Newspaper Page Text
THE Jrinci' George’s UPPER M AP. I. BOROUGH: Friday Korning JcEry 1 1886 JOSEPH K- EGBERTS. * Ed : tßrs FEED SASSCEE. JR-. > Eiltßrs - The Fanners in Convention. The convention of farmers which as sonihh'ii in Baltimore "ii \\ ednesday was in every respect a sueecssl’ul anil cncour ajying meeting" Representatives irotn ■ ali t bnt one. ami from near ly all the agricultural associations in the State, were l\i n n• Ito he present, ami Gov. Hamilton, the Cliairinan, took occasion in a very graceful and happy manner to continent upon the increasing interest maniiejte.l hy the farmers of Maryland in thi.- movement He said it was a mat ter of congratulation and an cacouraging omen of future good results, that popu tar interest in this important matter was growing so rapidly. The organization is getting a strong footing, and in course of time the good works that it will beablc to accomplish will he manifold - Through the agency of committees on various top is of importance the convention can en hance the agricultural interests of Ihe State hotli while in session and during the recess, (hi some of these committees * are the names of gentlemen familiarly known throughout Maryland for the con spicuous part they h ive for years taken in the special subjects upon which they arc expected to report, and as Gov. Hamilton said, arc men competent to furnish a vast valuable information upon sub jects of the deepest interest to farmers everywhere. One of the most important subjects discussed by the Convention is that of an experimental station in Maryland. Col. 11- Kyd Douglass of the committee ap pointed last year, reported that the cora tuit/rc brought the matter to the atten •' of the legislature. He examined laws and reports of Connecticut, w Jersey and North Carolina, where •h stations have been successful, and •pared two hills drawn from the ailments of those states. Oue bill ded fur a station : another was in nee to fertilizers, and he sent them napolis to be acted on. The com• .....c discussed the bills at Annapolis. The legislature did no? pass the bill, but did pass one providing tor the appoint ment of a hoard of five members. An appropriation ef 82 (mmi was made, and that committee is to report to the next gislatuiv. The president of this asso ion mi st appoint one of the commit* ule ami interesting report was also made by Mr. T. Alexander Seth, from 1 the committee on contagious diseases.— He stated t hat since August Ist the Uni j ted States Government ha* spei t over i j §25,0<0 on trying to stamp out pluro- ; pneumonia in t he State Hr Patterson, of Bahiuure county, aiso read a paper; on hog cholera, giving the result of Lis ; investigations on the Eastern Shore. He ; estimated the loss from this disease in j the State for the last ten years to he over j S-160,000. r Standing committees were reap pointed and Gov Hamilton said, in view of the coming eonstitutional convention, question' of taxation, inspection, immi gration. tenant system, wheat production, tobacco and others should be reputed upon with care and intelligence. He | Imped the committees to report next year • would give those matters all attention j possible Reduce the Revenues. If it he tun*, says Ihe Philadelphia,'/V/uc# as ! is intimated in recent reports from W ashing- ; ingtoti, that Speaker Carlisle and Chairman j Morrison have finally consented to allow the j lax reduction bid that is to be formulated by the protection Democrats, to be fairly consi <l red in the House, it is the first sign of prac tical dibits for the reduction of needless taxes and excessive revenues, exhibited during the I present session, if the report is not warrant- j ed, the Speaker and his chairman oi the chief j committee of the House, must, sooner or later see that they are simple arbitrary ohtruction- I isls, and .-ate more for impractical.! t theories j than for substantial relief to the people. Both parties i.n solemnly pledged t> their j last national plat firms to Tariff revision and | revenue leduetion, and if they shall fail, the 1 resj.o: sibility must t est upon every member of! Congress of either party, who*in any obstructs t!.■ free consideration of the question. With tax 'reduction proposed on a destructive free trade basis and free amendment denied, the House could no nothing else than refuse to wa-te its valuable time in considering abso lutely impossible legislation : but ibe House j <>ncs it to itself and to the country lo consider i any measure that invites freedom of amend- j nieiit and open discussion. The Democrats hear the forger share of res i pmsibility to the people for the action or non action of the II "is !,.