Newspaper Page Text
], AW st V MA i. ii. \ M >•. Passed .Kumar\ s'. ssmn, I s 7. PUBLIC LOCAL (Hr;- iu. , An Act to repeal the tw> pis - v- n• h anti t M-oiioiis of AniCe eigh teen of the Public L -c:i Laws, omul, d, St. Mary’s county, ami sub-titled Char lotte Hull. Section I.' lie it enact. I hv the Genera! A-sembly of Marxian.!, That portions twenty-wven and twenty-eight ot article eighteen of the Public f.ocal Laws, enti tled, St Mary’s county and sub-tilled Charlotte Hull, be and the .name is hereby ' r* m aled, and re-enacted m 3 as to read a> follows Sec -• Bo it enactcl. That it shall tiu 1 lawful f*.r any person, win th i Hc.Mi.sed to sell .spirituous liquors or not, te sell, di-posc of, barter or give, within the vil lage of Charlotte Had. < r win Ter two miles tb< roof, c iJu > directly or iudin etly any spiritu'-us or f ‘ n,:i lJt ‘ '* ! T"’ rs ~r roi * dials of any kind, or in any *p- rntity wlm'- evcr to any youth ■ r minor un i r th age of iwrnt\-oue years, witlnut the written order of "the parent or gu.niiin ol such i minor, a 11 <! any ]" rsun \mi 1 1; ng die |■. ■visionh of thi:.- seel.on shad he Harm 1 f.< indictment ia the C;rr ,;l •’ .ml -d SI Ma ry’s county, m r shuli i’ be l.v.vtul lor any prison licensed to sell >j/ t t j:,, U s or fermen trd liquor, in the village old hariottc Hall, to sell, (iisposo of, halt, r or give li.jii irui nny kind or in any ‘inanity, to he drank in nny store public |-lae- or at any ph. •vithtn two mlien of said vn 1 age. I db c i I.; au a ] <i i vtc dwelling; an up u cu • i -tion tin not shall be lined a sum not h ss than fifty d >!- Inrs, nor more th in tw > liun In I <i >1 :irs for th.- first 11 th.*i ce, and it ninvi ;ti i tlio s nmc for a like nlk m-c, !•.• lined a sum not ’ less thin one tiumlied nor m >rc than live hundred dollars, in ■ 1 * 1 *ni n 1 in th ptil of said county until s.dd lines shall h | paid, the tines herein incurred, to heed-: leeted in the’ same manner a.s .similar • lilies arc now collected by law. See. :>. And Vie in enacted, ’1 lint this Act shad lake cflccl from and tutor its pa-sage. Me certify that the a foregoing is a true . e..pv 'd an act which passed the <ciicral| A-svmMy of Mainland, Tuiu.iiy session, 1 st ,7. W. It. COLE, Chief Clerk House of Delegates. AlTl STCS (1 \SSA\VA V, j fdurctary ut the Senate Augjlk ISO7. I An Ad to appropriate a sum of money to 1; \ ( lii k ■ and d uni. s 11. A Ivey, lax , Collectors ot St. .M ary’s count y, for o\. r p'ivii ll • 11 1 iMo the I icasury lor j year s Cll and 1 v to. Seetien 1 . D- if enacti d h\ the the (1 on- , ei id Asm uihly of Marylaml the Comp troller he, and he is bendy dire cted to is'lje Ins w uiaiit 1111 ■ • u the Ir. usurer, , to pav H. A. Claik, live d-diars ami eigh teen-.cents. and .1 .mi's 11. Ahvoy, I’Dtccn dolhes and seventy-otic cents, the amount ■ Itie them for ovei payment into tlic I'roas- Ut v. See ‘J. Vnd he it enacted. Tint this A>t hall fake (feet iV.mi tiic dale of IM . pa- age. j W(W**ertify that the aforegoing is a fnio j copy of an aet which passed th.> General, Assembly of .Maryland, da ml ary session, , JMiT. W. 11. CnhK, Chief Clerk 1 logs ■ of Delegates Alii 1 SITS G ASSAW W, Secretary of tiic Setiatu 1 Aug. !