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WORCESTER # DEMOCRAT WORCESTER DEMOCRAT EST. 189? I’HE LEDGER-ENTERPRISE EST. 188 C NEW FIRM OPENS IN POCOIOKE CITY Pocomoke Musical Supply Com pany Latest Addition To City’s Business Interests. FIRM HEADED BY TWO MUSICIANS The Pocomoke Musical Supply Co., 13 the name of a new firm which is now opening in Pocomoke City ami asks the public for a share of its pa tronage. Messrs. L. D. Gore and- Adolph Beye, two well known musi , cians and expert musical supply salesmen, are at the head of the firm and their experience in this line would seem to warrant them success in this section. Mr. Gore has been ip this territory for over a year and M \ Beye has spent several years among our people and those of the lower Eastern Shore. They have leased the large and commodious building on Front street nearly opposite the Ford House which Mr. Frank P. Brat ten has just completed. The finish ing of this building was done with an eye single to this business and this means that it is well arranged for the use to which it is to be put. It is one of the neatest buildings in our town and when the stock is properly ar ranged it will be shown off to very great advantage. The new concern will stock this large building with pianos, phono graphs and other musical instru ments. They will also be equipped to do tuning, repairing and refinishing, and will also install player actions in pianos. In addition to this they will also carry a full line of phonograph records and popular and standard sheet music. In their building they will have sound proof booths for dem onstrating fonal qualities of phono graphs and all other late improve ments to be found in a well arranged and up-to-date musical store. The managers are both young and progressive men, just in the bloom of life. They are both wide awake and industrious and they say they are going after business. Their branch is a popular one with the people of the Eastern Shore and we feel safe n predicting a successful career for The Focomoke Musical Supply Company. ■■ FUNDS NEEDED FOR FIRE BOYS Planning For Big Supper For Benefit Of The Volunteer Firemen Of Pocomoke City. There’s some talk of a supper being held soon for the benefit of the vol unteer firemen of this city. These orys are badly in need of equipment, principally hats, coats and boots and should have them without further de lay. These lads, have always respond ed loyally to the call for help, very often working for hours fighting fames in garments soaked with wat er, to their own discomfort and fre quently to the detriment of their health. We do not fully realize the quiet heroism of our band of volun teer firemen and how jpstly proud we should be of Pocomoke’s fighting men and boys. Let us have this supper and make it one of the biggest and best ever held in this city. Show them we are * not ungrateful for their services and .vlll at any and all times cooperate with them. Not only do they need our moral support and encouragement but our financial aid will not come amiss in providing necessary equip ment. Mr. Pittman Carey Meets With Painful Accident The people of this city and vicinity were grieved to learn of the distress ing accident that befell Mr. Pitman Carey on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mr. Carey, while felling a tree rear his home in Somerset county, had the misfortune to be caught un der it, sustaining severe injuries an! breaking his leg just above the knee. He was rushed to the Salisbury Hos pital where his injuries received at tention and the broken bones set. He is dding as nicely as could be expect ed v.nder the circumstances. PAST MASTERS MEET AT COUNTY SEAT Hold Their Seventh Annual Meeting In Snow Hill. A Very Interest ing Session. The seventh annual meeting of the Fast Masters Association of Somer set and Worcester Counties was held at the Masonic Hall in Snow Hill on Thursday afternoon last at 3 o’clock. C. course those of us who are not on tiieinside know nothing of the doings ' in the hall, but it is said to have been one of the most interesting sessions of the Association. It was largely at , tended by past masters from both of i H e counties. At seven o’clock in the I evening a banquet was given at the Hotel Purnell and this, too, was a i very enjoyable feature. Those pres ent from Pocomoke City were: K. F. Wilson, R. Harlan Robertson i