\ redmt oii. b ‘cause ! they are majo ty parly : but tire Republicans j cannot esca[“ grave responsibility if they shall j hinder the fair considerate n of any meal me | >.f revenue rebuilt. They have no right to de- ; <■ are ti a' II .use shall consider only the reduc tion or repeal of internal revenue taxis. The j laiill'is admittedly most inharmonious and in 1 some respects most oppressive upon the very industries it assumes lo protect. The free list should begrea'ly enlarged, to cheapen and in- j . , rease onr industrial products There should no duty whatever on any taw material needed by out industries that is not the pro- j dint • f a general industry in out own country, and everything consumed by out industry should be cbea|);ned whet it ran be done ! '.vithout cbeapeuing when it cm be done w ith- ; out cheapening the wages of labor. We have j 1 adhered to a war Tariff To gratifying a very ' lew monopolies until onr whole industrial sys- | mm is enen ared by what should give it the ! | 0 highest degree of vigor, and adherence to op- ; , l>resive Tariff duties is much more dangerous < (0i1,., ital doctrine of protection than all the 1 - diene-, arguments ami money of all the free ' • traders combined. . Any theory of protection that does not hon- t e-ilv imply the greatest good to the greatest * number is not honest protection, and inonopc lv and protection cannot atnvi.. together.— 'i here is ample ground lot Tat iff revision and THE PRINCE GEORGE’S ENQUIRER-UPPER MARLBOROUGH, MARYLAND, JANUARY 11 1887 revenue reduction to limit the revenues to the a dual necessities of the government, without in any degree impairing the protection that our labor‘needs against the ili-paid Sabot of Europe, and when protection is demanded beyond the protection of labor, it is a fraud • upon every tins principle of protection. Be tween monopolists who degrade the theory of protection to greed and oppression on the one s'de, and destructive free traders od the other i side, just Tariff and tax revision may d llicult ■ ] hut let the country have an honest. free, un* | trammeled show of hands an Ihe qufstion, and . i then the responsibility for successor failure ( , will tie mideistood by all. OUE WASHINGTON LETTER i Wasiiixotox 1). C.. I Itii, .s<7. Tlie weeks work in Congress can la l easily ‘ s imtnarized, as the Senate was in session on ly three days and the House four. I*sides a i g>od of other private legislation tht* Sen , | ate (tensioned the widow of General Logan at | S2,U(SJ a year, secretly discussed the Mexican Reciprocity, and debated Hie important pend* mg bill on Interstate Commerce. The House passed tbre of the regular Appropriation . bills, several dozen private pension bills, and discussed bills on the Public Buildings and Naval Reorganization. But what should be emphasized in the work of a Democratic 1 House is the passage, wilhou' opposition, and I : without any provision for Confederate sol* i diers, of a puision bill for the current year , appropriating over S7**.oo MH I. This amount is nearly as much .. were the entire expanses of the Goyernm'nt before the war, and it ought to put the Republican ranl : ersofllie lasi Presiden'ial campaign lo the ■ blush, if anything could. DeiucKTatie close- I, iudetd. WI i tein does it consist? Senator Reik has by no means given up his intent ion < f pushing his'bill to prohibit members of Congress as acting a attorneys for railroads which have received Govern ment aid, although bis long silence bad led i some of the railroad Senator* to l.ojie llial be would not again lie confronted t.y this nug bear. Il is a sore trial fir them to have to face Ibis dreadful measure, especially since ' they know il is urged forward by a | radically unanimous public sentiment. The debate on i the Inler-.Vate Coiniinire bill Utiqg long ! drawn out in the Senate as a shield lo keep Mr. Reek elf, but even b must come loan end when all the sp*akersbare mile their speech es for or against it. It seems that tlie Revenue R. form ques tion is really coming to the front now. and 1 that another eff >rt will be Ivy the internal rev enue men, Mr. Randall and his followers.— | They will advocate that the whole of the to bacco tax he removed, that the lax on alco hoi used in ibe arts be abolished, and (hat fruit brandies be relieved of tax, but as to whether they will attempt any Tat iff altera tions, no one cm predict. The Members of Congress from tobacco producing slates feel that it is % duty they owe their constituents to vote for the repeal of the internal lax on to bacco in almost any shape that it migt.i lie presented. These are exciting days for the Senators whose terms ex pirn on fhe fourth of March, and there are many indiel’ that tlie Sen ate will be tiiifli changed after that lino-, but I whether or in t ii will be improved In charac ter or ability is open to question. Senator CongerofMichigan, who lias en in public life lor thirty-two years, is to he sue.