•>, ISH7. An Act to allow min' age to ‘the of ! the “Alms House in Saint Mary sCouu-J tv. Section I lie it enact ' hv the (1 et cral Asseuild\ ot Marvland, i hat i cell I rustetf ot the \ Ims 11 >use in i' out Mary s(' unity, eii.dl he entitled to mil age, nt the iate ot live ecnis a mile "ii all distances net ex ceeding twenty mile- from hi- >t iettee to the A mshoum - urn ut 11 y the sh u l 'st lul i ul for every dav, In hall n sarily attend to the dutn sof his olTr. See 2 And Iv it enaited, That the County t’ommissi 'lets ot said ( i only, are hereby authoti eaml required to levy a sum ot mom \ on the taxak e prop.'t ty ot .said County snd'u lent to pay the same. See d \ml he u eu.iett !. I lint this net shall take elk. \ from and alter tnc date i>t its passage. MV certify that the ah reg >ing is a true copy id an net pas d the (tenoral Assem bly of Maty laud at its dauuary session, IS(7. \v k com:. t'hief Clerk 11 >usu Del -gates. AI v: I Sl'f'S C \S.-i WVAV; Seeretary id the Senate A tig 10. 1 s t">7- - AV3 77(77 OF PIVIPFXP. ON *f| Ninon eg J es Joy, Aditiims tratoi t (1.1 I'u her, late of Ala i v's owuiitv dt-erase f, it is onlored by tlifCourt, that thf s.ii(l Von creditors I tiu* s ii,l liesi'.ise t * file* thetr elaiuis a , .!. ■: s-o ■, ~,. s- ■ it" h it. ter .>( yy iid, ir -S 11 at v*s eon at y on iii tet <ii >' Ihe Ist day ol August, I sli?, lor (i: \ ideu !, mid liiat this rb- pa disard mu'e a hi- k tit *,i, ii ivieK uuul '.lie Ist day of Aug., ia vt. Test, .1 VM::s T. M It I v ’ V. Ii sler ot' yy ,: s toi -St. Mary's eoiie:y. may oh, t "KT I t. JAMES Tn BLAKIST ONE AT'i'tM* NI! V VT I.AW, / MCI IItU. ti 11, LW . 11pving rrslimed ll.e |'i .a A, c e; tn aw w i t 11 >ndpuui> j> 11 y iii i 1 i ■ ■' \ ii> Ii 1 "it, a i > II fla ini j ol a ed" A Ji ior i ■ h. '. o.i. itk 6 101".— IS A Dt'Sl iiABLli nil.ii ron sin:. I will s, 11 1,,d1n Sdoin le ornrdtown ' I on th- MILS I’ TCKSDAY IN N<>- VKMlii;!; COI.'KT the, fa. iii on which ii I . Neale n w n--ides, Incited oo St. Clement s 15 iv in Chaptieo District and known :t-* '*DA UT OF Sl.\\ IN IT If ED S FUKEHOLD.” l iii.s Farm contains 230 aoies of laud, more or less, and his goo 1 ( OUCH AIiDS upon it, having about a thous Old hearing TKACH TREES. A more particular discription i< not deemed | nccessui v at this time, and all persons de siruus of purebasiug are invited to call and view the land The terms are. one-half cah, the bal ance on liHo ml terms us to time, subjet to agreement, or made known ou the day of sale. MARY d. NEALE. Aug. 17*, ISH7—ti.1 S H7—ti. 1 \ CONFIRM A I’lO.N NO ITT. 1 Henry Jones, | vs Charles Heed, \\ iic A: others. In the Circuit Court for St Mary’s comity, sittiug as a Court of Ivpnty No Hid N H. J"%\ virtue of authority vested in me as Clerk j Cfe ot th'iCin ait Court tor SI Mary’s euiiii- j :v, to Ihe ,- (de of Tu’oiie t ’euerai [.aw, ” it’ this State, it is hereby ordered. Tat the Ke -p..rt-ot ii (’ • ’oudis and Jus S. I to'vns. Trus tees, lil.-d ill this ease, le ratified and con- j tinniil unh sscause-Hr-tdrc contrary, he shown ; on or before tiit* third Moiuiay of Novem ber next : prowjiied a copy of tiiis notice he ! , il.lis • ; in the Saint Mary’s (i a/.ki ik, once a week for three stic“ssive weeks prior t.o tlie thiid Monday of O tobernext. '[’be u p"! t siates the lathi sold for £1305. I ,1.\() A (’A.M.ILd ER, Uk. Tine i opv—Test . .INO A CAAIALIER, Cl’k Dug 15, 1857—3 w. I’LANTEIiS ATTENTION! Itil/' S I'lt'mt 7 ’< hari'o Firing 1 \ l’i j Ct'l Slirrrs'S 1 i i Sue c lour mil Si’dii'C lli-i'h I i’Fc#. | t H m is c died to our patent ar- B i augeioenl f>>r Furni g I'u'x ieco. tiu; de : mau l tor which has s < rapidly eitcn-kised, that wi; have been comp; bed to increase our la- I i li ns tor mi j plying them. No Tlantur snoutd tie without one as they onls sun the e/o/n but pay fur thein | selves, out of the largely increased price pro ( cured tor the t liacco, the lirst year. Discriptive Circulars and lull particulars sent gratis, on applie iti'-n. TiJtcss, or call ou IT’.n.A- CO.. Bait inn.: e Stove 1 louse, b'.t Light Sleet Bait. Mag 15. ISoT—fip*. j ST. SEMiNARY.I f BMIL Kid! term of the St. Mary’s Semina- j H i v i\ !.1 commence on Tuesday, Si pi . 