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Saturday, January 8, 1921 ********** ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦►♦♦♦♦ !! Wonderfully Pretty And Artistic Wall Papers < > < > 33 Did il ever occur to you the quickest and easiest 33 way to secure ideal home life is to make environments 13 artistic and attractive ? < > J; Visit our display of EXQUISITE NEW WALL ;! PAPERS and we will be pleased to work out for you a II Decorative scheme that will impart an atmosphere of 31 character and distinction to your home. < Remember, we have Wall-Papers and Decorations < > with Drapery Materials to match. < > John T. Smullin, Jr. | i POCOMOKE CITY, MARYLAND. j 33 Wall Papers - Window Shades—Columbia Grafonolas and Records 1 £♦+ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< | To You Who Drive |i Motor Cars 33 Send your cars to us fo. prompt service. ;| Every car gets our best attention. < Rushed out as quickly as possible. 3! Very careful as to det; on all repairs. I! In every respecl the b and the cheapest ;; Can we serve you and hbe satisfied? < * Even you will agree th ,ve claim only what we give. )| Have your car equipped with a Rayfield Carburetor. They < assuie easy starting in cold weather. 31 Place your order for one today. 4 | ——■>>*. —i i !■-.- amruEMnni - ■rrwra.-a.wjqcMoavw’UHi Poc#ffloki City Garage < > 3! 1 Bridge Street Phone 102-M. POCOMO! CITY, MARYLAND. iiiiiiiiiiimii:;iiiii!!iiii!iiiiiiiiiinr iimiiiiimmiiiiiiiimimiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiij | FliitEß’S ARQAIN STORE f “KING K LOW PRICES” = 307—303 Clarke Avenu Pocomoke City, Md. = | Good Times! I The pendulum swings back; Welcome, Good Times! | 5 The New Year clock says you are back again. E Pocomoke and vicinity shoppers, stop in ir store and § = note how the Big Bargains at regular Old Time Prices are = | doing their part to back up the Good Old Times! | SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK ONLY BEGINNING JANU- | ARY BIh—MEN’S $1.75 FLEECED LINED SHIRTS | AND DRAWERS AT 89 CENTS. | ============= ~ • ■ \ Don’t miss this big opportunity. Come and shop at ■at m mm a | Fisher’s bargain Store ! “KING OF LOW PRICES” | 307-309 Clarke Av~ Pocomoke City, Md. \ nmmtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiNiiiiiiiiniNiiiii WORCESTER DEMOCRAT AND THE LEDGER-ENTERPRISE I Leaders Of Both Parties :: * Now Discussing Cadidates For Offices Next November I! < ► < > ;; All Indications Point To Fact That They Will Be ! ! Many In Number From Both Sides, Says !! Well Known Political Writer. II i > _ < > < > • > The opening of the New Year bid* 11 fair to mark the beinning of discu'i !! sion of candidates and prospects in ;; both parties, for the State election in ■ > November. Not that there has been !! no discussion in such matters before J | this time, for there has been much < > quiet talk on the subject among the < I les-Jers, both Republican and Demo ! | cratic, but all has been disultory and ; | A random, intended as preliminary • > 1J the real consideration of both pros !! pe-ts and candidates soon after the |1 opening 1921. ■ > And the indications are that candi <! dates for all the offices to be filled JI will be many in number for both par ' ties. Aside from the fact that there !! is only one State office to be filled, ramely Comptroller of the Stab? • > Treasury to succeed Major Lee the <> present incumbent, who has declined JI to be a candidate in all the counties J; there are local offices to be filled, < i including members of the House of ! | Delegates, in all the counties and the J J City, in the half of the counties State i > Senators, in several of the counties 11 Clerks of Courts and Registers ot J J Wills, in all of the counties Sheriffs -ft and County Commissioners, besides members of the State and County Committees, and in Baltimore City, (Jerks of Courts, Register of Wills, < i one State Senator to succeed Senator !! Sproesser, 24 members of the House ; J of Delegates, and both State and City < > Committees in both parties. Togeth i! er ,these candidates will make up a J | long ticket, and will carry along the < > control of the next General Assembly JI and many of the most lucrative offi- JI its in Maryland—in many respects, > considering the chaotic conditions of < > affairs, one of the most important J [ elections ever held in the State. And J | most important particularly to Gov < i < rnor Ritchie and his administration. JThe ablest leaders of the Demo | cratic party are already considering > the sort of men who are most likely , ro be willing to become candidates [ fer the General Assembly, as it is ; considered highly important to the > Public Welfare to have as large a ! r umber of men of high character and | ability as possible in both Houses. To > this end, men in all parts of the State are especially anxious to have Mr. ; Emory L. Coblentz, of Frederick Co., > who was Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee in the last House !of Delego. msent to become a can | didate. What Mr. Coblentz will do, i is at present unknown, but there is no doubt that there is a general desire | among the best citizens in all parts ' of Maryland to see him at the next ! House. No man in recent years has | a better record as an intelligent, able. • and conscientious public servant, than t Mr. Coblentz. ILs record as a cHi ! :-en and business man, is second to • that of no one in the whole State, and ft he stands equally high among the • members of both parties, both men and women. With such men as Mr. - Coblentz, Major Brooke Lee, and oth ers of the same class in the General II Assembly, the people of the State E would feel assured that all matters 3 of Legislation affecting the public and S private welfare of all classes of citi -3 zens, would be in safe hands. At any 5 rate every effort will be made by 5 conservative citizens of all classes both men and women to raise the E standard of membership in the Gen § oral Assembly especially in the E House of Delegates—and this move- E nent will have its influence on the 3 nominations of Baltimorie city as E well as throughout the Countiis. 