-? eded by i Col. Stoekbridge, li?i;.,ihj the lafter is a rich er man. The long beard- I R*p tibliean mil lionaire from Nevada. Mr. \V. M. Stewart, is I coming back tor another term. No one oh- I jects to him, however, a- lie was rather a live • ly man in the .Senate, and having a prelen i tious looking residence here, lakes a good | deal of interest in tlie improvement of Wash i ington city. Ii is still doubitul who will get General Logan’s place, but I’ennsylvania sends Mr. Quay. a well known Wo,s and intriguer, in | stead of Mr. Mitchell; and Minnesota sends | ex-Governor Davis, a tarilf reformer, a writer j of a l*ook on Shakespeare, and a so-called ora. tor in place of Mr. McMillan. Nebraska is hesitating between a demagogue and a mag nate, and California i- still in doubt, as ate ; also New York, Massachusetts. Tennessee. 1 and other .Stales. As to the present ooi.iilion <f Democracy and what ii is doing. Gen. Black, Commis* 5 sioner of Pension*. gives a picture in a recent | tetter to Allan G. Thurman, which is calcu ; iated to rejoice the heart <f i very one lo 1 whom success is deal. sail he. “A liinin phant Democracy administers the allhiis of j the Republic, tjuielly but positively the re forms that have long been demanded by the i people, so far as the Administrative branch of ! the Government is concerned, arc in vigor ous effect. Submission to assessments by pub j lie officials for partisan purposes is not a con j diliou of public scvice. Com nets are not let to the highest piriisan bidder, and public' lands are safe within the pale of the statutes. \Vhal more could l>e saiil in liehalf of the great parly which ha.- i.iunght about tbeae tilings in Ibe brief space of twenty-four : months ? 1 j Chief Engineer (isorge Melville, of A retic | fame, has been dt-Laclie.l horn the Atlantic j to which he was recently assigned, and order ) ed to duty at Cramp's ship yard to inspect the i new vessels lo be tniilt liter*. His recognized ability led ibe Secretary to select him for this ■ important work. In ibe 11 jnse on Tuesday, a bill creating a Department of Agriculture and Labor was passed, and tlie amended bill fora bureau of animal industry was considered.—On Wed nesday the Senate discussed the Inter-state Commerce bill. The House passed, without • division, the House substitute for the Ed mund’s Anti-polygamy bill. A mass-meeting, claiming to lie in the inter- j ests of reform in the Democrat ie parly and' the purity of the ballot-box was held in Bal timore at tlie Oratorio Hall on Wednesday night, lion, dames I . Dennis, of Somerset county, preside! and made an address. Speech, es were also made by ex-Governm - Win; T. Hamilton and Mr. d >bn K. Cowen. Resolu tions and addresses* to Democratic voters were vdopted. FOR LOW PRICES OF LUMBER SEE I WILLET ALIBBEV’S ADVERTISEMENT 1 .Vm- Advertisements. .\olire lo Creililorw- THIS is TO GIVE NOTICE, that the mi- ' dersigned has obtained from Ihe Orphans' Court of Prince George’s county lelteis of ad ministration on tlie personal estate of JAMES T. DAVIS, late of Prince George's county, deceits* ed. All itersons having claims against said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit ihe same, with the vouchers thereof, legally au thenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the ■ loth day of July, ISS7 ; they may other wise by law be excluded from ail benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment ' Given under tin hand tbi- I*n Ii day of d.uimuv lss7. JOHN < GEORGE. Administrator of Junes T. Davis. j Jan. 14—4 w. New Advertisements. - - Rodkrts & Stanlkv—'Solioiiow. Order of Publication. REBECCA T. SCOTT. Plain)ill’, f vs . James P. Biays * Elizabeth I). Biays his wile. Joseph IL Turner 4 M uia A Turner, 1 bis wife ; William A. Viers A Rebecca T. let's, his wit- : Eli/i Magruder A Francis S. Biays. lit Uii’ i.'irruif < ‘nrf /o,’ /'/bit e <e#, ' f'otnily, xi'fiiiti hr EV/> j ;J. \. 1631 Equity. IHIE OBJECT OF THE BILL in this cans* is to procure a Decree for the sale sale of the real < state of which the late Alex ander C. Magruder|of Prince George’s County, ■ Mary land, died seized and possess'd. i The Bill in substance states that the mid , Alexander C. Magruder departed this life on or about tlie JOth day of January, IS-VJ, biles- ; I late, seized ami pos-essed of large real atid : i personal property ; that his personal estate was - duly administered upon, and more! than sufficient for the payment of his deltn ‘ That saiil Alex unVr C. Magra ier was seiz -1 ed and jwssessed at the time of death of i I certain real estate situated near Centreville in ; I Surratts District, in Prince George’s County, 1 known by llie name of ‘•Oakland,” ‘•Friend ! ship’s Second Addition,” ••Casteels” “Part of ’ Edmunds Fioliek Enlarged,” “The Meadows, 1 “Casteet" and Cricket Bat," and eontainingsix hundred acres more or less. That being so seized and possessed at ibe r