I'. W. Wilson, C. E. Robertson, A. A. • Parker, Henry B. Pilchard, E. Wil i fred Ross, Walter Ent, Roger W. Lankford, John T. Smullin, Jr., Rob ert J. Lambden, James T. Young. Officers for the ensuing term were ■ elected as follows: President Dr. Frederic W. Wilson, of Crescent Lodge, this city; vice president, Eary B. Burbage, Ever green Lodge, Berlin; second vice president, Thomas H. Bock, Manokin Lodge, Princess Anne; secretary and treasurer, William E. Daugherty, Chesapeake Lodge, Crisfield;. It was decided to hold the next meeting in rocomoke City, Janu ary, 1922. A RECTOR SCORES POLITICAL CLERGY Rev. C. E. McAllister, of Hyattsville Declares They Had Better Preach Christianity. The Rev. C. E. McAllister, rector of St. Matthew’s Protestant Episcopal parish, at Hyattsville, in the course of bis sermon on Sunday last referred to the proposed blue laws. He spoke of the constant tendency to criticize the church for its activity or lack of sctivity. “We are told again and again that the church has failed,” he said, “that it is not a power in the world of in dustry and economics and politics that it is not much more than a pre tense at what it professes. Men say it is not about ‘the Father’s business.’ But who’s is the fault? Is it Christ’s? He went about his Father’s business a‘ the age of 12. Is it the fault of the clergy? Yes, in a sense.” Here the Rev. Mr. McAllister re ferred to the proposed blue laws as follows: “Some of the clergy are so busy framing retrogressive blue laws and attempting professionally to reform mankind and playing at politics thai the ‘Father’s business’ is neglected. We must all awaken to the fact that righteousness cannot be inspired by legislation. If a more consistent ef fort were made to preach the spirit of Christ and of the Gospel there would be more practical Christianity in the world and less pretense at improving humanity by man made laws subject to amendment. “Puritanism with all its virtues is not a practical expression of religion in our day and generation. Common sense in the interpretation of Chris tian duty o. the positive and affirm r.i ve side is more necessary than a series of Congressional ‘Thou shalt r.ots.’ Only the establishment of the spirit of Christ in men’s hearts will bring about such changes in public c-pmion as will prevent corruption of morals and faith.” Billy Sundny Also Speaks Out. In his address at Fairmont, W. Va., on Sunday night Biliy Sunday scored ' the ministers who dabble in political issued. An extract from the Balti more Sun, the morning following Mr. Sunday’s sermon, says: ! “Billy Sunday tonight scored min ’ isters who figured in politics and vho bring the subject up in pulpits. He says a preacher ought to learn : that it is his chief duty to hold forth Christianity and not politics, sanita : tion or other issues. He did not spare ’ the church members. Hundreds of I persons, he shouted, never look at re l.gion during the week—they just - bring it out Sunday morning.” Miss Mary Fisher,who has been on the list is able to be out again. AND THE LEDGER-ENTERPRISE POCOMOKE CITY, MARYLAND, JANUARY 15, 1921 TELEPHONE SERVICE " GROWS IN MARYLAND ' There Is One Telephone For Every Ten Persons In The State Of Maryland. . Figures of the Chesapeake and Po " tomas Telephone company show that * there was a total of 132,136 telephone 1 stations in service on November 30th, 1920, throughout the state. This rep ‘ resents a net gain of over 10,500 s+a : lions during the twelve months end | ing that date, and is the largest growth in a single year in the history ’ of the company. A survey of 65 of the large cities throughout the country shows that (he gain in telephone stations was 1 slightly over 8 per cent, during the same period. The growth in the en tire state of Maryland was at the rate of 8.7 per cent, and for Baltimore city it was 9.7 per cent. Thus Maryland has maintained her place well ahead of the average established in other parts of the country. Considering the many difficulties surrounding the expansion of tele phone plant facilities, due especially 1 to the shortage of material and equip ment of all kinds, telephone officials feel that the company has made a splendid showing. Most of the hand ! - caps are rapidly being overcome and | the tremenduous program of expan-1 sion and improvement which the com - pany has well under way promises speedy elimination of all cases of