niadc and ; provide*), it is ordered that the sale rejmrtnl by the Trustee ill this case lie talitied and confirmci), unless cause to the contrary In shown on or before thin! Monday in Novi m ! Ut next; ]rovkbd a copy of this on er lc in ! seiled in the Si. Mary’s (.al'Uf, once a wtvk j fur three successive wcyjks, pfeviutiu to sa’nl j thin! Monday in Noveno•(•r. The r< jM.rt state? that the land sold for five i tluaisiiinl dollars. JAM FS T BLA HI STOX E, Cl k. 1 True copv—Test [ JAMES T. BLA HISTONE, Clerk. 1 Oct. Ist, 18G3—Sir. 7.M Tine A TJOX NOTICE. 8N the Circuit Court f<>i St. Mary’s Gaudy, sitting as hi Gairt f Equity. By authority vested in me hy law. I here by unify and confirm the sale made and re ported by Stephen Hayden. Trustee for the? ■ sale of the res.l estate of John S. Psact-ek, un -1 less eansse to the contrary thereof Ite shown on <*r lx-fore the first day of February next; j provided that a copy of this order he inserted jin Mine newspaper printed in Kt. Mary’s. ! County, once in cadi of three Micccssive i we* ks, be foie lbe first day of February next. ! The re|M>rl tates tbe amount of s..U*a to I*.* l ; JAMES T. BLA HISTONE, Ok. of lire Cirruit Gairt for St. Mary's County .sitting as a Court of Equity. | True Copy. Test, J A Ni KS T. BLA K ISTt N K, (’teik. { OcloUr Ist. 18015 —Jsw. | NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TWOTICK m hereby given that the subsrri | lem kbvt oiiiamed loan ike Ori linns’ I Court of St. MnryV comity, in Maryland , let ters of ntlmiinslralion nn the peisonnt estate of | ITezekinh Dent, late ef mid eonnty, deeensed. ' All pelsoi s having rlainis against ti e said de -1 reastd are heroUy sained lo exhibf ike same ( .with proper ron-Ues thereof, lo the snhserilier . on or before the 4rii day of April, I*'64, other wise they may be excluded by lav' from alf j (•etirfil ot die sat'd esnue. Given under our hands this Ui day of Oetotier. I-till. (’ll A RLE** DENT, GEORGE I!. DENT, AiliHHiiWNkiir. Oiiolm Ist, !Hi3—|a*. jfrrricE to creditors. K'OTTCE i* hereby given that the tib*cfi bei* have obtained from the Orphan* ’ Court of St. Mary’* county, tu Maryland, let- j ter* of administration on the personal estate of. Benjamin McKay, late of aul county, de ■ reaped. All person* having claim* agsinst the *iiii dcrftttil are hereby warned to exhibit ihe j Mine with tbe proper vouch#* thereof, to the milmriltera on or lefure the 4th day of April , ]M>4, otherwise they may be excluded by law Iron* nil Iwnefit of the said estate. Given on-* der our hand* fhi* l*t ila? of Oct, 1863. j sARAfI JANE McKAY, WM. C BiiAN, Administrators Oct. Jut, lßC3—4w. M.' "JLffi’J ”-J ■„ . J" ,IP| 1 MOTIVE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE i* hereby given that the subscriber • : ha* obtained from the Orphan’* Court ( of St. Mary’s county in Maryland, letters of administration on the personal of William I. Langley, late of J said county, demued. All person* having rltiims against the void deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with I lie proper vouches thereof, to tlie subscriber, on >r before ‘ the 4ih day f April 1H64, otherwise they may le excluded by law from all benefit of the said 1 estate. Given under my liand this Ist day i ol Oct., 1863. A. C. TF.NriSON, \ Administrator. I Oct. Ist, 1863—4*. W - -**. _-- - - _b- -•- * I NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE i hereby irtven that the snbacri- j ler ha* obtained fi<m the Orphan’s | Court of St. Mary’s county in Maryland, let- I ter* of administration an the personal estate ] of John I’lakiKtone, late .f said county, de-: censed. All persons tiavingclaiii)* against the i said deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the | same with the proper vouches thereof, to the j subscriber on or before the 4th day of 1864, otherwise they may be excluded by j law from nil benefit of the said estate. Given • under my hand thin ]t day of October, 1*63. E. 11. BLAKISTONB. Administrator. Oct. Ist, 1863—4 w. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby g : ven t* at Ihe snlweri her ha* obtained from the Orphans’ ( Court of St. Alary’s county in Maryland, let-! ter* testamentary on the per* mi*! estate of ' Janies W. Millimole, late of said county, de-; ceased. All person* haring chum* against the; said deceased, are hereby warned to exli'hil the j same with the proper vouches thereof, to the i subscriber on or before the 4th dav of April • 1*64. otherwise iliey may be excluded by law 1 from all oenefit of i!,* said estate Given under my band tin* Ist day of fVtnljer. 1863 Executor. Oct. Ist, |863 4w. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. .... . 1 i NOTICE is hereby given that the snbscri- ; . f l*ers lias ••binined fimn liie Orphans’Court i of St. Mary’s enmity in Mat viand, letters of j . admilustration on the personal estate of A. 0. j . Burch, late of said county, deceased. All per-’ 1 son* having claims against the said deceased, ■, I are hereby uarneil to exhibit die same with • I the proper vouches thereof, to the sobseribert I on or ieCbre the 4th day of April 1864. other- ] wise they may l*e excluded by law from nfl ! teiiefit of the Said estate. Given under my : . hand this Ist day of October. IST3. JANE C. BITRCff, ! M. 11. II ERR I M A N. ■j. Administrators. 1 Oct. Ist, 1863—4wx t j NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the subscri ber* have obtained from the Orphan*’ Court of S'. Mary’s county, in Maryland, let ters of administration on the personal estate of ■ S. G. M. Burroughs, late ol said county, de ceased. Al! persons having claims against the Said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the 1 same with the proper vouches thereof, to the ( subscriber* on rr l>e(bie the 4tli day of April IHI4. otherwise they may 1 e excluded by law j fr..m al! benefit of the said estate. Given nn-j der our hands this I<t day of October, 1863. ROSETTA V.: 1.1 HI ROUGHS, JOHN BOHAN AN, Administrators. Oct. Ist, 'B63—4w. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. w * . ji NOTICE i* hereby given that the snbsrri- ( bers have obtained from the Orphans’ Cmiit of St. Mary’s county, in Maryland, let ter* of administration on the personal estate of Jesse C. Burroughs, late of said county, de ceased. All persons bai ing claim* against the sid deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the ; 1 same with the proper vouches thcieof, to the subscriber* on or before the 4lh day of April j 1864, otherwise they may be excluded by law from nl 1 lienefu of the said estate. Given tin-; der our hands this lt day of Oelubtr, !Hi3. WM. WATTS, SUSA N N AC. BURROf’G 11S. Administrators. Oct. Ist. 1863 —4w. NOTICE TO ('KEDITOUS. NOTICE is hereby given thfilthe subscri bers have obtaine*! r rom tlie Oiphnns’j Court of St. Mary ’* county, in Maryland, let-1 lers of administration on the personal estate of C. G. Norris, late of said county, deceased All person* having claims against the said de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the snf*e with the proper vouches thereof, to Ihe sub scribers on or before the 4tb day of April 1864, otherwise they mry he excluded by law I from all benefit •>(' the said estate. Given im , der our band* this Ist day of <Vt*l er, IBtl3. JAMES IT. NORRIS, C. J. NORRIS, Adniiiiisliatuim, W. A. j October l*t, 1863—4 w. I’J . ■■■■ ■■■■■■■< ■■■.■' ■' , JAMES s. downs; ATTOKXKY .V COCXSKI.I.UI! AT LAW, Leonard Turn. St. Mary's Co.. Ifd’, i Will piaci;o in St. llary*? an tUh enjoining, . . I i AiiiiiMiimrjiuii'. oisnflrH. 1:1, ISliiJ fJOSEPII 11. KEY ATTORXEY AT LAW. fjtAtard Torn St. Mary'* County, Mt rykxnd j ■jSTILL practice, in the Cuirt? of tlie first j tfW Judicial Circuit—St. Mary’s Charles iiMfTriuce Georg*’* Counties, lurch, IttPk—tu. j 1 BOARDING HOUSE I ?(jk TEACHERS AND PUPILS AT CHARLOTTE HALL. r l^j| l K'iicHli.'