3 Governor Ritchie is in thorough ac s cord with this plan, ana all his influ- E encc will be exerted to aid in its suc = (CSS. E In connection with the revival ot = • IlH&nd | Since 1657 | a friend to babes | in need of | health, and | strength has been *J3crrcU4t*4 I EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ i political discussion coincident with - the opening of the New Year, has i arisen considerably thought over the i contest for the United States Senate. l which will take place in 1922, over ‘ the succession to Senator Joseph Ir i win France. Senator Smith’s friends : say that he has no intentions of be ■ coming a candidate at that time, and I very many people here in Baltimore ’ openly talking in favor of Cong • ressman Charles P. Coady, as the ' most available, as well as the most capably man for the nomnation. Ml. Coady’s record both in the State Sen and in the House of Representa tives at Washington, has proved that : he is one of the best public servants , f.iis state has ever had either at An -1 rapolis or at Washington. He has been on the job all the time, and m man from Maryland has ever taken higher rank for ability and capacity “ than he. He is an energetic, scholar ly lawyer, is thoroughly acquainted with the needs of the whole State at _ the National Capitol, and should l.e ~ make up his mind to become a cari- I didate to succeed Senator France his action will have the support of a large number of the most influential people n iall parts of the State. PAUL WINCHESTER. The Weather Conditions Changed Very Suddenly For some weeks our people had i been much elated over the fine weath-! cr that was being experienced in this '■ section. In fact the weather during i the Christmas holidays and the New; Year season was the finest that has' ever been witnessed here. The early part of the week was like our regular spring weather and no one would have gone to the Southland for com fort. A sudden change occurred, however, on Wednesday afternoon and before the midnight hour real winter weather was on the program And wit it all our people were very much pleased for the conditions wer. such as were bound to affect the good health of any community. Winter weather in winter and Summer weather n isummer is the best pr gram after all. — ♦ m Mokis Dance To Pro pitiate God Of Rain Continued from Page 2 tnem or tneir paint, un rne morrow the pueblo feast takes place, and the new green corn and melons are eaten without stint. Very naturally the question Is asked: Are not the rattlesnakes used in the Moki ceremonies drugged or deprived ! of their fangs? If not, why are not the j half-nude snake dancers and priests j bitten? White people who have seen 1 several Mokl snake dances say they ' have never known a Moki to confess he was fanged, but every year specta tors see snake dancers pull away from their arms serpents that have fastened there. Every year some of the reptiles coll and strike at their captors. The i best-posted scientists who have looked upon Moki snake dances say that the priests and dancers have a certain manner of handling the creatures, and tlmt the strange broth which the snake , handlers drink renders venom harm less. At any rate it Is unique among barharlc customs. For a Persistent Cough Some years ago H. P. Burbage, a student at law in Greenville, S. C., had been troubled for a long while with a persistent cough which he say 3 “greatly alarmed me, causing me to fear that I was in the first stage of consumption.” ’laving seen Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy advertised he concluded to try it. “I S' on felt a remarkable change and after using two bottles of the small size was • permanently cured.”—Adv. When You Are Billious. • To promote a healthy action of the i liver and correct the disorders caused ft by billiousness Chamberlain’s Tablets Y are excellent. Try them and see how * quickly they give you a relish for ft your food and banish that dull stu- X pid feeling. —Adv. * Not If As Rich As Cresus. X If you were as rich as Cresus you • could not buy a better remedy for X constipation than Chamberlain’s Tab- ft lets. They are easy and pleasant to T take produce a mild and gentle effect, ft They also strengthen the digestion.— ft Adv. Y Where Heat Is Acceptable. ft We don’t mind a hot temper so much e If It comes with a sunny disposition. pftciftgft^pft^ftcift^ftoftcggij %e ManWhoWbrks with mind or muscle, needs that sturdy blend of wheat and malted barley— Grape=Nuts Concentrated nour ishment of pleasing flavor at low cost SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE Madefy Postum Cereal Co. Inc., Battle Geek,Mich. ceoft osccofta:ftcftoac3ftg p—n—wiii— j——p—wwMi -^cczme FERTILIZERS What They Do for Crops Fertilizers are carriers of plant food in an available and concentrated form. They contain the three elements of plant food most needed in crop production—nitrogen, usually referred to as ammonia; phosphorus, known to the buyer as available phosphoric acid, and potassium, known as potash. Each of these elements per forms definite functions in plant growth. There is no mystery about the action of fer tilizers in plant growth. Nitrogen, or ammonia, causes quick and vigorous growth of stalk or stem. Available phosphoric acid helps fill the grain or fruit and hastens ripening. Potash strengthens the straw or stalk and helps to plump and fill the grain and font. For the past 33 years Tilghman”s Fish Fer tilizers have been the standard plant food in this territory. When you use Tilghman’s Fish Ferti lizers you are guaranteed high proportions of these three vitally important plant foods: am monia, phosphoric acid and potash. Take no chances on the outcome of your crops by gam bling with unknown brands of fertilizers when you are guaranteed a high production fertilizer when you use Tilghman’s. Do not take a chance. Buy Tilghman’s Fish Fertilizers and “B” guaranteed. WM. B. TILGHMAN CO. SALISBURY, MD. I Monuments and Tombs [ In Marble and Granite [ GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING [ POCOMOKE MARBLE WORKS r C. K. Howard, Proprietor l - Pocomoke City, Maryland A WORD TO THE WISE—ADVERTISE Page Seven