lime of bis death as aforesaid, he left the fol lowing bis only children and Irnr* at law, . namely : Philip A Magruder who lias since ’ departed this life intestate and unmarried. ! John H. T. Magruder who lias since deput ed ibis life leaving the Defendant Eliz, i Magrn • dor. his widow, but no children, and leaving a last will and Testament, by which lie devi-e.l , and bequeathed to her the said Eliza Magruder. ’ all of his estate, real and personal. > Jane C’ Biays wife of Philip U- Biays. who together with her said husband (be said Pb'.l ip G. Biays have deputed this hte inlostate. ’ and leaving as her only children and heirs at i law the defendants, J lines P. Biays, Maria A i 1 Turner wi*’e of Joseph IL Tinner, Rebecca I'. ’ . Viers, wife of William A. Viet*, and Francis P. Biays a uoa.rtsi *i’ of tide State; and j your Dialii.x, Rebecca T. .Sc.,f.widow of Jolin . 1 B. Scott now deceased. ■ Thai the real estate herein before mention- ; - ed is not susceptible td advantage Jus dj vision j or partition among the parties hereto, who ! 1 are entitled to (he same, nor can it he divided I ! without loss and isjuty lo th in, but lhatit ! i will be both for the interest and advantage of I the J’laiiiliff’and Defendants, to sell the afore said tract or parcel of land and to divide the proceeds thereof between tlie parlies, in the proport ions to which they are respectively en titled. Jr jg iherenp in adjudged and ordered tins 13th day of January, 1867, that the plaintiff’ by ■ causing a copy of this order p) be inserted in one or more newspapets printed aud published in Prince George’s County, Maryland, once a week for four successive weeks before the loth day of May, 1887, give notice to tlie sa : d Fran cis P. Biays the non-resident defendant, of the i object ami substance of this bill, and wain him to'uppear in this Court in person or hy Solici , tor on or before the said joili day of May, ISS”, to answer the premises, and show cause if any he has. why a Decree ought not to pass as praved. JOHN W. B<, Clark C. C. for F. G. Co. J'. ne Copy—T*st; JOHN VT BELT. Clerk. I, C. f’*r P.. Co., Md. j Jan. 14—4 w. J NOTICE. THLs IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that at the! expiration pf thirty days from the date | hereof, the muleisigned will apply to the Conn- I ty Commissioners of Prince George’s County ( for ]kmmission to straighten aud locate the Countv Road running through the laud of. Win. T. Jones on the line of John 11. Lai- ! cointie, being the mad leading from Miriikirk to Montgonierr County. WM. T. JONES, (’. A. FOX, 1. K. HARRISON. Jan. 7 M. For Sale or Rent- A VALUABLE FARM OF 2QBI ACRES, J miles from Mullikin’s Station on the IS. A P. R. I!., and adjoining the village of tjueen Anne, Prince Geotge’s County, Md. The soil is productive—some of it line msa<K>w land.— it is well wooded and watered. The property is in a good neighborhood and convenient to churches, schools, A". Apply to .1 WIRT RANDALL. Ax\atoms Mi. Jail. 7—Jt. Working Classes pared to furnish ail classes with employment at home, the whole of the time, or lor their spare mo ments. Business new, ligt aud protitahle. Tenons ot either sex easily earn from to cents to %5 no per evening, and a prn|>ortional sum by devoting all their time tlie business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That ail whose* this mav send their address, and test the business, we make this of fer. Toauch as ate not well satisfied we will send •medullar ta pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address licnni.i: Stin so>- A (.’•., Portland, Maine. A,C { \ JVT IN Ato be made. Cut this i iYXUzJN P 4 X out and return to us. and we will send you free, something of great val- i ne and importance in you, that will start you ; in business which will bring you in more iuon- j •y right away than anjihiug else in the world. | Any one can do this work and live at home.— Either sox ; ail ages. Sometlng new, that ; just coins money for ail wt ricers. We will ; stall yon ; capital not needed. Th’s is one of the genuine, important chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enter) rising will | not delay. Grand outfit free. Address Tki e I A Co.. Augusta, Maine. "VF/ATT can live at home, a id make more ' X V/ LJ money at woik for us, than any j thing else in Ihe world. Capital not needed : i you aie started free, Both sexes : all ages.