1 IT: 1 ,. ' Barents aw re-putted to eater their | chil hen piompliy, as no ile-ludion will he j made for tin- lirst three weeks ot the opening | j si-sio'n. ' Lot circulars, and further information, nd -1 dress. MISS gaud:.NEK. St lingoes 1’ 0., Md. Tug 15, IS<>7 3m. i - I If. I TIF/CA TJO.V NOTICE. James K Thompson* vs Mary .1 Thotnps *n Sc Alice U TlnnnpsoU. 1 n the Circuit Co'.ivl lor St Mary's County, j sitting as a Court ol Equity. 1 No Dm N K virtue of amlmniy vested n me uk Clerk j kjS ~f ibe ( Court for S* Maty's ci-nnty. I 1,., (be Tie ot i’nhlio (ienend Laws ’ ol , ibis State, it is hereby ordered, that the 1 Auditor’s Report market A. tiled .Jim tiiis ease, 1 e ratitied and confirmed, un- , less cause to the contrary he shown on I b; ;■■!•.' !.ie first Monday of £'ptemker ! 1 1. \! : piovided :> copy of tiu> order t*e pub- ! , ( ,u the m Diary’s G i/.ette once a w ek | ior three sued s-ive \ve**ks prior to Te fist j M a. lav ot S, ; mm’ er m \. JNt) A CA.I/ALILK, Ci k. True e— I’est ; .1 Nt > A CAJ/ALIEU, Cl’k. t Dag, 1. IS >7 ;lw. | i NO I’ICE TO Clt KDITOUS. N r i' PI I’lx is v-i yen that the siiliscribei i >!,,. (onanu-i! from she Orphans’Court *f£t { Alai \ ’s Cone: v, Marylaini, leim sot ;id mmx- ; [ration on the mrsoiial estate of Aieo Saxto’i,) late ot St. .Mary’s eomii y , deeearrd. AH pn son sii \ll ng r hums aga i its! the said deceased are : hei- 'v warned to inhibit the same with proper vouchors thereof, to the subscriber, on I Ol be'bre the 3I M dav of Let'.. IStiS, otherwise they may t'e t xcltuied by law from alt benetii ■of the saul esiaie. (Jiveil umlei my hand this tat da j ut Aug, t TT. J ,SkVlv.7! 1 SJXTd.X, Ad i mi i ist i at rnc. A tig 1, IStiT— 4w. IISIIVEIT NOTICE. I Petition for 7 In the Circuit C nrt Insolvency. \ for S(. Mary7 County. {■> A' virtue ef aufh >ritv vested in mo as C iik cf the t'iua;it (’curt fir St. Ma ud. unity, by t! e * Cxie i>f Puldie (ienera! I.x " i State, it is hereby ' <>i tored that to ■ ud liond, an li'Milvent Petitioner be .•a j iippr r l.r'o’o t'oe sai ! t’Durl on the t nal M rndax o| V \ next, to answer sues inter uv ifcrics ■! aileg ii ums as bis cia hmis. cn d r-ers . r uriint cs may adige or pr. p sc against • tin ami ti at d li.-.dveiu cansi a copy ol ibis nonce to be published m the St. .Vary s u \ .kttk once a week lor three in.'in s, poii ;;s to s.od third D/oinlay ot N v in \t. •INC. A. CAM ALi EK. < Tk Ti u c p\ Tot JNc. a ii a maid i:it. ci u D t ’ >. 1 go i —dm. l ‘ t ROIDJOIIE j d-rsign d Examiners. {*pp>intc>i b •ho County t'■ ’iiiUii.s-;uiier - ot Baiot Mu rv’s cunlv to visit and in-poet the roa j propost d to he opened fn ni the fO't of Not., v Hali :i:;I ro a lane a r tho i***e Mrs Burch*' £a*o, near P’ow.ien ? wharf, po sing thi ol eh rh- j art of Notify Hhl! own* d by Dr and M: s Waring ; through lb >r part of Brarnbley owned by thcheirsot the fate Wm II Thomas ; through tbit pm of Hi:rnbley owned by Richard il Miles, that part of Hush wood (now known a? rhicahotniny), owned by the heirs of the j late Win II Garner or whatever may be the I names of the different tracts of lands or the ! owners thereof, and report to the < ounty Cornntis-ioners wheth. r in their judgment, ihe public c nveuieoce requires sai l rea l to be opened and made a public thorough fare or what road or roads will best promote the public convenience through said land or lands, and what will be the piobable cost of opening the sune, will meet at the foot of Nolley Hull hill on Monday, the 