*rsignthi w ill open a* a Boarding ** MfmW. village of UWfotlc Uni), "or IK Rccommodalfon of the Tcaoliers awl k Un|s of the Academy, on the 1m of October Ki the house formerly occupied hy Thomas; WKn, Esq. It is my design to keep a fii>t j House, with furniture, beds and bedding tew. Those desiring to take Imord at this sc will please make early applfoath n to ; hy letter vr otherwise. Turns fur Loard- Hutue as at the Steward’s house r WM. H. liIUWNBR. : 1 lih, 1802—tf. PROFESSIONAL | CHARLES COMBS, having lo- JHL W cated himself at the <• R HAT} d I L L S lor the purpose of practising tip profession can always he found at the esidencc of J. J. Allstan, Ks,j . when not >rofcpsionally or, gaged. Jan. 2nd. 18B2—if. SHINGLES, LATHS, BRICKS, LIME, i HAIR, SASH, DOORS and SHUTTERS, POR sale, at the rerylorrst ju ice forCASH or APPROVE!) credit. Before luv- i ig. call and sec ns at the corner of Knta'v j in) German Streets or at 132 Light Street iVIiH/f, Baltimore, Md. BURNS A SLOAN. March 21st 18C1—tf. A* %jm TZ~Z .~.T li: .. .T... V LEONARD TOWN flfifrfttTWff: HAVING purchased the entire interest ot the late linn of Morgan. Jamison V 0.. he undersigned will conduct the hninccss with • iroin) it ness and energy. i A large slock of excellent CIGARS, mann hetnred front the lcst Tohnecoto lx; oUaiiiol n the market, will he kept constantly on 1 •and. and orders Will he received from, and 1 Agars delivered at Factory prices, in either <>f j he counties ol Prince George. Charles. St. daryV. Calvejt or Arundel. A liberal aiiare of the patronage of the |eo- j de of Southern Maryland is earnestly solicit- ; d fr the advancement of HOME INDUS- ; I UY, based upon the mottoul large sales with [ easonahle profits. t&T" All orders addreswd to the undersign- j *•1 at Leonard Town i : . 0., will lc promptly , it tended to. D. A. JAMISON. ; Jan. 9th, 1802— Iv. i : J j i. TKEGO. J. S MORGAN. I TREGO & MORGAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE DEALER'S JX LIQUORS AMO CIGARS, | HAVE removed to No. 22 street, one door from Pratt street, I ,chore they solicit a continuance of the tur ner patrons of their Old Stand and the community in general. Their attention nr ill he given to the inspect for. of all To - aeco. to the sale of all Produce consigned o their care, and to the purchasing of all roo Is on coinmD-ion. April 3rd, L v o2—ly. DIS SOL 111IBH HQ IHL THE copartnership heretofore existing W- | tween the nudersigned, under the name uid style of Penn Ar Mitchell, U this day dis solved hy mutual consent. The name of the firm will only he used in future lu settlement of its hindues*. ALEXANDER PENN, K H. MITCHELL. L. V. OLIVER. 1 Bit. March 2d, IC3. March sth, ISG3—if. TO THE FARMERS is PLANTER’S OF ST. MARY’S COUNTY. The undersigned having formed a copart nership, under the name and style of Mitch ell. Oliver A* Co., for the pur|M*e of conduct ing a PRODUCE COMMISSION business, ripped fully solicit pour patronage and hope tii merit tier snme by strict attention to hu.-i --uess and volt interest. R. H. MITCHELL. m L V. OLIVER, W \ ROBT. SIMMs. Baltimore March 2d, IBC3. March sth, iboj—if. f clast all I Ih-t) ou>, ing i LIZZIE MORAN. Or llkpl*cd iJLction- BY J. D. T. 1 Among the hilly regions of the Patux ent stands a Finall white house, of unpre tending appearance. It is situated on a high sugar-loaf knoll, surrounded on three sides by a narrow valley or ravine, backed by high bills; (which .teems as if it had been intended by nature as the strong-hold of some feudal-chief, of those past ages, of which we read to much, hut know to lit tle,) on the fourth, or west tide, extends a narrow plain, of a few acres in extent, which contains the garden—decorated in summer with a variety bf choice and beau tiful flowers, and, in winter, the r< pository ' of Tgotables for the usi and sustenance of the family; the remainder is planted out with young and vigorous apple-trees—the whole forming a ptet and beautiful appearance. This is the residence of Aaron Muran, a gentleman in reduced circum stances, who lives here in private scclu.