— j Any on* can do the oik. Large earnings - sure from lirM start. Costly outfit ami terms free. Better not delay. Costs you nothing to i send ns your address and find out : if you arc , wise you will do so at once. H. Uai.l.ktt A : Co., Poiliatid. Maine. [Jam 7—? f. J. H. MEOAIBT. KO. R. UEDAIRV J. H. Medairy & Co., Lithographers, Fritters, IBOOKSELLERSsSTAT ONERS North Howard St., BAViTinORE, n l>. Dfank Hooks made, to Order in any style. U. Cobtor is connected With this house. July 17. —ly. Gold Jewelry by Hail: Official Badges and Emblms forK. of L. of P., I. O. O. F.. Masonic ar.d Temperance or ders also all k.nds of Jewelry for Ladies and gentlemen—Pins. Rings, Far Drops, Chains, etc., Finely finished in Gold and Gold Plat*. Prices by mail. 25c to sl. Less than half store prices. We want agent* in every town. , ' Liberal discounts As to reliability, rfar*n** j given i n**tjr evrr Sia-e of a unal pnrehas- ; ers. < K. STREETER, Attleboro, Mar*. j nun flimiiiK AND DIARY FOR lUUI The P.EST ALMANAC, ac! a COMPLETE MART for every day in tUe year. To !.e !.i*d I KKK <f all dealers in luedit, Ine. or Mai!* dor. retejpi of a _>• i oil age atamp. A'idreaa VOLINA DRUO AND CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO., U. 8. A. VCniINTELLUrNT. An.L'.uua. Gnorgecic* j * W'i ! tUltoaeour. au 1 I'll r order* in hU a**- Ay ail ilium. lit-sioMible House. Reference# WAN ilezchAnaetl. (Aiaf.lulC A I ADV to %W 1 .Ye/ r Ad vertisaments. Order of Ratification. In the matter of ihe Tax Sale of a House and Lot in Piscalaway District, assessed in the name of Charity H, Butler for fhe year* 187? to 187 J both inclusive, and in tne nam of Maddison Builer f r the years 1*77 tr I8';J both inclusive. /// Ihi t '/*./■///' I'nurt for P, no 1 * OforyVi Cni’iifji. ,1o •# Poll I ion's—.la i Term THE obj.-d of tl is proo ed ug i*. lo | r cure the ratification of a sab* made on tne fill: clay of January, 185.7, by J*h G. Hill, late Treasurer of Prince George’s County, and Collector of Stale and County Taxes, of s House and Lot situated in Piscataway District, i Prince George’s County as the same is de -1 scribed in the said Treasurer and Collector's ! advertisement of sale. That James T. Per kins, trustee, appointed by the Circuit Court ; for Prince George’s County, sitting as a Court ! of Equity, ' o take charge of and complete the i collection of taxes due aud uncollected by tf* saiil John G. Hall, having made a report to this Court of said sale, together with all the , proceedings bad in relation thereto, and the said proceedings having been examined by Ihr | Com - *, and tin* same appearing to be regular, , and the provisions of Ihe law in relation there to appearing to have been complied with—it is thereupon, this ff h day <*l January, 1887, by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s Coun ty, adjudged and ordered that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of ibis order in the Exqt ißEii, a weekly newsptper published in Prince George's County, Maryland, once a week for four successive weeks before lifflli day of January, 1887. warning all persons in terested in the said property to be and appear in this Court on or before the said 29th day d January, 1887. to show cause if any they have, whv said sale shoul-l not be ratified and con firmed JOHN B. BROOKE, A. J. True Copv—Test ‘ JOHN W. BELT, Cleik, C. C. for P. G. Co., Md. ,1 .n, 7----(w. I Order of Ratification. GEORGE A. SAWYER —Plain*iff’, vs. , Daniel Wesley Middleton, Trust.e; Maude : Middleton, lloiEce Middleton, Daniel Wesley I Middleton, .Samuel E. Middleton: and Daniel ! Wfesley Middleton, Samuel E. Middleton for ■ nietly trading and dejng business as Partners under tlie name firm, style of Middleton A Company, and Samuel E‘ Middleton and Frederick Koones, Trustees: George L. Sher iff, Almariu C. Richards, Trustee-Defendants. In Ihe Circuit. Court for Prince George’n I ’on,Uy, in Equity. Ho Isti Equity. ORDERED, that the sale of the propeity mentioned in tlie proceedings it) the above entitled cause made and reported bv Joseph K. Roberts, Trustee, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to tb* contrary there of be shown on or before the 241 b day of Jan uary 188“ Provided a copy of ibis order lie inserted in s inre newspaper printed in Prince George’s County, once in each of three succes sive weeks before the said 24th day of Janu ary next. The report states the amount of sale* to l.e $5,310, JOHN W. BELT—Clerk. (,'. C. for P. G Co., Md. True copy- -Test : JOHN W. BELT—Clerk. O. C. forP. G Co., Md. I Deo. SI. IB6o—lw. i ’ Order of Ratification. i ! In the Malle- of tin; Tax Sale of I) *us* ami j Six Lots in the Town of Bowie, in Prince George'* County, assessed in the r)aiqe of IB z-kiab Batter. I It, Ihe Circuit Gotti - / fur Prim e (1. urge Count u. Mo. IS Petitions Jam anv Term, 1887. THE OBJECT of ibis proceeding is to pro cure tl e ratification and confirmation of ( a sale made on Ihe 28lh day ol April 1885 by John CL Hall, late Treasurer of Prince George’s County and Collector of State and county Taxes, of a House and Six Lola situated in the Town of Bow'.o in Bowie District of Prince George’s County, as the same is described in the said Treasurer and Collector’s advertise ment of sale. That James T. Perkins, Trus tee appointed by ihe