2nd day o( Sep tember next, and proceed to execute the trust of the s-ud (hunnii ''loners’ Court. (loin mission issued the 22nd of M;iv. 1 5, 57. .1 \s c green well, WM F COM HS. HENRY C ADAMS, Examiners Aug. 1, 18(57—1d. nillUMEir PUCE. fin HE undersigned, appointed Com- Jq missioiicrs by tlie Circuit Court of St Mary s county to lay off and divide the real estate of tlie late Mrs. E. S T Mad dox, called aud known by the name of PART BASHFORD, containing loot acres, more or less, here by give notice to all concerned that they will meet on the late premises of the said 1 deceased in fluiptico district, on 1 Thursday, the sth day of Sep tember, ISt>7, I (if fair, if not, the mxt fair day thereaf ter) to execute tho trust so as aforesaid , committed to them by the snid Court, JOHN H TORN Eli, ALBERT /Tlini. JOHN O HERBERT, JOHN E F \RR. JOHN DILL AH AY. Aug 1 181-57 — 1 xii. Insolvent Notice. I Position for ) In th rt Circuit Court Insolvency, j fur iSI Mary’s county BV virtue of authority vested in me. as ( Ink Hi the Circuit Court for Saint Ma ’ rv V county, l>v the “Code of Public General 1 Laws” of this State, it is hereby ord red that j .John Alvey. an Insolvent Petitioner, be ! and appear before the said court on tlie third 1 Mondav ul N.*v., next, to answer such iu- I f ermgatorics or allegations as his creditors, en i dorsers, or securities may allege or propose against him, and that said Insolvent cause a copy of this notice to be published in the Saint IVLarv’s Gazette, once a week for three months, previous to said third Monday of Nov., next. .IXO. A. GAMALIEL, CTk. True copy—Test ; J NO. A. CAMALIER, C Fk. Aug. 1. ISdT —3m. RATIFICATION NOTICE. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF ST. MARY’S COUNTY. Aug d(h, ISR7. | RDERED, That the sale of the Real made by Beni Pembroke, amdr., of said 1 deceased, and this day reported to this Court iby s'aid admr., be ratified and confirm- Icd. unless cause ho shown to the Contrary, jon or before the Ibh of October , next Provided, a-copy of this order be , inserted in some newspaper published in j St. Mark's county, at least once a week. ; for three successive weeks, —before the j bill of S. ptember next. ! The Report states the amount of sales to bo £1 1 >•*>. A J SPALDING, chief judge. J \MES T YATES, aset Judge. Aug S, 0'57 —aw. I w I 1 _ _ _ \ I ■■ ■ * . • NOTICE OF DIVI DENT ON application of Jos. F. Shaw and John 0. Kstcp. ailm. d. b. n. of Jos. F. Shaw, lute of St. Mary's county deceased, it is ordered ’ey the Court, that the said Administrators n,iiit'v the creditors of the said deceased to tile heir claims against said deceased in the officer ■ f il.c Register t>f M ils f r .Sa.nt Mary’s tummy on or before the 10th day ol Octol-er, lsf.7. lor dividend, and that this order be published on>‘.> a week in each week until tho s lid It) h day of October next. Test J AS. T. M. R \ /.!•', V lb-gist a of U il' foi Si, man's county. Aug. 8, lS(>T —til. . VOTK'E TO ('/(EDITORS. N r (> I' I(’ Ki s hcieliv given tl at (he sab-cri bei s It. \ e obi.oiif I from ihe Gimhaii.-’ t mrt of Sf Mary’s county, in Mary lan I trt's ol ailnim Ist iaMO!) •uI hr persona !or ot J. hit ,\li. ..iiM, liileul -nut collillv, de rvo-t-.i . A I perse is h.iv: ig mis i'gainst the said ile. I'ei.-nl, an' i.erf y \\ o nt d to exhibit li.e s.unr u itl< tlie proper ■ ncliers (hereof, t,i the sum. ii fi'ij. i"i or In ' 'u tlie 111! i day ol l"e ■ pi s, Ot Mt in isr lhrvin i\ v t \eind ed by law ' i uni ai! ; brneat ot tlie snel estate, v.ivt-n undn our luuutj tins lot day ot ,%ng . Imi. W.M It <’(. \ K K F. \\ V \V 'M. >RN A'.i.iin s ,au* ■ Aug* • 1 t>7 lvv For Ihe Senate. The friend* of H. A. JAMI'IIX pro rent him ' > ill 1 ' **ters ot St Mr\ ■ ••otiurv ; .fj a cardi lute for State Semrt >; at (h•• oexr r iecnon and s liicit for tlii cluitus a ui-' a.