-ion with his family, and seems to havo centred all the affection that he once lx stowed up on the world and its pleasures, on his beautiful daughters, the eldest of whom is the peerless Lizzie. My pen fails to de scribe the matchless beatpy of the sylph-’ like form and lovely face. Endowed with rare talents that have been well cultiva ted, graceful and uprightly manners, with a modest and pleasing address, she wins the respect of stringers and the love, and ; admiration of her friends and acquaintan ces. 3lr. Moran had not always lived in his present seclusion or reduced circumstan ces. In early life he possessed an ample fortune, but like too many, thinking there could be no end to his fortune, he never denied himself or his family a pleasure or’ gratification that could be procured. There ! was always room and welcome at his hos pitable board fur his fiends and neigh bors. Thus was an ample fortune squan dered in pleasure and extravagance, and he and his family left to their own exer tions for a support. In the same neighborhood lived Muses Allen, who, by industry* and economy, had raised himself from a small liegining j to affluence. These two men, with char- ; actirs so different, were in early life warm Uiemis. IV kiln. thmjhrunT was, living in. luxury and wasting hw fortune in pleasure 1 and extravagance, the latter was living within the strictest economy, and by in dustry and perseverance, was increasing in wealth and importance. Their fami lies were on th£ most intimate term*, as sociating together with all the freedom of: the most intimate friendship. The eldest son of Mr. Allen, whose, name is Wilfred, was two years older than j Lizzie. lie was always her playmate and j champion, protecting her from every in-; suit, and comforting her in all her trou-! Idea, II e culled her his little wife, and she was proud f her yeung protector and companion, and as tin y grew in years I their lave increased wish their growth, un til their childish love inercstd to the affec-1 lion of mure mature years. Thus were their In arts united by the purest love, when the day arrived on which Wilfred was t# leave liis homo fir college, to enter upon the studies which, he told her, was to fit him to take his place among the lords of creation, and she willingly piomi-od that her hand should he the piize to his success. He spent vacations at home, when he was always received with a smile and a sincere welcome by Luxe. Mo heart, heat quicker at the wand tf his foot-f.dl, i or check mantle with n blu.-h that could not he concealed at the tom* of his voice— and there was no prayer breathed to heav en with more sincerity for his success and happiness, than hers. At every vacation, 1 when he would return home, all his young friend*, of both sexes, were invited by his parents to meet him, and the reunion was celebrated by a dance. At these reunion*, there were none who could competo with his young and beautiful playmate. She was always his partner i the dance. It was into her car that he whispered words of love and admiration, and renewed again anti again those vows and promises that had been uttered at their last porting, and she would listen, with a smile of pleasure, to his words of eonSdence and vows of eternal fidelity to her, until her lave fur him seemed n part of her being. No hope breathed but he wag to be the recipient of its benefits, and every dream for the future was interwoven with his fate; but all this love was to be cruskftd—all this confidence broken. Some friend had whispered to him dreams of ambEtion and wealth, and to accomplish these, he must bury all his boyish love, break all his early vows and promises, and woo and win some wealthy dame to share with him his ambitious aspi rations and peijured heart. About this time he began to talk of studying some prfion for the purpose of accocnpli-h --ing his ambitious schcim s; for ho thought within himself that., as a professional gen tleman with his father's wealth in pros pective, that he wotld readily he received in the so<iey of the wealthy, and le eon aid* red an equal. IK never met Lizzie M r~U .aw U i eept by accident, and then he always ap peared distant and ill at ease. By such manifestations she first began to under stand that he no longer looked upon her with the wonted affection, or treated bur s his betrothed— and who cun toll the anguish of the awakening fnpfcbcr dream of love and confidence, to mErihe objec: unworthy of thji trae affection which shr had o faithful!