Circuit Court for Prince George’s county, sitting as a Court of Equity, tnjake charge of and rumple c* the collection of taxes due and uncollected by the said John CL Hall, having made a report to this Court of said sale, together with all the proc edings had in relation thereto, and the said ptooeed ings having been examined by the Court, aud the same appearing to be regular, aud the pto. visions of the law in relation thereto bavins been complied with—il is thereupon this £oth day of December 188*;. by the Circuit Court for Prince George's County, adjudged and or dered that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of Ibis order in the Ptil.xrK Gkobok’s ExqtiKKK, a weekly newt paper In Prince George’s County. Maryland, once a week for four successive weeks before the.3lst day of January, 1887, warning all persons i.iterested in the saiil property to i*e and appear in ibis Court on or before the 31st day of January, , Isß7, u* show canst if any they have, why 1 said sale should not l*e ratified and confirmed. JOHN B. BROOKE, Associate Judge. Tme Copt Test ; ■ - ‘ JOHN W. BELT, Clerk. (’. (’. for P. (L Co., Md. ; Dec 31, 1 8 1 ’—4 . Order of Ratification. ' HENRY C. DUVALL AND WIFE et Al va. | FREDERICK DUVALL AND WIFE. In the Circuit (imrt for Prince ileorye'i Covtiftf, sitting as a Court of Cqvity, \o. I3§i Equity ORDERED, this “titli day t-f November, 1888, that the sale made aud reported hy 1 Charles H. .Stanley, trustee for the sale of the Real Estate, of Matk Duvall, deceased, in bis third report of sales, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 231 h day of December, 188(> : Pro vided acopy of this order be inserted in some newspaper published in Prince George’s Coun ty once a week for three successive weeks be fore the g.sth day of December, 188.;. The repott sla’es the amount of sale I> b* JOHN W. BELT, Clerk C. C. for P. G. ( ... Ti lie Copy—Test ; JOHN W. BELT. Gleik D,... :;_4w , r. c. for P. G. Go.. Md. O B GARRICK & GO WHOLtSAI t AM* aXTO.IL KIOLIR* IS RjeWliiskies, Brandies,Gin Vines, beer, etc. UPPER MARLBORO’, Mi*. HAVING Opened at the new building eu Main Street, formerly occupied by Thus. J. Turner, Esq., as a printing office, w* are prepared to offer to the public a full assort ment of the above goods. Also IMPORTED WINES, *c. By Demijohns filled at City Prices. inducements offered Country Merchants. A full stock of Tobacco and Cigar* always ou band. o^“tlive us a call. November 2*L 188*5—ly. Honey lo Loan. IARGE OR SMALL SUMS on good farms J in tins county for fire years or shorter pe riod*. Interest ti per 10*11'. THOMAS HILL, Fayette andßt. Paul Streets, Nov. g'J-tl Baltimore. JV'eic Advertisements. Order of Ratification. d In the Matter of the Tax Sale of a House aut e Lot in the Tcwn of Bowie, in Princt ■s George’* County, assessed iu ’he name o ,e George H. Straining. In the Circuit I hin t for Prince Get. , 'fje'i i ovuly * Ne. 18 Petitions—January Term 18*7 . mill. OBJECT tf this proceeding is to pro -1 . X cure the ratification and confirmation of a ; saio made on fhe 18th day of April, 1883, by e ; Joint G. Hall, late Treasurer of Pti qc b . George's County and Collector of State and e j County Taxes, of a House and Lot situated in d the Town of Bowie, in Bowie district of Prince a Georg*'* county, as the same is described in U the sat’d Treasurer's and Collectors advertise “ ment of sale. That James T. Perkins, Trus * tee appointed by the Circuit Court for P. ince r* George* County, sitting as a Court of Equity, I to take charge ol and complete the collection I. of Taxes due and uncollected by the said John e G. Hall, having made a report to this Court cl * said sale, together with all h ■ pnoeedings 0 bad in relation thereto, amt tlie said proteed- B intts having been ex; rained by the Court, and e epi earing to be regular, and the prm ision r < f rite law In relation t lereto spp'ai ing to liavr '• l*eencomp*led wi'b—it is riiereu(H>n tills 24th •■ .lay of December. 188*3, by the Circuit Court i' for Prince George’s Ooimiy, adjudge.) amt or . tiered that notice be given by ti>* i‘s i:.n .>■ >* a copy of this onler in The Phixck Georof s II a weekly newspa) ei published in e Prince Geo-ge’s County, Maryland, one* a ! * week for four successive weeks before the 31st a (Jay of January, 1887, warning all persons in •* terested in the said pioperty to be and appear '■ iu this Court ou or before the 31 -t Hay of Jan r nary.’ 1887, to show cause If any they have, 1 ! why saiil sale should not be ratified and con ‘l ! filmed. 