con gested service and inadequate facil ities. The total number of telephones in the Chesapeake and Potomac territo ry.. which includes Maryland, Virgin ia, West Virginia, the District of Columbia and a-part of Ohio is 394,- 212, of which nearly 29,000 were ad ded during the past year. Out After Long Illness. Our people were much pleased to see Mr. J. Frank Vincent down town again the past week. Some weeks ago he suffered a slight stroke of paraly sis and ne is now rounding too very nicely. We hope he will continue to improve and shortly be as active as ever in the business world. Citizens Meeting Largely Attended People Respond In Large Numbers To Call Of Mayor To Discuss The Laying Of a Sewer On Sixth Street. The citizens’ meeting called by, Mayor E. James lull for last Monday! evening >vas well attended by the pec j! pie of the town. The object of the 1 meeting was to discuss the matter of laying a sewer on that section ot i Sixth street from Market to Linder, j! avenue, which is to be improved by 1 1 the State. It will be remembered i that the contract has been let by the i State Roads Commission for the con- i struction of this piece of highway and the street has been laid out and soma 1 of the surface drainage already put : down. Now comes the State Board of i Health and holds up the contractors ] and says that the town must put in ; a sewer and all connections before : they will allow the State to proceed - with the work. It was the purpose of this meeting to consider this matter i and see if there was not someway by ; ’ which matters could be straightened ; 1 out. Mr. F. Lee Bonneville was selected , as chairman of the meeting and Mr. • I*. Merrill Walters as secretary. May or Tull stated the object and the meeting was thrown open and the ' matter was discussed from all angles. ■ Finally a committee composed ot I 1 Messrs. Milton L. Veasey, Francis M. i Wilson, E. J. Schoolfield, John W. En • r-is and F. .Lee Bonneville, was ap , pointed to act in conjunction with the , Mayor and City Council in looking thoroughly into the matter and ascer tain the best method to pursue, said committee to report at a later citi zens’ meeting. The consensus of opinion at the cit izens’ meeting was that the town is 1 net able at this time to expend the amount of money that it would cost • IMPROVEMENTS AT i THE PARKER HOUSE ■ Interior Of This Well Known Hostel ry Will Be Improved And Thor oughly Renovated. Painters and paper hangers began ; this week on improvements to the i Parker House at tile comer of Clark : , avenue and Willow street. It has been sometime since any great improve ment has been made to the building and by reason of its constant and ; great use its interior appearance has been much abused. The property, it will be remembered, was recently I urchased by Mr. John W. Ennis and i* is his intention sometime to make extensive improvements. The high eost of labor and material has caused him to defer his action along this line, however, and he is now working cn the interior in order to make it at tractive and comfortable until such a time as he may think best to do the other contemplated work. Work is now being done on the lob by and sitting room. This will be new ly painted and papered and other mi nor improvements made. When this is completed the workmen will then go to the other two stories and all of the bedrooms will be renovated and jut in fine condition, all of which will not only work to the advantage |o r the proprietor, Mr. J. Paul Young, but will be duly appreciated by the travelling public. The Parker House has for years en joyed an enviable reputation with the travelling men and the public gener ally, and it is the intention el both its owner and proprietor to keep it up to its usual high standard. We are sure that when the completed improve ments are made the Parker House will be as comfortable as any hotel on the peninsula, for Mr. Ennis has a reputation of always doing things right. Popular Players Coming. Bear in mind the fact the Mattice Stock Company will be in the Empire Theatre Thursday, Friday and Satur day evenings of next week with en tirely new bills. You will want to see them so be sure to get your tick ets early. tc make the desired improvement. I Estimates on the job were placed at | f-2500 or more. And-when it became known that the State Board of HeaPh would not allow the Market street srwer to