- sionate cO*jsiJeation. Leonaidtowu District. July 2oih, 1^67. For the Senate. In the event of th" ad p’ioa of the Cou stiiutmii by rHe peopU, I announce myself as a candidate Lr ie-dccriou to the S.u nto. G. FRED MADDOX. Aug 15, 1807. j To the Voters of St. Mary's Co. rjBiHE present sad and deplorable con- H ditiou ot our once glorious republic admonishes us that old St. Miry’s, with her past glorious record—h<T devotion to Stales’ Rights, constitutional liberty and h-r irrepressible hoiiiliiy to despotism ;ii,d oppression—should make an effort to ! bring back our republic, if possible, to its : earlier and purer dajs when o h e sought the mm and not man the oj}icc. At least, she should au effort to rescue our beloved State tie.d d nmraii zaMou which i< ounoit in (be country and j tainting the democratic party itself. \\ ith , this vi w. L would suggest the names of i ; the following gentlemcii to be voted tor at I our mxt tiutumnal election. They arc all gentlemen ot the highest order of iuteMi gence and of slrict' St personal and politi cal integrity Tlu ir election would con fer honor aud character on our county, i For the aSV ; untr. —Col JOHN !’ DEN 1 For tlm Lt'ji slut arc. —; GEOII G E i THOM AS. * Aug S, ISG7. For Ihe Senate and House oj Del egates. Mr Editor,—lf the gentlemen whoso names are mentioned below , will consent : to serve the public, they will be warmly ; supported and their election will bo alike , creditable to the sound judgment and pa | triotLm of the voters of the county. For the Senate Dr. T. A. LYNCH. For the L A givlature JOSKH II KEY, j Esq., and Dr. A. SAPPINGTON. i Aug. 2*2, 1807, For the Legislature* Mu. Kiutou : Please announce 1 )r. JOII .V M.BROME as a candidate for a scat in the next Legislature of Maryland, ami oblige. Charlotte Hall District. • iug. 15, 180 7—te, For the Legislature. JOSEPH H. KEY is recoinmenicd to 1 the voters of St. Mary’s county as a can • rlidate for a scat ia the 'Jeucral Assembly jof Maryland at the ensuing general eloc ution and will receive an earnest support • | from Many Voters. Aug. 15, 1807. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. The friends of RICHARD COLTON ' present his name to the voters of this coun ty as a candidate for a seat in the next Legislature of Maryland. It he will cou - sent In serve, he will be warmly support! d by tho FACTORY DISTRICT. Augt. Bth, 18G7. For County Clerk. If WM. F. LEACH will consent to bo a candidal* 1 for Clerk of the Circuit Court, ihe wilt receive a genera! support liom the ! people of tlie county and a liberal vote in Leonard Town District. May 2nd, lßp7. FOR COLW'TY CLERK. i The friends of Co! JAMES T ISLAK/S --j TON E announce him a* a candidate for the County Clerkship, at the next election for that Olricc, and hereby pledge him the support of the 'J'iik I’eon.K. npnt IS, l^GT—te,. for cor\rv clerkship. CLARKE I. DC RAN fis respi'ctluii v re commended to tho voters of St 7,1 ary’.- coun ty as a eandhlaie for. Clerk of tlnv Circuit 1 I ’oiirt aud will bo warmly supported by ! the Factorv Dis rtiu r. march 2!, S-PtlT. for county clerkship. We are authorized to announce J. KD ( WIN 00AD as a Candida',* 1 for Clerk ii tlie ' t ireuit Court fu* St. .Mary’s c > | April 11, 17.- K For Register of Wills. 1 offer myself to the voters of .Vr. Mr rv *s . couioy as a candidate for the oince of Re n*t er of Wills and respectfully solicit die smipo>-i my lunula fluid tor dial pos’iion. THOM AS L DAVIS. May Oth, 18(57. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. \ The Friends of JOSEPH T GOCtilf re coinmeiul turn to the Voters ot St ,\J iry's comi ty as a c.uulid ite t r Register of \\ id and en dorse him as eminently quylifu d for that p < -uion. Thu I’eotle. Apnl 25th, 1 'ti~. ( ■ \ ■MMBWmtl—lCTrfllHiW ——H—— For State's Attorucv. T!m fri nils of.l. Fit.INK IpEIANAN respectfully present him t* the vot\r> of S* M irvd (' tintv. as a <-a" *l*o f - S * 1• • - .Imoiiv v at the on-uing i-l -cii -i a. ! sv>i ■ ; f r him a favur itile 1 'nsideralior,. Ang. 15, l v, i7 -te. I 'or State's A llorucv. 1 Itep'by aonounce i;xl' as .1 ?, 1 r SEi'e .Jt>or:*"v. at *( *> • • ro;- . tion, :m.i sliaii be pl.i Ito re *■*'*• 11 -* 11 •* *•( die |w oph . Etfci o N.'. j aug li. ISbi. j For ( canty Com/nissioner. T'i* l fii rd- of JAMES JONES re 'pc.-tfu'ly reronmim i him as a eiodi iiite for Co*iii t \ OomioissioJcr t the rusutog I* alt • o*e i *r., Aag 22, 1 >-J7. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER The friends of JUIIN DILLAIIAY, recoiiini'ui i tnnn to th<; voters oj Saint M 1- r;’- County as a candidate for re-election to tiio off's te of Cmu 17 Ouaiuiissijucr. a' . tho ensuing Fall vlecfiaQ. , Juu Rial, Iftbt—to. i i i “ For CountN' Commissioner. ‘ j 7 The Friends of HKZ '. KIA HB C \ WOOD ■ 1 recommend him t * thevott'ts ol Smut Marx 1 C* •t!u 1 y as a cand ’.tie fur County Com mis-| siuner, at the ensuing Kali elevti ui, and the People will support him far that p<*siti*uj. Chaplico District. may JO. 18t7 —-te. FUR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The friends of BEN EDICT M AGILE ri ronimeiid him to the voter- of St. Mi , ■ v’s county as a suitable candidate foi (’’o inty Comnii-s'uuef at the cuauing Fait El*‘ft ion. Jan. 28 — to. ! ---- - 1 I'or ('otiuly CommissioiMT Od TIIEOPIirLUN HARRISON is re ii.immonde*! to t*'o V>t.ers of B.iint Marys c anity, as candi late for rc-eleefi*tn t * tie ofii'a' oft’’ unity C un uissi-jnor at thcinsuing i Fall Election. Charlotte Hall District; Aug. 15, 18(57. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Tho friends of JAMES T. DUKE an nounce him as a candidate for (’ounty I Commissioner at the ensuing Full clco i (ion. Jan 31st, 1^(57—10. j For Countv Commissioner, ~ ! JOHN S MATTING LEY is respect- ; 'Tu’dy recommended to the voters of St ; Mary’s County, as the Poor man’s candi -1 date for County Commissioner, at the en suing Fall election. Many Fkiknds. May 30, 18(j7—tc. For Count}’ Commissioner. The friends of WHJ.IAM MAT TING LEY of W.n 4 respectfully anm mice him as a candidate fur a seat in tlie board of Comity (-oniinissioners and claim that he is entitled to a general support from tno ProriiK. June 13, 18(57. For County Commissioner. , The friends of JOHN PARSONS sng uest name to the vo'ters of Stint Ma ry’s county, ns a candidate for County 'Commissioner, at the ensuing hail Elec tion; aud, if he will consent to serve, he will bo warmly supported by the People. July 18, 18G7. FOR OR PI LINS' COURT. r Du Tj J Sutton is recommended to the vo ' i (ers of 8t Mary’s county as a candidate foi ' ' il,,' jndneship of tlie (Orphans’ Court, at the enduing Fall th*cii >n, ( 11 ai 1 too. march 28, ISO? —te; FOR ORPHANS’ COURT. The friends of Mai. John IE Milhurn re commend him to the voters of Saint M.u vV 1 County as a candi late tor Ju.iee of the ; Orphans’ Court, and endorse him as emi nently qualified few (h it po-iii m. If he will > ! consent to be a candidate, as we trust he wiP, lie will l>e warmly supported by . Leon a uptown Distkiot. F<b- 281 h, 188 7—te. TOR Olll'll. INS' COURT. Thomas (). SrEN*M-;it is nvi.minriiiliri to tI K voters of St Mary’s cunity as a <- unli date fur n seat in the Orphans’ (’•mrt at tb* etisning Fall chx-tion ami will re. ■■ive a libe- ’ id support Tom tho Pkoim.e. > j April i, Imj7— te. for oßPiu.vs’ corin'. ; .