1 | JOHN B. BROOKE, A J. Tru* Copy—Test : JOHN W. BEI.T, Cleik C. C. for P. G. Co . Md. December 3U-4W I Older of Publication. JAMES K. CAMPBELL. vs. * i M ARY A. CAMPBELL. y j I I In the Circuit Court for Worcester County. ’- I in Equity. J ; |t November Term 1996- THE OBJECT of tbi* bill is to procure a divorce a Vinculo mat imonii of the com plaii ant J„mes R. Campbell from the defeud * ant, B 4 A- Campbell. The bill states : )st. That tlie complainant is and bas been e resident of Worcester County, in the State of Maryland, since the ninth day of November, in the year Eighteen Hundred and eighty , four. ynd, J'nal ou the t wenl.v-uinlh day of April, j in ti e year Eighteen Hundred and sixty-eight, at the town of Woodbridge, in the State of New Jeffiey. the complainant intermarried * ! with the defei.djnt, who is now, at d ha* been p ! for many veats, a test dent of the City of Phil K adelphia, in the Stale i f Pennsylvania. 3rd. That the complainant and d. Cendant f lived together, until sometime during the yetr EigLpen Hundred and seventy, when, at the town if Kdgeburg, in the State of New Vork, the defendant abandoned the complainant, which said abandonment has contined unin terruptedly fiom the year Eighteen Hundred and seventy t . the filing of this bill of com plaint ; that the same was deliberate and fi nal, and that the separation is beyond any reasonable ex|*ectatioii of reconciliation. 1 4th. That complainant s conduct lias always been and without re, f >ach. >5 h' 'that by said marriage a child was born 1 : on tlie third day of Dec. ruber, jn the year s Eighteen Hundred and sixty-nine, named f | Jeannette S. Campbell, who is now and has always lieen in the care of the defendant. And cot ctud'u* with a prayet for a divorce a * Vinculo matrimonii and process of tl is Court. It is thereupon ordered by the Curt this 27th day of December, in Ibe year Eighteen Hun dred and eighty-six, that tlie complainant j cause a copy of this order, together with lb* ol j-et and substance of the bill, lo be insert ed in some newspaper published in tlie State of Maryland once a week for three successive weeks, before the first Monday in May, (the ! eametbeingthe second day of May) in the 1 year Eighteen Hundred and eighty seven, giving notice to ti e defendant iu said bill, 1 and warning her to appear in this Court in ! person, or by solicitor, on or before the first 1 Monday of May. A. D. 1887, lo show cause, is any she has, why a decree should not pass as prayed. JOHN W. SJATON, Clerk. True Copy —Test: i JOWN W. STATON, Clerk. 1 Dec. 31, lfcßtf—4w. i Order of Ratification. ’ j In the Matter of the Tax Sale of the House and Lot iu the Village of Woodville assess ed iu the name of Mary E. Robinson. r 1 I.i the Circuit t ourt for Prince tSe*ryr' ' County. Mo. 17 Prlilion*—Jan. Term THE OBJECT of this proceeding is to pro cute the ratification and Continuation of j sale made on the 14ib day of Sep'ember, 1885,' ! by John G; Hall, late Treasurer of Priuca j George's County ,ACoI lector of Slate and Couu- J tv Ts.xre.of a House and Lot situated iu Wood | ville in Aq iascu district. Prince George’s Coun ! ty as ll.e same is described in tb* said Treasu rer and Collector's advertisemetit of sale,— That James T. Pet kins, trustee, appointed by -he Circuit Court for Prims George’s County, silting as a Court of Equity, to take charge ot end complete the collection of tax * due an t uncollected by the sa d John G. Hall, having made a r. [iortto this Court of said sale, tm get! er w till all the pnceedirgs had in relation thereto, and ihe *a:d ptoceediugs having been I examined by the Court, aid the same appear-' ' ing to be regular, and tLe previous of the law ! in relatioß H ereto ap| waring to have been com j plied with -it is thereupon, this 22nd day oi • Drceinber, 188(3, by the Circuit Ceurt fm Prince George’s County, adjudged and order cd that ntjficc be given by Ihe insertion nf a ■ c* py tf this older in the Kxqi iher. a weekly i newspaper published in Prince George's Conu j ly. Mary land, once a week for four successive ; week* before the 24 h day < f January. 1887, ! warnit g all (eisons interested in tb. said prop ! erly to be and app ’ar in his Court ouor before ! Ibe ssi I 24th day >T January. 1887, to ehow : cause if any they fiav , why said tala Humid nit ler tiff'd and confirmed. JOHN B BROOKE. \*sociats Judge. True copy - - Test : ' JOHN W. BEI/i, Clerk C. C. for P. G. Co., Md. Dec -.'4 - 4 a Order of Ralifiealicu. T. OWEN BERRY A NORMAN BERRY, CHILDREN * NEXT FRIENDS OF THOMAS F. BERRY ron 1 A WHIT It K I. CM ATI CO I.\(jV IHEXDO ON THOMAS K. BERRY. : hi tli9 Circuit Court for Prince George's County, sitting in Equity. \o. I*loß Equity* ORDERED, this 22nd day of December iu the year 1888, tl a' ll.e sale of the | rop ' rriy mentioned in proceedings mad* and reported l*y Joseph K. Roberts, Jr., surviving i Trustee for ihe sale of ll.e leal estate of Thus. ! E. Betty, deceased, < n tb* 21st day of De ceniher, I>SB*s, be ratified aud con United, lie less cause to 'lie coniiary thereof lx shown on r liefore ibe 17tb day of January aext : Pro tided a copy of this order be inserted is some - j newspaper printed in PiinceGeorge’s County, j iu each of three successive weeks before ! i tire said 17di day of January next. The Report states the amount ol sales t* be i $2'H7 .V 3. JOHN VV. BELT. C leik, C. V. for|P. G. Co., Md. Ti ue i opv—Test : JOHN W. BELT. Cleik, (,’.