be used as an outlet for the j I ixth street connection, thereby ne cessitating the construction of anoth er outlet to connect with the river, everybody was agreed that the town could not meet the requirements. Arguments were advanced that there were other already improved sections of the town which had neith er water nor sewarage and which have been clamoring for it for years, and .at they ought to he served be foi, any other new sewerage system was planned for. Everybody expressed themselves as anxious to see the new street built on Sixth street and no one was opposing any improvement to that part of the town. The only question was that we ate up against it from a financial point of view. The committee will, we are sure, make some plans that will meet with the approval of the citir ens and it is hoped that some method, sdi probably as was adopted by •Snow Hill unde- the very same condi tions, can be arranged so that we may be able to get the ear of the State Board of Health and the contractors be allowed to go right along with his work of building the street. In view of the fact the State Board ef Health had notified the town au thorities that a plat of the streets and sewer system for the town must be furnished them before any more sew ers, could be laid, the citizens ordered the Mayor and Council to have the plot made at once. THE SEWING ROOMS RESUME OPERATION E. Rosenfeld & Co.’s Plant Again A Scene of Activity. Was Closed For Some Weeks. The Sewing rooms of E. Rosenfeld & Co., at the comer of Clarke avenue and Walnut street, began operation again this week after being closed frr several weeks. We understand that a good number of operators responded and that the prospects for a good season’s work are very bright. This is one of the best enterprises in our tonr and our people generally appre c’ate it as a great asset to Pocomoke City. It gives employment to many of our young women and they put many dollars in circulation here each ano every week. This is in turn fel. by every business man in the town and to be sure everyone is glad to hi ow that it is in operation again. A town like Pocomoke ought to be abb: to keep this plant running every week in the year. At times they have been handicapped because of the want • f help. Why this should be be we cannot tell, for there are many young ED Is in the town who could, if they would, cam a good livelihood at these rooms. It may be when matters are properly adjusted that they will not have as much trouble in securing help as they have experienced in past years. ' —^ SILENT AND SPOKEN DRAMA NEXT WEEK Week Mill ..Be Evenly Divided Be tween The “Movies” and Mattice Stock Co., at The Empire. — The first three nights of next week moving pictures will be shown at the Empire and the last three nights the Mattice Stock Company will play an engagement. The feature announced for Monday is a Pathc special, entitled “A Beg gar in Purple,” with an all-star cast. The Pathc features shown here in the past several weeks have been of a high standard and from all reports (his one will he equally as good as the others. In “A Very Good Young Man,” Bryant Washburn’s new Paramount picture, will be found another of that star’s productions in which light com edy reigns supreme. It will be shown at the Empire on Tuesday night, lour leading women play' important roles in this production. They are Helene Chadwick, Helen Jerome Ed dy, Julia Faye and Anna L. Nilcson. Wednesday will be the big night. The feature picture is a Fox produc tion starring Eileen Percy in “The Husband Hunter.” The second epi sode of “The Lost City,” which is creating such a sensation among pic ture-goers, will also be shown, in ad dition to the regular Fox News. Begining with Thursday, the Mat ticc Stock Company with Miss Lois B. Hamond, will piay a three-night’s engagement, their opening bill being “Love, Courtship and Marriage.” This play tells a delightful story and is said to be a gem in comedy. On Fri day the company will present the mree-aet comedy, The Divorce Spec ialist,” and on Saturday thf four-act s-mi-westem comedy “The Tender foot.” These popular players are known in Pocomoke, having played engagements here for the past sever al years, and as this will be their last visit this season, their many friends will no doubt give them a hearty wel come. Real Winter Weather Experienced Last Sunday The first real winder weather