(.THOMPSON YATES is tespn-thdU l recommemled to tin* voters ot St. Mm s j coijfitv a; a candidate for Judge d th ' br j.lnns’ Court at the ensuing elects. n and will , receive a liberal support in 1 Nr. 1 n*tooEs’ I >ts rivJ* r. j march 21, 1M57 te. 1 FOR OllßilANS’ ct >I’RT. Tho friends of Dr. A. JACK. SPA LD IXti'iid him to 1 } 1 • v.iters ut il u 1 . i rv s eoyniv. i< a can'd;date I >r re *>h ti >:i I 1 1 the Judgcsliip of the ( trphan.;’ ( hurt. ai ii.e I ensuing b all b.lcctiou. ( ii.\i*i'U‘>. I march 11, 18G?—to. Lor Slier ill 1 I The fri-nds of R ALEXANDER CLARKE, of the Factory district, present ; him t*> the voters of St. Mary’s enmity as a candidate for Sheriff at the next -lection. EaCTOKV DIsTKICT. Nov 15, IHGG. 1 * FOR SHERIFF. JOHN 11 RCCKLER annonnres hi n'p.:'ln ’ the voters uf St >1 try ’s ■•maiy . a < - ' G' ! r ■ for Sheriff at the Fall Ge noa in ! -< , .ml -t* !i,-iis the support of his tViemls mid lVii ~v-;ili-7. 7. if I S. June 7, let>(7- -'-r, 1 * For SlmrifL ]> \\ A!*,ELL, of L onarl T-vo. *- an- J. ■* j j Jas a candidate f..r Sfu-rri;. and will be supported by the mo - IV >• K. Nov 1 5, l s <'>. FOR SI I KH IFF. Mr Fpitor Vm I ■ " ' ' I ' s l> \ | ,V’ Th ,"I * 1 ai'" I U tin 1 a 1 ■ .imli (V U>| lie 11 \ t hri Ul.ll V i .Many>b i Apn!l2th. I. fb if- i 1 '—■■■i. ■ ■ ■ 11 I • l: SM KIM IT. Ihe • i :*■ :s ol K, F. I’A \ I .OK h ira ns i sir t.i' i u. *: ; !;• 1i Sherifl at Thein \* rn -•m g umi. ,iaa * - Ji. f. t him the support I i.iaTnem'.?. and tclkiu -eitiZrns of thtt Coun ty Nov 9th ISGs—te. 1 or Counts Surte\or. Hi- friends of .1 UN H (’uunx offer him as i suitable candidate for Coonty Siirwvor, nd ask lor him the .-upp >r f Iti> h tends .tiol f*. 11v*w citiz ns at the en 'Ul'g elwrio". Charlotte Hall. Aug I, is- 17. i J\o. 3. Dr. Stheiu k’s Huliuouic S> rur, - * . Th?s ,r-at medicine cured Di Jli Schnicfc,- I ! * lr Ihi'p' h I.ii , ol INihnonarv Con -mtupiiii’i, • n h;ul Assuiut il >o usii fonnn! \hle jKpt*ri f j •■'nil wa-n speedy death apj eared to In? mprOit hle. His physician* prtfnounced las .*.,• in- ' ii- ■. m bp common ed the nsc oC ;lne I >in>|'‘ e 'ait powerin' remedy. His li.-ihh was if ; siort-s. m livery short tune, and no return of I lie i'll ea c 'i ts been appreln mle I. f n .n’iilie sonji t-'-ns 'pii kly d; s lorvai. I. nid in . pie t ill weight i - more ban two (mini red pom ids. Nut t hi i • cu'iv, he lu .iiO’lnl his alien - Unit e\ hisiv t,y la tin cmii •.I I T *ii 'ii 1111 > 11. >n and i . 1 : ; which me usually . nuplii mjd a iil i: and tin nr- .> H. led Ity his Hits; jetnes lime heeuterV mini imi ami (my w >iuUTfui. Or N teni'K mike.-i pi”” , tonal vi-ili In icveral of 111 e ! irzt •>■ 11 1’ i w.a I; v. \t hen* he has a fa r* r a . oil’ Mi> of pain ,i anil nis htilv ns-tonisli. ■ "!■; 11l hit ||,Kl| 1 ‘II (implies (lilt have (o b* i a ! o it ”1 llieu .alii las, iind in a 11 w months ,h> dilty, ro'm.sf i•• -iins. Ip; S( ’ll K.N'i' K "St i i LMt' Nl c sviii i l , si; \ u i;i;i> tomo, and \IAXIIIfA Ke.l i I. (,s all • ’Mera (I y all re .pined m curing Consumption. Kill! di tee limn tie tnilpanv eudi, so that mv on. ran lake ihei without s, t •• 1 )r. S'. c, hut when it is con venient ois best :>> see liiai, lie a;ve.s advire i e’, l> I! ' •!’ a iho: .. u • •;! i t \ ail nr” ~ i with Jus . llespiroan :er h.s fee is three do'l.ars. [’lease n'.s.