*-. f.r P. . tV, Md. ' Dec “4 iw. MiseeJlane.ou sAt lew'm en t s A i.. a y ,e d ! n 1 "4- S’ ■ m >. • f *■■l -G s F , ii £ :| Q * X < * •so, JK -s* I I r*t fe S£ Furniture if j 3 l i *; 1 > 1 : 90 I et ■ w ■ ? 9 >1 - | 9 8 ■■ b 5 1, £ * S *; r ! ■; I r ■ 1 ‘ 1 1 '• 1 ‘ 1 b| | i Evervlhinff Roailv I ; t 0 1 AND ; PREPAE/ED FOR AN EXTENSIVE Fall Jitter Business Every Department Stocked ■ WITH BARE, CHORE AMD SPECI AL DESIGNS. j I OUR ASSORTMENT LARGER THAN EVER. i 1 CLOTHING For Yourselves, Get Ksiablisbinem- Is tlie place to l.uv it. |- CLOTHING For Your Boys, j Car Noose i* the one you should patronize. I STRICTLY FIRST CLASS CLOTHING IN EVERY DEPAKT.MF-M •f - ; J Ivery Clariueut marked in 1 : plain figure* Uur Prices are ' na higher than you pay for in ferior kind* elsewhere a7~We 1 | htefily aik an inspection. t ( i Likes,tap 1 4 Co, i ° One-Price Clothiers, 1216,218 W. Baltimore St NEAR CHARLES BALTIMORE. i Member 1. )88t'-*-vrvi A. 3AKS I. SAKS "—■•CEO. C. HENNING SAKS & CO., WASHINGTON, O. C. SELL CLOTHING FURNISHINGS *£ HA TS, AND DO —v TiULORme -- Ton Days and get your money. Cor. 7th and Market Space. WEBSTER WAGON COMPANY OVER^OOO! *f H Uyle* and sizes, which will b sold FARM WAGONS great reduction. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AT A BOTTOM PRICE, A *W agon mads from West Virginia Oak, Hickory, and Poplar, the best quality pro iX curable, and superior iii every particular to inferior grades now on the market. Embrace th* opportunity and sare money. All Wagon? arc warranted for one' year. Our farewell offer. WEBSTER WAGON CO., Write for oners >M term.. MOUNDSVILLE, Marsha" Co., W. Va. I'ecMnhcr 10. ISB.S :>m. COAL.! COAL.! WALTER RI. MAE-LOW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN COAL AND WOOD. MAIN OFFICE AND YARD : Corner Eighth and B Streets, S. W BRANCH OFFICE AND YARD : No. 21(> A. Street, N. E., Capital Hill Coal Depot (on B. &P.R. R) Cor. Va. & Del. Aves., S, W. WASHINGTON, D. C. ANTHRACITE, CAMEL, SPLINT ami BITUMINOUS COALS received direct from the MINES and shipped on small margin to all points on the B. A P. Road, Au 6„„, COAL! WOOD! FBOM Johnson Brothers, Wharves ami Railroad Yard: Twelfth and Water Streets Sonthwest BUB TAW AM DID i 1202 F Street Northwest, 1515 Seventh Street Northwest, 1710 Pennsylvania Avenue Nortwest, 1112 Ninth St. Northwest. Cor. 3rd and K Sts. N. W., 221 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. Largest Private Railroad Yard south of New York ; alsoExteu sive Wharves giving unsurpassed facilities for the economic handling of FUEL of all kinds. Coal delivered on Cars direct from Mines into our Yard, Wo deal in best qualities of ANTHRACITE and BITUMI NOUS COAL. All kinds of WOOD, cither in stick or prepared to order at our Factorv. CLEAN COAL. FULL WEIGHT and MEASURE, prompt de lincries, and prices as low as Fuel can bo furnished. Jn'y;lSS.i—lv. lv si b e mr Lumber! Lumber! SHINGLES, FENCING. PICKETS, FRAMES, DOORS,SASH. BLINDS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, &c., &c., &c. LIME AND BRIG K. Lumber Loaded on Cars Free of Charge W. W. McCullough, 511 New Jersey Avenue , N. JV., •2 Squares It. W. of B. A O. Depot,) WASHINGTON, I). C. Apiil :!7. lSS<i—ly. Dropsy! Dropsy! Dropsy!! Cure guar ulerd in al! its various form*. No operation Free at once. Hundreds testify lo its siqieiioi worib. and all we ask is to give il a fair trial and be convinced of its value. \\ til send one month treatment, prepared, lo any atidre-s tor $1 ,1 K WEIDXER, West Earl, Penn. ANDERSON k IKELAID, mrohiEH .v .*.vo nEALeita is bite anil Cutlery, V Cor. P r att find Lie;lit Sts., sept, IS. 188.:,—ly. BALTIMORE. w * \Trrm An at ’ iire * n ‘ l re i\lN X JliU lin Me person to rep resent a LIKE INsrHAXCFa CO. LBitral terms an 1 anangemonts. Address with r ferences, NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSN, ICS F. St., Wasbbgt >B. I). (’• WAGNER’S GREEN HOUSE RE ST A IIRANI 18S $ 190 W Pratt BALTIMORE ■i 1, 18*1—0*r FARM LOANS ry a Q I’f.rCf.xt. Secured by First Mort ijtO r.At*ks. Interest to Investors safe as Government Bonds. Interest payable Semi- Annually, at office or bank of mortgagee. 12 years' experience, and never lost a dollar for . any customer. Best of refeiences given as te ability, inlegrity and financial standing. Writo us for circular giving reference and parlicus tars. Lbbou>, Fisher & Co.. Bankers Ag’l- Abu.KNB, Kan. WANTED —1 wan( yon to do parlor work for me at your own home : plenlv work; good par ; $1 per piece : all materials free. Xus 13— tin. A. LOVE. Cleveland, ®.