}' accorded him. He was trying to root out the affection of so many years growth, but it cost him many and severe pangs, and still at times there was a lingering feeling of reap. •• for the girl who had trusted to his keep ing her young and guileless heart—upon which he had to ruthlessly, and selfishly trampled —and at the*e limes all his oU affection would re lam with renewed ar dour, and he would again renew Ida rows of lusting constancy for were doomed again to bo trokoggg At this time envy rivl twjflw' began *< cast (heir shafts at h r devoted heart Slanders were propagated, to which Uc was only too willing to listen, and too r* o dy to give credence. Thus the envy mid malice of others, with h ; s own insatiate pride, drove from his bosom every vesti s . of love, every feeling of honor and man hood, and left him a perjtnvd, dishonored ami faithless ingratc. But kno\| sir, that the wealth of your father and t!ic profession you so greatly desire, cannot wash the slain from your soul. You have debased yourself and dishonored your manhood. Yon have stolen, basely., deliberately stolen, tlv one priceless treasure of a woman's hcui. —its affections. You have robbed another of the !<*ve and confblenc<s which >hould have beer his: for that heart will never learn tiu sweet sou; of its youth again—and though the wife of his bosom, she sits in the shad ow of his hearth-stone, still. The foun tain from which you took the seal will never yield iUt fresh, sweet waters, as be fore. A pure and guileless heart she had; ’Twm trusting, and kind— And ihmigh you search this wide world through. You’ll ne'er a truer find. WIHT THEY ABE “GK KEN BACKS.’* Most ycoplo have very little idea why fffefnwis of <nr national currency, goner ally known as “greenbacks,” are printed in green colors. Thi reason, as given by an exchange, is this : Ever since the adoption of paper cur rency it has been the constant study of the bank-note engravers to get up some of printing hills that Could not be counter feited. In this they only partially suc ceeded, till as late as 1857, a nmn named Stacy J. Kdson invented a kind of green • ink, which ho patented June IJOth of that year. It is called anti-photographic ink, because it cannot be photographed on ac count of its o dor, and cannot be dislodged by alkalies by the counterfeiters to get a complete for *i in He of the bills. And, as it is u secret known only by the American Bank N te Company and the inventor, it is impossible to counterfeit the greenback money. It was used by many hanks be fore the war, but was never a hading fea ture in (he bill; but even if the composi tion of the icik was known it would ho of no U'O, as the work could not be copied from the genuine bills with any kind # of ink. The dale of the patent can be seen on all Use lids, in small print. Blasting Api le Trees. —The 6Vr moutomi T< h'jroph says : “It is certain ly gratifying to sec the Increased atten tion v hich isl cing given to the cultivation of apples. J’jrmers. who a few years ago regarded the raising of this fruit as an almost impossible thing, and the labor spent upon it as jest so much thrown away, ore beginning to fco their error, and are going into the planting of or chards with a gr at deal of spirit and eve ry prospect of success. They find that it is a want of due care and management of orchards, not luck, the climate, soil, or anything else, which has hitherto been the bugbear. Eastern I'er.nsylvania product* apples abundantly of good quality. Ancient Contractors.—Someone baa has made the billowing extract from tie oration of Demosthenes: Behold the despicable creature*, raw ing all at once from dirt to opulence, from lowest obscurity to the highest honors. Have not some of the upstarts private houses and seats vying with the sumptuous of our public/ And h*W hate their fortunes and their power increased, but as the Commonwealth hue been rained and impoverished. A country youth who had returned home from London, was asked by his anxious father if he was guarded in hi conduct while there. “Ob, yes,” was the reply, “I was guarded by two police-* men fart of the time.” Creek fire i* naptha, pitch, arsenical al cohol Mid assufuedita, ami according to Gen. IS.-atregard, is a “dom’d unplea -uni" comp u:d. m # KO.