-ri e, . a pa 'basing, that the f '.vo hi.i in sst sot H >elm one wln n in ih 1 ,st si i a . ft ‘ hi.-’i np'ion, fin I ihe oilier as he now is, in poefi .- a. . i the t roveru nieiil stamp. Sold hy a : ! Prnzgi -!s and Dealers. Piir# si .1 ) per hortie. nr si ;,I| the hate do/eii. hrl- Ifis I'lT .idvil'- -he’ d w.-ys l it di reel ed t. I) r Sell -II !; '.s I’i 1 IpilO hi. 1.1 Nor'll tilll Kt., . I'li lath'ljth a, I’i, ( \VI o’e ale A gen t*: i Dennis Karnes A Co.. ,\ V , S S llanee, Hal . 1 imoie, Aid ; .l-dui l> I’arlc, Cmemnati, tMiio j VValkai vV ravior. Cinea:'ii. 1 It.; Collins Hroa., ! S: /.mils, M”. j Fc ib ,7—ly. i * *“ ANNTAL MKI-tTIXd i 1 i oftjik 1 Stockholders of the B.iltimore | Mini Potoninc Railroad Company rjl!!:' Amvnl Mooting of iho Stockhol- I it "is of tho n.\l,TlMo;:K ANI I > otom \t? H\ib Uoad Fompaxv for ilio election of 1 l>l 11 It 1 v f('KS for the ensuing year, and for such other business as may In* bron.rht before (he niociiru:, will bo hold at IJI*- PKll M AKLKOItonJII, t)u \\ cdiicsday, the 1111 day of S('])tcml)cr next, •il 11, a in. As it is vorv dosirahlo that a maj.ii itv of tii ‘ sti’eii should he in presen ted, Stock li 'ilil-ts triable 10 attend, will please semi their proxies to persons who : will be present. ! There will he a mooting of tin* Hircc- I tors on the same day. at l".l, A. M. OM'iX i;o\vik. I *. esident of t lie TVilt. S I'ototmic 11. 11. Co. Aug 1, I'dT ni. is<i ici: to crkditors. fa ■ O'i’l C K is lit a el>y given that (ho subsrri i per ii>s obtained troiu Ihe Orphans’Court iaffc (. .M ary’s nullity, in Mftryland, letters of | adm nistrnlioii on the personal estate of John I! Itohrci lit. luc ofsitid county, deceased. All •lersons having claims against the said de ceased, are herebv w lined to exhibit the snm 'with (he troper Vouches thereof, to the Mih i scriher on or before the Ist day of March, otherwise they may he excluded by law from all he ielii oi the said estate, (iiven under my (Pan 1 thus Hill day of An.g, HG7. JOHN (' KIUJ LL, Administrator. j .fiw 11. ist:7— 4\V. ; * { _ i Tithlic s 11- of Saint 'SUry'* I Coui'ly, will lie re opened on llw Is* Mi illda V ol S pteiub. r IK xt. On Tlitirsdav, ‘JlMli instant, I will be in Lcmi trdtown fo examine appiiMiita f.>r 'l', ad;, rd p- ill n in lie Public Schools tho.' wh.o have not l>c. it exati'iinctl lu fcto i Core must be examine 1 on said day ns lw ’1!,,,.- . who desire I'ii-sf Clas-t (Vi titicaf<^. i \p|.’ica!ions for appointim-nt as Teachers i ~! U t i; ( . n’.ade !<’ til'* ir peetivo (’trumilit .siom is on or before (la* .’.lst inst. ,i.\ mj:s i:i \ riN<;, Pi. st 11. Self! Comrs. A,ig -Jd, P'd7 -id. ypr£SVlll£ ACADEMY. 4 {'la ,1 mid ?da'hrointie-d S( iiool, COfl- I ilii'lid li pon the ln'.l Italy system, j ■) j o.MASN, (’ONHAD, A. M.jWifnl. 1 7/im./.s Smith* in PuiversUy series. 7 r ern? —i i 'I f jrni/iihlr in advance. p.oaid I'nrmstied Rooms, b uei, 1 W ; 1 mg’. Ac. 200 00 Tuition m Primary TDparlttienf, pr yr 25.01* j - •• A r ideiiii' - “ “ 40 OO Anr (e tch) “ ,n ' i} Fl.-.!, ‘ “ raimrin, . 0 5 ( ,.. 1,, , will he Mu 1 A M.ri lav in Septnrxt. p (I - f< r iut i ruali n a Mfe?s 'I POS. \.a i.NRAD, I'pperv '.A 1 , Fam}Uier (Jo., Va.' Aug. 22. 1 v '■ 7 DO- Tin■: i 11 ;illlki!i Mure Academy, \ Srlaml for (dN, .X’ /(■ ; ' rshnrn, /uni J[firm vlifrt fro;n Ulltn/i- rr, 4 >'T! !S ; p at ii iii’o nu'tits to those d*t- jf’ ' t ■ r ihiUghti'i.- ear 10l Iniin ; ii. i m-line'i n . I igh culture, amt ■. . i,.p i (ii’es ”1 a ( 1 1v; -ti in 1 b>in**. Tl.O , x : ■ | l: i t•gu i II 111 a/ hi.] \*lh 1| t i .il ii -. or ot her of i unit ion, .dilrww T . ii v. AUSlil K -I K ICI I. M !>.. Rtufcibiown, M.t| lids - u ,1 '"T - hr.-