of the season was experienced by our people on Sunday last; and it was winter weather in earnest. About 3 o’clock in the afternoon a heavy snow storm ret in with a heavy gale blowing from the northeast. The conditions were of the most unpleasant kind and few persons were seen on our streets, - most of them preferring to remain in i side by a good warm fire. The snow i continued until a late hour that night when it turned to rain and by morn- I ing there were no signs of snow at all. Mercury dropped several points I and the streets were soon a little i sleety. The weather man fixed things, ■ however, before another twenty-four I hours and with a few exceptions the i conditions have been much improved since. VOLUME 41. NO. 3 ,POCOMOKE BANKS , REPORT GOOD YEAR Two Institutions Hold Annual [ . Meeting And Elect Direct* I ors And Officers. . 1 BOTH MAKE GOOD | RECORDS DURING YEAR . At the regular annual meeting of , the stockholders t>f the I’ocomoke - City National Bank, held in their , hanking house an this city on Tuesday lost, the following Directors were i elected for the ensuing year: Francis , M. Wilson, E. I. Blaine, William ,T. Scott, Eugene W. Veasey, Milton L. , veasey, John W. Ennis, J. Shiles Crockett, Frank E. Matthews, Edgar vV. McMaster and Frank E. Hudson. Mr. Hudson was elected in the place i of Dr. A. P. Dennis, who is now ■ abroad, representing the United , nates at a foreign post. The directors immediately elected . all of the old officials as follows: , President, Francis M. Wilson; vice i president, Edward I. Blaine; cashier, John W. Ennis; assistant cashiers, Frank D. Young Willard J. Steven son and Miss Emma G. Blades; book keepers, Misses Anne G. Blaine and Marian Stevens, stenographer, Miss • Madge Boss. A substantial amount was carried over to the undivided profits and the bank officials report that this has been one of the best and most pros perous years in the history of this old and well-known institution. At the banking house of the Citi , zons National Bank the stockholders of that prosperous institution also | held their annual meeting on Tuesday last. The action of the stockholders resulted in the re-election of all the directors as follows: E. J. Schoolfield, W. S. Schoolfield, W. Upshur Polk, | Colmore E. Byrd, L. Paul Ewell, H. ! B Pilchard, Alfred Child, Clarence F. . Barnes, F. Leo Bonneville, Quince ’ Ashburn, W. H. Clarke, John S. Gor dy and J. C. Stevenson. , At the meeting of the directors the officials of the preceding year were elected, as follows: President, E. J. Schoolfield; vice-president, W. 3. t Schoolfield; cashier. C. E. Byrd; assistant cashier and Trust officer, Joseph C. Stevenson; teller, James P. , Blaine, Jr.; assistant teller, Miss Hat- Lie Stevenson; clerk, Miss Hazel Lan ding. The bank renorts one of the best years in its business history, earn ing a liberal dividend and carrying a l substantial sum to its surplus fund. \ ENTERTAINED FRIENDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON ’ Mr. Charles Mason Entertained At A 4 O'clock Dinner On Sunday Afternoon Last. A company of his young gentlemen ■ friends were royally entertained at a 1 o’clock dinner last Sunday after . noon by Mr. Charles Mason at fume on Second street. A few even ■ mgs prior Mr. Mason had captured a I large coon and it was for the purpose ■ of entertaining some of his friends , uho vVere fond of coon meat that he • the function. But the coon play • oil a small part when the spread was made, for the table actually groaned under its weight of roast turkey, fried chicken, fried oysters, ham, and o’her kinds of meats to say nothing > ( the long list of vegetables, salads, slaws, pickles, etc., with the crowning , course of ice cream and choice home , mode cake. It was about six o’clock • \. hen the company left the table and , repaired to the living room where an : enjoyable smoker was experienced. , A portion of the early part of the ew , ening was spent with the family in • social conversation and the company r v paired to their homes expressing . the hope that another coon would ,■ S' on be caught and another such oc t casion enjoyed. Those seated at the table beside t the popular host were Messrs. Ray V. s Gladding, J. Frank Wilson, William ? n . Keim, Francis D. Young, Hugh ’’ McMichael, George Henderson, Dr. A. f , A} Parker and Sam’l M. Crockett. The Worcester Democrat, $1.50 year / V